Page 1: ZrioUGH To BE. 21/Buffalo...jtwo weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth i Augustus. Mrs. Charles Taylor of Fifteenth street and Miss Ruth Hickman and Mrs. William Martin of Brockton, N. Y.,

?!!! 'WfVll''llKwP

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Affairs of the Social World

Mr*. Wil l iam Su»wt-H wil l entertain « t t i n n e r this event—uyt, her h o m e in Nor th street .

Covers were laid far e ighty- f ive at tte w e e k l y club luncheon a t the Garret c lub yesterday. A m o n g t h e h o s t e s s e s w e r e Mrs Roscoe F. Mitchell, w h o en-

_fertalned twelve g u e s t s in honor of fers. John Digby -Maluand and Miss MoUy Dent ; Mrs. F . P. Wi l l iams , who had ten g u e s t s ; Mrs. S. V. R. Spaul -ding, w h o g a v e a luncheon of e ight c o v ­er*; Mrs. Haro ld T. Clement and Mrs. Robert B. Adam.

The long and short of it.

0 . A. R. Celebration. Invi tat ions have been issued by Buf-o chapter, National society, D a u g h ­

ters of American Revolution. Mrs. John Miller Morton, regent, for Tuesday af­ternoon. February 22, 1*21. from 3 to 6 o'clock a t the Twent ie th Century 4lnh

celebrat ion of Washington ' s birth-y. E a c h member is privi leged t o In­

v i t e one gues t . . w : i

Mrs. layman D . Craw of Arlington place g a v e a luncheon of ten covers on Saturday .

Mr. and Mrs. J a m e s H e w entertained a t d inner Saturday evening.

Mrs. Chauneey J. Hamlin will g i v e a • m a l l luncheon today at her home in D e l a w a r e avenue in honor of Mrs. John D l g b y Maittand of N e w York and M i s s Molly Deat of Eng land .

fiyv&ts WJJLuk jxlufyr * |>*w t£ 4**] jp**Xi *£*& Jo ev ivnav YAAVJUI

By Fontaine Fox.

*. -

u u. s ee ***£ *$*mw ZrioUGH To BE.



Mrs. Ar thur E. Heds trom g a v e a oner of t w e l v e ©overs last even ing a t

h o m e in- Eggertsv i l l e in honor of M i s s Mary Warren of Plain field. N. J., a n d Eric L. Hedstrom.

Mrs. J a m e s P . Higg inson bridge luncheon on Monday.

g a v e a

Mrs. l A u r e n c e H. Gardner enter­tained at t ea yes terday afternoon at her home in I^mcoln parkway in honor of Mrs. William* A, S towe l l of Amherst , Mass., w h o is spending the winter in ttorn. Ass i s t ing the hos te s s were Mrs. Ueorge 1*. Warner, Mrs. Procter Carr. Mr*. Prank Sid way, Mrs. Hal 1>. Brownell , Mrs.- Clifford Nichols . Miss A g n e s e Benson, Mxs. Wi l l iam Ward P l u m m e r and Mrsr. John K. Walker. T h e tea table w a s decorated with Sprint; flowers.

Andrew ROE]

ind Imogene tULKERSON.


Engagements and Weddings T—:

Mr. and Mrs. M. Woeifle announce the engagement of their daughter Kmma B. to George A. BOWD, Canada, tin* wedding to take place in March.

Chicago for

In memory of Abraham Lincoln, the Republ ican women will meet for lunch­eon. Informally, on Saturday, February 12 at 12:3e#o'clock at the Hotel S t a t ­ler.

Mrs. Wil l iam H. lH»nner g a v e a ruacbeoo of fourteen covers at her hoarte yesterday in honor of Mrs. Rob-»• rt l*k»r. ner.

Mrs. Albright Archbaid entertained three tab le s of bridge yes terday after- j noon in honor of Mrs. Elmer E. Finck. Other g u e s t s c a m e in for tea later. Miss Margaret P e n n e y ass is ted the nostras.

Mrs. T h o m a s Childs Wurtz wiU e n ­tertain at bridge tomorrow at her home in Lex ington avenue .

HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE. Mrs. J a m e s 1>. Warren wi l l l eave j

next week to spend a m o n t h w i t h h e r . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. B i s -sell . in AsheviOe, X. C.

Miss Hi lda Hoyt will g o t o L a k e Placid over Washington's birthday.

Miss Cecelia E v a n s l eaves next week \ for Bel le ,Ajr, Fla. , to be the gues t for j t w o w e e k s of Mr. and Mrs. El lsworth i Augustus .

Mrs. Charles Taylor of Fif teenth street and Miss Ruth Hickman and Mrs. Wil l iam Martin of Brockton, N. Y., l eave tomorrow to spend s ix w e e k s in Melbourne. Fla.

Mrs. Robert S. Weed of ChapinVark-w a y is in N e w York.

Miss Grace McCormick and Miss Margaret Conway l eave the middle of

this month to spend several months in California.

Mrs. Harry D. Wil l iams of Oakland place has returned from Toronto. " Miss .Mary JCurry is in

several week*, Mr. an<l Airs. Richard Sherwoodj have

returned from Chicago where thes were, gues t s for a fortnight of Mrs. Congdon* Sherwood!

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd K. Smith will m o v e from the Lenox to No. 1045 D e l a ­ware avenue after May 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam H. Donner, who have been living in the old 'Knox residence, No. 1045 Delaware avenue,

Cosy Corner Confidences By MRS. M A R T H A W H E E L E R .


Andrew mock sternne raise y e u r vol ent intention in this house a declaration from m y fi

< tears or oth • W h a t I a m I to do in spit

high jwiter, breath in se mind i s mad myself a high quest ions of '

- to drink!" | "How is it I gene. "Go foj ; " 'T i s wel l ! i his hand in j into t h e kltcl i an actor of t , around in th j he fumbled i i last used a w • tlfully wi th

"Honey," ; come and f b find half the

"Stay right Andrew.

It w a s f : came into th ' gry, but wi th I "You should. i Imogens mil I around in th« I up and I kne j f inding thin,

Andrew to< "Listen to

fectly calm. to how calm notice taken that it w a s in the heat < I kept m y ai higgledy-pigi you k e t p this one hour's w

"A woman ception of l a with a pock first shore i sy s t em is a s ight! You you used it w a n t it aga in go there and if it h a s b since you to think it o of weeks ' v a

"The thing; Coney Island tem has a bo running of tl the word km

•'The whole fresh dropper or the conte

I hag after a S place for any


"What w a s



o m the table and in said: "Woman, if you in protest to m y pres-re will be murder done I a m about t o make

m y intentions, and urpose not women's

fears will deter m e ! u t to do I a m going a certain locality and

so waste not your leas weeping, for m y p. I am going to fix

and, discounting your t for?* I shall answer,

say i t?" asked Imo-go/at it, no, go *o i t !"

said Andrew, st icking bosom and striding

dragging his t o e s like Id school. H e rattled

rawers in the pantry. e refrigerator and at which rhymes beau-

m." Imogene, "sha'n't I

for you".' You cannot ngs you want." here you are!" called

en minutes before he m,' flushed and an-

s highball. . ; ve let me fix it," sa id !

"You have fussed i till you are all heated j ou would have trouble |

s ip of his highball, he said. "I a m per­

il particular attention m. SI want particular what* I say to show deliberately and not

omest ic argument . If rs in the office in the y manner in which use I would get about

done a week, about a s much con-

and order a s a sailor ul l of m o n e y and the

e in s ix years . Your oherioo, not to say , a

everything just where t and then w h e n you 1 you have t o do i s to ick it up. Of course,

month or s ix w e e k s it, it is easy enough if you have a couple

on to do it in. that kitchen look like

Monday morning. S y s -a s much place in your house as ' the 'K' has iu

of the Fidelity Trust Co.. will be the speaker at next Monday's m e e t i n g of the Quota club. H i s topic wil l be "The Business of a Trust Company." Members are privi leged to invite g u e s t s for th i s m a t i n g and' are asked to notify the secretary, Mrs. Irene Schwartz, of the number they are e x ­pecting to entertain.

At Monday's luncheon and confer­ence of the Quota club three new members wer•» welcomed. Miss Louise H a y e s presided and announcement was made of plans for the es tabl i sh­ment of a new club house where res i ­dent members m a y have l iving quar­ters and other members m a y m e e t a t daily luncheon, entertain gues t s and enjoy other privileges.

club will be held Fr iday evening, F e b ­ruary 18, at the Stat ler for the election of directors to fill the places of t h o s e whose terms expire at that t ime. At the meet ing of the Zonta club next

Louis E. Harriman, vice president jjTuesday at the Statler, Prof. John

RED PEPPER FOR Curtin, professor of sc ience a t Can-is ius and D'Youville col leges, wil l be the speaker. Hi s topic wil l be "Of Other Worlds Than Ours Inhabited."

Dr. Helene Kuhlmann of the Buffalo S ta te hospital addressed a large a t ­tendance of the members at the reg­ular meet ing of the club, at the Stat ler yesterday. She gave an interest ing talk on "The Subconscious Mind." A n ­nouncement w a s made of an "Old Fashioned Album" entertainment to be held on Wednesday. February 23, the place to be announced later.

Buffalo colony, National society N e w England Women, will meet a t the L a ­fayette tomorrow afternoon at 2: SO o'clock. Hyat t W. Smith will speak on "The Future of Our Country" and Miss Hobbie will sing. Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Concentrated Heat Penetrates Instantly-and Bringi Quick­

est Relief Known ^cy

Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Robertson of No, 136 Buffum street have invited the members of the Microscopical sect ion j o f ' t h e Society of Natural Sc iences tof meet with them on Saturday evening, February 19.

D. Chester Fisher entertained the section last Saturday evening at his : •••=• * _--. home in Indian Church road. Ray W. nual card party on January 15 -was Wilson read a paper on Diatome, I netted the sum of $472. Father Cart Christopher H. Bierbaum exhibited J reported c lasses in catechism being some of h i s photomicrographs of dla- formed in three addiUonal churches. toms, and Dr. Richard F. Morgan gave ! -a reading. j A th i ck - layer of newspapers be-J

__: tween the springs and mattress* of the 1

At the monthly meet ing of tin- Mount Carmel guild on Monday afternoon, with the Rev. Father J. C. Carr presid­ing, it w a s announced that the an

Rheumat ism. lumbago. neuritis , backache, stiff neck, sore musclea, strains, aching joints. W h e n you ar t suffering so you can hardly ge t around, just try "Red Pepper Rub" and you will h a v e the quickest relief known.

Noth ing has such concentrated, p e n e ­trat ing heat a s red peppers. Ins tant relief. Jus t a s soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the t ingling heat. Jn three minutes , it warms the sore spot through and through. F r e e s i h e blood circulation, breaks up the c o n ­gest ion—and pain is gone.

Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, cost little at any drug store. Get a jar at once. Almost in ­s tant relief awa i t s you. U s e it for colds in chest . N o matter w h a t y o u have used for pain or congest ion, don't fail to try Red Pepper Rub.

The annual meet ing of the Zonta i outdoor bed will keep out cold READ THE COURIER WANT ADS

Interested in Him. Dear Mrs. Wheeler:

I meet a certain young man about twice a week at m y brother's place, whom I am very fond of. My girl friend i find?" asked is generally wi th m e on these occa- j sions, and she is a lso fond of him. Is i i n a w u d o f Qc§«h and baked the dough there any w a y I can find out whether j could not be he cares for either of us? Also is it I l o conceal it.1

1 you were unable to nogene calmly.

said Andrew. It

for the past year, leave for Philadel- I p r j 0 p e r V 0 invi te him down to the house j plua the» tirst of May to spend the; W j l u his

She made i

summer and part of next winter. Miss Mary McCue of P lymouth a v e ­

nue is khe.guest of Mrs. K.J. Rolender in Reading, Pa.

Mrs. Herbert A. Meld rum lef last evening for. N e w York.

Newell Stewart has returned to

mate friend of tne « w U ? . . T n p n w n e r i s i l ? . . n e asked. U N D E C I D E D .

r a

Deliriously Cooked At Moderate Prices

Everything about our place, the low cost; prompt, efficient service; fine qual­ity of foods and delightful surroundings will appeal

you. ;

FRENCH PASTRY Pleas ing to the

eye a n d taste . They are the best in Buffalo.

D E L I V E R E D A N Y W H E R E .

Ithaca, N. Y end in town

Mrs. Jul ius II morning from a week's s tay in N e w j y o u might have a little part; > o r l i jv i te your girl friend,, too.

after spending the week-

Potter returns this

The best indications of his prefer­ence mus t be gleaned from his ac ­t ions. It's rather a trying situation. Possibly he like-s you both equally well a s friends, and has no Idea of any warmer feel ing cherished by you or your girl friend. Certainly it would he proper to invite him to 3'our bouse.

and in­

k's up in it an hour a dow which si got to bring

"Then whal such a fool ofl t "Dearie,"

blamed for y fec,ts. It's as dure them!"

ump reminds me of u bunch of jack s traws i

of a woman's hand pping jamboree! N o

ing and nothing in its I

. !" . . .„ y o u have rolled it up rh a the kitchen, or at least

rtply. ' I suppose you he taunted.

e att ic where you took to pry open that w i n -

she said. "You for- j down."

bnade you let m e make | y s e l f ?" he demanded,

said, "I cannot be congenital mental de-

uch a s I can do to en-

Mrs. Lyman C Craw of Boston,! Mass., c a m e t o Buffalo to make her home and has taken Miss Grace W i l -l iams , house. N o . 30 Arlington place.

Mrs. John Digby Maitland and Miss Molly Dent, who have been the gues t s of Mrs. John Graves, return tomorrow morning to N e w York.

Dr. and Mrs. Monroe Manges will l eave for Miami, Fla., on Friday and will sail March 19 from N e w Orleans for N e w York, returning to Buffalo at Easter time. Mr. and Mrs. 11. O.

| S y m m e s and Mrs. C. K. Brown ^rill be dur-

(Cocyrttht. l W « b y The Bell 8»nJJe»W. Inc.)

Yeast In Diet. Dear Mts . Wheeler:

In response to a query printed in the Cozy Corner about how to take yeast for s tomach trouble will say that yeas t i s often prescribed to sup­ply the body with v i taminee and to build up in cases of rundown condi­tion. Phys ic ians are prescribing It for acne (pimples and blackheads) , boi ls and constipation. It helps d iges t food and helps the body get rid of w a s t e matter. It is said that yeast i s a s ­s imilated by the body just a s i s , o t h e r

Lunch Here Everyday ' You will find such a wide variety on our bill of fare that you can always tempt your appetite no matter how jaded.

Coffee A P f>in<j hot cup o / surpa**ing nualiiy coffee veilh reul cremm

The D a i s y Confectionery I and Luncheonette S 133 MAIN ST1-CET

th* guf .sts of Miss Marie Mange Ing their absence. . f o o < J P e r s o i l H w h o a r e tf-OUDied wi th

Fred Frion left yesterday to spend : K a a a r e to\a to first dissolve the veas t two m o n t h s in St. Petersburg, Fla. m boil ing water. The usual . dose !va-

. —__ j r i e s from o n e t o t n r e e cakes a day tiak-Aift icu A A M C t n r y n r i iMMUiiuirn l e n b e f o r e o r between meals . Take i t B l n L o C U H r k n t r l U c ANNuUKCtU P ! a i n f r o m the cake HI small pk-ces or

IT CCBDIIADV onion IICCTIHC dl*:so!ved In mi,k> w a t e r or fruit Juicea-AT r C M U A R Y BOARD MCCTINOl" Preferred it may he spread on bread

' o r crackers. Of course it mus t be v. ^ , L ^ f f r e s h . * A. A. B.

At the February meet ing of t h e ! I board of directors of the Y. W. C. A. K. D. V. L. and Others.—Go to t h e vesterday at the Central building Mrs. publ i^ library, Broadway and Clinton

\ Horace Reed, chairman of girls' work, fe6'" I n J h e , ? * » e n * h e * f •" WiU Z_l ". . . . J ^ i 1 _ ! f t n d a col lection of bookA on enter-announced a conference to be held in on

i ta inments , which , you will find most Buffalo March IS to 21 which will b e ! helpful in explaining various games .

All ttent Over BochoftejfN. Y.>-«La*t fail

I had the ijlueoxa and my kid­neys become congested and swollen. My book hurt me solwourdhave to walk oil bent over. I also had bladder weak­ness. I took Dr. Pierce's An-uric (anti-

unc acid) iablets and their so completely lored me that I nove not nod anvrotarn of this condi­tion since, l l consider 'An-uric' the best ntpdicihe I have ever taken/ ' -Mp. MARIE STEW­ART, 152 daledonia Ave.


. i


[attended by 200 gir ls and their secre tarles . On March 5 at 2 o'clock the new high .school club officers will be

{installed. Mrs. Charles V a n Bergen presided a t

i the meet ing and reports were g iven by • Mrs. Almon M. Cooke, chairman of The Modestia Social club will g ive la .room directory; Mrs. Edward Eisele . \card party and dance on Saturday eve -chairman of the hotel, who reported i ning, February U , at Fraternity hall, 1.32* transient g u e s t s ; Mrs. B. F. N o . 971 Jefferson street. Mrs. C. J. Jackson, w ho announced that J t h e r a f Dressel Is chairman; Mrs. F. Wertman. would be a Valentine party Friday j s e c r e t a r y > a n d M r a - L McPherson, evening at the T: U . C. A. home; Mrs . . treasurer of the commi Frederick. W. IMnforth, chairman of <

. rel igious education, who reported 778 ;

ittee in. charge.

Bible s tudents for 1»20. Mrs. Van Bergen g a v e an i temized account of the ways that the Y. W. C. A. had

I boosted lt»e Hoover Relief fund with a , total of $S»9ti,7S contributed. Mrs. Horace ' R f e d reported for the International in -js t l tute . A new club of ^jtwenty-s lx

Pol ish gir ls lias been formed at Black •Rock and Mrs. Snv la Mooshie, a Per -" sian, has been secured to work among the Russ ian people for the Institute.

MACCABEES M E E T I N G . The regular meet ing of the Com- j

manders and P a s t Commanders a s s o - | e lation of the Maccabees wil l be held j Friday evening, February 11, Mrs. Mary ( Elgas presiding. \f<

*Do Frieils Shun You? You can l

admiratioi wi th unsij dear to y< spare you» avoid yo« Armond superfluous wrinkles , |y and pel and see t«

itain friendship and your face is marred

jjy blemifhea, Those may keep silent to

L feeTmge, but they company. Madame »ves all blemishes,

hair, birthmarks, les, etc. Permanent^

lively painlessly. Call lonials, 564 Main St.


Stock those empty pantry shelves with these wholesome and nutritious meats! Fill them up for the days when inclement weather makes shop­ping and deliveries difficult. -Have a ready answer to the housewives eternal question: "What shall I have for lunch?" •


The Date: Thursday, February Tenth

The Place: 4 4 0 Main Street

"Flowers at Main and Court"

The Occasion: Special displays of a profusion of floral excellence to mark the informal opening of the rebuilt, thoroly modernized Anderson Flower

Shop. YouVe cordially invited: Come.

: SECOND C I T I Z E N S H I P LECTURE. The second lecture in the c i t izen-

' sh ip course, arranged by the c iv ic ed -j ucation commit tee of the Erie County ( L e a g u e of W o m e n Voters, wil l take

place th is afternoon at 3:30 oc lock at j t h e Buffalo Seminary. Paul Cohen.

lecturer on government a t t h e , U n i - j versi ty of Buffalo, wil l speak on "Con-

j gres s ip Everyday .Life." The civic ! education commit tee includes Miss

Efllie Farnham Burns, Mrs. John W. j Cameron. Mrs. M e r r i l Meyer, Mrs.

Louis Wright Simpson. Miss Clone | Thompson and Miss Olive Wil l iams, ' chairman. \

At the February meet ing of the Erie ' County L e a g u e of W o m e n Voters, t ime

Recommends Daily Use of Mag­nesia To Overcome Trouble.

Caused by Fermenting-Food and Acid Indi

gestion. and place to be announced later, defi­ni te acUon will be taken on the S h e p -ard*Towne biU» fol lowing a discussion.

, ,- • • L

HOW T O H E A L . Th i s evening at. 8:15 o'clock fn the}

Gas and wind in the stomach accom-panlerl by that full: bloated feeling after eating ar«* almost certain evidence of th«

j presence of exce!«nlve hydrodiloric acid tn the stomach, creatine so-called 'acid ln-digepiion.**

Veld atomaA'.S' are dangerous because


There t a o n e f that never fall and that '* to

To do this powder from little on a hot^ blackheads br yOU Will b« St heads have di

! little blackhea are, "imply di

I lag the parts i Blackheads ar« jand dirt and ! tbat form In • pinching and tlon, make

' them out a ^alonlte powc

. dissolve the right out, lean clean and In

' Aaybody trout blemishes ahoi

i pis methpd.


Imple. safe ana sore way; to get rid of blackheads

jlva them, two ounces of calonlte drug store—sprinkle a ,

refi sponge—rub over the jy—waeh the parts and ' prised how the black- ~ tpeared. Big blackheads, j

no matter where they i ve and disappear, leav- !

lout any mark whatever. > imply a mixture of dust •

Mot ions from the body pores of the skin—

seiing only cause irzita- I pores, and do^not g e t !

they become hard. The the water simply

theads so they wash the pores free and

»ir natural condition, with A these unsightly

certainly try this atm-

The War Department is giving every housewife in the nation this great opportunity to reduce living costs and enable the whole family to

Dine for a Day for a Dollar Don't let the chance slip by;—clip this advertisement;—take it to your dealer today; insist he secure for you some of this delicious Corned Beet and Corned Beef Hash! There's a legitimate profit in the sales for him,—at the wholesale prices listed elsewhere — and there'* mighty big savings in it for you.


• Don't wait! Remember today is none too soon.

THE WHOLESALE PRICES era sriatad ktWv. They will five yea N S I idea ai what yaw save aa year purchase*.


Irrtfa tm Dmpmt Qvarfermew

SraeUya, N. Y.. Stth St.

Chicago, III. l t l t W. Mta St

Tea. CattL

S U R P L U S PROPERTY OSke af ta*

1 lb. cast, 15c per caa 2 lb. cant. 3fc per can

CORNED BEEF Ne. 1 case, ISc par caa M>. 1 caaa. 27c par caa 1 lb. caaa, lac par caa f la. caaa, I I .M par caa

! \ n ' J »1*.7«^V5 ,"hA ri inrnh n"f th»'V•M ,' 110° , n u c n a t f l d »»*>tates the.delicate lining I par ish house Qf t h e t liurch of the M e s - • o f t b e s t 0 mach . often leading to aiah. North i n d Mariner streets , the \ accompanied by Rev. L. O. Wi l l iams will g ive a lecture Food ferments and on heal ing from the new thought point of v iew. This i s the last lecture of the ser ies on "New Thought Practice."

gastritis serious stomach Tilcers.

Second H i d Coffin for Sale


In 1T70 It w a s considered "unfem-' inlne" to spel l correctly, and the .bat t le j for t h e higher educat ion of women

w a s not w o n unti l the 60's, when the ; c lamor of w o m e n for college educa- j eating : t i o n

Ma n d 2 2 r B X r e s i ? t T a l **f' ^ ^ S t a ^ r r a f t s ^ could no looger be resisted. «. . vrt.ymt J t s formation s

of Beauv. i5 .__ France. J* _ _ r a i » i # n g | * « £*%£*& t h ^ «

sours, creating the ! "Now that dlatresping gas which distends the atom- from the g r a | ach and hampers the normal•functlona of! trouble w a s the vital Internal organs, often affecting i which event the heart. ..„_», •„ v,0 .

It is th* worst of folly to neglect such a J?**1 , , ~ , , serious condition or to treat with ordinary Mayr s vvonaa digearhrs aids which have no neutraliz- new man of Ing effect on the stomach acids, instead; e v « r in m y If get from any druggist a few ounces of rKft noint of Bisurated i l a g n ^ l a and take a teaspoon- j ZZJ?™.? ful m a quarter glass of water right after w u " ,T , f

- - - - tacks. It is at ion that rei from the int« inf lammation ai l s t o m a c h , ments , incluc will convince j

This will drive the gas. wind and body, sweeten the

excess acid and and there is ao

. — —__ _ . 1 sourness-or pain. BLsurated Magnesia tin The f a m o u s Gobelin tapestry works | powder or tablet form—never liquid or

omach. toax-of

ve been resurrected to which m y stomach ;

st leading me and for > Iliad made preparations, \

brought m y coffin, 1 Remedy has made a

and I feel a s good a s after hav ing been at j

n h half a dozen times ; Jlsgestkm and colic a t -imple, harmless prepar-

the catarrhal mucus 1 tal tract and al lays the llch causes practically

and intestinal ai l- j appeajdicitis. r>ae do««! money refunded.

>T ^ ^


TABLE OF DISCOUNTS Diacauatt %• apply aa all purchase* of surphw caaaed a t i u aa aad after Navesaber 19, 1130, aca aa fallows: I 2M ta l l .aat • aat

1 , 0 0 1 t O « t 9 5 0 0 . • e • • • • • • » * • • • • • • e a a a * • • • • a • a • • - * P*f CCJat 2,$01 to 4 , 0 0 0 . > i M > M M M i M i t t n » M i t #*0 P*x ceoi 4,001 aB^ ovox. • • • • • •*• •*»*•• •«.• M M I M I I M * •«*o ocr cent

CUMULATIVE PURCHASES COUNT Waca purchaaea raach 9J0.M1. 24% aat «a arcvait; whan purchasea reach SlSt,Stl. U% sat ta prevad. whas pur chaaca reach SM*.M1. SS% sat ta prevail; whas psrehatee raach fl.ast.aai sad •*•*, 35% sat ta prevad.


The Gaversmeat will pay freight as carlaa4 lata ta asy saist is the Usited States located sure thaa twests^thilea fraea ahip-piac peiat

• eitt I Buy It by the Case

W A D riirpaDTTMrowT f A v w r n IUI?A'TC

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