
With prototyping, we begin to focus on a few ideas to develop so that we can re-engage users. What is a prototype? Works like Interacts like Service/ Experience
Space Story Product Looks like While many people think of a prototype as a rough version of a physical product, prototypes actually span a much wider range of artifacts and experiences, and serve a variety of purposes for designers.This slide demonstrates the range of possibilities for prototypesscope of what can be prototyped Two points:prototypes arent just THINGS, and they serve a specific purpose. Several pics from B. Moggridge Prototyping lecture from Transformative design.Product looks like:movie script: What is a prototype? A prototype is a tangible manifestation of a design concept that seeks to answer a specific question. At its essence, a (each, every) prototype is a small step to an answer (KILL ALL PICS BUT PINK) This is a two-chambered bowl, but you cant even pour anything in it, because this prototype sought only to determine the preferable handfeel of the bowl. Why prototype? Understand Explore Communicate
Understand the problem space Empathy work Expertise gaining Explore Explore the design options Test to learn and to decide Communicate With team, users, client, or investor Use prototype as sales pitch centerpiece We will focus on prototyping to explore FAIL EARLY and OFTEN color Big idea 2 Big idea 3 Big idea 1 H2 prototype: ID A VARIABLE
Looks like Interacts like Works Interacts like Works like Looks like Prototype with a purpose. a prototype should be designed to answer a single question.The best way to do this is to ID a variable to test:Be explicit about the variable you are testing, and bring resolution to this variable. are you trying to determine how something feels?How it looks?How a mechanism works?How a person interacts with it? Bring resolution to the variable that you are testing. The prototype you build will be very different depending on the question youre trying to answer/variable youre testing. Best practice:bring multiple prototypes, only difference being a variation on the variable youre testing. H2 prototype: SCALE RESOLUTION
The resolution of your prototype should reflect where you are in the design process. Early on, this means that all prototypes should be VERY rough!!This is important for several reasons: its highly unlikely that youve reached a point that deserves a significant investment of your time/resources rough prototypes are easier to iterate on the flyyou want to be able to update prototypes based on user feedback, and the more highly resolved, the more difficult that is to do in the field Youll get more candid feedback with a rough prototypeif you hand someone something nice, even if they dislike it, theyll feel obliged to give you positive feedback You said you were reluctant to put something made of foam and duct tape into the hands of a surgeon, but IDEO did.The doctor was trying to convey what form the needed device should take, so a designer ran out of the room, threw this together, and went back and asked, is this what you meant?when the surgeon held it he was able to speak to what aspects of the design he liked, didnt, what worked and what was needed. first pass final design for Gyrus ACMI, ENT Division H2 prototype: CREATE EXPERIENCES
Dont just tell users about an idea that you havea prototype is an opportunity for you to create an experience for your user. Consider how your prototype fits into the context of the users life, and seek to place it in its appropriate context. Are there important psychological/emotional/physical constraints that impact a users experience of your prototype?Make sure you create an experience that includes these! prototyping a PROCESS H2 prototype: LET GO Embrace v 0.0 Embrace v 1.0
Both physically and emotionally; put them in the hands of the user, and dont get attached! Prototypes are not preciousthe feedback and insights they elicit are HOW TO prototype Prototype resolution should match the progress of your development Identify the variable you want to explore Prototyping Principles Create Experiences Let go of your prototypes Time to get our hands dirty!
5 MIN: team: develop a prototyping plan 20 MIN: BUILD 5 MIN:prepare for sharing out to whole group HOW TO prototype Prototype resolution should match the progress of your development Identify the variable you want to explore Prototyping Principles Create Experiences Let go of your prototypes

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