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The Yoga InstituteShri Yogendra Marg, Prabhat Colony, Santacruz East, Mumbai - 400055, India. Email: [email protected]: +91-22-26122185/

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Namaste,A happy New Year and a warm welcome to you all in the 101st year of The Yoga Institute. Yes, we have just celebrated our 100th

anniversary and stepped into the first year of the next centennial.

We are still experiencing the joyous reverberation of the Harmony Fest, the two-day celebration of The Yoga Institute’s 100 years of

transforming lives. India's biggest wellness festival hosted a two-day celebratory experience of life and yoga to help us on our journey of

living a holistic and healthy lifestyle.

The yogic platform included 20 hours of Yoga, panel discussions, meditation pods, workshops, mentorship and guidance talks, higher

and novice learning programmes, food stalls, a marketplace for sustainable goods, art, musical performances and much more.

This once-in-a-lifetime event was inaugurated by the prestigious presence of the Honorable President of India, Shri Ram Nath

Kovindji. “I am happy to be here for the commemoration of the centennial celebrations of The Yoga Institute, which means 100 years

of teaching, training, research and spreading the goodness of yoga in India and across the globe, ” he said.

The event was also graced by the Honorable Governor of Maharashtra Shri C Vidyasagar Rao, Honorable Chief Minister of

Maharashtra, Shri Devendra Fadnavis and other distinguished luminaries.

The event hosted esteemed dignitaries, celebrities and experts from all walks of life who shared their wisdom, knowledge and

experiences, which in turn enriched thousands in the audience.

The inaugural event was eagerly awaited as more than 800 invited guests filled up the hall, among them Mumbai's mayor Shri

Vishwanath Mahadeshwar, Padma Shri H.R. Nagendra, president of the Indian Yoga Association, Padma Shri Swami Bharat Bhushan,

founder of Mokshayatan International Yogashram, former CBI director Padma Shri Dr. D.R. Karthikeyan and Swami Chidanand

Saraswati, president of Parmarth Niketan.

Twenty thousand enthusiasts participated in the event and enjoyed food prepared by home chefs as well as master chefs Ranveer Brar

and Pankaj Bhadouria. In the evenings, visitors were spoilt for musical choice and swayed to the sounds of Seshnath & Troupe, Prem

Joshua and Band, Kabir Cafe, Dharavi Reloaded, FlamencoKathaa, Indian Ocean, Rekha Bhardwaj and Shankar Mahadevan.

This noble and humble endeavor of The Yoga Institute was started in 1918 and has since gained unparalleled momentum over a century

and will continue to do so for the next 100 years and more.

Wish you a Joyous and Prosperous 2019!

Pranee Yogendra


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"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in it what will be."

~ Smt. Hansaji Yogendra

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t is said that in anything one does in life, the beginnings play a crucial Irole. The end in some way is determined by the beginning. For many of us the last year would have been full of contentment, joy,

happiness, a lot of our dreams would have been fulfilled. For some of us, last year would have brought new challenges and some difficulties as well. But as they say, life is changing every moment. One never knows what tomorrow will bring.

Let us start this New Year, the year 2019, on a joyous note. Let us welcome this year with our full being, leaving the sadness and the pain behind and look forward to this New Year with hope-filled eyes.

We would have all made resolutions for the last year and the New Year is a good time to reflect on our past resolutions. Just like our reflection in the mirror helps us to correct our physical appearance, reflecting on our life helps us to see what progress have we made, which are the areas we lack in and which are the areas where we need to learn some new skills.

Some of us would have determined to lose weight. I have seen that for first few days most of us are enthusiastic about our goals, we challenge ourselves to get up on time and go for our yoga or gym classes. But with time, the world tempts us, and our resolution wanes away. And then we fall in the trap of Tomorrow. I will start exercising tomorrow. And this tomorrow never comes.

Why do we become weak in following through our resolutions? One of the key elements required to see through our resolutions is hard work. As Maharishi Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutra 2.1 tapah svādhyāy eśvarapranidhānāni. Some element of Tapa is needed if we want to follow through our resolutions. Discipline, perseverance and hard work is needed. Tapa followed by Swadhyay or self-reflection helps us know if we are on the right path. And finally we surrender the results to the universe.

Again, we human beings all want a comfortable life. If we see, that is how or what everything in life is focused around. Once a child is born, parents want the child to study well, get educated so that once educated he/she can get a good job, earn more money, marry and get settled. Settle and lead a comfortable and successful life. And success equals happiness.

In today’s world, the definition of success has become a comfortable life. And we want everything fast. We have fast food, faster phones, fast internet speeds, fast mode of communications, fast relationships. But anything that one gets too soon is generally a mirage. As they say ‘easy come, easy go’. Only when one has really worked hard for something, one is able to value the victory.

The joy of seeing one’s book published can only be experienced by someone who has gone through the laborious and lonely process of writing a book, persevering in spite of numerous rejections and following through one’s passion through various challenges that one may face on the way.

Let us all be tall and sturdy like the mountain, as we learn in Parvatasana (Mountain Pose) in face of the difficulties that we face when we work towards are resolutions. This asana helps us cultivate the strength and fortitude that one requires when pursuing any higher goals in life. Through hard work, one not only is able to meet one’s goals and targets, one grows as a human being too.

Imagine a marathon runner, he thinks that he can only run a half marathon which is 21 km. He has set that as his physical and mental limit. Only when he pushes himself to participate in a full marathon (42 km) will he realize what is true potential is. There is a sparkling and a precious diamond that is hidden within all of us. What a pity it would be to leave this earth without bringing to light all the talent and potential that lie hidden in all of us?

We at the Institute have just turned 100, celebrating the beginnings of The Yoga Institute in 1918 and to now, 2018, and we look to continue spreading the lessons of our founders to every part of the world in the next 100 years.

Let us make new resolutions this year and then work hard towards achieving these goals and in turn becoming better human beings. So instead of waiting for a tomorrow that never comes, let us all set challenging goals for ourselves for 2019 today and not give up until we meet our goals. For a mind focused just on our targets, nothing is too difficult.

Smt. Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra

Director, The Yoga Institute.





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Simone Preuss


t is that time of the year again. Many of us dread it because we look Iat the things we have not accomplished in the year gone by. We

judge and compare ourselves to others and often, feelings of

inadequacy and frustration creep in when we should be joyous and


But then we pledge to be better in the next year and come up with all

kinds of New Year’s resolutions. Though not wrong per se, problems

arise when we set unrealistic goals because we don’t know ourselves well.

As Hansaji always says, know who you are dealing with, ‘a dog will be a

dog and a donkey will be a donkey’.

This is excellent advice, as we may think of ourselves as speedy gazelles

when in fact, we have become lazy cats. Or stubborn donkeys. Being

human also means holding on to things, especially the past. Backaches or

frozen shoulder follow, given the baggage we carry: grudges, regrets,

even memories can be a burden. ‘I once was a gazelle, how have I become

such a lazy cat? Oh, if only I could be that gazelle again’ we think instead

of focusing on what we have - the agility and flexibility of a cat, wanting

the speed and physique of the gazelle that we were years ago.

But the past is past and should be used only as a reference; a library of

things that went well and those that did not. Especially the latter are

invaluable as they provide a chance to learn from past mistakes.

Speaking of which, we can use this introspective time of the year and

check how we are doing in terms of ahar (diet), vihar (rest & relaxation),

achar (routines) and vichar (thoughts & attitude). Are we eating enough

fresh and nutritious (sattvik) food or have we been taking shortcuts with

ready-made and processed options and that’s why we are feeling sluggish

and drained of energy? Are we allowing ourselves enough breaks during

the day, maybe to do pranayama and reflection? Are we following useful

routines or are we reinventing the wheel day after day unnecessarily? And

finally, do we keep our spirits up, are we thinking positive thoughts?

Nothing will drain us like negativity and feelings of anger, hatred,

jealousy and the like.

Instead, Maharishi Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras has given us beautiful

tools in Sutra 1.33 that we can apply instead: maitri, karuna, mudita and

upeksha - friendliness, compassion, goodwill and indifference. This is not

easy but if we try, another sutra could take fruition: avoiding future pain

(2.16). This means not following the same unhealthy patterns and freeing

ourselves from pain that is self-inflicted and predictable. Now if that isn’t

a good New Year’s resolution!

Why New Year's is a good time to let go


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Mina was a 60 year old lady with a very sedentary lifestyle, poor eating habits and hardly any physical exercise. Once while traveling in a car, a speed breaker gave a small jerk. She got a mild backache since then – which didn’t resolve for 10-12 days. The pain would be worse when changing positions. On going to an orthopedic surgeon who examined her and got an x-ray done, it revealed an osteoportic wedge compression fracture of her vertebrae. Osteoporosis is a condition of softening of bones. There are basically two types of osteoporosis:

Type 1: Post-menopausal affecting only women after menopause.

Type 2: Affecting both men and women after 70 years of age.

There are other types of osteoporosis: due to steroids, due to endocrine problems, etc. Osteoporosis makes a person’s bones more fragile hence easily fracturable (fractures around the hip, wrist, vertebrae and around the shoulder especially). It can be detected by plain X-rays of the pelvis and hips (Two Indians, Dr.Singh and Dr. Maini from Chandigarh, have devised a method of grading osteoporosis on plain X-rays like these, and it is a method renowned and accepted all over the world.). The more recent and sophisticated method of detection are bone densitometry studies done by a CT scan machine.

The methods of treatment are:

1. A positive attitude

2. Regular exercises and physical activity (it keeps bones stronger)

3. A high-protein diet (for deposition in bone to increase bone structure)

4. Calcium supplements. We need 1000mg of calcium per day. But in Osteoporosis and elderly age, due to proper absorption the daily need can be upto 1500 – 2000 mg.

Dairy products and fruits provide calcium. Tablets for additional supplements can be taken 500mg per day.

5. Vit. D supplements (through sun rays, injection, oral supplements). Oral supplements of plain vit. D3 are available as sachets of 60,000 IU, to be taken once every week or twice a week for 6 – 12 weeks in Osteoporosis. Active metabolites of Vit. D3 are available.

6. Calcitonin: An injectable medicine to be taken once a week. It is



Dr. P.S. Mamtora, Orthopedic surgeon

non-hormonal and relieves the pain of osteoporosis.

7. Diphosphonates: Available as tablets, to be taken two to three times a day. Can cause irritation of the oesophagus (food pipe), heart burn or acidity. It is non-hormonal.

8. HRT: Hormone replacement therapy. Oestrogen taken in small quantities daily can give rise to protection from Type 1 osteoporosis. It needs to be taken regularly without fails and with regular gynecological breast, blood pressure and lipid profile checkups. Very popular in the west, not yet so in India. Protection vs. side effects - you can choose.

Osteoporosis gives rise to generalised bone pains and easy fracturability. These fractures may need hospitalisation and surgeries or prolonged immobilizations – hence it is better to prevent them. Prevent Osteoporosis by Achar (good healthy lifestyle, regular exercise/asana), Vichar (positive attitude), Ahar (regular healthy foods – calcium, Vit. D supplements and proteins) and Vihar (relaxation and mobility).

Asanas were prescribed for Mina. But they together with the excellent non-fatiguing physical benefits affected a change in Mina’s personality also. She seemed to be less edgy and had an exuberance of mental and physical energy. The doctor told Mina that this exercise regimen of regular walking, doing Asanas and having sensible work and leisure hours had to be continued for life.



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‘Difficulties persist, but I accept the challenges, become stronger and flexible’!


Variation 01 Variation 02 Variation 03

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Method of PracticeVariation 1Starting Position

1. Stand with feet together and hands at the sides. Inhale.

Steps - Method

1. Exhaling, kick your right leg in the front as high as possible and grasp the toe with the same hand, keeping the knees straight. In case this is not possible, you can bend the knee of the right leg so as to grasp the toe with the right hand (as shown in the picture) and stretch the leg out in front. Try to keep the leg straight but if not possible you

may slightly bend the knees.

2. Stay in the position for six seconds.

Posture Release

1. While inhaling, release the grasp and bring the leg down.

2. Repeat with the left leg.

Precautions to be taken during performance of Asana:

1. Avoid any possible strain, and the period of exercise should be fixed at the minimum.

2. It is also advisable to attempt this posture first in parts, and 3. Complete the pose only after a few weeks of initial training.

4. This pose should never be attempted after any form of

rigorous gymnastics because the abnormal rush of blood to the brain at this stage might do more harm than good.

5. Take care of the neck

Variation 2 ***1. Follow step number one as before and when the leg is outstretched, swing it to the right.

2. Stay in the position for six seconds.

3. While inhaling, return to the center and releasing the grasp | on the toes, bring the leg down.

4. Repeat with the opposite leg.

Variation 3 ***1. Follow step number 1 of variation 1.

2. While exhaling, bend the right knee a little to grasp the right toe with the left hand.

3. Lift the leg up towards the left side as high up as you can as the right hand swings out to the right side to maintain balance.


4. Hold the position for six seconds.

5. Inhaling, return to center and release the toes and bring the leg down.

6. Repeat on the other side.

Note: In case you find it difficult to maintain balance while grasping the toes in the different variations, you can stand with your hands at the waist or hold on to a window sill as you perform the different motions.

Limitations / Contraindications:1. Severe arthritis

2. Vertigo (for vertigo you can practice the supine variations given below).


1. Strengthens core and legs.

2. Improves body balance.

3. Stretches the hamstrings and hips.

4. Strengthens the arms and back muscles.


1. Liver and kidneys are activated.

2. Digestive system and reproductive system are stimulated.

3. Digestion is improved.

4. Helps relieve menstrual disorders.


1. Steady state of mind is induced.

2. Improves the sense of body balance and weight management on one leg at a time.

3. Improves mental attentiveness.

4. Brings forth stillness in the midst of challenge


This asana is very direct in its name, suggesting a body formation including the hands, feet and toes. Since these extremities come together, it involves a great amount of stretching to the muscles surrounding the major hip joint. It also affects the waist and helps in flexibility and toning of the lateral muscles.


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The Yoga Institute presents the first Karma Yoga Workshop of 2019 on Saturday, 5th January, 2019 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm at The Yoga Institute.

About the Workshop

Karma Yoga is the art of discovering joy in action. Doing one’s duty with commitment, sincerity and selflessness brings fulfillment. The workshop will inspire you to:

• Live purposefully

• Achieve Goals

• Be Mindful

• Trust Life

• Actualize Potential

The workshop is designed in an engaging manner with activities, presentations and interactions. The objective is to create insight that inspires people to transform their lives completely.

Venue: The Yoga Institute

Registration: Prior to or on the day of workshop

For Details: Contact The Yoga Institute call on

Ph.: +91 22 26110506 / 26122185 or

email: [email protected]

karma yoga

workshop5th January, 2019


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Namaste to one and all!

100 years ago, on 25th December 1918, The Yoga Institute was established with the sole intention to enrich mankind with the practice and promotion of householder yoga across the world.

As the world marked the 100th anniversary of The Yoga Institute and celebrated Yoga, an ancient Indian science, with a joyous heart, I bow in gratitude to His Holiness Paramhamsa Madhavadasji, Founder Shri Yogendraji, Mother Sita Devi, our beloved Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji Yogendra.

I am also thankful to all our Gurus, teachers, yoga sadhakas, Mumbaikars, the people of our country and every soul who has walked along with us on our 100-year journey.

It was indeed our pleasure to have such an august gathering at the MMRDA Ground to mark this historic milestone and celebrate Harmony Fest on 28th and 29th December, 2018.

The momentous occasion was marked by the prestigious presence of the Honorable President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovindji. It was an honour to welcome him in support of Yoga and The Yoga Institute for such a significant occasion and the inauguration of the Harmony Fest. We were humbled by the presence of such a great leader who exemplifies that great achievements are possible through sheer determination and hard work.

The presence of so many divine personalities together under one roof only assures that Yoga is union of all and certainly brings all together to share and experience the blissful energy.

The inaugural ceremony was filled with all the yogic enthusiasm and marked the milestone year with events of utmost yogic welfare to the society to deliver the experience of how world harmony begins within!

Let me thank each and every one of you for a job well done - that is all teams, namely Transportation, Hospitality, Stage, Decoration, Awareness, Security, Exhibition, Book Stall, Food & Catering, News & PR, Emergency, Volunteer team, Print & Publication, Registration, Permission, Good Food Fest, Campaigning, Alumni Management and Water and Food distribution committee.

It took more than 500 dedicated volunteers to organise, manage and run the Harmony Fest and you all pulled it off beautifully and in true karma yoga spirit, giving your all for the greater good; forgetting about personal discomforts while being carried by the wave of a communal spirit of making the vision of Founder and The Yoga Institute come alive - transforming your own life by transforming the lives of others through yoga.

Thanks for all your efforts the programme was a grander success and attending to more than 20,000 participants was a mammoth of a task.

This is just the beginning of the next successful centennial of promoting a Yoga way of life to one and all. Together we will continue to deliver our best for endorsing holistic wellness to the society.

Hrishi YogendraAssistant Director, The Yoga Institute


Heartfelt Gratitude

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Honourable president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, Chief Minister of Maharashtra - Shri. Devendra Fadnavis, Governor of Maharashtra - Shri. C. Vidyasagar Rao and Mayor of Mumbai - Vishwanath Mahadeshwar among various other renowned yogis and gurus lightening the lamp to mark the start of Harmony Fest in presence of Smt. Hansaji Yogendra


Smt. Hansaji Yogendra - Director, The Yoga Institute, Shri Hrishi Yogendra - Assistant Director, The Yoga Institute and Shri Premchand Godha - Chairman, Chief Executive Officer & MD at Ipca Laboratories Ltd, welcoming the Honourable president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind and the first lady of India.


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Book launch of “Yoga for All” by Honourable president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind, Chief Minister of Maharashtra - Shri. Devendra Fadnavis, Governor of Maharashtra - Shri. C. Vidyasagar Rao, Mayor of Mumbai - Vishwanath Mahadeshwar,Sm. Hansaji Yogendra - Director, The Yoga Institute and various other renowned yogis and gurus.


International Santoor Maestro Shri Rahul Sharma &Smt. BarkhaSharma performing during the Presidential event.

Shri Hrishi Yogendra presenting momento of gratitude to Honourable president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind.

“Togetherness is Yoga” says Honourable president of India Mr. Ram Nath Kovind. Honourable president of India Mr. Ram NathKovind throwing light on importance of Yoga in our daily life.


Bollywood actor Kabir Bedi hosting the Presidential event.

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Commemoration of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra Chowk by Vishwanath Mahadeshwar, Mayor of Mumbai andSmt. Hansaji Yogendra, Director, The Yoga Institute.

Pulak Sagar ji enlightening the audience with his pravachan during Centenary Celebrations in presence of Smt. Hansaji Yogendra.


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Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati and Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswatiji share a light moment post their talk on “Dharma – Duty Driven Life” with Smt. Hansaji Yogendra and Shri Hrishi Yogendra.

Smt. Hansaji Yogendra, Swami Bharat Bhushan, Acharya Lokesh Muni, Dr. Mickey Mehta and Shri. S. P. Mishra at Yogis Panel discussion on the topic “Getting started with Mindfulness”

Audience enjoying Shri Gaur Gopal Das’ talk on “Letting go” at the event.

Shri Hrishi Yogendra felicitating Gaur Gopal Das,a motivational speaker.



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Leading Nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar throws light on “Traditional Food vs Trending Food”.

Happiness all around the Harmony Stage.

Teenagers making the most of the Harmony festivities

Crowd of happy people watching showon stage, waving hands,enjoying music.

Sophie, Yogi Andre and Smt. Damini Dalal enjoying at the Centenary Celebrations.

‘Yoga for all’ at Centenary Celebrations.



Hansaji felicitating Brahmanand S Siingh, award winning director, who weaved his magic yet again for 'Transforming Lives…’ A documentary on the 100-year journey of TYI

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An ode to the revered gurus of the Institute

A packed crowd engrossed in the minutiae and thepractical experience of holistic yoga

A colourful welcome for one and all at Centenary Celebrations.

Smt. Pranee Yogendra with renowned bollywood actress Isha Koppikar

Smt. Hansaji Yogendra with Santoor Maestro Pundit Shivkumar Sharma, Shri Rahul Sharma & Smt. Barkha Sharma during Harmony Fest



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The crowd keenly listens to some cooking tips from Celebrity Chef Ranveer Brar.

Foodies pay complete attention to chef Pankaj Bhadouria,Masterchef India Winner, while she shares a recipe.

Visitors munching on Sattvik food at Taste of TYI.

TYI senior Sadhaka counselling the participant at the Samatvam session.

Participants engrossed in playing conceptual games atYoga Edutainment.


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“Meditation pods are like perfect blessings” say participants at Harmony Fest.


RJ Anmol engaging the crowd during Centenary Celebrations.

Dr. Atul Pednekar taking a session on Integral Chakra during the Centenary Celebrations.

Visitors in awe of the 100 year old history and achievements of The Yoga Institute.

Market place at the harmony fest showcasing various wellness products for all .



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Sadhakas doing parvatasana during Women’s Workshop by Sashi Sarda.

Smt. Priyam Waghmare and Shri Sharad Waghmare taking a session at the couples workshop.

Shri Kartik Vyas sharing some insights during Bhavas workshop.

Dr. Shantaram Shetty, Dr. P.S. Mamtora, Dr. R. Sanskaran ,Smt. Hansaji Yogendra, Dr. Harish Shetty, Dr. Govind Khatti & Dr. Ravindra Chittal, at the doctors’ panel discussion on “Integrating Yoga with traditional medicine with modern medicine”

National and international participants side-by-side enjoying Asana Workshop at Centenary Celebrations.


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Smt. Sashi Sarda talking about PMS during women’sworkshop at Centenary Celebrations.

Ramendra Sir teaching participants Bhujanasana duringAsana workshop in Harmony Fest.

Joyous faces from 801st batch of 7 day health camp



The Yoga Institute family who made the programme a grand success

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Seshnath & Troupe setting the stage on fire via their performance.

Dharavi Reloaded a popular junk percussion band, performing at the Harmony Fest.

A marvellous performance by none other than Shankar Mahadevan at Centenary Celebrations of The Yoga Institute.


A unique act of fusion by FlamencoKathaa.

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Shri Hrishi Yogendra presenting momento of appreciation to the renowned Bollywood singer Shankar Mahadevan.

Shankar Mahadevan and Indian Ocean making an ordinary evening magical.

Kabir Café mesmerizing audience with their timeless verses of Kabir.


An amazing performance by Prem Joshua during the Centenary Celebrations.


A packed house of eager fans enjoying a musical concert. Renowned Bollywood singer Rekha Bharadwaj adding hermelody to the celebrations.

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“I am happy to be here for the commemoration of the centennial celebrations of The Yoga Institute, which means 100 years of teaching, t r a i n ing , r e s e a r ch and spreading the goodness of yoga in India and across the g l o b e . M u m b a i i s a cosmopolitan city and has everything; Mumbai has a l way s c o n t r i b u t e d i n everything. Similarly, The Yoga Institute has also contributed a lot and reached a g r e a t m i l e s t o n e b y celebrating 100 years.”

“Togetherness is yoga. Yoga can unite whole nations: Following an invitation of President Desi Bouterse of Suriname in honour of International Yoga Day 2018, I was glad to find out that in a nation with 37 percent people of Indian origin, everyone practices yoga. This was also the first event in the world that two heads of state practiced yoga together on the same day. President Desi Bouterse mentioned that yoga is a valuable gift that India has given to humanity.”

“The Yoga Institute has seen three generations of the Yogendra family work with utmost dedication for the past ten decades in terms of promotion of holistic yoga for every section of society both locally and globally. Now Hansaji is carrying forward the legacy as is Hrishiji. The Yoga Institute has also seen famous film stars, influential politicians, learned scientists, professors and common people all learn yoga side-by-side without prejudice. In 2018, the Institute was awarded with the prestigious Prime Minister Award for Excellence in Yoga for its philanthropic work and training more than 50,000 yoga teachers since 1958. They have since passed out of the esteemed Institute, spreading the message of peace, humanity and yoga legacy to the world.”

“The Yoga Institute practices yoga for householders and asanas have been developed keeping common people, school children and others in mind. Accordingly, books have been published for householders, children and everyone and even a new asana developed, “truckasana", which is a very good initiative. It is an asana specifically developed keeping the needs of truck drivers in mind who frequently complain about spinal problems. But also those who travel much further make use of yoga: Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian to go to space, used to practice yoga to get rid of space sickness.”

“Today, doctors advise to go for a morning or evening walk; that is part of yoga. If we practice yoga, we don’t need to go to the doctor. If a

person is healthy, the family is healthy. The same is true for the world. Prevention is always better than cure and for prevention, yoga is there. Yoga also helps to increase immunity t h r o u g h a s a n a s a n d pranayama.”

“ L i f e s t y l e d i s e a s e s a r e increasing in India; blood pressure is high and so is diabetes. Those who do yoga from childhood (in school or college) will build up strength and immunity. Pranayama should be practiced from a

young age as it increases concentration. That is why in Maharashtra, yoga is part of the school syllabus.”

“In 1940, The Yoga Institute achieved something very special: four of its publications, written by Shri Yogendraji and Smt. Sita Devi, were chosen for the Crypt of Civilization by Oglethorpe University, USA as memorials of civilisation in the first half of the century, to be read 6000 years later (8113 AD).”

“The Yoga Institute has certainly lived up to the vision of Shri Yogendraji and mother Sita who together revived classical yoga and gave it shape to cater to common people or householders. The baton of yoga was duly carried forward by Dr. Jayadeva and Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, who is currently the director of The Yoga Institute, Mumbai, the world’s oldest organised yoga centre.”

“In addition, a host of social services initiatives at the Institute offer a range of public services from rescuing women and children, protecting marginalised communities, working with AIDS and HIV patients, providing free education, amenities to the needy to name but a few. Their aim is to create more effective establishments, build stronger communities, and promote equality and opportunity. Thus, the Institute has been touching thousands of lives and changing them for the better.”

“I congratulate the Institute for its noble endeavours and carrying on the good work silently for past ten decades and wish them the very best for another ten decades to come.

Thank you.

Jai Hind!”

Togetherness is Yoga- Hon’ble President Shri Ram Nath Kovind



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he true purpose of yoga cannot be other than the spiritual one. TAs soon as we utter the very word “yoga”, the conceptual and idealistic parts, e.g., its concept of consciousness, of Prana, of

Samskara etc., come to our mind. As very correctly stated by a famous orientalist, the disciplinary part of yoga is a basic factor in the scientific methodology of Patanjali’s Astanga Yoga. Yama-Niyama is a type of conditioning in the direction of culture of consciousness, while it is deconditioning or getting away from the point of view of physical and psychological limitation. No real tranquility, introversion or abstraction is available to a person who suffers from a lack of control over his biological drives. Commentators on Yoga-Sutra have included Yama-Niyama under two cardinal requisites by abhyasa and vairagya (with sraddha and virya etc.,) making it clear in this way that any sincere attempt at study of yoga rests on these pillars. As another commentator on a Hathayoga text has very boldly said that the one and only requirement in the study of yoga is Vairagya.

Experiences of the finer states of consciousness being the very essence of yoga, we cannot bypass it by taking for granted the use of a technique that actually contributes to the very development of these newer states. This is the kind of mistake many yoga enthusiasts are making when they take for granted Yama and Niyama without actually practicing them and prefer to plunge into the subsequent mechanical technique of Asanas and Kriyas.

The bane of a yoga student today is his hypocrisy in dis-regarding the application of Yama and Niyama in his personal life and emboldening himself to master the very highest stage in yoga. This is how we witness the sad spectacle of yogic teachers openly encouraging indiscipline, permissiveness, immorality, vice, falsehood, deception even as they are teaching and practicing yoga. It is one thing to say that in the olden times Yama and Niyama were not so prominently harped upon (probably because the older idealistic culture being based on spiritual values

requires the community to believe in the supersensory value reality whose corollary was disregard of the sensual and the immediate) and another thing to argue against the necessity of mastering the immoral tendencies that are rooted in our biologic mind which need to be checked.

The approach of the Yogi should be rather to utilize the available physical appeal that some of the yoga processes have today and to use the opportunity for changing the very heart of the modern man who seems to have sold his soul to mammon. Do the yogic practitioners realize the true role they have to play in society which is slowly disintegrating itself because of its lack of a sense of identity, because of its crisis of confidence, because of its lack of believing in any abiding meaning or purpose of life? It is only through a combination of right motivation, right attitude together with the right psycho-physiological processes that Yoga would yield its true essence, i.e., peace and happiness during the onward flight of the ignoble to the noble.

Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra,Former President,

The Yoga Institute.


Yama, Niyama And Yoga



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I took a course from The Yoga Institute 25 years ago and it has had influences on all my work: when it comes to food and when it comes to health. It even influenced my choice to follow the path that I am currently following, educating people about nutrition and the food we eat. My heartiest congratulations to this wonderful institution for completing 100 years of existence and excellence.



Best Yoga Institute I have ever been too.

The instructor from The Yoga Institute is wonderful and very knowledgeable with regards to adapting practice and training schedules to participants with injuries, special medical conditions and needs, or even different levels of experience in Yoga.

Overall, a wonderful environment, friendly instructor, and truly a wonderful experience.


In all the 3 mega events I have been able to participate as a volunteer at the institute since 1997, I have experienced the enormous reach of the Yoga Institute. People from various corners of not only India but also of the world, swarm the institute and participate in its activities. These exhibitions have made me learn to be humble and acknowledge the presence of wisdom from seemingly simple individuals; wisdom that has been passed on to them through the legacy of the Yogendra family. As a doctor I have learnt the importance of lifestyle and stress management through a simple shift in the approach towards life after seeing the healthy status of innumerable Happy and satisfied people that I have met at the institute.



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I did my three months teacher training course at the Yoga Institute and it was superb. The focus on Yoga Sutras, Samkhya philosophy, anatomy, etc. were a huge differential to understand and practice the real concept of Yoga. These studies qualified me to give yoga classes with a distinctiveness. I'm so grateful to The Yoga Institute, the staff, all the people that I could meet. I have learnt real Yoga at this school. I totally fell in love with the environment and hope soon to come back to learn and live more yoga. May The Yoga Institute be blessed. Thank you very mu ch . I e x t e n d my h e a r t i e s t congratulations to the Yogendra family on completion of their 100th year.



The 7 day camp was a much-needed retreat and yet it felt like home away from home. It was great to soak in the positivity of the ambience at The Institute and for me, it brought back memories of the camp I attended 20 years ago in the presence of respected Dr. Jaydeva. The Asana classes at the beginning and end of the day were energising and rejuvenating. The Karma Yoga sessions and learning Yogic concepts through game & enactment were enriching. The music, dance and laughter sessions towards the evening helped to release stress and experience a sense of freedom. Hansaji's talks about Yoga and interesting stories reflected its practical application and integration in everyday life. All the teachers were very approachable and the volunteers helpful. All in all, the 7 day camp was Yoga-in-practice - it kept us joyfully, positively and actively engaged throughout. I shall always cherish the experience.

It was the best decision to choose The Yoga Institute Goa for my beginner 1 month TTC. Apart from the amazingly beautiful campus, the special emphasis on yoga philosophies & yogic concepts, asana practice with the right technique and practice teaching sessions was just what I was looking for to build a strong foundation. The individual attention given to each student, deep dive into concepts and techniques, imparted with a creative approach alleviated the intensity of the course. It has been inspiring to have teachers who worked harder than the students throughout. Eternally grateful for this amazing and inspiring start as I foray into my new life as a yoga practitioner.



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Sr. No.











1 Month TTC (Instructor’s Course - QCI- LEVEL I)(English)

7 Months TTC(Advanced Teachers Training Course - QCI - LEVEL II)(English)

1 Year TTC (Advanced Teachers Training Course - QCI - LEVEL II)(Hindi)

Karma Yoga

21 Days Better Living Course

Weight Management Camp

Cardiac & Hypertension Camp

7 Days Health Camp(Hindi)

Women’s Camp



Offered in English, this course is best suited for individuals who wish to teach Yoga to school students and young adults who have no health problems. An intensive Yoga teachers’ training that introduces both, the theoretical and the practical aspects of Yoga.

Offered in English, this course covers Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Bhavas, attitude training, counseling, public speaking, methodology of teaching, practice teaching, essentials of anatomy & physiology, Yoga Sutras and Samkhya Philosophy.

Offered in Hindi, this course covers Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Bhavas, attitude training, counseling, public speaking, methodology of teaching, practice teaching, essentials of anatomy & physiology, Yoga Sutras and Samkhya Philosophy.

Karma Yoga is yoga of action done with awareness, detachment and love. The Karma Yoga workshop gives us the tools of everyday life to negate the evils of our actions.

Ideal for individuals who have no major health problems and who wish to experience the yogic lifestyle to feel rejuvenated and fresh.

Learn how to manage weight permanently through a holistic approach.

Experience the unique method of preventing and treating heart-related ailments.

Offered in Hindi, it is an experiential introductory course to Yoga theory and practice where one can experience a yogic way of life. This camp will help the campers to incorporate yogic ideals in daily life.

A woman’s capability to handle stress, whether emotional or physical, highly depends on her health. Yoga can help women cope with health issues and help them develop the state of their body and mind.



Starting on 01/01/2019

Starting on 01/01/2019

Starting on 01/01/2019


06/01/2019 –26/01/2019



12/01/2019 –18/01/2019




Monday to Saturday-10:00 am - 6:00 pmandSunday- 9:00 am -11:30 am

Monday to Saturday -5:00 pm - 8:00 pmandSunday- 9:30 am -10:30 am

Monday to Friday1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Morning batch (English): Monday to Friday: 7:30 am to 8:45 amEvening batch (Hindi): Monday to Friday: 6:30 pm to 7:45 pmSaturdays (Common): 7:20 am to 8:35 amSundays (Common): 9:30 am to 11.30 am

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

9:30 am – 5:30 pm

7:00 am - 7:30 pm

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

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Sr. No.











Stress Management Camp

Meditation Camp

Pranayama Camp

Emo – Energy Balancing

Life management

Pregnancy Camp for Ante & Post Natal

7 Days Health Camp(English)

Back Joint Disorder Camp

Regular Classes for Men

Regular Classes for Women







21/01/2019 -22/01/2019

26/01/2019 -01/02/2019


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


9:30 am - 5:30 pm

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

9:30 am - 1:30 pm

9:30 am - 5:00 pm

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

7:00 am - 7:30 pm

9:30 am - 5:30 pm

6:30 am, 7:30 am,1:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:25 pm

6:30 am, 7:30 am, 8:30 am, 9:30 am, 10:30 am,12:00 pm, 1:00 pm, 2: 00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm


Learn how to not let stress negatively impact work and health.

All the techniques of classical Yoga of Patanjali aim to create more awareness in individuals which helps them discover the self shining forth in one's own true nature. Recent research has proven that meditating regularly changes the brainwaves for the better.

A steady breath leads to a steady mind. Specially designed to revitalize and recharge both body and mind, the Pranayama workshop empowers one with the practice of breathing techniques that can be integrated into daily routines.

This workshop helps one understand the relation of emotions and energy levels through simple games and other fun-filled activities. This further helps simplify the process of stress management.

Enhance your personality physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually through Yoga. This camp includes g u i d a n c e o n s e l f - d e v e l o p m e n t , concentration, relaxation, mind & memory training.

This 2-day camp enables would-be-mothers to accept the coming event of motherhood cheerfully and prepares them without fear or misgivings.

Offered in English, it is an experiential introductory course to Yoga theory and practice where one can experience a yogic way of life. This camp will help the campers to incorporate yogic ideals in daily life.

Manage back & joint disorders like cervical spondylitis, low back pain, slipped disc, frozen shoulder, knee conditions, arthritis and other problems through simple and effective yogic techniques.

The hourly classes are scheduled for men who wish to incorporate Yoga as a part of their daily routine. They consist of Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas and guidelines on yogic lifestyle. Students can enrol on any day of the month.

The hourly classes are scheduled for women who wish to incorporate Yoga as a part of their daily routine. They consist of Asanas, Pranayamas, Kriyas and guidelines on yogic lifestyle. Students can enrol on any day of the month.



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Sr. No.







Weekend Classes

Children's Classes

Children's Weekend Classes

Satsang (Free- open to all)

Parisamvada(Free- open to all)



Saturday and Sunday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Saturday and Sunday

Every Sunday

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Every Saturday


Saturday -8:00 am - 9:30 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pmSunday - 8: 00 am - 9:30 am and10:30 am - 12:00 pm

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

8:00 am - 9:30 am

9:30 am - 10:30 am

6:25 pm

1:30 pm - 5:00 pm


The duration of the class is one and half hour. Each class is planned for those who wish to practice Yoga but can't spare time on weekdays due to their busy schedule.

Yoga is for everybody - even children. The one- hour class focuses on teaching children asanas and yogic techniques that will help them channelise their energy and focus on their studies better.

In Sanskrit 'Sat' means 'truth' and 'sang' together. In this interactive one-hour session, conducted by Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji, we try to understand the meaning and reality of life based on various topics related to Yoga and well being. Topics for the month of January are as follows: 6/1 Resolutions (Eng)

13/1 3 गुण (Hindi)16/1 Faith and Worry (Eng)27/1 Harmony in marriage (Eng)

A 30-minute Question & Answer session with Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji on Yoga philosophy, lifestyle management, psychology and various psychosomatic problems.A prerequisite for some of the courses, this session is like an induction into the Yoga way of life. These are personal counselling sessions with relevant medical experts on specific health problems of the individual.

The 3-hour program focuses on individual guidance for Life Management and is recommended for all individuals wishing to learn Yoga for relief from health ailments, for a stress free life and for general fitness.The session consists of a lecture by Smt. Hansa j i Jayadeva Yogendra about implementing Yoga in daily life. Besides individual interaction, the session includes consultation with a panel of medical practitioners and experienced Yoga counsellors. Certain yogic techniques are also taught to those who are unable to attend classes.



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The Yoga Institute, MatungaSri Kanyaka Parmeshwari Temple, Plot No 403, Vasavi Nilayam, Telang Road, Matunga (CR), Mumbai

Call: +91-8879955000

The Yoga Institute, Andheri Centre 1Samarth Aishwarya, B-Wing, 7th floor, Studio No. 710, Opp. Tarapore Tower, Off K.L. Walawalkar Road, Andheri (W), Mumbai

Call: +91-8779731926, 8879814884

Centre 2First Floor, Khajina Mahal, S.V. Road Andheri (W), Mumbai - 400058 Call: 9820429029, 9820929029, 9920329029

(HEAD OFFICE) - SANTACRUZ (E) Shri Yogendra Marg, Prabhat Colony, Santacruz East, Mumbai - 400055, India. Tel: +91-22-26122185/+91-22-26110506


The Yoga Institute, JuhuCentre 123, Kanti 1st Floor, V M Road,Next to Excell Petrol Pump,Opp Sunridges Hospital,Juhu, Mumbai

Centre 2Rotary Club of Bombay WestRotary Service Centre,Rotary Chowk,Juhu Tara Road, Santacruz W,Mumbai 400049

Centre 3Sanyas Ashram Temple,Off. Bajaj Road, Vile Parle W,Mumbai - 400056

Call:- +91-9821367588,9833864964


The Yoga Institute, PowaiC - 308, Kailas Business Park, Hiranandani Link Road, Powai, Mumbai

Call:- +91- 9820696800



The Yoga Institute, KandivaliTeens Dance and Fitness Studio, Top Floor, S.C.N Sports Club, Saraf Chaudhary Nagar, Thakur complex, Kandivali (East), Mumbai

Call: +91-9987011679


The Yoga Institute, Goa

Viva Chorão, Near Our Lady of Grace Church, Madel Chorão, Tiswadi Goa, 403102

Call:- +91-9820557676





The Yoga Institute, Indore1st floor, Plot No. 3, Akshay Deep Colony MR 9, Near Lotus A.B. Road, Indore (M.P.) – 452010.

Call: +91-9981114056, 9920171359


The Yoga Institute, Hong Kong35, Kimberly Road 11/F, Tsim Sha Tsul, Hong Kong

Call:- 21919651

The Yoga Institute, Delhi Swami Parmanand Prakritik Chikitsalaya ( SPPC) Near Main Mother Dairy I.P Extension, Delhi

011- 22478881 / 83


You may also order our publications online at


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Shri Yogendraji - Father of Modern

Yoga Renaissance

Animal life at the conscious level does not permit man to rise

higher than where he is. If this position is satisfactory, it is difficult

to convince such a man to do anything to improve himself. But

those who feel the urge to live better at all levels of consciousness

have to exert that they are men, distinct from animals.

So long as man is not changed, basically no education of

whatsoever nature can help him be free, happy, at peace, or to

achieve absoluteness. Yoga insists on the transformation from the

ignoble to the noble – firstly individually, secondly with society.

How can this be brought about, and what is it that needs such


Since man – the physical – when disciplined, acts with his

personality–complex at its various stages of evolution, what needs

transformation is not his eyes, ears, nose, bones and muscles but his

personality–complex (Citta).

Yoga proposes this through Yoga education – the education of the

subconscious wherein the potencies remain. The technology

consists in deconditioning the personality-complex from its base

propensities and transforming it into a humane maxima of what is

highest and noblest in man – his motivations, value judgments,

attitudes and behaviorism. Such a transformation makes the average

man a Yogin, and the society a truly human society.


“Do not accept responsibilities before understanding the liabilities ”

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