
ABN: 36251392094

The founder of ZANE, Tom Benyon, has for many years now been doing an annual fund raising walk in the UK and has thereby raised an amazing A$4.3million for the charity. This absolutely tops the list of inZANE schemes in every way – Tom is in his mid seventies and has three artificial joints and still manages to notch up the thousands of miles and thousands of pounds while engaging in a wonderful blog.

People contact us from time to time asking if they can help ZANE and often they come up with some pretty harebrained schemes so

we decided to start a whole new section of ZANE Australia called “I am Totally InZANE”!!

ZANE: ZimbabweA National Emergency



With this incredible feat as our challenge, we would like to chronicle a few other events that InZANErs have managed to pull off

Follow Tom’s blog at

In 2017 an ex-Zimbabwean who lives outside Perth hosted a dinner for 96 people at her own home – she told us she thought she might have “bitten off more than she could chew”!! but she managed to raise nearly $7,000 for ZANE – a wonderfully inZANE thing to do!

In 2016 Milly Sinclair, her two teenage sons and one nephew, completed the Three Peaks

Five year old Ely and four year old Zac Benyon did a five mile three legged walk to see what it felt like walking with impediments to raise money for the club foot programme.

Eric de Jong (58) and Bruce Fivas (65) completed their “Old Legs 2018 Tour” from Harare to Cape Town. Their initial contact to

ZANE started with the words “in a moment of madness” which definitely puts their endeavor under the inZANE heading!

Their goal was to “use the ride as a platform to raise money and awareness for ZANE and the plight of the

pensioners in Zimbabwe” and the amazing $50,000 they raised is testament to their success!

2018 has so far seen two more crazy undertakings:

Read their blog at

The latest inZANE challenge is Mike Passaportis’ attempt to complete the entire Appalachian Trail hike from Georgia to Maine – 2,190 miles or 3,524 kilometres in one go – the “thru-Hike” as it is known. He is just over half way and is well on course to finish by October when winter sets in and the Trail becomes impassable.

Follow Mike’s blog at

Appalachian Trail

Please help the people of Zimbabwe continue to get vital aid and support

Desmond, 57, lost his leg in an accident in 1978. After suffering with pain and blisters from ill-fitting prostheses for most of his adult life, Desmond, has been struggling with just one leg for the last five years since the government hospital was no longer able to help. Unable to work, Desmond was forced to beg on the streets to survive.

ZANE was alerted to Desmond’s plight earlier this year and arranged for him to see a very special man; one who has dedicated his life to helping those who have lost limbs. Mr C produces prosthetic limbs in a workshop in Bulawayo.

They are far from state-of-the-art but they are transforming the lives of people like Desmond.

Desmond received his new leg this summer and it has changed his life.

“After five years of crawling and begging, I can work again and feed my family. You truly have changed my life. God bless you all.”

Desmond is now working as a night watchman and enjoying the freedom his new leg has granted him.

A new beginningVincent, 77, is a talented saxophonist. He spent years as a resident jazz artist in one of the finest hotels in Victoria Falls, enthralling crowds with his talent. Like so many fellow Zimbabweans of his generation, Vincent

lost his life savings in the economic collapse. A subsequent motorbike accident left him with restricted movement and in considerable pain, limiting his ability to make a living. A proud man, Vincent spent many years struggling to get by.

Escalating costs and declining health resulted in intervention from the ZANE team last year after one of Vincent’s good friends alerted us to his situation. ZANE is able to contribute to the rent on his small cottage on a retirement complex and assist with medication for persistent problems with both of his legs. Thankfully, Vincent is still able to play his beloved saxophone and this brings him great joy.

Rarely seen without a smile on his face, Vincent told us, “I count my blessings every day. I am so grateful to be alive and for the kindness of strangers in my hour of need.”

NEWS183 ways to give: • Donate online –

• Call us: +61 (0) 473 113 483

• Or return this form to:

ZANE Australia, 502/2 Scotsman Street, Forest Lodge, NSW 2037

Preferred use of gift: Trustees’ Discretion , Pensioner Work , Impoverished Communities , Clubfoot

I would like to donate:

A single gift of $________________

A monthly gift of $________________

My details:

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How did you first hear about ZANE Australia? __________________________________________________________________________________________

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Card Expiry / Cardholder’s name_____________________________________________

Card number: 3-digit Verification number:

Online Direct Deposit to:

ZANE Australia Limited, BSB: 032023, Account: 305217 Payment Reference: your name _______________________________________________

Thank you for your support.

ACN 613 802 574

All that jazz

Now, we are not expecting all of the friends of ZANE to match this level of madness, but here is an idea: we are betting that you probably have a cup of coffee and a cake fairly regularly – why not consider donating to ZANE the proceeds of just one of those outings on a monthly basis – $10 per month would not be missed, but if every person reading this would do it, we could add several thousand dollars a month to our income so, let’s do it fellow inZANERs!

If you would like to support these inZANE efforts by donating to ZANE please choose your preferred method below.

If you have a fundraising idea and want to become part of the inZANE project, we would love to hear from you so drop us a line on [email protected].

With best wishes,

Nicky Passaportis (CEO ZANE Australia)

Paddling from London to DerbyWe have one more crazy event coming up: Bryn Price and fellow “madman” (his words!) Jo Amos, will be paddling – yes paddling - from London to Derby in time for the Rhodesians’ July Braai. This trip will be 265 km long with 3 tunnels, 2 aqueducts and 150 portages to navigate. It will take place from 22-26 July and a percentage of the proceeds will be given to ZANE.

3 ways to give:

• Donate online –

• Call us: +61 (0) 473 113 483

• Or return the form on previous page to:Unit 4, 50-52 Cypress Street, Leopold, VICTORIA 3224, Australia

ZANE will not pass on your details to third parties. If a specified project is fully funded, donations will be used where most needed.

If you would like to see some of the work currently being undertaken in Zimbabwe by ZANE, please click here:

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