
Women Empowerment Essay On How To Use Your Powerful Faculties For The Fulfillment Of Your DesiresWomen Empowerment Essay

While it is known that women in many parts of the world face socio-economic inequality and hardships, the truth is that they have the power to change their circumstance. In thiswomen empowerment essayyou will learn how Genevieve Behrend used the power of her rich inner resources to find meaning and love in her life.Women Empowerment Essay Introduction

It is true that not all women are born in equality and a great portion are born in hostile environments towards the female gender. Over the decades there has been great progress in advancing womens rights and fostering their well-being. Despite these advances, women are still subjected to abuse and mistreat in certain countries. For example, some are subjected to honor killings, are often denied their basic rights and face domestic and street violence. News abound as to the horrors some women face. Regardless of their situation, the reality is that every human being, men and women alike, has the power to change their circumstance in a relatively short period of time. By reading this "women empowerment essay" you will learn steps you can take right now to start changing your outside world for the better.Who Was Genevieve Behrend And How She Got Everything She Desired By Use Of Her Marvelous Mind

Genevieve Behrend was a French born American author and teacher of the study of the mind who after discovering the truth of who we are as powerful human beings with a magnificent intellect and rich buried inner resources, spent the rest of her life lecturing, teaching others and speaking out the truth.According to her book, Your Invisible Power, she was left a widow and although she was financially stable and enjoyed spare ample time with friends, she felt an inner lack of fulfillment and happiness in her life. Desperate to fulfill this void, she went out in search of a source of happiness outside her world. On her quest she stumbled upon different philosophies and religions but found no avail in any of these until she later learned that happiness is not found outside but actually inside. After reading Judge Thomas Trowards The Edinburgh Lectures, she made up her mind that she would study with him but she lacked the money and financing to go abroad to England and stay for an indefinite amount of time. Having understood that our mind is the center of divine creation and operation, she started using her higher intellect of visualization to attract the financing she needed to finance her trip abroad to England and become the only Pupil of Judge Troward. It is my sincere hope that thiswomen empowerment essayhelps as many women as possible in need to use the same power Genevieve used to reach the goals and desires in fulfillment of a happier and better life.Women empowerment essaysof all kinds discuss the hardships of women around the world without offering a scientific solution they could implement immediately to have, do and be whatever goals and desires they have.There is a power that permeates, penetrates and fills the inner spaces of the cosmos. This power is running through every women, living person, you and every single matter or inanimate object seen or unseen. Great teachers for the last six thousand years have attempted to tell us the truth that we are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. As human beings, we have an intellect and a powerful mind that controls our circumstances around us. By visualizing and creating any picture we want, we can literally attract to us any good we desire, whether it be health, wealth or happiness. Genevieve applied her new found enlightment and attracted the desired quantity of money she needed for her trip to study with Troward in six weeks from the time she started using her higher intellect.Women Empowerment Essay: How To Use Your Higher Intellect

There are three steps to creating your beautiful image.First build the picture. Second find a quiet place and let yourself totally relax and go over your picture. And third, let go and let God.Find a quiet place and visualize exactly the image of the person you would like to become or that goal you would like to achieve or the object you would like to have. Let yourself relax and go over your picture often. With faith and by law you will reach or obtain your desire. In a short period of time anyone can see the manifestation of their innermost desires. The power within you will execute your image if you hold it in your mind. By this point, women should know that whatever they picture in their mind they can achieve if they build the picture and believe. Let this "women empowerment essay" technique be the start of an enlightened life.Did you find this women empowerment essay helpful? Then you may already know this but it is recommended you check out thesegreat resourcesto learn more about the powerful resources you have lying dormant within you and how to tap into them.

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