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Money Code

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This course is for your own personal use ONLY. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to reproduce the

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All content is protected by Copyright ©.

Income Disclaimer

This document contains business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that,

regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for


I make absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied that by following the advice below you will

make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into

play regarding any given business.

Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the

marketplace, the experience of the individual, the application of said principles, and situations and

elements that are beyond your control.

As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your

own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Liability Disclaimer

By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a

full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting

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You further agree that the author cannot be held responsible in any way for the success or failure of

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It is your responsibility to conduct your own due diligence regarding the safe and successful operation

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Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ............................

1. 0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... ..........................

2. 0 PRODUCT CREATION.........................................................................................................................

2. 1 HOW TO PI CK A TOPIC THAT SELLS........................................................................................................

2. 2 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS..........................................................................................................................

2. 3 BRAINSTORM THE TOP I C TO FIND YOUR UNIQUE SLANT........................................................................

2. 4 CREATE CHAPTER OUTLINE TO STRUCTURE THE COURSE......................................................................

2. 5 WRITE EVERYTHING YOU KNOW UNDER THESE HEADINGS ..................................................................

2. 6 BUY OTHER COURSES AND MAKE SURE YOU LEFT NOTHING OUT........................................................

2. 7 USE AFFILIATE LINKS WHERE APPROPRIATE .........................................................................................

2. 8 ADD A RELATED PROMOTION TO THE FOOTER.......................................................................................

2. 9 ADD YOUR OTHER PRODUCTS TO THE RECOMMENDED SECTION...........................................................

2. 10 INCLUDE TRACKING LINKS...................................................................................................................

2. 11 ADD THE FRONT COVER GRAPHIC........................................................................................................

2. 12 ADD A DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT NOTICE .....................................................................................

2. 13 ADD YOUR PHOTO..................................................................................................... ...........................

2. 14 ADD A P.S................................................................................................................... ..........................

2. 15 INSERT THE TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................

2. 16 CONVERT TO A SECURE PDF FILE.........................................................................................................

2. 17 CREATE MULTIPLE FORMATS TO INCREASE THE PERCEIVED VALUE....................................................

2. 18 GET SOMEONE ELSE TO CREATE YOUR PRODUCT................................................................................

2. 19 PLR PRODUCT CREAT I ON.....................................................................................................................

0 LIST SETUP ................................................................................................................ ............................

3. 1 CREATE AN AWEBER ACCOUNT..............................................................................................................

3. 2 CREATE A LIST DEDICATED TO BUYERS OF THIS PRODUCT....................................................................

3. 3 CREATE A MASTER LIST WITH AUTO RESPONDER SEQUENCE................................................................

3. 4 TWEAK THE AWEBER AUTOMATION RULES ...........................................................................................

4. 0 WSO PRO SETUP...................................................................................................................................

4. 1 SETUP AN ACCOUNT AT WARRIOR PLUS .................................................................................................

4. 2 BUY YOUR WSO PRO LICENSE KEY .......................................................................................................

4. 3 ADD YOUR PRODUCT TO THE WSO PRO SECTION OF WARRIOR PLUS....................................................

5.0 SQUEEZE PAGE SETUP AND ONE TIME OFFER SETUP ...........................................................

5. 1 CREATE THE SQUEEZE PAGE...................................................................................................................

5.1.1 Tweak WSO Pro Settings ..............................................................................................................

5. 2 THE ONE TIME OFFER PAGE SETUP ........................................................................................................

5. 3 THE DOWNLOAD PAGE SETUP ................................................................................................................

6.0 ADVANCED DOWNLOAD & DELIVERY SYSTEM TACTICS.....................................................

6. 1 STEP 1: INSTALL WORDPRESS ON YOUR PRIMARY DOMAIN....................................................................

6. 2 STEP 2: GET THE WP MEMBER CHAMP PLUGIN FOR WORDPRESS ..........................................................

7. 0 GRAPHIC CREATION..........................................................................................................................

7. 1 THE POWER OF TANGIBILITY..................................................................................................................

8. 0 TESTIMONIAL GATHERING...........................................................................................................

8. 1 THE ‘MAKE MONEY ONLINE’THREAD ………………………………………………………………..

8. 2 EMAIL A SEGMENT OF YOUR LIST ………………………………………………………………..

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8. 3 VIDEO TESTIMONIALS...........................................................................................................................

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9. 0 BONUS DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................. .................................

9. 1 MIND MAPS ..........................................................................................................................................

9. 2 TEMPLATES...........................................................................................................................................

9. 3 ACTION PLANS......................................................................................................................................

9. 4 PLR BONUSES ......................................................................................................................................

9. 5 ECOURSES.............................................................................................................................................

10.0 SALES LETTER CREATION................................................................................... ........................

10 .1 STEP 1: WSO PRE-SELL SUBJECT LINE...............................................................................................

10 .2 STEP 2: THE HEADL I NE.......................................................................................................................

10 .3 STEP 3: THE OPENING PARAGRAPH.....................................................................................................

10 .4 STEP 4: THE BODY..................................................................................................... .........................

10 .5 STEP 5: THE SOCIAL PROOF ................................................................................................................

10 .6 STEP 6: THE TESTIMON I ALS....................................................................................... .........................

10 .7 STEP 7: THE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ............................................................................................

10 .8 STEP 8: THE BONUSES ........................................................................................................................

10 .9 STEP 9: THE CALL TO ACTION ............................................................................................................

10 .10 STEP 10: THE PERSONALIZED PHOTO AND SIGNATURE.....................................................................

10 .11 STEP 11: THE POSTSCRIPT ................................................................................................................

10 .12 STEP 12: INSERT THE ‘BUY’BUTTONS..............................................................................................

10 .13 STEP 13: FORMAT YOUR WSO .........................................................................................................

10 .14 STEP 14: SPELL CHECK AND SUBMIT YOUR WSO ............................................................................

11.0 PRICING MODEL...................................................................................................... ........................

11 .1 FORMAT CONSIDERATION...................................................................................................................

11 .2 THE POWER OF 7........................................................................................................ .........................

11 .3 DIME SALE PRICING MODEL...............................................................................................................

11 .4 COMPETITOR ANALYSIS......................................................................................................................

11 .5 ONE TIME OFFER OTO PRICING .........................................................................................................

12.0 LAUNCH AND TIMING............................................................................ ........................................

13.0 THREAD MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................... .........................

13 .1 THE FAQ SECTION .............................................................................................................................

13 .2 TESTIMONIAL UPDATING....................................................................................................................

13 .3 BUTTON SCATTER...............................................................................................................................

13 .4 HANDLING NEGATIVE COMMENTS .....................................................................................................

13 .5 HOW TO REDUCE BOGUS REFUNDS ....................................................................................................

13 .6 RESPOND QUICKLY TO COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS..........................................................................

14.0 PROMOTING YOUR WSO....................................................................................... ........................

14 .1 PROMOTE TO YOUR LIST......................................................................................................................

14 .2 SEO OPTIMIZE YOUR THREAD............................................................................................................

14 .3 GET A WARRIOR FORUM BANNER AD ................................................................................................

14 .4 GET AFFILIATES..................................................................................................................................

14 .5 CREATE A YOUTUBE VIDEO AND SENUKE IT ACROSS THE NET ........................................................

14 .6 THE POWER OF SOLO ADS ..................................................................................................................

15.0 AFFILIATE RECRUITMENT ..........................................................................................................

15 .1 THE 60%+ COMM I SS I ON RULE ...........................................................................................................

15 .2 THE 100% COMMISSION TACTIC ........................................................................................................

15 .3 PM AFFILIATES A HIGH CONVERSION SWIPE FILE ..............................................................................

16.0 MAKING MONEY PROMOTING OTHER PEOPLE’S WSOS...................................................

16 .1 HOW TO PICK THE BEST PRODUCTS TO PROMOTE ..............................................................................

16 .2 NEGOT I ATE W I TH THE SELLER FOR A HI GHER COMMISSION...............................................................

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16 .3 THE POWER OF EFFECTIVE EMAIL COPY ............................................................................................

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16 .4 WRITE BLOG POST REVIEWS ..............................................................................................................

17.0 MAKING WSO OF THE DAY .................................................................................. ........................

18.0 WSO TRICKS OF THE TRADE.......................................................................................................

18 .1 SET UP SALES NOTIFICATIONS ON YOUR GMAIL ACCOUNT ...............................................................

18 .2 HOW TO REDUCE BOGUS REFUNDS ....................................................................................................

18 .3 USE YOUR WARRIOR FORUM SIGNATURE FILE ..................................................................................

18 .4 HIJACK ‘WSOALERT’FOR INSTANT TRAFFIC TO YOUR WSO ..............................................................

18 .5 BUMP YOUR THREAD ON ‘SUNDAYS’ AND ‘MONDAYS’ ........................................................................

18 .6 TITLE SCATTER ...................................................................................................................................

18 .7 RUN A CHARITY WSO TO BUILD YOUR LIST......................................................................................

18 .8 MULTI-THREADING ............................................................................................................................

18 .9 FREE WSO COMBINED WITH AN OTO SCRIPT ..................................................................................

18 .10 PRESERVE YOUR CONVERSION RATE STATISTICS...............................................................................

18 .11 WORK TO A ‘TO-DO’LIST AND DEADLINE .......................................................................................

18 .12 PROMOTE AFFILIATE PRODUCTS AS YOUR OTOS.............................................................................

18 .13 CREATE A WEBINAR UPSELL ............................................................................................................

18 .14 USE A SURVEY TO ELIMINATE THE RI SKS OF PRODUCT CREATION...................................................

18 .15 USE CREATESPACE TO LAUNCH YOUR WSO ON AMAZON.COM.......................................................

18 .16 HOW TO DEAL WITH PI RATED COPIES OF YOUR PRODUCT ..............................................................

19.0 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... ..........................

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1.0 Introduction

A WSO or Warrior Special Offer is one of the most lucrative things any internet marketer can

do online. Effectively it involves creating a product and selling it to members of the ‘Warrior

Forum’ (called ‘Warriors’) at a discount.

The reason why it is called a ‘Warrior Special Offer’ is because it should be priced lower

than the price that product is available for anywhere else online. Effectively the ‘Warriors’

should be getting a substantial and exclusive discount by virtue of their affinity to the Warrior


What makes the WSO so lucrative is the fact that it puts your product in front of an extremely

targeted list of ‘buyer’ traffic. Everyone on the WSO section of the Warrior Forum is

interested in ‘buying’ products that pique their interest. This is a key point. ‘Buyer’ traffic

will result in significantly greater conversions, than conversions arising from some other

FREE traffic sources.

And yes as you might have surmised from the last sentence there is a small initial outlay

when it comes to launching a WSO, but if done correctly you will make your money back a

hundred fold or more.

So long as your product pertains to a subject matter that interests the ‘make money online’

niche, the WSO will provide you with a captive audience and thus sales.

Some of the main reasons why you should consider creating WSOs are as following:

1. Rake in thousands of dollars in just 24 hours

Yes you heard me right. With WSOs it is possible to easily rake in thousands of

dollars in under 24 hours.

2. Build a Buyers List

One of the most powerful aspects of WSOs is that you are building a ‘buyers’ list

automatically. We all know the money is in the list but the real truth is that it’s in the

‘buyer’s lists’. WSO makes building ‘buyers lists’ a piece of cake.

3. Build a Reputation in the Shortest Possible Time

Considering you can sell thousands of copies of your WSO within a period of 7 days,

you can build a reputation very quickly. This would take a lot longer to achieve

outside of the Warrior Forum.

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4. Test sales copy and increase conversions prior to a launch

The ‘WSO’ is an excellent forum to test your sales copy and to increase its conversion

rate prior to doing a big launch.

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5. Get Feedback and generate a list of testimonials

Another advantage to the WSO is that you can build a list of ‘glowing testimonials’

that you can then use as powerful social proof on your sales pages.

Of course all this money making power comes from a blend of different ingredients,

ingredients I am about to reveal to you.

From a traffic perspective it’s like dropping a side of roast beef into a pool of piranhas.

If you develop a reputation for launching quality products, then your name becomes a brand

that people trust. If this happens often enough many people will buy your product just

because your name is on the cover i.e. they don’t read much of the sales copy because they

know that the value they are receiving far out weights the small price you are charging.

Of course to reach this level you need to churn out the highest quality products, time and time

again. The product needs to far exceed the customer’s expectations.

In order to become a Master of ‘Warrior Special Offers’ you need to follow some very

specific steps. I called these step the ‘WSO Money Code’ because that is exactly what they


If you want to get into the Vault at the bank you need to know the code. The code itself is of

little use if you are unsure of the combination. The same is true for WSOs. Yes you may

already know some elements of the code, but missing a digit here or there can be the

difference between a WSO that earns $1,000 or a WSO that breaks the $10,000 barrier.

With the WSO Money Code I have provided a complete step by step blueprint that covers

everything I know about ‘Warrior Special Offers’. Not only that but I give you the

‘combination to the safe’ and reveal the precise sequencing within which each of these steps

must be executed.

If you doubt I know the combination to the WSO Money Vault, then take a look at just a few

of the past WSOs.

WSOs like my ’10 Steps to 10K Per Week’ course that made over $11,219 in mere days:

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Or ‘Passive Traffic Machines’ WSO that make over $9,421 in a few days:

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Or ‘Video Marketing To Page One’ WSOs which have made a combined $15,726:

What these screen shots don’t show is all the up sell One Time Offer sales, cross sales,

affiliate commissions and recurring sales that I generated as a result of these front end WSOs.

Furthermore, I provided this exact ebook to a friend by the name of ‘KME Byrne’ for his

very first WSO. He followed it step by step and made 423 sales in less than 7 days. This

proves that my strategies WORK, not just for me but for anyone that follows my process


Here is a screen shot of the results he achieved by implementing my strategies:

You should be really excited right about now because you are reading THE step-by-step

blueprint that REVEALS the EXACT SYSTEM I used to generate all of these incredible


With this knowledge you can take a small slice of a very big cake that could equate to tens of

thousands of dollars for every WSO you launch.

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Take a look at the following screenshot and you will see this is one ‘big’ cake. Currently the

Warrior Forum has 3,414,787 posts, 270,869 threads and 331,777 members.

That is one hell of a lot of laser targeted buyers in the ‘make money online’ niche all gathered

together on this one site. Launching a WSO immediately puts your product right in front of

this laser targeted traffic. That translates into SERIOUS money making potential, especially

if you know the ‘WSO Money Code’.

So without delay let’s get into this course. Follow it from the first page right through to the

last page and execute the steps in that order.

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2.0 Product Creation

The single most important step in creating a successful WSO is deciding on a topic that will

induce people to take out their wallet and pay for it.

Many internet marketers make the mistake of coming up with a topic off the top of their head,

and turning that into a WSO. In effect they have put the ‘cart before the horse’. Instead of

creating a product and taking it to the target market, you need to start with the target market

and let them determine the product.

This is an essential yet rarely followed step in the process. You need to conduct market

research to see what products are selling well, and then you need to come up with your own

‘slant’ on that topic.

So the first element in the product creation process is ‘market research’.

2.1 How to Pick a Topic That Sells

One of the first places I like to look when deciding on a topic of interest, is the ‘request

offers’ section of Warrior Plus.

To get there you do the following: Sign up and login to the Warrior Plus system at Click on ‘Affiliates’ (the option in-between‘WSO of the Day’ and ‘Help & Support’) Click on the ‘request offers’ option

This will take you to a page that shows all current WSOs that are accepting affiliates. It will

provide you with detailed statistics including such metrics as; Number of sales made Conversion rate Visitor Value Average price of sale

These statistics provide powerful insights into which topics are selling the most copies and at

what prices. You can also identify the topics that are not selling as well.

Now please remember that this is just an initial indicator. This indicator is not the ‘be all and

end all’. For example if a conversion rate is low, it may be to do more with the sales copy

than the topic itself.

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What I like to do here is plug this information into a spreadsheet to get moving averages

across multiple products dedicated to that topic.

Say for example I decided I wanted to create a product on Facebook. I would immediately go

to this ‘request offers’ section of ‘Warrior Plus’ and plug answers into my spreadsheet as


All this information is copied directly from the table under the ‘request offers’ link. By

product type I am referring to the format i.e. is the product an e-Book, video course, eCourse,

Software, App, Coaching, Membership site or templates.

You will need to click through on the ‘Product Title’ and from there the ‘Product Title’ a

second time to visit the actual sales page for that product. Read down through the sales page

and you will be able to determine what product type that product is.

My goal here is to find at least 10 products pertaining to my topic area, and plug their details

into the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet came as a bonus to this course so check your bonus

folder for ‘Market Research Data.xls’.

Considering we are most interested in ‘sales’ which are indicative of a ‘buyers market’ for

that topic, we will go back to the ‘request offers’ section of the ‘Warrior Plus’ system and

click on the ‘sales’ link. This will sort topicsin descending order starting with those that

have achieved 100 sales or more.

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From there I would depress the ‘Ctrl’ key on my keyword & the ‘F’ key while ‘Ctrl’ is

depressed. This will pop up the find window. Now enter your topic i.e. in this case


In this case using ‘Google Chrome’ as my browser the find function returned 52 products

pertaining to Facebook.

This will enable you to find the top selling offers for that topic. Then plug this information

into your spreadsheet.

Pressing the down key on each occasion to jump to the next ‘Facebook’ item:

When you have all this information plugged into the spreadsheet it will look like the


I only did 5 for the purpose of this example but I recommend that you do at least 10 if


Product Title

As you can see from product title the two recurring ‘topics’ are ‘Facebook ads’ and

‘Facebook squeeze pages’. These specific topics are proven to sell. If you can devise a

unique slant on these specific topics, then you are virtually guaranteed a hot buyers market

for that product.

Product Type

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Product type is an important consideration that many marketers overlook. Many marketers

will create an ‘e-Book’ because that is what they are comfortable with, when a video series

might produce far higher conversions. I can easily see from this information on Facebook in

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our spreadsheet that videos and apps are the most popular format for successful products in

the Facebook niche.

This is an important consideration because if I went in solely with an e-Book format, it may

not convert as well as these products. This is because in effect previous product creators

have set precedence for ‘videos’ and‘apps’ on this particular topic area.

It is also because Facebook can be quiet technical, and video provides the best format for

really walking people through the steps. That is not to say however that an e-book with

plenty of step by step diagrams, would not sell as well. The key point here is that ‘videos’

and ‘apps’ are proven in this niche.

I will discuss product formats more extensively at the end of this chapter but for now, realize

how important this section of the spreadsheet is.


Generally if you have selected a popular topic area like I have here with ‘Facebook’, it is

most likely that the top 10 products will all have 100+ sales. This is indicative that there is a

strong buyers market for products created on this general topic area. If however you have

selected a topic and it is generating less than 100 sales, be weary of it.

Plug at least 10 products into the spreadsheet. If the majority of them are on 100+ sales it’s a

positive sign to proceed. If the majority is less than 100 sales, then I would be slow to go

with that topic area.

Visitor Conversion

Visitor conversion refers to the percentage of people who visit the sales page, that end up

buying. For example a 10% conversion means that 10 out of every 100 people that visited

the page, made a purchase.

The conversation rate will be more likely due to the strength of that authors ‘sales copy’ as

opposed to the topic itself. However I like to see double digit conversions for each of the top

10 entrants on any topic I’m deciding to create a product for.

In the above instance, the topic ‘Facebook’ passes with flying colors.

$ Per Visitor

$ per visitor is indicative of the value that the target market places on that particular topic.

For certain topics you will notice that the majority of products are selling with $ per visitor

value of less than $1. Obviously the higher the ‘$ per visitor’ average you can find, the more

valuable that topic is in the eyes of the target market.

Average Price

Average price is useful information to accumulate at the research stage. It will enable you to

make informed decisions as to the optimal price to charge for your product. More on that


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At this stage you will have a pretty good idea of topics that are selling well as WSOs.

Considering that the product you are creating in this course is targeting the Warrior Forum,

you can be confident after this stage you have found a topic that will sell well.

Another SMART way of identifying which product topics sell well is to visit the section of

‘Warrior Plus’ that indicates the ‘most searched’ topics via ‘Warrior Plus’.

This updates regularly and is available at the following link:

A screen shot of the current hottest topics are:

When I have identified a few topics of interest I like to head over to the Warrior Forum itself,

and run a search in that topic area.

So in keeping with our desire to do a Facebook course, I would run a search as follows to

determine the level of interest that topic is generating.

Login to your Warrior forum account and click on the ‘Search’ link.

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Click on ‘Search’ and ‘Advanced Search’

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Next enter the topic which you want to write your WSO on, in the ‘Keywords’ field

Click on the ‘Warrior Special Offers Forum’ in the ‘Search in Forum Menu’

‘Sort Results by: ‘number of views’

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Hit the ‘Search Now’ button

This enables you to see exactly how much interest this topic has generated. It is a great

indicator as to the demand for that topic.

I also use the ‘number of views’to assist me in selecting a headline for my WSO. Remember

there is a direct correlation between the ‘number of views’ and the ‘pre-sell headline’.

You can now scroll down through all the titles and topics to determine the level of demand

for each one.

Yet another stage of ‘marketing reconnaissance’ I do is to search the current hot topics on the

main Warrior Forum thread itself. So go to and click on the

‘Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum’.

Sort by ‘Views’ by clicking on the ‘Views’ column heading:

This sorts the topics by ‘most viewed’ and thus gives you insights into what topics are

generating a lot of interest. Take you time to scroll down through these topics and record

ones of interest that you come across.

The powerful point about these strategies is that you can identify problems that people are

having and design a WSO that presents them with solutions to those problems. This means

that you are giving the market what they want, and you will make more sales guaranteed.

2.2 Competitor Analysis

It is inevitable that there will be previous WSOs written on the topic you chose. I

recommend you go back into the ‘Warrior Plus’ system and under the ‘Affiliates’ ‘request

offers’ link scroll down through the WSOs pertaining to your topic, and take note of the price

and conversion rate.

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I recommend that you create an Excel spreadsheet similar to the screenshot below (Included

in the ‘Elite’ folder if you purchased the One-Time-Offer) and put an X under the relevant

headings for each related competing WSO you come across:

Once you have plotted the results onto the chart for as many WSOs in your niche as you can

find, certain patterns will appear that will guide you in the right direction. This is a scientific

way of evaluating what your target market is looking for, as denoted by cold hard sales.

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For example in the above example it is clear that the Facebook niche is dominated by ‘video’

WSOs in the $7 or less price range, with a ’30 days or less’ money back guarantee and do

include bonuses. This is just a made up example but I think it illustrates the point.

You could ascertain from this example that there is ‘room’ for a detailed‘PDF’ course in the

< $17 price range. Many people prefer reading from PDF (myself included) so by focusing

on a format that has not been frequented by competitors you could do very well.

This will give you further indication of what is already selling well in your topic area.

This is a great way to conduct effective market research in identifying topics that will

generate interest and sell well.

Just to help you focus, here is a ‘get started’ list ofevergreen topics that always sell well on

the WSOs:

1. Traffic Generation

2. Wordpress Courses and Plugins

3. SEO

4. PLR

5. Affiliate Marketing

6. Offline Marketing

7. Plugins

8. Social Media e.g. Facebook, Twitter

9. List Marketing

10. How to dominate page #1 of Google

11. Software that automates tasks e.g. article submitter

You can certainly use these as starting points to begin your research.

The next step in the process is devising a title that will give you a unique slant on the topic.

2.3 Brainstorm the Topic to Find Your Unique Slant

Once I have identified a topic that I know sells very well in the WSO arena, the next stage is

to come up with a title that will put a unique slant on the topic. This will serve to

differentiate my WSO from all the other WSOs with a common topic.

I like to draw out on a piece of paper an old fashioned brain storming diagram, whereby I will

list as many different ‘slants’ as I can think of.

Let your imagination run wild and come up with as many different keywords as you can

pertaining to the topic. They are not in any particular order, just list the keywords and topics

as they pop into your head. Of course to do this effectively you will need to have experience

on this topic.

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If you do not have any experience on this topic, then you will need to research it extensively

and consider doing a joint WSO with someone experienced on this topic. Credibility and

experience are important constructs of successful WSOs.

By drawing the spider diagram and listing topics that will be covered in the course, I then

come up with an all encompassing title and put that in the middle of the spider diagram.

So once you have added keywords at each of the points on the spider diagram, come up with

a title that is reflective of the cumulative use of those terms.

I have found using this technique is a great way to focus your mind on what needs to be

covered in the book and to come up with a catchy title that accurately reflects the courses


Please see below the spider diagram I used when planning this course.

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2.4 Create Chapter Outline to Structure the Course

Having finished the brain storming diagram, you now have the ‘fodder’ needed to create the

outline for your course.

So taking into consideration the keywords plotted onto the spider diagram, turn these

keywords into logical chapter titles.

Of course in order to do this effectively you will need to have some degree of knowledge

when it comes to the topic in question. For example as we speak I am writing this course on

WSOs off the top of my head.

As soon as I worked through the aforementioned steps to this point, I know from experience

the logical sequence with which these chapter titles should flow.

So taking these ‘keywords’ from the diagram, I devised the following Chapter outline.


Chapter 1: Product Creation

Chapter 2: List Setup

Chapter 3: WSO Pro Setup

Chapter 4: Squeeze Page & One Time Offer Setup

Chapter 5: Advanced Download & Delivery System Tactics

Chapter 6: Graphic Creation

Chapter 7: Testimonial Gathering

Chapter 8: Bonus Development

Chapter 9: Sales Letter Creation

Chapter 10: Pricing Model

Chapter 11: Launch and Timing

Chapter 12: Thread Management

Chapter 13: Promoting Your WSO

Chapter 14: Affiliate Recruitment

Chapter 15: Make Money Out of Other Peoples WSOs

Chapter 16: Making WSO of the Day

Chapter 17: WSO Tricks of the Trade

Chapter 18: Conclusion

Chapter 20: My Other Product

I would then take each chapter title and plan out the key topics that will need to be discussed

in that chapter.

Just taking Chapter 1: Product Creation as an example, here’s what it would look like.

1.0 Product Creation

1.1 How to Pick a Topic that Sells

1.2 Brainstorm a Topic to Find Your Unique Slant

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1.3 Create Chapter Outline to Structure the Course

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1.4 Write Everything You Know Under These Headings

1.5 Buy Every Course and Make Sure You Left Nothing Out

1.6 Use Affiliate Links Where Appropriate

1.7 Add A Related Promotion to the Footer

1.8 Add Your Other Products to the Recommended Section

1.9 Include Tracking Links

1.10 Add the Front Cover Graphic

1.11 Add A Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

1.12 Add Your Photo

Assuming that you are using Microsoft Word to write the course, you should use the

appropriate header tags to enable you to auto generate the table of contents at the end of the


Using our example here of Chapter 1, I would highlight the heading ‘1.0 Product Creation’ in

Microsoft Word.

Then in Microsoft Word go up to the ‘View’ option, click on ‘Toolbars’ and ensure that the

‘Formatting’ option is ticked.

From there you click on the drop down menu that precedes the type face (usually Times New

Roman by default), and select ‘header 1’ for the chapter title.

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Do the same process for the sub headings only click on heading 2 for those.

This will ensure that when you are finished your book, word will auto generate a ‘Table of

Contents’ with accurate page numbers.

I repeat this process for every chapter. I then have a very detailed and precise layout for the

entire product.

To insert the page numbers itself you go to Insert

Page Numbers


As you can see, you don’t just write a book off the top of your head. You plan it first. Start

with the keywords, formulate them into chapters, and then devise all the sub headings within

each chapter.

2.5 Write Everything You Know Under These Headings

Once I have a precise structure for the entire book, I then simply commence writing under

each of these headings. When I work through the entire process from the first to the final

chapter, I will end up with a well structured report that is brimming with useful information.

I like to write from my own experience using my own examples so I just sit down at my

computer and write everything I know about the topic, under the headings I have created.

I find I just get into a flow and the words and ideas spill onto the page. I like to use screen

shots and diagrams to illustrate my points, to ensure that my readers have a vivid idea of

exactly what I am talking about.

Sure there are instances when video might capture this better, but if in-depth illustrative

diagrams and screenshots are used, then this is the same thing.

Many of my list ask me what screen capture software I use to create the professional images

you see throughout this course. Well the answer is SnagIt. SnagIt is a very powerful and

easy to use program that adds a professional image to your product.

You can capture anything you see on your computer screen, add text to that image, highlight

elements of it, draw lines, and even ad professional drop shadows.

Some of my Mac customers were wondering is there a Mac version, and there is. It’s simply

called Snagit for Mac. It certainly is a must have for any internet marketer, and I highly

recommend you check it out.

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2.6 Buy Other Courses and Make Sure You Left Nothing Out

My goal for every product I create is for it to be the most comprehensive course on that topic

available any where online. After I have written my course expending every granule of

knowledge I have on the topic, I will then go out and buy several competitor courses

pertaining to that topic.

In the world of WSOs there are nearly always existing WSOs addressing some elements of

the topic you have written about. It is worth buying these courses to see if you have left

anything out.

The important point here is this. Always write your book first without any influence from

anyone else. This ensures your course is unique to you, and is written from your own


Only when you have written everything you know, should you buy and read related products.

This will help you to pinpoint any areas of the topic that you have over looked.

NEVER and I mean NEVER transcribe or use someone else’s intellectual property. There is

no harm reading through their courses for ideas to fill in gaps you have left in yours, but

always write the content yourself.

I have found this particular tip is a very powerful way to ensure that your WSO is the most

comprehensive there is pertaining to the topic in question.

Considering many WSO sell for single digit dollars it is feasible to buy 4 or 5, without

breaking the bank.

Not only will you pick up additional tips yourself, but your readers will thank you for

creating such an all encompassing resource.

2.7 Use Affiliate Links Where Appropriate

Affiliate links can be a contentious issue for some. I have received some thread replies

condemning the use of affiliate links in my courses. When I get a message like that I have to

say it irritates me. If you are an internet marketer and you have a problem with affiliate links,

then you are in the wrong business. Affiliate marketing is the business model that underpins

the entire industry.

There is nothing wrong with recommending a product that is related to the topic in question,

if you have tried it yourself and it is adding value to what you are doing. It is perfectly fair

and legitimate for you to earn a commission if someone buys that through your e-Book.

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I will say though that people love to buy but they hate being sold to, so do not hard sell

anything in your e-Book. You are there as a resource to add value for your readers. If you

mention a product it is up to them to click and determine if it is something they need. Do not

push them.

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In line with the ‘love to buy but hate being sold to’ philosophy, be smart the way you

structure your affiliate links. They should for one be hyperlinked and also be cloaked.

For the uninitiated a ‘hyperlink’ simply means turning any word or phrase into a clickable

link. In Microsoft Word all you have to do is highlight the word / phrase and click on the

‘icon’ up top which is a picture of a ‘globe and chain’.

All you do then is enter your affiliate link address and click on ‘Ok’. Be sure to enter the full

URL commencing with http://

Instead of putting in a raw affiliate link which is blatant, put in a cloaked link. A cloaked link

looks much more presentable, and is the professional’s choice. It is simply a redirect so that

when people click on a link they are redirected from your server and onto the actual affiliate


So Instead of

You could have

If you are not comfortable with setting up redirects then a simple program such as Phantom

Link Cloaker will do it for you automatically. It will boost your affiliate commissions


Do not stick in affiliate links all over the course with a view to making additional money.

The only time you stick in affiliate links are if it is directly relevant to what you are

discussing, and if it will add serious value for your readers. Always remember that the goal

of your course is first and foremost to be an indispensable resource for your readers.

2.8 Add A Related Promotion to the Footer

A neat little technique that I do myself that I haven’t seen anyone else do, is to add a link ad

to the footer of every page of my course. Usually I use that link ad to promote another one of

my courses that is relevant to the target market reading this course.

The reason I put the footer on every page is to tap the marketing statistic that any prospect

needs to be exposed to an ad. 5 – 7 times before they execute the call to action. If you have a

100 page e-Book, then placing this ad in the footer will result in the prospect being exposed

to the ad 100 times.

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It is subtle in that once they read the ad once, they will only notice it at a subliminal level for

the rest of the read, but it is extremely effective.

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I like to use a call to action such as click here, and combine it with a key advantage or teaser


For example In my last course ‘Solo Ad Tornado’I included the following ad in the footer of

every page:

Click here to Pay for your Dream Car With FREE Traffic from Google & YouTube.

As you can see I have used two calls to action i.e.

The arrow which is got using two ‘equal to’ signs and the right arrow key i.e.

Also the ‘click here’ which isusually a cloaked hyper link.

The ad copy will try and stir the emotions of the reader while providing a key benefit and

feature. In this case ‘Pay for your Dream Car with FREE Traffic from Google and


I have tracked these links and they generate a substantial flow of traffic to the site being

advertised. I thus highly recommend you use this technique.

2.9 Add Your Other Products to the Recommended Section

This may be your very first product, or you may already have written several courses. I like

to list all of my previous products in a ‘recommended section’ atthe back of every course I


Provided that you do a stellar job and ‘blow their socks off’ with the quality of your current

publication, many of them will be interested in seeing what other titles you have written. So

make their job easy to find and include a list of your related products at the back of every e-


Dedicate a full page to each of the related products you have written. Include an opening

paragraph detailing what the product is about, a 3D e-book cover image, and a bullet point

list detailing the benefits of that course.

Finally include a hyper linked tracking link along with a strong call to action, that drives the

person directly to the sales page pertaining to that product.

I have mentioned in both the ‘footer ad link’ and the ‘Recommend Previous Products’

sections that you should use tracking links and I can’t emphasize this point enough.

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2.10 Include Tracking Links

You should be using tracking links for every single piece of marketing you prepare, and in

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every product you create. If I asked you how many sales you are getting for each of your

products or from each of your traffic sources, could you provide me with accurate answers?

Most internet marketers can’t -- they are only guessing. STOP guessing. You need to be

scientific. You need to see what traffic sources are making you money.

I personally use tracking links everywhere. On Warrior Forum signatures, Aweber emails,

YouTube videos, articles, social media, inside my e-Books etc.

You too need to make a habit of doing this. You can use a basic program such as to

track number of clicks, but it will not tell you the source of these clicks or whether or not that

source is producing sales.

In order to get this information you need to use a tracking link system. I have used 3 in the

past; 1. Adwatcher 2. Hypertracker and 3. Adtrackz.

Adtrackz i s a good entry level link tracking program that will provide all the stats you need

for a one time fee.

Hypertracker and Adwatcher a re two programs I am using at the moment. They both perform

equally well, but Adwatcher shades it in terms of their fraud protection technology and neater

graphical user interface.

By using these ad tracking programs in my e-Book footer ads and ‘recommended’ ads, I can

see exactly which ones are generating sales. For those that are not generating sales I can

tweak the copy and thus boost the conversions.

I thus highly recommend you use link tracking throughout every WSO you produce.

2.11 Add the Front Cover Graphic

In a later section I will go into detail on the importance of using e-Book cover graphics, in

terms of giving a tangible dimension to the digital product you are selling.

But for now all you need to know is that the designer will send you 5 different types of

covers for your e-Books.

1. A flat cover to paste as the front page in your e-Book

2. A Big 3D cover for use in your sales copy

3. A Medium 3D cover for use in your sales copy

4. A Small 3D cover for use in your sales copy

5. An Extra Small 3D cover for use in your sales copy

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You will need to correctly format the ‘flat’ cover to seamlessly fit all the white space on your

front page. I have seen many marketers paste a 3D e-book image on the front page of their e-

book, and it looks terribly unprofessional.

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The 3D images are for sales copy or websites only. You need to insert the flat image as the

front page of your e-Book.

The problem is that most people do not know how to fit the e-book flat image seamlessly on

their font page. Many have all sorts of problems with white space being left around the

image, or the image messing up the indentation on all pages beneath it.

Well here is the exact process I use to immerse my entire front page with the flat image,

without interfering with the indentation on subsequent pages.

Click on the top of the front page on your e-book.

Then Click ‘Insert’


‘From File’

Navigate to where the flat image is stored on your computer, select it and hit the ‘Insert’


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The image will now appear on your front page with lots of white space all around. We want

to make it seamless with the edges just like a real professional book, so we do the following.

Right click on the image and select ‘Format Picture’

Select the ‘Layout’ tab Click the ‘Behind Text’ image Click ‘Ok’

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This will ensure that the image will not mess up the indentation of your other pages.

Next you simply left click on the image and drag it to the top left corner of your front page.

Then click on the circle in the bottom right corner of the image and drag it horizontally until

there is no more white space between the image and the right hand side of the page.

Now you will be left with just a little white space at the bottom of the font page. Simply

click on the circle in the bottom center of the image and drag it to the end of the page.

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And there you have it, a perfectly seamless front page that will add to your professional


2.12 Add A Disclaimer and Copyright Notice

It is imperative that you add a ‘Disclaimer’ and ‘Copyright notice’ tothe start of your e-

Book. This is to warn people that they do not have the authority to resell or use your content

in any manner other than for their own consumption.

It is also important to tell them that you take no responsibility for anything that happens as a

result of using the information you provide.

This again is something that many marketers over look. It is important that you include it

from a legal and professional standpoint.

I have attached as a bonus to this course the same ‘Disclaimer and Copyright Notice’ that I

use in all my courses. You can copy this word for word into your course and amend it to suit

your own content.

2.13 Add Your Photo

Always remember that you are trying to create a connection with your readers at every

opportunity. And although I recommend that you let your personality come out in your

writing, I also recommend that you append a photo to the end of your conclusion.

They will have just read your course in it entirety, hopefully be impressed, and your image

will ensure they remember you when they see or hear your name again.

I recommend you get the photo taken professionally. A professional photographer will

ensure your photo has the correct amount of lighting and contrast. This will make your

image ‘pop’ and thus present well.

Some marketers disagree and put up images of them bungee jumping, or locked in the arms

of their significant other. The way I see it is this is a business and it is important to project a

professional image.

For that reason I recommend you expend the $50 and get a professional photographer to take

a semi formal image of you. You are after all creating a brand around your own name, and it

is important that brand projects professionalism at every level.

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2.14 Add a P.S.

The P.S. or post script is one of the most read elements of any sales letter. It thus stands to

reason that it is one of the most read aspects of any e-Book.

I always use the Post script as a reminder to get my readers to check out my other courses

over the page. I will even include a one line description of one or two of the courses that are

most relevant to the topic addressed in that current e-Book.

This is a neat tactic for ensuring that your readers read the intros to your other courses.

2.15 Insert the Table of Contents

Inserting the ‘Table of Contents’ is the last thing you would do before you turn the document

into a PDF file. Before you commence the process you will need to have the following


Every new Chapter starting on its own page Page numbers entered as per a previous step A blank page created immediately after the ‘Disclaimer’ page. The ‘header 1’ tag used for every chapter heading, and the ‘header 2’ tab used for

every chapter sub headings.

So when you have the above complete you will have the front page which contains the e-

book cover flat image, the second page which is the ‘Disclaimer’ and the third page blank.

At the top of this third ‘blank’ page simply leftclick so that the cursor is flashing, and then do

the following:

Insert Reference Index and Tables

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Select the ‘Table of Contents’ tab.

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Then you select the ‘Formal’ style fromthe drop down menu, and click on ‘OK’.

MS Word will now use all your ‘header 1 tags’, ‘header 2 tags’, and page numbers to auto

generate a professional table of contents.

Just read through it to make sure everything looks right.

2.16 Convert to a secure PDF File

When it comes to turning your course into a format that will preserve its integrity and secure

its content you basically have two options.

You can either turn it into a secure PDF file or use a program such as Book Guard Pro to turn

it into a flash format.

This step is critical for several reasons:

1. It enables you to preserve the layout of the document so that readers can view it and /or

print it as it’s meant to be presented.

2. You can secure the course so that people can’t change your links, or copy and paste your

content into a word doc and resell it as their own.

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3. With Book Guard Pro you can disable pirated copies, or disable copies that are after being


To turn your product into a PDF file you would use Adobe Acrobat or a FREE equivalent

such as Nitro PDF. Be sure when using these programs that you ‘password protect’ your

PDF file.

In Adobe Acrobat this is achieved under the ‘Security’ setting.

2.17 Create Multiple Formats to Increase the Perceived Value

I am always asked what is the best format to produce a WSO, and it really depends on what

your definition of a best format is.

Personally I love writing. I have a flare for writing. I like writing text that engages a reader.

I like creating nice illustrations that emphasize my points. Whenever I buy a video course I

always transcribe it into text, because I think it is easier to implement something when you

have it step by step in writing.

Also from a monetization perspective you can make active use of hyper links. For example

affiliate links and links to your other products. It’s very easy to get people to click on a link

to visit your site. However with a video you have to convince them to take the extra step of

typing the address into the browser. Many web users are lazy and will not take the extra

steps. So from my experience the text format can be more lucrative.

However, video courses have higher perceived value and thus can command higher prices. If

your subject matter is very technical, then certainly the video format works better. All you

need to execute this format is an effective screen capture software such as Camtasia or the

more cumbersome but FREE camstudio.

My philosophy with WSOs is to always create them in text format. I am launching a new

membership site soon and that will be much more video oriented. However the price will

reflect same, and thus to keep the price down text format works best.

The thing to consider when deciding on the format is that different people prefer different

formats. Personally I place greater value on text format, because as I said it saves me the

trouble of having to transcribe video. However the next guy or girl might prefer video, and

the next person again some form of MP3 audio.

I thus think if you can manage it, the very best WSOs that appeal to the most people are

available in multiple formats. So create your course as a PDF file first. Then turn that PDF

file into a video and MP3 course and give them all to the customer in the download folder so

that they can chose to learn in a format that they best like.

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Or you could sell the course in PDF format and offer the ‘video’ or ‘MP3’ version as an up

sell OTO (One Time Offer).

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This strategy has mass appeal and I assure you will increase your conversions.

2.18 Get Someone Else To Create Your Product

If you do not have the time, patience or ‘know how’ then you can get other people to create

your product for you.

One of my past WSOs was ‘IM Mastermind Group’. For this product I brought together

some of the BIG names from the Warrior Forum and created an ‘interview series’.

I simply asked them to send me a report that answered the following questions:

1. What is _________ and why is it so powerful?

2. What are your top 10 tips on the subject of _______?

3. What is your #1 money making tip that underpins your entire success?

I then selected 8 ‘Warriors’ and got them to answer these questions on their area of expertise.

Notice how I kept the questions short, sharp and focused. You do not want to send an author

50 questions, they won’t answer it. It is much better to give them 2/3 questions and get them

to provide quality in depth answers than it is to ask them 50 questions and get just one or two

line answers.

Always remember we are after ‘quality’, not ‘quantity’.

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I then combined all of these reports into one ‘jam packed’ report called ‘IM Mastermind

Group’ and sold it as a WSO.

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When I compiled all the interviews into one course, I had a 100+ page WSO that was jam

packed with ‘insider secrets’for all the main IM subjects, as you can ascertain from the

related e-Book cover above.

Please note here how I had a professional e-Book image created to maximize the sales

potential. This will be discussed in a later chapter in detail.

This WSO was a very high quality product and Mike Lantz even featured it as ‘WSO of the

Day’. Now I wrote 3 jam packed chapters myself on; ‘video marketing’, ‘article marketing’

and ‘viral marketing’. But considering that I had 7 other quality authors sharing the load, I

personally wrote just 3/8s of the entire course.

There is no reason why you can’t get WSO products created in this way, and thus have all of

your report created by other authors. They still get to include their ‘Resource Box’ so they

will be getting traffic and sales for their trouble.

All you have to do to create this type of product is ‘just ask’. Yes it may be that 8 out of 10

people might say they don’t have the time to contribute but remember all you need is one to

agree and you could have your very first successful WSO launched in a matter of days.

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The great thing about ‘IM Mastermind Group’ for me was the ‘creative thinking’ that went

into the marketing and monetization aspect:

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I got other authors to create 5/8s of the course.

The fact 5/8s of the course was created by others meant that the product was finished

very quickly

I enhanced my reputation by virtue of ‘brand association’ with other high profile


The fact each author contributed, I asked them to promote it. They were all happy to

do so given the fact that each would gain huge exposure if 8 top marketers with big

lists (i.e. all the contributing authors) promoted it to their lists as well.

I included an up sell at the end of each author’s article with my affiliate link

promoting their related product.

I included a show case of the rest of my products at the back of the WSO

The combined results of these tactics translated into tens of thousands of dollars hitting my

bank account.

Of course if you are not a writer or you want to create a more ‘valuable’ format such as

‘video’ or ‘MP3 audio’, then you could conduct the interview via Skype. This will enable

you to do the interview in real time and record the output as an audio file.

You can also use a service such as to record an interview over the

phone. is also a top quality service that you should check out when it

comes to creating a webinar.

This is a very powerful strategy and I highly recommend you give it a go. It’s especially a

great way to get your first WSO launched.

2.19 PLR Product Creation

Another thing you could do is outsource the task of writing your WSO to a ghost writer on

‘Elance’, ‘Odesk’ or one of those other outsourcing sites. PLR or Private Label Rights

products are the most searched for product topic on the entire Warrior Forum, so outsourcing

PLR product creation can be very lucrative.

Many people like to buy these PLR products so that they can rebrand and sell it as their own.

It doesn’t have to be some cutting edge master piece, just solid, accurate, reliable


Just make sure that the PLR product created pertains to a ‘hot niche’ topic such as

‘Wordpress’, ‘Social Media’, ‘video marketing’, ‘dating’, ‘weightloss’ or another hot topic.

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The other big advantage of creating PLR product is that it is the most actively searched

keyword on ‘Warrior Plus’. Many people have set up a ‘WSO Alert’ whereby they receive

instant notification as soon as any WSO is posted under the keyword ‘PLR’.

This means that even if you don’t have a list, you will tap this ‘PLR’ list on ‘Warrior Plus’

automatically, if your WSO is on PLR.

Now that we have finished our product, it is time to move onto setting up the list. This is a

critical step in the process because one of the biggest advantages of WSOs is your ability to

build a proven buyers lists in very little time.

Everyone who buys a WSO from you should be added to a buyers list. The fact they have

purchased from you once means they have a far greater propensity to purchase from you

again and again.

So let’s get into the next chapter to show you all the little techniques that can have a huge

impact on your bottom line.

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3.0 List Setup

If you have been internet marketing for only 5 seconds you would have no doubt already

heard the wisdom that ‘the money is in the list’.

Well it’s very true and no where is this more evident than with WSOs. Think about it. If you

add everyone who buys a WSO from you to your list, then you will have built a list of buyers.

These people are not the ‘waste of time’ FREEBIEseekers, but rather people who are willing

to pay you for providing them with quality information.

Some novice WSO authors do not capture the names and email addresses of their customers.

This is a complete waste of a good customer, and you are leaving serious money on the table

if you fall into this category.

In order to capture your customer’s details, you will need to work through the following


3.1 Create an Aweber Account

If you don’t already have an Aweber account, shame on you. And I mean that in the

strongest possible sense. It is the single most important purchase any internet marketer can


And don’t think just because you haven’t a product yet that you don’t need an email

marketing account at Aweber, because you do. The earlier you setup your Aweber account

the better.

Aweber, GetResponse or any of these big list marketing companies, do not make it easy for

marketers to ‘import’ lists from elsewhere. They want the list subscriber to originate through

their program.

This means that if you make the BIG MISTAKE of waiting too long, then past customer will

need to be manually asked to rejoin your list.

Even if you don’t have your own product yet, you can setup a squeeze page and be growing

your list away by giving away a freebie.

But when it comes to launching your WSO it is essential that you have an account with

Aweber, GetResponse or one of the other big list marketing companies.

Now I’m not going to take you step by step through the process of setting up an Aweber

account. Just sign upto Aweber and view all their superb help videos to get everything setup


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3.2 Create a List Dedicated to Buyers of This Product

Once you have setup your Aweber account it is essential that you create a list dedicated to the

‘buyers’ of your WSO.

You do this as follows:

1. Login to your Aweber account

2. Create a list dedicated to this WSO you are running:

Simply click on the ‘Create and Manage Lists’ option at the top of the page.

Then click on the ‘Create a New List’ option.

Enter a logical name for the ‘List Name’ and ‘List Description’. In this case I am setting up

the list for the very WSO you have just purchased, so I will use the title of the course.

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Be sure to include a ‘Name’ and ‘Email Address’ so that you canreceive notification of when

someone subscribes. This is useful to ensure that your integration with the ‘Warrior Plus’

system is working well. It is also important when people unsubscribe as they will be able to

tell you why they unsubscribed.

This is powerful information because if someone says for example that they unsubscribed

because they are getting too many emails from you, you may decide to reduce the frequency.

Be sure to click the ‘Add’ button and then the ‘Save Settings’ button.

You can complete the ‘personalize your list’ section if you wish, but for the purpose of WSO

integration the next critical step is turning off the ‘confirmed opt-in’ option.

So click on the ‘Confirmed Opt-In’ option.

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The ‘confirmed opt-in’ is set to on. This means that your subscribers will have to click on a

confirmation link sent to their email, in order to be added to your list. You do not want that.

It will result in a large number of your customers not being added to your list.

So click on the ‘Off’ button to switch it off and click on ‘Yes’ to confirm.

Then click on the ‘save settings’ button.

The next thing you need to do is click on the ‘Web Forms’ tab and create a web form to

capture the details.

Next you need to click on ‘Create a New Web Form’

Click on the ‘Save Web Form’ button and then click on the ‘Go To Step 2’ button.

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Enter a name pertinent to your topic Click on ‘Save Web Form’ and

Click on ‘Go To

Step 3’.

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Next click on ‘I Will Install My Form’.

Followed by: ‘Raw HTML’.

The next step is to extrapolate from the ‘Raw HTML’ the ‘List name’ and ‘web form ID’.

So scroll about half way down through the WSO and pick out the ‘List Name’ and ‘Web

Form ID’.

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For security reason I blurred out my web form ID above, but you will know it as the

numerical value between the quotation marks after the ‘Web Form ID’ value.

Record both of these pieces of information into a ‘Notepad’ file so thatyou can paste them in

later when we are setting up your WSO Pro Account.

3.3 Create a Master List With Auto responder Sequence

This is one of the most powerful strategies in the entire course. You’ve heard it said that the

money is in the list, but the truth is that the money is in a ‘buyers’ list that is provided with a

valuable mix of useful information.

What I have is one big master list. When people subscribe to this list they receive a powerful

eCourse that provides them with 3 quality courses every week for 4 weeks. There after they

receive a high quality eNewsletter that provides extremely valuable information for FREE. I

then blend in a few product recommendations every now and then.

This is a vital step in order to maximize your relationship with every WSO customer you get.

For instance the fact you have purchased this WSO of mine, means you were automatically

added to the Master List and are now receiving premium quality content in the form of the

‘IM Success Principles’ course sub titled ‘Unlock the Secrets to Earning a 7 Figure Income


Of course to set this up correctly I do not advocate simply including a link from your WSO

product to another squeeze page. No matter how good the squeeze page or how compelling

the copy, less than 50% of subscribers would take the time to sign up.

So instead I set up an ‘automation’ rule on Aweber so that as soon as someone buys a WSO

from me, not only are they automatically added to a list dedicated to those ‘WSO’ customers,

but they are also automatically added to my master list and get all these goodies for FREE.

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We will set this up now.

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3.4 Tweak the Aweber Automation Rules

So what you need to do is to work through the ‘list setup’ process outlined earlier in this

chapter, and set up a new list. This list will be your master list.

It will be associated with a primary squeeze page elsewhere, but it will be set up in a way that

for every customer of every WSO you launch they are all automatically added to that one

master list.

This is achieved by setting up an automation rule on Aweber.

You do this as follows: Select the Master list from the ‘Current List’ drop down option. Click on the ‘My Lists’ tab Click on Automation

Next you select the ‘Subscribe to list [your master list] when list subscribers to…’ From the second drop down menu select the name of your current WSO list. Hit the ‘Save Automation Rule’.

Congratulations you have now automated the process so that when someone buys your WSO

not only are they added to that WSO buyers list, but they are also added to your master list.

Do remember to take the time to plug quality content into the auto responder pertaining to

this master list.

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Timing is also important so when setting up this master list I highly recommend that you

dedicate emails coming from that auto responder to certain dates and times of the week.

For example my master list is set up to send out those emails only on ‘Monday, Wednesday,

and Friday’ at 6am local time.

I promote my or other people’s WSOs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This ensures that my list

do not get hit with more than one email from me a day. Any more and your unsubscribe rates

would go up.

To setup the auto responder for the master list go to your master list name from the ‘Current

List’ menu and select ‘Follow Up’ from the ‘Messages’ tab.

The rest is pretty self explanatory, but you should consult Aweber's help file if you are


Finally to change the times you do the following:

Click on the ‘Only deliver this message on certain days and times’ option. Check the times

you want to confine the auto responder messages to going out. I recommend keeping it to

6am local time. Thus ensure the ‘send messages based on each subscriber’s local time’ is


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Congratulations, you have now properly optimized your list setup.

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4.0 WSO Pro Setup

WSO Pro is a powerful WSO management and delivery system designed by Mike Lantz of


The system provides you with many advantages when running your WSO:

Secure Delivery

Download locations are cloaked so even sharing of your download URL will not

result in people accessing your WSO unless they have paid you in advance for same.

Real Time Statistics

Track your conversions, number of sales, number of views, sales per price point,

affiliate sales and more through this powerful system.

Real Time Payments

You will receive instant payments to your Paypal account automatically.

Real Time Affiliate Sales

You can approve and track how many sales your affiliates are making for you. You

can also determine the commission rate per affiliate.

Countdown Sales Script with Dime Sale Pricing

By using WSO Pro you immediately benefit from increased conversion using the

countdown script and dime sale pricing model. Effectively you can set the price to

rise by a certain amount after a certain number of sales. The countdown script will

show people that there are ‘X number of copies left at this price’. This starts a buying

frenzy as people won’t procrastinate, for fear of losing the lower price level.

Track downloads and IP addresses to ensure your product is not being shared.

Auto responder Integration to build your list of buyers on autopilot

JV with the Warrior Forum and the Warrior Plus via ‘WSO of the Day’ which

will lead to a massive explosion in sales in 24 hours.

The way it works is that you sign up for an account at Warrior Plus, and then buy a WSO Pro

license key.

You then proceed to uploading your product, along with your Aweber integration details

from a previous step, the pricing model you wish to use, your product and a few other details.

You then get the buy now button to insert on your thread on the ‘Warrior Forum’ and you are

good to go.

So lets move on to signing up at Warrior Plus and get your download license key.

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4.1 Setup an account at Warrior Plus

Before you setup a Warrior Plus account you should have set up an account on the Warrior

Forum. If you have yet to do so, go over to the Warrior Forum now and set up your account.

Take the following steps to set up your Warrior Plus Account.

Go to and click on the ‘register’ button.

Enter your details into the table ensuring that you have included the same username as you

have on the Warrior Forum.

The next critical step is to ensure that you enter your Paypal email address into the system. If

you don’t you won’t get paid, simple as that.

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To do this simply login to your Warrior Plus account and click on the ‘my account’ option.

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Enter your Paypal email address and save the changes. You will now need to buy a WSO Pro

license key in order to be able to add your product as a WSO.

4.2 Buy your WSO Pro License Key

The next step is to download your ‘WSO Pro’ license key. This effectively gives you a buy

now button, and full WSO Pro account dedicated to that specific WSO. You will need a new

WSO Pro license key for each WSO you launch.

Purchase your WSO Pro license key as follows.

Inside your Warrior Plus account click on the ‘WSO Pro’ option across the top navigation


Click on the ‘New Listing’ option and select the ‘Get One Here’ option as per the diagram


Click on the ‘Buy now’ button to purchase the license key.

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The license key will be automatically sent to your registered email address post payment.

Copy the license key from your email address and add it to your WSO Pro account.

Once you have copied the license code from your email address click on ‘WSO Pro’ ‘New

Listing’ and enter the license key into the ‘License Key’ field.

Finally click on ‘Create New Listing’.

You have set up your WSO Pro account, so all that is left is to add your product details.

4.3 Add Your Product to the WSO Pro Section of Warrior Plus

Now you need to add your product details to your WSO Pro account. Click on ‘WSO Pro’ in

the top tab and click on ‘my listings’. If you are back a step click on ‘new listing’.

Next you will enter all the required information.

We will now work down through the list of required steps:

Firstly you will need to select the ‘Sale Type’. You select ‘Buy now’ if the product is a once

off price, or you select ‘Subscription’ if the product is a recurring payment item such as a

membership site subscription.

Then you set the starting price you want to launch your WSO at. I usually like to start all my

WSOs at $7 and work up from there. There are several reasons for that, and I will discuss

these in a later chapter that delves into the psychology of pricing.

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Product Details Settings

The next step is to fill in the product details.

Item Name

‘Item name’ refers to the ‘Title of your product’. It is important to enter it accurately as it

will be included in the buyers receipt so that they know they did in fact authorize the payment

and thus not be looking for refunds.

Delivery File

‘Delivery File’ refers to the zip file containing your product and bonuses. It is what the

customer will be paying you for, and thus what they will download post purchase. Once you

have created your product and bonuses, add them to a single folder and then use a program

such as Winzip to compress the contents of the folder.

Then click on ‘choose file’ and upload that file. The upload will only complete when you

click on the ‘Update Listing’ on the bottom of this screen. You will see the % upload status

at the bottom of the screen. It is important to note that the WSO Pro system imposes file size

limits of 100MB.

If your file size is greater (possible if yours is a big video course), then you will need to setup

your own hosting account with a service such as hostgator and use the ‘Delivery URL’ field

to send them to a download page that you have p ersonally created.

Delivery URL

As discussed in the last paragraph the delivery URL is normally used in place of the delivery

file, when the file is in excess of the 100MB file size limit.

Another instance in which it is used, is when you the author decides to add an OTO or One

Time Offer to your WSO. This is an extremely lucrative strategy that can double or triple

your sales for ZERO extra effort.

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I will discuss this in detail in a later chapter on ‘One Time Offers’ but for now just let it

register with you, that this is the one of the important settings to change.

Payment Email

‘Payment Email’ refers to the Paypal email address to which you want payments sent for this

particular product item. Make sure you enter an accurate Paypal email here.

Support Email

‘Support Email’ as the name suggests refers to the email to which customers can send queries

pertaining to the sale of this item.

Refund Period

‘Refund Period’ refers to the number of days for which you will allow a customer to ask for

and receive a refund. The industry average is 30 days, but you can set this to whatever you

want. You can also set it to zero if you do not wish to give any refunds.

If you do not want to give refunds you must clearly state that on your sales copy. Many

customers will expect there is a refund policy unless it is explicitly stated otherwise.

A ‘no refund’ policy will alsoexclude you from any possibility of a ‘WSO of the Day’

inclusion or a JV with Warrior Plus. This is one HUGE reason why you should have a refund


Being featured as a ‘WSO of the Day’ is virtually guaranteed to make you at $1,000+ in 24

hours. You are throwing money down the drain without the refund policy, when you take

this into perspective.

It has also been proven that a ‘no refund’ policy will lower conversions, because people want

the risk taken away that if they don’t like the product they can get their money back.

So my advice is put ‘30’ into the field opposite the ‘refund period’ option.


‘Keywords’ will enable you to make your WSO more discoverable for searches made within

the Warrior Plus system. Many people use the search to identify WSOs on a particular topic

of interest.

For example if your WSO is on Facebook then your keywords might be: Facebook, apps, fan

pages. It is important not to neglect this field. You will make more sales just by filling it in.


‘Status’ will read active after the WSO has launched and just means that you have

successfully connected your ‘WSO Pro’ product license with the WSO thread on the Warrior


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WSO Post

‘WSO post’ is set to ‘auto detect’ by default. This means that as soon as you have paid the

$40 to launch your WSO on the Warrior Forum, Warrior Plus will automatically detect that

WSO and thus twin the WSO Pro button and statistics with that WSO.

Some times auto detect does not work, and you will have to login to the ‘Warrior Plus’

system after launching your WSO and select its title from the drop down list opposite this

‘WSO Post’ label, in order to pair the two.

Advanced Options Settings

Next we move onto the ‘Advanced’ options which pertain to the dime sale pricing model,

which is very lucrative if done correctly.

Quantity Quantity refers to the imposition of a limit on the number of copies being sold. Say for

example you were using the WSO as a way to test your sales copy and build up some

customer testimonials before you launched the real thing on your own site. You could thus

decide to sell just 20 copies for example.

As soon as 20 copies are sold, the WSO Pro buy button will automatically deactivate and the

countdown display will read sold out.

Being ‘sold out’ is a neat little marketing trick in itself, that you can use to increase a ‘sense

of scarcity’ to keep your price artificially high while you do relaunch after relaunch. Many

successful marketers use this strategy.

Thanks OPEC for giving us this thriving pricing model

Ordinarily however for the majority of WSOs this field is left blank. Why would you want to

limit how many sales WSOs can make you?

Max price

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Max Price refers to the ceiling price for which the dime sale pricing model will stop at. For

example if you start pricing at $7 and have it rise by $1 every 10 sales, then setting the Max

price to $17 will mean that after 100 sales your product will sell for $17 thereafter regardless

how many more copies you sell.

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Again we will discuss this further in the chapter on pricing. For now I recommend you set a

limit of $27 max.

Price Increment

‘Price Increment’ refers to the amount by which the price will increase each time the

‘increment every X number of sales’ is reached.

Increment Every

‘Increment Every’ option refers tothe number of sales that will need to take place before the

price will automatically rise to the next pre-defined level.

For example if I set it to 5, then this means the price will rise by the ‘Price increment’ amount

every 5 sales.

‘IPN Forwarding URL’ and ‘Key Generation URL’ are not required in this basic setup,

but we will return to these later when we look into the possibilities of the ‘advanced

download system’.

Auto responder Integration

This is the critical step in building your buyers list. You have two options really here:

1. Don’t fill in this information and instead redirect to a squeeze page post payment from

Paypal and use this squeeze page to capture the buyer’s details to build your buyers


2. Enter your details in here from the ‘Raw HTML’ section of your Aweber account.

This is the best option because it will capture the buyer’s information during their

Paypal payment, thus negating the need for any squeeze page. In this instance you

will redirect post payment to the One Time Offer or if you are not using the OTO,

redirect to the download page.

Affiliate Program Settings

The ‘Affiliate Program Settings’ are as follows:

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Default Commission

I recommend setting the ‘default commission’ to60% to begin with. This means that

affiliates that promote your WSO will receive 6 out of 10 sales.

The default setting is usually 50% and that is why I like to change it to 60% to begin with.

Remember your WSO is competing with every other WSO when it comes to fighting for the

attention of potential affiliates to promote it.

You need to make yours stand out and thus by going with at least a 60% commission rate you

will differentiate yourself from the masses. Of course there are many WSO authors that set

their affiliate commission to 100%. This means that an affiliate keeps every sale processed

through their link. This is a list building strategy that we will discuss in a later chapter.

Affiliate Info

You should use every opportunity you have to convince your affiliates that it is well worth

their while promoting your WSO. You can enter things in here like: 100% commissions – you keep 100% of the sales your make 28% conversion rate – The sales copy is converting so well you will make 28 sales in

every 100 people you send through your link. Professional banner ads and graphics are available at http://www..... You can grab high conversion swipe files from the following link http://www...

Certainly you can go to a higher commission rate after a while, and the conversion rate will

not be known until you have sold at least 100 copies so these two pieces of info are

something you can add after 100+ sales.

However providing high conversion swipe files and banner ad graphics, is a great strategy to

differentiate you from the other WSO authors right from the start.

WSO of the Day Settings

JV w/ Warrior Plus

Make certain that you check the ‘JV w/ Warrior Plus’ check box. This is critical because it

makes your WSO available to be featured as a possible ‘WSO of the Day’.

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WSO of the Day is a great honor for any WSO author because it means that you are being

featured as the very best WSO on the Warrior Forum for that day. We will discuss this in

great detail in a later chapter but for now just MAKE CERTAIN this check box is checked.

Update your List

Make sure that you click on the ‘Update Listing’ section to save all your settings.

After clicking on the ‘Update Listing’ button observe for the % status bar at the bottom of the

screen. It will show you in real time when your product and settings have been fully uploaded

and saved.

After this has been completed your ‘product’ is now added to the ‘WSO Pro’ system and your

‘Buy now’ button and countdown scripts are ready to use.

Simply click on ‘WSO Pro’ ‘My Listings’

Then click on the ‘Edit’ listings opposite your product title.

You can now copy the code for your ‘Buy Now’button and countdown timer (i.e. ‘Scarcity

in a Box’), for use in your WSO sales letter on the Warrior Forum.

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5.0 Squeeze Page Setup and One Time Offer Setup

Please note the ‘Squeeze page’ section of this chapter is only relevant if you decided that

you did not want to capture the buyer details automatically and so did not input your

‘Web Form ID’ and ‘List Name’ under the ‘Auto responder Integration’ inside your

WSO Pro account (as per the previous chapter).

If however you decided to enter in your details under ‘Auto responder Integration’

inside your WSO Pro Account, then DO NOT CREATE a Squeeze page, and in fact

skip to the OTO (One Time Offer) section of this chapter on “5.1.1 Tweak WSO Pro


If you do ignore this advice your buyers will get an Error message because you can’t sign up

to the same list twice.

The squeeze page is one of the most powerful tools available to an internet marketer, because

it enables them to build their list and gain permission from an individual to receive emails

from you.

The way squeeze pages work with WSOs are as follows. If you are not providing an OTO

(One Time Offer), then you do not need a squeeze page.

By following the steps in the previous Chapters on ‘List Setup’ and ‘WSO Pro’ setup, as soon

as a customer purchased your WSO they are automatically added to your list behind the


This is great because you are automating the entire process. The fewer steps you have in

adding people to your list, the better.

Of course where the squeeze page becomes critical is when you want to display a One Time

Offer to the customer immediately post purchase. One Time Offers are all top marketers

‘secret weapon’. Ok given their ubiquitous use,they may not be so secret anymore but you

would be surprise how few marketers use them in the beginner to intermediate level.

If you don’t use OTOs then you are leaving money on the table guaranteed. People have a

far greater propensity to buy, when they are in the middle of the buying process. Top internet

marketers know that, and traditional marketers know that.

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Why do you think all the big supermarket chains have neatly arranged merchandise and

sweets / confectionary at the till? It is because if a compelling offer is made in a manner that

is convenient to purchase, then a large majority of customers will make the purchase.

The same is through for WSOs. If your customer has just bought a great WSO on conquering

Facebook and you provide them with a One-Time-Offer whereby you give them powerful

Facebook templates and fan pages at a huge discount, then they will buy it.

So long as the offer is compelling, targeted, related to what the customer just purchased and

available at a dummy proof ‘knock down’ price well then a high percentage of customers will

make the purchase.

The way this squeeze page fits into the buying process is as follows.

Customer clicks the buy button on your WSO and sends payment to your Paypal account. As

soon at the Payment is cleared Paypal will redirect the customer to your squeeze page or

‘delivery URL’ as it is called in ‘WSO Pro’.

As soon as your customer enters their first name and email address they are added to your

‘buyers list’ and redirected toyour ‘One Time Offer’ page. From there they can either buy

your one time offer, or they can click on ‘No thanks’ and be sent to your download page.

To give a pictorial representation of this information, please observe the following:

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In order to set this up we need to create a ‘squeeze page’, a ‘One Time Offer’, the two

download pages and tweak the settings in the ‘WSO Pro’ delivery system.

I will thus work through the following process below:

1) Create the Squeeze Page

2) Create the One Time Offer Page

3) Create the WSO Download Page

4) Tweak the WSO Pro Settings

5) Add the OTO product to the WSO Pro System

6) Create the Download Page for WSO and OTO

5.1 Create the Squeeze Page

There are several different methods for creating a squeeze page. You could use Wordpress

along with a plugin such as Squeeze Theme. This works great if you are familiar with

Wordpress and enjoy its ea se of use.

Alternatively you can use a HTML squeeze page. For the purpose of simplicity, I have

attached a HTML squeeze page template as a One-Time-Offer to this course. You will find it

inside the ‘Elite’ folder ifyou elected to take advantage of the One-Time-Offer.

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All you have to do is open it in a WYSIWYG editor, and follow the steps outlined below.

WYSIWYG editors include Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page or you could use one of the

FREE editors such as Amaya or PageBreeze.

For the purpose of a WSO the FREE editors work just as well as the paid Editors, and are in

fact easier to you.

If you want you can also open the HTML file and edit them with ‘Notepad’ which is found

under Start


Accessories on Windows based PCs.

Just to give you a quick preview, here is what it looks like when rendered in a browser


You will use the WYSIWYG editor to add your Aweber form code, product image and

author name to the template before you upload it to your server. We do this as follows:

Inside the ‘Elite’ folder, open the ‘Squeeze Page’ folder and right click on ‘Squeeze.html’

Open with and select your WYSIWYG editor from the list. This will open the template

and enable you to customize it with your own information.

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As mentioned previously if you don’t have a WYSIWYG editor and have elected not to

download one of the FREE ones, then you can use ‘Notepad’ fromthe drop down list.

I will use ‘Dreamweaver’ as that is the WYSIWYG editor I use.

You will recall in a previous step we created the squeeze page web form on Aweber. So now

we are going to go back into Aweber, grab that code and paste it in here where it says [Copy

and Paste Aweber Code Here].

So login to Aweber by clicking here. Once Logged In select the ‘List’ from the drop down menu that you created for this WSO

Next click on the ‘Web Forms’ tab

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Next Click on the name you gave to the web form in the previous step

You can now alter the appearance of the web form to determine precisely how it will

render on your squeeze page template.

Click anywhere on the templates bar in order to select a template design suitable to your


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For the purpose of this example I am going to click on the ‘Popular’ tab and select the ‘Basic’

style web form.

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Please ensure as per the above diagram that the Form Type reads ‘In-Line’.

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Next click on the ‘Load Template’ option.

From there we will edit the template so that the label ‘name’ is changed to ‘First name’

and the label ‘Submit’ is changed to ‘Download Now’.

To do this simply click on the ‘Name’ label and the ‘Submit’ label and edit them accordingly.

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You can delete the ‘We Respect Your Privacy’ link by putting the cursor over it and

hitting the ‘X’ button.

You can delete the ‘Powered by Aweber’ box by putting the cursor over it and hitting the

‘X’ button.

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Next click on ‘Save Web Form’ button followed by clicking on the ‘Go To Step 2’ button.

In the next step select the ‘Custom Page: use your own URL’ option:

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Next enter in the full URL to your OTO page

We will be creating this in the next step but for now just realize that this is the location on

your server where the direct link to the OTO page is. You can enter your standard URL now,

in order to progress to the next step. More on this later.

Click on ‘Save Web Form’ followed by ‘Go To Step 3’

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Next click on ‘I Will Install My Own Web Form’.

Under ‘Javascript Snippet’ copy the entirepiece of code as highlighted below.

You will then head back to the ‘Squeeze Page’ template and paste in this code where it

says ‘ Insert Your Aweber Code Here’.

So if using the editor make sure it is in ‘Split’ mode i.e. whereby you can see the HTML

and Visual at the same time. Inside in the HTML code highlight everything between the two

center tags and right click ‘paste’ to insert in the Aweber code in its place.

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Your code should now looking like the following on link 30

Click on ‘File’


Next we will edit the ‘insert product image here’ to include your own product image. We

will be covering this ‘Product Image Creation’ in a later step but for now lets just assume that

the designer has sent you the product image and it is called medium.jpg.

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Simply drag and drop the image from the designers zip folder into the ‘images’ folder which

is inside the ‘Squeeze Page’ folder, and going backto your HTML code in the editor change

the ‘image.png’ to ‘medium.jpg’ i.e. the nameof your 3D e-Book image (whatever that is).

finally where it says [INSERT YOUR AUTHOR NAME HERE], simply enter your full

author name as it appears on your WSO.

When you work through this process yourself, you will end up with a professional squeeze

page that resembles the following:

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Of course for this to work you will have to drag and drop your file over to your server. If you

do not have a hosting account as of yet, then I highly recommend Hostgator.

If you don’t have a host then Hostgator will give you a FREE domain on sign up. So setup

your hosting account, and select your domain during setup.

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Then you use a program such as File Zilla to login to your server. Once you have set up your

domain, you will find a folder pertaining to your domain inside your Public HTML folder.

In order to protect your files you need to ensure the download link is not easily guessable. To

do this simply create a folder on your desktop and call it a long, non sensical name.

So right click on your desktop Click ‘Create New Folder’

Call it something obscure.

call it some ‘long winded’ string ofletters and numbers so that it is virtually encrypted e.g.

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Inside this ‘encrypted folder’ drag and drop the ‘Squeeze.html’, ‘style.css’ and the images


So when I open this ‘encrypted’ folder here is what I see:

Then login to your server using File Zilla, identify the folder pertaining to your domain e.g. if

your domain is, then the folder inside your Public HTML

will be ‘’.

Drag and drop the encrypted file from your ‘desktop’ into the e.g. ‘’ on your

server using File Zilla.

Congratulations your squeeze page is now live and accessible. Given the above information,

it would be accessible at the following URL: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/Squeeze.html

i.e. http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+[Squeeze Page Name]

For future reference with this course we will call this the ‘Squeeze page URL’.

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Please note further to the encrypted folder, we wanted to ensure that the search engine spiders

do not index this page i.e. we don not want it discoverable via a search on Google. For that

reasons I have already programmed ‘no index’ code into the page, so that the search engine

spiders will not index it.

Next I recommend you test that the squeeze page is working by visiting the ‘Squeeze Page


In our example it is: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/Squeeze.html

For you it would be:

http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+[Squeeze Page Name]

If it is not being displayed then you have not followed the process exactly over the previous

steps. Go back and ensure you followed everything precisely. If you are still struggling then

get onto Hostgator live chat for support.

When the squeeze page appears on screen enter your ‘First name’ and ‘Email’ and click

‘Download Now’ button. Remember the ‘Thank you’ page is not setup yet so you will just

have been redirected to your standard URL e.g. in our example

But this check was to see if you were successfully added to your Aweber account. So log

backin to Aweber, select the associated list from the drop down menu and click on the

Subscribers tab.

You should notice your email and first name have been added there under. If not go back

through the entire process as you have left something out.

5.1.1 Tweak WSO Pro Settings

So if you have decided that you are going to do a One-Time-Offer, then you will need to

tweak the Setting in your ‘WSO Pro’ account.

If you set up a squeeze page then you must set the delivery URL to the Squeeze page

URL so that the buyer is delivered from Paypal to the squeeze page post payment.

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However if you elected to enter your auto responder details inside your ‘WSO Pro’

account, then the delivery URL should lead directly to the One Time Offer page, such

that Paypal directs the buyer immediately to the One Time Offer post payment.

You do this as follows:

Login to your Warrior Plus account. Click ‘WSO Pro’ and click ‘my listing’.

Click on the ‘Edit’ option next to your WSO title

Under the ‘Product Details’ option we had previously uploaded the file, and had the

‘WSO Pro Delivery’ system deliver the file for us. This works great if you are not doing a


So if you’re not doing an OTO stick with it. It will protect you from unauthorized


If you are doing an OTO you will need to change the settings as follows:

Uncheck the ‘Delivery File’ check box.

Enter the full ‘Squeeze Page URL’ (if you are using a squeeze page) or the One-Time-

Offer URL (if you elected not to use a squeeze page and instead input your auto responder

settings into WSO Pro) into the ‘Delivery URL’ field.

In our example it is: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/Squeeze.html

For squeeze page users it would be:

http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+[Squeeze Page Name]

For OTO page users it would be:

http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+[OTO Page Name]

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Then go down to the end of the page and click on ‘Update Listing’.

Effectively what this does is as soon as a customer pays you for your WSO, Paypal will

redirect the customer to this Squeeze page.

When they enter their details on the squeeze page, they are automatically added to your list

and redirected to the One-Time-Offer page.

Ok so we have now setup the squeeze page. The next step is to create the One-Time-Offer


5.2 The One Time Offer Page Setup

So just to remind you where the ‘One Time Offer’ page fits into the equation, whether you

are using a squeeze page or direct auto responder integration with WSO Pro, please note the

following screen shots over the page:

Please note that they are sent to either the squeeze page or the One-Time-Offer page

immediately from Paypal, depending on the ‘delivery URL’ you entered into your WSO Pro


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It will be presented to the customer immediately after they enter their ‘First Name’ and

‘Email Address’ in the squeeze page.

And if you elected not to use a squeeze page but rather add buyers automatically to your list

via the ‘Auto responder Integration’ settings in WSO Pro, the buyers are sent directly to the

OTO page from Paypal:

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The purpose of the OTO is to present a related offer, and to encourage the customer to

expend more money to get this additional offer. The offer must be related, and be offered at a

price that is deemed exceptional value for the customer.

I have found the very best way to increase conversions on the ‘One Time Offer Page’ is to

include ‘done for you’ samples and templates. For example with this ‘WSO Money Code’

course I included ‘Squeeze Page Templates’, ‘Download Page’ templates, ‘One Time Offer’

and the like, which greatly applied the concepts thought in ‘WSO Money Code’.

So our next step is to create the ‘One Time Offer’ page. Onceagain if you decided to take

the actual ‘One Time Offer’ that comes with the ‘WSO Money Code’ you will have already

received a neat One-Time-offer Template.

If you elected not to get the one time offer, you can have one last chance to grab it

So provided that you have taken me up on this offer, you can open the ‘OTO.html’ file that

came inside your ‘One Time Offer’ folder, which isinside the ‘Elite’ folder that came with

your download.

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Open it up using one of the WYSIWYG editors that I recommended in a previous chapter.

You can see right off the bat that it is a nicely designed One-Time-Offer with some

compelling sales copy.

This OTO copy really pushes the OTO as a way for your customer to save time and get

results a hell of a lot faster. That is why I recommend that you use pre-configured templates

as your OTO, because it will add a huge amount of value to the purchase and result in a far

higher conversion rate.

There are of course a number of amendments that you will need to make in order to

customize the template to your own unique WSO.

We will now work through the template such that by the end of the process you will have a

fully functional One-Time-offer sitting neatly between your squeeze page and your download


Step 1: Open the OTO.html file in your WYSIWYG Editor

Step 2: Enter your product name every where you see the text [product name] or [WSO


Step 3: Enter your OTO product details in each of the boxes provided.

You will need to answers the questions:

- Name

- What it does?

- How it will benefit you?

- Usual Selling price?

You will also need to insert the product images pertaining to each of the WSO products.

If your OTO products are PLR, then these will already come inside that folder. If they are

templates you made yourself, then take a simple screen shot of the template using a program

such as Snagit, and that will do perfectly.

Just upload the image files to the images folder on your server, and insert the link to that


For example in keeping with out ‘WSO Money Code’ example, lets say the image for OTO

product one is called oto1.jpg.

If that is inside the images folder we created earlier, then it would be as follows: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/images/oto1.jpg

i.e. http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+[image folder]+[image name]

Do this for each of the OTO products you have in your offer.

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Step 4: Insert the Payment Buttons

For this to run smoothly you will need to buy another ‘WSO Pro’ license key. This will

enable you to add the OTO product to your WSO Pro account, and thus generate buttons that

will handle the payment and delivery for your OTO product upgrade.

So go back to your Warrior Plus account Click on ‘WSO Pro’

Select ‘New Listing’

Follow the steps outlined in Chapter 4.0 WSO Pro Setup.

Be sure to upload the entire package including the original WSO package & the OTO

package inside the one folder.

Call it something like ‘WSO Name Elite’ e.g. ‘WSO Money Code Elite’.

You will have already captured their First Name and Email address so you don’t have to do

that again. Some marketers will elect to setup a new list to record these people again as a

‘premium list’ that bought their OTO. You can do the same if you like. You will just have to

go through the same process we did previously and set up a new list.

When you have finished the process, uploaded the file and clicked on ‘Update Listing’, the

button code will have auto generated at the top of the page.

Copy that HTML code so that you can paste it into the OTO.html template.

I would now advice that you go back to OTO.html inside your WYSIWYG editor and paste

in the button at several points throughout the page.

Then extract the payment link from the ‘Button Code’ and paste it in as a hyperlink behind

the text ‘Click here to proceed to secure checkout screen’.

This payment link as extracted from the above example would be:

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Finally highlight the ‘No Thanks, take me to the download page’ link at the bottom of the

page, and include a link to the ‘Download Page’ for people that elect not to take the ‘OTO’.

We will create this page in the next step, upload it to out server and revert back here to insert

this link to active this ‘No Thanks, Please Take Me To The Download Page’ link.

5.3 The Download Page Setup

The ‘wso download page’ refers to the page that includes the link for the customer to

download the WSO to their PC or Mac. This page refers only to the original WSO and not

the OTO Elite Package.

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Just to remind you where it fits into the whole process, here is the visual representation:

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As you can see it is accessed by customers who have landed on the ‘one Time Offer’ page,

but clicked on the ‘No Thank You, Take Me To The Download Page’ link i.e. they elected

not to buy the OTO. Obviously if you are not using a ‘squeeze page’, then the squeeze page

section of the previous diagram does not apply.

If you elected to purchase the OTO upgrade package that came with WSO money code, then

you have already received a neat ‘Download Page’ template. Incidentally if you would like a

second chance to download this OTO upgrade package, then.

Please be aware that there is no need to create a download page for those that elect to buy the

OTO offer i.e. the ‘Download Page for WSO & OTO’ in the diagram above. This is

delivered automatically via the WSO Pro system.

Go to the ‘Elite Package’ folder inside your download package for ‘WSO Money Code’

Open the ‘Download Page’ folder, and open the download.html file with your chosen

WYSIWYG editor.

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All you need to do is edit the tables as seen above, to enter your product and bonus names.

Then highlight the ‘Download Now’ links, and enter the direct location to those files on the


I recommend that you put the download page inside an extra ‘non sensical’ named folder, to

make the download location even more secure.

To use our previous example it might be something like the following: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/download.html

i.e. http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+ [Encrypted Folder Name #2] +[download page]

Upload each product and bonus as a separate .zip file and put them into the [Encrypted Folder

Name #2] or in this example ‘ry5gfwer’ folder on your server.

Say for example our product download file names were as follows:

Main Product:

Bonus #1:

Bonus #2:

Bonus #3:

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We would use File Zilla to drag and drop each of these zip files into the [Encrypted Folder

Name #2] or in this example ‘ry5gfwer’ folder on your server.

So the direct download URLS for the main product and bonuses using the above example

would be:

Main Product tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/

Bonus #1 tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/

Bonus #2 tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/

Bonus #3 tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/

I recommend that you cloak each of these URLs using a service like bitly.

So for example when I copy… tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/

…into bitly, it becomes

I will then go back to the download.html page in the WYSIWYG editor and paste in behind the ‘Download Now’ link pertaining to the main product.

- 86 -

I would repeat the process for all the bonuses, and then re-save the download.html file. I

would then use File Zilla to upload the download.html file into the [Encrypted Folder Name

#2] or in this example ‘ry5gfwer’ folder on your server.

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The means that the location on your server to the download page is: tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/download.html

i.e. http://[Domain Name]+[Encrypted Folder Name]+ [Encrypted Folder Name #2] +[download page]

So I will cloak this link by copying it into bitly… tuyj56jiufh943hw34fhuwfwh4fiw34tg34g34ggg/ry5gfwer/download.html

…and, it becomes

So this link is what I use to paste into the bottom of the OTO page

behind the text that reads:

‘No Thanks, Please Take Me To The Download Page’

If you really want to maximize the amount of money that you can make with WSOs, then the

next chapter on the ‘Advanced Download & Delivery System’ is essential reading.

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6.0 Advanced Download & Delivery System Tactics

Are you aware that by making small tweaks to the way in which your download is delivered,

you can sky rocket your backend sales.

You may or may not be aware that 90% of the money making potential for any WSO is in the


If you used my ‘automation rule’ during the Aweber set up, you are already benefiting from

this tactic. But you can benefit even more concerning the delivery method.

Instead of sending someone to a simple download page, you get them to join your personal

membership site to download their product.

I first learned of this brilliant concept several years ago through ‘Mike Filsaime's’ ‘Butterfly

Marketing Manuscript’.

Effectively the thinking behind it is this. Make sure all of your products are delivered

through a membership site. This will enable you to present One-Time-Offers as soon as they

log in and make boat loads of cash.

It will also enable you to cross sell related products on the margins of your download page

via text link ads, and banner ads. It will enable you to add bonuses to this member download

area periodically, and thus force customers to have to log back into the system to get their

FREE bonuses.

Every time they log back in you can present them with a new OTO, and of course they are

exposed again and again to your text ad, banner ads, and your other products.

This is a form of ‘pull’ rather than ‘push marketing’ and it is very effective because you are

subtly encouraging them to buy, with out pushing it down their throat like email marketing is

sometimes guilty of. It’s very much a case of ‘people love to buy but they hate being sold


Now I know that many people shy away from membership sites because they think it’s too


Think again. If you follow the short steps outlined below you will have a premium download

SYSTEM up and running in no time, that will provide you with ‘GURUesque’ backend sales

that will make you more money GUARANTEED.

6.1 Step 1: Install Wordpress on your Primary Domain

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By now you should have purchased a domain name that is representative of your WSO title.

In my case for this course called ‘WSO Money Code’ I purchased the title


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You will also need a hosting account if you don’t have one already. If you don’t have a

hosting account I recommend Hostgator. They will even give you a FREE domain name

when you sign up.

Once you have your hosting account setup, then log into your hosting account’s ‘control

panel’ and use the ‘Wordpress Script’ to install your Wordpress platform in seconds.

This should be represented by a ‘Wordpress Icon’ that you see under a ‘Software’ or

‘services’ tab.

Follow the simple wizard to install Wordpress inside the folder joined to your new domain


Click on ‘Install a brand new version’

Then enter your login details.

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Click the ‘Complete’ button when finishedand you will get an ‘installation complete’

notification along with a summary of your login credentials.

6.2 Step 2: Get the WP Member Champ Plugin for Wordpress

WP Member Champ is the engine that makes this strategy work so effectively. It will

secure your download pages to make it impossible for people who haven’t paid to access the


There are lots of membership plugins for Wordpress but this is the best I have seen when it

comes to integration with WSOs, Aweber and Paypal.

As soon as someone signs up to your membership site they are automatically added to your

Aweber list. If they unsubscribe from your Aweber list at any time, they will be

automatically unsubscribed from your membership site and thus have their access privileges


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The way this works is that once you have installed your ‘Wordpress site’ as per the previous

step, you then need to login to that Wordpress site and install your ‘WP Member Champ’


Before you can install it, you first need to click here to download it.

Post payment you will receive the login details and the URL to access the plugin:

Login and click on the ‘Your Downloads’ section and download it to your PC or Mac.

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Next you need to download it to your PC / Mac by clicking on the ‘WP Member Champ’ link

as highlighted in the screen shot below.

Take note of the registration key as you will need that in a little while.

When its download to your PC / Mac, you need to upload it to your Wordpress site. So login

to your Wordpress site:

(provided you installed it as I directed above)

From your Wordpress Dashboard select ‘Plugins’ ‘Add New’

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Next click on the ‘Upload’ link

- 93 -

Next find the file on your PC/Mac and upload it as is, in its zip file format

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Next click on the ‘Activate Plugin’ option

Congratulations you have now setup your ‘Wordpress’ site and activated your membership


The next step is to configure the settings of the plugin.

In your ‘Dashboard’ under the ‘Settings’ tab select ‘WP Member Champ’

You then complete the ‘WP Member Champ’ settings:

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This is all pretty self explanatory. Put the cursor over the question mark icon next to each

field for a full explanation.

Entering the product price here will disable and over ride dime sale pricing, so probably best

to enter a set price here.

Certainly check the ‘yes’ option opposite the ‘protect all new pages and posts by default’ as it

means non members can’t access your content, instead they will be sent to a buy now page.

The auto responder list field refers to the list name inside your Aweber account to which you

want to add the buyers of your WSO.

For example in my case If my list name is ‘wsocode’ then the List Email Address is

[email protected]’.

Under the ‘Advanced Integration’ settings you will see why I recommend this particular ‘WP

plugin’ i.e. direct integration with the ‘WSO Pro’ system.

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As per the above screen shot simply click on the ‘yes’ option opposite ‘Activate WSO Pro


Then click on ‘Update’.

The next step is to keep this information open in a separate window and go back and login to

your ‘Warrior Plus’ account at, in order to enter this


Click on ‘WSO Pro’ in the top tab and click on ‘my listings’.

Click on the ‘Edit’ link opposite your WSO title name:

Under the ‘Advanced Options’ enter in the ‘IPN Forwarding URL’ and the ‘Key Generation

URL’ that you grabbed from the bottom part of the ‘Advanced Integration Settings’ under the

‘WP Member Champ Settings’.

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Click on the update button and congratulations, your ‘WP Member Champ’ is now fully

integrated with your ‘Warrior Plus’ account.

Now all that is left for you is to create a ‘Page’ on your Wordpress account that will be the

first page people are sent to after logging in to your membership site.

This page should be the download page and should start with a welcome notice, file or video

at the top.

Then list the ‘WSO Download Files’.

Underneath the download files I highly recommend that you include a notice for them to

become your affiliate and to promote the very product they just invested in. You can get neat

‘Affiliate Signup Graphics by clicking here. These will convert more customers into

affiliates guaranteed.

Make it easy for them with a direct link to the ‘Affiliate’ sign up page. I’ll show you how to

do that in the chapter on ‘recruiting affiliates’. On the affiliate page include a swipe file and

banner ads, to make it easy for affiliates to promote your WSO.

I also recommend that you insert a ‘help’ page along with a link to your help desk or help

email address.

Another tactic is to include a ‘Surprise’ tab and add un announced bonuses there periodically

and send customers and email to login and access these. This gives even more exposure to

your other products, affiliate sign up and banner ads – the result of which are more sales.

Once you have this entire system complete, you do not need to start again from scratch. Use

this tool t o duplicate the entire blog & member site for each of your subsequent WSOs. I use

this tool to clone my Wordpress auto blogs and it works fantastically.

Please note that if you are using the advanced delivery system then you do not need to

use the HTML download page templates, because the download page will be created

directly inside the Wordpress blog and be driven by the aforementioned plugin.

The next step in the process is to discuss the importance of graphics, and to recommend how

and where you go about sourcing these.

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7.0 Graphic Creation

First and foremost if you haven’t done so already you really need to go download the

Marketing Graphics Tool Kit from fellow Warrior Max.

It includes a MASSIVE portfolio of customizable images including:

- 3D E-book Covers

- Flash ‘buy buttons’

- Header graphics

- Headline Makers

- Bullet points

- Guarantee Signs

- Etc

It truly is in my opinion the very best WSO on the Warrior Forum in terms of ‘value for

money’. Instead of you having to go pay graphic designers for graphics, you get everything

done for you for less than 10 bucks.

I think the importance of ‘graphics’ is completely overlooked by the majority of people

running WSOs. They seem to think ‘well I have to expend $40 to the Warrior Forum and

$20 to Mike Lantz for the WSO Pro License key so I’m down at least $60 before I ever start.

So why on earth spend another $40 on e-Book graphics?’

Well I can tell you as a matter of fact, I have had product sales jump by as much as 90%

when I added a professional 3D e-Book cover image to my sales copy.

It is a critical element and I urge you at the very least to get Max’s package above and add a

professional image to each of your WSOs.

But why are these 3D e-Book covers so powerful?

7.1 The Power of Tangibility

In a word its ‘tangibility’. When people are buying a digital product, it is very difficult to

quantify it in physical form. By adding a digital image that is representative of what they will

receive, they can physically see what they are getting.

The age old adage is ‘never judge a book by its cover’. In reality that is exactly the opposite

of what the majority of people do. Having something tangible to show your prospective

customer, shows them that they are downloading a whole lot more than 1s and 0s.

Furthermore the e-Book image enables you to really drive home the key USP for your

particular e-Book i.e. the sub title.

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Here is a sample of some of my past product covers just to show you the visual IMPACT of a

tangible e-Book cover. Notice as you look at them how the images are emphasizing the title,

and how the sub title really aims to impress the reader as to the key U.S.P the book delivers:

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Of course I am not a graphic designer so I had each of these graphics professional designed.

As a prime example to the power of the internet in terms of dismantling the geographic

boundaries that restrict business in the physical world, my designer lives high up in the

mountains of Russia.

For those of you that want him to design the graphics for you, his name is ‘Dmitriy

Konyushenko’ and his website is

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All you have to do is contact him on [email protected] and provide him with the

following information:

E-book Title E-book Sub Title Author Name Website URL Style of Graphic Theme for the Design

Try and devise a catchy title that focuses firmly on the precise topic pertaining to the book.

Use the sub title to really sell your readers on what the book will do for them.

Author name and URL are self explanatory.

What I mean by style of graphic is that Dmitry has different styles on his website e.g. 3D

Softback covers, 3D hardback covers, 3D boxes, 3D software packages etc.

You need to identify the style you want in advance. The style I like and use on all my

courses is the ‘3D softback covers’.

You can also indicate the theme you want for the design. For example in the ‘Twitter

Tapper’ course below I asked him to create an image of the twitter bird at his computer with

cash flying out of the screen. He went ahead and provided me exactly what I asked for.

Dmitry charges $40 for 3D e-book covers and for that you will get several different sizes: The Flat cover which we used earlier as the front cover of your actual e-book The Large 3D e-Book cover The Medium 3D e-Book cover The Small 3D e-Book cover The Extra Small 3D e-Book cover

If you are designing a website that will offer your WSO on its on site, then Dmitry will do the

header and footer graphics for you for an additional $30.

If this is outside your budget, then Marketing Graphics Tool Kit is the very best alternative

available anywhere else online.

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8.0 Testimonial Gathering

Testimonials are one of the most important aspects of your sales copy when it comes to

building credibility and increasing conversions. Think about it. Prospective customers are

bombarded ‘morning, noon and night’ with marketers promising them the ‘sun, moon and

stars’. There is an inevitable element of disbelief unless they get some form of independent

third party confirmation, that what you are saying in your sales copy is ‘true’ and has worked

for people other than yourself.

One big mistake that WSO authors make is that they launch a WSO and wait for their

customers to leave a testimonial. Considering 90% of customers will not take the time to

leave a testimonial, and even the 10% of those that do can take up to 72 hours to do so – your

sales letter is in a weakened position unless you launch your WSO with ‘testimonials’ already

embedded into the sales copy.

There are a few ways that we can make this happen, and these are now outlined below.

8.1 The ‘Make Money Online’ Thread

I have found one of the most effective ways to generate testimonials before launch, is to leave

a post under the ‘Make Money Online’ thread on the Warrior Forum. It is located about three

quarter way down the page under the ‘Joint Ventures, Articles, Books…etc’ heading.

This thread is dedicated to FREE e-Books, software or courses that people can download.

About a week before I launch a WSO, I always use this thread to give away 10 copies of my

latest e-book. In the post I tell the Warriors that they need to reply to this thread if they want

a FREE copy of my latest e-Book.

Here is a screenshot of the title I used to in this thread to generate reviews for my last e-Book

‘Solo Ad Tornado’.

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Notice that the start of the headline reads [10 FREE Copies]. Remember you are competing

with all the other people who posted in this thread, so it’s vital to get their attention. The fact

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the word ‘FREE’ is mentioned along with the imposed limit of ‘10’ means that this headline

generates a higher response rate.

I then include the ‘title’: ‘Solo Ad Tornado’ and the ‘sub title’: ‘Explode Your List & Sales in

Just 24 Hours’. As you can see this post generated over 420 views and 50 post replies. Not

bad considering it didn’t cost me a single cent, generated 10 glowing reviews for my sales

copy, and is continuing to drive traffic to my sale page day after day.

I tell them that in return for the FREE copy all I want is for them to post an ‘honest’ review,

here under on that same thread.

Here is a screen shot of what I posted:

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Please note this screen shot includes the ‘Edit’ entry at the top, which is only added after the

’10’ free copies have been given away.

I strongly advise that you script your post similar to what I have above. Include an image of

your 3D cover to show them they are getting something tangible.

In effect in the copy I tell them: what it is, what it does, how to get their FREE copy, and

where to leave the testimonial.

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This is a very powerful strategy because it will give you instant credibility as soon as you

launch your WSO. Instead of being in a situation whereby you launch with zero testimonial

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and have to wait several days for buyer testimonials to filter through, you can kick start sales

with 10+ testimonials.

Testimonials are a pre-requisite that most warriors will look for before they ‘hit’ the buy

button. They want the social proof that your product lives us to the sales copy.

Now it is against Warrior Forum rules to use the ‘Make Money Online’ thread to build your

list. So you must make it clear in your post that you will PM the download link to the first 10

people to reply to the thread i.e. they don’t have to opt in to receive it.

If you don’t make that clear on the thread, then a moderator will most likely delete your

thread without warning. So really emphasize that point in bold and underline.

In this regard the forum administrators can see that you are not infringing upon the rules.

True not everyone will come back and post the review, but I have found that most people are

thankful for the free copy and will reciprocate with a review within 48 hours of receiving


Come back to the thread within 72 hours of posting, and PM the top 10 people who replied to

the thread a link to download a FREE copy. Ask them once again to reply to the thread with

a testimonial within 48 hours.

If within 3 days they have not responded with a testimonial, PM them with a reminder and

include a direct link to the thread.

It is important that you draw the line at 10 FREE copies. As soon as you have sent out 10

download links to the first 10 people write the following at the top of the page, along with the

‘scarcity in a box’ code if it is still relevant:

------------------ ------------------ ----------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------


This WSO is now for sale at the following link:

[Insert direct link to your WSO Thread]

[Insert ‘scarcity in a box’ code]

------------------ ------------------ ----------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------

This will in turn drive further sales to your WSO thread, as the ‘Make Money Online’ thread

receives a nice daily flow of readers. The addition of the ‘scarcity in a box code’ will act as a

strong call to action e.g. ‘2 copies left at this price’.

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Better yet you can go back through all the additional requests for a FREE version (outside of

the first 10 who got a free copy), and PM them a link to the sales page. This is not SPAM,

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they have already requested a copy of your course so it is solicited mail when you PM them a

link to the sales page when all the FREE copies have run out.

I have found that these two strategies drive even more sales, and help me to make more

money on autopilot.

We will use these testimonials later when we start writing our sales copy.

8.2 Email a Segment of Your List

Another strategy for gathering testimonials in advance of launch is to email a segment of you

list. All you need to do is select a sample of 10 – 20 people and ask them to submit a review.

Of course you could manually PM some random members of the Warrior Forum as well. If

you are doing this however, be selective in who you choose and make sure that you send the

request and receive a response before you send them the download link. Otherwise they are

less likely to respond.

What I mean by being selective in ‘who you chose’is that you should get credible people to

give you reviews. Getting testimonials from credible people on the Warrior Forum is worth

its weight in gold.

One of the best ways to find credible people is to identify successful authors. These people

will have several WSOs to their name, and be a trusted source of information.

8.3 Video Testimonials

Video Testimonials are another powerful form of social proof, and you should look to secure

these at every opportunity. One method is to use the ‘Make Money Online’ thread, and

inside in the post where you ask people to leave testimonials for a FREE copy tell them that if

they leave a ‘video testimonial’ as well then you will give them an additional bonus.

Video testimonials really are the ultimate in social proof. Especially if the person leaving the

testimonial shows evidence of the benefits that your product did for them. This evidence

could include some screen capture of their Clickbank account or something that shows your

product brings them in results.

Video testimonials also make your ‘testimonials’ more credible. The fact you can see the

reviewer ‘face to face’, hear their voice and observe their body language makes their review

more believable.

Of course video testimonials also provide value to the person leaving the testimonial. There

is nothing wrong with them mentioning their site at the start and end of the video i.e.

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Furthermore when you receive a video testimonial, you don’t have to confine it to your

webpage. In fact you should ask the video reviewer to upload it to their YouTube Channel.

That way all of their subscribers on YouTube will see it. You will also benefit from the

community effects e.g. people liking your video on Facebook, people commenting on your

video, video embeds on different sites, people social bookmarking it etc.

The other great thing about YouTube is the ease at which one can leave a video testimonial

i.e. with YouTubes quick capture feature all they have to do is log into their YouTube

account and hit the ‘Quick Capture’ button. They are then recorded in real time via their web

cam. All their existing ‘Friends’ on YouTube will receive notification of the upload and

many will go watch it.

Of course you should not rely totally on their video upload to YouTube. If they ever take it

offline or get their account banned for rule infractions, then you will have lost that

testimonial. So always download their video testimonial to your own hard drive. You can

use a FREE service such as KeepVid to do this easily.

You can then use a service such as Traffic Geyser or SENuke t o upload these video

testimonials to hundreds of video sites online. This in itself is an extremely powerful

strategy. Imagine having hundreds of video testimonials on hundreds of sites. You would

send a never ending tsunami of traffic and sales to all of your WSOs and other web properties

for that matter.

In fact using SENuke effectively will create link wheels that propagate your video all over

the web in every imaginable social network, social bookmarking site, forum, video sharing

site, news site and all over Google. The result is a huge flow of positive traffic to your WSO.

Of course most people won’t even know how to leave a video testimonial, so don’t expect to

get any more than one or two. But strongly recommend the YouTube ‘QuickCapture’

method for all, especially the less tech savvy ones.

I have included a neat ‘video testimonial generator’ as a bonus to this course, so don’t be

afraid to use it. It’s inside the ‘Bonuses’ folder that came with your download.

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9.0 Bonus Development

Bonuses are something that your customers expect to receive these days. It has become

something of a standard in the ‘make money online’ niche, and for any niche selling digital

products for that matter.

A bonus should serve to compliment the product being sold and in effect, add value to that


I will now outline some of the different types of bonuses that you should give serious

consideration to including in your WSOs.

9.1 Mind Maps

Mind Maps are an excellent bonus that serves to help the customer to visualize the flow of

the whole process your product describes.

It is said that a ‘picture paints a thousand words’ and this is very true when it comes ‘mind


Mind Maps can add significant value to any product. They ensure a clear understanding of

how the different elements fit together.

If you are interested in creating ‘mind map’ bonuses then I recommend you check out a piece

of software called Xmind. It’s 100% FREE and will enable you to create professional grade

mind maps that you can include as bonuses or up sells to your One-Time-Offer ‘elite’


9.2 Templates

Templates are another neat bonus that will add value for your customer. Effectively they

enable the customer to plug in their own information, and thus customize a template to their

own product / business.

The great thing about template is that they bridge the gap between theory and application of

theory. Not only are you telling customers how the process works in your course, but you are

actually providing something that will help them to transmute that theory into practice.

Examples of some templates I have given out include: HTML web page templates for OTO and Thank You Pages (provided as OTO to this


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with Formulas – the customer plugs in their information

and the formula auto-calculate the figures for them

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Sales Copy Templates

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9.3 Action Plans

An ‘action plan’ is another great bonus to include with your WSO. Effectively if you are

providing a 100 page + e-Book, a ‘fast start action plan’ can get your customers started

quickly when it comes to implementing your strategy.

Think of the action plan as a list of specific actions that the customer should take. Remember

this is the ‘fast start plan’ so there is no long winded information here. Just clear specific

steps no more than 2/3 lines per step.

This will get your customers started quickly, and getting results as fast as possible.

9.4 PLR Bonuses

Another option when it comes to providing a bonus is to give away some PLR bonuses. PLR

refers to Private Label Rights and it’s effectively means that you buy the rights to someone

else’s product, so that you can give that product away for FREE as a bonus to your product.

One excellent source of bonus products is Make certain

however that you observe the terms of the license that comes with these products. Some do

not allow you to give the product away for FREE, so make certain you abide by those terms.

9.5 eCourses

eCourses are one of my favorite bonuses. In fact everyone who buys one of my WSOs or

products is automatically added to my ‘IM Success Principles’ eCourse. This happens behind

the scenes on autopilot. No matter what product they buy, they are automatically subscribed

to this FREE eCourse. I explained how to set these up in a previous chapter so revert back, if

you need more information setting this up.

I really like the FREE eCourse bonus because it enables me to provide high quality content to

my new customers over a period of time. This enables me to demonstrate my knowledge and

understanding of the topic and thus boost my credibility. This will build my relationship with

my customers and effectively result in even more sales being produced.

In our next chapter we will discuss in detail how to create high conversion sales copy, that

ensures your WSOs sell like hot dogs at a music festival.

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10.0 Sales Letter Creation

OK so at this stage we have developed our product, set up our lists, built our download pages,

created our bonuses and gathered our testimonials. The next critical step is creating ‘high

conversion’ sales copy that will turn the maximum number of site visitors into customers.

Sales copy is one of the most critical steps in the entire process. It is the difference between

an extremely successful WSO and one that is a complete flop.

No matter how good your product is, you will not generate very many sales unless you have

written compelling sales copy.

Some of my best selling WSOs have had a conversion rate of 25% or higher. This means that

25 out of every 100 people who read my sales copy, purchased. This is very good when you

consider the industry average is 2 – 4%.

I credit my high conversions to the sales copy format and sequence I use in all my WSOs. I

will now reveal to you the precise sequence that has been generating all these great results for


I want you to write your sales copy in the exact order that the following steps are presented.

This order is predetermined to draw in the prospective customer and excite them to the point

that they are dying to purchase your WSO.

10.1 Step 1: WSO Pre-Sell Subject Line

When you first launch your WSO and send $40 to the Warrior Forum, you will appear on the

main ‘Warrior Special Offer’ thread where there can be 5,000+ simultaneous readers at any

one time. Remember these are proven ‘buyers’ who are reading through all the ‘pre-sell’

headlines, trying to decide which one they are going to buy at that given moment.

The problem is that is competing with the other 80+ WSOs that are on that page.

Furthermore there are new ones being launched every few minutes so your one will be

pushed further and further down the page. You really need to make this ‘pre-sell’ subject line

pop. You need to make it leap off the page and do a summersault before your target market.

The best way to do that is to make your pre-sell subject line SCREAM a major benefit.

Remember the job of the pre-sell is to sell the click i.e. to get them to click on the pre-sell and

read your WSO. Let the WSO sales copy sell the WSO, and focus the pre-sell on getting

them to open that WSO. This is a key point to keep in mind.

Here are a few of my current successful pre-sell lines:

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This type of pre-sell is powerful for several reasons;

1. It contains the subject matter of my course: Video Marketing. The keyword ‘Video

Marketing’ will automatically attract attention from those seeking a course on ‘Video


2. It provides a key benefit: ‘DOMINATE Page One of Google & YouTube’ – what

internet marketer wouldn’t not want to dominate page one of these two traffic giants.

3. It overcomes certain ‘sales resistance’ i.e. it will work even for people who have

never created a video before. This will appeal to a huge sector of the target market

who may fear they lack the technical competency to use this course.

Here’s another example:

This style of headline is more a tease. Nobody likes wasting their time, and so many will

wonder what exactly is a fad and why are they doomed. They will also wonder what exactly

‘digital assets’ are and how can they too build them.

Curiosity is a key human trait, and by using a headline like the above you will boost your

click through rate for sure.

My final example of one of my other presells is as follows:

In this example the readers are promised a major benefit in a very short period of time. The

thought that one could explode their list size and sales in just 24 hours sounds almost too

good to be true. Especially when they are told they don’t need any product, list, traffic or

website. This type of pre-sell will get a huge number of click throughs.

Another technique is to ask a question or use the all powerful words ‘How to..’. ‘How to’ is

the most sought after information online, and thus they are real ‘power words’ from a sales

copy perspective.

You should also try and embed some of the most searched keywords on the Warrior Forum,

into your title. You can discover these at the following link:

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good exercise that I often do is to head over to the ‘Warrior Special offer’ thread and read

ake a habit of doing this regularly. It is a great way to train yourself to create ‘pre-sell’

10.2 Step 2: The Headline

he Headline is the first thing people see when they click on your ‘pre-sell’ and visit your


he headline must appeal to either their ‘fear of loss’ or ‘potential for gain’. Ask yourself the

recently devised a very short and sharp WSO headline for my protégé KME Byrne. He had

is headline generated a huge amount of traction because it appealed to everyone who owns

hey were magnetized to the post and felt compelled to read every word to discover why they

this example you can see that a headline does not need to be long to be compelling. It just

lease also note that the headline is in ‘RED’ and inside ‘quotation’ marks. Split tests have

also recommend ‘Impact’ or ‘Tahoma’ as the font type.

cidentally if you are a Wordpress Owner you should check out his course by clicking here


down through all the headlines. Identify headlines that ‘stop you in your tracks’ and record

them into a text file for future reference.


lines that really gain a lot of traction.


WSO thread. It is essential that it really impresses upon them the benefit of reading the res

of the sales copy.


question what is the worst thing that can happen to them if they do not read your sales copy

or get your product? What will they lose or not benefit from.


created a new course to help secure Wordpress Blogs from Hackers so I gave him the


“Wordpress Owner?

You are in GRAVE Danger...”


a wordpress site. It effectively immediately pre-qualified the leads.


were in great danger, what this danger was, and how on earth could they prevent it.


needs to hook the reader. So coming up with a hook or a slant that is based on FEAR is one

of the most powerful headline generation strategies you could use.


proven that ‘red’ headline in ‘quotation marks’ get the most attention, so make sure you do

that too.


In .

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Other powerful headline ‘frames’ include:




emember ‘how to’ information is some of the most sought after information online, so by

veryone loves unearthing the secrets to some technique or process that only a certain


you are really stuck then you can use a FREE headline generator at the following link


> Click here for access to this FREE headline generator

How to ___ Discover the Secret to ___


using the words ‘how to’ with a topical subject matter and a primary benefit, you will

produce interest.


number of people are privy to, so exploit the word ‘secret’ to full effect in your headlin


which will automatically create headlines for you using ‘power’ words, while blending in

benefits that will compel them to take action.

= .

10.3 Step 3: The Opening Paragraph

he opening paragraph should use the ‘problem – agitate’ technique i.e. you identify their


or example here is an extract from my WSO called ‘Solo Ad Tornado’. As you can see I


problem, relate to it, pour salt in their wounds to emphasize how painful their problem can

and then begin to present a solution.


focused on the ‘lack of traffic’ problem that every internet marketer encounters:

hey can relate to the fact that getting traffic is a ‘problem’ area. It also irritates them that T

l their conversions can be as low as 1 or 2% and the problem is agitated when you mention al

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the effort they put into writing articles, building backlinks etc and all to get just 1 lousy sale

for every hundred visitors.

So when you are writing your opening paragraph you need to write about the answers to these

3 questions:

What are the problems your target market are having that relates to this WSO?

What are the worst side effects generated as a result of this problem?

What are the reasons why this problem is occuring?

Just before you launch into the body of the WSO copy, you need to present the ‘subject

matter of your WSO’ as the solution to their problem. Don’t say ‘My WSO is the solution to

your problem’.

Instead focus on the subject matter.

For example notice how I presented the solution to their problem in the next extract from my

‘Solo Ad Tornado’ sales copy below:

As you can see I have stated that the subject matter of my WSO is the solution to their

problem. This is important as you will later blend your product in as the ultimate solution,

but you don’t want to appear too salesy too soon.

10.4 Step 4: The Body

In the main body copy you transition into an explanation as to why the subject matter

mentioned is the solution to their problem. Give them a description of exactly what the

subject matter is, and state the key benefits of using this subject matter as a solution to their


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Notice the last line in the above extract. See how I seamlessly transition from an explanation

of what the solution is e.g. ‘solo ads’ into a way for them to put the solution into action e.g.

my WSO ‘Solo Ad Tornado’.

I then launch into a full description of the product: ‘Solo Ad Tornado’. I mention exactly

what it is, and what it will do for them.

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I include the 3D e-Book cover, the importance of which was detailed in a previous chapter.

Put in the ‘large’ 3D cover inorder to be visually captive. Provided that you designed the

image as per my recommendations, its sub title will make a bold statement as to the primary

benefit this course will have for your readers.

In the case of the above course ‘Solo Ad Tornado’ it is ‘Explode Your List & Commissions

in Just 24 Hours’.

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Next comes one of the most important sections of your entire sales copy: the bullet point list

of benefits. So many WSO authors make a huge mistake here that will cost them BIG TIME

in the conversion stakes. The end up talking all about the features mistaking them to be the

benefits of the product. REMEMBER ‘features tell, benefits sell’.

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A feature is not a benefit. A feature is what a product does. A benefit is the positive results

the customer will experience as a result of the features.

I really can’t emphasize enough the difference between a feature and a benefit, and the

importance of this to your sales copy.

A feature is something the product does. With bullets you want to create benefits that are so

delicious that they won’t even read the rest of the copy they will be looking for the order


What most people think are benefits are really advantages.

Feature Is what the product has

Advantage Is what a Feature Does

Benefit Is what a Feature Means.

I always remember a webinar I watched by copywriter to the guru’s Michel Fortin. In it he

gave an example of how a woman selling anti wrinkle cream wrote copy. Effectively she

mentioned the following ‘advantages’, thinking they were the benefits:

Features Advantages

It reduces wrinkles It makes you look younger

It comes in a home kit Its easy to use at home

It is PH balanced Its gentle on your skin

However we need to take the advantages and we transform them into real benefits by going

deeper into the end result. It’s really all about the ‘experience of the benefit’.

Features Advantage Benefit

It reduces wrinkles It makes you look younger You’ll be more attractive, get

that promotion or recognition

you always wanted, you’ll

never guess your age, you’ll

make them fall in love with

you all over again.

It comes in a home kit Its easy to use at home You don’t have to be

embarrassed or waste time

and money with repeated

visits to the doctor’s office.

Its facelift in a jar done in the

privacy of your own home.

It is PH balanced Its gentle on your skin There are no risks or healing

period like those with harsh

chemical peels and


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Expert copywriter ‘Peter Stone’ says to use the ‘so that’ technique. Write down a feature and

then use the words ‘so that’ to get the advantage and another ‘so that’ to get the benefit and

another ‘so that’ followed by another ‘so that’ inorder to get deeper and deeper into the

benefits. Effectively until you cant do anymore.

I strongly advocate that you use the ‘so that’ principles when differentiating between the

‘features’ and ‘benefits’. Effectively you state the feature and then use the words ‘so that’ to

come up with the associated benefit.

This is best illustrated with the following extract from the same ‘Solo Ad Tornado’ sales

copy. Notice on every line I mention a feature and then follow it up with the words ‘so that’

along with the associated benefit.

Please also take note that these benefits are delivered as bullet points with alternate bullet

points being emboldened. This makes the benefits easy to read, which is key if you want

people to read your sales letter.

10.5 Step 5: The Social Proof

Effective social proof is essential to supercharging your conversions. You need to provide

visual proof of the effectiveness of your strategies.

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Here is an extract from my ‘Solo Ad Tornado’WSO, that illustrates how much money can be

made rapidly using the techniques I outlined in ‘Solo Ad Tornado’. I used Snagit to capture

the screen shots with professional edges and formatting.

Here are further social proof screenshots from my course ‘Video Marketing To Page One’

which shows people how to get front page placement on Google in 24 hours for their videos:

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If you are comfortable doing this with screen capture video then better again. This provides

proof that your strategies work. It will help to dissolve the inevitable buyer resistance that

will affect your sales conversions other wise.

Powerful social proof is what many consider to be the single most important element of

effective sales copy. Many people will make a purchase decision based on social proof alone.

So do not skimp on this element of sales copy.

10.6 Step 6: The Testimonials

We went to a great deal of effort earlier to gather a list of 10 testimonials in advance of

writing the sales copy. If you were assertive enough and followed the guidelines, you may

even have got yourself a few video testimonials.

The next step is to insert the testimonials into your sales copy. Go back to the ‘Make Money

Online’ thread where you gave away 10 free copies in return for 10 testimonials. Hopefully

you will already have 4/5 testimonials posted after the 72 hours since they received the free


You now need to copy these into your sales copy. Simply click on the quote button directly

beneath each of the testimonials:

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Highlight all the text including the [quote] tags that are rendered at the bottom of that page

after you click on the ‘Quote’ button.

Then simply paste these directly into your WSO sales page.

These will thus go in as:

[QUOTE=Pluton;3908882]SOLO ADS

When I saw a new guide "Ad Tornado" on the WF I knew that I was in for a treat.



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Inserting them into your WSO in this way makes them even more credible because any

Warrior can click on the reviewers names e.g. in this case ‘pluton’ and see that they are

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indeed a real independent warrior without any affinity to you and that yes they did leave you

a genuine testimonial.

I also highly recommend that you insert that reviewers ‘picture’ and ‘website address’. This

will add considerable weight to their testimonial as it further proves they are a real person.

You are limited to 10 images on the WSO thread, so only do this for one or two of your

reviewers if possible.

Remember your potential customers maybe skeptical. It is important that you do everything

to mitigate this possibility.

If you got a video testimonial then you can embed this directly into your WSO.

Testimonial Placement

I recommend that you take one or two line snippets from your testimonials and place it at the

very start of your WSO thread. This will give you instant credibility before your prospective

customers even start reading your opening paragraph. They should reinforce the promise

made in your title.

Here is an example of this strategy taken from my ’10 Steps to 10 K Per Week’ WSO:

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I placed these snippets in between my ‘headline’ and my ‘Dear Warrior’ salutation. In effect

I had instant credibility and when people later read the sales copy, they will do so with less


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Testimonial Formatting

Your testimonials are so important to your conversion rate that is it worth your while

formatting them to increase their effectiveness.

As mentioned earlier try to include the reviewer’s image, address and URL in the testimonial.

The WSO thread limits you to 10 images so you may only have capacity to include one or

two images pertaining to the reviewer’s picture. Use them.

Here’s an example of one of my Testimonials for ’10 Steps to 10K Per Week’.

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As you can see the inclusion of the name, picture and URL adds considerable weight to the


Another smart technique is to emphasize keywords or phrases within each testimonial. Take

your time to identify the phrases in your testimonials that mention the greatest benefits to

your product. Then emphasize these snippets by emboldening, italicizing, increasing font

size, and using red font.

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People are going to scan as opposed to read every word of your testimonials so it is important

to make the key points stand out.

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A good example of this technique in action is as follows:

10.7 Step 7: The Money Back Guarantee

The ‘Money Back Guarantee’ is a contentious issue for many. I think every product creator

hates with a passion the ‘leeches’ that buy their product and then send a refund request

immediately. In fact that is my greatest ‘hate’when it comes to Clickbank. Serial refunders

are left download products and get refunds immediately behind the product creators back.

However to be fair this is the exception rather than the rule. Most people are honest, and will

only look for their money back if they have a very good reason.

Of course it should go without saying that you are producing products of the highest quality.

If you don’t then those people deserve their money back and then some. People’s time is

precious so don’t waste it with junk.

I’m obsessed with product quality. I go out of my way to add value every way I can. I want

my customers to be ‘blown’ away with the content, presentation and the offer. I want them to

say ‘wow this course is worth 10 times what I paid’. I think this is a good philosophy for you

too. Always try to over deliver.

The ‘Money Back Guarantee’ isan important element of your sales copy from a conversion

perspective. People like the security of being able to get their money back if the product did

not live upto their expectations. So the money back guarantee is a way for you to remove

some of the sales resistance, and boost your conversion rate.

I thus highly recommend that you provide a ’30 Day Money Back Guarantee’.

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10.8 Step 8: The Bonuses

Bonuses are all part of the ‘Offer’ you are making. The ‘product’, the ‘bonuses’ and the

‘prices’ should combine to create an offer that is irresistible to your customers. In truth all

the top copy writers say that the offer is the most important part of the entire sales letter.

Make sure that the bonuses you add to the product really add value. We dedicated an entire

chapter to ‘Bonus’ creation earlier so I am not going to repeat myself here.

You have a nice array of choices when it comes to bonuses: Templates Mind Maps Fast Start Plans PLR Bonus eCourses

The key is to ensure that the bonus is related to the primary product, and that it adds value.

A neat trick to further boost conversions and to overcome buyer procrastination is to make

some of the bonuses ‘limited’ by either time or quantity.

For example: If you buy before 12 Midnight Tomorrow night I will throw in this Premium


This premium bonus is limited to the next 10 sales only…

10.9 Step 9: The Call to Action

The ‘call to action’ is a key step in the process. It is made up of a number of elements

designed to get the customer to take action and buy your WSO.

Your call to action must be ‘action’ oriented and give clear and explicit instructions.

First and foremost you need to tell the customer what to do. Tell them to ‘Grab’ their copy

and to ‘click on the buy now button below’.

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This may seem obvious to the uninitiated but split test after split test proves that conversions

rise dramatically when a strong call to action is included in the sales copy.

Electrify the ‘call to action’ by telling them the consequences of failing to execute the call to

action. In my previous screen shot from ‘Solo Ad Tornado’, I amusing dime sale pricing as

a way to motivate them to execute the call to action promptly.

They are explicitly told that the price is rising $0.10 every 10 sales.

If they delay, then the price will rise.

10.10 Step 10: The Personalized Photo and Signature

Another important area of your sales copy is the inclusion of you photo and personal

signature. It is important to put a face to the sales letter. People want to know who exactly is

communicating with them. They want to know that it is a real person and not some ‘scam

artist’ entity.

By seeing your photo they can make their own mind up as to whether you look trust worthy.

It’s subtle and subliminal, but certainly including a photo will boost conversions. It is also

important as it helps you to connect with the reader and start to build a relationship with


Including your personal signature is another way to make your sales letter more personal and

personable. Simply get out a blank sheet of paper, write your signature as normal, take a

digital photo and upload it as an image.

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Do I not look sincere and trust worthy? You decide

10.11 Step 11: The PostScript

Did you know that the post script is one of THE most read parts of your entire sales letter?

As you know most people ‘scan’ as opposed to ‘read’ a sales letter.

Considering that the post script is the last line of your sales letter sitting beneath your picture,

it will get read as its standing out on its own.

Use the post script to reaffirm the key selling points of your sales letter. For example:

P.S. Remember this strategy is scientifically proven to make money inside 24 hours

P.P.S You have ZERO Risk as you are backed by a 100% Money Back Guarantee

As can be seen from the above example I like to reassure them in the P.S. that the product

works and in the P.P.S that they are backed by the money back guarantee so they have no risk


10.12 Step 12: Insert the ‘Buy’ Buttons

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The final step in the sales page is to insert your ‘Buy’ buttons. We will thus revert back to

the ‘WSO Pro’ section of ‘Warrior Plus’ to get the ‘Buy’ button code we generated earlier.

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Login to your account at

Click on ‘WSO Pro’

Click on ‘my listings’

Click ‘Edit’ opposite the name of your WSO

Select and copy the ‘button code’ and ‘scarcity in a box’ code into a notepad file:

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Then select all the contents of this notepad file and paste it into your WSO thread.

I recommend that you paste in the code directly underneath the ‘call to action’

I also recommend that you insert it twice more:

Once under the testimonials section and Once under the ‘Money Back Guarantee’.

It has been scientifically proven that 3 button insertions in a sales letter will maximize


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10.13 Step 13: Format Your WSO

Formatting your WSO is critical. If you created your WSO in a program like Microsoft

Word and just pasted it in, then it will not look well. Unfortunately MS Word is notorious for

inserting strange symbols and characters if it is pasted into another program or format such as


That’s why I recommend you write your WSO into the ‘thread’ in realtime, ensuring that

you copy and paste it into ‘notepad’ every so often to ensure you don’t lose your work. This

will enable you to hit the ‘Preview’ button every few minutes to see exactly how your WSO

is actually looking. Alternatively you can use the ‘Test’ section of the Warrior Forum.

I recommend that you have all headings font size 5 as previously stated. Ensure they are

emboldened. Ensure paragraphs are no more than 3/ 4 lines in length.

Use graphics to break up text and different color fonts to emphasize points. I said it before

and I’ll say it again every Warrior should grab Max’s awesome WSO ‘Marketing Graphics

Tool Kit’ - it’s a $1000+ value and you get it for under 10 bucks.

Now some Warrior advocate that you do write your WSO in another program and then turn

the entire sales copy into a single image file such as .jpg or .gif. While this certainly looks

‘pretty’ I don’t recommend it.

The Warrior Forum is a high Page Rank site and so you really need to have the WSO in

written text so that you can get indexed by Google and thus dominate the #1 position in

Google for your WSO.

If you set your WSO up as an image, then your affiliates will dominate page #1 of Google for

your product name and you will thus lose a lot of sales to those Warriors that realize the

importance of search engine indexing.

10.14 Step 14: Spell Check and Submit Your WSO

When you finish writing the sales copy, read through it a few times to make sure that

everything makes sense and to correct any grammatical errors.

You can hit the ‘Preview’ button several times through out writing the sales copy to see how

the thread looks.

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Make sure that you enter the 5 tags as can be seen in the above diagram. This makes your

WSO more visible for people using the ‘Warrior Forums’ ‘search’ feature and WarriorPlus’s

‘WSO Alert’ feature. So make sure you use your 5 primary keywords in there.

Also make certain that your sales copy is easy to read. Use plenty of white space i.e. ensure

that you have no more than 3 or 4 lines per paragraph. Use large headings and sub headings

to divide up the text. I like to use bold text size 5 for my headings.

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To replicate same just go to the HTML of your WSO thread and insert the tags

[SIZE=”5”][B]insert your heading here [/B][/SIZE] either side of your heading text.

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When you are happy with the entire layout and format of your WSO, simply hit the ‘Submit

New Thread’ option to submit your thread for approval. This can take upto 24 hours.

You will then receive a private message from the moderator stating that your thread has been

approved, along with a payment link.

As soon as you make the payment, your thread will go live at the top of the ‘Warrior Special

Offer’ thread.

One Word of Warning

As you are writing your WSO Sales copy inside on the WSO Thread prior to

submitting, make sure you copy over a fresh copy into a Notepad file every 15 minutes

or so. If you don’t you will potentially lose all your work because you may

inadvertently be logged out by the Warrior Forum.

I appreciate that this chapter on ‘sales copy’ may seem fragmented, but I really wanted to

break it down step by step in sequence. If you elected to take me up on the One-Time-Offer

please go to the ‘elite’ download folder and review the ‘Sales Copy Mind Map’ for a succinct

overview of the whole process.

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1 1.0 Pricing Model

Pricing is an important consideration for any WSO and for that very reason we will examine

it in detail here.

To understand the ideal price to charge for your WSO, it is important to understand the

psyche of your target market.

Remember the very ethos of the ‘Warrior Special Offer’ means that your customer should be

getting a discount over and above that which is available anywhere else online i.e. it should

be the cheapest place within which to buy that product.

So ‘Warriors’ are coming in with a ‘discount’ mindset. They are not interested in paying top

dollar for your product, no matter how good it is.

You thus need to realize in advance that with WSOs you make your money on sales

‘volumes’ and ‘backend sales’, as opposed to premium pricing on the front end. Remember

if your WSO is pitched correctly using all of the principles outlined in this course then you

could sell 3000+ copies over the course of a few days. If it is priced at say $7 then that is a

$21,000 pay day.

It’s also important to realize that many ‘warriors’ will buy 2, 3 maybe even 4 + WSOs in a

row in any given sitting. They just want to spend no more than $8 or $9 per WSO so that

they get 4 great WSOs for less than 50 bucks. A Warrior with this type of mindset is unlikely

to expend $16 or$17 on your WSO.

So in advance of setting the pricing bear these points in mind.

It is also fair to say that the cheaper your product is, the more you will sell. I’ve seen

successful WSOs selling for $1 and selling 10,000 copies in a week. Then what you could do

backend is make a One-Time-Offer that sells for $10 so that you get a huge volume of front

end sales and make even more on the backend.

I will now explore some of the key strategies you can implement from a pricing perspective.

11.1 Format Consideration

When trying to decide on your price point you need to consider your format.

Generally speaking software has the highest perceived value, followed by video courses,

followed by PDF files.

Where you could start a PDF course at $7 and rise it gradually, you could start a video course

at $17 and rise it gradually or a software at $27 and rise it gradually.

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These are general guidelines going by the ‘perception of value’ that the majority of people

attribute to different formats.

A neat trick is to add value by making your WSO available in all formats e.g. perhaps as a

PDF, video and MP3 course. This will maximize the perceived value and enable you to

charger a higher price.

I however believe that all WSOs should start at $7 and rise gradually. Yes the price

increment frequency could be more rapid for say video over PDF, that is the way I like to do


11.2 The Power of 7

You may or may not be aware that is has been scientifically proven split test after split test

that price points ending on the number 7, have the best conversions.

I guess this is because $7 looks more attractive than $9.99 or $17 looks better than $19.99, in

which cases the .99 looks gimmicky and too close to the next $10 increment.

I thus recommend that you set your pricing model accordingly. Instead of charging $9 charge

$7, instead of charging $19.99 charge $17.

11.3 Dime Sale Pricing Model

We explored dime sale pricing extensively in a previous chapter, so I am only going to

extend on that information here.

Effectively dime sale pricing enables you to set the price to rise automatically after a set

number of sales.

I recommend that you start all your WSOs at $7 (regardless of the format). As you can see

the previous point on the integer 7 is continued here. I then recommend that you set your

dime sale pricing to raise by $0.10 every 5 sales.

This means that by sale number 50 your price will have jumped to the $8 price point. If you

prefer you can set it to raise by $0.10 every 3 sales, in which case your price will have

jumped to $8 by sale number 30.

I have found that this dime sale model is more effective than setting the item to jump by $1

every 10 sales. By setting it to jump by a small amount at a greater frequency it appears that

your product is involved in a buying frenzy.

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The ‘scarcity in a box’ number will always read 3 or less and this thus really heightens the

sense of ‘I better buy this fast because it’s about to increase in price’.

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The other benefit of setting it to raise by just $0.10 every couple of sales is that you prevent

your WSO from becoming too expensive too soon. Many Warriors will not buy a WSO that

is in double digit pricing e.g. $10 or more. For that reason I know many warriors keep their

pricing to nothing greater than $9.97. This might be a strategy that you want to follow.

For an initial launch of 1 to 2 weeks keeping it to less than $9.97 can be a good strategy. You

really want to get your sales off to a flying start. By hitting the 100 mark as quickly as

possible, you will get affiliates queuing up to promote your product. It will also put you on

Mike Lantz radar who may in turn promote you as his ‘WSO of the Day’. If that happens

you will make a killing within 24 hours. So use the front end to reel them in with an attractive

price, and then make the extra money with the OTO on the back end.

Then 2 weeks post launch you can raise your price upto something like $17.

That is generally what I do. I would then change the price every so often in order to track

your best conversion rate. As I mentioned price has a definite impact on conversion rate, but

it is not necessarily the case that a lower price point will convert better. For example I’ve had

instances where I’ve sold more at $17 than at $13. Maybes it’s a case of lucky number 7

versus unlucky number 13

But seriously you have access to some great stats in ‘Warrior Plus’ so make sure you use

these to your advantage.

Say for example your initial launch is finished and you are two weeks post launch. Set you

price to $12 send 100 visitors and track your conversion. When you hit 100 visitors rise your

price to $13, send 100 visitors and track conversions.

So do it as follows:

$12 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$13 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$14 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$15 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$16 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$17 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$18 – Conversion Rate ____ %

$19 – Conversion Rate ____ %

These stats are readily viewable inside your WSO Pro account. You should assess these and

do not be surprised if you get more sales at $17 or even $18 than you do at $13 or $14.

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Every WSO is different. The dynamic interplay between you copy, offer, bonuses,

testimonials, headline and call to action mean that your product could convert better at

different price points.

Discovering this price point that converts best, is key for you to make the maximum amount

of money out of your WSO.

11.4 Competitor Analysis

It is inevitable that there will be previous WSOs written on the topic you chose. I

recommend you go back into the ‘Warrior Plus’ system and under the ‘Affiliates’ ‘request

offers’ link scroll down through the WSOs pertaining to your topic, and take note of the price

and conversion rate.

Remember the Excel spreadsheet we created earlier that is similar to the screenshot below?

Go back and review the Xs you placed under the relevant headings for each related

competing WSO you come across:

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This will give you further indication of a price point that is selling well in your topic area.

1 1 .5 One Time Offer OTO Pricing If you have decided to make ‘one Time Offers’ part of your money making machine, you

might be wondering what price to charge.

My recommendation is that if your WSO is priced under $10, then have your OTO priced

under $20 e.g. WSO @ $7 means OTO @ $17.

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Alternatively you could go after volume sales and keep all OTOs price at just $7. In this

regards a huge percentage of people purchasing your primary WSO will purchase your OTO

e.g. WSO prices at $9.97 and OTO price at $7.

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12.0 Launch and Timing

Ok so you have everything ready. All that is left is for you to pay your ‘$40’ and your WSO

will be live at the top of the high traffic ‘Warrior Special Offer’ thread. What next?

Well the most critical element to your success at this stage is timing. These is no point

launching your WSO when the majority of your target market are in bed fast asleep.

Yes the ‘Warrior Forum’ is a worldwide forum with members from every continent and thus

every time zone, but you need to determine from which time zone the majority of your target

market reside.

For the majority of WSOs the EST time zone is the most lucrative to target. This refers to

those residing in the USA and Canada. These are still the most lucrative customers in the

‘make money online’ niche.

You should thus aim to launch your WSO at 8am EST. I say 8am EST because the most

dedicated ‘Warriors’ will be starting their day around this time. It is also before the lucrative

‘west coast’ PST market begin their day, and you really want to be one of the first emails

they read in the morning. Many will have day jobs so there will be a window where by they

check their emails before their 9am start at their regular job.

Of course 8am EST is 1pm GMT and thus you will also get a lot of people living in the UK

before they head out on lunch. I am not discounting the rest of the world. There are warriors

active on every continent and in every time zone. I have just found from my own experience,

that 8am EST was one of the most profitable times to launch a WSO.

Effectively you want to be one of the first emails they receive in their inbox because you

want to be the first sales letter they read that day. Any later and it will hurt your conversions

because they may already be after reading and buying someone else’s WSO.

Of course if this is your first WSO you won’t likely be in their inbox at all. Getting into their

email inbox would only happen in 3 ways:

1. You launched a previous WSO and added all buyers to your list. You subsequently

emailed these buyers to alert them to your new WSO launch.

2. The ‘Warrior Plus’ system will automatically email your past customers to tell them

that you have launched a new WSO.

3. At a later stage when you recruit affiliates they will be sending out the emails.

Of course you will have many Warriors who check out new WSOs in the morning early

before their day job, or for full time internet marketers before they commence their own


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That is why 8am EST is a good time to launch. If you live outside this time zone, then you

can click here to determine what 8am EST translates into in your own time zone.

With regards ‘day of the week’ to launch I recommend you avoid ‘Saturday’, ‘Sunday’, and

‘Monday’. Obviously ‘Saturday’and ‘Sunday’ are the days people tend to be away from

their PCs and out enjoying themselves whether it be with family or socially.

I’ve also found that people suffering the ‘Monday morning blues’ are less likely to be in the

mood to read a sales letter and or to take action.

By far and away the most lucrative WSOs I have launched are at 8am EST on a Tuesday,

Wednesday or Thursday morning.

Bear in mind that after you ‘submit’ your WSO to be approved you may be waiting upto 24

hours. So if your intent is to launch your WSO at 8am EST on a Thursday then you’d want

to have it submitted no later than Tuesday night.

Then at 8am on the Thursday go back into your PMs on your Warrior Forum account, find

the payment link from the administrator and pay your $40. When payment is processed you

will go live immediately.

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13.0 Thread Management

Of course as soon as your WSO goes live, the fun only starts. You need to actively manage

your thread to respond to customer queries, handle any problems they are having, update

testimonials and do everything to boost conversions.

I will now take you through some of the typical tasks I do post launch.

13.1 The FAQ Section

Immediately after you launch your WSO, you should secure the next available space as an

FAQ section.

Do this by clicking on the ‘Post Reply’ button immediately under your thread and post the

comment ‘Reserved for FAQs’.

And hit the ‘Submit’ reply button.

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Remember questions being asked by your customers in the thread; identify ‘holes’ in your

sales copy. These questions are in fact ‘doubts’ or ‘confusion’ the prospective customer has

and they are creating ‘buyer resistance’ in their minds. By addressing them in the FAQ

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section and amending the sales in your actual WSO, you can overcome these ‘objections’ and

boost conversions.

If the question is asked more than once then I class that as a frequently asked question.

You should thus post the Question and corresponding Answer inside the FAQ post we just


I like the format:







This is a very important step that will boost your conversions so do not neglect it.

13.2 Testimonial Updating

A lot of time has been given to testimonials in this course, and for very good reason. If you

were privy to the results of split tests that I have undertaken, you would spend a lot more of

your time getting testimonials.

Using the earlier strategies your WSO should have been launched with testimonials already

embedded into the copy. However you will find that as people buy your WSO, more and

more will leave unsolicited testimonials on your thread.

Make sure that you copy these from the thread into your sales copy. The more testimonials

you have the better. Strategic placement of these testimonials is important. For example you

could select one or two testimonials that say things like ‘this is awesome value for money’ or

‘this course is worth many times this price’ and paste them in your call to action section right

before the ‘buy button’. This will further reduce any ‘buyer resistance’ at that stage in the

sales process.

You should look for every opportunity to strategically place testimonials to reinforce a point

you are making at that given stage in the sales copy.

13.3 Button Scatter

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Button scatter is another technique that I use to facilitate the sales process. Considering that

your WSO can span over several long pages you don’t want people having to scroll or change

page just to press your ‘buy’ button. I thus copy and paste the buy button code at strategic

increments through out each page of my WSO. Usually every 4 or 5 posts.

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You can paste the button code directly inside your ‘answers’ to queries posted on the thread.

This simple strategy will facilitate the sales process by making it easier for people to buy

your product with the least amount of scrolling or page hopping.

13.4 Handling Negative Comments

From time to time you may need to deal with handling negative comments left on your

thread. One of the inherent advantages of the Warrior Forum from a ‘buyers’ perspective is

that people can read comments made by other people to help them make a more informed

buying decision.

If someone having purchased your account has something negative to say then they are

entitled to their opinion. If however they say something negative pertaining to your product,

and they have not purchased your course then they are not entitled to leave an opinion on the

quality of your product.

Any aggressive or abusive comments are termed ‘flaming’ and you are fully within your

rights to ask ‘Warrior Forum’ admin to take down that comment.

If a customer has raised a valid concern about something in your WSO, then I recommend

you update your WSO to reflect their concern or to clarify your point. You can then send an

updated copy to that person, and ask them to remove the comment as it no longer applies.

If they do not remove the comment, you can tell a moderator that you ‘amended the WSO to

reflect their concerns and that their comment is no longer relevant. Thus could you please

remove comment number X as it is effecting your sales conversions, even though it’s no

longer relevant’

I have used this technique and it works 9 times out of 10 i.e. they will remove the comments


DO NOT however go to the moderator and ask them to remove a comment because you don’t

like it. They will tell you ‘tough luck, customers are entitled to leave comments’ unless of

course you say this concern has been dealt with and no longer applies. In that context they

will remove it.

To get a comment removed do the following:

Having logged into your Warrior Forum account click on ‘Help Desk’ at the top of the


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Click on ‘Open A New Ticket’

Fill out the ticket details

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I like to use the subject ‘Flaming’ which effectively means disorderly conduct by a fellow

warrior. Moderators are keen to snuff out this behavior. I also state the priority as ‘urgent’.

A negative comment will cost you sales guaranteed, so the faster it is deleted the better.

I then include my: ‘Warrior username’, a direct link to the thread, and the comments numbers

pertaining to the comments I want deleted. Their numbers are at the top right corner of the


I then state the all important line that ‘these comments are no longer relevant given that I

have updated my WSO product to reflect their concerns. Given their lack of relevance and

the fact they are hurting my conversions, I’d be grateful if you delete them ASAP.’

As I said 9 times out of 10 the comments will be deleted.

This is a very useful tactic that is very well worth knowing and doing when it comes to

managing your thread and sustaining / improving your conversion rate.

Of course I cannot emphasize enough here that if you are receiving multiple negative

comments then the problem is most likely with your product. You should never launch a

WSO with a sub standard product, it will get torn to shreds by disgruntled Warriors, you will

damage your reputation and people will not buy from you again.

Having said that the above tactic works great if you are the victim of ‘flaming’. Just please

use it sparingly as I’m sure the moderators will get sick of it if people are using it all the time.

The thing is getting as many positive remarks onto your WSO as soon after launch as

possible is key to it becoming a huge success. Negative comments early on will set the tone

for other people’s comments coming after. ‘Group Think’ is alive and well on the Warrior

Forum unfortunately. However if you launch a quality product, you have no fear. You will

get all the praise you deserve and then some.

13.5 How to Reduce Bogus Refunds

If you get a standard ‘Refund’ request process it immediately, and thank the customer for

giving your product a go.

If however you feel that you are the subject of continuous bogus refunds (i.e. refunds

whereby people use and benefit from your WSO, but seek a refund straight away) then one

tactic is to deliver your WSO as a video course.

Using a membership script such as kajabi you can set it up that they can watch all the videos

only in real time. If they ask for re fund th ey lose access to the videos. Then after the 30 days

refund period is up, they can download the videos to their PC.

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Or alternatively you could use the WP Member Champ plugin we discussed earlier as past

of the ‘Advanced Download & Delivery Chapter’. If people request a refund, they lose


This strategy works great to minimize those unscrupulous people who try to take advantage

of your intellectual property.

13.6 Respond Quickly to Comments and Questions

You have to be very active on your thread, and respond rapidly to questions asked. Project a

friendly, professional tone and treat everyone with respect.

Adopt the philosophy that ‘there is no such thing a dumb question’ and give every question a

comprehensive answer. Remember a Warrior with a question is a potential customer for life.

Thank people for asking questions and giving you the opportunity to clarify key points

pertaining to your copy.

It’s important that you answer questions ASAP. The best way to ensure you respond in a

timely manner is to set up an instant alert so that if anyone leaves a comment on your thread,

you are instantly notified via email.

This is great because it ensures that you always respond in a timely manner to questions, and

thus maximize the number of sales you make.

To set up this alert do the following:

Login to your Warrior Forum account and open your WSO thread.

Click on ‘Thread Tools’ and click the ‘Subscribe to this Thread’ option.

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Then select the ‘Instant notification by email’ option from the drop down menu, and click on

the ‘Add Subscription’ button.

You will now receive instant email alerts as soon as someone leaves a comment or asks a

question. Make sure you reply as quickly as possible.

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14.0 Promoting your WSO

Of course when your WSO is launched, you now need to do everything you can to send as

much targeted traffic as possible. You can do this as follows:

14.1 Promote to your list

If you have a list of any description, then as soon as you launch your WSO send a promotion

to your list.

Your goal is to try and get as many sales through the door as quickly as possible. If you

generate a lot of sales early on, then you will get a lot of attention from affiliates and may

even be featured as ‘WSO of the Day’.

One contentious issue to be aware of here is this. If you are using dime sale pricing and you

send an email promotion to your list, DO NOT MENTION the price in your email copy.

Unfortunately many people do not comprehend the concept of dime sale pricing, and how it

is fully automated price increments based solely on sales volumes.

I have had instances where I did mention the price in the email and some members of my list

were none too happy to login a few days after they received the email to see the prices had

jumped by 3 or 400%.

They are unlikely to buy in that context even though you did the right thing and alerted them

the WSO had launched when it was at its lowest price.

In fact you should never mention the price of a WSO unless it is in single digit figures and is

not using the dime sale pricing model.

14.2 SEO Optimize your Thread

The Warrior Forum is a high PR (page rank) site which gets priority listings in Google. Very

often you will see your Warrior Forum thread is riding higher than your website in the

SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages).

You need to take advantage of this high PR ranking. Use a powerful keyword research tool

such as Market Samurai ( Free Download) to identify keywords and phrases that are

pertinent to your WSOs primary topic.

You want your WSO ‘popping’ up whenever people do a search on Google with keywords

relevant to your WSO.

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So do use a tool like Market Samurai to generate a list of keywords and pepper these

throughout your sales copy.

14.3 Get a Warrior Forum Banner Ad

If your WSO is converting at 10% or better, then you should consider getting a Warrior

Forum banner ad. This ad will get a lot of exposure and traffic, and drive Warriors to your


It is FAR more effective than paying another $40 and ‘bumping’ your WSO back to the top

of the ‘Warrior Special Offer’ page. This is because it is far more visible and not lost in the

middle of 100s of other WSOs.

The way it works is this: 10 Spots are available at $100 per spot. Spots sold on a first come first served basis Once the 10 spots sell the option to buy a banner ad is not visible again until new

spots are available

There are several rules about the image that must be observed: Its dimensions must be exactly 781 x 76 pixels. It must have a clear or a white background with no borders It must be a ‘text style’ ad with no flashing, blinking or twirling The text must be blue or black only The image must be under 10k kilobytes The image must look professional The banner ad must not advertise another forum

Here is my Warrior Forum banner ad for this course: ‘WSO Money Code’:

The key here is conversion though. It is futile to spend $100 on a banner ad for a WSO that

is converting at 1% and selling for $10.

The banner would need to drive 1000 visitors to your WSO to convert 10 sales just to break


If you are not comfortable with design, then I highly recommend you get it done

professionally. I get Dima from to do my banner ads, and he does them

professionally at a very low cost.

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When your banner ad is ready to submit click on the following link:

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One key tip to bear in mind is that conversions are far higher if your banner ad leads to your

WSO as opposed to your site.

14.4 Get Affiliates

Ever since Mike Lantz opened up the Warrior Plus system to enable Warriors to promote

fellow warriors products, the money making potential of every WSO sky rocketed. There are

many Warriors on the Warrior Forum with list sizes in excess of 10,000+.

So long as you have a good WSO with relatively good conversions (say 7% +) Warriors will

be very happy to promote.

I highly recommend that you create a ‘swipe’ file for your Affiliates. A swipe file effectively

means that you have pre-written email copy that they can just plug into their auto responder

and send out a ‘broadcast’ with their affiliate link. It should be as simple for them as ‘Copy-

Paste-Send’. If using the advanced download system, all of this is included inside your

membership site.

I will show you how to write effective email copy in the next section, but for now just realize

how important it is.

When it is written then you will need to create a Webpage and upload the ‘swipe file to that

page, along with a few banner graphics if applicable.

Then you include a link at the top of that page that directs people to the affiliate sign up page

on Warrior Plus.

You can find your affiliate sign up page on Warrior Plus as follows:

After your WSO has launched do the following:

Login to your ‘Warrior Plus’ account Click on the ‘Affiliates’ option

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Click on ‘request offers’

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Press the ‘Ctrl’ and ‘F’ key simultaneouslyon your keyboard and type in your ‘Product’

or ‘Author’ name

Press the down arrows to find all your products (I’m using Google Chrome Browser here)

When you have found your product that you want to find the affiliate signup page for,

click on the book title link (highlighted in yellow below)

This brings you to your affiliate sign up page, and it is the URL of this page that you need

to send to affiliates. Highlighted in yellow below, copy this link and include it on the page

with your sales copy and banner ads.

If you don’t want to create a web page for this (I recommend you do), then simply include the

link and swipe file in a PM to your affiliates.

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If your WSO is converting well then PM a few Warriors who have already sold WSOs and

ask them to consider promoting it. Provide the conversion stats, dollar per visitor value and

the link to the swipe file, banner ads and sign up link.

Do NOT SPAM them. One PM is enough. Remember many of these Warriors (myself

included) are inundated with requests to promote.

You just need to use a little creativity to make yours stand out. Maybe give them a higher

commission rate e.g. 75% or work hard to increase your conversion rate. Either of these will

increase their propensity to promote.

Oh and of course when PMing them include a link to your WSO download. Such Warriors

reputation is very important to them and they will not promote a sub standard WSO.

14.5 Create a YouTube Video and SENuke It Across the Net

For those of you that read my course ‘Video Marketing To Page One’, you will know that

I’ve had a lot of success with video marketing in multiple niches, especially at getting my

videos from YouTube to page #1 of Google.

I highly recommend you use video marketing to promote your WSO. I recommend you open

up a screen capture program such as Camtasia or Camstudio and do a brief recording of you

reviewing the table of contents of your WSO. Then spend a little time reviewing the

BENEFITS of this WSO to your viewers.

Then use a service such as the omnipitus SENuke X t o blast your video all over the internet.

This strategy will get you a ton of exposure and sales for your WSO.

14.6 The Power of Solo Ads

If your WSO is converting better than 10% then I highly recommend you consider placing a

solo ad. A solo ad effectively enables you to rent someone else’s list so that you can send an

email promotion to them. These are very powerful and can get you a virtual tsunami of sales

over night.

In the meantime take a look at the ‘Joint Ventures’ section of the Warrior Forum whereby

Warriors will be happy to do list swaps or sell you solo ads.

There is a very specific process to doing ‘solo ads’ correctly and it is a course in itself.

Check out my other title ‘Solo Ad Tornado’ if this is something you are interested in doing.

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15.0 Affiliate Recruitment

After you have launched your WSO you really need to promote it hard. One of the most

effective ways to promote it is to recruit affiliates.

As mentioned previously many of these ‘Warrior Forum’ affiliates have big responsive lists

in excess of 10,000 people. By tapping into their list you can make a lot of sales.

I will now outline some of the strategies I use to have affiliate queuing up to promote my


15.1 The 60%+ Commission Rule

A vast percentage of Warriors have their commission rate set to 50%. If you set yours to

50% you are just another average WSO looking for a 50:50 sales split.

Intelligible promoters realize this and thus differentiate themselves by offering a commission

level at 60% +. This will attract more people to promote your WSO guaranteed.

Yes I hear some people object: ‘Oh but why give away the majority of my sales to someone

else, that’s not fair’

Well let me ask you a question. Which of the following scenarios would you prefer?

Scenario 1:

You launch a $10 WSO with a 50% commission split. 10 Warriors promote your WSO and

make 500 sales between them. You earn $2500 in commissions from their efforts.

Scenario 2:

You launch a $10 WSO with a 60% commission split. 30 Warriors promote your WSO and

make 1500 sales between them. You earn $6,000 in commissions from their efforts.

From my experience it is far more lucrative to offer a 60% commission rate because you

attract at least 3 times the number of affiliates. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

15.2 The 100% Commission Tactic

When your WSO has been launched for several months and you have ‘milked’ it for tens of

thousands of dollars, I recommend you consider setting a commission rate of 100%. Now

I’m not saying you have to do this on all your WSOs just one or two.

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The reason being this is a supremely powerful way to build a list of buyers on autopilot.

Remember here that if you set up your WSOs as per this blueprint, then even if the sale goes

to another warrior that customer is still added to your list.

Setting commissions at 100% will add thousands of buyers to your list over time with ZERO

effort from you.

From my experience I recommend that you set the price to $7 or lower. What you want here

is to maximize the number of sales. It will boost your conversion rate, which in turn will

attract more affiliates. You are not getting a financial slice of the action up front, but you will

be creaming it on the back end.

Pricing it any higher than $7 is thus of no benefit to you. I highly recommend you execute

this strategy after a few months of your WSO going live.

15.3 PM Affiliates a High conversion Swipe File

One successful way to promote your WSO is to PM a swipe file to other successful WSO

authors. These people will have lists responsive to your product.

By taking the time to create high conversion swipe file, all they will need to do is grab their

affiliate link, insert your swipe file into their auto responder and hit the send button.

Provided you worked carefully through our chapter on ‘sales copy’ your WSO should convert

at 10%+ and thus they will be very happy indeed.

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16.0 Making Money Promoting Other People’s WSOs

After you have heavily promoted your own WSO and benefited from all the traffic and sales

generated from your affiliates, you will have built up a nice list of people with a proven track

record of spending money on WSOs.

The smart thing to do is to promote other peoples WSOs to this proven list of WSO

customers. These people are receptive to WSOs and thus have a greater propensity to buy

more of them.

The first 3 weeks a new subscriber spends on your list, is the time frame within which they

will be most receptive to your promotions. Do not be afraid to send out one or two WSO

promotions per week, recommending products that you believe will be of interest to them.

Key here is for you to ‘try before you promote’ the product. Never promote a product you

have not tried and tested, otherwise you run the risk of promoting a sub par product that will

damage your reputation.

You will get a few unsubscribes each time you promote, but that is an industry standard

really. The fact that we didn’t use double opt-in means that some may accuse you of spam.

In such instances politely respond that they were added to your list as a result of purchasing

your WSO and that you do make occasional recommendations for related products to said


No hard feelings however, because people will unsubscribe all the time no matter how

helpful your emails and products are.

16.1 How to Pick the Best Products to Promote

When I’m looking for the best products to promote I generally do the following:

Go to the Affiliate section of the ‘Warrior Plus’ and browse down through the list of available

products to promote.

My objectives are two fold:

1. To find a quality product that will add value and be of interest to my list

2. To make as much money as possible from that promotion

I thus like to browse through the stats to identify newly launched WSOs that have already

generated 50+ sales. I try to stay away from ones that have generated 100+ because very

often these are older WSOs and thus many people on my list may already be after buying

through a different Warrior.

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Once I have identified those that are on 50+ I take a look and compare and contrast their

conversion rates. Obviously I’m looking for the highest conversion rate possible. If I see 2

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different 50+ sales WSOs, with one converting at 5% and the other converting at 27% then

obviously I’d prefer to promote the one converting at 27%. That will equate to more than 5

times the number of the sales for the same amount of effort.

Dollar per click is another useful stat. If you have sent out multiple promotions before then

you will have a good idea as to how many clicks you will get from your list. This will enable

you to estimate how much money each of these promotions would make.

Once I have completed these steps I will visit the sales page for that WSO and read down

through the post. I will then take time to read the testimonials and see if the reviews are

positive or negative.

If the sales copy looks compelling, and the testimonials are positive then I will PM the author

and ask him or her for a copy of their WSO. Tell them you want to promote it to your list,

but you just want to take a look at it first to confirm the quality is as good as you think it is

and to create a detailed review.

If they reciprocate then take your time to read through their course, and try and come up with

a slant that would be of interest to your readers. Record the benefits and USP (Unique

Selling Points) as you read through it.

If you decide you are happy to promote it, then it is time to negotiate with the seller for a

higher commission.

16.2 Negotiate with the Seller for a Higher Commission

Sometimes getting a higher commission rate is simply a question of asking. Just say ‘hi

[username] I’d like to promote your WSO but to do so I need a commission rate of 75%’ Can

you please approve me at this rate?

You could offer to plug the promotion into your auto responder so that they will be getting

recurring sales forever more.

You will of course have more negotiation power if you have a big responsive list. In time

you can tell them things like: ‘I can guaranteed 2000 visitors to your sales page’ or ‘I usually

make 200 sales when I promote a WSO’.

Obviously with statements like that they would be practically begging you to promote it.

But do not tell lies, be truthful and just ask.

16.3 The Power of Effective Email Copy

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Just to give you an example of how important a high conversion swipe file is, consider the

following. My friend and colleague Kevin Byrne launched his first WSO called ‘Wordpress

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Shield’. It converted at 7% initially. I then created my own email copy and sent it to my list.

It converted at 24%.

That is a huge jump in conversions, and it was fuelled only by an effective presell. I have

included a copy of the pre-sell email I sent out below just to give you a strong idea as to how

to word swipe files to maximize conversions.

Email Subject Line:

Own a Wordpress Site? You’re in Grave Danger…

Swipe File:

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Hi Martin,

In April of this year accounts and plugins

were attacked by hackers.

The result of this attack was many Wordpress accounts have been compromised.

Many of you might not even know your accounts have been hacked, but the results can be devastating.

The problem with wordpress is its standard nature. Every account login is

Very often the 'Username' is 'Admin' or 'Author name'.

This makes sites vulnerable as even novice hackers have

the 'know how' to crack passwords.

Furthermore all they need to do to get your password is hack the 'WP-Config.php' file, which is usually stored in the

Public HTML folder on your server i.e. its ripe for the picking

The results of these hacks are devastating. My friend and colleague Kevin, had his network of 20 auto blogs


The Hacker inserted an iFrame in the database that disabled all his affiliate links, and rendered all outbound

links disabled PERMANENTLY. Even resorting to backups would not work. He went from 3K a month on autopilot blog income to ZERO in less than 24 hours.

However, his bad experience can be to your advantage.

He set out and devised a very detailed strategy for making his blogs 'bombproof'. He wanted to prevent this from happening to him ever again, and I think he has certainly made the hacker's life very difficult indeed.


Wordpress Shield is a powerful step by step program that will enable all Wordpress site owners to:

* Hide vulnerable WP-Config and .htaccess files from hackers

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to prevent passwords being stolen

* Change login URLs to make it near impossible for hackers

to find them

* Create passwords so crypted that even the best algorithms would find it impossible to break

* Block unauthorized IP addresses from accessing their server

* W aste the hackers time by preventing them replacing your

affiliate links with their own

If you own a Wordpress site of any description, I highly

recommend you grab a copy of 'Wordpress Shield'.


If your site has been hacked, Kevin also provides a number of steps to get everything fully operational again.

Even if your site hasn't been hacked, prevention is better than cure.

Grab 'Wordpress Shield' today and secure all your Wordpress blogs and safeguard your online income.

If you don't you RISK loosing everything you have worked so hard to build.

= >

Best, Your Name Here

P.S. This WSO is just launched and selling for just a few dollars. The price is rising fast though so grab your

copy now.

P.P.S Preventing hackers from destroying your business is worth 100 + times the cost of this course

= >

You’ll notice that the subject line in the email pre-qualifies the leads i.e. it targets everyone

with a Wordpress blog. It also uses F.U.D (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) sales tactics which plays

on the powerful emotional principles of fear.

Effectively everyone with a Wordpress blog is compelled to open this email because they will

want to know why on earth they are in ‘grave danger’.

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The email then opens with a ‘real life’ story showing social proof that Wordpress accounts

have been hacked. They can Google this date and hack to see it is legitimate.

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It then builds up how the author had his accounts hacked, how destructive it was in wiping

out his business, and how he created a course to prevent hackers doing it again.

It then lists the features and benefits of the course and includes a link to get access.

It uses a strong call to action employing scarcity tactics in terms of how the price is rising


Given this sales copy converts so strongly, you should adopt it as a template to write your

own pre-sell emails.

Kevin was obviously thrilled with the huge jump in conversions and asked me for permission

to integrate my email copy into his sales copy, and furthermore to PM my email copy as is to

other Warriors.

He did so and his conversions continued at 20%+. Furthermore he was able to tell the

other Warriors that another Warrior had promoted it and achieved 24% conversions with this

very copy.

I hope this example illustrates that spending time developing good email copy is critical.

16.4 Write Blog Post Reviews

Many SMART Warriors write a review on a WSO and post it live on their blog. Provided

they have used the terms ‘product name review’ they will get a lot of traffic from Google

clicking on their affiliate link and buying the product.

This is very simple, but very effective. People still consult Google pre-purchase of a WSO,

so take advantage of this fact.

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17.0 Making WSO of the Day

The ‘Holy Grail’ of making money with WSOs isgetting featured as ‘WSO of the Day’.

Effectively it means that Mike Lantz will put a banner promoting your product on a

prominent position on his high traffic ‘Warrior Plus’ site. He will also send out a

promotional email to his ‘BIG’ list.

Provided you have followed all the steps in this course, you will potentially make 200+ sales

in 24 hours. Now the catch is Mike Lantz is in effect your affiliate so he will take 50% of

those sales but trust me it is well worth it.

I remember when my first WSO got ‘WSO of the Day’ it really took me by surprise. I was

just after leaving the Gym, and I got an email into my iPhone from Mike Lantz. I thought to

myself ‘who’s this guy?’ lol little did I realize

I agreed and he sent out the promotion an hour later. By the time I got home I had 40+ sales

in my inbox. Sitting at my PC I was like a refresh junkie. My iPhone was ringing ‘ding,

ding, ding’ every couple of seconds with sales notification after sales notification’. It was an

incredible feeling. I made more in one day than many doctors make in a week. I was simply

shell shocked.

I realized that ‘WSO of the Day’ was a gold mine for any product author, and so I set out

with every WSO I create as having ‘WSO of the Day’ as the ultimate goal.

I will now list out some key points that are important if you want your WSO featured as

WSO of the Day.

1. Quality

Mike Lantz is not going to promote a ‘junk’ WSO. He is successful because ‘Warrior Plus’

members know that he only promotes the highest quality WSOs. So if you are intent on

getting featured, aim to blow people away with the quality of your WSO. Also try and make

your WSO as original as you can. Simply copying someone else’s WSO verbatim is unlikely

to get you featured.

2. Conversion Rate

Mike is running a business like any other affiliate; the difference is that he owns the system

that calculates the conversion rates of new WSOs. He will thus know precisely how much

money he is likely to make because he knows your conversion rate.

You need to work hard to create the highest conversion rate possible. There is a substantial

chapter dedicated to sales copy in this course, and you need to work through it very carefully.

If you are taking this very seriously and you want to create the highest converting sales copy

possible, they I highly recommend you take a look at Copy Doctor. It will pay for itself

many times over given that creating ‘high conversion’ sales copy is the most lucrative thing

you could do as an internet marketer.

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3. Positive Reviews

Mike is not going to promote a WSO that is getting negative reviews. It will not only hurt

conversion rates, it will increase refund rates. It would also negatively impact on his

reputation. So generating the positive testimonials like we said previously is key.

4. Low to No Refunds

Mike is not going to promote a WSO that has a high refund rate. What good is it making a

load of sales if you have to give all the money back? It’s a complete waste of time when he

could be promoting a WSO with a zero refund rate.

Again the refund rate will be determined by the accuracy of your sales copy and your ability

to over deliver. If you build customers expectations too high in the sales copy and then your

product under delivers, then your refund rate will be higher than you want.

Conversely if you aim to over deliver with a quality product, then your refund rate will be

low to non existent.

5. Refund Policy of 30 Days

Mike explicitly states in his guidelines that he will not feature a WSO as ‘WSO of the Day’ if

that WSO has a no refund policy. I thus highly recommend you insert the industry standard

’30 Day Money Back Guarantee’.

6. JV w/ Warrior Plus Option Checked in Settings

You will recall that when we were entering our ‘WSO Pro’ settings we checked the box ‘JV

w/ Warrior Plus’. This is an essential pre-requisite if you are intent on getting featured as

‘WSO of the Day’. Makecertain it is checked.

7. Make Sure You Use WSO Pro

If you don’t use the WSO Pro system to operate the sale and delivery of your WSO Pro, then

you cannot be featured as ‘WSO of the Day’. Make sure you follow this course and you will

be setup on WSO Pro which will qualify you for same.

8. Excellent Customer Service

Mike is not going to promote your offer if your WSO thread is full of customer complaints or

posts about customers saying they have repeatedly contacted you and they are still having

issues. So be attentive to customer support and provide excellent after sales service.

9. Get the price point right

If you are using dime sale pricing DO NOT increase the price too rapidly. That is why I

advocate increasing it by just $0.10 every 5 – 10 sales. If you launch and you increase the

price too rapidly e.g. $1 every 5 sales then your conversions will wane and Mike is less likely

to promote your WSO.

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10. Do not PM or Email Mike Lantz to tell him about your WSO or to ask him to

Feature it

This will only P*** him off. I’m sure you can imagine that he gets many of these emails

everyday, and he’s not going to feature these people. His selection is scientific. His system

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effectively identifies the highest converting WSOs at the best price points and lowest refund

rates. So don’t mess up your chances by bombarding him with requests.

If you follow these 10 points along with everything else in this course your WSO will have

the maximum chance of being ‘featured’ as ‘WSO of the Day’.

When that happens you better have an extinguisher nearby because your PC or Mac will be

on fire with all the sales notifications

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18.0 WSO Tricks of the Trade

As you get used to running WSOs you pick up little tricks and tactics that can make your life

a lot earlier. Here are some of my favorites listed below:

18.1 Set up Sales Notifications on Your Gmail Account

I have a dedicated gmail account set up that pushes all sales notifications to my iPhone. This

is a very useful way of keeping track of sales. It’s also nice to know at the end of each day

exactly how many sales you made.

So setup a gmail address like ‘[email protected]’ who’s sole purpose is to receive

‘notification of sale’ messages.

Make sure you have set up your email address inside the ‘Warrior Plus’ system under account


Most people have their Warrior Plus email account the same as their Paypal email and that’s

fine. Just open up that email account (if its gmail) and create a filter to redirect sales

notifications to your dedicated ‘sale notification’ account.

To setup this filter do the following:

Inside in your regular email account where the ‘sales notifications’ are already arriving, click

on ‘create filter’

Next enter ‘[email protected]’ into the ‘From’ field, and ‘WSO SALE’ into the

‘Has the Words’ field. Then click on the ‘Next Step’ button.

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Next click on the ‘Skip the inbox’ and the ‘Forward it to’ check boxes. Enter the dedicated

sales notification address e.g. ‘[email protected]’ by clicking in the ‘Manage your

forwarding addresses’ link and then selecting it from the ‘Forward it to’ drop down menu.

Click on ‘Update Filter’ and now you have automated sale notifications to a dedicated

account for easy tracking.

18.2 How to Reduce Bogus Refunds

Set up a membership site with the content presented as video. The videos can be viewed but

only downloaded after the 30 day money back guarantee has expired. This can be easily set

up using a membership script such as Kajabi.

18.3 Use Your Warrior Forum Signature File

The Warrior Forum Signature file is a very powerful part of your profile. When you launch a

WSO you should alter your signature file to market your WSO. Highlight a key benefit and

create a hook.

For example when I launched my ‘Video Marketing To Page One’ WSO I did a search on the

Warrior Forum for threads started that related to the subject of video marketing.

I frequented the primary form and left useful posts answering people’s questions on video

marketing. I tried to be one of the first to answer their query so that my answer was

prominent on their thread.

I had a sig file that said something like:

“Learn how Video Marketing can be used to open a secret trap door to page #1 of Google’,

which linked directly to my ‘Video Marketing To Page One’ WSO.

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Having left hundreds of useful posts answering people’s video marketing questions, I had my

sig file displayed infront of thousands of peoples and generated a lot of sales.

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I think this is a great little trick whereby you are adding value and as a result of adding value

making sales.

18.4 Hijack ‘WSO Alert’ for Instant Traffic to your WSO

Are you aware that many, many Warriors have signed upto a service called ‘WSO Alert’ on

the Warrior Plus system. Effectively this enables them to receive instant notification as soon

as a WSO is launched that contains keywords of interest to them.

If you can thus find a way to blend a wide variety of these keywords into your sales copy,

you will get a huge rush of automated traffic via ‘WSO Alert’.

Now this is a tactic that is not to be abused. I’m not talking about keyword stuffing or

anything like that. But there is no harm in visiting the following link to see the most

‘subscribed to’ keywords and utilizing them in your sales copy if they are relevant to your


Of course this also works great if you have launched WSOs previously. Every time someone

buys a WSO from you, Warrior Plus automatically adds them to a ‘WSO Alert’ list pertaining

to your ‘Warrior Name’.

This means by launching subsequent WSOs you will automatically benefit from the

accumulated sales made previously in that all your past WSO customers be informed every

time you launch a new WSO.

18.5 Bump your Thread on ‘Sundays’ and ‘Mondays’.

I’ve told you not to launch a new WSO on ‘Fridays’, ‘Sundays’ or ‘Mondays’ because people

are either distracted, not in the form, or still living in the weekend on those days.

However, Sundays and Mondays can be great days to ‘bump’ WSOs back to the top of the

thread. This is because the threads move a lot slower these days so your WSO will get more

exposure in that it will remain prominent in the lists for much longer on these says.

Better yet launch a FREE WSO that Pre-sells your actual WSO and you can generate a lot of


18.6 Title Scatter

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I highly recommend that you change your pre sell headline after every 2 nd

or 3 rd

bump. We

are all human and different triggers catch different people’s attention. By varying your pre

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sell headline you will appeal to different types of people and thus maximize the click through

rates on your WSO.

It’s also worth trying to pique different interests within every title. For example my # 1 video

marketing course had the title:

‘Forget SEO, Video Marketing is the REAL SECRET to Stealing a Google #1’

This type of title appeals to different people, i.e. SEO Enthusiasts Video Marketing Enthusiasts Google Enthusiasts

I thus tripled the attention this WSO got by trying to appeal to multiple target markets


18.7 Run a Charity WSO to Build Your List

This is a REAL WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN tactic. Effectively you contact 5 or 10 successful

Warriors and ask them to contribute one of their WSOs to your ‘Charity Package’ for FREE.

Tell them in return they can have an upsell to their other courses.

Then you run this ‘Charity WSO’ and give away these 5 – 10 top quality WSO packages for

just a single $1. You donate every cent to charity. You then ask all of the contributors to

promote your WSO.

If you set up the WSO like I showed you how to, then you will be adding every buyer to your

list. Given the very low price point, the high quality WSO package, and the huge number of

top authors promoting it you could add 10,000 people to your list in a few days.

You win because you build your list of ‘buyers’ so fast, your customers win as they get

several quality WSOs for just $1, your charity wins as they get all the takings, and the

contributing authors win because they get increased exposure and can monetize the upsells.

This is a very powerful strategy and I highly recommend you use it.

18.8 Multi-Threading

Multi threading is a neat little technique whereby you cross sell your other WSOs, within

each WSO.

For example if you had a WSO selling @ $7, another selling @ $27 and a third selling @

$57, you could include a notice on each of these 3 separate WSOs saying the following:

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Multi Buy Discount

Get this WSO along with my two other best selling WSOs at a 40% discount. Click here for

all the details.

This is a form of cross selling and up selling combined. Its cross selling because you are

promoting related products inside other product threads and it is upselling because the

combined price for the multi buy discount is still higher than it would be to purchase any of

these WSOs singly.

18.9 FREE WSO Combined with an OTO Script

One of my favorite list building and money making tactics is to promote a FREE WSO that

automatically redirects to a One-Time-Offer on sign up.

This works great because I get a lot of people onto my list, and the OTO makes a lot of


The secret to the success of this offer is that I use my proprietary OTO script. This neat

script tracks a persons IP address and places a cookie on their PC / MAC as soon as they are

redirected to the page. It then starts a countdown timer that gives the customer just a few

minutes to make the buying decision. If they fail to act within that time the OTO script

redirects them to the download page for the ‘FREE WSO’ they initially signed up for.

The ‘fear of loss’ motivates many people to actually go ahead and take you up on your one

time offer.

If you are interested in using this powerful strategy, then click here t o get the same

‘Countdown OTO script’ that I use to makethis strategy work so effectively.

A variation of this tactic is the old ‘leaked chapter’ strategy. Within this strategy you have a

FREE WSO that gives away the ‘best’ chapter from your REAL WSO.

Then at the back of this leaked chapter you include a link to your REAL WSO whereby

people can get to read the rest of your book. This also works very well.

18.10 Preserve your conversion rate statistics

Preserving and improving your conversion rate statistics is important in order to continue to

attract high quality affiliates. One thing that can really damage your ‘conversion rate

statistic’ is when an affiliate sends you a load of junk traffic.

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What I mean by junk traffic is that an Affiliate has promoted your WSO to their ‘BIG’ list.

The problem is this list is full of ‘Freebie seekers’, and thus will generate few if any sales.

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I’ve had previous WSOs converting as high as 27% only to have an affiliate send 600 (freebie

seekers) and thus generate only a few sales. This can greatly reduce your ‘conversion rate


Bear in mind here there is a distinction between ‘conversion rate’ and ‘conversion rate

statistics’. The conversion rate statistics is the total accumulated statistic of all the traffic

you have ever received, with the average conversion rate for all that traffic across all the

different price points you have had.

The conversion rate itself is what your copy is converting at, right at this moment in time

with the current sales copy at the current price.

The conversion rate statistics is important because when affiliates are deciding which WSO

to promote, they will be checking this statistic to compare the sales potential of different


I thus highly recommend that you qualify new affiliate requests by asking them these


1. Are their lists comprised of people with a definite, proven interest in the subject

matter of your WSO?

2. Are their lists comprised of ‘proven buyers’ or Freebie seekers?

3. Would they be willing to send out a test email to just 100 list members first to see

what it converts at?

The answers to these questions, will give you a good indication as to the risk factor

concerning your ‘conversion statistics’ when it comes to letting this particular affiliate

promote your course.

18.11 Work to a ‘To-Do’ List and Deadline

This is more a ‘personal achievement’ tactic, but I highly recommend that you set clear

specific deadlines, and work every day using a ‘to do’ list.

When you set a deadline you have a ‘goal’ and your‘To-do’ lists are all the targets that will

help you to achieve that goal.

But make certain that when you select a deadline date that you broadcast that to your list.

This will force you to stick to that deadline. It is essential that you stick to deadlines;

otherwise your productivity will be flaccid.

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I highly recommend you download the Teux Deux browser plugin. This is the hottest FREE

To-Do software I have come across. It even lets you sync with a related iPhone app. I use it

every day, you should too.

18.12 Promote Affiliate Products as Your OTOs

If you don’t have the time to create OTOs yourself, or the funds to buy PLR products – then a

great solution is to offer an affiliate product as an OTO.

You can even ask the product author to provide you with an exclusive discount for your list if

they buy through your affiliate link, that way it is a true OTO.

The power of OTOs is that you are presenting a relevant offer to a customer when they are

already in buying mood. Their ‘thinking pattern’ is on buying a solution so if you pop up an

OTO promoting an affiliate product that presents a solution to a problem pertaining to the

same subject matter as your OTO, then you will make a hell of a lot of sales – guaranteed.

18.13 Create a Webinar Upsell

The real money in internet marketing is in selling high ticket items. Think about it. You

could sell 200 copies of a WSO at $10 and make $2,000. But what if you sold 50 copies of a

high ticket item at $2,000 each? That equates to $100,000.

I kid you not these figures are achievable. The great thing about webinars is their

transparency. Prospective customers can chat directly with the product author, ask them

questions, and really make an informed decision about the purchase.

The element of trust is extremely important for anything over a $197 value. Customers need

to trust you before they will expend that kind of money. The #1 way to achieve this trust is


A webinar enables you to build trust and ‘likeability’ unlike any other sales medium.

The great thing is that selling WSOs is the #1 way to build a ‘buyers list’. If your product is

good these people will already trust you to some degree. Then you could host a webinar

selling a high ticket affiliate product, and bring on the author to introduce him / her to your


You simply email your buyers list and bring the webinar to their attention.

You don’t even have to do much talking if you are not that way inclined. The author will be

quite happy to take the lead, because after all they are in for a big pay day thanks to you.

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The ‘not so secret’ weapon for effective webinar running is the site This

is very user friendly and will help you to deliver a professional webinar.

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If you have never run a webinar before then I highly recommend you take a look at this

product. It provides everything you need to become a webinar expert.

18.14 Use a Survey to Eliminate the Risks of Product Creation

Ok we spent a lot of time at the start of this course in showing you how to ‘reduce risk’ by

creating products the market wants as opposed to product you think the market might like.

You can take this a step further by using a neat survey tool called ‘Survey Money’. Survey

Monkey e nables you to email a link to a digital survey that your list can complete. You will

receive beautiful graphs, charts and results in real time.

If you are intelligent with your questions then you will be able to pinpoint areas within which

your list is having difficulty. I have found the very best way to sell a lot of WSOs is to

provide a solution to a common problem.

Survey will help you to identify these problems, and make a ton of cash with your solution.

18.15 Use CreateSpace to Launch Your WSO on

I’m surprised how few people know that offers a ‘Print-On-Demand’ service

called Create Space.

This effectively means that you can self-publish your own books on is the BIGGEST virtual book store on the planet. Actually scrap that, is the BIGGEST BOOK Store on the planet PERIOD.

It is a massive traffic source in itself, so just by self publishing via Create Space you will

make tons of sales on autopilot without having to create the traffic yourself. Furthermore you

can boldly state that you are a ‘published author’. How muchmore credibility do you think

that gives you?

They offer a full suite of professional services at Create Space that will enable you to take

your PDF file and turn it into a hard cover book. Costs are kept to a minimum because it’s

POD (Print On Demand), so effectively a copy is printed only when someone makes the


Furthermore Create Space will help you to turn your PDF file into a ‘Kindle Ready’ format

for distribution via their Kindle devices. Folks Kindle is Amazons #1 selling product, so by

getting yourself set up on this device you will sell so many more copies of your course.

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This is one of the reasons why I favor selling WSOs first and foremost as a PDF file. As a

result of the PDF you can generate hardcover published books on Amazon, Kindle e-books,

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and then you can always read the PDF into a tool such as Audacity to create an audio version

quickly and for FREE.

18.16 How to Deal With Pirated Copies of Your Product

It is inevitable that your WSOs will eventually turn up on torrent or pirate sites whereby some

of your dishonest customers uploaded them for the world to download for free.

Worse still many of these sites are high PR sites so anyone doing a search for your product in

Google, will be given access to your products for FREE. Often they will even appear in the

#1 position in Google, above your own WSO page or website.

I highly recommend you do a search on Google for your products periodically. If you find

your product on a torrent site on either page #1 or page #2 of Google, email them and ask

them to take down your copy righted course from their site. You will find most of these sites

will ignore you, because they are making money out of their member’s dishonesty.

The best strategy in this context is to find the source of the file e.g. this is usually a third party

site that facilitates file sharing. You will see this by looking at the download link to your

product on these torrent sites. These file sharing sites do respect copyright infringement.

Usually the files are stored on a file sharing sites such as ‘’’.

Send an email directly to these file sharing sites because they will take action and

immediately remove the files from their servers. This essentially makes the links on torrent

sites useless

It is important to do this every so often to prevent loss of revenue for your products.

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Fahiem Ahmed

19.0 Conclusion

Congratulations on completing the ’WSO Money Code’ course. You now have a complete

step by step system for making thousands of dollars with WSOs.

It is CRITICAL that you execute each of these steps exactly as I have directed. If you do not

perform the steps exactly as they are stated here, then you will not be replicating the system.

This would be like baking a cake that is missing several essential ingredients. So follow my

instruction to the letter.

Remember folks this is a proven system that I am currently using to make significant income

from the Warrior Forum

The very fact that I am giving you the same system I am using means that you too can

replicate my results.

Of course it’s no good learning the system unless you implement the system. So TAKE


Set out a list of deadlines and aim to knock out at least ONE WSO PER MONTH.

If you do that using all of the strategies contained within this course, then I PROMISE YOU

you will make more money in less time and begin to wonder why you ever struggled when

making money online is child’s play – if you know the system

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