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CONFERENCE BOOKLET11TH - 14TH JUNE 2015二零一五年六月十一至十四日


A JOURNEY OFchangemakers

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TABLE OF CONTENTS目錄Message from the President


About Youth to Sustainability Summit

History of Youth to Sustainability Summit


Theme: A Journey of Changemakers

Areas of Discussion 2015

Conference Session Blocks

Conference Schedule (Day 1)

Speakers of Day 1

Conference Schedule (Day 2)

Speakers of Day 2

Conference Schedule (Day 3)

Speakers of Day 3

Conference Schedule (Day 4)

Speakers of Day 4

Our Partners



















講者 (一)


講者 (二)


講者 (三)


講者 (四)


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WHY FOCUS ON YOUTH? Because they are the future CEOs, Presidents, Teachers, Researchers, and Decision Makers. In 10, 15 years down the line we will be responsible in how we want to shape the society. For us to be able to make the correct judgement, it starts from us understanding the society we’re facing today. The upcoming 4 days is designed to enable every youth to not only understand deeper on sustainability issues Hong Kong is facing today, but also design and pitch practical ideas that can be implemented by people living in Hong Kong.This summit is not only for you, but also for the 7.1 million citizens of Hong Kong, but also for the millions of lives who will be looking after this city in the next decades ahead.So what are you waiting for? Your proactive-ness is the first step in changing Hong Kong! Let’s make things happen! Enjoy Youth Summit 2015!

近年來,香港社會各界更加專注於青年發展工作,投放大量資源培養香港青年質素及全人發展。青年人是社會重要的資源因為十,二十年後,有能力改變社會的人就是我們。而改變社會前,就先要了解我們身處的社會 。


有了你們的信念,我們才可以人傳人,心傳心, 影響及喚醒香港7百萬人的心,令身邊每一個人都相信自己擁有改變社會的能力。盡情享受這四日三夜的旅程,抓緊這機會,發揮我們正面的影響力吧!



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ABOUT AIESEC關於 國際經濟商管學生會

AIESEC Is the largest youth-run organization in the globe. We are run by youth for youth. With our pres-ences in more than 126 countries and territo-ries in the past 64 years, we develop youth with leadership experiences, international internship experiences and the platform to exchange ideas and thoughts with AIESEC members across the globe. We believe that youth is the future. If we want to make future a better place, we need to make our peers and us a better leader. We strive to create change agent to make a positive im-pact to the society so as to achieve our vision: peace and fulfilment of humankind potential.


125Countries & territories

100 000Members worldwide

2 400Universities

780Local Committees

66Years of History

1 000 000Alumni

7 000Partner






Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學Hong Kong Baptist University 香港浸會大學Lingnan University 嶺南大學The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 香港科技大學The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學The University of Hong Kong 香港大學


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We believe youth is the key to sustainability of a city.We believe in developing youth by experi-ences and exchange of thoughts with youth globally.We strive to create leaders with global mind-set, social awareness, and cultural sensitivity.We aim to create youth leaders that carry Hong Kong and the world to move on and build a better city.



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OBJECTIVESAn international platform for youths to transform into action-driven leaders with global mindset through exploring and discussing global and local issues with current leaders from various fields. By the end of the summit, young leaders will be inspired in generating impactful and sus-tainable solutions with chances to get their voice heard by the society.

高峰會目標國際青年高峰會一個是在讓青年發展世界觀和實踐力的平台。透過與各界領袖溝通研討有興趣的社會議題和與學生們探索可行及可持續的解決方案,讓香港和國際青年攜手發揮社會正面影響力。一. 喚醒青少年,使他們認識自己作為社會的推






“Ecolity” Global Youth SummitTheme: Carbon Reduction

“Ecolity” Global Youth SummitTheme: Cultivating Green Leadership

Youth to Sustainability SummitTheme: Be inspired to inspire

Youth to Sustainability SummitTheme: LeaderShift the City

1. Awaken youth to their ability and role in being a change agent and thus making positive chang-es in our society

2. Provide a platform where young leaders come together to voice out their concerns on major world and local issues3. Generate new, actionable ideas about the fu-ture with a creative and critical mindset


二. 提供一個平台,讓青少年可以就本地及世界的問題提出自己的意見

三. 啟發並落實對社會未來兼具創意及實際的想法

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Across the horizon, ambition and creativity have always been a symbol of the local people. Mean-while,over years, youths in Hong Kong strive for their excellence to start up their business which creates an impact for themselves. Yet, with the inspirations, network and exposure, we believe the young, innovative future leaders in Hong Kong can also contribute to the sustainable de-velopment of the world and our city to a better place to live.

Therefore in Youth Summit 2015, we are bringing in relevant external speakers, with workshops related to innovation, problem solving and pro-ject management to equip passionate youths the necessary skills and knowledge to be the change they want to be, and at the same time, to call for their actions to create the direct impact to the society.





Self- Youth



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GREEN LIFESTYLEHong Kong has been de-veloping world class green technology and architecture around the city. Yet surpris-ingly, we are a slower adop-ter of a greener lifestyle which small changes in our habits can create a strong impact to the environmental sustainabil-ity. What are the challenges we are facing and what is the long term solution?

SOCIAL INCLUSIONBeing one of the most dense-ly populated city in the world, Hong Kong is a city of diver-sity. While our economy flies, are people with different eth-nicity, sexual orientation or background given a fair op-portunity to grow and contrib-ute?

CULTURAL PRESERVA-TION & DEVELOPMENTFrom the good old Canton-ese culture to 1980s when Hong Kong became the pro-duction hub of music and movies to Chinese commu-nities around the world... Where are we now towards a culturally sustainable envi-ronment to inspire creativity and cultural development in the city?


社會共融香港是人口密度甚高的多元化 城 市 。 在 經 濟 快 速 發 展的道路上,來自不同種族、性向及背景的人是否擁有同等的機會為此付出和享受成果?

文化多樣性廣東文化源遠流長,在八十年 代 , 香 港 已 成 為 華 語 音樂和電影的夢工廠,享譽全球。時至今日,我們還可以怎 樣 為 文 化 發 展 注 入 新 動力?

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OPENING CEREMONY 開幕典禮We are honoured to invite Mr. Ryo Enda, President of AIESEC in Hong Kong and Mr. Clive Fan to our Opening Ceremony to share the impor-tance of youth leadership and their views on youth development. 高峰會有幸邀請到AIESEC IN HONG KONG 會長遠田亮先生及騰訊公益慈善基金會營運總監李家倫先生於開幕禮分享領袖才能的重要性對及對現時香港青年發展的看法與遠景。

SELF-FULFILMENT SESSION 會議 議單元1: 自我實現To enable delegates to understand their possible learning in the Sum-mit, and get to know their strengths and weakness to create the possi-ble positive impacts in the society. 透過胡世君先生分享旅遊及成為作家的心路歷程,啟發參加者從他人的故事去思索自己的未來 。

CHANGEMAKER SESSION 社創點子工作坊These are skill-set workshops to assist delegates in planning and draft-ing their solutions, such as qualitative measurements, thinking model and design models. 以工作坊活動等方式讓與會者了解專案策劃和思維模式,讓大家以遊戲活動等方式認識如何分析及世紀屬於年輕人的社創新點子。

YOUTH TO SUSTAINABILITY EXHIBITION 2015青年可持續發展博覽 An exhibition that gathers corporates, social enterprises and NGOs to showcase their practicable actions contributing to the sustainable development locally and globally to youths.


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YOUTH STORIES 會議單元2: Y世代故事Inviting external youthful speakers to share their personal experiences acting as societal leaders on bringing positive impacts and sustainabil-ity to society.4名大學畢業生,各走夢想路。從放棄牛津畢業生高薪厚職,到港大畢業生投身開設慈善事業。他們由一個個對前途迷茫的年輕人變成今天社會上難能可見的追夢者。

IDEA VILLAGE 成果分享會After the 3-day educational and inspirational sessions and workshops, delegates will present their ideas in an open exhibition and receive feed-back from the general public. 這三天的高峰會中,參加者與各國青年,社會領袖互相討論後,將於週日把他們的社創點子和創意企劃與公眾分享。屆時各校長,教授將到場參與,見證一眾學生的成長,聆聽年青人的聲音。

YOUTH IMPACT FORUM 青年影響力論壇This forum engages speakers from all-rounded aspects, including the Government, corporates and other organizations, to witness delegates’ learning outcomes - actionable solutions for the sustainable develop-ment of Hong Kong. 我們為參加者帶來對香港抱有熱情的企業家,政府代表和學者,告訴參加者他們對香港未來十年的看法及Y時代該如何裝備自己,創造改變。

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9:00am Registration

10:00am Opening Plenary

11:00am Self Fulfilment 1: Why you are here?

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm Opening Ceremony

2:00pm Hong Kong Today

3:00pm Self Fulfilment 2

Making the difference

4:00pm Changemaker 1.0:

Why and HCD

5:00pm Green:

Powerful habits that makes a greener world

Social: HK, a truly ‘international’



Our roots – a blend of Chinese heritage and

colonial influence

6:00pm Evening Plenary

7:30pm Hall Check-in

8:30pm Hong Kong Night

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Kenneth Wu joined the Australia working holiday scheme and always encourage young people to travel round the world for a broader horizon. As a writer on the internet, he usually writes on the topics about love, travelling, culture and society. He has the MA in Gender Studies and Master of Cultural Studies degrees. He also published the books on love and working holiday.胡世君曾經參加澳洲工作假期計劃,並於回港後積極鼓勵年輕人走出香港,放眼世界。擁有性別研究 / 文化研究雙碩士的他,活躍於網上媒體,善寫愛情、旅遊、文化、社會時事等文章。他的著作包括《戀愛不是請客食飯》及《打工旅人——工作假期六國誌》等。

Mr. Lee is the founding President of three inter-national NGOs for youth development and ex-change, the director of 10 youth organizations, former advisory committee member to Hong Kong Federation of Youth Organizations as well as an invited trainer for Oxfam on international exchange and volunteering李家倫曾任香港青年協會青年服務諮詢委員會委員,並於2013年得到香港青年服務大獎。他毅然放棄優薪厚職,曾奉獻個人所有積蓄,全力協助青年人面對成長的挑戰。基於這份樂於回饋,服務香港的心志而創立了慈善組織「香港.智營」。該組織透過舉辦大型師友計劃及教育座談會等,為超過1,000名基層家庭長大的高中學生,進行大規模的師友配對計劃。李家倫長期扶助來自弱勢家庭的青少年認識世界,透過「香港.智營」活動,鼓勵他們互動交流、建立服務社會的心志,發揮個人潛能。



Mr. Clive Lee (COO, Chen Yidan Foundation, Tencent)


Mr. Kenneth Wu (Writer)

胡世君先生 (作家)

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After graduated from the University of Hong Kong, Joanne has been involved in relief and de-velopment field for more than 10 years. She was stationed in remote villages in Northwest China for several years, and worked together with the marginalized villagers to build up their capacity and lives. Her passion to work for the poor and disadvantaged, was developed throughout her study abroad and extensive travel experiences from teenage to university, being touched by the life changing stories whom she has met.


Cultural Outings was set up in 2011 and now a registered charitable institution of a public char-acter with the aim to promote multiculturalism in Hong Kong, we have organized more than 200 activities for over 4000 participants from univer-sities, schools, NGOs and the public. To learn more about us, you can visit our facebook.許多人喜愛透過旅行去了解不同的文化,其實,在我們居住的香港,也可發掘不同的文化。我們希望各階層的人,不論任何背景,都能體驗香港的文化多樣性,以推動不同文化間的認識和尊重。

想 了 解 更 多 , 請 查 閱 我 們 的 專 頁 :



Ms. Joanne Choi (Deputy Director of FAIR CIRCLE)


Cultural Outings


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Dr. Benjamin Au Yeung is a linguist in Hong Kong, also the Senior Lecturer of Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prof. Cheung Hung Nin is his predecessor in linguistic studies. His area of expertise includes Chinese Literature, Can-tonese culture, language education & syntactic comparison. Apart from his accomplishment in education, Dr. Au Yeung is also an active col-umnist on Ming Pao Daily, Hong Kong Economic Journal and Sing Tao Daily. He has been Guest Host in various TV informative programs as well. He was awarded the Outstanding Thesis Award (Ph.D. thesis) from the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong in 2006. His academic writings have been quoted by the Linguistic Inquiry at Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as Bi-lingualism: Language and Cognition at the Uni-versity of Cambridge.

歐陽偉豪博士是香港語言學家、香港中文大學中國語言及文學系高級講師,師承著名語言學家張洪年教授,其研究範疇包括中國語言學、粵語語法、句法對比及語言習得。 除了學校教學之外,他在《明報》專欄〈同你講正音〉、〈同你講正句〉、〈中英見面冊〉及〈中英對談〉教授中文及英文知識,也有為《信報》及《星島日報》撰寫專欄,並曾連續一年多為《東方日報》撰寫專欄〈豪筆起〉。歐陽偉豪曾於2006年獲得香港語言學學會最佳博士論文獎,其學術著作曾被麻省理工學院的 Linguistic Inquiry、劍橋大學的 Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 學院等引用。

Dr. Benjamin Au Yeung (Senior Lecturer of Department of Chinese Language and Literature at The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

歐陽偉豪博士 (香港中文大學中國語言及文學系高級講師)

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8:30am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Plenary



Leading a behavioural change on reuse &



Social Mobility and Equal Opportunities


New Media Generation

11:00pm Green:

Eco-tourism Social: LGBTQ

Cultural: Creative Industry

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm Youth to Sustainability Exhibition 2015:

Imagination to Actions

3:00pm Hong Kong Tomorrow

3:45pm Changemaker 2.0:

Value Preposition

5:00pm Idea Village Demo

6:00pm Planning Board

7:00pm Dinner

8:00pm Evening Plenary

9:00pm Band Night

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Born and brought up in Hong Kong, Ren Wan is dedicated to live as an ethical, responsible and conscious urbanite. As Managing Editor of WestEast Magazine, she brings to intellectu-al readers insightful stories about urban issues, environment, culture and fashion. With a strong belief in market environmentalism as a practical way to promote the right values, Ren co-founded JUPYEAH, Hong Kong’s pioneering swap event organiser and sharing economy advocate that provides practical solutions for reducing waste and irresponsible consumption.Ren是一位於香港土生土長、具有責任心和公民意識的都市人。作為「東西雜誌,她致力於為讀者帶來各種有關都市、環境、文化及時尚並具啟發性的故事。

Ren一直深信市場環境是推廣正確價值觀最直接的途徑,所以於2011年,她偕同友人創辦了「JupYeah 執嘢」—香港換物平台及最大規模換物會舉辦單位,期望以「以物換物」的環保概念減少公眾的過剩消費。

To Yau hopes they can explore more possibilities in life by gathering people together through the ground, hand-made ceramic products. It is not a restaurant, ceramics classrooms, nor a farm, but a living practice space.

世上萬物互相關連,從泥土到樹,從農田到食物,從食物到人。在「土丘」,我們搓陶泥、造麵包、手作、耕作,也享受大自然的餽贈,品嘗粗食。不只提取,更在於付出;著眼於足夠,而不過多,因為萬物都是一體,豐盛在於循環不息 。

Ms. Ren Wan (Founder of Jup Yeah)


To Yau


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Before becoming a social entrepreneur, Cheney was a Fundamental Equity client portfolio manager in Goldman Sachs and involved in communicating the firm’s equity strategies to institutional investors. Cheney has been devoted to the advocacy of children‘s rights in Hong Kong and international level for more than a decade. In 2006, he co-founded Kids’Dream, the first child-led organization promoting children‘s rights in Hong Kong with members more than 200 people now. He was selected by the UN to be the Asia-Pacific representative in an advisory group evaluating the reporting system of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2008.


Action Q is an LGBT advocacy group formed by students across various institutions in Hong Kong. We believe in the power of action in realizing our vision for an LGBT-friendly environment on campuses and in society. As a civil society organization, we are also concerned about other issues of social justice and we are part of an alliance that advocates for direct civil nominations in Chief Executive elections in Hong Kong.

於二零一四年三月成立,為跨院校的同志平權團體,旨在推動校園和社會成為同志友善環境,主張以行動實踐理念,過往行動包括:跨院校宣傳同志遊行、組織逾三百人「大專撐同志」隊伍參與同志遊行、同婚享幸福、聯署支持 「公民直接提名‧必不可少」聯盟、於七一遊行擺放街站、倡議同志友善校園政策等。

Mr. Cheney Cheng (Co-Founder of Teach4HK)

鄭先生 (良師香港創辦人)

Action Q


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Mr. Chan Hok-ming, Bachelor of Arts (Applied and Media Arts), an active Hong Kong Video Blogger (Vlogger), well-recognised with his videos about current social issues in his ironic style of presentation. Mr. Chan is currently the Partner of Vlogger Entertainment Co Ltd, with his core business as viral artists management.

陳學鳴先生,應用及媒體藝術學士,近年以”司徒夾帶”名義成為香港活躍Video Blogger (簡稱Vlogger),比較深入民心的是以諷刺”抽水”手法製作關於社會時事的網絡短片。

司徒夾帶現為Vlogger Entertainment Co Ltd的合夥人,主要經營網絡藝人管理業務。

Mr. Chan Hok-ming (Partner of Vlogger Entertainment Limited)

陳學鳴先生 (Vlogger Entertainment Co Ltd合夥人)

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8:30am Breakfast

9:00am Morning Plenary

10:00am Youth Stories

12:00pm Lunch

1:00pm Changemaker 3.0: Channels & Partners

2:15pm Break

2:45pm Business to Sustainability Forum

4:00pm Changemaker 4.0:

How to Measure Impact

5:00pm Planning Board + Consultation

7:00pm Evening Plenary

8:00pm Dinner

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Christopher is passionate about building and applying frameworks, bridging perspectives and space travel. While studying economics and finance at the University of Hong Kong, he led double digit growth for 2 consecutive years in the AIESEC in HKU. He currently manages finance, operations and human resources at the 24 Hour Race.

姚先生是24小時接力賽(24 Hour Race)的創辦人之一,主要管理財政,營運及人力資源。他在香港大學修讀經濟及金融學期間,帶領AIESEC香港大學分會在業務發展上連續兩年有明顯的增長。

Born in Hong Kong, Andre is studying at The University of Hong Kong, majoring in International Relations, currently in a Gap Year. He has since been devoting in international development in youth opportunities and social entrepreneurship.He has founded UNlimited Institute, a social business organising experiential learning programs for academia-practicum opportunities across ASEAN and beyond, and currently President of ASEAN Entrepreneur Foundation.

郭先生出生於香港,於香港大學修讀國際關系,休學一年,熟衷於青年及社會企業在國際社會上的發展。UNlimited Institute創辦人,東南亞企業基金 (ASEAN Entrepreneur Foundation)的主席。

Mr. Christopher Hugentobler (Co-founder of 24 Hour Race)

姚思陶先生 (24小時接力賽創辦人)

Mr. Andre Kwok (President of ASEAN Entrepreneur Foundation)

郭嘉明先生(UNlimited Institute創辦人)

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Born in Germany, Till graduated from Oxford University with a Masters degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. He has since gathered international working and training experience in the UK, Germany, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia and Taiwan, ranging from management of corporates and non-profit-organizations to cultural and leadership training.

He is now running Inter Cultural Education, an award-winning social enterprise in Hong Kong promoting social inclusion and cultural diversity to students.

Till 曾於英國牛津大學碩士畢業,主修數學與計算機科學。他畢業以後一直在英國,德國,俄羅斯,新加波,泰國,柬埔寨和台灣等地方不斷累積工作經驗,負責公司營運管理和在非牟利組織進行培訓。他現時是Inter-Cultural Education的總經理,一個獲獎無數並以社會包

Mr. Jeffrey Phoenix Hui is Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Institute of Marketing, Managing Director of InnoSights Limited and Founding Chairperson of The Phoenix Chamber. He is the founder of the renowned “Purple Oceans Strategy”.

As a well-rounded marketing and training professional, Jeffrey served at various top-notch business, media and educational organizations, including Procter & Gamble, Cathay Pacific Airways, TVB, RTHK, King’s Glory Education.

許 先 生 是 香 港 市 務 學 會 的 副 主 席 , 創 智 市場策略有限公司的董事總經理,‘The Phoenix Chamber ‘ 和‘ Purple Oceans Strategy ‘的創辦人。作為一位全方位的專業人士,許先生亦曾於多間知名企業工作,包括保潔(Procter & Gamble),國泰航空(Cathay Pacific), 電視廣播有限公司(TVB),香港電台(RTHK)和英皇教育(King’s Glory Education)等等。許先生對商業理論和實踐一直充滿熱誠,

Mr. Till Kraemer (General Manager, Inter Cultural Education)

Till Kraemer 先生 Inter-Cultural Education總經理

Mr. Jeffrey Phoenix Hui (Vice Chairperson of Hong Kong Institute of Marketing)

凌羽一先生 (香港市務學會副主席)

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The founder and Executive Director of Hong Kong Sustainable Development Research Institute (HKSDRI). Member of United Nations (UN) ESCAP Business Advisory Council and Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies.

Ivan actively participates in different areas of social affairs. He is currently the Committee Member of Sir David Trench Fund Committee for Recreation of Home Affairs Bureau, HKSAR, the Trustee of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, the Member of Working Group of Sustainability of Fashion Industry Development Committee. He would like to contribute to the community better with his roles in different areas.

香港可持續發展研究中心(HKSDRI)創辦人及執行總監,兼任United Nations (UN) ESCAP Business Advisory Council、全國港澳研究會成員。全方位的他亦積極投入多項社會事務,如擔任民政事務局戴麟趾爵士康樂基金委員會委員、香港賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金受託人、服裝發展委員會服裝業可持續發展工作小組成員。他希望透過在社會上不同的角色,更貼近大眾,更好聆聽民情。

Mr. Ivan Chu Siu Lun (Founder and Executive Director of HKSDRI)

朱兆麟先生 (香港可持續發展研究中心創辦人及執行總監)

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Ms. Tseng graduated from Tamkang University with a MS in management sciences,Betty Tseng currently serves at NU SKIN Enterprises as Vice President, NU Dream Team,is responsible for praise, reward and organizational development.

Ms. Tseng joined NU SKIN in 2008 and served as Senior HR Manager in NU SKIN Taiwan. In 2012, she was promoted to Vice President of NU SKIN Greater China NU Dream Team. In 2013, she was awarded as “Top 100 MVP managers 2013” by Manager Today Magazine because of her excellent performance in organization development. Under her leadership, NU SKIN won the “Best Companies to Work For” award presented by the Taipei City Government Department of Labor (DOL) and “China’s Best Annual Employers - Shanghai’s Top 10” in 2012. And in 2013, NU SKIN won “China’s Best Annual Employers Top 30” and “China Social Responsibility employers Top10”. NU SKIN also won HR Salon Awards and China HR Pioneer Awards. In 2014, NU SKIN received the honor of “Best Companies to Work For” again.

Ms. Tseng also makes earnest efforts to the health and growth of needy children. Since 2012, she has been appointed as the Executive Director of NU SKIN Greater China Children Heart Fund to help children with congenital heart disease to start new lives. And she is also the Executive Director of NU SKIN Greater China Microfinance Fund in the project of NU SKIN Greater China Microfinance Fund, China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. Furthermore, she makes contributions to the healthy growth of needy children as Executive Director of Management Committee of NU SKIN Greater China NTC Project, China Foundation for Disabled Persons.

Ms. Betty Tseng (Vice President of NU SKIN Greater China NU Dream Team)

NU SKIN demonstrates its tradition of innovation through its comprehensive anti-aging product portfolio, independent business opportunity and corporate social responsibility initiatives. The company’s scientific leadership in both skin care and nutrition has established NU SKIN as a premier anti-aging company. In anti-aging science, NU SKIN is a leading way since inception. ageLOC® is a scientific breakthrough that goes beyond the signs to target the ultimate sources of aging. As a global direct selling company, NU SKIN operates in 53 markets worldwide and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “NUS.” More information is available at

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Freddy Law, Wai-hung, is the founder and chairman of ICE. His idea of empowering local ethnic minority in becoming intercultural trainers for education has won the champion of Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 2010 and PolyU Micro Fund for Entrepreneurship 2013. Freddy was recognised for the Young Social Entrepreneur Award 2011 in Hong Kong and was selected as ECSEL fellow 2012 which brought him to exchange his insights with students and professionals from Harvard, Stanford and Yale University. Passionate in nurturing the ecosystem of social enterprise sector, he co-founded Social Investment Club (2010-2012) with nine other directors from business and social sectors.

羅先生(Freddy) 是ICE 的董事及創辦人,以輔助本地小數族裔成為跨文化教育訓練者贏得二零一零年香港社企挑戰賽冠軍和贏取了二零一三年PolyU Mirco Fund for Entrepreneurship的資助。羅先生早於二零一二年就獲頒發「香港青年社企創業家獎項」,並獲邀出席ECSEL 2012 與來自哈佛大學,史丹福大學和耶魯大學的學生和專才交流。他早前亦跟另外九位商界代表

Ken is responsible for establishing academic partnership with overseas institutions and managing a teaching unit of 2,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has given lectures and talks to a wide range of audiences in universities and professional bodies in HK and overseas and has over 30 publications on cultural politics, creative industries and Hong Kong’s competitiveness.

Ken and three friends established NarrativeHK in 2012, hoping to elicit the collective brainpower of young leaders to propel this city onward to its full potential.



Mr. Freddy Law (Founder and CEO of ICE)

羅偉鴻先生 (ICE 董事及創辦人)

Mr. Ken Wong (Co-founder of Narrative HK, Head of HKU SPACE Centre for Degree Programmes)

黃瑾 (NarrativeHK聯合創辦人, 香港大學專業進修學院國際學位課程中心總監設計與教授文化及媒體課程逾十年)

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9:30am Breakfast

10:00am Morning Plenary

11:00pm Preparation Time + Lunch

12:00pm Idea Village

2:00pm In-group Debriefing

2:30pm Break

3:00pm Green:

Youth Impact Forum Social:

Youth Impact Forum Cultural:

Youth Impact Forum

5:00pm Closing Ceremony

6:30pm Closing Plenary

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Mrs Patricia Lau is the Deputy Head of the Efficiency Unit of the HKSAR Government. Since 2013, Mrs Lau has been leading the Secretariat in support of the newly established Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Task Force under the Commission on Poverty. Mrs Lau has reached out to many non-government organisations, family or corporate foundations and business executives who share similar aspirations in tackling poverty related issues in Hong Kong. She advocates multi-disciplinary and cross sector collaborations in solving social issues.


Dr Eric Tsang Po-keung, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Science and Environmental Studies at HKIEd,and also an environmental scientist by training, specialising in feasibility and environmental impact assessment studies. Other than serving on the Advisory Council on the Environment(ACE), Dr Tsang is also the Chairman of Green Power, a major green group in Hong Kong. Over the years, Dr Tsang has secured over HK$10 million in research funding in the areas of environmental feasibility, pollution and education-programme evaluation studies

曾博士致力於研究獨立環評報告,而並非工作於政府環境咨詢委員會。曾博士也是香港綠色力量的主席和國際地理聯盟外聯委員會的成員。過去多年來,曾博士成功籌得多達一千萬致力研究如何改善環境問題和推廣環境教育,亦獲邀成為UNESCO UNEVOC 的副主任。

Mrs. Patricia Lau (Deputy Director of Efficiency Unit, HKSAR)

劉冼靜儀女士 (香港特別行政區政府效率促進組副專員)

Dr. Tsang Po Keung, Eric (Chairman of Green Power)

曾寶強博士 (香港綠色力量主席)

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Roy TAM Hoi Pong is the founder and current chief executive of Green Sense. His main expertise is urban planning and environmental impact assessment. He has been a teacher for 8 years and he has involved in many education programmes. He believes environmental protection in Hong Kong cannot separate from the politics and democracy. The strive of balance between environmental protection and economic development is a political issue. The main task ahead is stop the third runway!



Mr Lam is currently the Convenor of the Executive Council and was previously the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission. He held a Secretary-level post in the former Hong Kong Government, and served as a Principal Official and official under the accountability system in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. He was the Chief Executive Officer of the Equestrian Events (Hong Kong) of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad Company Limited. Mr Lam has been involved in various public service roles including Board Member of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. He was awarded the Gold Bauhinia Star in 2000.


Mr. Roy Tam Hoi Pong (Founder and Chief Executive of Green Sense)

譚凱邦先生 (環保觸覺總監及創辦人)

Mr. Lam Woon Kwong, GBS, JP


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Graduated from the University of Hong Kong for both her bachelor and doctoral degrees in social worker, Raees has been working for various local and international human rights organisations on minority issues and is a fellow under the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights. Back to the academia in 2014, her main research areas focus on migration and minority studies, and teaching social policy and civil movement courses.

Raees於香港大學完成社會工作學士及博士課程。曾於本地及國際人權組織工作,主要關注少眾議題。除現為香港中文大學助理教授外,亦擔當少數族裔和人權團體的執委。希望透過社區工作,令少眾議題得到社會關注,社會資源能適當分配 。


As Political Assistant to Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsui assists the Government meet legislative goals by working with politicians, special interest groups, as well as the media; engage citizens via public consultations, district forums, talks and presentations to promote and build positive relationships and reputation for the government; monitor and build network with political parties, trade and community associations, special interest groups, non-profit groups and others to resolve issues and support government policies. Mr Tsui holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree from the University of Ottawa and a Master Degree in Business Administration from the University of Manchester. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at the Fudan University. He joined the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong in 2006 and was elected in 2007 as Vice Chairman of YoungDAB.


Mr. Caspar Tsui Ying-wai (Political Assistant to Secretary for Home Affairs)

徐英偉先生 (民政事務局的政治助理)

Prof. Raees Baig (Associate Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK)

碧樺依教授 (香港中文大學助理教授)

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Mr. Man is experienced in local media industry, and he has extensive experience in the man-agement of television industry and media in-dustry development.Currently, he is the associate director and prin-cipal lecturer, academy of Film in HKBU.

文樹森先生是本地傳媒界的資深工作者,目前亦任香港浸會大學電影學院首席講師暨學院副總監 , 在管理電視業務、內容製作,以及傳媒業發展等方面有豐富的經驗。


2008年,文樹森離開媒體發展管理局,成為Mark Burnett 亞洲製作公司的總裁。2009年11月,文樹森重返新傳媒,成為星霖電影公司的掌舵人。

Mr. Tony Tsoi is the founder of Stand News (, a leading Hong Kong-based Internet newspaper, and a non-profit media organisation. He was also the founder of House News. He was awarded the Digital Marketing Hero Award by Hong Kong Association of Interactive Marketing in 2014.

He served as chief executive officer of Varitronix International Limited from 2005 to 2015, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of LCD. He was selected as one of the “Hong Kong Young Industrialists” by The Federation of Hong Kong Industries in 2010.

蔡先生是為非牟利媒體<立場新聞>的創辦人,及新聞網站<主場新聞>的創辦人。 2014年3月他獲香港互動市務商會頒發「2013數碼營銷傳奇大獎」。


Mr. Man Shu Shum (Managing Director of MediaCorp Raintree Pictures)

文樹森先生 (新傳媒星霖電影公司董事經理)

Mr. Tony Tsoi (Founder of Stand News)

蔡東豪先生 (<立場新聞>的創辦人)

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