Page 1: Year 3 & 4 Mon 15th June 2020 - St Mary's Sabden

Year 3 & 4

Mon 15th June 2020

Monday Maths: My maths work set: Year 3 – Yr2 – Sorting Year 3/ 4 – Interpreting data I have set Y2 – Y4 work to act as differentiation of tasks – revision of topics. Maths – Data

Year 3 Interpreting data from a graph



Number of ice creams sold

Page 2: Year 3 & 4 Mon 15th June 2020 - St Mary's Sabden

1. On which day were the most ice creams sold?

2. When were the least ice creams sold?

3. How many more ice creams were sold on Sunday than Friday?

4. What was the second most popular day for buying ice creams?

5. Why do you think ice creams were most popular at the weekend?

Year 3 and 4 Interpreting data from a graph










Number of ice creams sold

Page 3: Year 3 & 4 Mon 15th June 2020 - St Mary's Sabden

1. On which day were the most ice creams sold? How many were sold?

2. When were the least ice creams sold? How many were sold?

3. How many more ice creams were sold on Sunday than Friday?

4. What was the second most popular day for buying ice creams?

5. Why do you think ice creams were most popular at the weekend?

Year 4










chocolate strawberry vanilla mintchocolate

banana toffee

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1. This graph shows what children's favourite flavour ice cream is. Label the above graph. 2. How many children like chocolate flavoured ice cream? 3. How many more children like mint chocolate flavour? 4. What is the favourite flavour ice cream? 5.What is the least favourite flavour? 6. How many children like banana flavoured ice cream? 7. How many children like toffee flavoured ice cream? 8.Which flavour has only one more child liking it than vanilla? 9.By adding up all the column totals could we find out how many children there were altogether? Yes or No? Why? 10. Another flavour of ice cream was researched and found that it was not liked as much as chocolate, but it was liked more than toffee and was a multiple of 10. How many children liked this flavour?

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home

Write: A letter to send by email to Mrs Robinson [email protected]

😊 I will reply!! xxx

Topic: RE: Everyone is loved by Jesus The Good Shepherd – Luke 15:3-7

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The Parable of the Lost Sheep

15 Now the tax collectors and sinners were all gathering around to hear Jesus. 2 But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law muttered,

“This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.”

3 Then Jesus told them this parable: 4 “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them.

Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?

5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home.

Then he calls his friends and neighbours together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’

7 I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than

over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

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See one of our favourite RE video sites: – The Lost sheep


Design a poster to show the story AND use some of the words from the Bible passage eg. “‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.”

5 And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders 6 and goes home.

ALSO Use some of your own phrases eg. Jesus welcomes everyone!

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Top Terrific Task

This task must be done this week.

This week’s Top Terrific Task is: RE – The Good Shepherd (see Monday’s task)

Once you have done it please email it to me on [email protected] I will send you a message back about your work If I haven’t got it by next Friday I will send your parents a quick email to see if you need any help with the task.


Maths: My maths work set: Year 3 – Yr2 Addition number lines Y2 Introducing written methods Year 3/4 – Y3 addition in columns Yr3 Introducing addition column I have set Y2 – Y4 work to act as differentiation of tasks – revision of topics

Year 3

1) 10 + 15 = 11) 85 + 14 =

2) 18 + 21 = 12) 55 + 22 =

3) 21 + 28 = 13) 66 + 11 =

4) 36 + 13 = 14) 39 + 10 =

5) 57 + 42 = 15) 41 + 41 =

6) 62 + 15 = 16) 75 + 24 =

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7) 86 + 11 = 17) 12 + 86 =

8) 23 + 74 = 18) 17 + 71 =

9) 10 + 89 = 19) 15 + 72 =

10) 44 + 55 = 20) 12 + 87 =

Year 3 and 4

1) 100 + 152 = 11) 852 + 147 =

2) 183 + 216 = 12) 555 + 222 =

3) 214 + 285 = 13) 616 + 171 =

4) 360 + 130 = 14) 301 + 106 =

5) 571 + 424 = 15) 401 + 412 =

6) 627 + 152 = 16) 715 + 224 =

7) 865 + 112 = 17) 121 + 867 =

8) 239 + 740 = 18) 179 + 700 =

9) 104 + 893 = 19) 105 + 702 =

10) 444 + 555 = 20) 125 + 874 =

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Year 4

1) 109 + 152 = 11) 855 + 147 =

2) 183 + 218 = 12) 558 + 222 =

3) 216 + 285 = 13) 615 + 175 =

4) 369 + 131 = 14) 308 + 103 =

5) 579 + 429 = 15) 409 + 419 =

6) 627 + 155 = 16) 715 + 227 =

7) 864 + 119 = 17) 127 + 867 =

8) 236 + 746 = 18) 179 + 701 =

9) 101 + 899 = 19) 107 + 704 =

10) 444 + 557 = 20) 122 + 878 =

.Challenge yourself on TT Rockstars – log in details found in your exercise book.

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home WRITE –


Page 10: Year 3 & 4 Mon 15th June 2020 - St Mary's Sabden

Prepositions are linking words in a sentence. We use prepositions to explain where things are in time or space.

Prepositions tell us where something is (for example, beside, under, on, against, beneath or over)

or when something is happening (for example: until, during, after, before or more specifically 'on Christmas Day',

'at twelve o'clock' or 'in August').

after on beyond through by across

around among towards with under against

behind between underneath within upon at

beside off until past over into


Using preposition examples from grid above WRITE 10 sentences which include a preposition


Can you write a story extract using prepositions eg:

After waiting for the sun to rise the Prince rode on through the thick forest towards the hidden Castle. He rode quickly

across the vast countryside under the heat of the sun and beside the fast- flowing river. He stopped for a short rest and cool drink

between the thick towering trees.

Etc… Underline the prepositions

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Topic: History – Ancient Egypt The Pyramids

W h a t a r e p y r a m i d s ?

The pyramids are the stone tombs of Egypt's kings - the Pharaohs and one of the world's greatest historical mysteries.

They have stood for thousands of years, filled with many hidden secrets: clues about what life (and death) was like in Ancient Egypt.

W h y d i d t h e A n c i e n t E g y p t i a n s b u i l d p y r a m i d s ?

The Egyptians believed that if the pharaoh's body could be mummified after death the pharaoh would live forever.

The tombs were designed to protect the buried Pharaoh's body and his belongings.

W h e r e w e r e t h e y b u i l t ?

Most of the pyramids can be found on the western side of the Nile River, just into the dry desert.

H o w d o e s t h e d r y d e s e r t h e l p ?

The dry desert heat worked to keep the Pharaoh's body and his belongings from decomposing and rotting away.

W h y d i d t h e y b u i l d p y r a m i d s n e x t t o t h e N i l e ?

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The reason they built the pyramids next to the Nile River was so it would be easier to get the blocks to the pyramid.

The stones could be bought nearer to the pyramid building site by boat.

W h a t w a s i s t h e n a m e o f t h e m o s t f a m o u s p y r a m i d ?

The Great Pyramid is the largest and most famous of the pyramids. It was built for the Pharaoh Khufu. It is over 140 metres high and took 20 years to build.

W h a t g u a r d s t h e p y r a m i d s ?

The Sphinx stands in front of all the pyramids in Giza. It has the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh.

H o w d o p y r a m i d s h e l p u s k n o w s o m u c h a b o u t l i f e i n A n c i e n t E g y p t ?

Ancient Egyptians were buried with their belongings and the tomb walls were painted with scenes from the dead person’s life.

By examining the objects (artifacts) and paintings in the tombs, we have been able to understand a lot more about life in Ancient Egypt.

We can learn about how the Egyptians lived by looking at the objects stored in pyramids ready to be used in the afterlife.

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Ancient Egypt


The Ancient Egyptian pyramids are some of the most impressive structures built by humans in ancient times.

Many of the pyramids still survive today for us to see and explore.

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Pyramids of Giza,

photo by Ricardo Liberato

Why did they build the pyramids?

The pyramids were built as burial places and monuments to the Pharaohs. As part of their religion,

the Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh needed certain things to succeed in the afterlife.

Deep inside the pyramid the Pharaoh would be buried with all sorts of items and treasure that he may need to survive in the afterlife.

Types of Pyramids

Some of the earlier pyramids, called step pyramids, have large ledges every so often that look like giant steps.

Archeologists think that the steps were built as stairways for the pharaoh to use to climb to the sun god.

Later pyramids have more sloping and flat sides. These pyramids represent a mound that emerged at the beginning of time.

The sun god stood on the mound and created the other gods and goddesses.

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How big were the pyramids?

There are around 138 Egyptian pyramids. Some of them are huge. The largest is the Pyramid of Khufu, also called the Great Pyramid of Giza.

When it was first built it was over 480 feet tall!

It was the tallest man-made structure for over 3800 years and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

It's estimated that this pyramid was made from 2.3 million blocks of rock weighing 5.9 million tons.

Djoser Pyramid by Unknown

Google and watch videos to help eg.>bitesize>clips Building the Pyramids


Design an information leaflet OR Poster to explain/describe the Egyptian Pyramids.

Use writing and pictures.

You could use sub-headings:

What are the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids?

Types of Pyramids

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How big were they? Etc.


Maths: My Maths: Yr3/4 Properties of Triangles Yr4 Rectangles

2D shapes Year 3 and 4

How many rectangles can you find in this shape? How many triangles can you find in this shape?

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Year 4

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(Record your answers)

1 Name a shape with 5 sides…

2 Say how many sides and corners these

shapes have…

Triangle – _____ sides and _____ corners

Square – _____ sides and _____ corners

Oval – _____ sides and _____ corners

Circle – _____ sides and _____ corners

Rectangle - _____ sides and _____ corners

3 Tell which shape has 7 corners and which

shape has 8 corners…

Heptagon –

Octagon –

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4 Draw a pair of parallel lines.

5 Draw perpendicular lines and show which

edges of your table are perpendicular to each


6 Say how many degrees in a full circle/turn.

7 Say how many degrees in…

- a half turn

- a quarter turn

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8 Say how many sides a quadrilateral has and

name 2 or more types of quadrilaterals.

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home Reading comprehension:

Year 3

A long, long time ago, when the sun went down, the nights were very dark. They were so dark that the people would fall over and bump into things. The elders decided that they needed to do something about this problem. “We need to make a fire and put it in the night sky,” suggested one elder. “But how will we get the fire up so high?” asked another. After much discussion, they decided to tie the fire to a golden eagle and get him to fly it up into the night sky. They captured an eagle and fastened the fire to his tail feathers. Panicking, the eagle began to fly higher and higher into the sky, trying to get away from the fire. Eventually, the fire engulfed the eagle and he burst into a golden ball of flames. Ever since then, a golden ball has always lit up the night sky. 1. Why were the people falling over and bumping into things?

2. How did the villagers attach the fire to the eagle?

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3. Why did the eagle fly higher and higher into the sky?

4. What happened when the fire engulfed the eagle?

5. Why do you think the elders chose the golden eagle?

6. Think of an alternative way the elders could have got the fire into the sky:

7. What natural event does this tale attempt to explain?

Year 4

Amy floated through the hatch and out into the blackness. Her home was a distant but beautiful blue marble in this vast blanket of stars. Carefully, she made her way along the outside of the ship. As she approached the broken panel, something violently shoved her out into the nothingness, sending her spinning and tumbling. Using her thrusters, she managed to steady herself. What she saw next filled her with dread. Her ship had vanished. She was alone and adrift. Fearing the worst, she glanced at her oxygen meter… 1. How did Amy leave her ship?

2. How did Amy manage to steady herself?

3. Explain fully why Amy was filled with dread?

4. Where do you think Amy is? Explain your answer:

5. Why did Amy leave the safety of her ship?

6. “Fearing the worst, she glanced at her oxygen meter…” What do you think Amy’s fear was?

7. How do you know Amy is a long way from home?

8. What do you think happened to Amy’s ship?

9. What do you think will happen next?

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Topic: PShe

Prejudice Prejudice can be caused by fear of the unknown, or by fear of something different. Look up the word “prejudice” in a dictionary or on google and find out what it means. Here is a simple definition to help you: an unreasonable dislike of something or someone Write down your own meaning of prejudice. Here are some reasons why children sometimes experience prejudice in school: wearing glasses; being a new girl or boy; wearing different clothes; having a different colour skin to most other children; having a physical handicap; being overweight or underweight; having a different religion. Activity: Choose one of the reasons and imagine that you are the person who is experiencing prejudice.

Prejudice is NOT right and is NOT fair.


Write a diary entry explaining what happens to you and how you feel OR Draw a story board showing an event which could happen showing prejudice.

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Maths –

X tables and division

÷ 2 ÷ 3 ÷ 4 ÷ 5 ÷ 6 ÷ 7 ÷ 8 ÷ 9 ÷ 10

10÷2= 6÷3= 4÷1= 20÷4= 42÷6= 21÷7= 48÷8= 90÷9= 10÷10=

18÷2= 15÷3= 32÷4= 15÷3= 36÷6= 28÷7= 56÷8= 0÷9= 20÷10=

20÷2= 27÷3= 12÷4= 5÷0= 18÷6= 14÷7= 40÷8= 72÷9= 70÷10=

8÷2= 21÷3= 24÷4= 5÷5= 60÷6= 0÷7= 8÷8= 63÷9= 100÷10=

0÷2= 12÷3= 20÷4= 10÷2= 12÷6= 63÷7= 24÷8= 36÷9= 40÷10=

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4÷2= 3÷0= 40÷4= 45÷9= 30÷6= 42÷7= 16÷8= 45÷9= 80÷10=

12÷2= 30÷3= 16÷4= 30÷6= 54÷6= 7÷7= 64÷8= 54÷9= 30÷10=

16÷2= 9÷3= 8÷4= 40÷8= 42÷6= 56÷7= 8÷8= 18÷9= 50÷10=

6÷2= 18÷3= 28÷4= 25÷5= 24÷6= 70÷7= 32÷8= 27÷9= 10÷10=

14÷2= 3÷3= 36÷4= 35÷7= 6÷6= 35÷7= 80÷8= 81÷9= 60÷10=

2÷2= 24÷3= 4÷0= 50÷10= 48÷6= 49÷7= 72÷8= 9÷9= 80÷10=

Multiplication Trios – x4

Look carefully at the numbers in the square – can you find 3 numbers together

which make a multiplication question and an answer? Remember: You are multiplying by 4!

I’ve been very kind and done the first one for you!

You have 10 others to find – good luck!!

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English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home

WRITE – Spellings Year 3 and 4 Keywords

accident century

accidentally certain

actual circle

actually complete

address consider

answer continue

appear decide

arrive describe

believe different

bicycle difficult

breath disappear

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breathe early

build earth

busy eight

business eighth

calendar enough

caught exercise

centre experience

Using the above Yr3/4 spellings ask an adult or older brother/sister to give you a spelling test ONTO: Choose 10 spellings to use in sentences to show correct spelling and meaning Eg:

1) Sarah marked her birthday on the calendar. 2) Tom found the long division problems difficult. 3) Billy was thrilled when he could finally ride his new bicycle.

Topic: ART – In class we would have been studying some of the art of Claude Monet.

This week we will study his 1874 creation – Poppy Field.

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The lady and child at the front of the painting were most probably his wife Camille and their son Jean.

Look at the use of reds, greens and blues in the painting.

Activity: Create your own version of Monet’s Poppy Field – will you draw people in or just flowers? Email me your creations: [email protected]


Maths: Play My maths games of your choice and complete any work from the week.

TT Rockstars – try a Friday challenge – ask a family member to give you a times table test

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Multiples ( x tables)


Multiples are numbers in the times table of your given number e.g. 20, 30, & 40 are multiples of 10.

Can you draw an octopus with tentacles to show some of the multiples?

Write the x table on the head eg. Multiples of 4 and the answers on the tentacles eg. 4, 8, 12, 16 ….

Show x tables of your choice eg. 4, 6, 10, 11 etc


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English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home

Spellings: Yr3/4 list: Practise spelling all the keywords given this week. Have a little test! Write:

Can you write a weekend Acrostic? WEEKEND or SATURDAY or SUNDAY Showing what they mean to you Eg. S is for Saturday sleep-in! A is for Alarm clock – not being set or going off! T is for Take-away treat – pizza or a Chinese! U is for … Etc..

Topic: PE: Get outside and see if you can go on a long walk or run up and down the stairs as many times as you can in 2 minutes! Check out our online PE as given in website link.

Do the Friday Shuffle!

Extra Learning

Get outside whenever you can to enjoy fresh air! Help in the kitchen – baking, washing up, helping with meals. READ to a younger or older brother and sister or family member. Play a board game. Go on the on-line school resources links. Watch a favourite family film. Say your prayers each morning like a small class worship – remembering the homeless, needy and those who are suffering.

Any help needed: [email protected] Or send me any photos etc

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