
Standardizing Oracle Environment

With Ansible and Git

Umut Bozkurt, 20.11.2019


− Increasing number of databases

− Increasing security requirements

− Consistent number of DBAs


− Increasing number of DBAs

− Standardization

− Automation







90Oracle Database Size (TB)

About me…

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank4

−Umut Bozkurt

− Database Engineer

− Swiss National Bank

−More than 18 years of Oracle Database experience

− from database development to Oracle hardware

Integrating Ansible Tower

Oracle Infrastructure

−Current platform: IBM AIX, LPAR

−Next platform: Red Hat, VMware ESX

−Oracle technologies

− Single instance

− Multitenant

− Data Guard

− Automatic Storage Management

− Oracle Enterprise Manager

− Automation with shell scripts

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank6

What is Ansible?

− Ansible is an automation language and engine

− Ansible is agentless and uses OpenSSH or WinRM

− Ansible terminology:

− Playbooks files contains plays, in YAML

− YAML is a data serialization standard that can be used in

conjunction with all programming languages

− Plays consists of tasks and ensures that managed hosts

are in a particular state

− Tasks calls modules

− Tasks runs sequentially

− Playbooks are executed from the control node

− Managed hosts are listed in the inventory

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- name: httpd server installation

hosts: all

become: yes

become_user: root


- name: httpd server is installed


name: httpd

state: present

- name: httpd is started and enabled


name: httpd

state: started

enabled: true

What is Ansible Tower?

− Ansible Tower is a web console and REST API

− Ansible Tower is a commercial offering from Red Hat

− Ansible AWX is the upstream project of the Ansible Tower

− Ansible Tower features:

− Role based access control

− Job scheduling

− Workflows

− Credential management

− Logging and auditing

− Real time and historical job status reporting

− Notifications


17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank8

Ansible Tower Organization


− Git repository credentials

− Server credentials

− Projects

− Git connection

− Git credential

− Git branch

− Inventories

− Managed hosts

− Groups

− Variables


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Security Concept - Personal Users

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank10


AD account 1 +

Smart Card certificate


AD account 2 +

Smart Card certificate


Unix account + RSA SecurID


Database Server privileges

Change Management

># Database Server># ---------------> logged in as umut> sudo su - oracle

># Database Server># ---------------> logged in as umut> sudo su -

># Database Server># ---------------> logged in as umut> sudo su -

># Jump Host># ---------------

> ssh umut@dbsrv


AD account 3

−Running Ad-Hoc commands only with the personal accounts

Security Concept - Jobs

− Scheduling jobs only with a technical user and a privileged


− Scheduler user

− Only execute privileges on the assigned template


− Encrypted and stored in the Ansible Tower database

− Can only be used from the Tower GUI or API

− Exclusive for the scheduler user

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank11

# Database Server# ---------------> cat authorized_users...from "" ssh-rsa AKCB3NzaC1yc...

# Database Server# ---------------> cat sshd_config... AllowUsers [email protected]...

# Database Server# ---------------> sudo su -

Security Concept - Operations

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank12

− Execute privileges on a template allows running the template. Viewing or modifications are

not possible

− Surveys allows operations team or end users to run the templates with input parameters

Standardizing Oracle Environment


− IT standardization is a strategy for minimizing the IT

costs by keeping the hardware and software as

consistent as possible

−Our goal is to consistently push and (if changed)

overwrite both our scripts and configuration files to the

database servers

− This will lead us to

− easy automation

− increase security

− reduce human errors

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank14

># Development Server># ------------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

># Database Server># ---------------

Standardization with Ansible and Git


− Playbooks, inventory scripts

− Files to push to the servers


− Server and lifecycle information


− Oracle instance information

−Oracle Enterprise Manager

− Monitoring

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank15

># Database Server># ----------------

># Database Server># ----------------

># Database Server># ----------------


># Ansible Tower ># Rest API># ---------------

curl -X GET …

Git Projects

Files to push to the servers

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank16



Scripts for automation, like playbooks,

dynamic inventory scripts,..

Protected branches cannot be deleted and cannot be force pushed


−Managed hosts are defined in the inventory

−Hosts are organized by groups

− The inventory can be defined either

− in a static text file

− dynamically by scripts, from the external sources

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# My Static Inventory# -------------------














Instance Information in the Inventory

− In most cases, extending the inventory with the instance

information is helpful

− Instance information can be gathered either

− directly from the managed hosts (custom facts)

− from the external inventories

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank18

# My Static Inventory# -------------------


dbserver01 instance=AAAL HOME=/u01/...

dbserver02 instance=DB01 HOME=/u01/...

dbserver03 instance=PRQ HOME=/PRQ/...


dbserver05 instance=AAAQ HOME=/u01/...

dbserver06 instance=SRQ HOME=/SRQ/...


dbserver01 instance=AAAL HOME=/u01/...

dbserver05 instance=AAAQ HOME=/u01/...


dbserver03 instance=PRQ HOME=/PRQ/...

dbserver06 instance=SRQ HOME=/SRQ/...

Ansible Facts

− Facts are

− variables that are automatically discovered on the

managed host

− collected before executing the first task

− Fact information can be accessed later in the tasks

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PLAY [Install Oracle PDB] *************

TASK [Gathering Facts]***************

ok: []

TASK [Create PDB] *******************

changed: []

PLAY [Install Oracle PDB] *************

TASK [Gathering Facts]***************

ok: []

TASK [Create PDB] *******************

changed: []

Custom Facts

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank20

−Custom facts

− allows us to gather additional information (like instance information)

from the managed hosts

− are either static files or scripts stored in the managed host

−Custom fact scripts must

− be executable

− have the extension ".fact”

− output in JSON

− be placed in /etc/ansible/facts.d directory on the managed host


{"instances": [

{"name": "DBMS01CD","oracle_home": "…","version": "19c"


"name": "DBMS02CD","oracle_home": "…","version": "18c"



Dynamic Inventory

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank21

− Inventory scripts

− output in JSON

− mandatory arguments:

− --list

− --host <hostname>

− runs on the Ansible controller

− does not accept input parameters. But

you can work with environment


> ./ --list

{“production": {

"hosts": ["",""

],"vars": {}

},“development": {

"hosts": [""

]"vars": {}


> ./ \--host

{"instances": [

{"name": "DBMS01CD","oracle_home": "…“,"version": "19c"


"name": "DBMS02CD","oracle_home": "…“,"version": "18c"



Clone Git Repository to the Ansible Tower

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank22

># Ansible Tower>------------------

> ls -la tower_fs/oracle_distribution


- name: Clone Git project oracle_distribution

hosts: localhost

connection: local

gather_facts: false


- name: Clone dev branch to Ansible Tower file system


repo: 'http://ansitower:vk6z@gitlab/dbms/oracle_distribution.git'

dest: /tower_fs/

version: dev

force: yes

depth: 1

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># Database Server>------------------

> ls -l /u01/app/oracle/snb

basenvbindbsetchistoryinstalllog -> /var/log/dbmsrcvsqltmp

- name: Oracle File Distribution

hosts: all

become: yes

become_user: oracle

gather_facts: true

gather_subset: min


- name: Synchronize from the Tower file system to the managed host


src: "/tower_fs/oracle_distribution/u01_app_oracle/snb/{{ item }}"

dest: "/u01/app/oracle/snb/"

checksum: yes

delete: yes

times: yes

recursive: yes

rsync_opts: "--chown=oracle:dba"


- basenv

- bin

- install

- rcv

- sql

Distribute files from Ansible Tower to the Servers

Configuration files with Jinja2 Templates

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank24

− A template contains variables which are replaced by their values when the template is


− Ansible uses Jinja2 templating

<title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title><ul>{% for user in users %}

<li><a href="{{ user.url }}">{{ user.username }}</a></li>{% endfor %}</ul>

listener.ora with Jinja2 Templates

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank25

# Jinja2 Template # -----------------------------------LISTENER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST={{ ansible_fqdn }})(PORT=1599)))

SID_LIST_LISTENER=(SID_LIST={% for instance in hostvars[inventory_hostname].instances %}(SID_DESC=(ORACLE_HOME={{ instance.oracle_home }})(SID_NAME={{ }})){% endfor %})

# Listener.ora# -----------------------------------------------------------------LISTENER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(


# Output of the Dynamic Inventory # Script# -------------------------------

> ./ --host{"instances": [{"name": "DBMS01CD","oracle_home": "…","version": "19c"

},{"name": "DBMS02CD","oracle_home": "…","version": "19c"

},{"name": "DBMS03CD","oracle_home": "…","version": "18c"


# Task in the playbook# ------------------------------------ name: creating listener.ora

template:src: "/tower_fs/oracle_distribution/db00_app_oracle/snb/templates/listener.j2"dest: "/u01/app/oracle/network/admin/listener.ora"owner: oraclegroup: dbamode: '0640'force: yes

Automation with Ansible


17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank27

- name: httpd server installation

hosts: all

become: yes

become_user: root


- name: httpd server is installed


name: httpd

state: present

- name: httpd is started and enabled


name: httpd

state: started

enabled: true

># Ansible Tower

># -------------

> cat /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/system/






- Name of the service.

type: str

required: true



- C(started)/C(stopped) are idempotent actions that will not run

commands unless necessary.

- C(restarted) will always bounce the service.

- C(reloaded) will always reload.

- B(At least one of state and enabled are required.)

type: str

choices: [ reloaded, restarted, started, stopped ]


Module Support

− Four types of modules:

− Core: Maintained and supported by Ansible

engineering team

− Network: Maintained and supported by Ansible

Network team

− Certified: Maintained by Red Hat partners. First

level contact is Red Hat

− Community: Not supported under an Ansible

engine subscription

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank28

Documentation of the synchronize module

−Organizations requires regulations about using the community modules

Oracle Modules

−One of the most popular community module for Oracle is

Ansible-Oracle-Modules, developed by Mikael Sandström

− Can be downloaded from GitHub

−Oracle also provides Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ansible


17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank29

> ls ansible-oracle-modules


− Automating database tasks without logging in to each


− Database software installation

− Database creation

− Database configuration

− Database patching and upgrade

− Database cloning

− ...

− Base for a self-service platform

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># Database Server># ---------------

> Creating User

># Database Server># ---------------

> Cloning PDB

># Database Server># ---------------

> Creating Database

Self Service Portal

># Ansible Tower ># Rest API># ---------------

curl -X GET …

Oracle Infrastructure Automation with Ansible

># Database Server># ---------------

> Creating User

># Ansible Tower ># Rest API># ---------------

curl -X GET …

Applying Release Update

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank31

- name: Start the instance and apply datapatch

shell: |

export ORACLE_HOME="{{ item.oracle_home }}"

export ORACLE_SID="{{ }}"

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba << EOF



$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/datapatch -verbose

register: shell_result

changed_when: >

( "'Installing patches...' in shell_result.stdout" ) or

( "'ORACLE instance started.' in shell_result.stdout" )

failed_when: "'ORA-' in shell_result.stdout"

with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['instances'] }}"

when: item.oracle_home == "/db00/app/product/db19c/db00"

- name: Copy RU from the control host to the servers and unzip


copy: yes

src: "/ansible_fs/"

dest: "/db00/app/snb/tmp_for_apply_psu"

owner: oracle

group: dba

- name: Apply RU with Ansible-Oracle-Modules


oracle_home: "/db00/app/oracle/product/db19c/db00"

patch_base: "/db00/app/snb/tmp_for_apply_psu/30125133"

opatch_minversion: ''

conflict_check: yes

stop_processes: no

state: present

Ansible Execution

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank32

># Ansible Tower># ---------------

> ansible-playbook db.yml -e "oracle_sid=orcl"

># Managed Host># ----------------

> 1. create directory in ~/.ansible/tmp/…> 2. copy module in the created directory> 3. execute> 4. send results in JSON format> 5. remove temporary directory


−Most of the modules requires python installed on the managed host. Modules can also

have additional requirements

− All playbooks are executed as awx user on the control node

># Managed Host># ----------------

> 1. create directory in ~/.ansible/tmp/…> 2. copy module in the created directory> 3. execute> 4. send results in JSON format> 5. remove temporary directory

Developing Ansible Modules

− You can use any language; however python is the most suitable

− Ansible modules strive for idempotency:

− You can run a playbook on the same host multiple times. When your systems are in the correct

state, the playbook should not make any changes

− Idempotency is not always possible especially when you are calling external programs, like

oracle setup or grid infrastructure root scripts

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank33

> mkdir /u01/app

> If (! -d /u01/app); then mkdir /u01/app ; fi


Simple Create/Remove Directory Module with bash and python

−Default custom module directory in Ansible Tower is


− Ansible calls custom scripts with a parameter file

−Output should be a JSON object

− “failed” should be true in case of a failure; exit value is

not enough

− “changed” key is for idempotency

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank34

> ./my_bash_script.ksh /tmp/variables

{ "changed" : false,"msg": "ERROR:cannot create directory…","failed": true }

- name:create directory with a bash modulemy_bash_script:

dirname: "/tmp/new_dir"state: present


source $1

echo ${dirname}echo ${state}

Simple Create/Remove Directory Module with bash and python

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank35


source $1

typeset -l state=${state:-present}

if !([ "${state}" = "absent" ] || [ "${state}" = "present" ]) then

echo "{ \"failed\": true,"

echo "\"msg\": \"ERROR: state must be absent or present\"}"

exit 1


if [ "${dirname}" = "" ] ; then

echo "{ \"failed\": true, "

echo " \"msg\": \"ERROR: please provide dirname \" }"

exit 1



import os

def main():

module = AnsibleModule(

argument_spec = dict(

dirname = dict(required=True, type='str'),




dirname = module.params["dirname"]

state = module.params["state"]

Simple Create/Remove Directory Module with bash and python

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank36

if [ "${state}" = "absent" ] && [ -d "${dirname}" ] ; then

vRetMsg=$( rm -rf ${dirname} 2>&1 )

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

echo "{ \"changed\": true }"


echo "{ \"failed\": true, "

echo " \"msg\": \"ERROR: ${vRetMsg}\" }"

exit 1


elif [ "${state}" = "present" ] && [ ! -d "${dirname}" ] then

vRetMsg=$( mkdir ${dirname} 2>&1 )

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

echo "{ \"changed\": true }"


echo "{ \"failed\": true, "

echo " \"msg\": \"ERROR: ${vRetMsg}\" }"

exit 1



echo " { \"changed\": false }"


exit 0

if state == 'absend' and os.path.exists(dirname):



except OSError as err:

module.fail_json(msg="OS error: {0}".format(err))



elif state == 'present' and not os.path.exists(dirname):



except OSError as err:

module.fail_json(msg="OS error: {0}".format(err))





from ansible.module_utils.basic import *

if __name__ == '__main__':


Simple Create/Remove Directory Module with bash and python

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank37

TASK [Create directory] ************************************************

changed: []

TASK [Create directory second time] ************************************************

ok: []

TASK [Create directory without having permission on the fs] ************************************************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ERROR: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/umut_new_dir’: Permission denied"}


TASK [Invalid input parameter] ************************************************

fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "ERROR: state must be absent or present"}



- name: Create directory


dirname: "/tmp/umut_new_dir"

state: present

- name: Create directory second time

my_bash_script :

dirname: "/tmp/umut_new_dir"

state: present

- name: Create directory without having permission on the fs


dirname: "/umut_new_dir"

state: present

ignore_errors: true

- name: Invalid input parameter


dirname: "/tmp/umut_new_dir"

state: "invalid_value"

ignore_errors: true


− Ansible is a simple, powerful automation engine

− There are many use cases for automating daily tasks

−Role based access control helps to integrate Ansible Tower in to the organizations

−Organization wide usage requires a good security concept

17/11/2019 Standardizing Oracle Environment | Umut Bozkurt | © Swiss National Bank38

© Swiss National Bank

Thank you for your attention!

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