
XOOPS CMS to WordPress. All the Tips And Tricks of Successful Conversion

There are a lot of interpretations for XOOPS and WordPress CMSs in the internet world. The following article is a 101-style attempt to dig into their ins and outs and to switch for the best web solution. From the first sight, XOOPS web platform seems quite tempting and obviously worth trying. When comparing with the most prominent CMS solutions - WordPress, XOOPS doesnt seem to stand behind. Either way, for some reason less than 0.1% website owners use this CMS option. The thing its quite easy. In fact, the performance of this platform is all leading down to modules installation. However, the main obstacle here is that the documents for some of them are missing. Therefore, its a huge job for the administrators to get them into work. Eventually, it demands a lot of time and efforts to put everything to work. So, why to complicate it all but not to use WordPress? So, lets take a closer look at WordPress to understand (or at least try to) its secret:Ideal blogging and business sites solution.

Starting is very easy.

Open sourced and extendable.

Very user-friendly.

Excellent SEO.

Best community and support.

In case youre thinking of XOOPS CMS to WordPress migration - there are 3 most likely scenarios for you to choose. So, the first one is about reaching for a developers help (which, naturally, demands huge money investments). The second, is about having deep technical skills and manual migration. Lastly, if you are not keen at programming and coding, have no desire to waste your money - CMS2CMS automated migration tool is exactly your way to go. Think how you can do it? Its way too simply one could even think. Everything youve got to do - is to follow these easy steps and in 15 minutes your XOOPS CMS web data will be automatically switched to WordPress as reliably and quickly as possible:

Register or sign in CMS2CMS online migration service.

You may create create your account manually or simply integrating with Facebook or Google+.

2. Identify your Source and Target sites.Just pick the current type of CMS youre using and the desired one to switch. Once ready, type in the URLs of both web platforms in the corresponding fields.

3. Connect your old and new web solutions.Download and install the bridge file on your PC. Once done, connect to your existing XOOPS CMS and new WordPress website via FTP client software. Within FTP dashboard copy the cms2cms folder and paste it into the root directories of your websites (current and new versions). When ready, go back to migration wizard and press the Verify Connections to your Sites button.

4. Define the migration preferences.Activate and choose the desired options from the listed variants:Migrate image files,

Make URLs SEO friendly,

Permanent (301) redirects from your previous URLs to new URLs,

Migrate forms.


5. Insure the proceeding migration.Make sure that whatever obstacles might happen, whatever internet connection be and any possible other bothering factors occur - your web data be delivered 100%.

6. Give a try to Demo Migration.Test the CMS2CMS online automated tool for free before accomplishing the complete switch.

7. Work out your full XOOPS CMS to WordPress conversion.Activate the corresponding button to launch the migration and perfectionate your new WordPress site with the converted XOOPS web data.

So why your site isnt one of the 60, 000 000 using WP? this is the question you must be asking yourself, if thats really the case. Well, the solution is at hand using CMS2CMS online service, you can import all your XOOPS content to WordPress in just a few mouse clicks.

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