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Wordpress Tips

A guide for authors of our class site


• Go to the site– or• Login (see the Meta list on the home page for

the login link)

Access the dashboard

• After logging in, you should see a black bar at the top of the page.

• Pull down the menu under the blog name on that black bar.• Click on WP Adminor Dashboard (at the top of the menu).

Post: where and how you’ll add your piece to the site

• Choose Post to add or edit a post.

Text Editor

• Use the text editor to format your post. You can copy/paste from Word and/or write or add elements directly.

Publish post

• You can save a post as a draft, preview it, edit it, and adjust settings from the Publish module.

• Be sure that you have published it no later than the due date & time.

Add Media inserting images and more into your post

• .• Add Media to insert a variety of file types (e.g. jpeg, gif, pdf) or embed YouTube videos.

• Avoid adding file types that require a program to view them that not everyone has, e.g. Word or Powerpoint

Edit Images & Provide credits

• When you upload an image, you can edit it and provide a credit by typing the source of that image into the Caption field.

Add links• Type the text that readers will click to activate the link. • Highlight the text.• Click the Insert/edit link icon. • Paste the full URL and always check the “Open link in a new window/tab” option.

Provide tags

• List keywords to help those looking for the topics or themes that your piece includes


• Be sure that your full name appears with your post (not your username).

• Get directions on how to change the display of your name here:

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