

Heart lifted, lifted heart, heart shifted Always gentle, somehow gentle Proud chestnut Ears calm, ears shifted, ears gentle, ears held Love shifted, love turned, gentle love Desert-proud, desert-born chestnut coat glistening, glistening chestnut coat Trusting companion, friend, comfort

Heart lifted, lifted heart, heart shifted

Always gentle, somehow gentle

Proud chestnut Ears calm, ears shifted,

ears gentle, ears held Love shifted, love turned,

gentle love Desert-proud, desert-born chestnut coat glistening,

glistening chestnut coat Trusting companion,

friend, comfort

Proud, desert-born warrior

Thundering soul Hooves pounding, Chestnut coat

glistening Proud, desert-born

guardian Love shifting, heart

lifting Always somehow gentle Trusting companion

Proud, desert-born warriorHooves pounding, Thundering soul;Chestnut coat glistening,Proud, desert-born

guardian,Love shifting, heart lifting--Always somehow gentle –Trusted companion,Proud, desert-born horse.


STEPS Open “Gush” Doc Open “Wordle Poem” Doc Open website Copy “Gush” (Apple, A; Apple, C) Paste into “Wordle” site (Apple, V) Click GO Layout:

Horizontal Max Words: 75

Screen Shot (Shift, Command, 4) Insert Image into “Wordle Poem”

TODAY (11/1/2012) Check GUSH Writing Rubric on our website HIGHLIGHT, in the color of your choice, the

FIVE GUSH entries you think are your strongest entries

Check the Rubric for BORDERS WORDLE POEMS on our website

Continue your work on that assignment

TODAY (11/5/2012) Check EMAIL for your current grades. Complete Sketches and Statements. Add THREE of your best thesis

statements to your WORDLE POEMS document.

Be sure you have: 5 GUSH writings The Other Side Gush (75 words) The Two Fridas Gush (75 words) Wordles Wordle Phrases Wordle Poems

TODAY (11/6/2012) Record/Revise your thesis statements. Choose ONE thesis statement. (Make it

bold.) Complete a free-write/gush writing on that

thesis statement … EXPLAIN it to your readers, the way you see it. (100-150 words)

Choose ANOTHER thesis statement. (Make it COLORFUL.)

Complete a free-write/gush writing on that thesis statement. (100-150 words)

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