
Women’s Suffrage

By Karen Rosenberger

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To discover some of the notable women involved in the suffrage movement, click on

one of the names in the table below.

Susan B. Anthony

Anna Howard Shaw

Lucy Stone

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Lucretia Mott Julia Ward Howe

Sojouner Truth

Frances Willard

Margaret Fuller

Carrie Chapman


Alice Paul Resource Page

Susan B. Anthony

Anthony never married. So, she was free to travel all over the country to speak on behalf of women and their rights. Fourteen years after her death, the Nineteenth Amendment was passed.

Anna Howard Shaw

Anna, at age twelve, took care of the family. In 1886 she graduated from Boston University as a doctor, but decided to continue working for the cause of woman's suffrage.


• All of the picture sources courtesy of The Library of Congress’ American Memory Collection.

• Text gathered and summarized from the Scholastic Encyclopedia of Women in the United States. ISBN# 0590051245

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