  • WLB 6-FEB-73 LO:24 Re 14289: Pa rial Copies

    ~y initial reaction Is that we now have a stable and extremely reliable NLS :file system, and that it would be craz.y to monkey with It without very convincing evid~ncc that we can do better ~ In ~he past ~ew .onths r can remember DO more than one case where { have lost a ~lle due to a system crash and no case in which the partial CODY mecho,nlSm ha~ proved ob n oxious . TENEX certuinly Is not retiahl.e enough to move to a n y system which is more sUBceptabte to crushes th an the current one . Maybe some system can be devised thftt rung prior to archJ vin g , marking :files which are toc ked -for SI) ecial. 'treatrnen1 - e . g ., notifyin g l ocke r that a locked lite has archive pending and shol,l d be updated to assure proper handling. It's clear , though , that [ don ' t have a su~tlclent awareness o~ the problems prompti n g consideration of a redesl@n to be able to contribute mo r e at this t1me.




  • )


    "LB 6 -FEB- 73 10: 24 14314 Re 14289: Parial CopJ es

    (Jt 4314, 6-FEB-73 1.0: 24 ; Title: Author(s): Boss , Wa lt/ . L B ; Dist ri bution: Victor, Kenneth E . ( Ke n), Wh ite, J~meB E . (Jim), Dornbush , Charles F., Michael, ElIzabeth K., Vallee , Jacques F., Mi~chell, Ja~es CoO , Deutsch, L'O Peter , Kaye , Diane S ., Andrews, Oo n t" f Aags, Wa lt, Hopper, J. D., [rhy, H . Charles , Lehtmo.n, Har vey G. , Watson , Ric hard ,, 'O, Kudl. i ck. , lIHchael D., Norton, JaUles C ., Engelhart , Doug l as C . r Ferguson , FerA" R •• Wo.lluce , Donald C . ( Smokey), Victor, Kenneth E . (Ken', Mltchell, James G ., Deutsch, L . Peter , Van Nouhuys , Di r k H./npg rww mdk .len dee tenext Jp;m lpd dvn ; S ub-Cot teet i ons : SRI -ARC NPG ~ENEXT; Clerk: WLB ;

  • )


    \ )

    WLB 6-FF.b-73 10:33 {dent System Bup:

    When I try to mod 1 iy t he I den t reeo rd .for g roups 0 t which J tun the coordinator, 1 f(et the messag e " Nugt be g roup cordinatorrslc]I'. This Jus~ does"l~ strike me as being quite :fa ir


    143 15


  • )



    WLB 6-FED-73 10: 33 Ident Sys t e", Bug

    (J143 IS ) 6 - FER-7 J 10: 33 ~ TI tle: Author(s) : Bass , W",lt/YLBj Distribution: Kuye, Olarle S ., Lchtman , Harv ey G., lrby, H. Cha rtes, [rhy , H. Charl es , Hoppe r, J . D./ BUGS CHI JDH; Sub- Co llo c tlons: SR I-ARC BUGS; C l e rk: WLB;


  • )



    JCN 8 FEB 71 l: 49Pu 14 3 16 Main"tenance Requpst : Window "for Projection TV I.n J2077

    To: S~J Maintenance! from Jim Norton , ARC ext 2142

    please pe r .form the work outl in ed below in room .J2077 , the ARC Conference roolfl . This wjll pe rmit usp of" our p roject ion TV :from an adjacent spac p , removing distract ing noIse Irom the co n~ e r ence


    room. 2

    t. Install a slidln~ 24" wide x 36" high window (without screen) tlA per the drawin€" oelow ..

    Add a pull-down shade over "the w indow on the passag eway sido o~ the wall .

    2 .. Add ~ ttOv electrjcal outlet in the p assag ewuy on the Eas t


    s i de of J2077. 2b

    3 . Tns t all n ceIlIn g he i g ht temporary partjtioo uc r oss th e paS9a~ewoy as cl ose to the mai n e l ectr icnl panel as possib le as shown ..

    new partition / new tlOv ou tlet

    -S-------------/--/---------------5-t / shudp

    < door / / door > ------ EEEEF.EEB- E ! : - ---------------

    < doo r

    < door

    t new window

    bottom 4A ", top A4 " o .t1: :(loo ,r

    J 2077





    N A I N

    • A L L W




  • )



    J eN R FEB 7 J 1 : 4BpM 14316 Nu jnt c nancp Request: Wlndow ~or P rojection TV in J2071

    (J143 161 7-PED-738 :01; Ti1:1e! D istrIbution: Har~Yt Mo rtln B./ MRR JeN

    Author f s): Norton , J~mes C./JCN ; S Ub - Collections: SRI -A RC ; Cle rk:

    Orj ~ in: WINDOW . N J~S .l, '7-PEB- 73 7:50 JCN;.

  • )


    NWG/ RPC ,t;t 453 MDK 7-FFB-7 3 9 :1 0 143 17 Meetin~ Announc e.ent to Discuss a Network Mu il Syste~


    The purpose o~ this RFC is to ann()unce n muctlng at SRJ - ARC on the Network ~a ll r obtem d .lscussed a1 the January 19 7 3 Princ i pal rnveqtl ~a tors' ~eet ln~ In Sa n Diego .

    We have 8: 30 AW needed ,

    set the moel ln n ~or Thursrloy, Fe ~ ruory 22 , 1 9 7 1 , at in t hf> SRI -A IlC confe r ence room . 11" a '9Pcond day Is Friday wou ld be u~ed.

    The a~cn da will Includo a d i scuss ion o~ tIle p roble m, and a rllscuBslon of al1ern a t e solutIon s .

    Tbe 1[0 0 , 1 0 f' th~ ~eet ln g what the solution ou["h 1. and wl,o should do wh a t.

    13 to produce a c l ear def inition o~ t o he , wha t ~tep~ have to bp tak en ,

    The r esul t s o£ the mpeting wIll be publi shpd as an RFC tor _further d lalo~ue, as Is done w lt h other st1~nested p rotocolq .

    Aspects 01" the Problem

    Thpre are atre~dy sf- verat subsystemq exist1nll on the Network whose function Is to send and receive ~all .

    The principal p r ob lem i s to coo r d inate a nd ex 1 end these SubSYMtems 90 t hat

    a J unl1'or ", user and 51itp i dpnt l.tlca ti ons nre used ,

    b) ~he File T ransfe r Protocol i~ lltllJzcd to allow mall to he or' n: ina1ed and dlst ri uted anywhere all I"h e Ne twork w.lthout huving to ~o throug h 8 central sYRtem,

    c ) and und

    d ) 's an option 'or ·1 he sondp r

  • )



    ~WG/RPCf4 453 MDK 7-FEB-73 ~ :tn 14317 "eetln,a; AnnouncClQent to Discuss 8. ~e1."ork \fad L System

    know and use NLS. "'eo jntend to Intf'",.atc this function wJ"th the Tenex SNDMSG cnpabltit l e~. Par Borne preliminary J nte r lla l ARC discussJon on thJs subject, you may be I ntorested in readin ~ two Journal Items, onp by Charles ~rby ( IJOURNAL , 141n~ , I:w) and th~ other hy JIm Whit~ ( IJOURNA L,14 J t2 , t:w) .

    We realize t~ot there are muny benef i ts to ~~is approach , hut would ljke to have such u scheme rit into an agreed upon Network wide meSSage and document Rendln~ protocol .

    RspeciaLly I mpo r tant to us I~ "thot questions concerning user and ~Ite Identl~icatlons , recordert and unrec o rded dlalo ,e:uf> , and coordination among other mall subsys t c-ms on the Net_ark , be ~ulty understood and mutually re~olved at the desJgn level be~ore implementatlon work procu~ds.

    We theretor~ want to discuss these Issues at th~ Network ~atl mee~jn~ February 22 .

    Wole of The NrC

    [~ conjunction with the above d l scuHsJon , we will con~Jrler offer I n~ th~ services o~ the ~etwork In~o rmat l Qn Cent~r in three releted areas :

    to implement and maintain Idpnti~lcatlon ~Jl~s for alt network users ond 5 j tes;

    (Th~se ~lles could be made avallablp ln sequential form throup;h 0 standard socket so that Network s l tP8 rould plther query them or periodica ll y obtain updated copy .

    to record In thp NrC Journal thet ma l l which ~hc s~nder wl~hes to hove recorded , and to catalogue those Items for later reference;

    to dlstrlbute Journal or l'1ussaBe mall throueh the Networl( via File Transfer Protocols JI requeRted '

    to provide and use NIC dialugue ~ roup J dentlflcutlons, in order to make It Simpler to send ltems to several persons who had ~ common Interest .

    Network I{ai 1 Meetln,:! Lo£:lst iCB

    If you or anyone at your slte would like to attend the mcetlnR , plel.\s~ notJf'y Wil Jerni g an (MEJ) at SRJ - ARC :



    2c 1










  • NWG/RFC, 453 YOK 7-FFR-73 q :]O 143 17 ~eetln~ Announcement 10 Di scuss a Network Mal l SyR t em

    ) phone ( 41 5 ) 326-620n ext 4775 481

    Ir y o u req up. s t It, we wil l mak r mo1rl reservft~lons tor you. 4b

    S l g npd ••• YD Kudtlck 5



  • )



    NWG/RFC#I 453 NDK 1-FEB- 13 9 :J O 14317 W~etJnq Announce~rnt to Discuss a Nptwork WaJ I Sys tem

    (JI 43 L7) 7-FEB-7 3 n ~ 10; Title: Author(~ ' : kurt lL ck , Mi chael D . / MD~; D i strIbutIon: IIar 11n , Re-,t;t E 4 ' LRFC . NLS;3, 6 - FEB-73 17: 09 WOK

  • )



    Ne~~ tlve Response ~o vcs - R inquiry

    Dear Roland, Na ~C~-R Rssemblpr at Di vi s ion 5 or RBN ;

    thp TFNEX side of the house . Rep,a r ds , Alex McKenz I e ( RBN-NET)


    AA ~ 7-PER-7 3 7 ~ 47 143 1 8

    do ni, know abou~


  • Ne~&tlvc Responsp to wcs- 8 Tnquiry


    ( ,rI 43 I B) 7-FR H- 73 7: 47 ; Tit te: 1)Jstribution: Bryan , Roland F . / RPH:



    AAW 7-FEB-73 7: 47

    Aulhor(c:;): Mci(en7ip , Alex A. /AAM. Sub-Col~pctiong: HIC; Clerk: AAM;


  • AReG 7-FEB-73 LO: 23 14319 sampLe Journal sessjon

    hell~ all you ljttl~ people ou t ~here


  • )


    ARCG 7-f EB-73 10 : 23 143 19 9a~ple Journal qesslon

    ( J t 431q) 7- FFD-73 10:23; Author(s): ARC , Gllest O./ARCG; Dlstrlhutlon! Lf'maro , Mar i a E ., S tron p , Thomas H., BRl'Ise tt , Mar:'F!aret A. , Poh , Susan $ . , L~o vltt , 8lsLe /IIIFL THS(hl -to m ) MAA2 SSP E1..2; Sub-cott~cttons: SRI-A RC ; C lerk: ARCO;

  • )



    Some New ldent Groups , please

    Arl has JUqt poInted ou1 that woul d be v ery hpLp~ul to ha v e rea d "I den t g r oups ").

    DHC 7-I'E13- 73 10:35

    the r e arp Rome maiLinG listA that avallant" . ( Por " mallinlJ; ll stgll

    Par Spr v er sites , the~e would include S ottwa r e Consultan t s, Accounts people , etc . Tn other wordq , the peop l e li s t ed In the reso~rce notebook , ~o r each s It e , shouLd b~ dI v ided Int o q rou ps whIch can be directly addresserl. .

    Pa r ~xamplet we h8 V C t o start setting up accoun ts at v a r Jous server s Ites now And we do not know who to contac t at a Ll of th~~. Ye are sta rtJn a to ~ In d out, bu t It wou l d be eftsJer to huve A qpecial iden t g rnup t o Bend to . [t 1s o~ cours~ lalr ly I mpo rtant to have the list be up tn date .

    Coul:e you start by crentln -,/: tbose p:roll ("ts An d u.d ve rtl B l n~ their ex L",tance a n d rE"questjn ~ s i t"es to keep cu r rent in1'ormatlon In th em , fo r their s ll e?


    P. s . am scatterln~ thIs note aecrOBS ARC , because T am not qu i te sur e whose domain t hLs r eq u est fall under . A~BldeB , It' s ~un enter in R lata o~ J den t s. tnx a g a i n. D .



  • )



    ORC 7-FEB-73 10:35 Some New rdent Gr oups , Pteuse

    (J14320 ) 7-F BD-7 J 10: 35 ; Title: Author(s ): Crocker , David H./ OHC; Distribution: Vnn Nouhuys , Dirk H., WatRon , Richard W., Auerbach , "'Ilrllyn F. , North, Jeannp R ./DVN RWW MI7 A J ON ; Sub-Coltcc:-t l ons : Nr C ; Cterk: nRC;


  • )



    ORe 7-FEB-73 9 :1 2 Cotchfl

    Jlm, thanks :for lhe extenRlve explanation . 1 had thoua ht T understood the restrlcTlon , and v e ry carefulLy kept my f il ename to alphabetics, thcrhy ~o r~etting t o extrnd the restrictlnn to the d irecto ry . I ' l l ~o -try it the ri g ht way now.

    thnak.!-I. D/


    14 32 1


  • )




    (J14321 ) 7 - PEA-73 9: 12; D isl1"~b\ltlon: Wh .1 te , Jemes DHC;

    DHC ;-PEA-73 9 :1 2

    , T.l tl e: A"thor(s) : Crocke r, Il(l v ld H./DMe;

    F . ( Jiln ) /JFW; Sub- Co llec tion A: N I C; C l erk :


  • )



    ORC 7-PE8- 7J 9 : 28 [n resp onse

    Nancy - -Just g o"t

    ( haven't been working upped on tile list,.

    on NFTR E F recently eIthe r,

    When J lQokcd at your copy or NETREF, I was envious of you r beautiful stead£astness to £nrm (neatness und consistency ). you te l t me you dIdn ' t do It; ~he Ntc did . Such a shame .

    bu it


    The Dnly upper - lower C6se djRtlnctlon that matters Is lor scenllrio-type etu:f-t (l o{t-,,: ln- out , command set , .) So the only stu 'ff tha t nepds f! hanging in you r ll1e is the 'few Logg in g scenllr l os .

    Somptlme tnday (wed) r am ~oing to try to put a st6tment 0:1 the convcnt.lons lnto my NETREF .ti l e . r t .i s f/:ettln g complex . There seem3 to be severe documentatlon l im i tation when restricted to standard typre-wrlter g raphics ( s j n~le characte r type ft lld rJgid l ines) . WeIll see .

    Later .




  • D~C 7-FEB- 73 9 : 28 14322 In r eSpons e


    (JL4322 ) 7-F PR- 7 3 q :2~; T1tle: Author( s ): Cro cker , Da vjd H./ DI:IC ; Distrihution: N ~l puA , Nancy J ./ NJN; Suh- Co llections! NIC; C l~rk : DHe ;



  • )



    Jar 7 - FEB-73 L4:04 protocols?

    a lex: - r re a" your not. e o n hosl - h08t protocol for the In.wg . i a ~ree with your comments wIth p erhaps a ~ew exeeptJons on so~e llI in o r poin ts, hut over all L am in agreement with your comments . What is you r react ion to bob thomas memo on reconncctiun ? 1 think that t he T'econnectlon racchanlsm should be In the host - host p r otocol so that jt Is aval 1~bte to a ll h.i g ear leveL p r otocols . [ th e Jn wq should also he aware 01: th e desulrabi II ty 0'" reconnectlon] 1 am not con vJnced that It 1s a good i dea to make telnet all thin~s to aLL peolll.e (or machines). we should g P.t together soon to talk over these and othe r p rotocol lRsues , the re does appenr -to be '" flurry 01 I nterest In these problem. --jon




  • )



    JBP 7-FEB-13 9 : 30

    Jl 5-FEn-7 3 R =41 14299

    ~ess&. ge : rpsponse to .jbp ' s 1425 9


    Pursuant to YO,I,.. most recent requ~st, the ~otlowln~ mi g ht be o~ help:

    Jim P ry and aR~ocjates (Prof. T~lcherow) were Invo l v ed in the develop-ment o~ a capability named I S DOS which was reviewed in Datamation . Jlnt is a pe r sonal friend and he and his lI.ssociatcd have been 'Workina in the a.rea 01 your interest gome time. '1hy don l -t you gJve him a. call and ask what ~hey are up to and whBt they have availab l e .

    "'" address and phone number are: Jim F ry Dept . 01: r ndue tria 1 En g i neerin g University of Mi chi g an Ann Arbor, Michi g an ( 3 1~) 763 - 3 5RO

    P'Lease let me kno w 1:f he I s 0 ·( help , ~l ll let you know of any other

  • )



    J HP 7-FEB-73 9 : 30

    (JI4321) 7-FEB-739 : 30 ; Author(s): Pos tel, Jonathan B./JBP ; DistrJhutlon: Kim , Karen, Gardner, Robe rt [./KK R IG: Sub-Collect i ons : NIC: Clerk : JBP;


  • )



    RMS 6 - FER-73 16:11 [",ware

    l4 304

    JBP 7-FEB-73 Q: 32

    Messa g e: UeSR l ~ In-tercste-d jl1 ob t aJn Jn g in ~o rmatlon and/or rlocu.mentation reg arding f mtac assemblers which a .re accessible via The Network . I n~ormat i o n rega rdjn ~ Network s ite s who ~al ntain a library o ~ Tmls c p rog rams which can he loaded via the Net would be o"f int ercAt .. Names or knowl edg eb l e per so ns whom I can b u g at sume later time would su:ff' ic e . respond by conto.ct.Lnfl Ron Stou Qhton (l den-t=RMS ) at UeSD .


    l4 325


  • )



    JDP 7-FEB- 73 9 : 32

    (J1 4325 ) 7 - FEA- 739 : 32; Author(g): Pos~~l , Jonathan B./JBP ; D l s 'trlbut lon: Ol likaJ n en , Arl A. J./ART; S u b - Collect i ons : N I C ; C l e rk: J BP ;


  • )


    JI 1-PEB-73 14: 31 t4 326
















    "ORK [NG GROUPS . )








    1 2




    6 7

    R Ha





    8. 1





    8g 1




    8 1 1



  • )



    Jl 7- PEB- 7 3 14 : 3 7 t 4326














    MR . JEAN r SELl



    NC LEAN , VIRGINIA 22101


    WR. JEAN [ SELl (703) R93- 3500 EXTENS I ON 2318



    9 10

    I I 1 2





    I 4





    ,. 11

    I S J Ail.

    l Sb



    19 20

    21 2 1.

  • )



    JI 7-PEB- 73 14 : 37 14326





    2. 2

  • )



    Jl 7-FEB-73 14:37 14326

    (JI 4326) 7-FEB-7 3 14: 37 ; Author(lid: )qell., John/JI; .r lbutlon : Bassett , Marga r et A., Sm lth, J . A. ., 800na, Lpl n l'l M., Jones , D iana L., Basset , Margaret A . ( M~~~ ie), Col~an, Jlarold , NejguR, Na ncy J., Sack ., Yerry, YcHa le, Frances A. (Toni), Youn~ , He len D., Lee, S usan R., Gllllb.rd , Lucille C . (Lucy), Falk, GIL, Colli ns, Ed J., Blunck , Ga r y , Heatner , John P ., Reambn , Kat hy, King , Db. vi d J., Woody , C . Jane, LetDaro, Marla e ., Pitkln, S ue, Fitzsimmons , Jerry, Hicks, GrCKory P ., Maxey , Gloria Jean, Pe.ler , Roberta J . , Baxter., Faye , Flelds , C r aig , Be n edict , Jameq G ., ~cCauley , ErftluLeA R . , )wal'llloto, Margaret , Larson , Dt'e., Doane , Robert E ., Odom , Dan , Monroe, Brenda , Reynolds , Dorothy A., No rth, Jea"ne B., Cutl~r, Pam J . Kl otz, Barnett , Barhara , Furman, Ernest H. , Goldlng , S tan, Ch lprabn, S teve G., Barden , John p., Ginsberg , Wartha A., Watkins , Sh irley W., Connelly , Linda M., Troxel, Janet w., Rosewall , Co nnJe D., Webster , Linde M., Culoy , Anita L ., Mostrom , Ca rol J ./ NSAG; SUb-:o llcctions: N£C NSAG; Clerk: Jf;

  • )


    JLM 7 - FEIl -7 3 6 : 24 -t a sk wr 1 te ups

    1 fU JI now hCi/il i n n ing to use the t a~k writE' ups for a numbe r or uses . One inportJctar Is to update ft report J int e nd t o « iv to behke ~nd ~t on a monthly ba~ 1 9 . AB a result it is important t hat the t ask write ups be u pdated once 8 month . The r eo rl is titled misp In my file and j SUf': !~e6t you r ead 1'o r In'fo .Le t s make the 15th of each mon .h.


  • JLM 7- FEB-7 3 6 : 2 4 t 432 '7 task writ e UPS





  • )



    JL~ 7 - p ED- 73 6 : 2 4 J 4327 "task wrl te ups

    (J14327 ) 7-FFiR-73 6 : 24 ; T i1.1 p : Au "t ho r( s ): ldcNumnro. , J"hn L . /JLM DIstrLbution: Kennedy , Edmu n d J . , Lluc~J, ~o.y A., Cal l cCh io., Ric har d , Johnson , John W. , Van Alstine , Donald , Be t hke , WJlliam P . , LaMonica, Frank S ., Rzepka , WillIa !!! E . , 11,wrno, Rocco F ., Sljwtl. , F ru.nk P . , BHeel e ro, Thomaq J.t Doa ne, Robert E . , Lu th e r , Davi d A . , Panara, Roge r D . , NcNamara , John L., Ca v ano , Jetl"l P ., S tone, Duan e L., Petell, Ma rcel l e D . , S t e ll ato , J oseph in e R . , Walke r, Robe rt K., Lawrence , T h ol!l a s

    rc ' P ., 8air , James H . , Rome Alr Dev eLopment Cente r (lS I W) / cJk rut Jw.l d v a wph fML wer 1"1'1 fps tJb2 r ed2 dal rhp JLm J pc rils mdp , j1" '3 r kw tfl .ihb radc ; SHb- Col l ect lon ~ : RADe ; Cle rk: JL IIf ;

  • )




    JRS 7 - PER-73 10:34

    the tl~J/po ca ll ed th l ~ morn i n~ an d ln~ormed d~ b tha t n n formal requlrements 1 0r teehleal suppo rt will ar l ee untlt ~e b . 0174 . the comment s forwu r dpd on the ~ eA t plan will be jncorporotcd in the t eB t pr oc~durps . ho we v er , a ll t huse' inviolved with the pronram RO far are InvJt pd t o s t op in Ht the tJpl o~1 1 ce a t esd or the contrnctorA facili t y in lan~ley , va. a t any tln e 10 r e vi e w prottress on yy h e effOI"t .


    1432 8

  • ,

    JRS 1-PBB-73 10 : 34 14328

    ) (Jl432R) 7-FEB- '7:J to: :)4 ; Author ( R) : S tellato, Josephino R ./JRS ; Di.s1-rlhution : M'cNlIImo. r a . John L . /JLM; S Hh -Collectjons: kADe ; Cle rk! .JRS ;



  • LPD 7-FEB- 73 1 9 : 5~ 14329

    ) I think Outpu1 Flle In TNLS shoul d pr Jn-t the f ile nome Just like Updote. 1




  • LPD 7-FR B- 73 19 : 59 14329

    ) (J1 4329) 7-PEB-73 1 9 : 59 ; T itl e: AuthorCs ): Deutsch , L . Petpr/ LPD ; D I st ri bution: Trby, H . Cha. rl es / NP ; S u h- Co llec tlon s : NTC NP ; C l~rk: LPD';



  • )


    , )

    RW~ 7 - FBB- 73 12:22 Se. ln ar Announce~ent ~or FBP l4

    Jim White .ltl ~lve n spmlnar on Wed Feb14 at 3:00 on various net wo r k protocols and topJCB s uch as tile t!"ans:fer, n{>twork mall., sndms~ , ~ile archJvat at UCSB, remote .Job ent r y .



  • )


    RWW 7-F EB- 73 12: 22 14330 SemJnar Announcemen1 to r PEB 14

    ( JI43 JO ) 7-FfA- 73 12 : 22 ; Title: Author(9): W~ t8on , R Ichard W. / RWW ; DIstributIon: Ho~1man . Ca rol B., Lee , S U9a.n R., WIchaet , E lJ zahe th K., Dornhush, Cha rt es F. , ARC , Gu es t 0. , Felnter , E llzabe th J . (Jake ), Hanrlbook, Au~rllentu.tlon Ji'eRea rch , Kelley , lU r k F . , Meye r , N. Dean , By r d , Kay P ., Prather , Raloh , Wh ite , Jume9 E . (Ji u,,) , , Jac'lues F ., Kaye , Diane S ., Pech , Pau L, Eudt Lck, Mich tle l D. , Fe r u: u~o n , F(> r (' R., Lan e , Linda L., Auprbuch, Ma ril yn P ., BaH8, Walt, En ¥ e i ba rt . C., Hardeman , Beu.ureM' ard A . , Ul:I. r dy , Wa rtin E . , Hopper, J . D ., trhy , H. Charles , J e rni gan , K it 1:. ., Lehtman, He rvey G . , "'o rth , Jeanne B . , Nor ton , Ja~e9 C ., Pa G e , C jndy, Paxton , WillJ a. R . , Peters , J e 1'f're y C ., Ra ttl!.f, Juke, Van De R let , Edw In E., Van Nouh uys , DJ rk H ., Victor , Kenneth E . (Ken ), Wallace , Donall1 C . ( Sm ok ey ) , Wa.tson, R ic h ard • • , Andrews, D .... n I . /sri-arc Sub- Col lecti o ns: SR T-A RC SR J-A RC ; C lerk: RWW ;

  • )

    SSP 7-FEB-73 IO:t2 eo"'mQ.nd~ on rt'c

    esk your rfc I s very ~ood and you thoup;ht cVf'rythln e already ,hut i dn have Some travll.l.l cOIAmanda: 1) nAme of the person who fIll thls rtc. 2) n ame ot the person who coded ncp . 3 'n ame or the pe r son who majnt.,lns the nep. 4 1ooera 1 1ng system 01' the maln cpu_ 5 )1 8 ~he documen~atlon p ain s to br ftvaJlablp throuth the ole. 6)mach i ne hours to debu p the ncp_ 7)ho. lon g does ocp queue the st r and rta? R )any plans to change the nep? a~ so r ry that i did repon~e thi~ ~~rtler because j a. on the road. Bee you n~xt week.



  • SSP 7-PFR-73 10: 12 1433 1 commands on ric

    (J14J3L ) 7-F F.Jl-73 t o :1 2 ; TI ti e ! Author(s}: roh , Susan S./SSP ; Dj y trl hu1:lon ~ Xl- ln e , Chuck S ./CSK ; S ub-Collectlon.H! N r C ; Clerk: SSP ;



  • )



    ~SP 7-FFB-73 to:J9

    John thI s Is my rl r st l e sson on nl s • how to sen d mC~Bages . what I s htlppennJng at mitre . 1 vIsited su-nl yeste rd ay and the survey questionalre didn 't work to well because 1 have to exp lain a lot questions to what they m~an . i havo to s e t o~~ to let othe r peo~le to use the ti .



  • )



    SSP 7-FEB-73 10:t ~ ~e~sa ge

    (J14JJ2 ) 7-PE~73 1 0 :t 9 ; Ti tl e : Aut ho r(s' : Poh , Su san S . / SSP; Distrihution! lAP~lt J ohn/Jt; S ub-Col t cc tlons : NrC ; C Lerk: SS P;


  • )



    REf 8-F ER-73 16: 58 comment on SOME NSW D l ~ECTIONS I N ROBOT P~08LEM SOLV I NG by F ikes, Hart, ~nd Ni l sso n

    a olly g osh




  • )



    REF 8-~ BR-73 16: 5P. coa"lIIent on SOME NEW D I RECTIONS IN ROBOT IlROBLEJrl SOLVING by Fikes , ~.rt t and NIlsson

    (JI43J4 ) 8-FEB-73 16: 58 ; Titl e : Author( s l: D i stributjon! ColeS t L. S te phe n, F ikes, R lchard Sub-Collect ions: HIC; Clerk: REF ;

    F lkea . E ./ LSC

    RJc ha rd E./ REF ; REF ;


  • )



    NDW B- FEB-73 17:14 (nserting Directives prO/ilralll 101' Net.or .. sites

    Harvey ' s LtD prO(l:ra1'8 which inserts directives in the Resource Notebook ' s sItes scems to work nicely. It is in his directory, and there I s a fite which explains it In my direc1ory. I would LIke to conso todat e the two into one ~lte in a More a~proprlate di r ecto r y , pendln ~ finaL i zat ion o~ the ~ormat and Bubsequen~ Journ a llzatlon 01 the process and program. l ~ thIs is to your Llkln g , let me know where you woul.d llkf" it. In t.he process , J will update Bnd f inJ sh the explanation.




  • )



    NDM 8 - FEB-73 11 :J 4 (nse r t ing Direc tives pro~ ra m for Network s ites

    (J1 4335) B-FEB-73 11:14; Title: Au~hor(s): Meyer , N. Dean / NOW ; Distribution: North , J eanne D., Feinler , Elizabeth J. (Jake ), Lehtman , Har v ey G ./JBN J A.KE HGL ; S ub- Co ll ections! SR [-A RC ; Clc'["k: NDN ;


  • )



    Jon, I have Just tolke d to Abhay. His wife has a baby due on March 6 , plus or minus 1 week , and he is unwillIng to g o to Call 1:ornia durIng that period. [thlnk it would be a little too arrog ant o f me to schedule an FT P meetlng that he's a uarrenteed not to be able to at~end. 1 thInk 1 ha v e :3 chulces: 1) Keep the dates the same, but have t be TELN ET meeting on the ~11th at UCLA instead o~ the FTP meeting . The maIn thin g 1 think is wron ~ with this Is that I'm very nf~rald it will o ff end Braden too much. 2) Have the FT P meetin g on either the 23 o r 26 o f February (depen d in g on when the NI C ' s 'I Na il System" meetln @ en d s u p (I unde r s tan d they're thinkin g 0' chana ing to the 26th) . Primary obJectIon here Is short lead tl mo . 3) Sc hed ul e TELNET at ~BN on ~a~ch 9 (say) and FTP at UC LA on March 23 (say). Primary disadvantag e i s non- op-tJ.I'Ilza'ti o n o f trips to the West Coast tor E as t Coast people .

    P l ea.s e cull mc w 1 th your thoug h t8 ilegards, Atel(


    1 4:336


  • ,


    ) (J1 4336) 8 - PEB-'73 l 3 : 44 . Titl e : Author(s): WcKen ~ie, Alex A./AAM; Distributi o n: Postel, Jon a than B./J BP ; SUb-Co llecti o n s : HIe ; Clerk : AAM;



  • )



    AMI 8-FEA-73 14: 30 8ead this messa~e second

    Jon, 'to undereta.nd you should rea.d my next meesage(wblch J sen t you previously). Ijust stalked to Braden and he said he wouldn'~ .1nd i~ the FTP mee11n& were in Hoston. There~ore 1 tend to favor plan #1; keeplna the dates the sarne, and the p~dces the Ba~et but switching topics. Incidentally, Braden says S teve .ol~e has many bitter complaint about TELNET and that's ft ~ood reason 10r havin~ the TELN8T meetIng In LA. Any idea what that ' s all about? Rea a r de • A lex ps: I ' d stl~l lJke you to co~ment on the ' 13 choices", by phone j~ possible (my home N 1s 617-861- 8230)




  • AA W 8 - FBB-13 1 4 : 30 l4 33 7 Read this . eaaa~e seco n d

    ) (Jl

  • ( )



    AA~ 8-FEB-7 3 9:I L Note to Jean Iseli, Dic k Watson , Steve Crocke r from ~lex McKe nzie

    This note is lsell (NI C #

    in par tial response ~o a note distrib\1ted by Jean J4 326 ) on or about Pebruary 7, 1 9 73. I received a

    the d.ocumellt trom Na ncy Neigus , the DBN-N ET sta tIon "(erox GlZent

    copy this mornin,p..

    The cited dOCUMent erroneously descrihes itsel ~ us an RFC . The RFC mechanism may n ot be perJ'ect, but It i s well-defined . It seems to .e that anyone pLannlnQ to publish a network newsLetter shou l d understand this point, and should kno. about such 'thlnp;s as obtainln,a an RFC number for "RPC ' s" .

    The cited document was apparent ly diet ri bu'ted only to " Sta tlon Agents" Gnd not to "Technical Liaisons". [t is my understandin~ that the "Stati on Agent " ~unctlon is I ntended to be more or les9 0. "librarian" type Job , and that the "Technlcal Liaison " J'unct.lon is intended to be a .o r e act ive (and perhaps more well-intormed ) Job . Thus, our internal document distrlbutlon syste~ at BBN-NET, as we ll as our procedu r e for outpu~ ot documents TO the network community , revolves around "Technical Llaison 11 rether than "Sta~lon Ag en~n responsJbl IJ ty. It i s ray bellet that several other sl tU8 work ( lnte rn ally) the same way. Either

    We 'r e wronJ(

    Mr .. [ sell I s _ron" (or uninformed) , or

    The cited document .as issued the way it was because no r esponse was desired f rom sItes which work thl s way.

    It Ls di~~ i cutt to see what sort 01 informatJon the proposed news l etter .Llt carry about t'status o~ protocol development(s)" beyond wbat is avaIlable throuQh th e RFC mechanism and the Protocol Notebook (N[C # 7l04) . Do we (the network communJty) really need additional prolJferation of paper which cites o r rehashes developments djscussed elsewhere? ( Tha t really r s intended to be a quest i on )

    I sUilgest th a t the " summary or personnel relocation(s}" is a partlcularly poor ldea. Every sIte has one or more copJes of a fairly thick book called n Current Directory 01' Network Pa rti cipants" ( NrC It 5150 ). Its p rhnary p r oblem 1'1 "that it-s frequently not very current. Jf effort is to be expended on keepin~ trac k o~ "personnel relocatJon(s)", r think it .ould be much more pro~l table t o spend it keepin g that document Nore up-to-date. (The fore~oin g t ot coursp , doesn 't mean that the ~[TRE g roup couldn ' t do that Job. In particular, the NJC tends to update the '1directory ot participant~" onLy a section


    1 4338


    t .

    ' b


    I b3


  • )



    AA Y R- FER-7 3 9 :11 Note to Jean Iseli, Dick W6tson, Steve C~oeker from Alex ~c Kenzi e

    at a tilDe. updates. )

    Perhups the Y]T RE g roup c o ul d prep are S in g le - p a g e

    It would certainly be nice l"f in'formatJon ap p earing in the proposed newstetter p ertaJning to "resources " coul d fin d its way Jnto the Resource Notebook ( NIC # 6 74 0 l. Everyone who has come i n contact with the current ver s ion ( o r p ast v e rsIon s -includin g the initial one I p repa~cd ) has commented on its in collipleteness ond out-o:f-dateness... I t se e ms 10 me that the ri~ht (Ie, most useful) thing to do Is to try to brin g it up-to-date and make It complete, rather than to start a "competing ll set o.L docu1'llen"tation 1It'hlch wILl. :fo~ce the poor user to look In two pl a ces lnstead oL Doe . As with the p oint above, "this comment does not mean that the V rTRE g roup should necessarily be excluded f .rom a .aJor (perhap s exclusive' role in collecting resou~ce information and takin g care that It gets properly and promptly distributed.

    Tn gene~al ., as indicat"ed by the comments above, 1 believe tha t ~bere is LOT S of .ork which needs to be done to make the network more uselul. Jt seeMS , however, tha~ rather than cDDcentrating on functions which need to be done to make things better (9uc~ as UPDATING the Ii directory or pa.rticipants" mo~e rapidly) ",any o.:f us are enamored oL the idea 0-1 starting something new without pa.rticular conc e rn for whllt hilS ~ one be:fore. Even it: the waste implicit in this approach is a cost that can be borne at the source , i1 may entail cos~s that can't easily be borne a~ the destination . In particular , supplyin g users wJth two (th~ee, .:four., ••• ) piles of documentation that THEY must collate, scan , or underst"and does not see m to me "to be doin g them a s ervi c e. Of course, [ must concede that sometImes the way to make signl.:flcant pro g ress is to throw out the old und start £reshi t on ly udvocate that when this course is chosen it Is chosen consciously and del ,lherately, rather than 'Unconsclously an d r~ndollll.y ..


    t 4338

    t d

    I e


  • )



    AAN P-F EB-7 3 9 :11 Note to Jean Isell, Dlck Wa1son , Steve Crocke r 'rom Alex WcKenzie


    (J143 JR ) 8 - PEB-7 3 9 :11i DlstributIon: {sell, John, RW"j Sub-Collections: NIC;

    Ti"tle: Au thor( B )-: Crocker , Steve D., Clerk : AANi

    McKe nzie, Alex A. /AA W; Watso n, RIchard W. /Jl SDC2

  • BAR 8 - F£B-73 10 : 50 14339 Jan 28 - F eb 3, 19 1 3 , A Week In Revi ew

    r )



  • BAH 8 - FEB-73 10:!;O 14339 Jan 28 - Feb 3 , 1 9 7 3 . A Week 1n Revi ew


    2 (A RC ) 2n

    2.1 WEEK : Jan 28 - Feb 3 , 1 9 7 3 ( 24 HOURS /DAY) 2 a 2


    2.5 ( Dl A. ) . 803 H6 . 860 . 008 1. 2 125 : 1 2.6

    ( MFA) . 896 23 . 2 7 6 . 03~ 1.4 26 :1 20.7

    ( WLB) 1.00 1 22 .t59 . 045 1.5 22 :1 2n8

    ( KFB ) .. 24 7 2 1. 323 .. 012 . 4 83 :1 20.9

    ) ( CFD) 2.074 45 . 803 .. 045 3 . I 22 : 1 2 0.10 ( DeE) 2 . 046 54 .. 096 . 038 3 .1 26:1 20 1 1

    (JAKE) .798 23.653 . 034 1. 2 29 : 1 2&12

    ( WRF ) . 404 11 .. 121 .. 036 . 6 28 :1 lo.13

    ( BAH) 1.173 21 . 559 .. 054 1. A 1 8 : 1 28 1 4

    ( HEn) 1.393 43 . 967 . 032 2.1 31: J 2« L5

    (JDH) .. 189 7.771 . 024 .3 42:1 2 a16

    ( eM 1 ) 2 .1 99 32 . 499 .06 8 3.3 15 :1 2 a.17

    ( MEJ) . 989 66.505 .. 0'7 5 1 . 5 67 : t 2a l R

    ( DSK ) 1.356 36 .709 .0 3 7 2 .1 2 7: 1 20. 1

  • BAH 8 - FEB-73 10 : 50 14 339 Jan 28 - F eb 3 , 1973 , A WeeK In Re vIew

    ' ) ( LLL) . 556 42.283 . 0 13 . 8 71:1 20.22

    ( SR L) . 089 3 . 557 . 025 • 1 40 :1 20.23

    ( RGL ) t .. 184 24 .. 303 . 049 1. 8 20 : 1 20.24

    ( NDU ) .. 359 1 5 . 445 . 023 . 5 4.1: 1 20.25

    ( EEN ) . 48 L 22 . 267 . 022 .7 45: 1 2a26

    ( JDN) .. 50 7 28 .. 28 1 . 0 18 . B 56: 1 211.2 7

    ( JCN) 1. 403 28 . 5 18 .. 049 2 . 1 20: 1 2a2R

    ( WHP ) 20.29

    (JC P) .. 966 34 . 232 . 028 1. 5 36 :1 28,31)

    (J R ) . 003 .769 . 004 0 250 :1 20.3 t

    ( PR) .. 736 23 .. 166 .. 0:)2 I • 1 3 1 : ) 2832

    ( HER) .1 89 3 . 773 . 050 . 3 20 : I 2a33

    J (JFV) . 802 17. 2 10 . 047 I • 21 :1 20.34 ( EKV ) 20.35

    ( DVN ) . 605 20 . 40 1 . 030 . 9 33 : I 2a36

    ( KEV ) .. 850 9 . 938 . 086 1.3 12 : 1 2011.37

    ( DCW) < . 368 6 7 .. t 86 . 065 6 . 6 15 : 1 20.38

    ( R .... ) .. 424 12 .. 28R . 035 . 6 28:1 2 0.39

    ( J EW ' . 895 24 . 089 .. 03"1 I • • 27 :1 26.40

    ----- ----- 20.4 1

    (TOTAL' 50 . 7~ 2 84 2

    ( AV ER AG E ) .. 036 20.43

    26.44 HIGHeST CPU: DCW 4 . 368 h r s LOW EST CPU : J R . 003 hr. 20.45



  • D A B 8 - FEH-73 10: 5 (1 143 3 9 Jan 28 - Feb 3 , 1 9 7 3 , A Weck In Re vi ew

    , )

    HIGHEST CON: 'Ol A 96 . 860 hrs l.OWEST CON : JR .769 hrs 2a46

    HIGHEST CPU I CON : KEV . 086 H.lGHEST CON/CPU: JR 250: 1 28.47

    2a48 (HADe ) 2b

    2b l WEBK: JAN 28 - FEB 3 , 1 9 7 3 ( 24 ROURS / DAY) 2b2


    2bS (JHB )HAI R . 5 7 8 2 7. 385 .. 02 1 . 9 48 : 1 2 12 2h6

    ) ( WPD ) llETHKE . 087 5 . 803 . 0 15 • 1 67 : 1 18 2b7

    (TJB 2 ).BUC-IW 2b8

    {JPC , CAVANO . 063 4 . 898 .01 3 • 1 77 : 1 57 2b9

    ( RF [ ) IU O,RNO 1 3 2b lfJ

    ( P S L )LA MON.IC A . 092 3 .1 03 . 030 • .I 33 : I 4 2 2b tl

    ( TFL )LAWRENCE .1 95 9 . 425 . 02 1 . 3 48 : 1 8 7 2b12

    ( JL.Y , MCN AMA RA . 282 25 .136 .. 0 11 •• 9 1: 1 121 2b 1 3

    ( HBP ) P ANARA .. 064 3 . 580 . 0 1 8 • 1 56 : 1. 84 2b 1 4



  • BA. 8 - FEB-?') 10: 50 1 4339 Jan 28 - Feb 3 , 1 9 7 3 . A Week In Review

    I )

    ( MDP 'PETE1.L 42 2b 1 5

    { -.lADe ) RADC .1 24 25 .784 . 028 1.1 36 : J 50 2b 16

    ( WER ) RZEPKA .24 1 1 8 .147 . 013 •• 77: 1 •• 2b L 7 ( FPS ) S'L I WA .1 53 9 . 044 . 017 . 2 59 : 1 28 2b 1 8

    (.I RS ) STELLATO . 095 3 . 33 7 . 028 • 1 36 :1 29 '2b 19

    ( 01.5 ) STONE . 433 26.196 . 0 17 . 7 59 : 1 I 13 2b21')

    ----- ----- -----2h2 l

    ( TOTAL) J .0 0 7 161 . 838 4 . 5 940 2b22


    2b24 ( XEROX) 2c

    2c l lEEK : JAN 28 - FE B 3 . 1 9 7 3 ( 2. HOURS/DAY) 2c2


    2cS ( Dnc )eo., A N .633 26 . 236 . 024 1.0 42 : 1 2eo

    ( LPD )DEUTSCH . 397 26 . 671 . 0 1 5 . 6 67 : 1 2c7

    { C~G )GESCHKE .01 8 .7 9 1 . 0 23 0 43:1 2ea

    ( EHN ) MC - CRGIIT 2e9



  • BAR 8-FE D-7J 10:50 14339 J~n 28 - Feb ~ , 19 73, A Week rn Review

    ) { RN'M )MET CAL FE . 001 . 393 .003 0 333 :1 2elO

    ( JG II un TCIIELL . 076 5 . 934 . 0 13 • 1 77: 1 2cl 1

    ( ERS )SAT-WTE . 618 17. 298 . 036 . 9 28 : 1 2c12

    ( RES ) SWEET 1 . 859 40 . 342 . 0 4 6 2 . 8 22 : I 2 c1 3

    --- ----- ----- 2c 1 4 (TOTAL ) 3 . 602 117. 665 5 . 4 2c 1 5

    2c16 ( N ETUSERS) TOP FIVE 2d

    2dl WEE K: JAN 28 - FEB 3 , 197;) ( 24 HOURS /DAY) 2d2


    ) 2d5

    UeSB I .. 111 33.744 . 033 1.7 30 :1 2d6

    BBN-TENEX .. 951 1 3 . 845 . 069 1. 4 1 4 : 1 2d7

    NBS-TIP . 840 33 . 987 .. 025 1. 3 40 : 1 2

  • • '>


    I )

    BAH B-FEB- ?3 lO : 50 1433 q ,J a n 28 - Feb 3 , 1973 , A Week [n Review

    (J1 4339 ) 8 - 1:"88- 73 10 : 50 ; Ti t le : Author( s ): Hardeman , Beauregard A.IDA H ; D .l s ~rl b\ltjon : Koffman, Caro l B., Lee , Susa n R. , ~lcllapl , E lizabeth K., Do rn bush , Charles P ., A_RC ., Gues t 0 ., J~eln l er, Elizabeth J . (Jake ), Ha n dbool< , AlI(lOIentatlon Resea r ch , I:etley , Kl r 1:c E ., ,-,hoyer, N . Dean, Byr d , Kay F ., Prather , Ralph , Wbite , Ja.~es E . (JLm ), Va ll ee , J acq~es F. , Ka y e , Diane S ., Rec h t Paul , Kudllck , Nl chdel Do , Fe r guson , Pe r a R. t Lane , Linda L ., Aue r bach , Ma r ily n F ., £tass , W0.1t, En g e l bart , Doua las C., Ha r deman , Beaurega r d A., Ha r dy, Wa r tin Eo, Hopper , J . D., I.-by, H. Char l es , Je r nipa n, MI L E o , Lehtman , Ha rv ey Go, North, Jeanne B ., N' orto n, J ames C ., Pe(ltp. , C i ndy , Paxton , Willi am R., Pe-ters , Jeffrey C .. , Ra.t t i f"! , Jak e , Van Dr. R i e t, Edwin X., Va n Nouhuya , Dirk It. ., Vi ctor, Kenneth E . ( Ke n), Wallace , Donald C . ( SMokcy ), Wat s on , Richa r d W., An d r o ws , Don 1 . , S t o n c , Dua n e L ., Lawrp n ce , Thomas Deu~sch , L. Peter, Mitche ll, JaMes G./SR I-ARC DLS ; S Ub - Col lec t ions : SRI - ARC RADC Clerk: BAH

    F ., Ra J r , JaDtes H., TFL JHB LPD JG~

  • )



    OJA 8 -FEO-73 17:11 Sumaary 01 M easurem~nl Techniques as o~ 2 / 8 /73

    Cont~in8 0 brIer summary of my semJnar contents and lInks to the v arious measurement toots


  • )



    Summary o'f /ieasuretnent Techniques as o~ 2 / 8 /7 3

    Thls ~ilc is a brie f summary o~ the semi nar on measuremen ts 61 1ven by VIA on f' 4'bruary 7, 1 9 7 3 e

    DJ'A 8 - FEB- 7J 17:11

    1 n 1"e rna 1. N l .S 11" desr.rihes

    several measurement techniques and poln~s the "ser to (more or less) detaIled documentation f or each technique .

    The meaSurements, discoverys, changes etc e , In NLS are being recorded .in (u.ndrews,nlsrecord,). That :t lle also contai ns ideas bnd SUA~estlons ~or the MPS convers ion, as well as for the Lt G versi on of NLS.

    Please incor p erate y o ur flndln gs into ( andre .. H ,nl srecord) . Also any su ggestion, .ild ideas, shortcomlng s, etc ., concernin8 these llIeasurement techniques wo ul d be g reatly appreciated.

    (OSE) Use Measurement system

    This system meaSUf"es NLS command execution, by type o :f commande It moni"tors a sin g le user and writ es info rmation on a t ile at Bpecl~ L ed Interv~lse That in£ormat.ion i6 a~ terward printed via a specla l p rog ram .

    Documenta1:,ion:: ( 9 727,)

    ( PC) PC Sllmple

    The Program Counte .... sampler is part o£ t he S u per-watch measurement sys1:em . r t consists 01 code in the moni to r clock Interrupt routine which Looks at the return PC and increments a count in

  • )



    D(A 8 - FED-73 17:11 Summary of Measurement Techniques as 01' 2 /8/73

    Tbis is an Jnternal NLS ~unctioo that counts the usa g e ot the various NLS commands. [t also collects the elapsed execution time and the elapsed console

    Documentation: (,)

    ( SubsysStuts) Subsystem S ta~J9tics

    The moni"tor maintains softie in:Cormation by s 'ubsystem. This can be printed out in a terse form by the EXEC 's STATI ST(CS coml'l and , or by Superwo.tch . One cao obtain -the perceo a ! time used by a ,p: Jven subsystem , the ave ra S e time to pag e :fault , the percent 0.1 p r ivate and shared page fo ul s , and 0. few others.

    Documentation: (ondrews,docsuper) Paramete r s pertaining to su.bsysteilis can be viewed by doin J( 8 Jump link on the p roper statement io (andrews , docsupe r,v1 ews )

    Task) Task measure or cbaracter interaction measurements

    At the end 0.1 each chartlc"te r interactIon NLS reports several elaped times to the monitor , which acculnulates them 1n a tabl e . The table can be sampled and p ri nted via Buperwatcb .

    The r epor t ed tlmeB are the console time, the execu"tlon time , and the elapsed "tlme during whleh "the NLS tork was executi n g . These ftrc combined to compute se veral parame tel'S which c an be printed wlth superwatcb . The pa ra mete r s rcvea~ NLS 's behavior ~rom the point of view o~ the sc hed uler - as a proces s whJch reads a character and comp ut es , re ads a character and computes etc .

    Documentation: (ondrews , docsuper) NL.S can be vi e ,,-ed by dOing a Jump in ( andrewB,docsul'Jer,vlews'

    ( T r ace ) Call Re turn Trace

    Parameters 11 nk on the

    p ertai ning 1 0 p roper statement

    This al lows one to get a trace of all llO calls and returns ~o r a comma n d or part of a command in NLS . A user pro g ram intercepts calls a n d returns and writes in~ormation out on a "fi l e . included j n the information is the elapse d time between th e l ast ca ll or return . The ~ile Is printed by the Tnterpret Trace command o~ superwatch.

    Thls g ives a de t ai l ed look at a fu n ction o£ NL S In ~erms o ~ procedUres col led God time spent 10 CGch p r ocedUre .


    14 3 4 1

    5 ~

    5 b



    6 b


    7 .




    S a

    8 b

  • )


    Su ..... lI.ry or Measurement 1'echniques as of 2 /8/13

    DocuMentation: a descri p tion .

    ( andrews , ttrace , ) contain s the (

  • )


    DTA 8 - FSR-1.J 17: 1 J 14341 Summary of Measurement Tcc ilniqU,,"S as of 2 / 8 /73

    (J14J41) 8 -PEH-7311 :11; Title: Au "thor(s): Andrews , Don 1.!DIA ; D.lstributlon: Vlc1.or , Kenneth E a (K en ), White , James E . (JIm) , DornbuMIt , ChArles F a , Nlchael, Elizabeth K .. , valtee, Jacques P .. , Mitche l l , James G . , Deutsch, L oO P~ter , Kaye, Diane S oO, Andrews , Don I., Baas , Wal t, Hopper, J .. D. , lr by , Ji . Cha rles, Leht man , Har v ey G ./N PG; SUb-Collections: SR I-ARC NPG ; Clerk: DIA; Orlaln: MeASURE.NLS;2, 8 - FEH-7 3 11:06 DIA

  • )



    JBN B-FEB-73 17: 5 1 Directive Needed to Prevent Orphanned Sect ions

    Charles -- For formattinQ text, we stlll need an output p rocessor directive which dis~tlows pa~e breaks below certain top level statements . PLev insures that pa~c breaks occur before certain lev el statemen~St but 1 can find no directive which Lnsures that a pa ge b reak wJll not occur between 0 headin g s tat ement and the tirs t line o~ a subordinate pa rag raph. We need this; huw are the chances we can g et the directlve? -- Jeanne




  • \ )



    JBN 8 -FED- 73 17 : 5 1 J4 342 Dlr ect lv e Needed 1.0 Pl'ev e n 't Orphann ed Sections

    (J14342 ) 8 - PEB- 73 17 : 5 1; T i'tl a : Author ( s ): Nn r't h , Je~nne 8 . /JHN: Ols tr lbu 't i o n: "011man , Carol B. , Lee , S us~n R. , Michae l, El izabe t h K. Oorn bush , Charl es F ., ARC, Guest 0 ., Fe i nte r, El i zabeth J . ( Jake ), Handboo k, Au gmenta ti on Resea.rch , Ke ll f>Y , Kirl< E ., Neyer , N .. Dean , Syret, !Cay F .. , Pra t he r, Ralp h, Wh i. te , Jtl.IGCB E . ( Jim ), Vallee , Jucques F ., Kaye , DIQn e S ., Rech , Paul , Kudll ck , Mi chael D. , Fe r g uso n, Pera R .. , Lan e , Linda L., Au e r bac h , Warilyn F ., Bass , Wal't , En a elba r t , Dous las C., Bar d e ma n, Be au r ega r d A., Ha r dy , Mart i n E., Ho pper , J . D., Irby , H. Ch arl es, Je r n i gnn, Mi l E. , Leh t man , Hn r vey G., Nor t h , Jeannf' 8 ., Norton, JaN es C . , P a @e , CJndy , Pax t on , Wi ll inm H., Peters , J effrey C ot RntlJ'fr , Jak e , Vo n De R i e1: , Edwin K., Va n Nouh uy9 , Di r k H., Vi. ctor , Ke nn pth E . (Ken), Wa llace , Do n a l d C . ( S mokey ), Watso n, Ri chard W., And r ews , Don ( .. / s ri- a rc ; SUb- Coll ec ti o n s : SRl- ARC ; C l erk : J RN ; O rl ~ ln: (NORTH}PAOfNMEKO . NLS;l, 8 - FEB- 73 17: 40 JBN ;

  • ")



    JCN 9 FEU 73 I! 15PN xxx-xx Stan:tord Slou.n Prog ram Visit to ARC - 7 February 1 9 7 3

    Stanford Sloan Prosram Vlsjt to ARC 1

    7 February 1973 4 : 00-5 : 00

    Three groups of about 12 - 20 mInutes each .

    JCN presented n picture of ARC, our tools, the sysle. we are developing, some o~ our goals , our ARPANET activities •• the HIe and Ne t dialoM , the Workshop utILIty plans we have ••• u s in g the Projection TV placed in the vault, proJect Lng on a p()rtabLe screen at tbe outer lilllits ot the old cave area . rt wcnt well, u.~thouQh 20 minutes Is too Bhort a tim~ to really reach people with some level of understanding on their part •••


    but It was ImpressJvan impressive sYRtem . Ie

    Date : February 7, 1 9 73

    TiMe! 3:00 - 6:00 p~

    PLace: Stanford Reserch Institut e Me nl o Park, Cali1orni ~

    3:00 - 4 :00 PM

    S lide Show Conferenc e Room B - Bui ldin g 1

    Ouest ion Period C . A. Anderson, Presi(lent

    4:00 - 5:00 PM

    Tour - SRT Enulnee rln g FacilltJes Bonna r Cox , Executive Directo r [nfo rmat l on Science S Engineering

    3 ~roup8 led by B. Cox, S . Willer , E. Jones

    3 stops; Hobot Area, Ultra Sound, Camera, Au;;;menta.tlon Research Center

    5 : 00 - 6 :00 PW

    Cocktai Ls Keidanren Room , 5-109 Host - C. A. Anderson









    2e 1

    2e la



    2t 1

  • )


    JCN 9 F EB 7 ,) 1: 1 5 PY. xxxx x S t anfo r d Slonn Program Visit to ARC - 7 February 19 73


    ( Dennett) John T. Bennett Deputy D irector, U.S . Embassy United states Depart.~nt o~ State San to Domlna,lo

    Harvard University BA. Go v e.rnmen t NS A"ricultural Econo~ lc s PhD Ag riculturaL Economics

    (8er~hoLd) Jose h P. OerRho l d Vice Presid@nt, Finance Six FLaMs , Inc. Los An a e l es , Califo rnia

    New Yor k University B.A . Liberal Arts MuhLenberg CoLlego W.B.A. Corpora ti on Finance

    ( Cha ) Payso n N. Chll 0 1 rector Unit ed NL@erlan TextILes , Ltd. Lafi:0s, Nijlleriu.

    O r eRon State Un iv ersIty 8 . S . Business Administration

    ( C ll.t 'ton) Geor~ e p . C LI .fton , Jr. DistrIct M'tll n a ;;l er PacifIc Gas S ELect r ic Co.pany San Pronclsco, Cali~ornla

    i:lar-tneL t ColLeg e

    A.A. Business Administration University o~ CaLl~ornl a BerkeLey B . S . BusineSB Administratio n

    ( Cornell) Kent N. CornelL PLan t ~ana'per Kaiser Aero~pace G ELec-tronlcs Corporatio n PaLo ALto, Cnllrorla

    Stanford Un iversity U. S . E.E. BLectronics



    3 .1

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    3 .1

  • )



    JCN 9 FEB 73 L:L SPft xxxxx Stantord Sloan Progranl Vlslt to ARC - 7 February 1973

    ( Cusick) Joseph D. Cusick Chief , Operations Policies S Procedures United States Air Force Sunnyv ole, Cal I~ornla

    Stlln~ord University A. B. Naval Sclence/Communlcatons University o~ Santa C l ara U. B. A. Industrial Management/Economics Univerity o£ Son Francisco

    ( D i ckinson ) Robert V. Dickinson Ass i s t ant Directo r, Accountin~ Machines The S l n~c r Company San Leandro , Cu l i~ornia

    University of Ca~11ornia Berkeley A. B. Physics Uni v ersity 01 Washington ~ . S. Physics

    (Dumm' Robert J . Dumm Chai r man 01 thp Board M~blte Industries , Inc . Cucamon~a , California

    Lon~ BeeCh City Cotle~e A. A. Business Administration UnIversity o~ Calilornia L . A. B . S . Business \dministration Cal i fo r n i a State Colle~e at Long Heach

    ( Pur ubayashi) Xlyosh i Furubayash j Chief Staff of Lahor Rela t ions & Plunn J n a Nippon Steel Corpo r at~on Tokyo , Japan

    Un iversity or Tokyo B. A. PublIc Law

    ( Roflner) Carleton C . Ilo~fner, Jr . Maintenance DIvisIon Director United States Navy San Bruno, C~lI1orni6

    United States Naval Academy B . S . Marine En~ ineerlng Rensselaer Poly~echnic [nstitute


    31' 1


    3g 1


    3h 1

    3 l

    3 i L


  • )


    JCN 9 FFR 73 1:1 5PN xxxxx Stan~ord Stoan Progra. Visit to ARC - 7 February 1973

    B ~ C.E. CJvIl Fn~lneerlng Unlversi.ty o~ VJr~ inla

    (Jouhki) L. J. (Wylle) Jouhki Personal Assistant to the President Oy K:AUKAS Ab Lappeenranta , Fi.nland

    The HeLsinki School o~ EconomicA 8 Uusines9 Ad.Jnistru.tion B.Sc ~ Y"u.rketinu N. Sc . Business Nana8ement Tronsportation

    ( Keller) Geor~e 8. Keller Serv i ce Requlrclftents Advisor Internotional busineAS Nachines Corporu.tioll

    3 J I


    3. I

    New York, New York 3 1

    Pace Cottege A.A .. Humanities South Texas Colle~e

    ( Xnoblauch) Lorin s W ~ Knoblauch Attorney Haverstock, Gray, Plant , Wooty 8 Anderson NL nn cu.pot J s , Minnesota

    Yale Unlvc.rsliy A.8. American Studies Harvard Law School J.D .. Law Onlvc r sty o~ Minnesota

    (Larue) Denle R. J . Larue Assistant to DIvisional Head Shell Chim le Pari s, France

    University 01 Paris B .A. Nathematics Ecole Poly technique at Lausanne

    (Lee) Charles Lee Systems EnpincerJna Manape r International Business Machines C orporation Arlington, Vjr~ lnia


    3 11


    3 ml




  • )



    JCN 9 FEU 73 1:15PM xxxxx S tan10rd S loan Program Visit to ARC - 7 February 1 ~7J

    Fisk Universit"y B .A. NothelQct.tlcs

    (Loomis) WilliaM C . Loomis Yanaaer, NucLear P ro~ rams United States Army fluntsvilie, ALabama

    Western rllinois Un iversity B.S .. Physics University o~ Kentucky M. S . 'PhysIcs

    (Lord» Robl;!rt J. Lord rn to rmation Ser vIces Ma nage r J. Gadsden Austrnli& LImited .est Ne Lbourn e . Australia

    Melbourne University B . S . Binlopy

    ( McCuen) Richard J. McCuen Superintendent, Indus trl al. EnR,ineeri I1Q General Notors Corporation McKeespo rt, Pennsylvania

    General Notors Institute B.A. Mec hanical Eng in~rin ~

    (Martinez) Manuel G. Ma rtineZ, Jr . Project EniEineer Un I t ed States Atomic Ene r ay Commission Albuquerque, New Mexico

    New Nexico S~ate Universi~y B.S.N.E ., N . S.N . E .. Mechanical En~i neerlna

    ( Woran) John A . Moran ManaAel', Manurftcturlng 6 En g ineeri ng Services Vestern Electric Company Lisle, Illinois

    Newark Coll@ge ot EnM ineerln ~ 8 . S .N. E ., M. S . N.E. Mechanical Engineering New Jersey State Teacher's Colle~e

    ( Wullln) Jero~e P. ~u llin Nana~er, Blectric Propulsion






    3q 1

    3 r


    .ls i

  • )



    JeN 9 F ED 73 1:15PM xxxxx S tftn~ ord S loan Prog ram Visit to ARC - 7 February 1 9 7 3

    National Aeronautics & Space Administration WlI.shingon D.C.

    Sprlu ~ Hill Colte~e B . S . Physics University o~ Ma ryland Ca thollc Univer s ity

    ( t,( urray) John W. Murray

    Director, DosiS" Support United S tates Army Fort BelVoir, Virginia

    Fulrlel~h Dick inson UniversIty B . S . Business Ma na g ement Manhattan Col lege Academy of Ad van ce Tra1~lc

    (N ol len) Adrlu.nuB C . Nolle n DIrector, St8~f Bu reau SAMIVOZ UertoMenbosch, Hot land

    University of TllburA N. B. A. [email protected]/Publi c Law Bachelo r o~ La ..

    ( Oosterhot.-t) Eduar d Oosterho "ft

    Executive VJce P r es ident AGO Vorzekerln pe n Amsterdam , The Netherlands

    Univ e rsity o~ Amsterdam Law School Doc tor of Law Ce rti ~ icate

    (Pedder) Roger A. Pedder We rchandl se Cont r o ll e r British Ho.e Stores , Ltd. Lo ndo n, Enflland

    Live rpoo l Un iv e r sity B.A. Economics

    (Petersen ) Rjchard H. Petersen Branch Ch ie .f National Aeronautlcs & Space Administration Mot~ett Field, Ca liforni a



    3 u 1

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    3 vl


    3w l


    3 .1


    3y l

  • )



    JCN ~ FEB 7 3 1:1 5 P~ xxxxx Stanford Sloan PrOMram Visit to ARC - 7 February 19 7 3

    Purdue UnIVers ity B.S.A.E. Aerodyna~icg Callfornia Institute at Technolog y M4S . A. E . Aerodynamics

    (Peyton) Robert P. Peyton Vice PresIdent G Treasurer Orion ProdUcts Company , lnc. Sunnyvale, Cull~ornia 3 u ~

    Stanford Universjty B . S., ~ . S. Mechanical Eng inoerlna

    (Pierson) Nathaniel H . Pierson Assistant Director , OPCC Unlt~d States Depatment of Labor WashIng ton, D.C.

    Nor Mal1 State Colle~ e A.B .. Economics Cornetl Unversity M.S. Indu s trltll Relations

    (Piloto) Alberto Pilato ChIef, Ouailty Control Depa r tment Di g ital Blectoolc Au10. ation SpA Noncallerl , Jtaly

    (atltuto S ociete Diploma Llcen Class ic, HumanIties Pilitecnlco de Torino

    3 o..:ill

    J a a


    J ab

    Laurea in Electronics 3 ab!

    (PJtsenber @erl Laurence D. Pitsenherg er Chie1, P r oject ClosIng & Servicing DivisIon United States Department at Commerce Washlna ton, D.C.

    UnjverMity of Ore~on 8. 5 . Political Science Stan~ord UniversIty LL.D. Law

    New York Unlversi1y LL. W. In~ern a tlonat Law Unlversity o f Washlng ton


    3 a c


    3ac 2

  • )



    JCN 9 FeD 7 3 1:1 5 PM xxxx x S ·tani'ord Sloan Prog ram Visi t to ARC - 7 Feb ruary 19 7 3

    ( Platas. Oscar R . Platus Research PhysJcist Lockheed Yi~ sjles S S pace Co~pany , Inc. Palo Alto, Cali~ornia

    No rt h Texas State 8.5 ., M. S . Che~i s~ry and Mathematics University of Texas M.A . Physics and Chemistry Unversity o£ Cali10rnia Berkeley

    (Porter) Lawrence E . Actin " Chie1' , Advanced Electro-Optics Techniques Croup Unit ed States Air Force Wri Mht-Putterson Air Poree Base , Ohio

    Tennessee State Unvverslty B. S . Electrical En~ lneering Un iv ersIty o~ Dayton W. B. A. Bu ~Jness Administration

    (Rollin' Pierre N . Rollin CODiptroller GERVAI S DANCN

    3 a d

    3 od1

    3 a e

    J ae t

    CourbevoJe, F rance 3a£

    Lycee Co.rno1 B. A. Nathe.tics G PhysIcal Sciences Lycee LouJs-ie- Grand

    ( Rouvln) I'tlll.lppe E . Rouvin Commercial Yu n Q~er SERIC - SUD Lunal, France

    Lycee de LUNEL 8 . A. GeneraL EdUcation UniversIty of Montpellier Cert i fIcat e , Mathematics Ecole Speclate des Travaux Publics CivJ 1 Eng ineer, Bui l ding and Public Yorks rnstitute National de Gestion Previslonnel~e et de Contro Le de Ges~lon I.e.G. - Paris

    ( S antos ) Edward A. Santos Mechanical Eng Jneer


    3 01'1

    3 a g

    3 a g 1

  • )


    JCN 9 PFB 7 3 1: 15PJoI XJI["XX S tan~ord Sloan Prog ram VisIt to ARC - 7 February 19 7 3

    Un 1 t ed 5 to,. tes -De tense Supp 1y Ag ency HartLord, Connecticut

    University or Connecticut B . S . Wechanical En g ineering University of Hartro rd

    (Schreiber) David A. Sch relber Sales Director Schre i ber Wood rndus~ries Ltd. London, EnM1and

    Hebrew University Study Course , Compara tive Ha li a ion and Talmudica l S tud ie s London Colleae o~ P urniture Diploma, Dcsl~l\ S Technolo~y

    ( Sha rp) Ste rtin " E. Sharp Factory ~anajler Hi -Shear Corporation Torrance, Cal ifornia

    American Ya na@ement Associa~ion University o~ Call~ornja L.A.

    ( Stone) Eu pene E . S~on e , IV Executive Vice President Stone Wanutact urin g Company Greenville , Sou th Caro lina

    Unlversity u£ South Carolina B.S . liuslness O~~ic~r Candidate School, United s tate s Navy Commission, En s l Kn

    (Swab) Rohe rt N. S wab Airlift Mi ssion Area Manager United States Air Porce Wriaht-Putterson Ai r Force Base , Ohio

    Pennsylvunia State Unlversity B . S . AeronauticaL Engineerin ~ M. S . Aeronautical E n ~ in ee ring Air Fo rc e [ns~i~ute of Techno loMY Ohio Sta t e Unversjty Wri g ht-State Unlv e r sity



    J uhi

    3. '

    38. l1


    3aJ 1

    3 ••

    :Jak t



  • )


    JCN 9 F EB 7~ 1:1 5PM xxxxx S tanrord S Loan Prog ram Visi~ to ARC - 7 February 19 7 3

    (Terul) Akio Assiatnnt Nana s ert Plannin g Department Oalkyo Oil Company, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan l a m

    Keio GiJuku UniverSity B . A. Economics

    (Veley) Burk~ R. Veley Controller Intera110nat Business Machines Corporation Pou8hkeepsie, New York

    Lycotllio " Colte6!l e B . A. Accountin i(

    ( Wachob ' James R . Wachob Forel~n Service 0~11cer Deputy Chiei' of )liaslon Unltpd State De p art Ment o~ State Washing ton, D.C .

    Ileed Co lleg e B.A. PolItical Scj e nce University ot Utah

    Notes: (notes,J:xbC )


    .J am 1

    J an

    3 a01

    J ao

    3 0.01


  • · .




    JCN 9 FER 7 3 1: L5PM xxxxx S tan~ord S loan Progra ~ Visit to ARC - 7 February 19 7 3

    (J143 431 7-FEB-732 1: 26 ; TI tle: Autho r( s ): Norton, Jame s C./JCN ; Dlstrlbu-tion: Engelhart, Douglas Co, Wa t son, Ric hard 'if ., By rd, Kay F ./ DCE llWW KFB; S ub-C ollections: SRI-ARC; C Lerk: JCN ; Ori4!Jln! (NORTO N)SLOA N . NLS;l , 7-PEB-7 3 2 .1: 24 JCN;.


  • Jl 8 - FEB- 7 3 1 2 : 32 14344

    ) 181S IS A TBST 1




  • Jl g - FBB-7J 12: 3 2 14344

    ) (Jt4J44 ) 8 -F EB-?3 1 2 : 32 ; Author(s): IseLl, John/Jl; Distribu ti on: Isell, John/Jr ; Sub- Col lec tions! NIC; C Lerk! JJ;



  • KEY 8 - FEB-73 16 : 2 1 t 434 5 ~inal Imt~c protocol (?)

    this document supercedes any previous sJ mltar docu~entM



  • )



    KEV 8-FEB-73 16:21 L4 345 linal i ml ac protocol ( ?


    IF tracking coordinates THEN

    send( esc 44B X X Y Y ); I. I

    I F keyboard input THEN I b

    C ASE cha r OP 1bl

    =CA, =CD , =CDOT ~ = t D, = t n , =tX : I b l o.

    sen d( esc 45[1 cho.r+l40B X X Y Y 'i Ib l o.l

  • )



    KEV Q-F F. B-73 16 :21 14345 final imloc protocol (?)

    BEGIN 3 bl

    IF mouse bu~ton and keyset/keyboard lor known caB e s hirts

    (000, 100, OlO, llt) THEN appropria.te translatIon Jb2 a

    IF mouse bu1.ton and keY8et Lor unknowo case shi fts THEN 3 \> 3

    BEGIN J bJ a

    when first charac~er ot unknown caseshLft is struck then 1.he user proprom will receive the ro~lowlng two character sequence (one character ~or each bin): 3hJ b

    (200B+,noU80 buttons) (kcyset+14 0B / keyboru.d char)

    ~or succeedin g characters o~ the same unknown c aseahitt, the user proSt ram wIll see o nly the sec o nd of tlH~s e two characters, i.e.

    (keyaet+l40 H / keyborad char)

    ot the end o~ the unknown caseal,ift, i.e., at the transi~lon Lrom an unknown ca.seshlft to n known setting 01. the mous e buttons, one olpht-bit cha.racter wilt be sent:


    IP mouse button(s) down and u p w1tout any intervening typin~

    THEN appropriate char

    ... ouse buttons char sent 11 no 1nterven1n~ typin g

    001 tD (command accept)

    010 tx (command delete)

    011 t a (center dot)

    100 tA (backspace char)

    LO I at hnode

    110 tw ( b ackspace .ord)



    3 b Jc

    3 h 3c l

    J b Jd

    3 b J d 1


    J b4a


    Jb4 a 2

    3b4a 3

    J b4a4

    3 b-4a5

    J b4u b

    3 bel a 7

  • )



    KE V 8- FEB-73 16 : 2 1 14345 rlnal i_lac protocol (?J


    NOTES :

    111 mecbanism)

    nothln ~ Is sent ( this La an escape

    conrdinates are only available through II. separate .Ja ys




    3c 3d

    3d I

  • )



    • •

    KEY 8 - FEH-73 16: 2 1 14345 final Lm1.uc protocol (?)

    ( J1434S) 8 -F ED-7 3 16:21; T it l e : Author(s): Victor, Kenne th E . (Xen'!K EV i Distrlbution: Wa llace , Oonl,ld C . ( S mokey), Ferguson , Fer ll R •• (rhy, H . Charles, Deut sch , L. Peter/dew wrl ch i lpd Sub-Co llections: S~(- ARC ; Clerk: KE Y; Ori ~ ln: NO~E-ON-IMLAC-P ROTOCOL.NLS;6, 8 -F EH- 73 16 :1 9 KEV ;

  • )



    TNLS shou~d prInt cont rol characters like DNLS. does nothing special about tbe~ now .


    LPD 7-FEB-73 22:10 14346

    It a pparently


  • )


    LPD 7- FEB-73 22 :1 0

    (J14346 ) 7-FEB-'7322:1 0 ; Title: Author(s): Deutsch , La Peter/LPD' DIstribution: lrby, R a Chartes/NP; s ub-Col lection~: NtC NP ; C lerk: LPD ;


  • )



    LPD 8 -FEB-73 8 : 0 9 Let's encourae e use o~ Journal 10r NLS/NPS desi g n record

    [ think NWDT and NN"RT should be rdents. ThLs will encourfl g e people to u se the Journal fo r dialo g ue in the NLS- MPS de~J g n process. [think this could p r ovide 0 1asclnatlna record of the process which could teach us considerehle about how desl @n s are arrived at and aLso a Ll eviate the usual problem o~ n01 knowin g a year l ater why Bome1hin~ was done that way.


    t 4J 47


  • )



    LPD 8 - PEB-73 8 : 09 Let's encoura~e use of Journal for NLS/NPS desi g n record

    (..J14347 ) 8 -FE B-7 3 8 : 09 ; T L t Le: DistributIon: lrby, H. Charles/CHt;

    Author(s): Deutsch, L. Pc te_r/LP D; Sub-CollectIons: NI C; C lerk! LPD;


  • )




    NAP 8-~ EB-73 10: 27

    re CaS. modet(t?)lng S 8iM toots , we have some vag uely rela~ed there was a recent theSis on Perfor ltla nce Evaluation of Mu lt iprog rammins Time-Sha ring Sys tems whIch was based on a mode l. but the Technical Repo rt costs S4 . do yo ul they wan t J t enough 10r lIIe 1:0 scnd It (i can .find the 54 at -thi s end , but the question is does anybody really care enou~h ~o r me to do so) . we ha ppen to have copl. e s

    ot sittina around . but by and larRe ba~eB,)ec Latly toolwise . ho.ever, 1 sort of affirmative, i ' m send ing a TR that

    it's Ilot partlcularly our thou~ ht I'd try . 0 make some

    r esponse . wha t else Is n ew? the UnIfied User Level

    [ have another dra1t In t he mi ll on

    Protocol, but it ' s nowh e re near so fa ncy as Walden ' s thi ng or ~ho~aB · S . oh we l l. cheers , map




  • ,




    MAP 8- FEB-73 10: 27

    (J1 4J48 ) 8 - FEB-73 10:27; Ii tle: Author(s ): Padli psky , Mi c hael A./MAP; Di stributIon: Postel. , Jon6:t han B . /JDP; S ub-Co ll ections: NIC ; C l erk : MAP ;

    1434 8

  • )



    NJN 8-FEB-73 6 !S2 the co~petitlon

    Dav e - - r ~o l a Journal item ~ro. Jean J ee li o~ MItre tod~y_ You ni g ht .ant to look at It, (JJOU RNAL , 14326, 1:.,. The fifth item 01 contents .j~ht be ~iving us 90me competition, or else we might borrow ~rom the~ savIng ourselves 8o~e work.

    Do you think it i s anything to worry about?





  • )



    NJN R- FE8-73 6 : 52 the cOPlpe tition

    (Jt4349) B-F EB-736:52; Title: Author( s ): NeiguB , Nuncy J ./ NJN ; DistrIbution: Crocker, David H./DHC; S ub-Co llections : NIe ; Clerk: NJN;


  • )



    PJK 8-PEB-73 &:39 1435 0 NEW MAN/TEALWING G~OUP






  • PJK S-f' EU-73 6 : 39 14J50 NEW WAH/TEALWINC GROUP

    ) (Jl4350 ) 8 - FEB-7 3 6 : .39 j T It le: Author(A): cutter , Pftl!l J . Klot z / PJ;" ; ~lstributlon: North , J eanne B./J RN ; S ub-CollectIons: Hie; Clerk: PJK;



  • )



    PR 8 -FEB-73 9 : 54 Cost at Text ]nsertJon with NLS.

    This Is a record o~ som~ .easur~.ents r have taken last mon~h . 1 understand that CharLes has i _p roved qui te signlflcantly t he R or text insertJon wl. th TNLS and p lans to Introduce the same improveMents in DNLS a lso. When ~he latter is completed we s haLl repeat uLl ~heB e measure.en~s and report on the real .agnitude ot these Im p rovements.


  • )



    PR 8 -PEB-73 9 : 5 4 1 4 351 Cost of Text [nsertinn with NLS.


    In troduction

    We are estimating that, nn the averag e, 3() to 50 '" o.f the CPU tIme spont In NLS Is required for text insertion. Renee , it is a ~8Jor expense in running NLS and there10re it is an import~nt area to consider ~or effective cost



    cutting , continued research and even possible optlmi~atlon . 1a1

    We have made Borne rough measure~ents of input tiMes to deliminit better the magnitude o£ the problem by identi£ying the rna.lor lac t ors a1fectin g cos~s and oblain some ~lrst eBtima~es or CPU r equirements ~or text input with DNLS, TNLS . and DEX. We are recordin g here our observatIons and Kive our pretiminary conclusions.

    Summary o~ Results

    Under presently prevai ling conditions (usually a load a v era~e above 4), the a v e rage marginal CPU ~ime required to insert text into an NLS ~ite are 10 msec per charac~er wIth TN1..S and 30 msec per character wi th DNLS. Thus, assuming that ~he cost of CPU time is 10 cents per s~con d ( $6 per minute ), the cost for inserting one charac~er with TNLS is .1 cent and . 3 cenl wIth DNLS. This is indeed s~Lll quite expensIve.

    DEX is not less expensi v e eitber. Th~ marg inal cost o~ inserting text with DEX is a~9o around 1 0 meec per character. There~ore, as far 6S cost is cncerned, it is roughly equlvalen~ to TN L S (the latter is less expensive when run at ni g ht). Hence, presently, DEX should be considered strictly as a load shif1.lng device allowin g us to delay some runs l rom the daytime period to ~he slaCk periods Under any other circumstance, TNLS Is probab l y both less expensive and more convenient.

    We have observed that the C?U with NLS is a fUnction ot the

    time required to Insert text follOWing three factors:

    1) the number 01 characters (Obviously), 2 ) the average load factor (up to 30% variation), and J ) the typin g rate (up to 25~ varIation).

    In the ~ollowln ~ table we g ive eBtlm~tes of the times it wi 1 t take to lnsert N characters in t o lln NLS 1:i Le under various operatJne, conditions . The detailed measuremcnts







    1 bJa

  • )



    PR B-fER-73 q : 54 14351 Cost o .f Text inse rtion with NLS.

    ~rom which these conclusions are drawn are g iven below . These meftsure.en~s have been plo~ted In the charts 1 to 4 in 'the docurnent XDQC II , 13352 which Jtlust rate qui te clearly that the CPU times are indeed linear functJons o£ ~he number o~ characters.

    Load Average ). Load Average ). Load Avera J,:! e (_

    Slow 'typing No r ma 1 Typing Fast Typin g

    TNLS 300 + 13 • N 300 + 10 • N 300 + 6 • N DNLS 700 + 36 • N 700 + 30 • N 700 + 2. • N DEX tl,500 + 10

    • N where the 'times are expressed in milliseconds and N is the


    number o~ characters to be inserted. Ib5

    ~ecorct o~ Measurements

    t) TNt.S

    Number 01: Charucters

    0 151 210 510 560 850

    1,000 1.4 t 0 l,530 2,000 2,000 4 .. 77 5


    2 I DNLS

    Number o~ Characters

    CPU Time per Tinte Character (sec) ( tasee )

    . 3 1.3 6 . 6 2 . 2 9 . I 5 .6 10.3 3 . 5 6.0 7.9 9.0 8 .7 8.4

    15.7 10.8 17. 9 Lt. 5 lI.8 5 . 8 25 . 5 1 2 .6 42.7 8 . B 98.2 B.O

    CPU Time per Time Character (sec) ( msec )


    Load Avera-ee

    1.6 >4 ). 1.2 2 . ' 4 )4

    )4 1.6 4.6 4.1 4.1

    Load Average

    I e




    Icl b


    No tes


  • PU 8-F EB-7 3 9:54 14J51 Cost of Tex1" inse r tion w ith NLS .

    ( ) 0 . 7 )4

    10 0 4 . 1 34 . 0 )4 s lo w typi n g 15 1 4 . 3 24 .. 0 1.1 1ast typ in g 210 6 . 6 28. 1 )4 -£as t typing 500 L8 . 1 35 . 2 )4 slow t ypi n g 560 1 .3 . 7 24 . 5 .1 5 "10.9 1. typin g 640 20.9 31 . 5 3 . 0 1'ast typIng 850 20 . 6 24 . 2 .1 2 "t'R.S t ty ping

    1,000 32 . 9 32 . 2 )4 slow typin g lc2b

    3 ) DEX ( sec ) ( mace 1 le 3

    Nunb er o~ Load Cassette DEX Total Time per Charac ters A v erage T Jme ( 1. ) Time ( 2 ) Time Character"

    ( sec ) ( gec ) ( sec ) (mace)

    J 1. 86 2 .4 9 . 1 11. 5 151 1. t 2 1.8 10 . 8 12 . 6 560 J .7 5 2 .7 12. 8 15.5 850 4 .. 10 4 . 3 11. 9 16 . 2

    1,720 J .. 5 7 6 .0 15 . 2 2 1. 2 1 2 . :1 I , 9 10 .73 6 . 2 16 .1 22 . 3 1,910 . 73 6 . 6 16 .. 1 22 . 6

    ) 2 , 000 2 . 24 7.1 17 .. 0 24 . 1 12 . 0 2 , 200 1 . 5 7 7.6 18. 6 26 . 2 11. 9 4,"1'7 5 1.05 14.5 29.3 43 . 8 9 . 2

    12,300 1.34 34 . 5 51.1 85 . 6 7 . 0 le 3a

    Notes: l e3b

    ( I ) CPU tiNe require d to run the tape into t h~! system. ( 2 ) Tillie required to process th e seq u en tl .... t tite. lc3bl



  • )


    PR ~- FEB-73 9 : 54 1435 1 Cost 0.1 Tax t Tnser LJ on w i th N L S.

    (Jt 4J51) R-FE B- 7;J 9 :54; Tit le: Au1:hor ( s ': Rech , Paul/PR; Dls1:ributlon:«n , Cdro l D., Lee , S usan R ., Michae l, EL i zabeth K., Dorn bush , Charles P ., A RC , Gues t 0 ., Fe lnler , E LIzabeth J . (Jake ), Handbook , A\I~mentatlon Rese arch, Ke ll ey , Kirk R ., We yer , N . Dean, Dy rd, ~ay F ., Pra~he r, Ra l p h, White, Ja mes E . (Jim) , Val l ee , Jacques F ., Kaye , DIane 5 ., Rec h, Pa ul , Ku dl i ck , MIchael D., Fe r ji u son , Ferro: P ., Lane , Linda L., Auerbach , War Jlyn F ., Bass , Wu lt, Engelbart , Doug las C ., Hard ema n, Heaure~a rd A., Ha r dy , Wa rtin E., Hopper , J . D., Irby , H . C h a rl es , Je rnI gan , Wil E., Leht.all , Harvey G., No rth , Jeann e B., Norton , James C., Page , CI n dy , Paxton , WilLIam H., Peters, J eftr{'Y C., R!;L tll:ff, Jake , Van De R J at , K., Van Nouhuy s , Dirk 1I. , Vi ctor, Xenneth E . (Ken ), Wa llac e , Do ntl.l d C . ( Smo keY), We t so n, R ichard W., Anrlre ws , Do n r./ s rl- arc ; Sub-Co LL ecti ons: SR I-ARC ; C l e rk: P R ; Ori ~ Ln: (RECH)TEXT . NLS ; 8 , 8 - F8B- 7 3 9 : 36 PR ;

  • !




    RMS 8 -FBD-73 14 :1 1

    S mok ey , Did you ge t lIIY .iournlll message re : J,ntac sett in gs ? --- Ron S touR ht o n



  • I


    r )

    RYS R-F EB- 73 14 :1J

    (;]14352 ) 8 -FER-7314 :11; Author(s): S toug hton, Ron~ld ~ ./ R~S ; Distribution: WHllaco , Donald C . (Smokey )/ DCW; Sub- Collectlons! NI C ; Clerk: RMS;

    14 352

  • l )



    WPJ 8 -F EB- 7 3 15 : 34 response to John Pickens' 15 and 24 notes

    Memo for John Pickens:

    John, [ have received your journal no1:es o~ 15 and 24 January 1973. There is no Simple answer, lik e " yes" . The best 1 can do you your 'resource evaluatnt'S' Is to fo rward your Journal note to the ~wo parti es that deat with contracts tor 14 and TSS/360, respectiv ely . That I suspect w1tl b~ unsuccessful because the two systems are so h eav ily loaded that unless you hove a fa l rly high level charter (0 pursue the work you _il i be denied access. The rtllac facility components are by reserVation only even .. 1 th a user id and pass-word . /:It this time

    There is insuf~iclent ' m~al' lor you

    to make a fair evaluation of the facility anyway. With respect to TSS/360, it is lo aded wIth p.ood ies bu t overutil i zed so we are depending hea viLy on outside resources such as UCLA dnd L B L. You must have dolLars too with the 360/67.

    I~ you and you alone de s ire to use my TSS/360 account r am willing to do that untIL you can get a purchase re queRt approved but I would not he .. J.Lllng: to have others doing so. In ~act, per-

    This .ou"ld g ive you a feel for our sys t elD .

    haps we could combine ~orces on a small p ro .jec t o~ intprest to rne lind 1 would be h appy to pay ~or it. That effort would concern itset1 with determining £I.le transfer data rates ~rom alta to si te. loadi ngs and di£~erent hours of ~he day . Interested????

    At dJfferent system

    Flease let me know if this effort i s r equired ~or your f orthcoming paper at the San Francisco con~erence? If so , we'd better ge t moving . Otherwi s e, my study .1lt be a cont inuing one wIth ec ro"ln (ol importance as thl.! number of persons who use the netWork for applications work g rows.

    Probably a lot more by the time you road this



  • WPJ 8 -FRB-73 15 : 3 4 14353 r esponse to John Pickens · 15 and 24 notes

    ( ') Cheer s w ••

    Bill Jones




  • )



    WPJ 8 - FER-13 15:34 response ~o John Pickens' l 5 and 24 notes

    (J14353) R- FEB-13 15 : 34 . Title: Autho~(s): Jone s , William P./VPJ; Distribution: Pickens, John R ., Jones, Wi lliam P., Hathawuy, A. Yaylle , O'Sullivan, Thomas/JRP(-tor your action) WPJ (copy to me ) AWH(ln:f'o only) TO; Sub-Collections: N1C; Clerk : WP J;


  • MEL OVN 9-PEB-13 10:11 14354 netwo rk course


    this is a practice ~ile


    ( )

  • )



    ME L DVN 9 -FEB- 73 10: 11 network course

    14354.NLS;1, 9- .FEB-73 23:53 xxx. TJtle! Author(s): Lemoro, Nario E., Van ~ouhuys. Dirk H./NEL DVN; Distribution: Walker, Don E., Auerbach, Marilyn F . /DEW NFA; ~eywordB: eerlment; Sub-Collections: SURe; Ohsoletes Document(s): 1383 4. Updates Document( s): 13833; Clerk: DVN; ari~in: (eUEST)NAHU.NLS;l, 9-PER-73 9:58 MEL


  • MEL DVN 9-FE&-73 10:11 14354 ne1:work course

    this is a practice fite 1



  • ,. ,



    WEL llVN 9-FEB-73 10:11 14354 n(!tw(lrk course

    (J14354 J 9-FEB-73 10:11: Title : Author(s): Lemaro, Maria E. , Van Nuuhuys, Dirk tI ./ URL DVN ; Distrlbution: Walk.e r" Don E. , Aue rbach, Narilyn F ./ DEW MF A; Keywords: ceriment; SUb-CollectJons: SURGj Obsoletes Documcnt(A}: 13834; Updates Document(s ): 13833; Clerk: llYN; Oriain: (GUEST>YARU.NLS, l, 9-FEU-73 9 : 58 MEL;

  • )



    AAW 9-FEB-73 5:45

    AAM 5-PB.B-73 14:43 14285 Getting lots of P~ECES OF A S INGLE DOCUHENT printed out Message : Dear Charles ,

    [ want to print out the Whole TNLS USArs Guide on the Odec Printer attached to ~y TIP. [would like to use sendprlnt since thate ~he on~y way 1 know to get nlcely-1ormatted output. ~n10rtunately, the TNLS Users Guide I s In many di~feren~ ~lles (userauldes,7470 use r guldes ,7471 •• • ) and , as we now know, not only Is ODP somewhat stow but wItl also g o Into a state of suspended ani.atloni~ there is any slgni~lcant load . Even it this WBRNT true I tm not particularly enthusiastlc about typing all the nalltes 0.£ the pieces of the Users Guide Jnto the system; l·m even less enthusIastic If each bIt of typin g has to be done ~any minutes (or hours) aiter the las~. This Is a specl1Jc Instance o-.f a lJeneral problem of ~ettln l; hardcollY of documents (others are Resource Notebook, Protocols, Journal Users Gulde , etc. ) Is there a Meneral sotutjon? "cookbook"? Regards, Alex McKenzie (ident=aawl *****Note: Autbor Copy*****

    Commen~s: Sent to CHr and NP


    J~ 90, can you give me a




  • AA W 9 -F EB-7 3 5 :45 14355


    (J14355 J 9 - PEB-7 3 5 : 45; Ti tle: Author( g ): McKenzie, Alex A./AA/:I..; Distribution: White , James E . (Jim)/JEW; Sub-Cotlections: Nlei Cle r k : AA N;



  • CGH 9-FEB-73 11: 55 14.J56

    ) to ,"olvln: [

    t~ON: chris (cgh) Aloha Systems 2

    recleved your messa@e . 3

    1 don't exactly know what you need to ~lve him an id 4

    but the 1oLlowlg in~o rNatlon maybe useful 5

    name: Dr. Franklin F . Kuo 6

    title: Director of Aluha SysteM research project at University 0 1 Bawall 7

    address: 2540 Dote Street 8

    UniVersity ot Oawa1i 9

    Honolulu flawail [ 0

    96822 II

    8u~.IIested iden .= FFK' [ 2

    ) I don't know what else. [3



  • · ..

    \.. )



    CGH 9 -FEB-73 LL: 55

    (J1 4356 ) 9-FEB-1J 11 : 55 ; Author(s): Ha rri son, Chrls t ophe r G.ICGH; Distribution: Me lvin, John T./JT~; S ub-Collections: N1C; C lerk: CCR. Qrl~ln: (ALOHA>JTM . NLS ;t, 9-F EB-73 11: 20 CGH ;


  • )


    J8P 9-F E8-73 22:59

    olex- - ok by me to awltch to p ics to r e vers e dates or e v e n to s hift date so~ewhutt 1 will talk to hrAden And and call you monday.


    l4 35 7


  • .' ,

    ) (JI4351) 9 - PE8-'7 3 22 : 59; DistributJon: McKe n~ le, Alex



    J8P 9 - PEB-73 22 : 59

    Author( s ': Pos tel, Jonat hal' B./J ap ; A./AAW; Sub-Coll e cti o ns: NJ C; Clerk : ORC;


  • )



    DHC 9 - PEB-73 23:17 Pun, gumes , news, and prog ress.

    Jemn, Nancy NeiAuB sent 6 pointer to your RFC Journal ~eB8age about tbe Newsle1:ter. My :first response is one ot Joy that such is tlnally happenin p . My second i s to Inform you o~ my Interest/involvement in docUIlIento.tlon and user concerns. Nancy and 1 are curren1:ly working on compilin g a brief (7 7) notebook with co •• ond antl resources summarrics ~o r the various server (real sorvers, Dot Just advertised se rvers) sites , so that ono _ake ,,0 home _lth T[ and NBTREF in hand and use the Net, without needed 14 volumee Lor each site you MIGHT use. Our ettort is Just beginning and we are interested In your interest in Buch an etlort (The ettort correspunds to point 5 in your list ot the ~ewsletter'B content ' s.

    Please list me as NNC's liaison to you. You only need send the Newsletter to our Station Agent (Anitai ALC) as we have an internal distribution m~chanlsm. newe item (we are p lanning to issue and RFC on it when the phenomenon is 1'utly dealt with): lENEX uses two di~terent end ot line Indicators ( EOL -- one byte -- and CR/LP -- two bytes) While their RJS proa ra~ that s ubmits jobs to CCN only kllOWB about CR/Lf. ConsequentLy, CCN will someti~es not accep1: datu tram TENBX becuuse TENEX's record count does not mutch CCN'S. The easiest way ~o remedy the probte. is to rea.d the data flle into TBCO and then output (;U) i.1- back to II. 'lENEX tile.

    Cheers. 0/


    14 358


  • DHe 9 -FEB-73 23: t 7 t435 8 Fun. ~a~es , news, and pro g ress.

    (JI4358) 9-FB8-732.3:17; Title: Author(s): Crocker, Du.vid H./DlIC; Dlstrl.butJon: I.sell, John!Jl; sub-Collections: NIC ; Clerk : ORC;



  • )


    DLS 9 -FEB-73 8 :1 5 RADC TRIP TO ARC

    I wil L s turt III file (s-tons,sabpitch,) whlcb you cu.n look at anytIme; which wIll contain .y thoughts on the presentation .


  • )



    DLS 9 -FEB-73 8 :15 RAUC TRIP TO ARC

    The Sclentl~ic Advisory Board ( S AB) iB visi~ing R ADC on the L3S14th 01 March . The SAB is a g roup of recog nized experts 'froID indu~try, UnIversitIes, etc whicb revjuys R&D programs and Rives reco~.endations to General Claser DCS/RSD;le, expand, cancel, reorlen"t, scale down/up , etc . Thls years board consist o:t:

    WIllis Ware (Chblr~an)

    I'S8UC Neh"ulI8.

    Frank Heart

    Ke Ith Uncapher

    RADC m~naMe.ent (Bethke) has chosen to hlghllte our modest use/applIcation/evaluation o£ NLS . [have been directed to g ive a presentatIon; usIn g DNLS and the IMLAC via the DRIPS i~ at all hU80nnly possIble.

    Yr. Rethke feels that this is a pivitol presentation . It the SAB approves of thls proJect., 't9 continuence is assured :tor 2-3 years. He n caf he has requeBted we enlist your aId In preparing for thIs presentation .

    Mr. Tomalni Leeta that it is imparatlve that Mac and { vlsl~ you as soon as poslble. We can prepare ... "workin ~" pitch be:rore we Make the trip. Is next week 12th-16th convenient for you? I suspect that 2 .orki n ~ days would be su1tlclent. Any two days that are convenient to you are alri g ht wi~h us.











  • )


    DLS 9 - PE8-73 8 : 15 14359 HADC TR i P TO ARC

    (J 14359 ) 9-I

  • )



    OVN 9- FBB- 73 11:38 (n Case 01 Trouble Ca ll Ken

    I~ yoU run into I.lac trouble with monitor 1 29 . 05 , 1ee1 free to cnl1 Ken Victor at home.

    His numher is :( 4 15 ) 9E4-987Q




  • )



    In Cftse of Trouble Call Ken

    (J14360) 9 - FEB-7 3 17:38; T It te: D istribution: Lawr ence , Thomn s ( "-en), Ha ir, James H./ttl. Jc n SRIARC; C lerk: DVN;

    P •• ke y

    DVN 9 - FED-73 17:38 14360

    Au th o r( s ): Van Nouhuys , Di rk U./DVN; Norton , J ames C., Victor,

    jhb ; Sub- Coltec1ions : Kenn eth E . :HADC

  • EL2 9-F'EB-73 10: 17 1436l Journ all'lesstlp;e


    this is a com.en~ about the journal .essaKes



  • EL2 q - FHB-73 10:17 14361 Journelmeseafjle


    hi .ierry 1 aN Just pla.ylna wi th ~essaaes 1




  • EL2 9 - FE8-73 10:17 14361 JournalN8SBa.g e

    (..J14361) 9 -F EB-73 10: 17; Title: Authn r(s): Leavitt , Elsle / EL2 ; DIBtr l b utl on : Rurch~lel . Jerry D. , Kidyton , C~rol A. /..JDB CAK ; Keywords: Jerry; Sub-Col~ectio n 8 : NrC ; Cl erk: EL2 ;



  • )



    EL2 9-PBB-73 9 :58 Journal experi .. ent

    Chapter 1

    This Se ction Is my second attempt to create a file.

    sectJ on 1

    ITo all you people at RUN this is an experlrllent In formattlng"You

    .. ust use a control V for a literal carriage r etu rn when using NLS. A real carr i age return upon t ypln s acts as ft terminator. ~hls is rot her hard ge t ting used to . Section 21n NLS you can show levels and mo v e levels 1rom one lile to a noth e r. Atsn sections ilnd groups in the BIUlle way .. The on iy ppoblem is il ),ou a r e used to se t tin{t up iii. tIle w i th sections and chapte r s it is vcry dltlicutt to reVbPlp your thinking . 1 ft. go in g to play with this fJle.Section 4At this poi n t I witl start setting up levels and aSk to r viewspecs which wltl Bho. me statements and S .I.D. if I want them . so here goes .

    ~hi9 Sec tion is my second attempt to create a file .









  • )

    ( )

    BLl H- FEB-73 9 : 58 14362 Journal expert_ent

    (JI4362 ) 9 -F EB-739 : 5B; Tj 1:te: Author ( s }: Leavitt, Elaie/EL2; Distribution: Burcht lcl, Jel'ry D./JDO; SUb- Co llections : NlC; CLerk: EL2 ; Orllotln: (HRN-'rENEX)FllrDAY.NLS;3, 8-I/ EB-73 18 : 11 EL2 ;

  • )


    JCN 8-PEB-73 2J:00 COUlments on Your 1II'eckly AnaLysis Repo rt ( 14339 ,) - it Looke Good

    Brau: Your Journal document (14339 ,) is an excelLent piece of work . [~ Is readable, we ll organized and really g ives the kind of summary view we wanted. Thanks {or the go od efrort .. I have the feeling that tile format has stabllL7.ed tor the present. Lr RADC or -PR need added featureS! we can certalnly consider thetO, bu~ should discuss be~ore imp~ement'n " . [ think what you now have witt sat19~Y most of the needs expressed so ~ar •• You sure see. to bave It under control . How is the clerical par t at the process wo r king? Can you keep up wIth it? Can TNLS he u sed ••• insert gequen tlal to help w ith the load? .. \



  • )


    ( )

    JCN S- PEO-73 21:00 Comments on Your Weekly Ana~yslg Rp po rt (14339 , , - it Looks Good


    (J14363) 8-FEB-73 2 1~OOi Title: Author(s': Norton , Ja~es C./JCN; Dis~ribu~ion: Hardeman, Beauregard A., Van Nouhuys , Dirk H., Rech , Paul, Stone, Duane L./BAB DVN p~ DLS; Sub-Collections: S~r-A RC; Clerk: JCN.

  • )



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