





McCormicks Wed 46 Years

Pa and Ma McCormick, veteran radio entertainers, celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary November 13, and the following day the Crosley Employees' Glee Club gave them a surprise party during the "Truly American" broadcast over WLW and the WLW Line. Pictured above are Pa and Ma, seated, and standing, Paul Wilson, president of the Glee Club; Marie Weber, librarian; Boss Johnston, Elvera Duke, Arthur Pierson, and Janet Schroeder, the cake committee; and Wilbur Leamon, secretary-treasurer of the Glee Club.

Cuban President In Broadcast From Havana On Mutual

In a radio address to the United

States through the Mutual Broadcast-

ing System including WLW, President

Laredo Bru of the Republic of Cuba

will discuss "The State of the Na-

tion," on Friday, December 10, at

11:30 p.m. (E.S.T.).

Dance music from the Savilla-Bilt-

more roof will feature the first spe-cial program for WLW listeners De-cember 8. The following night Joseph Ries, educational director of WLW, will conduct a "man on the street" broadcast from the sidewalk cafe of the Saratoga hotel with music by the f med Ensuendo all-girl orchestra.

On Saturday night the special broadcasts will close with dance music from the exclusive Vedado Tennis Club. All broadcasts have been sched-uled for 11:15 to 11:30 P. m. (E.S.T.) except President Bru's mes-


More than 100 members of the In-ternational Radio Club will go to Havana after a three-day session in Miami, Florida, which includes a visit to Macfadden-Deauville as guests

of Bernarr Macfadden, the publisher. All broadcasts will be arranged by

Mr. Ries.

Has Two Shows

Doris Kerr

ard Phillips on "Song-Time" every Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. over the same network, including WKRC and


Here's the la-test picture of Doris Kerr, who is heard with the organ melodies of Ann Leaf every Monday from 3:00 to3:30 p.m. (E.S.T.) over the WABC -Columbia network, includ-ing WHIO.

She also may be heard vocal-izing with How-

"December.. Daze"

Gracie Allen, in the midst of the darkest month of the year, has written a sketch entitled "December Daze," which she will present to the NBC-

Red network, including WLW and WSM audience on Monday, Decem-ber 6, at 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

George Burns, Tony Martin, Ray

Noble and his orchestra members will have roles in the drama. Discarding the cloak of the thespian, Tony Mar-tin will introduce a. new song, ac-companied by Noble's music-makers.

Network Change To Take Place

December 5 Presenting a unique series of test,

and experiments in mental telepath under the supervision of several of America's leading university scien-tists, the "Zenith Foundation" will begin its weekly broadcasts over a nationwide WABC-Columbia network including WKRC, WHIO and WHAS, Sunday, December 5 from 10:00 to 10:30 p. m. (E.S.T.)

Conceived and founded by Com-mander E. F. McDonald, Jr., presi-dent of the Zenith Radio Corpora-tion, under whose sponsorship the series will be offered, the programs are designed to determine whether telepathy as an extra-sensory power exists and if so, learn what such powers of the human mind are, how common they may be, to what extent they may be cultivated, and how they function. Commander McDonald has been

interested in evidences of this phe-nomenon for many years. In 1924, over a Chicago station, he conducted the first telepathy program ever to be broadcast, receiving on that occasion the cooperation of such well known

scientists as Dr. Gardner Murphy of Columbia University, Dr. Robert Gault of Northwestern University and Professor H. B. English of An-

tioch College. The tests, as conducted on the

"Zenith Foundation" programs, con-sist of the selection of various ob-jects, designa, colors and other such things quickly identifiable by the

mind, by a mechanical device, the -action of which is unpredictable.

Ten especially selected telepathic senders — persons whom tests have shown to be especially fitted for the

experiments—then concentrate on the machine's selection and attempt to project the thought to the listening audience.

Senders are isolated in a room away from the broadcasting studio,

and they alone, know the selections the machine has made, which are

revealed only after several days have elapsed and listeners' replies have arrived at the Foundation's headquar-


Message of Israel Barnett R. Brickner, Cleveland

Rabbi, will be guest speaker during the Message of Israel program, on

Saturday, December 4, at 7:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network,

including WCKY and WLS. Rabbi Brickner will speak from the studios of WHK, in Cleveland. The musical

portion of the program will originate in the NBC Radio City studio.

Youthful Air Hero

Donald Weeks, one of Chi-cago's leading juvenile actors, is heard as a youthful frontiers-man in the Sunbrite Junior Nurse Corps radio show, broad-cast over the NBC-Blue net-work, including WLW, every weekday at 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). Donald takes the part of

Davey, the foundling boy who accompanied the Lewis and Clark expedition, in the dramati-zation of the life of Sa-ca-ja-wea, Shoshone Indian girl who be-came the nation's heroine in the eighteenth century.

Malone To Announce Winners In Contest The seventh group of winners of

$10 poetry awards will be announced by Ted Malone on his "Between the Bookends" program, heard, over the WABC-Columbia network, including WHIO, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, November 29, 30, Decem-ber 2 and 3, from 4:00 to 4:15 p. m. (E. S. T.).

On Thursday, December 2, Malone will announce two winners—May Howard McEachern, of South Jack-sonville, Fla., for "Song of the Sink"; and Theodore L. Whitley, of Pomena, N. C., for "To A Mocking Bird." ,

Lee it,;ery, 473 Middle St., East We.,mouth, Mass., will be announced as the winner on Friday, December 3, for "To A Dead Rival."

Malone, in cooperation with Pic-torial Review, is conducting this con-test for the purpose of recognizing un-known American contemporaries. Any one may enter his or her works in the contest, the only stipulation being that such poetry be unpublished.

Heard regularly Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 4:00 to 4:15 p. in. (E. S. T.), Malone announces winners for the same days two weeks previous, with the exception of Thurs-days when he announces the winners of both Wednesday and Thursday contests of two weeks previous.

Singer Inspects Unique Chimes


Pretty Mary Paxton, WLW personality singer, was snapped as she investigated the WLW studio program clock—the synchro-nized time-piece that chimes out the correct eastern standard time after every program. The clock was installed a year ago and has faithfully chimed the correct time for WLW listeners. Built by Don Winget, Jr., and his crew of sound technicians, the clock is said to be the only one of its particular kind in existence.



METROPOLITAN MATINEE TO START 7th YEAR Crooks, Sayao Star In Massanets Manon Saturday, Dec. 4

Metropolitan Opera Saturday mati-nees will begin their seventh consecu-tive year on the air December 4, at 2:00 p. m. (E. S. T.), with the broadcast of Massenet's popular "Manon" over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLW. Every Saturday matinee during the regular season will be broadcast, according to negotiations completed between NBC and officials of the Opera.

The opening program, broadcast direct from the Metropolitan stage through special facilities, will bring to millions of opera lovers the mag-nificent voices of Richard Crooks, American tenor, who will be the Chev-alier des Grieux, and of Bidu Sayao, the brilliant Brazilian soprano, who created a sensation last year in her first season at the Metropolitan. The conductor will be Maurice de Ab-ravanel.

Massenet's "Manon" concerns itself with a charming but irresponsible young girl whose love is not strong enough to withstand the temptations of pretty clothes, sparkling jewels and the admiration of the crowd.

From the moment of the first act, when she runs away from the young Chevalier des Grieux to escape con-vent life, until, weary and broken, she dies on a bleak plain near Havre, she grasps for the glitter and tinsel of life. She ruins des Grieux and causes their arrest for gambling. Condemned to deportation as a com-mon criminal, she dies in her lover's arms before she reaches the point of embarkation. •

In this performance Miss Sayao returns to the role in which she made her Metropolitan debut last February. At that time she evoked the enthusiastic praise of the case-hardened New York cititics for the freshness and charm she brought to the role. Richard Crooks, of course, heeds no critical notice to establish himself with the American audience. In his few seasons in opera, always in. leading roles, he has made himself one of the great names of contempo-rary opera. Most of the cast for "Manon" will be the same as that which presented the work in Miss Sáyao's debut,

The cast follows: Xenon Lescaut Bidu Sam. soprano Poussette Natalie Bodanya, soprano Javotte Charlotte Symons, soprano Rosette Irra Petina, contralto des Grieux Richard Crooks, tenor Lescaut John Brownlee. baritone Comte des Grieux Leon Rothier, basso Guillot Angelo Bada, tenor de Bretigny... George Cehanovsky, baritone Inkeeper Louis d'Angelo, baritone

J Max Altglass, tenor j Arnold Gabor, baritone

A servant Gina Cola Conductor Maurice de Abravanel Chorus master Fausto Cleva Stage manager Desire Defrere

Two guards

Singer On New Show

Rosemary Lane will be a permanent star of the new Lucky Strike series beginning December 8.

Rodzinski Conducts NBC Symphony

Artur Rodzinski, dynamic conduc-tor of international repute, has pro-grammed numbers by Handel, Beeth-oven, Sibelius, Debussy and Albeniz for the first in his regular series of three 'appearances as conductor of the NBC Symphony Orchestra, on Satur-

day, December 4, at 10:00 p. ..m. (E.S.T.), over the combined NBC-Red and NBC-Blue networks, includ-ing WCKY. A Harty arrangement of Handel's "Water Music" will open the fourth concert by the newest of sym-phony orchestras, followed by Beeth-oven's well-loved Fifth symphony. "Pohjola's Daughter," by the con-temporary Finnish composer, Jean Sibelius, and Two Nocturnes by De-bussy, "Nuages" and "Fetes," will continue the concert. The final num-ber will be Albeniz's "Triana."

Rodzinski will also conduct the con-certs by the NBC Symphony Orches-tra on December 11 and 28, leading up to Christmas night when Arturo Toscanini, the greatest living master of the baton, will begin his series of ten concerts.

Columbia Workshop Changes Time For New Drama Series

"Marconi, the Man and his Wire-

less," a dramatization by Irving Reis

and Orrin E. Dunlap, Jr., well-known

radio editor, based upon the latter's

book of the same name, will be pre-

sented by the "Columbia Workshop"

over the WABC-CBS network, in-

cluding WKRC and WHAS, on De-

cember 9 as the first of a dew series

of programs to be heard every Thurs-

day from 10:30 to 11:00 p. m.

(E. S. T.).

Beginning December 5, the "Work-shop's" former Sunday spot on the network is to be occupied by a new and novel program entitled "People's Choice." This means that the last of the current series was "The First Violin," Sally Kussel's adaptation of a short story by Norman Davey, which was presented from the studios of WBBM in Chicago, Sunday, Novem-ber 28, from 8:00 to 8:30 p. m. (E. S. T.).

Lane Star m. C. for Luckies

In New Musical For Luckies

"Your Hollywood Parade- a new 52-week series of full hour musical and dramatic broadcasts designed to provide a panoramic radio view of activities in the movie capital, will be launched Wednesday, December 8, at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM.

Dick Powell, who first gained fame in movies several years back, and later achieved fame over the radio, will act as master of ceremonies for the new musical-drama series.

Rosemary Lane, veteran of many radio shows, will be a permanent fix-ture on the show as songstress and partner with Powell. Other stars such as Bette Davis, Kay Francis, Errol Flynn, Edward G. Robinson, Leslie Howard and many other nota-ble movie stars are scheduled to ap-pear on the program. The show, which will replace "Your

Hit Parade", will be sponsored by the American Tobacco Company for Lucky Strike Cigarettes; produced by Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc.; and musically directed by Lep Forbstein:

1 , •

Dick Powell will be master of ceremonies of the "Your Holly-wood Parade" trogram when that program makes its debut December 8. He formerly ap-peared on t h e "Hollywood Hotel" show, and has been as-sociated with moving pictures for several years.

Early Morning Pepper-Uppers

Some people 1nd it difficult to show a zest for life at 8:45 a. m. If you are among these folks, tune in on WCKY at that time and let Lucille and Lanny show you how it is done. Lucille does the singing and Lanny the piano playing and arranging on this NBC Blue network show.



Weekly rtADIO DIAL Entered as second-clan matter July 29, 1931, at the post-office at Cincinnati, Ohio

under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Published every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co. 22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio

Six Months for $1.00. Single Copies 5 cents Ron° DM. brings you the latest available programs and news of your favorite stations and artots. All programs listed are correct up to press-time, but are, of course, subject to

later changes by networks and local stations.

Telephone—CHerel, 0710-0711 J. A. ROSENTHAL, Editor sue

Vol. VII. WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 10, 1937 Nb. 30

THE INFANT GROWS UP Ever since broadcasting was born people have been saying that "radio

is still in its infancy." Sometimes that faniiliar statement has prefaced rosy predictions about what the baby would be when he reached manhood. Again it has had an ironic twist, implying that it was time for the infant to become an adult.

In certain respects there are grounds for that feeling. Even its staunchest friends will concede that radio's independence had not always kept pace with its growing strength. For that reason the long-expected coming of the NBC Symphony Orchestra is particularly gratifying.

In the department of fine music radio has been playing the role of a dependent. Though broadcasts of symphony concerts and opera perform-ances have been common for more than ten years, most of these features originated from other sources. Radio merely supplied the pickup and trans-mission facilities. The few symphony orchestra and opera companies formed in the studios were recruited temporarily from artists who had other duties.

As a result, the broadcasting of fine music has been largely at the con-venience of the .interests originating it. Sometimes this led to embarrassing difficulties about schedules and other matters.

Now, however, NBC has organized its own symphony orchestra. Much praise has been heaped on its generous size, its distinguished members, and its world-renowned conductots. All these things are important. But as we see it, the most important facts about the new orchestra are that it is NBC's own, and a permanent organization.

On the staffs of the networks and the larger stations are various dance bands, concert ensemble and other groups playing music of the lighter type. At last a full symphony-orchestra of high caliber takes its place alongside these units as a permanent organization created exclusively for radio.

This has far-reaching significance quite apart from the excellence of the new group. The fact that the new orchestra is NBC's own means that its programs can be scheduled without deferring to the wishes of outside inter-ests. And the fact that it is a permanent organization means that it will not have to be disbanded after? a few brief weeks. From that practical standpoint of making good music available, either is a long forward step. But even more significant is what the new orchestra promises for radio's in-dependence.

After years of depending on other sources for its fine music, radio is on its own. After years of letting others take the initiative, broadcasting has assumed the responsibility of providing fine music. Here is heartening e‘i-dence that the "infant" is becoming an adult.

To be sure, one swallow does not make summer. The unfortunate hour and night of its symphony broadcast indicates that NBC still has problems to solve. Nevertheless the new orchestra is the most hopeful sign of radio's maturity that has turned up in a long time.

A few more demonstrations as constructive, and the bromide about radio's infancy will be "horse and buggy."

KEN CARPENTER—Announter Ken Carpenter, versatile west

coast announcer, who plays such an

important part in the Bing Crosby

show on Thursday nights, now is

featured each morning at 7:00- on

Sunkistime over WCKY. With Car-penter is Bill Goodwin, former Cin-cinnati spieler.

Sunkistime is a peppy early morn-ing eye opener program and the

genial hosts, Carpenter and Goodwin, carry on in fine style. Elmer Baughman, WCKY announcer, car-ries the local end of the show with weather bulletins and brief news flashes. A special feature of Sunkistime is

the jingle offer, giving each listener a chance to win a box of California oranges for writing jingles about that famous breakfast fruit.




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(Because Peg Maloney, columnist

for Columbi-A-Musings is ill in bed

I have invited myself to "carry on,'

giving the inside information about

Radio Dial's contest.)

We hope you're back with us next

week, Peggy.

We've been flooded with entries in

our contest to select a name for a

new column where the readers of

Radio Dial will have their say in radio. Here are some entries:

The Loquacious Listener

Listen To The Listeners

Serenade and Static

Hit and Miss

Radio Forum

Dialing The Dial Readers


I bet France Raine liked the last

one. They're all good and it looks

as if we're going to have a job on our

hands to pick a winner.

Miss Anna Belle Black of 2311

South 7th St., Terre Haute, Indiana sent in a letter but forgot to enclose her entry. She writes:— Editor, Radio Dial Dear Sir:

Please may I express my ideas about Radio Dial. I can't understand why some people want to run down a little paper as fine as "Radio Dial"

As for my opinion each and every column fits in very nicely. If those items and programs were left out what would our little paper be . . And what would your subscribers have to read?

So all in all, each and every pro-gram can't be beat.

Sincerely yours,

Miss Anna Belle Black.

(Thank you Miss Black, and please don't forget your entry for the con-test).



Submit a title to such a column as this, tleat is, a column with letters like the one above, letters that com-pliment radio performers, Radio Dial or criticize either or both. $3.00 will be awarded the person submitting the best title. It is not necessary to ac-company your suggestions with a let-ter, but we want to hear from you. You may discuss any part of otdio

you wish. Contest closes December 20, 1937; the winner to be an-nounced in the Dial week ending December 31. .Address your entries to Radio Dial, 22 East 12th street Cincinnati, O.

You may enter as many entries as you want.

Among the many ambitions I have

possessed during my years of habita-tion on this planet there was one-that was uppermost in my feeble mind. Since the days when I made my first blushing appearance in a public dance hall (I was fifteen), 1 have yearned to be the wielder of a baton. That means an orchestra leader if people of the Peter Grant type of mentality happen to be reading this opus. I longed for the adulation of the public as I stood before an orchestra with the tails of my full dress suit flapping in the breeze created by the rustle of femi-nine evening gowns as they passed in vast profusion. The life of an or-chestra leader (thought I) must be one of constant delight, of meeting and conquering thousands of flutter-ing girlish hearts, earn big pay as the magazine advertisements tell us and other similar delusions that one suf-fers when one does not know what it is all about

* • r

Well, two years ago I managed to achieve that ambition, full dress, long tails fluttering in the breeze and all the trimmings. Being of a long illus-trious heritage of people who exert themselves as little as possible. I didn't bother to form my own orchestra but bought one already formed and kept its former leader as first lieutenant to supply the brains and do all the work so I would have more time in whcih to bask before the public's adoring gaze. The orchestra really is an ex-cellent one, thanks to the guy who owned it before I did and not be-cause of anything I have been able to contribute to it. Its excellence music-ally has enabled us to procure much hotel work which is generally con-sidered the cream of things in general

and therein is where my rude ass .1 Is n-

ing has taken place •

Hearts apparently do not flutter as I thought they did and the only time some fair damsel gazes in your dim> tion is to make some funny remark to her escort or to give you a black look because you haven't played the tune she requested yet. People under the influence of too much fermented apri-cot juice want to lead the band or play the drums or beat the first saxo. phonist over the head and the leader spends the greater portion of his time keeping such people off the bandstand. This happens also in the "better" spots because the "better" spots are nsually frequented with people pos-sessing money and people possessing money usually imagine they can get away with anything. If the band can't play some out of date old song that happens to come to some ones whoozy fancy the band is immediately labeled lousy and everyone wants his or her tune played immediately. If the or-chestra leader is invited to a table for a drink and refuses he is high-hat. If he accepts too many times he gets plastered and becomes known as a firmed drunkard. If he goes to a table of six people and accepts a drink with them he must, repay by order-ing a drink himself or he is a cheap skate. That way he gets one drink but pays for six of them and every-one thinks the deal is square all around

• I could go on this way for enough

space to fill a book but there isn't that much space available. Who wrote that old quotation? . . . . "Life is a tragedy to those who `feel' and a comedy to those who think." ....

- HITS of the WEEK (All Eastern Standard Time) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4.

Barnett R. Brickner, guest speaker, on "Message of Israel"-7 :00 p.m., WCKY, WLS.

Charles Kullman, Metropolitan opera tenor, on Your Hit Parade-10:00 p. m., WHRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Artur Rodzinski, guest conductor of the NBC Symphony orchestra-10:08 p. m., WCKY. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5.

Herbert Hodge, London cab driver —1:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Clark Gable, actor, on Silver Theatre, —5:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Lawrence Tibbett, Metropolitan singer, on Ford Concert-9 :00

p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO. Zenith Foundation, switches to CBS —10:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7.

Ruby Mercer, soprano, on Holly-wood Mardi Gras-9 :30 p. m., WSAI, WSM. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8.

Kirsten Flafstad, Metropolitan so-prano, guest, with Andre Kostel. anetz's Concert orchestra-9:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Your Hollywood Parade, starring Dick Powell and Rosemary Lane, makes debut—I0:00 p. ni., WLW, WSM.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10. Smith College on Varsity Show— WLW, WLS, WSM.




Back in the "good old days" there used to be lively arguments about the best and worst night of the week as far as programs were concerned. You could generally get a rise out of a

fan by praising or damning the ¡pro-grams of any particular evening. During the -past few years the battle of the nights seems to have died down. But maybe history is repeating itself. Last Tuesday evening I dropped in on a friend who's an inveterate list-ener. To my surprise, he was reading, with his radio silent. "Something wrong with the set?" I asked. "Nary a thing," he answered. "Tuesday pro-grams just aren't worth the price of juice and tube wear." It would be interesting to know how many agree with him. If a considerable nwuber of dialers find Tuesday the dull night of the week, the sponsors might well do something about it. There was a time when Tuesday programs were among the week's best.

* *

Peter Grant, Jimmie Leonard, and Bill Brown seem to be running a dead heat for the doubtful honor of being WLW"s loudest shouter.

* * *

The Columbia workshop did an ex-ceptionally commendable job, Novent-

So long, good-bye, good luck. You hear this said about the seniors who are graduating from the various col-lege football teams throughout the nation. To this year's football season, it's

been one of the most successful in the history of the game, I say come back soon again.

This past fall has found more up-sets recorded than there has been in any two other seasons. Small colleges have knocked larger schools for a fare-the-well and the world has echoed the ohs and ahs of the fans.

Gate receipts have mounted to fig-ures which have surpassed pre-depres-sion times. More school buildings will be erected from the profits of the past grid campaign.

In passing, it will be interesting to see what the experts have to say

about the work of the athletes. All-American, all-state, all-city teams will be selected. On these all-this, or all-that team will appear the more highly

publicized players.

bet. 21, s•ith "Georgia Transport." Being written in verse wasn't the only thing that distinguished it. More im-portant, it had imagination and a rich

technical background. Both were gratifying after the stereotyped plots and technical improbabilities of most aviation plays foisted on microphones.

* *

For the information of the WC:PO

announcer who reads the 8:00 a. m.. news Lulletins, the people who live in that Michigan city pronounce Pon-tiac with a short 0, as in John and Tom. At least they did on the occa-sion of my last visit there.

If it becomes any more common, the practice of airing a local pro-gram over two stations in the same city is going to raise some embarras-

sing questions. Putting the sanie net-work program on two outlets in one town can be changed to oversight. But airing a local program over two stations is deliberate. Evidently the purpose is to get double coverage. That may be fine for the sponsor. But the only "public interest, con-venience and necessity" reason for licensing more than one station in a

(Continued on page 13)

In the smaller schools there are many boys whose names never reach the headlines. They are just good players in small town environment.

Next year, the professional teams will sign many of these small town stars. These "unknowns" will outshine

their more highly touted teammates and the critics will be sending back to the home lot for more news about the latest star on the pro football horizon.

The case of "Dutch" Clark is the most outstanding example known to the writer. Clark is considered by many men who know their football as the greatest player of them all.

"Dutch" went to a Colorado col-lege where he was the whole show. But the show was on the "tank cir-cuit" and Clark was just another small town great.

When "Potsy" Clark, no relation to our chief subject of discussion, took over the Portsmouth Spartans, some years ago, he signed the formed Colo-rado back.

Today, "Dutch" Clark is the coach of the Detroit Lions, one of National Professional League's best teams. On

my sports program, about two months ago, I interviewed "Potsy." One of the questions, "Who is the greatest of all football players ?" drew the answer, "Dutch" Clark.

When a man in "Potsy" Clark's po-

(Continued on page 16)

On Broadway

Elaine Melchior, first cousin of the cele6ratéd Metropolitan Opera tenor, Lauritz Melchior, is one of the new actresses heard in "On Broadway." broad-cast over the NBC-Blue net-work, including WCKY, every Sunday at 3:00 p. m. (E.S.T.)

Emily Post

The rarely photographed Emily Post poses for her first portrait in a number of years. Mrs. Post, famous for her book on Etiquette, tells "How to Get the Most Out of Life" in a ser-ies of programs broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC and WHAS, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a. m. (E.S.T.) Mrs. Post answers all sorts

of questions ranging from wed-ding problems to how to get along with your mother-in-law.



Backstaged the Cox last week to glimpse the lovely Joan Bennett. Joan of the blue eyes and gor-geous blond locks a real treat for the eyes . .. most movie celebs a disappointment. Good-natured and very human . . . not Holly-woodish. Monday nighters saw best efforts of Stage Door cast ... reason? Walter Wanger, one of the biggest producers in movie-land, in the audience. In spite of this the show was not great . . . but good nuf. Joan prefers a combination of dramatic outlets . stage and screen. She thinks

radio's all right, too. •

Wonder if you know the why of WKRC's "Dawn Patrol" title . . . engineers and announcers who open the studios and put on the early morning show, named this shift the "Dawn Patrol" and the hilltop station snatched it as a swell title. A couple more "did you knows" about radio slang: an organ is called a "god-box"; an accordion, a "groan-box." Cute?

• The latest Don Bestor gag is

surely not a publicity stunt! There must be better ways to limelight it,


than going to jail for non-payment of alimony. Three days in the jug . . . a missed performance in Vin-cennes ... doesn't sound like much fun. Don, you know, now pleasing Pavillon patrons and will continue there for a lengthy engagement, unless he forgets to pay that $60 per month. Did you know that Ramona, of WLW and Whiteman fame, once was Bestor's ace pianist?

• Personality of the week: WKRC's

cherub faced boy . .. Francis Pet-tay. Made his radio debut in Akron, his home town. Graduated to 'KRC after spieling from Co-lumbus at WBNS and WHKC. Best known for his good work on ..The Freshest Thing in Town." Hobbies: reading, and imitating announcers . . . does a good job of Bob Brown and Tom Slater. Un-married, dark, twenty-two. He has a chance for the top . .. needs a little unbending, though.


Bob Bentley of WCP0; Gladys Lee, 'K RC staff pianist, and WLW"s Helen Nugent all on the

(Continued on page 15)


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9.1 Denotes riCi C Denotes (CBS) I' LOW * PROGRAMS FOR SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 *


WCKY WLW -700 sc. ,

6:31, Drifting Pioneers 6:45 Brown County Revelers,

Morning in Mountains 1:15 Family Prayer Period 7:30 ; Brown County Revelers 1:45 Mail Bag

- 8:00 Southernaires N 8:15 Lieber. t nsemo.e N 8:35 , News tor Esecuthuss 8:45 I t ucille and Lanny N

Bert Layne's Fiddlers


Morning Round 11t)

Doc Schneider's Texans Peter Grant-News Cenbread and Caviar

WKRC Cinrtnnai,

Jerry Foy Sun Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition-News Dow's Elawn Patrol

.• ..... Woman's Hour

WSAI ICInInnatt (1330 Inc.)

6:30 6:45

7:00 Morning Prayer 7:15 Early Express 7:30 " 7:45 1 "

8:00 Malcolm Claire N WCPO News 8:15 Good Morn, Meted, N Gods Bible School.... 8:30 Do you Remember N Six to Niners 8:45 "

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 Inc.)


WHIO Dayton (1280 kc.)

Breakfast Express

WCPO News•

O. 8.

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Little Tom Yesterday's Favorites


WLS-WENR Chicago. in. (870 Inc.)

WSM Nashville. Teen. (Mks.)

5:30 Smile A While 5:45

6:00 6:15 DeZuriks and Hilltop's 6:30 Sing, Neighbor, Sing Delmore Brothers .... 6:45 Pat and Henry Early Morn. Melodies

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Vagabonds

7:00 News Report 7:15 I Evelyn & Hilltoppera 7:30 Morning Devotions 7:45 , Jolly Joe's Pals

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 ke.)

Asbury -College .8 tt ......

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree


9:0C 9:15 9:30 9: 4.



10:35 The Child Grows Up N Manhatters N 10 4' Bill Krenz's Orch. N

71:00 -Household How 11:15 11:30 11:45

Our Barn N

Breakfast Club N


Breakfast Club N Ray Block. piano C . . Eton Boys C

Richard Maxwell C Synagogue of the Air Fiddler's Fancy C

-5-wiietisearts of Air N Ladies' Day-- . Musical Calendar Swing So....nag:4 N I •• •• Fred Feibel, argan C

Let's Pretend C

èincin'ti Conservatory of Music Program C

Klesn-:- Live Stock My Health . WLW School of Radio

. • .

9:00 Brown County Revelers WCPO News Sunshine Express N. . Musical Menu 9:15

9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:0i iii;i-et¡ Program M... 11:15 11:30 Army Band M... ..... 11:45

What Next

Amanda Snow N Charioteers N Knot Hole Club

8. 08

The Dreamer

WCPO News Gene Austin Kiddies 'Carnival

.. Werry----Gis=Round


Ray Block C Eton Boys C Richard Maxwell C. Trouble Shooters

Newhio Flying Club Fred Feibel, organ C Let's Pretend C

.... Bureau of Recreation Cincin'ti Conservatory

of Music C Farm Review

8:00 1Lulu Belle & Scotty.... 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle 8:45 I Morning Minstrels

9;0015 1 . . Junior n Progra

9 i

9:30 Hilltoppers 9:45 News and Markets

10:i0 High School Parare 10:15 Priscilla Pride 10:30 WLS On Parade 10:45 1 " "

Breakfast Club N


NI 0 Meador Lowry-News.

Banner Newshawk . Homemaker's Chat Child Grows Up N Bill Krenz's Orch. N

Hal's Column N — Ford, Rush and Slim N Our Barn N

Skeets Morris Eton Boys C .. Richard Maxwell C....

Hardscrabble Folks 7: Bob Atcher ..... Let's Pretend C


,Cincin'ti Conservatory of Music C

12:55 12:15 12:3( 12:45

1:15 1:3C 1:45

-2:01 2:15 2:3C 2.45

3:01. 3:15 3:3C 3:45

- 4:00 4:15 4:3C 445

-5:00 6:15 5:3C 5,45

wCKY News Jane Rohan National Farm and Home Hour N

Fulton Royal's Orch The Captivator. C Vic Arden's Orchestra " National Farm end George Halls' Home Hour N Orchestra C

00 ell ...... . Orientale C

Jimmy Shields C Club . Matinee N .. Buffalo Presents C

. . Metropolitan Opera- Metropolitan Ope-rt- Madison Ensemble CT Massenet's "Ma- Massenet 's "Ma -i Meet the Missus non" N . . ... non" N , Ann Leaf, organ C

.. !Tours in Tone C

Santa Claus

Movieland News

Campus Capers N....




..... Top Hatters N

Kaltemeyer's Kindergartan N

To be announced C

Waltzes of World C Notes and News

Dictartors C Sundown Serenade Frank Dailey's

Orchestra C George Olsen's Orchestra C

Coolidge String

12:00 News WCPO News 12:15 Fulton Royal's Orch. N The Playboys . 12:30 Rex Battle N " Man on the Street 12:45 " Melody Parade

1115 .. 6' DonBeitor.:s- Orchestra WCPO New; .

, Rhythm Rambles 1:30 Dick Stabile's Orch. M 1:45 " " .. From

2:00 1Sammy Kaye's Orch. M 1 WCPO News 2:15 " " . .... 'Siesta 2:30 To be announced .... " " 2:45 , " " ...... •

.. , Hollywood Brevities

Captivators C News Geo. Hall's Orch. C News, Weath'r, Mark's

Orientale C Don Jennings Buffalo Presents C

Madison Ensemble Ann Leaf at the Organ C

Tours in Tone C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Call to Youth N Chuck, Ray, Christine WSM New; How. Peterson, organ.1 National Farm and Markets-News . 1 Home Hour N Poultry Service Time I " " Marquette Speaker . Grain Market .. I Banner Newshawk Livestock Market Rev'w, Club Matinee N

. . Home Talent Acts The Old Timers xx Home Talent Program' Oriental Gard's Or. Kentucky Girls Cadet's Quartet N

University of Louisville

George Hall's Orchestra C

Sunshine Sue Skeet; Morris

. Savings, Markets Dance Band .

Madison Ensemble CT Ann Leaf,

N Organist C Tours in Tone C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45


.0 4.


To be announced . 08

It Is Strange

5:00 -To be announced 5:15 ,Vierra's Hawaiians 5:30 :To be announced .... 5:45 " "

Today's Winners

..... WCPO News Today's Winners

Jam 'or Supper Santa Claus

To be announced C

Waltzes of the World C Bridge Champ'shin C

Dictators C

To be announced C Frank Dailey's

Orchestra C George Olsen's Orchestra C

Coolidge Quartet C

6.0, Merck Webers 6:15 Orchestra N 6:30 Press Radio News N 6:45 Johnny O'Brien N

7:0C m-SdiaTji- of Israel- N 7:15 7:35 Ricardo's Cabal. 7:45 leros N

-11:00 Harry Lewis' 8:15 Orchestra N 8:30 Paul B. Sullivan 8.45 Nola Day N

Truly American . .

Bob Newhall Don Bestor's Orchestra

Renfro Valley Barn Dance

~ •. Believe-lt-Or-Not

Ripley N Jack Haley's Variety Show N

Quartet C Dick Bray-Sports Sobrts Resume C "Fighting Crime" C

Saturday Swing Session C

Carborundum Band C

"Your Unseen - Friend" C

Johnny Presents C 09 4»

6:00 1E1 Chico Revue N 6:15 1 6:30 Don Bestor's Orchestra 6:45 Billy Snider's Orchestra

7:00 " .. 7:15 ¡Tommy Nolan's Orch 7:30 Art Kassel's Orch. 7:45 " " ... .

8:00 Hi There Audience M 8:15 1 8:30 , Lairs Barn Dance 8:45

WCPO News Art Tatum Dinner Club Alfred Gus Karger

Your Suburban- Theatre Rosens' Rangers Sports Revue Race Results

News of Business . Better Sportsmanship Fourth Downs


Esther Randall, organ "Fighting Crime" C

Saturday Swing Session C

Gene Baker's Orch Bob Chester's Orch

Your Unseen Friend et O.

Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orch. C

9:0C WCKY News 9:15 Front Page Dramas 9:3G Streamline Revue 9:45

10:0U NBC Symphony W15 Orchestra N 10:35 10:45 ta

1 :IX

11:15 • « 11:30 Rudolf Friml's 11:45 Orchestra N

National Barn Dance N


Paul S'abin's Orch.

Benny Meroff's Orchestra ..

Paul Sullivan T. Art Kassel's Orch, Rudolf Friml's

Orchestra N

Professor Quiz C

To be announced Musicai Moments

Your Hit Parade C

Lee Bland's Newscast

Ross Pierce's Orch. F. Masters' Orch. C Benny Goodman's Orchestre C

9:00 Silk Topper 9:15 , N. Y. Roseland 9:30 1 " " 9:45 Jimmy Joy's Orch.

iu:00 10:15 ' H. Heidt's Orch. M 10:30 1Charles Woods 10:45 Tommy Nolan's Orch.

11;00 Art Kassel's Orch. 11:15 Horace Heidt's Or. M 11:30 Al. Donahue's Orch. N 11:45 " "

The Spectator Fourth Downs

• ..... VArdP0 News Fourth Downs

Cotton Club Orch

Waif) New-s- — Dance Awhile

.0 .8


Professor Quiz C

Dance Music Curtain Calls .

Your Hit Parade C


Newspaper of the Air

Frankie Masters' Orchestra C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

2:00 Homemakers 2:15 Program 2:30 Merry-Go-Round-2:45 Variety _Talent

3:00 To be annoudcad-3:15 3:30 3:45' " " 4:00 " " 4:15 " " 4:30 Rakov's Orchestra N 4:45 "

Whitney Ensemble N

• Harry Kogen's _ Orchestra N _ To be announced N Dictators C

Melodies From Home. To be announced N... To be announced ....

Frank Dailey's --

Top Hatters N . , Orchestra C Geo. Olsen's Orch. C

Kaltenmeyers Kinder- Out o' the Dusk garten N

To be announced C.

Waltzes of the World Bridge Champ'ship C.

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

March Webers Orchestra N

Alma Kitchell N Red Grange

Message of isratil

Eddie Varzo's Orchestra

7:00 "Meet the Folks" 7:15 .• Of

7:30 Barn Dance Party 7:45 " " ... .

Freddie Rose , Salt and Peanuts . Sunday School Lesson ' Meador Lowrey, News News Summary Eddy Dooley C • • •• Asher and Little Jim'y

Sacred Quartet

Uncle Natchel Program ......

Cole and Hawn Delmore Brothers Jack's Mountaineers Vagabonds

Christmas Party

Swing Session C Dr. Charles Welch.... The Carborundum Band C .....

Your Unseen Friend C ...

Johnny Presents C....

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9-00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

National Barn Dance N

80 4.

•Barnyard. Jamboree

Hometown Memories.

Tall Story Club

Fireside Party

Possum Hunters Professor Quiz C Uncle Dave Macon... 1 " " Gully Jumpers Saturday Serenade C,. Lakeland Sisters 1 " "

Salle and Sallie Possum Hunters Golden West Cowboys i DeFord Bailey George Jessel

Jack's Mountaineers Kentucky Play Party Crook Brothers .... Curly Fox Vagabonds ..

-Your HTI Parade C...



7:00-Message of Israel: Barnett R. Brickner, Cleveland Rabbi, quest speaker. Organ Mu-sic. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

-William Scotti's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

Night Swing Club WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wadc wwva wsfa wwl wcco

7:30-Ricardo and His Caballeros. (NBC) WCKY kdka wtam wowo

-Tex O'Rourke and His Boys. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq

-Uncle Jim s Question Bee-Jim McWilliams, -..ndurto. w QV WinaCI 9dhe edam

-The Carborundum Band. Guest speaker. WABC WKRC WHAS wcco wcau wgar wbt wadc wbbm wjr

2.4s- -Jean sabion, songs. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

8:00-Robert L. (Believe-lf-Or-Not) Ripley. 8 A. Rolfe's Orchestra and guest star. WRAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq wwl wave • 6‘5r -bar

..-Bunny Berigan's Orchestra. WJZ only - unseen trieno with marry aalter's Orrne«tre WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wcau wbbm wjr wwva wadc

-Harry Lewis' Orchestra (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30-Linton Wells-descriptive comments and reminiscences of a newspaper man. WJZ kdka whk wave wham wowo

-Jack Haley's Variety Show, with Virginia Verrill, blues singer; Warren Hull, master of ceremonies of ceremonies; Wendy Bar-ri., comedienne; Ted Fie Rito's Orchestra WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwi kstp wave wbap wdaf wire

-Johnny Presents: Russ Morgan's Orchestra, dramatization; Frances Adair and Glenn Cross, vocalists; Mixed Ensemble. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmox wgst wcco wcau wadc wwva wbt

8:4S-Nola Day, songs. Norman Cloutier's Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham WOWO

9:00-"Professor Quiz," with Bob Trout. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wit wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wade wbt wwl wcco wgst

-Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance: Henry Burr; Verne, Lee and Mary; Hoosier Hot Shots; Novelodeons, male trio; Lulu Belle and Arkie, songs; Uncle Ezra, Maple City

Four, and Joe Kelly, m. C, WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk wave wfla wbap

-Al Roth and His Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

9:30-Saturday Serenade with Mary Eastman, soprano; Bi U Perry, tenor; Gus Haenschan's Orchestra aid Mixed Chorus. (CBS) WHAS wcau wgst wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wwva wbt wsfa wwl

-Among Our Souvenirs. WABC -"Special Delivery," dramatic sketch. WEAF wgy wtarn wmaq who wdaf wwj

10:00-"Your Hit Parade": Charles Koffman, Metropolitan opera tenor, guest; Harry Salter's Orchestra; Songsmiths, male quar-tet; Fredda Gibson and Buddy Clark, vocal-ists. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wwva wjr wgst wwl wcco

-NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, guest conductor. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

-NBC Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, guest conductor. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

10::45-Patti Chapin, songs. WABC wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wwva wbt wsfa wwl wcco

11:00-Frankie Masters' Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 11:15) WHIO wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmoz wadc wsfa wcco wwva

11:30-Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Or. chestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

-Rudolf Friuli' Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLW wire wave wham whk

-Benny Goodman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm wcau kmox

MIDNIGHT-Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY WLW whk wave wire wham

-Don Bestor's Netherland Plaza Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF wgy edam wmaq who wdaf

-Sammy Kaye's Orchestra, WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsfa wbbm

12:30-Maurice Spitalny's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy who wdaf wtam wmaq kyw

-Joe Reichman's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra, WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham

-Orrin Tuckeah Orchestra. %NAB°. WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wbbm

Carlton KaDell has auditioned for two additional shows since he severed

announcing connections with the Sun-day coffee program.

* * •

Joe Reichman, often called the

nattiest-dressed orchestra leader on the

air, carries forty suits with him on his

dance-spot meanderings.

Carnation Contented Opal Craven, soprano, Noble Cain's

a cappella choir and the Continentals

quartet will be heard with Dr. Frank

Black and the orchestra during the

Carnation Contented program, Mon-

day, December 6, at 10:00 p. m.

(EST,), over the NBC-Red network, including WSAI and WSM. Orches-

tral highlights will include Pollack's "Dance Espagnole," "Serenade in the

Night," and a medley of Jerome Kern


Anne Jamison is complete4 obliv-

ious to the horde of people out-front when she faces the microphone on

"Hollywood Hotel" broadcasts. * * *

Nate Tufts, producer of the Joe

Penner show, is passing out cigars to

celebrate the arrival of a 7 '.4:-pound baby boy.


iL 11111111,


111111110WI (

N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes CBS) M MIMI



WCKY (1450 ser.)

6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Bert Layne's Fiddlers.. el

• • • '''''

Sunkistume n

Morning Round-Up. 11.

Norsemen N Wm. Meader N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

Cincinnati (Mu .er

Drifting Pioneers .. Brown County Revelers

Morn'g In the Mount's Prayer Period . Sing, Neighbor. Sing Merrymakers

Norsemen Quartet N Peter Grant—News Before Breakfast The Gospel Singer.

WKRC Cincinnati rue w...)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition News Dow's Dawn Patrol.

NI 80

.8 a.

80 NI

Woman's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N .

London Stock Market . Breakfast Club N...

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N .

Household Hour " " ....

Coon Creek Band Murdock Williams ..

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love All the Answers.. . Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison . . The Goldberg:

Metropolitan Parade C Newscast Federation of Churches Bachelor Children C

Musical Calendar . Myrt and Marge C . Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs C

Public Library Program Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C ..... Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

WCKY News Songs for Everyone National Farm and Home Hour N

Sue Blake N J. & L. Clemens N

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Strollers Matinee N.. Murdock Williams .... Let's Talk It Over N

Girl Alone N Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N

Voice et Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Home Town .. Sing to Me Civil Government .

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Sports Rochester Civic Orchestra N ....

Pepper Young's FM. N Ma Perkins N.. Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Movieland News All Sports Review National Youth Club Matinee N

5:00 , All Sports Review 5:15 Santa Claus 5:30 5:45 Straight Shooters N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School

News—Fire Prevention Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and News

Sing and Swing C Sundown Serenade .... Dr. Dab). C

Follow the Moon C Freshest Thing In Town Hollywood Highlights

"Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:Gei 8:15 8:30 8:45

Little Orphan Annie N Angelo Dot Lee Supper Serenade WCKY News & Sports Bob Newhall Movieland News N Lowell Thomas N

Music Is My Hobby N Amos n' Andy NT Three Cheers N Four Stars Tonight.. Vic Arden's Orchestra I Lum and Abner N Christine Johnson N Money and Music ..

-é—M1-. Hugh Johnson N Burns and Allen N.7.7 Jimmy Kemper N "Grand Hotel" N L For Men Only

• • ......

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions News; Hall's Orch. C Song Time C

Poetic -Melodies C George Jessel Jay Freeman's Orch. C Boake Carter C .

Horace Heidt's Orchestra C

Pick and Pat C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 To be announced N Paul Sullivan 11:15 01 II Art Kassel's Orch. 11:30 Magnolia Blossoms N Benny Meroff's 11:45 p " " Orchestra N

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

8. al

Behind Prison Bars N

Streamline Revue ..

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N.

Famous Jury Trials

Sweet Adeline

Lux Radio Theatre C

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland Phyl Co. Mysteries

Leaders in Dance Time Glen Gray's Orch C Sammy Kaye's Orchestra C

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8.00 Malcolm Claire N. 8:15 Good Morn. Melod. N 8:30 Do you Remember N 8:45 Women's Newsreel

9:00 Rainbow Ridge .. 9:15 Sunshine Express N. 9:30 9:45

WS AI Cincinnati (1390 kc.)

• • ....... Morning Prays, Early Express

08 ail

08 it

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 Ire.)


WCPO News Six-to-Niners ...


WCPO News Gods Bible School.. Six to Niners..

WHIO Dayton (1260 he.)

Breakfast Express

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

What Next

10:00 Mrs. Wiggs N 10:15 lonn's Other Wife N 10:30 Just Plain Bill N 10:45 Todsy's Children N

11:00 David Harum N 11:15 Backstage Wife N . 11:30 How to be Charming N 11:45 Grace and Eddie

The Spectator Musical Menu

0. 0.

The Dreamer

-WCPONews Variety Show Clarence Berger There Was A Time

Merry-Go-Round —

Cornelia on the Air.. Metropolitan Parade C Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line. Ruth Carhart, songs C

Louise and Lads C .7 Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00-2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 Uncle SammY -&—C-1—ul; 5:15 Terry and the Pirates N 5:30 Vagabond Quartet N 5:45 I Nixson Denton

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie News A. Leafer's Orch. N Barber's Interviews Words and Music N Cincinnatus at School. Vienna's Hawaiians

Norman Cloutier's WCPO News Orchestra N Siesta Dalton Bros. C

Cincinnati Your City . Op. House for Ladies ' American School Girls of the West N.. p Hollywood Brevities of the Air C

WSAI Little Show Today's Winners

It Is. Strange

WCPO News Mary M. McBride C Happiness Ahead . Edwin C. Hill C Man on the Street. The Listener Speaks Merry-Go-Round News, Weath'r, Mark's

-*CPO News Ann Kirk Trio Merry-Go-Round Home Demonstration Dot Club News Keyboard and Console From Hawaii Modern Musicale ..

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshman Follies Star Galin'

Jam for Supper

WCPO News Today's Winners Sing and Swing — C.

Twenty Fingers Dr. Allan Dafoe C

Jam for Supper tea Time Tunes - Santa Claus Bob Richardson, songs

The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

Hower crPhillir--7rd-77. Si Bunch Geo. Hall's Orch. C Songtime C

Vic Arden'ï- Orch — Del Casino, songs C Jay Freeman's Or. C Boake Carter C

Bob Chester's Orch: Patterns of Harmony Plantation Boys ... . Will Osborne's Orch

¡ Woman's News C....

News; "Romantic Music", guests C

Waltz Time Broadway Matinee C

Beii-ieen Bonk-ands C.

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:Off 7:15 7:30 7:45

8À1 8:15 8:30 8:45

Speed Gibson Mollie Halstead Paul Sullivan ..... Don Bestor's Orchestra

Bully Snider's Orch Uncle Ezra N ... Art Kassel's Orch.

Morton Gould M

The Voice of Firestone N

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

...... "iiCiur Suburban Theatre Harmony Hall Yours Truly Race Results

News of Business Cin'ti Fed. of Music Musically Speaking Gypsy Fortunes

9:00 Mary Paxton 9:15 9:30 Victor Erwin's Musical 9:45 Cartoons M

1-040 -Con-tented Program N .£0:15 . 10•30 Charles Woods, News 10:45 Don Bestor's Orch.

11:00 Art Kassel's Ord'. 11:15 Tommy Nolan's Orch 11:30 Paul Sabin's Orch. 11:45

The Spectator Popular Melodies .. Concert Master

at II

WCPO News Musical Newsy

Vocal Varieties

WCPO News .... Dance Awhile

Lux Radio Theatre C


Wayne King's Orchestra C......

Gene Baker's Orch.. Newspaper of the Air

Cinema Chatter Glen Gray's Orch, C Sammy Kaye's

Orchestra C


WLS-WENR Chicaeo. Ill. (870 Ise.)

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (87.01sc.)

WHAS Louisville. Kr. (820 Ice.)

5:30 5:45

Smile A While 11. Oa

6.00 .. ..

Asbury College Asbury College 6:15 Ky. Girls & Ramblers Devotions 6.30 Sing, Neignbor, Sing Stamps Baxter Quartet Emmy's Band 6:45 Pat and Henry Early Morn. Melodies Ky. Mountaineers .... 7:00 7:15

News Report Pokey and Aride

Almanac .. ..

Jamboree Early Morning

Jamboree 7:30 Morning Devotions—. WSM News .. .. 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals Freddie Rose .. ..

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Ti:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fam. N News Report

The O'Neill' N The Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N . O.



Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr, piano N Rhythm Serenade .... How to be Charm'g N Hi Boys N

Bob Atcher Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C... Dot and Bill

Weekday Devotions 7 Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray & Christine Wilson and Peterson. Markets; News

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time....

Voice of Feed Lot...

School Time The Old Timers Closing Grain Market Women's Clubs

Time for Thought N.. Console Melodies ... National Farm and Home Hour N

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen TrentC Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's Furst Love..,, College of Agriculture Livestock—Markets .. Joe Wheeler

Woman's News C.... Mayor Jos. D. Scholtz University of Kentucky

Banner Newsflawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Univ. of Tennessee... U. S. Navy Band N...

" ......

2:00 Homemakers Program 2:15 2:30 Musical Roundup . 2:45

3:00 Club. Matinee N 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 Music Circle 4:15 Piano Duo N 4:30 Vagabond Quartet N 4:45 Congress Hotel Or. N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Women's News The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

B. Stewart, songs N D. Winslow of Navy N Market Notes Claude Sharpe, tenor

Betty and Bob Hymns of All Churches "Jenny Peabody" C Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden's Rom'ce Melodies of Home... Quest'ns Before H'se C Dr. Allan Defoe C

Out o' the Dusk ....

Meador Lowery; News "Hilltop House" C...

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. U. S. Army Band N What's the News/ Escorts and Betty N..

Music Is My Hobby N The Three Cheers N. Lum and Abner N.... Christine Johnson - _ Gen. Hugh Johnson N DeZurik Sisters "Grand Hotel" N

Rhythm Time Afternoon News Jack's Mountaineers Asher & Little Jimmie

Console Melodies .... Three Cheers N Adventures That Made America

Burns and Allen N....

Voice of Firestone— Margaret Speaks N

Howard Phillips C.... Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party

Sportra its Whispering Jack Smith Glen Gray's Orch Boake Carter C Alemite, with Horace

Heidt's Orchestra C Pick and Pat in "Pipe Smoking Time" C

8:00 Philadelphia SymphonyL Fibber McGee and 8:15 Orchestra N Molly N 8:30 " Hour of Charm N 8:45 "

9:00 Prison 9:15 , Bars" N 9:30 , Radio Forum N 9:45

10:00— Globe Trotter 10:15 King's Jesters 10:30 Maurie Stein's 10:45 ; Orchestra

Carnation Contented Hour N

Stars of Broadway To be announced

Amos 'n' Andy N WSM News .... • . Magnolia Blossoms N

Lux Radio Theatre C..

.8 .8

11. 48

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Here's To You

Poetic Melodies C Glen Gray's Orch. C Sammy Kaye's Orch. C Meador Lowery-News.



7:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW who wgy kyw

—Music Is My Hobby. WJZ WCKY WENR kdka wave wfla wham wgar

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq —Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor,and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, with Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wcau wgar wgst wjr

—To be announced. (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco kmox

7:15—"Uncle Esra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Carlton Guy, Nora Cun-neen and others. WEAF WSAI kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf kstp wire wgy wbap

—Del Casino, songs. WABC WHIO kmbc wadc wbt wfbm wgar wgst

—Three Cheers, direction Jack Meakin. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wham

7:30—Carol Weymann, mezzo-soprano. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR

—New York on Parade: Mark Warnow's Or-chestra; John B. Kennedy, commentator;


Orestes H. Caldwell, narrator; Mark War-now's Orchestra. WEAF only

—John Herrick, baritone (NBC) kdka wave wire wham wowo

—Jay Freeman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC W1-HO kmbc wadc wbt wfbm wgar wgst

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS win wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

—Top Hatters. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Christine Johnson, soprano. WJZ WCKY WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—Burns and Allen with Tony Martin and Ray Noble's Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wtam wwj wire wmaq who wdaf wfla kstp wave kvoo wfaa

— General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

—Alemite Half Hour with Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmox wcau wbt wcco wwj

8:15—Jimmy Kemper's Song Stories with Roy Campbell's Royalists. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The Voice of Firestone: Richard Crooks,

tenor; Mixed Chorus; Symphonic Orchestra, Alfred Wallenstein, conductor. WEAF WSAI WSM wgy kvoo wfla wmaq wdaf wwj who kstp wfaa wave wire wtam kyw

—"Pick and Pat In Pipe Smoking Time," blackface comedy and music; Edward Roecker, baritone; Benny Kreuger and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm whk kmbc wcau wbt wadc

—Campana's "Grand Hotel," dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Fibber McGee and Molly, comedy sketch, with Marion and Jimmy Jordan; Ted Weems and his Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj kvoo wgy wfla wmaq who wdaf wfaa wave

—Lux Radio Theatre: wAric WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc

—Philadelphia Orchestra, Leopold Stokowski, guest conductor. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

9:30—Hour of Charm. Phil Spitalny and his Girls. WEAF WSM WLW wfla kstp kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire wfaa kvoo wave

10:00 — Wayne King's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

—Contented Program: The Lullaby Lady, Male Quartet; Choir, direction Noble Cain. Orchestra, direction Frank Black; Vincent

Pelletier, announcer; Gino Vanna, soprano, guest. WEAF WSA1 WSM kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who wdaf wfla wave kvoo wfaa wire kstp

—"Behind Prison Bars." Warden Lewis E. Lewes of Sing Sing. Dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham kdka

10:30—Music for Moderns. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—"Brave New World," dramatization—U. S. Office of Education Program. WABC wadc wbbm wcco

—Public Hero No. I—dramatic sketch. (NBC) wmaq who wfaa

—National Radio Forum—guest speaker. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

I I:00—Glen Gray's Casa Loma Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO WHAS on 11:15) wgst wbt wgar kmox

—Poetic Melodies (CBS) WHAS wIn wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox wwl wcco

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wbap wmaq wire kstp wtam wwl

—Rudolph Friml, Jr.'s Ritz-Carlton Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy who

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —To be announced. (NBC) WCKY kdka whk wave

11:15—To be announced. WJZ WCKY kdka wham wowo whk wave wire

11:30—Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra. WABC

WHIO (WHAS off 11:45) WKRC wjr wgar wfbm wcau wspd wsbt wadc wgst wbt

—Benny Meroff's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who

—Magnolia Blossoms, WJZ WSM WCKY kdka wham wowo whk wave wire

MIDNIGHT—Gee. Hamilton and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wgar wcau wadc wbt wjr wsfa wwj whk wowo

—New Penn Hotel Orchestra, WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham WOWO

—Eli Dantzig's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

12:30—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Or-chestra, WEAF WLW WLS WSM wgy whim wmaq who

—Lang Thompson's Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra, WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave

—Richard Himber's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm win

AI Garr, Phil Baker's tenor, will make a record of Baker's new com-position, "You're Twice As Nice."

* * *

Frank Crumit, "proprietor" of the CBS "Song Shop" has constructed a fire-proof vault in his home to pre-serve copies of old songs.




N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denote. (MSS)

WLW Cincimsett (700


WCKY (1490 hr.)

7:30 745

8:00 Norsemen N 8:15 Benno Rabinoff N 8:30 •cene rictures N 845 " .. .

Norsemen Quartet N. Benno Rabinoff N Church Forum

WKRC enuinnati rase ar

Wayside Church-Sun-day School Lesson

Youth Education Program

WSAI WCPO 'nomad One tic.) • Cincinnati (IMO Ice.)

7:30 Sweiet -and Lovely... 7:45 • • • • 8:00 William Meeder N Gladys and Mary. 8:15 Enquirer's Uncle Bob 8:30 Kidoodlers N 8:45 News

WHIO Dayton (1760 Wt.)

• • Hymns Morning Concert Christian tabernacle

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:0-(3- Russian Melodies N 10:15 10:30 Dreams of Long Ago N 10:45

T1:00 Alice Rernsen N .-11:15 Neighbor Nell N 11:30 Marcel Dupre N 11:45 Movieland News

coast to Coast N.


Father Cox

Russian M-elodies N...

News Review Modern Miracles

Cadle Tabernacle Choir

Rural Roundup

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's C

Veterans Civic Hour

Church of the Air C

W. Brown, from WGAR C

The Texas Rangers C

Glendale Presbyterian Church Service

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:4á

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

-2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Southernaires N

Music Hall Symphony N

be Major Bowes' Capitol . .. Family C

Radio City Music Salt Lake City Hall N . Tabernacle C

. Church of the Air C .•

Spelling Bee N ' Smoke Dreams N London Cab Driver C Joe Binder

Rosario -Bourdon- brch. Magic Key of RCA N Romany Trail C

.... Lew White C Waltz Favorites • Dr. Christian C WCKY News '

9:00 Turn Back the Clock N 'Classical Revue

9:15 Vagabond Adv'tures N Gods Bible School 9:30 Sermonette and Hynv. Religious Program 9:45 Time For Mother and Dad

10:00 Hamilton County Jail Hillbilly" Hullabaloo 10:15 Church Service .. I 10:30 Music and American ,1 10:45 Youth N 1 .. .

11:00 Dr. Pollack's ' -Amateur Revue 11:15 Amateur Hour 11:30 " " . 11:45 "

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's; News C

_ Church of the Air C

W. Brown-String Ensemble C

The Texas Re-n-gere-C

Major Bowes Capitol Theatre Family C

6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR Chicaeo. (IL (870 he.)

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (850 ht.)




. . .0

ee 11.

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (870 Icc..

8:00 Everybody's Hour, 8:15 conducted by 8:30 John Baker 8:45 " "

9:00 Little Brown Church, - Radio Pulpit N 9:15' Dr. Holland 9:30 News Summary 9:45 , WLS News Report. Fidelis Class-First

10:00 'Folks Worth Baptist Church 10:15 Knowing 10:30 WLS Concert •• Marcel Dupre N 10:45 Orchestra ..

Turn Back the Clock N Vagabond Adv'nt'res N Melody Moments N..

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's C

Meador Lowery-News

Church of the Air C. .

Sunday Jail Service.

Fourth Avenue Pres.:-byterian Church ...

Major Bowes' Capitol Family C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Denver String WCPO News Quartet N . , The Playboys .

Univ. of Chicago Wurlitzer Future Round Table N Stan

Canal Days Football Frolics led Weem's Orchestra M

2:00 Beauty Parade 2:15 2:30 Gale Page and Concert Hour 2:45 1 Charles Sears N

Apostolic Church


Salt Lake City Choir C

. WHIO News Roy and Don Herbert Hodge C T. J. Keegan

Sunday Players

Dr. Christian C 0

Deutsche Lieder

3:00 On Broadway N Church by the Side of Philharmonic Symphony 3:15 the Road Society of New York 3:30 Senator Fishface N . , Cycle trader - Bicycle -John Barbirolli, 3:45 Gerald K. Smith 1 Party N conductor C

-4:00 ;Sunday Vespers N Romance Melodies N 4:15 , 4:30 1Nola Day N , Nola Day N 4:45 1 Movieland News I Singing Violin .

500 I Metropolitan Opera Singing Lady - Music '"Silver Theatre" C . 5:15 Auditions N Plays M .. 5:30 Smilin' Ed. McConnel N The lime of Your Hits of the Week 5:45 Clark Dennis N..... Life N .

•• • .

. •

6:00 6:15 1 6:30 6:45

Original Microphone Plays N

WCKY News ... Movieland News

Around the World .. • 60

. Court of Human Relations

7:00 Popular Classics N Jack Benny and 7:15 Mary Livingstone N 7:30 Baker's Broadcast N Ev'g Newsp'r of the Air 7:45 " Interesting Ne1gn rs N

8:00 General Motors Sym- Don Ameche and 8:15 phony Concert N . Edgar Bergen N 8:30 "Earaches of 1938" C 8:45 •

Joe „Penner C

"Romantic. Rhythms" C

Ope.n. House C

Gulf Oil-Phil Baker C ••

"People's Choice" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Radio News Reel N T Matinee Concert

On a Sunday Afternoon M

Carefree Carnival .. News Brown and Jones

Lutheran Layman's Tommy Tucker's League M Orchestra

Ry Krisp Program N.. Your Favorite Band

Hits of the Week.... Vocal Varieties Reading G'pel Tabe'e

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Pacific Paradise

Cong. Herbert Bigelow Curtain Calls

Clare Oglesby Lyman organist

Barn Dance end Variety Revue ..


Silver Theatre - C

Twilight Musings Dance Band

The Antique Shop.. Novelty Aces Paul Sullivan ... Don Bestor's Orchestra

Our Cincinnati

Fireside Recitals N Art Kassel's Orchestra

Benny Davis' Stardust Revue M

Sammy Kaye's Orchestra M

WCPO News Emma Scully

Church Federation

The Muses Popular Melodies Yours Truly Rainbow Trio

WCP/5 News Sunday Swing

Organ Melodies Stars of Broadway Seymour Simon's Romantic Rhythm

Open House C

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

"People's Choice" C

"Earaches of 1938" C

9:00 Concert Hall of 9:15 the Air 9:30 Xavier Cugat's Orch 9:45 Irene Rich N

.10:00 i World Salon Orches-10:1S fra: News 10:30 Cheerio N 10:45

il:00 Press Radio News N. 11:15 J. Dorsey's Orch, N 11:30 Maurie Stein's 11:45 0:cnestra N

Woodbury Presents Ford Sunday Evening Tyrone Power N Hour C

Walter Winchell N Unbroken Melodies .

To be announced N. - Zenith Foundation C

" " 1 , Unsolved Mysteries.. ¡ Newscast-Lee Bland..

' Ross Pierce's Orch.

Paul Sullivan Jay Freeman's Don Bestor's Orchestra' Orchestra C Jimmy Joy's Orchestra Cab Calloway's

' ..... 1 Orchestra C

9:00 Manhattan Merry-Go- ' News Review 9:15 Round N . Popular Melodies 9:10 American Album of Tomorrow's Rhythms 9:45 Familiar Music N... .' *.

10:00 Rising Stan N WCPO News 10:15 The Tango and the 10:30 Impressions M Rhumba 10:45 " " ..... Vocal Varieties

11:00 11:15 11:30 Art Kassel's Orch. 11:45



NOON-Denver String Quartet, direction Henry Trustman Ginsburg. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Southernaires: Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham

12:30-University of Chicago Round Table Discussion • Current topics; guest speakers. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Radic City Music Hall of the Air: Sym-phony Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLW (WLS on I:00) wgar wave wire wham

-Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir and Or-gan WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wfbm kmox wcco

I:00-Church of the Air; Rev. Arthur A. Kel-kenney, Detroit, Mich. WABC WKRC WHAS wcau wjr wadc wsbt wsfa wcco

-Paul Martin and his Music. WEAF WSM wmaq wtam who wdaf kyw

1:30-Tuskegee Institute Choir: Concert by 100-voice choir; director, William L. Daw-son, composer, conductor. WEAF wgy wtam

.-NBC Spelling Bee, Paul Wing, conductor. WJZ WCKY WLS wave wire wham whk

-Smoke Dreams: Orchestra and guest art-ists (NBC) WLW WSM wmaq kstp kvoo who wdaf wtam

-Talk by Herbert Hodge, London Cab Driver. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wcau wadc

1:45-"Lloyd Pantages Covers Hollywood."


Paul Sabios Orch. . WCPO News Sign off


Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

Zenith Foundation

Headlines & Bylines C

Jay Freeman's Orch. C ..

Cab Calloway's - Orchestra C

WABC wbbm wjr wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wcco wgar

2:00-The Magic Key of R. C. A. Orchestra, direction Frank Black; Milton Cross, m C.; guests. WJZ WLW WLS WSM kdka whk wfla kvoo wfaa wham wave wowo

-Sunday Drivers: Variety program, with Fields and Hall, m. c.; novelty orchestra. and Frances Adair, soprano. WEAF wgy kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Romany Trail. WABC WKRC wjr wfbm kmox wadc wbt

-"The Fun Bug." (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco 2:I5-Lew White Entertainers, WABC WKRC

2:30-Gale Page and Charles Sears WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire

-"Dr. Christian of River's End"-dramatic sketch with Jean Hersholt, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wcau wgst wwl wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wbt wcco wjr wgar

3:00-Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York, John Barbirolli, conducting; Deems Taylor, commentator, guests. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco

-The Radio Newsreel, with Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth interviewing per-sons in the week's headlines. WEAF WSA1 wgar wtam kyw wgy wwj wmaq kstp wdaf

-On Broadway: Dramatic sketch of every-

-There Was A Woman-dramatic presenta-tion of the women in the lives of famous men. (NBC) WLS wave wire

3:30-Senator Fishface and Prof. Flggsbottle. WJZ (WCKY off 3:45) WLS kdka wave wire wham whk

-Bicycle Party; Swor and Lubin, blackface comedy team; Bill Slater, sport commenta-tor and m c., interviewing sport celebri-ties; Bert Whaley, baritone; Hugo Marian; and his Orchestra. WEAF WSM WLW wave wgy wtam wire wmaq kstp kvoo kyw wwj who wdaf wfla wfaa

4:00-Sunday Vespers: "The Foundation of a Sustaining Philosophy," Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick. Male quartet, direction Charles A. Baker, WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wave wire wham

-Romance Melodies: Orchestra, dierction Roy Shields, with Ruth Lyon, soprano; Charles Sears, tenor. WEAF WLW wgy wdaf kyw wwj wtam wmaq wire

4:30-The World Is Yours: Dramatization. Program under auspices of Smithsonian In-stitute. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq wdaf kyw wwl

-Nola Day, songs. WJZ WCKY WLW whk wave wire wham

4:45-Dog Heroes, dramatic sketch. Harry Swan and Effie Palmer. WJZ

-Ranch Boys. (NBC) WLS whk wave wire wham

5:00-Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air: Wilfred Pelletier conducting the Met-ropolitan Opera Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wham kdka whk wowo wfla wave kvoo wbap wgy

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

The Southernaires N.

Grace Wilson Helen Jensen, organist

Radio City Music Hall N

NBC Spelling Bee N

Magic Key of R. C. A. N

First Presbyterian Church

É. té

Paul Martin and His Music N

Smoke Dreams,

Salt Lake City Choir C

Church of the Air C.

N... Herbert Hodge C Rabbi Solomon Itatell

- Magic Key of Romance of RCA N Religion

Dr. Christian C

2:00 There Was A 2:15 T Woman N 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Sen. Fishface-Prof, Figgsbottle N

Sunday Vespers N.7":

Music in the Air Ranch Boys, trio N

Metropolitan Opera Auditions N

Smiling McConnell N.. To be announced ...

Lyric. Moods

Bicycle Party N

Philharmonic Symphony Society .0


Sunday Vespers N

Lutheran Hour M é • . •

Metropolitan Auditions of the Air N

The Time of Your Life N



Silver Theatre C

Guy Lombardo's Orchestra C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Sach:s Amateur How

6:00 March Weber's 6:15 Orchestra 6:30 Ozzie Nelson's 6:45 Orchestra N

7:00 General Motors Sym-7:15 phony Concert 7:30 7:45

Catholic Hour N ...

The .!Pepper Uppers...

Jack Benny and Mary Livingstone N

Baker's Broadcast with Ozzie Nelson's Or. N

Edgar li-Wgeri and --Don Ameche N

Of 0

Joe Penner - Jimmie Grier's Orch. C..

Romantic Rhythm C.

Vick's Open House

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

"Pe-ople'S. Choice" C-.7

"Earaches of 1938" C..

8:00 Woodbury Presents 5:15 Tyrone Power N 8:30 1Jergens Program N 8:45 Irene Rich N

9:00 Vocal Varieties 9:15 Eddie Varios Orch 9:30 To be announced 9:45 " " ......

10:00 News: Globe TrO-tter 10:15 Earl Hines' Orch 10:30 Ma unie Stein's

Manhattan Merry Go Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N

Rising Stars N .1 0

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C


et et

Zenith Foundation C.

Goodman's Pianologue Comedy Stars ... Opera Encores Meador Lowery-News .

Irene Rich N Walter Winchell N... , Tyrone Power N

10:45 , Orchestra N ... ..• • ..• .

Jay -Ñ:steme.n's Orchestra C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

WHIO WLS-WENR1 WSM WHAS day folk on the famous street. WJZ WCKY -Ry-Krisp Presents Marion Talley; Orchestra kdka whk wham direction Josef Koestner. WEAF WSAI

wmaq kyw wire wwj wgy wtam kstp who wdaf

-Silver Theatre: Clark Gable, guest; Conrad Nagel, director and narrator; dramatic sketch. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wcau wcco wgar wfbm kmox wadc wbbm wjr kmbc wgst wwl

5:30-Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra. WABC WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wwva wwl

-The Time of Your Life-Sheila Barrett, Joe Rines, comedian and orchestra leader; Graham McNamee, m. c.; WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wire wmaq who wdaf wwj kstp

-Sunday Afternoon with Smiling Ed. McCon-nell; Robert Trendler's Orchestra and choral group, WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham wave

5:45-Clark Dennis, tenor. WJZ WCKY whk wham wave

6:00-Joe Penner with Jimmie Grier's Orches-tra: Gene Austin, tenor; Julie Gibson, vocalist, and Coco and Malt, comedians. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wfbm wgar wcau wbt wcco wbbm

-Original Microphone Play. WJZ WCKY wave wire wham wowo whk

-Catholic Hour: Saints vs. Kings-"Cather-ine of Sienna and the Court of Avignon." Rev. James M. Gillis. C.S.P., guest speaker; Paulist Choir. direction Father Finn. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq wwj who wdaf kyw

6:30-"Romantic Rhythms": Seymour Simon's Orchestra; Sally Nelson, balladist; Barry McKinley, baritone; Basil Ruysdale, m. c.

WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wir wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwl wwva wadc wgst wcco

-A Tale of today, sketch. WEAF wtam wmaq wgy kyw

-Green Brothers Novelty Orchestra. WJZ kdka whk wave wire

7:00-Vick's Open House, with Wilbur Evans. Nadine Conner, guest. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wgar wjr kmox wadc wbt wcco wbbm wcau wgst wwl

-Jell-O Summer Program, starring Jack Benny, comedian, with Mary Livingstone; Kenny Baker, tenor; Sam "Schlepperman" Hearn; Phil Harris' Orchestra, Andy Devine and Don Wilson, WEAF WLW WSM wave wire wmaq kyw wgy wtam »4 who wdaf kstp kvoo

-Popular Classics. Laura Castellano, so-prano; Margaret Brill, harpist; and orches-tra conducted by H. Leopold Spitalny. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham

7:30-Phil Baker, comedian and Oscar Brad-ley's orchestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wfbm wjr wgar wcau wadc wsbt wwva wbt wgst

-Fireside Recitals, featuring Helen Marshall, soprano; Sigurd Nilsson, basso; Frank St. Leger, pianist-composer. WEAF WSA I wmaq wgy wdaf wtam yowl who wire kyw

-The Baker's Broadcast with Ozzie Nelson's Orchestra. Harriet Hilliard and Feg Mur-ray. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wham wave kvoo wfla kstp kdka whk

7:45-Interesting Neighbors-Jeri y Belcher. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire



N >Me« C Denotes • Denotes IMBS


6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 745

WCKY C:IrtrIrtnatO 114110 kr.

Bert Layne's Fiddlers


Morning Round-Up

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WLW C•nrtnnati (101) l(t.)

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morning in the Mtns Proyer Period Brown County Revelers Merrymakers

Charioteers N Charioteers N Liebert Ensemble N.. Peter Grant-News News for Executives.. Arthur Chandler, Jr Lucille and Lanny N The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati (550 he.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree ...

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition-News Dow's Dawn Patrol

• ..

Woma▪ n's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market Breakfast Club N.

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Hello Peggy Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

Household Hour News The Road of Lite N

Coon Creek Band The Hi Boys N 11:45 Murdock Williams .... The Goldbergs

Music in the Air News C

Richard Maxwell C Bachelor Children C.

Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C. Emily Post C Bliss and Sutton C

Jean Abbey Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

WCKY News Songs for Everyone.. Farm and Home Hour N

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45


Sue Blake N To be announced

Jack Baker N Movieland News Jayne Rohan Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N .......Swinging the Blues C Vic Arden's Orchestra Edwin C. Hill C National Farm and Rom'nce Helen Trent C Home Hour N Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C

Voice of Experience Grimm': Daughter C. Kitty Keene, Inc Hollywood in Person C

Vocational Agriculture To be announced The Music'n & His Time Meet the Missus Living Literature American School

of the Air C

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Clncinnati (1330 Ire.)

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 lm)

Six-to-Niners O. 0.

Morningefrayer Early Express


Malcolm Claire N.... Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N. Women s Newsreel ..

WCPO News Six-to-Niners


9. te

WCPO News Gods Bible School Six to Niners

WHIO" Dayton (12130 kc )

Breakfast Express fi 0

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

II:00 II:15 11:30 II:45

Rainbow Ridge ... Sunshine Express N....

What Next Mrs. Wiggs N -John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N — Backstage Wife N . Homemakers Exch. N. Ribber Shannon

The Spectator Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Ch'ber of Commerce Consumers Conference Jimmy Lee


.0 0.

Cornelia on the Air Music in the Air C ' Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line News: Sutton & Bliss

Art of Living Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie News Rosa Lee N

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiiens ...

Look Now M Mary Williams M Cincinnati Your City Armchair Quartet N

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round Man on the Street Merry-Go-Round

WCPO News Rhythm Remblai Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News Sieste

Swinging the Blues C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Will Osborne's Orch. Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale

Petticoat on the Air C Cheri and 3 Notes C American School of the Air C. Hollywood Brevities .

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

All Sports Review Marine Band N

All Sports Review N Ian Haz N Club Marines N

5:00 Sports Review 5:15 Santa Claus 5:30 5:45 Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fam N News; Fire Prevention Ma Perkins N , Future Favorites Vic and Sade N Cincinnati Symphony The O'Neill' N Children's Concert N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern .. Mary Manin N Sundown Serenade . The Mad Hatterfields I Y. W. C. A. Program.

- - Junior Nurse Corps N Follow the Moon C Jack Armstrong Freshest Thing in Town Singing Lady N , Hollywood Highlights Singing School W . , "Hilltop House" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

WSAI Little Show....

If Is. Strange

Today's Winners


be .0

Lorenzo Jones N Strol lers Freshman Follies Star Gaxin'

5:00 Uncle Sammy & Club 5:15 Terry and the Pirates N 5:30 Vagabond Quartet N. 5:45 Nixson Denton

WCPO News Today's Winners Jam for Supper

Sad.; Claus

News; Col. Jack Major C

Cincinnati Symphony Children's Concert C

Story of Industry C

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Little Orphan Annie N Paul Kennedy News and Sports N .. Movieland News

Easy Aces N — Lost Parsons N... Jack Smith . Vivian della Chiesa N

Husbands and Johnny Presents N Edw. G. Robinson-Wives N "Big Town" C

Xavier Cugat's Orch.. If Can Be Dont.- Al Jolson and Bob Brown Edgar A. Guest N Others C

Angelo Smilin Dan Supper Serenade Dick Bray-Sports Bob Newhall News; Music C Lowell Thomas N Musical Moments Amos 'n' Andy N Poetic Melodies C Vocal Varieties N Hollyw'd Screensc'ps C To be announced .... Famous Actors Guild-Tonic Time : Helen Menken C

6:00 Vicki Chase, soprano. 6:15 Kentucky Colonel .... 6:30 'au' Sullivan 6:45 , Billy Snyder's Orch

7:00 Don Bestor's Orchestra 7:15 Art Kassel's Orch..... 7:30 Musical Speedway ... 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Don Albert's Orch.... Silk Topper Wayne King's Orchestra N

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

Your Sub-urban Theatre Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

Nev-is of Business Better Sportsmanship Musically Speaking Men of Vision

Barry Wood's Music C Si Burick-News News: Music C Songtime C

- - Stars of Broadway . ''Holly'd Screens'ps"C Helen Menken: "Second Husband" C

Edw. G. Robinson-Dramatization C

Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye C

9:00 Marek Webers 9:15 Orchestra N 9:30 NBC Night 9:45 Club N

-jb;(e Gen Hugh Johnson N 10:15 Kidoodlers N 10:30 Streamline Revue 10:45

11:00 II:15 11:30 II:45

Hoosier Housewarmers Watch the Fun Go By C

True Defective Jack Oakie's Mysteries . College C

Mid Western -Stars .. Benny- Goodman's Orchestra C

Jimmy Mater N I Newscast-Lee Bland Ct. of Monte Christo I "Ballads by Binder"

Taxicab Night Club Paul Sullivan . . Leaders in Dance Time King's Jesters Orch N Paul Sabin's Orch. .. T. Dorsey's Orch. C.. Jimmy Dorsey's Don Bestor's Orchestra George Olsen's

Orchestra N Art Kassel': Orch Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 II:15 11:30 11:45

Vox Pop N .....

Hollywood Mardi Gras N

. . WCPO News 0 For the Piano

Charles Woods, News Tommy Nolan's Orch. Cotton Club Orchestra

Paul Sabins Orch. . WCPO News Billy Snider's Orchestra Dance Awhile Benny Meroffis Orchestra

The Spectator Popular Melodies .. East End YMCA

Watch the Fun Go By with Al Pearce C

Jack Oakie's Collage C

Benny Goodman's "Swing School" C.

Bob Chester's Orch . Newspaper on the Air Gene Baker's Orch . T. Dorsey's Orch. C George Olsen's Orchestra C


5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

WLS-WENR Chinure. Ill. (870 ¡se.)

Smile A White 00

DeZuriks & Hilltoppers Curly and Ramblers Pat and Henry

7:00 News Report 7:15 Evelyn á Hill Toppers 7:30 Morning Devotions 7:45 I Jolly Joe's Pals

WSM Nashville. Tenn. i6SOlci.)

Delmore Brothers Early Morn. Melodies


WSM News Vagabonds

WHAS L.oalsvIlle. Kv. (820 Iota

Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree


8:00 Lulu Belle and Scotty 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle. 8:45 Morning Minstrels

9:00 Mary Merlin N 9:15 Ma Perkins N Q' o Pepper Young's Fam. N 9:45 News Report

10:00 The O'Neills N 10:15 Road of Life N 10:30 Vic and Sade N 0:45 Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N . 0



Sheets Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Emily Post C Bob Atcher

Renner Newshawk Sade and Sally Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norma Sherr N Rhythm Serenade Homemakers Each. N George Hartwick N.

Mary Lee Taylor C.... Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00-1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine H. Peterson, organ. M kts.-weather-news

Prairie Fermer, Dinnerbell Time

Voice of Feed Lot....

Time for Thought N Farm Scrap Book National Farm and Home Hour N ...



Sonner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Fun in Music-Dr. Jos Maddy N

Fed. Women's Clubs N Armchair Quarte} N.

Music Appreciation The Old Timers Grain Market "How I Met My Hu'd

Weekday Devotions Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen TrentC Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:b0 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00-4:15 4:30 4:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Club Matinee N Women's News The Guiding Light N Melody Caravan Road of Life N

Music Circle Revell Interviews N. Piano Duo N D. Winslow of Navy N Vagabond Quartet N Market Reports Congress Hotel Or. N Freddie Rose

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches,. Dot and Bill Yellow Blank Salut

Hope Alden's Rom'ce. Melodies of Home.... State Teachers Collage

Out o the Dusk 0 ..

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N 5:15 Rakov's Orchestra N 5:30 What's the News?... 5:45 Escorts and Betty N

6:00 Easy Aces, sketch N 6:15 Lost Persons N 6:30 George Griffin N 6:45 Vivian Della Chiesa N

7:00 Husbands and 7:15 Wives N 7:30 If Can Be Done N 7:45

Hammett and Cooney Afternoon News Evening Idyls . Asher & Little Jimmie

Sports; Rhythmic Strings

To be announced George Jessel

Johnny with Russ Morgan N

Wayne King's Orchestra N

Barry Wood's Music C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party

Baptist Seminary Screenscoops C Helen Menken in "Second Husb'd" C.

Edw. G. Robinson-Dramatization C.

Al Jolson Show, with Martha Raye C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 Globe Trotter 10:15 i La Salle Hotel Orch. N 10:30 Maurie Stein's 10:45 , Orchestra

Marck Webers Orchestra N

NBC Night Club N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Kidoodlers N Eddie Versos' Orchestra

Guest Appearance.... • • . • .....

Hollywood Mardi Gras N

Jimmy Fidler N Musical Moments

Amos 'n' Andy N WSM News Sports; Rainbow Room Orchestra N

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College Benny Goodman'.

Orchestra C

Broadway Stars Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Tommy Dorsey's Or. C Geo. Olsen's Orch. C. Meador Lowrey-News



7:00-Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Francis MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wgar wcau wadc wwva wbt wgst wjr

-Easy Aces comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

-Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

-Malcolm Claire-stories. (NBC) wmaq

7:15-Vocal Varieties: Choral Group of 14 Voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw wdaf

-"Hollywood Screenscoops" with George McCall. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wadc wwva wbt wbbm kmox wgst wwl wcco

-Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Parsons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

7:30-George Griffin, tenor. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

-Famous Actors Guild Presents Helen Mencken in "Second Husband." WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wcao wgar wbbm wjr wcau kmbc krnox


-Rudolf Friml, Jr.'s Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

7:45-Vivian Della Chiesa, soprano. WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham wowo

-Benno Rabinoff, violinist. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00-Edward G. Robinson, with Claire Trevor in "Big Town", newspaper drama. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco wadc

-Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orchestra: Charles Martin's Thrill; Swing Fourteen; Frances Adair; Rhythm Rogues, and Glenn Cross. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who kstp wdaf wfla wire kvoo

-Husbands and Wives: Conducted by Sedley Brown and Allie Lowe Miles. WJZ WCKY WLS wham whk

8:30-Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye, Park-yakarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS w¡r wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wbt wadc wwl wcco

-Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM kvoo wwj

who kstp wmaq wire wave kyw wgy ',dam wfaa

-"If Can Be Done," dramatic sketch, with Edgar Guest. Frankie Master's Orchestra, WJZ WLW WLS kdka whk wham

9:00-Vox Pop, conducted by Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth. WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire

-Marek Webers Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave kstp wham wfla kvoo

-"Watch the Fun Go By," presented by Al Pearce and His Gang. Nick Lucas, singing guitarist; Ariane Harris, "Human Chatter-box;" Carl Hoff's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco wgar

9:30-"Camel Caravan"-Jack Oakie's Col-lage" with Jack Oakie, Stuart Erwin, Ray-mond Hatton and Patsy Flick. comedians; Helen Lynd, comedienne; Harry Bans, songs; Meyer Alexander's Chous; Georgie Stoll's Orchestra and guests; "Swing School" with Benny Goodman's Orchestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt esta wwl wcco

-Hollywood Mardi Gras: Lanny Ross, Charles Butterworth; Don Wilson; Jane Rhodes, Rhythm Singers; Ruby Mercer, soprano, guests; Raymond Paige's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM who kyw wgy wwl wtam wdaf wire kstp wfla wave wmaq kvoo

-NBC Night Club: Ransom Sherman, m. c., with Roy Shields Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00-General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham kdka

10:15-Kidoodlers. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

10:30-Del Casino, sonos. WABC kmox wsbt kmbc

-Phillips Poly Follies. (CBS) wbbm wfbm kmox wsbt wcco kmbc

-Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who kyw wwj wire wfla wave wbap kvoo wdaf kstp

-Celia Gamba, violinist. WJZ whk wave wire wham

10:45-National Student Federation of Amer-ica. WEAF wgy wtam wave wire kyw wmaq wwj

-Four Stars, Girl's Vocal Quartet. WABC

11:00-The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wwj wdaf wire wbap kstp

-William Scotti's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam who wmaq

-Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHAS WHIO on II:15) wjr wadc

-"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wbbm wfbm kmbc wwl wcco

-Earl Hines' Orchestra. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

-Esso News Reporter. WJZ only

11:05-Earl Hines' Orchestra. WJZ whk wave wire wham

11:15-King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30-George Olsen's Internationesi Casino Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS w¡r wbbm wcau wgar wfbm kmox wadc wsbt wsfa wcco wbt

-Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Orchestra, WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq who

-Jimmy Dorsey's Congress Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wham wfla wire

MIDNIGHT-Joe Reichman's Ambassador Ho-tel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

-Emery Deutsch's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm

-Trump Davidson's Club Esquire Orchestra. WEAF wwj wgy wtam who

12:30-Freddie Nagel's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham whk

-Kenmore Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Ted Fiorito's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wjr



10 RADIft. '-%T.NT.. WEEK ENDING DECEMBER 10. 1937

N Denotes INI3C1 C Denotes CBS) 11 Denotes MBS1


WCKY WLW •••••,1 '11100 . 1

6:30 Bert Layne's Fiddlers 6:45 •.

-1:00 Sunkistime 7:15 7:30 Morning Round-Up 745

--1-1:00 Four Showmen N 8:15 Wm. Meader N 8:30 News for Executives 8:45 1 Lucille & Lanny N

.yrin et

Drifting Pioneers .... Brown County Revelers

--Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor. Sing Merrymakers •

Four Showmen- N ... Peter Grant-News Before Breakfast The Gospel Singer

WKRC rinr1nnat. run tir

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

S"ing Before Breakfast Early Edition News Dow's Dawn Patrol

.0 ell

114 t.

Woma• n's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

TO:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N

London Stock Market Breakfast Club N ..

.F1;1 Women Only . Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line 1 La Senorita ......'

Household Hour

Coon Creek Band . 41 1.

Hymns of All Chinches Hope Alden Rom nce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linons First Love All the Answers . Betty and Bob. Houseboat Hannah .

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldberg:

As You Like It C Richard Maxwell C 1 Federation of . Churches , Bachelor's Children C

, Musical Calendar .. Myrt and Marge C. . Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart, songs C

To be announced .... Magazine of Air C , Big Sister C .... . . Aunt Jenny's Stories C

WSAI ctnctnnatl (13.90 kg.)

WCPO WHIO Cincinnati MOO kca Dayton isc.)

6:30 Six-to-Ninere 6:45 • • • •

7:00 Poetic Philosopher I WCPO News 7:15 Early Express .... .. Six-to•Niners 7:30 0 0 7:45 1 .• •• 0 •• • • ..... 8.00 Malcolm Claire N... WC-PO News ... WHIO Almanac 8:15 Good Morn. Melod. N Gods Bible School..., Dunker's Club 8:30 Do you Remember N Six to Ninert Greenfield Chapel C 8:45 , Women's Newsreel " " Women make the News

Breakfast Express ..

.? lb

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 ,

Rainbow Ridge Sunshine Express N....

Dance Parade

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie.

The Spectator Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Variety Show There Was a Time


Cornelia on the Air Richard Maxwell C Municipal Court Hal and Henry ...

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C.. Monticello Party Line. WHIO News; Music - -

Merry-Go-Round To be announced .Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C


SO 4.

12:00 WCKY News • 12:15 Songs for Everyone

12:30 i Farm and Home 12:45 Hour N

100 1:15 1:30 Sue Blake N 1:45 J. and L. Clemens N

-2:00 Strollers Matinee N 2:15 Dr. K. T. Compton N 2:30 Murdock Williams .. 2:45 Beatrice Fairtax

Girl Alone N Doc Schneider's Orch. National Farm and Home Hours N

. • • • .... Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Once Upon a Time Contemporary Writers The Great Northwest

of the Air C

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C..

Betty and Bob C I Betty Crocker C , Grimm's Daughter C IHollywood in Person C Woman's News C Meet the Missus . American School

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt Jane Gray News Through the Years N

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiians

bon't Look Now M Music for Your Schl M Cincinnati Your City Men of the West

WCPO News Mary M. McBride C.. Happiness Ahead Edwin C. Hill C Man on the Street.. The Listener Speaks. Merry-Go-Round News; Markets

WCPO News , O. L. Cunningham Merry-Go-Round I Organ Moods Dot Club News , Keyboard and Console From Hawaii I Modern Musicale

WCPO News — Woman's News C , Siesta Jack Shannon, songs C . Open House for Lad American School Hollywood Brevities . of the Air C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 445

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

Sports Review Movieland News I

Sports Review - Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N I

Sports Review , Pepp'r Young's Pam. N News; Fire Prevention Continental Varieties N Ma Perkins N Little Variety f Vic and Sade N Show N ... The O'Neills N

Club Matinee N I Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern

Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W.

Matinee Musicale IJenny Peabody C... , Notes and News

, Curtis Music Institute C Sundown Serenade I Dr. Defoe C

Follow the on C Freshest Thing in Town , Hollywood Highlights I "Hilltop House" C...

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show... Today's Winners .. a

It is Strange 0

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshmen Follies Star Gazin'

Uncle Sammy á Club , Terry and the Pirates N Santa Claus Vagabond Quartet N. Nixson Denton ..

.0 ..

WCPO News today's Winners Jam for Supper

News; Ray Block's Orchestra C

Waltz Time Tickling the Ivories

Curtis Institute of Music C


Dr. Allan Dafoe C.

Tea Time Tunes Musical Visions

The Arcadians r "Hilltop House" C

6:00 Little Orphan Annie N 6:15 i Dot Lee 1 6:30 I WCKY News & Sports 645

700 7:15 7:30 745

itoo 8:15 8:30 845

Movieland News

Easy Aces N — - Lost Persons N Vic Arden's Orchestra I Charlotte Lansing N I

Eddie Duchin's One Man's Family N.

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos in' -Andy- N 77-: Don't Listen Lum and Abner N Art Kassel's Orch.

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions F. Dailey's Orch. C. Song Time C

Poetic Melodies "Hobby Lobby" C

Boake Carter C

Cavalcade of Orchestra N i" " America C..

Sid Skolsky N . WLW's Operetta Eddie Cantor-Texaco Choir Symphonette N " " ... Town C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 Art Kassel's Orchestra 7:45 Jean Sablon N

8:00 Don Bestor's 8:15 Orchestra 8:30 Wayne King's 8:45 Orchestra N

Speed Gibson Mollie Halstead Paul Sullivan Billie Snider's Orch

Tommy Nolan's Orch Uncle Ezra N

• • . •


5:30 5:45

WLS-WENR chicaro. III. (870 he.)

Smile A While .11

6:00 6:15 Ky. Girls 4. Ramblers 6:30 Sing, Neighbor, Sing 6:45 Pat and Henry

7:00 News Report 7:15 Pokey and Arkie 7•30 Morning Devotions 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals

WSM Nashville. Tenn. MO /

Stamp's Quartet Early Morn. Melodies


WSM News Freddie Rose

WHAS Louisville. K. fate Ice..

Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Ky. Mountaineers

Early Morning Jamboree


4. 44

8:00 Lulu Belle and Scotty 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle 8:45 The Hill Toppers

9:00 Mary Marlin N ---9:15 Ma Perkins N 9:30 Pepper Young's Fam. N 9:45 News Report

10:00 The O'Neills N Norman Sherr N 10:15 Road of Life N Melody Caravan 10:30 Vic and Sade N , How to be Charm'g N 10:45 Edward McHugh N. Originalities N

Breakfast Club N ....


Banner Vaugh DeLeath N.... Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Bob Atche'r Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Une Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C.. Dot and Bill

Weekday Devotions Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Time for Thought N.. 11:15 Chuck, Ray & Christine Concert Sketches; News 11:30 G. Wilson, contralto National Farm and 11:45 Markets; Weather Home Hour N

12:00 Prairli. Farmer, " " 12:1S Dinnerbell Time .. 0 12:30 Banner Newshawk 12:45 Voice of Feed Lot Dept. of Agriculture..

1:00 Business & Industry.... 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market . 1:45 Of Interest to Women

U. of Tenn. Program Cole and Moore Waltz Favorites N .

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C .

Linda's First Love College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets Joe Wheeler _ Woman News C Dance Band University of Kentucky .

WCPO News Barry Wood's Music C Musical Hits Si Burick Dinner Club News: Music

I Songtime C

Your Suburban Theatre Vic Arden's Orch "Hobby Lobby" C Harmony Hall

Yours Truly Race Results I Boake Carter C

WCPO News Philharmonic Musically Speaking Concert

Texaco Town, with Eddie Cantor C .

0. 1. ......

WPA Program

too To be announced N... 1:15 " 1:30 Minstrel Show N 945

10:oo Gen. Hugh Johnson N 10:15 Dogs & Game 10:30 Streamline Revue 1045 00 0

11:00 Earl Hines' Orch. N 11:15 King's Jesters Orch. N 11:30 Eddy Rogers 11:45 Orchestra N

Town Hall Tonight N 1. 00

0 04


Your Hollywood Parade N

41 O.

4. 11

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish," by Mary L Rinehart C

Gang Busters C

Newscast-Lee Bland Leaders in Dance Time

- - - Paul Sullivan . Ross Pierce's Orch. . Broa't from Havana M Benny G'dman's Or. C Don Bestor's Orchestra Richard Himber's Paul Sabin 'x Orch. Orchestra C 11:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

lik10 Art Kassel's 10:15 Orchestra 10:30 Charles Woods News 10:45 Billy Snyder's

11:00 Orchestra Il:15p Don Bestor's Orch..... 11:30 Benny Meroff's


Kay Kyser's Orchestra M

Tommy Nolan's Orchestra

The Spectator Popular Melodies Concert Master

WCPO trews Musical Newsy


Vocal Varieties

WCPO News Dance Awhile

.... " 14

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary R Rinehart C

Gang Busters C 40

Bob Chester's Orch. Newspaper of the Air

Phyl Co. Myst'y Drama B. Goodman's Orch. C Gene Baker's Orch R. Himber's Orch. C

2.00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45


Program ' • • • " Musical Roundup ....

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N . Vic and Sade N The O'Neill: N

Club Matinee N Women's News O. The Guiding Light

Parents and Teachers Vaughn Quartet National Congr's N Road of Life N

Music Circle Market Reports Piano Duo N Winslow of the Navy N H. Kogen's Orch. N WSM on Parade Congress Hotel Or. N.


Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Salute. .

Hope Alden's Rom'ci Melodies of Home Teachers College Dr. Allan Dafoe C

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. M. Webers Orch. N. What's the News/ Escorts and Betty N

Easy Aces, sketch t4:- Lost Persons N Lum and Abner N Pleasant Valley Frolics

Eddie Duchin's Orchestra N

Sid Skolsky N De Zurik Sisters

Rhythm Time Afternoon News Vagabonds .. Asher & LPtle Jimmie

B. C. Sports; Dance String Quartet Mary Dugan Stars of Broadway

One Man's Family N Cavalcade of America C

Wayne King's Texaco Town with Orchestra N Eddie Cantor C

B. Wood's Orch. C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Christmas Party

Sportraits Vocal Varieties Whispering Jack Smith Boake Carter C

6:00 Ky. Girls and Curly Town 8:15 Civic Choral Society. 8:30 NBC Minstrel Show N 8:45 9:00 Gin. Hugh Johnson N Your Hollywood 9:15 Joan Brooks N . . . Parade N 9-30 Federal Symphony 9:45 Orchestra N

11 14

Hall Tonight N

10:00 Globe frottUr.-.. 10:15 King's Jesters Orch. N 10:30 Maurie Stein's 10:45 Orchestra N

Amos 'n' Andy Ñ WSM News Sports; To be announced ....

Andre Kostelanetz's Concert Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary L Rinehart C

The "Gang Busters" C

"Hobby Lobby," with I Dave Elman C

-Poetic Melodies- C - B. Goodman's Orch. C R. Himber's Orch. C Meador Lowery-News



UP-Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

0-Easy Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

0..Pepsodent Program: Amos 'us' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

-Malcolm Claire-stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq 1:15-"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A,"

with Pat Barrett, Nora Cunneen and others. WEAF WSAI wgy wmaq wtam wire wdaf kyw who wbap kstp kvoo

Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

•-"Hobby Lobby," featuring Dave Elman and Harry Salter's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wcau wadc wgar wjr wfbm wbt

7a0-Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS whk

...Mario Cozzi, baritone. (NBC) wave wire wham

v-Alistaire Cooke - British Commentator. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

7:45-Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wIr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wcco wbt

-Charlotte Lansing, soprano and orches"a. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

-Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00-One Man's Family, dramatic sketch. WEAF WLW WSM wdaf wgy wwj seam who wmaq wfla wave kvoo wbap kyw kstp

-"The Cavalcade of America"-Don Voor-hees and his Concert Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwj wcco

-Elizabeth Arden presents Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wht wham

8:30-Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor, come-dian, Deanna Durbin; Pinky Tomlin; Jimmy Wallington; Jacques Renard and his Orches-tya. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wwj wcco

-Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM wtam wfaa wgy vnyj kyw kvoo wbap kstp who wdaf

-Skolsky, from Hollywood. WJZ WCKY

WLS kdka whk wham

8:45-Choir Symphonette, WJZ WCKY kdka whk wowo

9:00-Chesterfield presents Andre Kostelanetz's Concert Orchestra; Kirsten Flagstad, so-prano, guest; Deems Taylor, commentator: Paul Douglas, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wsfa wwl wcco wsbt

-Town Hall Tonight: Fred Allen end Port-land Hoffa; Peter Van Steeden's Orchestra guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf kstp wave wfla kvoo wgy wire

-To be announced. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:30-"Tish" by Mary Roberts Rinehart. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

-NBC Minstrel Show. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham

10:00-"Gang Busters," true crime dramatiza-tions. Conducted by Phillips H. Lord. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wit wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wwj wcco

-"Your Hollywood Parade"-Dick Powell, m.c.; Rosemary Lane, vocalist; orchestra direction Leo Forbstein; choral ensemble direction Dudley Chambers and guest stars. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq kyw wdaf who wfla kstp wave wwj wire

-General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:15-Joan Brooks, WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

10:30-Patti Chapin, songs. WABC wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wbt wsfa wwj wcco

-Federal Symphony Orchestra of 100 mu-sicians, from San Francisco. WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

-"Hobby Lobby". (CBS) WHAS wbbm kmox wcco wwl wsbt wgst wsfa

10:45-To be announced. WABC wadc wbbm wcco wgar wsbt wgst

11:00-Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wire wmaq wdaf kstp wtam wwj

-"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcco kmox wwj

-To be nnounced. WEAF wgy wtam who kyw

-Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO WHAS on 11:15) wadc wsbt wbt wgst

-Esso News Reporter. WJZ only -Earl Hines' Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire 1 I:05-Earl Hines' Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

I I:15-King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30-Maurie Stein's Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

-Richard Himber's Essex House Orchestra. WABC (WHIO on 11:45) WHAS WKRC wjr

wcau kmbc wadc wbt wsfa

-Eddy Rogers' Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

MIDNIGHT-Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox

-Eddie Varzo's Hotel Bismarck Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

-Glenn Miller's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30-Lights Out: Mystery drama (NBC) WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

-Frankie Master's Orchestra, WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm wadc

-Chick Webb's Orchestra, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

Igor Corin is by no means a giant, but he seems to grow a foot every time he sings a robust song before the microphone.

* * *

Bob Burns has a habit of fixing eyes on anyone with whom he is con-versing. It's very disconcerning to someone who is attempting to give the comedian a sales talk.





alilegfi ree Mount's rod

ounty Revelers Ip‘ ...ymakers

qtrceIN ,outhernaires N G tee) vilt Peter Grant—News s Arthur Chandler, Jr.

etee› N . I The Gospel Singer .

Ca.V• 91e. V' , N Hymns of All Churches 9:15 Hope Alden's Rom'nce 9:30 Lo,, jock Market. Hello Peggy . . 9.45 Break, A Club N Young Widder Joras

-10:00 ! For Women Only -- -Linda's First Love. 10:15 , Vaughn de Leath N All the Answers 10:30 , Monticello Party Line Betty and Bob 10:45 Viennese Sextet N.... Houseboat Hannah

-11:00 Household Hour News 11:15 " Road of Life N 11:30 Coon Creek Band ... Peggy Tudor 11:45 " " The Goldbergs


WKRC Cincinnati (550 eir

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

sTr -Before Breakfast Early Edition—News Dow's Dawn Patrol

et $0

Woman's Hour

Dear Columbia C..

Richard Maxwell C Bachelor's Children C

Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C . Emily Post C The Instrumentalists C

WKRC Bulletin Board Magazine ot the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C


7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10.00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 Mc.,

• • .

WCPO Cincinnati_ (1200 tic.)


WHIO 41230 hr.

Breakfast Express

Mormig Prayer . Early Express

.6 at


Malcolm Claire N .. Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel

Rainbow Ridge Sunshine Express N

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N . Backstage Wife N Homemakers Exchange Ribber Shannon

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

04 .6

le fe

WCPO News Gods Bible School. Six to Niners

The Spectator Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Chamber of Comm'ce There Was a Time Elaine's Stories



Little Tom ...... Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac . Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

Cornelia on the Air Dear Columbia C Municipal Court Hal and Henry

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line News; Dance Time

The Art of -Living Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

5:30 5:45

WLS-WENR Chieneo. III. 070 lie.)

Smile A While

WSM Nashville. Tenn. ,ese 4.•

6:00 6:15 DeZuriks & Hilltoppers 6:30 Curly and Ramblers Vaughn Quartet 6:45 Pat and Henry

7:00 News Report Delmore Brothers :TT 7:15 Evelyn & Hill Toppers, Almanac 7:30 Morning Devotions. WSM News 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals Vagabonds ...

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 ' 10:15 , 10:30 I 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty Breakfast Club N News Report Old Kitchen Kettle Morning Minstrels

Mary Marlin N - Ma Perkins N. Pepper Young's Fens N i News Report

The O'Neills N .. Road of Life N . Vic and Sad* N Edward McHugh N

be le

▪ Oe

-Banner Newshawk - Vaughn Deleath N Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N

_ Norman Sherr N . Jack's Mountaineers Homemakers Exch. N Cobwebs á Cadenzas N

WHAS Louisville. Kv 4520 kc.)

Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts ...

Early Morning Jamboree .....


be t.

Skeet: Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Mont cello Party Line Myrt and Marge C Emily Post C Bob Atcher

Mary Lee Taylor C .7 Carol's Romance C Big Sister C . •• Aunt Jenny'. Stories C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

Ë.00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News . Songs for Everyone . National Farm and Home Hour N


Sue Blake N Movieland News

Davies and Kargan N

Jayne Rohan Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N . . Vic Ardent Orch National Farm and Home Hour N

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C

Voice of Experience Grimm's Daughter C Kitty Keene, Inc Hollywood in Person C

Current Events To be announce-cl Vocational Guidance Meet the Missus Latin America American School

. .. I of the Air C

Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:CO 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie News Jean Ellington N

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiians

Musical Guild N

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Jackie Heller N. Sports Review Eastman School of Music N

Sports Review Club Matinee N

- 5:00- Sports Review 5:15 Santa Claus 5:30 5:45 Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fam. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Jdnior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W . .

News; Fire Prevention Future Favorites Magazine of the Air C

Notes and News • •

Sundown Serenade U. S. Army Band C

Follow the Moon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Cincinnati Your City Armchair Quartet N

WSAI Little Show ••

It Is. Strange

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshman Follies Star Gazin'

5:00 Uncle Sammy & Club 5:15 Golden Melodies N 5:30 Vagabond Quartet N 5:45 Nixson Denton

WCPO News Merry-Go•Round Man on the Street Merry-Go-Round .

_ WCPO News Rhythm Ramblers Dot Club News . From Hawaii

WCPO News Siesta


Hollywood Brevities

To .ay s inners o.


WCPO News Today's Winners Jam for Supper

Jam for Supper Santa Claus Program.

Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio --Better Business Bureau Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale

Petticoat on the Air C Louise and the Lads C American School

of the Air C

News; Theater Matinee C

Magazine of the Air C

Between Bookends C Bob Byron, songs C U. S. Army Band C

Tea Time Tunes — Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C..

6:00 Little Orphan Annie N Angelo .. 6:15 Paul Kennedy Supper Serenade 6:30 WCKY News & Sports Bob Newhall . 6:45 Movieland News • Lowell Thomas N

7:00 Easy-- Aces N . 'n' -Andy N 7:15 Lost Persons N . . Vocal Varieties N 7:30 Jack Smith To be announced N 7:45 To be announced N Valley Frolics

8:00 Gen. Hugh Johnson N Rudy Vallee — Variety 8:15 Liedersingers N Hour N ..... 8:30 The March of Time N 8:45 "

Smilin' Dan Dick Bray—Sports Eddie Dooley C Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Hollyw'd Screensc'ps C "We, the People" C

kete Smith's- Variety Hour C


6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Teddy Hill's Orch, N Ky. Colonel Paul Sullivan Billy Snider's Orch

Don Bestor's Orch Musical Miniature M Dick Stabile's Orch. M

8:00 Art Kassel's Orch 8:15 Silk Topper 8:30 WSAI Open House 8:45

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

Your Suburban --Theater Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

News of Business ... Musically Speaking...

WPA Program

Del Casino, songs C Si Burick News: Gay Lee Songtime C

't-e-r-s of Broadway Screen'ps" C

We, the People C

Kate Smith Hoin7---Jack Miller's "Orchestra C "

9:00 Symphony Orchestra N 9:15 9:30 America's Town 9:45 Meeting N

10:00 10:15 .è 10:30 Streamline. Revue 10:45

1-1:00 E. LeBaron's Orch. I 1:15 Elza Scha Ilert N 11:30 Bob Crosby's 11:45 Orchestra N

"Good News of 1938" MGM stars N

" ..... Bing Crosby, Bob

Burns a n d Johnny Trotter's Orch. N

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

Buddy Clark Entertains C

Newscast—Lee Bland To be anoi.nced

N. Paul Sullivan Dance Music, Hava M Theatre Digest

Ross Pierce's Orch.... Cab Calloway's Or C George Olsen's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Kay Kyser's The Spectator Orchestra M Popular Melodies ....

Sinfoniette M Concert Master

Billy Snider's wbpo News Orchestra For the Piano

Charles Woods, News I Tommy Nolan's Orch. Cotton Club Orchestra

Paul Sabin's Orch, WCPO Newt Dance Awhile

Don Bestor's Orchestra

. .....

• of

Major Bowes Amateur Hour C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:6F 12:15 12:30 12:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine H. Peterson, organ.. Markets, weather, news

bin-nerbell Program

.1 ee .... Voice of Feed Lot

1:00 "Touring the World" 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market.. . . 1:45 "How I Met My Hu'd.

Farm Credit Interview Peggy Tudor Farm and Home Hour N


Banner Newshawk . Dept. of Agricultu'•

Edward Davies and Olga Karger, N

El Caballer, N Musical Adventures N

Weekday Devotions Edwin C. Hill C Ronv ace Helen trentC Os' Gal, Sunday C...

¡aide's First Love... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Dance Band University of Kentucky

Buddy Clark Entertains C

Bob Chester's Orch Newspaper of the Air

Gene Baker's Orch C. Calloway's Orch. C George Olsen's Orchestra C

2:00 Homemakers 2:15 Program .. 2:30 Musical Roundup 2:45

3-:-00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00-4:15 4:30 4:45

Club Matinee N

Music Circle .

Golden Maladies N H. Kogen'a Orch. N Congress Hotel Or. N

Pepper Young's Fam. N Betty and Bob Ma Perkins N Hymns of All Churches Vic and Sade N Pollock-Warnow's The O'Neills N Orchestra C

Women's News 1-1-ope Alden's Rom'ce. The Guiding Light N Melodies of Home ... Club Matinee N University of Road of Life N Louisville

Golden Melodies N Winslow of the Navy N Market Reports Freddie Rose

Out o the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

5:00 Junior Purse Corps N 5:15 M. Weber's Orch. N 5:30 What's the News? 5:45 Escorts and Betty N

6:63 Easy- -Aces N ,.:15 Lost Persons N 6:30 To be announced N 645

7:00- -Gen --1=lugh Johnson N 7:15 Christmas Seal . 7:30 The March of Time N 1:45

Rhythm Time Afternoon News June Moody Asher & Li'tle Jimmie

Sports; Fireside - Singers

To be announced N . Glen Gray's Orch . .

Rudy V;Ilee's- ---Variety Hour N

•• 40


Del Casino, songs C. Jack Armstrong ... Eddie Dooley. Sports Christmas Party

Herbie Koch, ofgan "Holly'd Screen'ps" C We. the People C


Kate Smith Hour— Jack Miller's Or-chestra C .

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Ky. Girls and Curly Drake Male Quartet. America s I own

Meeting of the

--Air N --

NBC Jamboree N

10:03 Globe Trotter 10:15 King's Jesters Orch 10:30 Maurie Stein's 10:45 Orchestra

"Good News of 1938" MGM Stars N.....

641 et

Bing Cosby d Bob ! Burns with Johnny Trotter's Orchestra N


Amos 'n' Andy N WSM News News; Congress Hotel Orchestra

Major Bowes Amateur Hour C

6. •11


Broadway Stars Herb Koch organ Columbia Workshop C

Poetic Melodies C - Cab Calloway's Or, C Geo. Olsen's Orch. C Meador Lowery News



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader. orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy wtam kyw wwj who

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wmaq —Easy Aces comedy sketch featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wire wham

7:15—Vocal Varieties—Choral group of 14 voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw

—"Hollywood Screenscoops". WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm wbt wgst wcau kmox wadc wwl wcco

—Mr. Keen, Tracer of lost persons; dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

7:30—Schaefer Revue: Leo Reisman's Orches-tra; Bud Collyer, m. c. WEAF only

—"We, the People"—Gabriel Heatter, di-rector; Mark Warnow's Orchestra—Drama-tizations. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau krnox wcco

—Benno Rabinoff, violinist. (NBC) wgy wtam who kyw

—To be announced. WJZ WLW WLS (WCKY


on 7:45) whk wave wire wham wowo

8:00—Kate Smith Hour, with Henny Young-man, comedian; Jim Crowley, Football Forum; Jack Miller's Orchestra; Drama and great stars. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wadc wwva wbt wwl

—Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wtam kyw wgy wbap kstp wile kvoo who wdaf wave wire wwj wmaq wfaa

—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:15—The Liedersingers—Carol Deis, soprano; Celia Bran:, contralto; Fred Hufsmith, tenor; Alden Edkins, baritone. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The March of Time: News dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whim

9:00—"Good News of I938": MGM Stars and Meredith Willson's Orchestra; 20-Voice Chorus. WEr%F WSM WLW wgy wtam wmaq wave we' vAlis kyw who wdaf kstp

—Symphony Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wham

—Major Bowes' Amateur Hour. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau

kmox wadc wcco wbt wgst wfbm kmbc

9:30—Arnerica's Town Meeting of the Air— Round table discussion featuring prominent speakers. George V. Denny, Jr., moderator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00—Kraft Music Hall, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Burns, comedian; Johnny Trotter's Orchestra; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM whk wgy wtam wwl wmaq wire wave kyw who wbap kstp wdaf kvoo

—Buddy Clark Entertains. WABC WHIO WKRC wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc

10:30—"Marconi the Man and His Wireless," dramatization. WABC WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox kmbc wgst wwl wcco

—NBC Jamboree: Marry Kogene Orchestra with guests artists. WJZ WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

11:00—Cab Calloway's Cotton Club Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO WHAS on 11:15) wadc wbt wbst wcco limos wgst

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHA3 vrjr wbbm wwl wcco kmox

—Eddie LeBaron's Rockefeller Center Rain-bow ROOM Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire wham

—Blue Baron's Orchestra. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wfaa wmaq wire

—Larry Clinton's Orchestra. WEAF only

11:05—Eddie Leflaren's Orchestra with Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

Il; IS—Elsa Schaller} Reviews. Previews of the week's outstanding pictures; guest. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham

11:30--George Olsen's Orchestra, WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wgar kmox wadc wsbt wbt wbbm kmbc wcco

—Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra—WJZ wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Bob Crosby's Palomar Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wham whk wave wire

MIDNIGHT—Emery Deutsch's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wr «gar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wbt wvej

—Jerry Blaine's Orchestra, WEAF WLS kdka wgy wtam wmaq who

—Freddie Nagel's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30—Garwood Van and the Trocadero Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham

—Richard Himber's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wsbt wbt wcco wwva kmox

—Earl Hines' Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who


Fireside Recital

Helen Marshall, soprano, will sing the Kentucky folk song, "The Little Sparrow," to open the Fireside Re-cital on Sunday, December 5, at 730 p. m. (EST.), over the NBC-Red network, including WSAI. Miss Mar-shall also will offer "The Old Maid's Song" and "The Sleep That Flits From Baby's Eyes," by Carpenter. Sigurd Nilssen, bass, will sing "Hear the Nightingale Sing," "Hangman's Song" and Stephen Foster's "Sweetly She Sleeps My Alice Fair."

Edward G. Robinson is the "sleep-

iest" man in Hollywood. When he

isn't working he takes four- or five-

hour naps in the daytime.



8:011 8:15 1130 8:45

N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes CBS) M Denotes MBS) * PROGRAMS FOR FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10


WCKY l'inr...natt Men s.

Bert Layne's Fiddlers..

Sunkistime . 4.

Morning Round-Up

Four Showmen N Wm. Meader N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW Cincinnati Itc.1

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor Sing Merrymakers

Four Showmen N • Peter Grant-News Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati (550 see.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Christian ScionCe Early Edition-News Dow's Dawn Patrol

Woman's Hour

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 tuo 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati 11330 sc.)

Morning Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Claire N.... Good Morn. Melad. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel .

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 Ice.)


WCPO News Six-to-Niners

.8 .8

I. a

WCPO Newt Gods Bible School.. Six to Niners

WHIO Dayton (IWO he.)

Breakfast Express ....

Little Tom • Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Ounker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

9:15 9:3L 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11A0 11:15 nao 11:45

12410 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 145

2:1I1 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

-4:00 4:15 4130 445

1:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 4:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8e10 8:15 8:30 8:45

Breakfast Club N . •

London Stock Market Martha Lane

For Women Only . Linda's First Love.... Vaughn de Leath N All the Answers Monticello Party Line Betty and Bob Viennese Sestet N Houseboat Hannah

Vlousehold Hour News The Road of LifeN.

Coon Creek Band Carson Robison Murdock Williams The Goldbergs

Betty Crocker Hope Alden's Rom'nce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

WCKY News .. Songs for Everyone Farm and Home Hour N

— ..

Sue Blake N J. and L. Clemens N

Music Appreciation - Hour N.

Murdock Williams Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N . ...... Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N a a

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc NBC Music Apprecia-

tion Hour N

Radio Guild Drama N Pepp'r Young's Pam. N su ....... Ma Perkins N

..... . Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

Sports Review Movieland News Club Matinee N.... Hilltop Serenaders

Sports Review Santa Claus

Straight Shooters N

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hattertields

Junior Nurse Carps Jack Armstrong Fairyland Lady Singing School W

Little Orphan Annie N Angelo Dot Lee .... Supper Serenade WCKY News & Sports Bob Newhall Movieland News Lowell Thomas N

Mary Small N Dr. Karl Reiland N Vic Arden's Orchestra Bughouse Rhythm N

Grand Central Station N

We Present Another of, fl ......

Metropolitan Parade C Richard Maxwell C.... Federation of Churches Bachelor's Children C

Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C.. Tony Wons C Ruth Gerhart, songs C

To be announced C Magazine of Air C. Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C — Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Women's News é Meet the Misses American School of the Air C

News, Fire Prevention Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and Newt

Gold Coast Music C Sundown Serenade . . Dr. Defoe C

Follow the Moon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions Public Health Forum Song Time C

Amos'n' Andy N. . Poetic Melodies C Four Stars Tonight.... Dinner Time Lurn and Abner N.... Contort C Singing Cinderella.... Soak* Carter C

Tonic Time ..... Hammersieftirs Homer Griffith Music Hall C Death Valley Days N Hal Kemp's Dance

Faye C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

moo 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

hoo 1:16 1:30 1:45

2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30


400 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 545

Rainbow Ridge • Sunshine Express N...

What Ned

Mrs. Wiggs N -WCPO News John's Other Wife N Variety Show Just Mail Sill N Clarence Berger Today's Children N Thera Was a Time


The Spectator Musical Menu

The Dreamer

David Harum N.... .. Merry-Go-Round Backstage Wife N.... How to be Charming N Grace anti Eddie

My Boy Matt Jane Gray News Lotus Gardens Orch. M

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiians

Don't Look Now M.. Sylvia Cyde N Cincinnati Your City Musical Travelogue

WSAI Little Show....

It Is Strange

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshman Follies Star Gazin'

Uncle Sammy & Club Songs by Carlotta N Santa Claus Vagabond Quartet N Nixon Denton

WCPO News Happiness Ahead Man on the Street Merry-Go-Round .

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round Dot Club News From Hawaii

WCPO News. - Siesta Open House for Ladies Hollywood Brevities

Today' s Winners

.11 ••

WCPO News Today's Winners Jam for Supper

.• .8

Cornelia on the Air . Richard Maxwell C. Municipal Court Hal and Henry Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Mid and Marge C. Monticello Party Line. Ruth Gerhart, songs C

To be announced C Carol's Romance C.,. Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Mary M. McBride C . Edwin C. Hill C. The Listener Speaks. News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio — Your Neighbor Keyboard and Console Modern Musicale Woman's News C - -

Bob Byron, songs C American School

of the Air C

News; Columbia Concert Hall C

Waltz Time Hurry's Clubmen C.

Between Bookends C Gold Coast Music C. Twenty Fingers Dr. Allan Defoe C.

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers . The Arcadians . "Hilltop House" C..

WLS-WENR WS ChIcarro. IlL (870 Be./ Nashville. Tea:lbw,

5:30 Smile A While 5:45 ell de

6:00 6:15 Ky. Girls & Ramblers 6:30 Sing, Neighbor, Sing 6:45 Pat and Henry 7:00 News Report 7:15 Pokey and Arkie 7:30 Morning Devotions 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals

Stamps Quartet Early Morn. Melodies Almanac"

WSM News Freddie Rose

Asbury Colt., Devotions

Emmy's Band Kentucky Mountaineers

Early Morning — Jamboree


Of Of


8:00 Lulu Belle and Scotty 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle 8:45 The Hill Toppers

Breakfast Club N.... •••••••••••• se a .000.0.00.

le a

9:00 Mary Marlin -N Banner Newshavel- .7.7 9:15 Ma Perkins N Vaughn DeLeath N.... 9:30 Pepper Young's Fern. N Bennett & Wolverton N 9:45 News Report Viennese Ensemble N.

ltà0 The O'Neill: N Norman Sheer N — 10:15 Road of Life Rhythmic Serenade... 10:30 Vic and Sade N How to be Charm'g N 10:45 Gospel Singer N Originalities N

11:00 !Virginia Lee, Sunbeam 11:15 Chuck, Ray & Christine 11:30 G. Wilson, contralto.. 11:45 Markets; News

12:00 Prairie Farmer, 12:15 S Dinnerbell lime 12:30 12:45 Voice of Feed Lot-.

1:00 School Time 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market 1:45 "Big City Parade" ,

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Time for Thought N. Concert Sketches .... National Farm and Home Hour N .


it se

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

NBC Music Apprecia-tion Hour N

es et

et IS

Bob Atcher ... Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line Myrt and Marge C... Tony Wons' Book C Dot and Bill

Weekday Devotions .. Carol's Romance e.. Big Sister C - Aunt Jenny's Stories e

Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trente Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love College of Agriculture Livestock Markets Joe Wheeler

Women's News C - Dance Band University of Kentucky

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee . .

Music Circle Songs by Carlotta N.. Rakov's Orchestra N. Congress Hotel Or. N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill: N

Women's News The Guiding .1.1ght N Club Matinee N Road of LifeN

Clifford Mens, tenor N Winslow of the Navy N Market Reports Two Pianos

Betty and Bob Betty Crocker Jenny Peabody C Yellow Blank Saluts.,,

Hope Alden's Rom'cli. Melodies of Home Quesens Before House Dr. Allan Defoe C

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

6:00 6:15 6:30


7:00 7:16 7:30 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Speed Gibson Rhythmaires N Paul Sullivan Billy Snider's Orch

Tommy Nolan's Orch Uncle Ezra N Don Bettor's Orch Oriental Garden Or. N

Cities Service Concert -Lucille Manners N

. Of

M • . • • .....

WCPO News Margaret Daum C Musical Hits Si Burick Dinner Club Four Stars C

;Songtime C.

Your Suburban Theatre Vie Arden's Orch Congressman Bigelow Dinner Concert C Yours Truly Gene Baker's Orchestra Race Results ,Boake Carter C

News of Business Hammerstein Football Roundup Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Orchestra C

8. f.

9:00 915 tao 945

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11A10 11:15 1130 11:45

WCKY News ..... Arkansas Travelers Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra N ..

. ' Varsity Show N

Cafes of Yesteryear

Paul Martin's Music N

Streamline Revue " "

Taxicab Night Club. Panchito's Orel. N Maude Stein's

Orchestra N ...

First. Nighter N

Jimmy Fidler N Dorothy Thompson N.

Paul Sullivan' To be announced President of Cuba M Paul Sabin's Orch.

Hollywood . Hotel C.

Song Shop C


Lee Bland's Newscast.

Ross Pierce's Orch. Glen Gray's Orch. C Frank Pailey's

Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

woo II:15 11:30 11:45

Waltz Time N

Pat Senses' Opera House M

Billy Snider's Orch. -

Charles Woods, News Tommy Nolares

Orchestra King's Jesters N Art Kassel's Orch

The Spectator Football Roundup Wrestling Matches

WCPO News Football Roundup Popular Melodies Vocal Varieties WCPO News Dance Awhile


Hollywood Hotel C.

SO el

88 40

Songshop C

▪ . .

Newspaper of the Air

Cinema Chatter Glen Gray's Orch. C Sob Chester's Ord Frank Dailey's Orch. C.

5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N Rhythm Time l Margaret Daum C.... 5:15 M. Webers Orch, N. Afternoon News .......Jack Armstrong 5:30 What's the News?.... Vagabonds Salt and Peanuts 5:45 Escorts and Betty N Asher & Little Jimmie Christmas Party

koo 6:15 6:30 6*5

7:00 7:15 Station N 7:30 Death Valley Days N.. 7:45

Mary Small N Dr. Karl Reiland N. Lum and Abner N Vocal Varieties

Grand Central

Sports; Mary Small N Dr. Karl Reiland N... To be announced Stars of Broadway...

Francis Craig's Orch. Musical Moments .. Home Town Memories Waltz Time

Sportraits Dinner Concert C

Boake Carter C Hammerstein Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Dance Band C

8:00 Varsity Show N Varsity Show N 8:15 't .. .. 0

8:30 Tommy Dorsey's Tommy Dorsey'. 8:45 Orchestra N Orchestra N

9:00 Paul Martin's First Nighter-i4 9.15 Music N 8. ..

9:30 Liedersingers N Teachers College of 9:45 Stringing Along N. the Air

10:00 i The Globe Trotter. Amos 'n' Andy N 10:15 King's Jesters Orch. N WSM News 10:30 Maude Stein's Sports: To be 10:45 Orchestra N Announced N

Hollywood Hotel-Jerry Cooper; Ray-mond Paige's Or-chestra C

Songshop with Kitty Carlisle C


Musical Moments ..

Poetic Melodies C .Glen Gray's Orch. C.

Frank Dailey's Or. C. Meador Lowery-News.



1:00-Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor. Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and orches-tra. WABC WKRC wgar wadc wcau wwva

-Mary Small, songs. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk v)ave wire wham - Pepsodent Program. Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy wtam who kyw

-Malcolm Claire-stories. (NBC) wmaq 7:I5-Dinner Concert, (CBS) WKRC WHAS WHIO wadc kmox

-Chrysler Football Parade, with Frank G. Menke. WABC only

-Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp who

.-Dr. Karl Reiland, commentator. WJZ WCKY WSM WLS wham kdka whk wave

7:30-Louise Florea. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp

-Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR whk

-Eddie Duohin's Orchestra: Stanley Worth and Pericia Norman, vocalists; Roger B. Whiteman, author and journalist. WEAF only

-Dinner Concert. (NBC) wave wire wham

7.45-Boake Carter, news commentator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm kmox wcau wcco kmbc wbt

-Louis Panico's Orchestra. (NBC) WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf kyw

-Bughouse Rhythm, novelty program; Dr. John Brunker Meakin, conductor. WJZ WCKY wave whk wire wham

8:00 Grand Central Station, dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wave whk wire wham

-Cities Service Concert: Lucille Manners, soprano, and the Cities Service Quartet; Rosario Bourdons Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj who daf kstp wbap wfaa wfla

-"Hammerstein's Music Hall": Ted Ham-merstein, m. c.; Jerry Mann, comedian, guest star, and Music Hall Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wir wgar kmox wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau wcco wadc wbt ww1

8:30-Death Valley Days, dramatic program, with John MacBryde, Jean King, Harry Humphrey and Jeff Bryant; Orchestra di-rection Josef Bonime. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk

-"Music from Hollywood", starring Alice

Faye with Hal Kemp's Orchestra; Carleton KaDell, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wir wgar kmox wbbm wcau wadc wbt kmbc wgst wwl wcco wfbm

9:00-Waltz Time, with Frank Munn, tenor; Manhattan Chorus; Abe Lyman's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj wdaf kyw who wire

-Hollywood Hotel-Musical Revue: Guests: Jerry Cooper, Anne Jamison, Ken Niles; Raymond Paige's Orchestra, with Ken Mur-ray and "Oswald." WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar kmox kmbc wcau wade wbt wcco wgst wwl

-Pontiac Varsity Show, featuring under-grad-uate talent from the campus of Smith College; Paul Dumont, m.c. WJZ WLS WLW WSM wham kdka whk wfla wave wfaa

9:30-True Story Court of Human Relations, dramatization. WEAF wgy wtam wwj kyw who wmaq wdaf wire

-Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra, with Edythe Wright and Jack Leonard, vocalists; Paul Steward, m. c., WJZ WCKY WLS WSM kdka whk wave wham wowo

10:00-Paul Martin and His Music. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wfla

-The Songshop, starring Kitty Carlisle, Frank Crumit, m. c.; Reed Kennedy: Alice Cor. nett; Songshop Quartet, the 72-Voice Glee Club, direction Ken Christie; 47-piece Or-chestra, direction Gustav Haenschpen.

WAIC WKRC WHAS WHIO %vjr wgar wade wbbm wfbm kmox kmbc wcau wsbt wwl wcco

-Campana's First Nighter, dramatization starring Les Tremayne and Barbara Luddy. Orchestra, direction Eric Sagerquist. WEAF WLW WSM ww1 wave wmaq whim wdaf who kstp wfla %idea kvoo wgy

10:30-Jimmy Fidler and his Hollywood Gos-sip. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwj wire kstp wdaf

-Liedersingers: Mixed Quartet. WJZ WLS kdka whk wham wfla

10:45-"People in the News." Dorothy Thompson, news commentator. WEAF WLW kyw wgy 'dam wwj wire wmaq kstp wdaf

-To be announced. WABC wbbm wjr wfbm wcau wcco kmox wadc wgst

-Stringing Along. WJZ WLS kdka whk wham wfla

I I:00-George R. Holmes, Chief of the Wash-ington Bureau of International News Son, ice. (NBC) wgy wtam wdaf kyw

-Esse News Reporter. WJZ only -Glen Gray's Casa Loma orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHAS WHIO on 11:15) wadc wbt kmox

-Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. .(NBC) whk wave wire wham

-Poetic Melodies. (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wwj wcco kmox kmbc

-Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wmaq wfaa wire wbap kstp wwj wtam

II:05-Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. WJZ (WCKY on II:15) whk wave wire wham

11:15-King's Jester's Orchestra, WEAF WSAI WLS wwj wave wtam kyw who wgy

11:30-Frank Dailey's Orchestra. WABC (WHIO on 11:45) WKRC WHAS %vjr wfbm wcau wadc kmox wbbm kmbc wsbt wbt wear

-Maurie Stein's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

-To be announced. WEAF WSM wetf wave wmaq leans wdaf kstp wgy

MIDNIGHT-Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar wfbm wadc wbbm

-William Scotti's Hotel Ambassador Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

-Chick Webb's Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

12:30-Louis Armstrong's Orchestra. WJZ whk wave

-Frank Dailey's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm kmox wadc

-Happy Felton's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

Don Voorhees has an offer to do a 'series of movie shorts using music similar to his "Cavalcade of America" programs.



DreEMBER 10, 1937 13

Lois January's name may

sound wintry, but there's noth-

ing cold about that smile. .Lois, a screen beauty and songstress, is featured on various NBC programs.

You've never

Page characteristically pursues the even tenor of her wave as a

songstress, comedienne and actress on NBC programs. Just now

she's busy arranging programs for her own network song


London Cab Driver To Broadcast On CBS Life at the wheel of a London, taxi-

cab, with particular emphasis on the trials and tribulations experienced dealing with visiting "Yankees," will be unfolded in a unique interview over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Sunday, December 5, at 1:30 p. m. (E. S. T.), with driver Herbert HeAge telling all. The broadcast will origi-nate in London.

Herbert has been piloting his cab through London streets for almost a decade, during which time he has had, two plays produced at the Unity Theatre in London.


(Continued from page 5)

sick list last week. Back now and okeh. Kressup Erion joined the ranks of early getter-uppers. Un-derstand she's quite a poker player. Again we have a femme emcee in local radio . . . Jane Schroeder does the honors on the God's Bible School show over 'CPO ... a welcome treat. Actor

Bill Green returns to WLW after spending a few months in other parts. You'll be hearing him again as Dr. Kenrad and the Smoke Dreamer, according to rumor. Bet WSAI's Mr. Chamberlain never misses reading the comic strip Slats Scrapple in the Post that's so much like his radio script, "My Boy, Matt" . . . or is this a co-incidence? Onetime local radio's Arthur Aainsworth recouping from a nervous breakdown. Shouldn't be too hard to enter the Merry-Go-Round program's contest . . . best letter on how bad the show is gets five silver dollars ... or isn't it worth the listen.

THUMBS UP: "It Is Strange." Oddities in the news . . . strange stories that happen every day. Swell musical group . . . playing numbers that sound a bit eerie.

More star shooting with the As-tronomer next week, and, as usual, more peeps at people. THEME UP AND OUT.

Alfred Gus Karger, Commentator, Station WCPO, will discuss "Press and Radio" on Saturday evening, December 4th, at 6:45 p. m. (E.S.T.)


1 : I seen a hi gh gale this calm, perhaps. But Cale Alice Frost has lived up to her

name only when she has given icy retorts to the wisecracker on one of her NBC programs. Famous as a heckler, Alice is known as the "girl with a thou-sand voices."


Winters may come

ters may go, but Joan Winters goes on forever in NBC's dra-matic serials. Joan has been a network favorite for more than five years.


(Continued horn page 5)

tour' is to assure variety of programs. Double coveree scarcely means more variety. One of these days the Fed-eral Co llllll unications Commission may take note of what's going on.

* * *

NBC has finally opened the door— at least a crack—to electrical tran-scriptions. Wax programs are now permitted on WEAF and WJZ be-fore 9 a. m.

• * *

Speaking of Hollymood, the great ballyhoo capital is doing its stuff, not wisely but too well, in the applause of visible audiences is bad enough on New York programs. But that's a mere whisper compared mith the Hol-lywood static. It sounds as if all the "yes men" attend every show en masse. And the worse the show, the louder the applaud. It's becoming mighty silly.

* *

And still there's no word about Alexander Woolcott returning to the air. In spite of his bulk, the Town

Crier would fit neatly into several pro-gram spots, now pretty much vacant as far as listener interest is concerned. But, of course, the pudgy commenta-tor isn't a Hollywood idol. That makes all the difference this season.





W HEN the New York League of Business and Professional Women

announced a group of prizes for best essays on "What Woman has contri-buted most to the development of the United States," it is quite reasonable to think they expected some well-known name of history to take top honors. Most everyone else would have, too.

But Miss Dorothy Taylor, 83 State Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., turned the tricks on them. She presented a rather obscure person in such a way as to walk off with the first prize of $500. She chose "Mrs. Jones, The Average American Woman." We quote here-with a portion of Miss Taylor's letter with credit to "New York Notes" in December Contest World.

"You know her. I know her. Every-body knows her. She is the lady who lives next door. She is the woman whose face peers up at you from a


Earn Extra Money for CHRISTMAS

Easy, Pleasant, Profitable Work

Call CHerry 0710 or

Write RADIO DIAL 22 East 12th St. Cincinnati, O.



thousand magazine advertisements, de-picting her routine life. You see her washing clothes, baking pies, playing bridge, getting her young ones of to school, or she may be talking to the grocer, or soothing an irate husband's frazzled nerves. There is nothing spec-tacular about her achievements. She will never receive an award and no one will write her biography. Her name is Mrs. Jones and she is con-stantly making her contribution to the United States."

". . . . in her children Mrs. Jones makes her greatest contribution. Not because she has borne them, but be-cause of what she makes them. She makes thém into te United States. She makes the United States. These are the days presided over by Mrs. Jones', Her days are not days of great importance, just days well spent. But their sum means all of this—good home, good children, good citizens. These are the fruits of Mrs. Jones' days. How does she accomplish them? Instinctively, because she is an Amer-ican Woman . . . Mrs. Jones."

This is not the entire essay, but suf-fices to show one method of being dif-ferent. There are many others.

This is the kind of letter that edi-tors don't put in the "files". To the Editor: "I want to thank

you for quoting my article "The ,Courageous Contestant" which ap-peared recently in Contest News. In 1933 you awarded me third prize in a contest conducted by Contest World and sent me several booklets by Ken-neth Close. I want to take this op-portunity to tell you that the booklets proved very helpful and I am sure were directly responsible for many nice wins. Wishing you continued success

The Musical Merry-Go-Round takes you for a gay ride


INCP0 eleven to twelve every morning

except Sunday

with your contest colu Williams, 775 East Broad Street, 10, Columbus, Ohio.

It is hard to explain why we have hunches or intuition. But the latest attack concerned Old Gold and their current contest.. Something kept tell-ing us it wasn't "setting the woods on fire" as was so freely predicted in the beginning, and then we caught the following paragraph in Contest World: "The present Old Gold con-test is not going over as expected. The returns are only about 25% as com-pared to the first contest using the pic-ture puzzles. The present contest will not reach anywhere the two million mark as the first contest did, unless there is a rush of last minute entries." Many, of course, will wait until the

eleventh hour as usual. A letter writing contest open to

high school students yill shortly be an-nounced by the National Association of Life Underwriters. This is an un-usual affair and more than 100,000 participated last year. A nationwide contest for employers

and employees in retail stores that sell goggles, has been announced by The American Spectacle Co. A new Ford car is the first prize, with minor prizes to follow. Fifity word statement must be made on official entry blank. Prod-uct: Azurine Goggles. Closes: April 30th, 1938.

Pipe & Pouch offers $100 in cash for best original poem dealing with some phases of pipes, tobacco, or smoking generally. Nothing to buy. Closes February 15th, 1938. Details from Harold Roberts, 79 Madison Ave., New York City.

If there is an Oakley Economy Store in your section, ask for an entry blank in their contest. Weekly cash prizes with $1,000 as grand prizes for best short statements conmpleting "I like to trade at Oakley's because —". Closes December 31sth, 1937.

Or, if Cynthia Sweets and Foss Chocolates are sold near you, obtain the details of their travel contest. All expense trip to Nassatf and Havana plus merchandise prizes for best 50 word statements on `What I expect in a fine box of Chocolates". Purchase required. Those living in or near Louisville,

Ky., are eligible to compete for bushel gift boxes of Hammock Citrus Fruits. Purchase required plus a,short letter about Hammock Grapefruit. Address: T. E. Snyder, Manager, Coleman Building, Louisville, Ky.

Between the Bookends—Ted Ma-lone—CBS—New York, awards $10 daily for best poem submitted suitable for use on program.

Denver String Quartet The Denver String Quartet will

play Schumann's Quartet No. 1, Opus 41, during the program, on Sunday, December 5, at 12:00 noon, (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Red network, includ-ing WSAI. Members of the quartet are Henry

Trustman Ginsburg, first violinist; Richard. Sears, secorid violinist; Robert R. Becker, violist, and Frank John, cellist.

Maynard Craig, popular WKRC announcer, who conducts the "Meet the Missus" program of interviews over 'KRC, Mondays through Saturdays at 2:15 o'çlock, is shown above as he ques-tioned a lady on a recent broadcast. Sponsored by Fitzpatrick Brothers, makers of Kitchen Klenzer, "Meet the Missus" is a quarter-hour show of intimate table talks which take place at luncheons given at the Domestic Arts Guild in Cincinnati.

Eighth Year for Show

The "First Nighter" program began its eighth year on the air, Friday, November 26. In honor of the occasion, Les Tre-mayne and Barbara Luddy, co-stars of the show, were heard in a return engagement of "Broken Melody." The program is broad-cast over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, Fridays, at 10:00 p. m. (E.S.T.)



Damrosch Conducts Appreciation Hour

The fourth Concerts in Series A

and B of the NBC Music Appreciation Hour will be conducted by Dr. Walter Damrosch on Friday, December 3, at 2:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the com-bined NBC-Red and NBC-Blue net-

works, including WCKY, WLW and

W S M. The relation of the harp and

piano to the orchestral family will be illustrated in Series A. Music de-

tails include "A Fairy's Love Song," arranged by Kennedy-Fraser; the Fourth Movement from Rimsky-Kor-

e sakoffs" "Spanish Caprice ;" Dvorak's

"Songs My Mother Taught Me ;" "The Bird House" from "The Carni-val of the Animals" by Saint-Saens, and the Fitlale from Concerto in B-Flat Minor for Piano and Orchestra,

by Tschaikowsky. Series B will deal with legends and

fairy tales told in music. Illustrating how music can tell stories, Dr. Dam-rosch will conduct the Overture to "The Flying Dutchman," by Wagner; "Dance of the Sylphs," by Berlioz; "The Enchanted Garden" from Rav-

el's "Mother Goose" Suite, and "The Witch's Ride" from "Hansel and Gre-

tel," by Humperdinck.

Expression Of Five Composers

Given By Bay The manner in which a German, a

Norwegian, a Frenchman, an Ameri-can and a Russian expressed them-selve; in music on the subject of Italy will be shown when Victor Bay directs a program of Impressions of Italy" as part of his "Essays in Music" series over the WABC Columbia network, in-cluding WKRC and WHAS, Thurs-day, December 2, from 10:30 to 11:00 p. m. (E. S. T.). Margaret Daum, CBS soprano, will be the soloist and David Ross, narrator.

Bay will open his concert with the last movement, the Saltarello, from Mendelssohn's "Italian" Symphony to illustrate this composer's use of the gay form of Italian dance so named. Then Miss Daum is to sing the Grieg "From Monte Pincio," meaning "Hill of Gardens."

Bay explains that this was the gar-den Lucullus had on a hilltop in Rome 2,000 years ago and which today is a resort. Grieg's song was written to the lyric of the great Norwegian poet and dramatist Bjornson. The next orchestral selection will be

the romantic Serenade from "Impres-sions of Italy" by Charpentier. The form of this work resembles the reci-

tative. It will be followed by an ' American song, "In Italy" by Jeanne

M. Boyd, which Miss Daum will sing. The concluding selection is the

Italian Capriccio of Tschaikowsky which is an intermingling of tunes in turn gay and sad, tender and robust, and of fast, sparkling tarantelles.

Tibliett To Guest On Ford Concert

Lawrence Tibbett, famous Metro-

politan Opera baritone, will present operatic arias and familiar songs when he makes a guest appearance on thé Ford Concert, Sunday, De-cember 5, at 9:00 p. m. (E. S. T.),

broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS

and WHIO. His first engagement as guest star

with the Ford Symphony follows ap-pearances with the Chicago Opera Company and the Kansas City Sym-phony, and precedes a crowded opera season in New York, during which he is engaged also for many concert

appearances. From opera, Mr. Tibbett has

chosen to sing the aria "En i Tu," from Verdi's "The Masked Ball," and "Te Deum," from Puccini's "Tosca," in which he will be accompanied by the 26-voice Ford chdrus. Other selec-tions by the famous baritone will in-

clude "The Bagpipe Man," by Mc-Kinney; "The Kingdom by the Sea,"

by Somervell, and "De Glory Road," by Wolfe.

Orchestral works on the program will include Philip James' "Bret Harte" overture, "Air on the G String," by Bach, and the overture' from Rossini's "La Gazza Ladra." The program:

''Bret Harte" Overture—James. .Orchestra Eri Tu, from "The Masked Ball"—Verdi,

Mr. Tibbett and Orchestra Air on the G String—Bach Orchestra Talk by Mr. W J. Cameron The Bagpipe Man—McKinney

Mr. Tibbett and Orchestra The Kingdom by the Sea—Somervell

Mr. Tibbett and Orchestra De Glory Road—Wolfe

Mr. Tibbett and Orchestra Te Deum, from "Tosca"—Puccini

Mr. Tibbett, Chorus and Orchestra Overture from "La Garza Larda—

Rossini. Orchestra All Through the Night—Welsh Melody,

Mr. Tibbett, Chorus, Audience & Orchestra

Wide Selection Of Singers Perform On Met Auditions

A baker's daughter, a French-born American and a Canadian will be the three soloists on the "Metropolitan Auditions of the Air" program, Sun-

day, December 5, at 5 p. m. (E.S.T.) when that program is broadcast over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, WLS and WSM.

Miss Marie Veto, a coloratura so-prano who was known on the RK0 circuit when she was 14 years old as

the "School Girl Coloraturo," is the baker's daughter. John Seagle, whose father was an eminent concert bari-tona, is the French-born Ainerican. He received his first singing lesson at the age of three from his father.

Miss Jean MacLachlan, a contralto from Toronto, is the third auditioneer. She also is a painter and at one time was awarded a scholarship to study art. She has sung with the Toronto Conservatory of Music, Canadian Grand Opera company and other mu-sical societies in Canada.

H. L. Mencken On CBS

H. L. Mencken, recent guest on the "American School of the Air" program over the WABC-Columbia network, and Earl McGill (left), Columbia producer of the educational feature talk over this business of "words" before the broadcast. The noted philologist discussed "The American Language" as a portion of the School's regular literature lesson.

Music Hall Features Eisenberger Soloist All-Sibelius Concert On Conservatory An all-Sibelius concert will be pre-

sented by the Radio City Music Hall

Symphony Orchestra, with Viola

Philo, soprano, as soloist, during the

Music Hall On the Air program, Sun-

day, December 5, at 12:30 p. m.

(E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network,

including WCKY, WLW and WLS.

The orchestra will open the con-cert with the Finnish composer's Sev-enth Symphony, which continues the Music Hall's policy of presenting the seven complete symphonies written by Sibelius. Miss Philo will sing "Des tree Kuss;" "War Es Ein Traum:" "Mein Vogel Kehrt Nicht Wieder," and "Madchen Kom Von Stilldich-kein." The orchestra will play "Swan of Tuonela" and "Finlandia."

Stokowski Conducts Tschaikowsky's 5th Leopold Stokowski will conduct the

Philadelphia Symphony orchestra in Tschtikowsky's Fifth Symphony in its entirety during the bank-sponsored program, Monday, December 6, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLS.

The Tschaikowsky opus, probably his most popular, is unusual in that the third movement is written in valse tempo. The concert will originate in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia.

Two soloists will appear with the

Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra di-

rected by John Barbirolli, Sunday,

December 5, at 3:00 p. m. (E. S. T.),

when that program is broadcast over

the WABC-Columbia network, includ-

ing WKRC and WHAS.

Mishel Piastro, concertmeister of the

orchestra, will play the Lalo Sym-

phonic Espagnole; and Charles Wake-

field Cadman, eminent American com-

poser-pianist, will perform the solo

portion of his own "Dark Dancers of

the Mardi Gras."

Barbirolli will open the concert with

the Overture to Mozart's opera, "The

Marriage of Figaro." After the Lalo

performance the Dvorak Symphonic

Variations on an Original Theme

will be given. Cadman's work, which

is to be heard in New York for the

first time; will open the second half,

which will be completed with a Pa-vane by Faure and Wagner's "Reinzi"

Overture. "Dark Dancers of' the Mardi Gras"

is described as a ten-minute fantasy

tracing "the American scene" as re-flected in this case by the simultaneous carnival-making of whites and blacks, each in their own street, in New Or-leans. Deems Taylor's commentaries will be presented as usual.

Severin Eisenberger, concert pianist

and member of the artist faculty of

the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music,

will appear as soloist with the Con-

servatory orchestra under the direction

of Alexander von Kreisler, Saturday,

December 4, at 11:00 a. m. (E. S.T.) when that program is broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, includ-ing WKRC, WHAS and WHIO.

Eisenbergér's numbers include Mo-zart's Concerto No. 24 in C minor and Eight Preludes from Opus 28 by Chopin. The orchestra is to present von Kreisler's own sketch for string orchestra entitled "In the Novgorod Forests."

Two Soloists On Philharmonic Hour


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Lombard, MacMurray In Drama for "Hotel" Carole Lombard and Fred Mac-

Murray, outstanding film team, will present highlights from their picture, "True Confession" when they visit "Hollywood Hotel," broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, includ-ing WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO, Fri-day, December 3, at 9:00 p. m. (EST.) Loretta Lee, popular singing star,

will again be heard offering several hit tunes of the day, when she sub-stitutes for Frances Langford. Other musical and comedy highlights will bring to the microphone Jerry Cooper, Anne Jamison, Ken Niles, Raymond Paige's orchestra with Ken Murray and "Oswald."

Miss Lombardi and Mr. MacMur-ray had been scheduled to appear on November 26, but, becaust of a last minute change, their appearance was postponed one week.

Personalities On Parade "Personalities on Parade," which

was began on WKRC in the early fall

and which has grown to be one of the most popular broadcasts at the hill-top station, will be aired each

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:15 p. m., beginning Tuesday, No-vember 30. The Cincinnati Oil Works Company will be the sponsor.

Salute Lowell, Mass.

Major Bowes will salute Lowell, Mass., when he conducts his "Original Amateur Hour" program over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Thurs-day December 2, at 9:00 p. m. ( E. S. T.).


(C:ontinued from page 5)

sition in football makes such a state-ment over the air, or in the papers, he is taking plenty of chances to be criti-

cised. "Potsy" backea up • his opinion by

telling of all the things "Dutch" can do on the gridiron.

On a recent Columbia hook-up, a man of national prominence in sports, called "Dutch" Clark the greatest of

all grid stars.

Another outstanding example of a small town player strutting his stuff when his 'chance on the 'big time" ar-


The story is told that Clark wanted to leave Portsmouth after being there only a week. He was away from home for the first time and the owners had a lot of trouble making him stay with the Spartans.

*So, when all-teams put in their ap-pearance, remember way down yonder, in some small town, there is another "Dutch" Clark, his light hidden under a barrel.

Voice of Firestone

Richard Crooks, tenor, will sing Che Gelida Manina from Puccini's

"La Boheme" as a highlight of the Voice of Firestone program, with Alfred Wallenstein's orchestra, on Monday, December 6, at 8,-.30 p. m.

(EST.), over the NBC-Red network, including WSAI and WSM.

Crooks also will sing Strauss' "Zue-ignurig" and "Where Ere Ye Walk,"

by Handel, and the orchestra will play Guion's "Alley Tunes." The mixed chorus will be heard in Rod-

gers' "My Heart Stood Still," Ger-shwin's "Liza," and, with Crooks, a Youmans medley, to conclude the

half-hour concert.

Roxy's Find On CBS Ruth Carhart, contralto

of the late "Roxy" is the WABC-Colum-bia network, in-cluding WKRC

and WHIO, Mon-days, Wednesdays

a n d Fridays, a t 1 0 : 4 5 a. m. (E.S.T.) on her own program. She

also is heard at 6:45 p.m.(E.S.T. on the "Songtimc' program also broadcast over the WABC - Columbia network, includine WHIO.

discovery featured over

Clark Gable Guest On "Silver Theater" Clark Gable, outstanding member of

the film colony, will make a guest star appearance on the "Silver Thea-ter" program in a specially adapted vehicle, on Sunda-, December 5, over the WABC-Columbia network, includ-ing WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, at 5:00 p. m. (E. S. T.).

Gable will be supported by a well-known screen actress and the produc-tion will be produced and directed by Conrad Nagel, who will also be heard as narrator. Felix Mills and an aug-mented orchestra will provide back-

ground music.

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