
Yoga for Fibromyalgia Study

Town Hall Meeting

What is Yoga?

Yoga = Union

“yoking” - union of mind and body

ancient wisdom tradition - practices to facilitate full

realization of human potential, including optimal health

developed in Indian culture, but no more “Indian” then are

stretching, breathing, or knowing what your mind is thinking

explosive recent growth yoga’s popularity

Yoga of Awareness Overview

Yoga of Awareness: comprehensive yoga program, far more than mere exercise program

Main components:

1. gentle postures

2. meditation

3. breathing exercises

4. group discussions (experience of home practice, changes in symptoms during week)

5. study of relevant mind/body topics

Eight weekly 2-hour classes

DVD + audio recordings for daily home practice

Yoga of Awareness Poses

Two versions:

(1) chair-based (2) standing + floor-based

Studies at Duke Medical Center

Yoga of Awareness for Metastatic Breast cancer,J. of Pain & Symptom Management, 2007

Improved: pain, relaxation, acceptance, vigor

more practice related to less same-day pain & fatigue, and more relaxation, acceptance, vigor

Yoga of Awareness for Menopausal symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors, Supportive Care in Cancer, 2009

Improved: hot flash frequency, severity, & total scores, joint pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, negative mood, symptom-related bother, vigor, relaxation, and acceptance those who practiced more had several better outcomes

Stages of this Study

January 4-8: EVERYONE- Enrollment & 1st assessment – includes questionnaires, tests of balance & strength, etc. Begin the 7 days of brief symptom recordings

January 12-14: EVERYONE- Random assignment to either first condition or second condition classes (3 months later)

January 18-19: First condition yoga classes begin. About 10 participants per class assigned to one of the following:

– Mondays 10am-12pm, Mondays 1pm-3pm, or Tuesdays 6pm-8pm

March 7-8: Final class for first condition yoga classes

March 10-17: EVERYONE- 2nd assessment, + 7 days

April 19-20: Second condition yoga classes begin

June 7-8: Final class for second condition yoga classes

June 10-18: EVERYONE- 3rd assessment, + 7 days

Who can join the yoga study?

Number and Gender

• 56 women diagnosed with fibromyalgia for at least 1 year

• Age 21 or older (no upper age limit)

Pain in ≥ 3 quadrants

Other Requirements

• Have been on a stable course of medications and other fibromyalgia treatments for 3 months before the study begins

• Willing to stay on a stable course of medications and other fibromyalgia treatments for the duration of the study (6 months)


• Must live within 70 miles of OHSU

• Must be willing to attend all classes when scheduled

• Exercise classes will be held in the 1st floor exercise studio in the OHSU School of Nursing (room 134)

Doing Yoga Already?

• Must not currently be practicing yoga (3 or more days/week)

Very Depressed or Suicidal?

• Must not be VERY depressed or suicidal

• There are better interventions, such as medications to treat severe depression

Currently Seeking Disability or In Litigation?

• Must NOT be currently involved in seeking disability or in active litigation related to fibromyalgia

• If you are already on disability, that is OK

Planning to Have Elective Surgery?

• If you are planning to have surgery from January through June 2010, this study is not for you

Too Disabled to Participate in Yoga?

• If you have severe disability such as paralysis, this may not be the best study for you

• The yoga is designed for people with fibromyalgia, so it is very gentle

English Speaking

• All of our questionnaires are in English as is the yoga instruction. Therefore, you must be able to speak and read English to participate in this study


Not to worry if you choose not to participate in this study….

There are plenty more to come

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