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1. Stand upright with inner feet parallel and about 6 inches apart.

2. Keep legs straight, exhale and bend forward from hip, joints, moving torso and head as one unit.

3. With inhalation, lift torso as if you are going to standup again4. Continue normal breathing .

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1. Its calms brain and helps relieve stress, anxiety.2. It stimulates liver and kidney and also stretches hamstring.3. It improves digestion.4. Relieves headache and insomnia.

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1. Pregnant women should avoid doing this.2. People suffering from back injury should also avoid doing this asana.

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1. Stand erect. Keep distance between legs about 3-4 inches. 2. Extend arms at shoulder level.3. Inhale and raise right arm by the side of head.4. Now, bend right arms with exhaling towards the left side by keeping body weight equally on both the feet. Ensure that right arm become parallel to ground.5. Maintain same position as per comfort level and return to original position.6. Repeat the same procedure with left arm..

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1. This is good to burn fat. 2. It is good for backache.3. It strengthens legs, knees and ankles.4. Good for digestion.5. It may be used for stress management.6. It ensures mobility of joints and neck and give proper stretch to spine.7. It provides stamina, balance, energy and develops focus.

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1. This asana should be avoided by people suffering from back pain.2. Avoid this yoga who is suffering from migraine.3. People having neck problems should also avoid doing this.4. High blood pressure, diarrhea, back injuries shouldn’t perform this asana.

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1. Stand straight with feet together and arms alongside the body.2. Balance weight equally on both feet.3. Breathing in, extend arms overhead, palms facing each other.4. Breathing out, gently bend backwards pushing the pelvis forward, keeping arms in line with the ears, elbows and knees straight.5. Hold. Breathing in, come back up.6. Breath out, bring arms down and relax.

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1. Stretch the front upper torso.2. Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.

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1. Those with serious hip or spinal problems should this asana.2. Peptic or duodenial ulcers and hernia patients should avoid this pose.3. Pregnant women should avoid this pose.

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1. Come onto fours. Form a table such that your back forms the table top and hands and feet form the legs of the table.2. As the breath is out lift the hips up, straightening the knees and elbows , form inverted v shape with body.3. Hands are shoulder width apart , feet are hip width apart and parallel to each other. 4. Press hands into the ground. 5. Hold the downward dog pose and take long deep breaths. Look towards the navel.6. Exhale. Bend the knees. Return to table pose. relax

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1. This pose leaves you energized and rejuvenates the body.2. It lengthens the spine, strengthens the muscles of the chest increasing lung capacity.3. It brings strength throughout the body especially arms, shoulder, legs, feet.4. It increases circulation to the brain.

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1. High blood pressure people should avoid this .2. People suffering from shoulder injury should also avoid this.

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