

What does "Eve" mean?(Genesis 3:20) ! "mother of all living" ! "daughter of God" ! "new beginnings" ! "matron of the earth"

2. Who married Abraham?(Genesis 17:15) ! Rebekah ! Rachel ! Anna ! Sarah

3. Looking for a wife for Isaac, Abraham's servant found:(Genesis 24:67) ! Rachel ! Leah ! Rebekah ! Michal

4. Jacob agreed to work 7 years for the hand of:(Genesis 29:28) ! Isabel ! Gomer ! Hagar ! Rachel

5. This woman promised the Lord that if He would bless her with a son, she would dedicate the boy to Him. She later bore Samuel.(1 Samuel 1:20) ! Hannah ! Bathsheba ! Jezebel ! Leah

6. David's original wife was:(1 Samuel 18:26) ! Leah ! Michal ! Bathsheba ! Miriam

7. This woman remained with her mother-in-law, Naomi, after Naomi's husband and sons died.(Ruth 1:16) ! Ruth ! Hannah ! Esther ! Miriam

8. This woman rumored that Joseph tried to commit adultery with her.(Genesis 39:14)

! Pharaoh's wife ! Jacob's wife ! Gideon's wife ! Potiphar's wife

9. This harlot housed spies sent by Joshua to take the city of Jericho.(Joshua 2:1) ! Jezebel ! Leah ! Bathsheba ! Rahab

10. This woman married Moses.(Exodus 2:21) ! Jezebel ! Michal ! Zipporah ! Rahab

11. After David looked upon her lustfully, he had an affair with this woman that ultimately led to the death of her original husband.(2 Samuel 11:2) ! Bathsheba ! Leah ! Rahab ! Zipporah

12. This woman tempted Samson to reveal the secret to his massive strength, which she used to betray him to the Philistines.(Judges 16:6) ! Deborah ! Delilah ! Rebekah ! Jezebel

13. This brave Israelite woman became queen of Persia and used her influence to protect her people, the Jews.(Esther 7:3) ! Esther ! Ruth ! Rachel ! Naomi

14. This woman was given to Jacob as a wife deceitfully before he could marry her younger sister, who he loved.(Genesis 29:25) ! Dinah ! Michal ! Rachel ! Leah

15. The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry this woman, though she was a harlot.(Hosea 1:3)

! Bathsheba ! Deborah ! Gomer ! Rahab

16. This Egyptian woman was Sarah's handmaiden, and bore Ishmael through Abraham.(Genesis 16:15) ! Gomer ! Zipporah ! Jezebel ! Hagar

17. This wicked queen wanted to kill the prophet Elijah.(1 Kings 19:2) ! Zipporah ! Michal ! Hagar ! Jezebel

18. This woman gave birth to Moses.(Exodus 6:20) ! Merab ! Keturah ! Jochebed ! Orpah

19. This woman was turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back as Sodom and Gomorrah were being destroyed.(Genesis 19:6) ! Moses' wife ! Ishmael's wife ! Lot's wife ! Noah's wife

20. This woman was Ruth's sister-in-law.(Ruth 1:4) ! Orpah ! Michal ! Naomi ! Miriam


Who was the mother of Jesus?(Matthew 1:18) ! Mary ! Martha ! Anna ! Dinah

2. Who did Jesus raise from the dead?(John 11:43) ! Mary Magdalene ! Lazarus ! Peter ! James

3. Who baptized Jesus?(Matthew 3:13) ! Saul ! Joseph ! John ! Peter

4. Who tried to dispose of baby Jesus by making a decree that all baby boys should be killed?(Matthew 2:16) ! Herod ! Tiberius ! Pharaoh ! Augustus

5. Who was Jesus' stepfather?(Luke 1:27) ! Joseph ! Zechariah ! Peter ! James

6. Which apostle led Christ's church after Jesus was killed?(Matthew 16:18) ! Timothy ! Thomas ! Peter ! Lazarus

7. Which apostle betrayed Jesus with a kiss for money?(Luke 22:48) ! Judas ! Thomas ! Timothy ! Luke

8. Who was converted on the road to Damascus and later became one of the greatest missionaries in the New Testament?(Acts 8:22) ! Timothy ! Lazarus

! Saul/Paul ! John

9. Who would not believe that Jesus was resurrected until he saw Him with his own eyes?(John 20:28) ! Joseph ! Lazarus ! Saul/Paul ! Thomas

10. Who atoned, suffered, was crucified, and was resurrected for all mankind, making Him the Savior?(John 20:31) ! John ! James ! Jesus Christ ! Peter


Who was the first man created on earth?(Genesis 2:19) ! Noah ! Abraham ! Moses ! Adam

2. Who was the first woman created on earth?(Genesis 3:20) ! Rebekah ! Rachel ! Sarah ! Eve

3. Who built an ark to survive the great flood?(Genesis 6:13) ! Samson ! Adam ! Noah ! Isaac

4. Who parted the Red Sea and helped the children of Israel escape from Egypt?(Exodus 14:21) ! Moses ! Jacob ! Elijah ! Naaman

5. Who was the first murderer?(Genesis 4:8) ! Cain ! Moses ! Abraham ! Joseph

6. Who sold the birthright to his brother for a meal?(Genesis 25:34) ! Jeremiah ! Esau ! Abraham ! Zedekiah

7. Whose name was changed to "Israel"?(Genesis 32:28) ! Jacob ! Noah ! Adam ! Moses

8. Who is taken captive into Egypt, becomes a ruler, and later saves the country from famine?(Genesis 41:41) ! Moses ! Israel ! Joseph

! Noah 9. Who becomes the leader of the children of Israel following Moses'

death and brings them to the promised land?(Deuteronomy 34:9) ! Daniel ! Joshua ! Naaman ! Noah

10. Who had incredible strength until his hair was cut?(Judges 16:6) ! Samson ! Israel ! Daniel ! Naaman

11. Who could interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dream and later was delivered by God from a den of lions?(Daniel 6:23) ! Isaac ! David ! Daniel ! Jacob

12. Who received the ability to interpret visions and dreams because he refused to eat the king's rich food?(Daniel 1:17) ! Daniel ! Meshach ! Abed-nego ! Shadrach

13. Who killed the giant Philistine, Goliath, and saved Israel from captivity?(1 Samuel 17:50) ! Moses ! Nathan ! David ! Jeroboam

14. Which Jew married the king of Persia and bravely convinced him to reverse the decree calling for the destruction of her people?(Esther 8:3) ! Rachel ! Sarai ! Rebekah ! Esther

15. Who lost his riches, health, friends, and family, but remained faithful to God in his afflictions?(Job 19) ! Ezra ! Nehemiah ! Job ! Zedekiah


"Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."(Acts 26:28) ! Ponteus Pilate ! King Herod ! King Agrippa ! Saul

2. "Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years."(Luke 1:18) ! Mark ! Peter ! Zacharias ! Joseph

3. "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire...."(Matthew 3:11) ! Matthew ! Peter ! James ! John the Baptist

4. "If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."(Matthew 4:3) ! a Sadducee ! a Pharisee ! a Samaritan ! Satan

5. "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."(Matthew 4:19) ! Satan ! Jesus ! Peter ! John the Baptist

6. "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"(Luke 18:18) ! Simon Peter ! a Sadducee ! a rich ruler ! a publican

7. "Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss."(Luke 23:40)

! Lazarus ! a Samaritan ! one of the thieves that was crucified with Jesus ! Martha

8. "Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw."(John 4:15) ! the good Samaritan ! Andrew ! Mary Magdalene ! the Samaritan woman at the well

9. "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water"(Matthew 14:28) ! Timothy ! James ! Simon Peter ! Matthew

10. "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"(Matthew 23:37) ! Peter ! Paul ! King Herod ! Jesus


Who married Abraham?(Genesis 11:29) ! Sarah ! Esther ! Rebekah ! Ruth

2. Who married Isaac?(Genesis 24:67) ! Sarai ! Esther ! Rebekah ! Rachel

3. Who married Jacob?(Genesis 29:28) ! Rebekah ! Ruth ! Rachel ! Bathsheba

4. Who married Moses?(Exodus 2:21) ! Ruth ! Michal ! Bathsheba ! Zipporah

5. Who married David?(1 Samuel 18:26) ! Ruth ! Michal ! Zipporah ! Esther

6. Who married Adam?(Genesis 3:20) ! Eve ! Sarah ! Esther ! Zipporah

7. Who married Hosea?(Hosea 1:3) ! Jezebel ! Rachel ! Bathsheba ! Gomer

8. Who became queen to Ahasuerus, king of Persia?(Esther 2:17) ! Jezebel ! Rebekah ! Ruth ! Esther


1. When did Jesus give the Beatitudes?(Matthew 5:1) ! following His resurrection ! as He instituted the sacrament ! in the Sermon on the Mount ! while hanging on the cross

2. "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for _______________."(Matthew 5:3) ! they shall find joy ! theirs is the glory of God ! they shall find riches ! theirs is the kingdom of heaven

3. "Blessed are they that mourn: for _________________."(Matthew 5:4) ! they shall be comforted ! they shall be saved ! they shall forget ! they shall find riches

4. "Blessed are the meek: for _____________."(Matthew 5:5) ! they shall become kings ! they shall inherit the earth ! they shall find wealth ! they shall find power

5. "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for ______________."(Matthew 5:6) ! they shall be filled ! they shall always be righteous ! they shall find it ! they shall inherit the kingdom of God

6. "Blessed are the merciful: for ________________."(Matthew 5:7) ! they shall obtain mercy ! they shall obtain riches ! they shall obtain power ! they shall obtain the bread of life

7. "Blessed are the pure in heart: for ______________."(Matthew 5:8) ! they shall see God ! they shall gain power ! they shall find joy ! they shall see all

8. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for _____________."(Matthew 5:9) ! they shall find peace ! theirs is the kingdom of heaven

! they shall conquer all ! they shall be called the children of God

9. "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righeousness' sake: for __________________."(Matthew 5:10) ! theirs is the kingdom of heaven ! they shall find peace ! they shall be healed ! they shall be comforted

10. "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad: for ______________...."(Matthew 5:11) ! blessed shall be your family ! you shall find the grace of the Father ! great is your reward in heaven ! great shall be your glory

THE CREATION 1. How many days did it take God to create the universe?(Genesis 1)

! 7 ! 6 ! 100 ! 1

2. What did God create in the first day?(Genesis 1:3-5) ! Light ! Air ! Water ! Celestial bodies (planets, moons, stars, etc.)

3. What did God create on the second day?(Genesis 1:6-8) ! Plants ! Animals ! The firmament (the sky) ! Land

4. What did God create on the third day?(Genesis 1:9-13) ! The seas ! Plant Life ! Land ! All of these

5. What did God create on the fourth day?(Genesis 1:14-19) ! Animals ! The waters ! Celestial bodies (planets, moons, stars, etc.) ! Plants

6. What did God create on the fifth day?(Genesis 1:20-23) ! All animals except those that live in the ocean ! All animals ! All animals except those that live in the sky ! All animals except those that live on the land

7. Which did God NOT create on the sixth day?(Genesis 1:24-27) ! Man ! Birds ! Woman ! Some animals

8. What did God create on the seventh day?(Genesis 2:2) ! Woman ! Man ! Language ! Nothing

9. What did God think of His work?(Genesis 1:31)

! It was good ! It was glorious ! It was perfect ! It was sufficient

10. What did God call the firmament?(Genesis 1:8) ! Space ! Earth ! Heaven ! Cloud

11. What did God call the dry land and the waters?(Genesis 1:20) ! Valleys; Lakes ! Earth; Seas ! Stone; Water ! Mountains; Oceans

12. Which are the 'greater light' and the 'lesser light'?(Genesis 1:16) ! Heavenly Father; The Son of God ! Sun; Stars ! Heavenly Father; The Holy Spirit ! Sun; Moon

13. How did God create humans?(Genesis 1:26-27) ! To look like Himself ! To be beasts with the power of speech ! Through evolution of primates ! To appear strange in His eyes

14. What did God NOT command the humans He made to do?(Genesis 1:28) ! Be fruitful and multiply ! Work and be industrious ! Subdue the earth ! Have dominion over all living things

15. Which of God's creations did NOT eat plants after He created them?(Genesis 1:29-30) ! Humans ! Lions, tigers, bears ! None; all animals ate plants ! Cattle, deer, birds

16. What did God NOT do on the seventh day?(Genesis 2:2-3) ! Rest ! Create children for the man and woman ! Complete the Creation ! Bless and sanctify the seventh day

17. How did God water the plants?(Genesis 2:5-6) ! The plants didn't need to be watered to live

! He sent mist ! He sent rain ! He made the man and woman water the plants

18. What did God make the man out of?(Genesis 2:7) ! A piece of His own body ! Dust ! Stone ! Dew

19. Where did God place His human creations?(Genesis 2:15-22) ! Paradise ! The wilderness ! A garden ! Zion

20. Who named the living creatures?(Genesis 2:19-20) ! The woman ! God ! The man ! The man and the woman

21. Why did God create the woman?(Genesis 2:18) ! So she could oversee the man ! So she could serve the man ! So she could help the man ! So she could keep the man company

22. What did God create the woman out of?(Genesis 2:21-22) ! Stone ! Dust ! A piece of the man's body ! Dew

23. God's choice of material for creating the woman symbolizes what?(Genesis 2:23-24) ! Man and woman are lesser than the dust of the earth ! God wants women to be as clean as the purest of waters ! God wants man and woman to be as steadfast and immovable as

a mountain in His Gospel ! A married man and woman should live together as one united



How many books are there in the New Testament? ! 39 ! 27 ! 12 ! 66

2. What is the common name given to the first four books of the New Testament? ! the Acts ! the Gospels ! the Synopsis ! the Revelations

3. Which of the following are NOT one of the first four books of the New Testament? ! Mark ! Matthew ! James ! Luke

4. Who wrote most of the books in the New Testament? ! James ! Paul ! Peter ! John

5. Which of these are NOT books in the New Testament? ! 2 Thessalonians ! 3 John ! 1 Corinthians ! 3 Peter

6. Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles? ! Matthew ! Paul ! Peter ! Luke

7. Which of these women is mentioned in the New Testament? ! Rebekah ! Hannah ! Sarai ! Martha

8. Which of these books comes first in the New Testament (relative to the others)?

! Hebrews ! Romans ! Revelation ! Ephesians

9. Which of these books comes last in the New Testament ! Galatians ! Revelation ! The Acts ! Colossians

10. Which of the following correctly describes the first four books of the New Testament? ! the first gives the details of Christ's birth; the second, of His

childhood; the third, of His ministry; the fourth, of the last week of His life

! they are excerpts from the journals of four of Christ's disciples ! the first includes the most important commandments, the second

contains the second-most important commandments, and so on ! they are narratives about the life and ministry of Christ, written by

four different authors


"Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him."(Matthew 2:2) ! Timothy ! the wise men ! Paul ! Mark

2. "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed."(Luke 1:46) ! Mary, the mother of Jesus ! Anna ! Mary Magdalene ! Elisabeth

3. "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?"(Matthew 3:14) ! Paul ! Joseph ! Zacharias ! John the Baptist

4. "Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me."(Luke 15:12) ! Judas Iscariot ! Jesus ! the prodigal son ! John the Baptist

5. "I know not the man."(Matthew 26:74) ! Peter ! James ! Mark ! John

6. "Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?"(Matthew 27:17) ! Pilate ! Joseph ! King Agrippa ! King Herod

7. "Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away."(John 20:15) ! Martha

! Peter ! Matthew ! Mary Magdalene

8. "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe."(John 20:25) ! Peter ! James ! John ! Thomas

9. "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."(Matthew 3:17) ! Heavenly Father ! Jesus ! Joseph ! Zacharias

10. "All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me."(Matthew 4:9) ! Satan ! Saul ! Ananias ! Peter


"Thou shalt have no other ______ before me."(Exodus 20:3) ! love ! thoughts ! life ! gods

2. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any ____________...."(Exodus 20:4) ! food on the Sabbath ! graven image ! home without me ! business for thyself

3. "Thou shalt not take the ___________ of the Lord thy God in vain...."(Exodus 20:7) ! name ! thought ! life ! words

4. "Remember the ______________ to keep it holy."(Exodus 20:8) ! Messiah ! sabbath day ! kingdom of God ! passover

5. "Honour thy _____________."(Exodus 20:12) ! blessings ! women and children ! body ! father and thy mother

6. "Thou shalt not __________."(Exodus 20:13) ! drink ! kill ! sleep more than is needful ! eat meat

7. "Thou shalt not commit __________."(Exodus 20:14) ! adultery ! perjury ! felony ! forgery

8. "Thou shalt not ___________,"(Exodus 20:15) ! eat in darkness ! keep secrets ! steal

! shout 9. "Thou shalt not bear ________________."(Exodus 20:16)

! that which is not meet to be borne ! thy neighbor's burdens ! false witness ! illness

10. "Thou shalt not __________...."(Exodus 20:17) ! give in to the vainness of men ! fight ! covet ! have pride

11. To whom did God give these commandments, engraved on stone tablets?(Exodus 31:18) ! Adam ! Moses ! Peter ! Noah


How many books are there in the Old Testament? ! 39 ! 27 ! 66 ! 12

2. What is the name commonly given to the first five books of the Old Testament? ! Septuagint ! Pentateuch ! Pseudepigrapha ! Apocrypha

3. Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament? ! Adam ! Moses ! Abraham ! Noah

4. In what language was the Old Testament written? ! Assyrian ! Greek ! Hebrew ! Latin

5. What time period does the Old Testament cover? ! the time of the Messiah to the time of His death ! the beginning of man to the time of the Messiah's death ! the building of the temple of Solomon to the time of its destruction ! the beginning of man to the time of the Messiah

6. Which of these books is NOT found in the Old Testament? ! Jude ! Hosea ! Joel ! Amos

7. Which of these books is NOT found in the Old Testament? ! Deuteronomy ! Leviticus ! Revelation ! Numbers

8. Which of these books is NOT found in the Old Testament? ! Psalms ! 3 Kings ! 2 Chronicles

! 2 Samuel 9. Which of these women is mentioned in the Old Testament?

! Rachel ! Anna ! Elisabeth ! Martha

10. Which of these books come first in order in the Old Testament? ! Exodus ! Ecclesiastes ! Lamentations ! Ruth


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