Page 1: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

Всероссийский конкурс педагогического мастерства на лучшую методическую разработку «Тест по иностранным языкам»

Тест по английскому языку

для обучающихся 8 классов

по теме «Мода»

составлен учителем английского языкаМБОУ СОШ №54 г.Брянска

Зуйковой Галиной Николаевной

Июнь 2020

Page 2: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that


Тест по английскому языку основан на учебно-тематическом материале УМК В.П. Кузовлева для обучающихся 8 класса, содержит задания формата ВПР и Всероссийской олимпиады школьников, соответствует требованиям ФГОС. Цели и задачи теста: применение предметных умений(совершенствования языковых и речевых навыков) по теме «Мода»; употребление в письменной речи в их основном значении изученных лексических единиц (слов, словосочетаний, реплик-клише речевого этикета) в пределах темы; восприятие смыслового значения текстов с использованием языковой догадки; планирование обучающимися своих действий в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации; развитие учебно-познавательной мотивации в обучении.Тест содержит 48 заданий. За каждый правильный ответ даётся 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов 47.Задание №15 является образцом и не оценивается. Тест состоит из двух разделов «Чтение» и «Лексика и грамматика». Примерное время выполнения-45 минут.В разделе «Чтение» представлено 24 задания.В первом тексте (в заданиях 1-6) требуется определить какая пропущенная фраза (A-G) соответствует по смыслу запрашиваемой информации. Во втором тексте (в заданиях 7-14) необходимо определить, какие из утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста (TRUE), какие не соответствуют (FALSE) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (NOT STATED). В третьем задании по чтению (15-24) необходимо восстановить диалог, используя реплики-клише разговорной речи.В раздел «Лексика и грамматика» включено 24 задания. В 6 заданиях (25-30) обучающие должны продемонстрировать соответствующий уровень владения лексическим материалом по теме и умением оперировать им в условиях множественного выбора . 9 заданий (31-39) направлены на проверку грамматических навыков употребления нужной морфологической формы слова или подходящего по смыслу слова в контексте. 9 заданий (40-48) направлены на проверку лексико-грамматических навыков образования и употребления родственного слова нужной части речи в коммуникативно-значимом контексте.



Most often you will hear that both should be taken care of. Many people say that beauty is a harmonious combination of outward appearance and high moral qualities. Others think that character is the main thing, and there is even a saying which is a reminder that appearances are

Task 1.Read the following opinion about fashion and decide which answer (A-G) best fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra answer which you do not need to use. Write your answers in the table below. (6 points)

Anton Chekhov is an outstanding Russian writer, a talented playwright and a skillful doctor (1860-1904). He is popular not only with his novels, stories and plays, but for wise and clever phrases. One of the most famous Anton Chekhov’s quotation is: “ 1)… .”

What is more important in a person?

his/her character his/her appearance

Page 3: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

often deceiving. As an old English saying goes, “ 2)….” The importance of character is also expressed in the following lines written many years ago:When wealth is lost, nothing is lost;3)… ;When character is lost, all is lost! So you can judge for yourself which is more important. Do you think very much about your clothes? If you try to follow the fashion it’s quite a natural thing, but following the fashion in clothes is not the main thing in life, you will agree. After all, fashions 4) … and fine clothes are never out of fashion, as an English saying goes. As you may be interested in fashion, here are some facts which, perhaps, you have never considered. Changes in fashion right up to the 20-th century were usually confined to 5)….The style of clothing that ordinary people wore did not change so rapidly. They simply couldn’t afford new clothes very often. They bought or made new ones only when the old ones were worn out. Nowadays, fashion change more rapidly because people can afford new clothes, and the clothing industry has become highly developed.New materials are being produced. Styles change often,and people feel obliged to get new clothes to”6)…”.

A. the very rich, the royal courts of Europe, and the nobilityB. keep up with the fashion C. Judge not according to the appearanceD. customize with embroidery or safety pinsE. Everything must be beautiful in a person - face, clothing, spirit and mindF. When health is lost, something is lostG.change every year

№ 1 2 3 4 5 6Answer


Many people think that fashion has nothing to do with the problems of the environment and there is no connection between animals, plants and fashion. People always want to look good, but unfortunately they don’t realize how much animals and plants suffer. The truth is that we use animals or parts of animals for jewelry, clothes, shampoos, soaps and cosmetics. At the moment we

Task 2.Read the following text and mark the statements below (7-14) TRUE (A), FALSE (B) or NOT STATED (C).Write your answers in the table below. (8 points)

Page 4: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

are using thousands of animals every year for tests of things like shampoos to find out if they cause any irritation. Some of the animals go blind or even die from these tests. We kill whales for their oil, which we use for cosmetics and soaps. A lot of expensive jewelry are made from ivory, from the horn of elephants and rhinos. People continue to kill animals to wear fur coats. We kill lots of animals just for their fur. Some of them are in danger of extinction.Fortunately, more and more people buy cruelty-free products which have not been tested on animals. Also now fewer people are wearing fur coats and buying objects made with products like ivory, from endangered animals.

7).A lot of people consider that there is no connection between environment and fashion.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

8).People use plants and animals for jewelry, clothes, shampoos, soaps and cosmetics.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

9).Some of the people go blind or even die from the tests.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

10).A lot of cheap jewelry are made from the horn of elephants and rhinos.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

11).People kill animals to wear fur coats.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

12).Some kinds of foxes are in danger of extinction.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

13).Unfortunately, more and more people buy cruelty-free products which have not been tested on animals.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

14).Nowadays more people are not wearing fur coats and buying objects made with products like ivory, from endangered animals.A.-TRUEB.-FALSEC.-NOT STATED

№ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Answer

Page 5: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

Раздел 2. Задания по грамматике и лексике

№ 15 16 17 18 19Answer A№ 20 21 22 23 24Answer


25).A.-suit B.-skirt C.-skin D.-shirt

26).A.-puffy B.-tight C.-blind D.-oversized

27). A.-cheesecloth B.-clothes C.-denim D.-leather

Task 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that does not belong. Find this word (A, B, C or D) and write your answers in the table below. (6 points)

Task 3.For questions (15-24) read the dialogue between Alice and Lucy. Put the phrases (A-J) in the correct order .The answer №15 is given as an example.Write your answers in the table below. (9 points)


A-You look really nice today!

B- Thank you. My granny has presented them to me.

C- Seriously? Where did you get it from?

D- Right you are. Though she is not very young she likes wearing trendy.

E-It’s absolutely stylish and gorgeous!

F-Oh, she really keeps up-to-date with fashion.

G- Besides, it’s not expensive. Your trousers are perfect too. They are the latest craze!

H- Thanks a lot.I bought this outfit yesterday.

I –Wow! How old is she?

J- From OSTIN.

Page 6: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

28).A.-to match B.-to suit C.-to fit D.-to dress

29).A.-sleeve B.-accessory C.-embroidery D.-safety pin

30).A.-buttons B.-tights C.-bags D.-flares

№ 25 26 27 28 29 30Answer


There are many different tendencies in fashion. Some youth subcultures are based on them. Young people try to express their individuality joining this or that subculture or grouping. The most popular of them are: Hippies, Punks, Goths, Bikers, Moshers, Skinheads and others. Young people and teenagers follow particular make-up, clothes, accessories, behavior and attitude to the society.

Task 2.For questions (31-39) read the text about fashion and youth subcultures attentively and choose the right form from the variants (A, B or C). Write your answers in the table below. (9 points)





Page 7: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that


Punks are members of a movement 31) … certain young people in the 1970s and 1980s.They were opposed to the values of the society or the 32) … generation. Their protest 33) …in loud music and shocking way of clothing. Nowadays you can see punks in the streets of big 34)… cities. Punks usually have pale and 35)… look. They have brightly dyed spiky hair and 36)… tattoos and piercings. They also enjoy 37)… T-shirts with aggressive slogans. Black tight trousers, leather jackets and Doc Martens boots are popular 38)… punks. Very often they customize 39)… leather jackets with studs and safety pins.

№ Answer A Answer B Answer C31) A- between B- among C- with32) A- older B- more older C- more old33) A-was expressed B- expressed C-express34) A-European B- Europeans C- Europe35) A- health B- healthy C -unhealthy36) A-lots B- a lot of C- lot of37) A- wearing B-wear C-to wear38) A- between B- among C- with39) A- they B- them C- their

№ 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39Answer



Task 3.For questions (40-48) read the text about tailor’s work. Use the words in capitals to form new words that fit in the same numbered space in the text. Write your answers in the table below. (9 points)

Page 8: xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1aihttps://урок.рф/data/files/s1592483568.docx · Web viewTask 1.The following groups of words relate to fashion. There is one word in each group (25-30) that

A tailor is a man whose 40) … is the making of outdoor clothes. A 41)… is a woman tailor. Tailoring is a very 42)… trade. Perhaps, that is why there is a number of proverbs about tailors and their 43)…. One of them says:”The tailor makes the man”, the 44)… says that tailors must mind the fashion and another one is a little bit 45)…:”The tailor’s child is the 46)… clad”. Tailors make coats and suits. There are 47) … tailors and ladies’ tailors and if you want a suit or a coat made to order, you should go to a tailoring 48)…. You choose the material and the style. Then your measures are taken and you ask when your dress will be ready. The tailor tells you when you will have it, but he says you must come some days earlier to try it on.

№ 40 41 42 43 44Answer№ 45 46 47 48 -Answer -


1 2 3 4 5 6E C F G A B7 8 9 10 11 12A B B B A C13 14 15 16 17 18B A A H C J19 20 21 22 23 24E G B F D I25 26 27 28 29 30C C B D A A31 32 33 34 35 36

among older was expressed European unhealthy a lot of37 38 39 40 41 42

wearing with their occupation tailoress useful43 44 45 46 47 48

business second humorous worst gentlemen’s establishment


1.Английский язык. 8 класс: учеб. для общеобразоват. организаций/ В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова и др.;:Просвещение,20182.Островский Б.С.Разговорные темы. Учебное пособие по английскому языку для учащихся 8-10 классов средней школы: Просвещение 1982 г.3.Немыкина А.И., Ракова К.И. 120 устных тем по английскому языку 5-11 класс. М:ООО «Издательство «Астрель»,2001

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