Page 1: Youth in Action Programme Action 4.6 – Youth support system Partnership Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Youth in Action Programme

Action 4.6 – Youth support system


Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Page 2: Youth in Action Programme Action 4.6 – Youth support system Partnership Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Title of the project :

ERY – European Regions for Youth

Page 3: Youth in Action Programme Action 4.6 – Youth support system Partnership Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Type and number of activities:

Activity typeNumber ofactivities*

Number ofparticipants*

(young people andyouth workers)

I) Project coordination and visibility of the partnership

2 40

I) Trans-national Youth Exchanges

3 150

I) Training and Networking 2 80

TOTAL 7 270

Page 4: Youth in Action Programme Action 4.6 – Youth support system Partnership Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Duration of the project

Start date of theproject:(date of firstCosts incurred)

01/04/2011End date of the project:(date of last costsincurred)


Total duration*

(in months)30


Aquitaine (France), Dolnośląskie (Poland), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Hessen(Germany), Pays de la Loire (France), Generalitat Valenciana (Spain), Gћawdex (Malta), Västra Götaland (Sweden), Wales (United Kingdom) and Wielkopolska (Poland).

Page 5: Youth in Action Programme Action 4.6 – Youth support system Partnership Call for Proposal EACEA/16/10

Project implementation Activity programme: No sub-contracting is foreseen, as all tasks will be taken care of by us, at the Emilia – Romagna Regional Government and by our associated partner Regions. Working methods envisaged include: group and plenary sessions; the use of audio-visual, verbal and non-verbal communication tools; preparatory pre-departure tasks on the participants’ local realities, to be then shared with the young people from other countries, and post-return debriefings; final evaluations will be carried out during the various activities, through questionnaires and results’ discussion. The sharing of tasks within our Regional Government will take place within our International Youth Co-operation Working Group, co-ordinated by our department and in which colleagues from all Regional Ministries working with youth participate. Organisation and co-ordination with our associated partners will be carried out through, both, the constant communication flow among the ERY Network’s members and the Network’s meetings, taking place an average of two times every year. The quality and coherence of the activity programme will be ensured through the permanent communication and ad hoc meetings within the ERY Network and with the participating youth NGOs and youth workers. The planned activities and working methods will contribute to the non-formal education learning process in that: A. they all are non-formal education events; B. the non-formal educational components will be reflected upon during the preparation, the implementation and the post-return activities outlined above. The participants’ social, professional and personal development will be promoted through the contents of the project’s activities, the collective reflection of the activities’ non-formal education elements, the exchange of best practises, the creation of networks in the sectors/themes covered by the activities and the stage and internships opportunities offered by the ERY Network.

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Summary of the projectThe project’s objectives are: A. to build within the Network on the Youth-in-Action general objectives as well as on the specific ones of the Action 4.6; B. to work on European citizenship, the co-operation in the cultural and creativity fields, to train for European youth work and foster youth participation in public life; C. to support the ERY Network’s growth.Two co-ordination / visibility activities (40 participants), three multilateral youth exchanges (150 participants), one partnership-building (40 participants) and one training course (40 participants) are foreseen by the project: 2 events in Bordeaux, France – 3 events in Bologna and Comacchio, Italy – 1 event in Poznan, Poland – 1 event in Gozo, Malta.Expected tangible results are, for each project’s activity: A. a video; B. a final report; C. posters, brochures and gadgets. All audio-visual documentation and training materials will be available for dissemination on the EVE electronicplatform. The project’s results will be disseminated through the Emilia – Romagna and the other ERY Regions Internet sites, as well as the media of the local communities where the activities take place and the youth NGOs’ information channels.The envisaged impact: 3 new youth NGOs representatives, for each ERY Region, taking part in the project’s activities; 2 European thematic networks created around the activities’ contents; 1 European project proposal from each ERY Region deriving from the project; 2 new Regions becoming member of the ERY Network.

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