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Glutathione is a material found naturally in the human body.

It is made of the amino acids Glycine, Glutamic Acid and Cysteine.

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As we age our Glutathione levels start to decline.

Many scientists now believe that how long we live is directly proportional to how high our Glutathione levels are.

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Glutathione functions in our body as the master antioxidant.

Glutathione protects our body like other antioxidants, but is also capable of “recharging” and increasing your bodies levels of other antioxidants such as Vitamin A, C, and E.

If you could only take one antioxidant supplement it would be Glutathione.

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Glutathione has a potent effect on protecting the bodies protein structures such as the collagen in our skin.

Users of LifeWave have reported remarkable reductions in fine lines and wrinkles within a few weeks of using this product.

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Glutathione is one of the most powerful materials known at being able to detoxify the body of heavy metals.

In fact, Glutathione injections have been used in hospitals for many years as a means to remove Mercury from the body.

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As we exercise our body becomes stressed and depleted of its antioxidant supply.

By supplementing with Glutathione it has been shown that people can achieve remarkable improvements in their athletic performance.

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As we age our immune system becomes weaker and more susceptible to outside invaders.

It is well known that Glutathione is a center piece of our immune systems and can help to protect our body from harm and damage.

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It was discovered that when using Glutathione Booster, within 24 hours the average increase in Glutathione is over 300% HIGHER than normal.

In comparison, Glutathione pills and drinks only increase blood levels by a meager 10%.

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Like Glutathione, Carnosine is a material found naturally in the human body.

It is made of the amino acids alanine and histidine.

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Carnosine is an extremely powerful nutrient, but unfortunately as we age our Carnosine levels start to decline.

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Senility and Alzheimers disease are thought to be linked to plaque formation on the brain.

Studies on Carnosine have shown that it is one of the protective mechanisms of the microvasculature of the brain, holding off the formation of plaque.

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As we age and our cells divide the DNA becomes damaged and this has a direct impact on how we look and function.

Carnosine functions as an antioxidant in the body, and studies on Carnosine have shown that it protects our cells DNA from damage.

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Studies on Carnosine show that it has the ability to turn old cells into young and healthy cells by repairing cellular damage.

This may translate into a longer lifespan. In the study performed (left), both of these mice are the same age.

The difference is the one on the left has been supplemented with Carnosine.

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Studies on Carnosine have shown that it has the ability to accelerate wound healing through rejuvenation of connective tissue.

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A patent was issued in Europe for using Carnosine for improving athletic performance, endurance, fatigue and treating muscular disorders.

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The Y-Age Carnosine Booster is a new and powerful method never before available for elevating the body's level of Carnosine.

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