downsbrook primary school prospectus


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The prospectus for the forthcoming 2015/16 academic year as we move from a Middle School to an All-Through Primary.


Page 1: Downsbrook Primary School Prospectus

Through effort

we will succeed.

Designed by

Downsbrook Primary School,

Dominion Road, Worthing

West Sussex, BN14 8GD

Tel: 01903 230467 / 01903 233827

Email: [email protected]


Follow us:@dpsworthing

Page 2: Downsbrook Primary School Prospectus


‘They particularly praised the partnership, the excellent levels of mentorship and the quality of support and training provided by the school’University of Brighton – External assessor for the Faculty of Education

Thank you for considering sending your child to Downsbrook

Primary School. I hope that this prospectus will give you valuable

information about what life is like for pupils at our school.

Following the decision to change the age children transfer in

Worthing from primary to secondary, Downsbrook from September

2015, will admit children from Reception to Year 6.

The staff and governors at Downsbrook work hard to ensure that

we are a happy and nurturing school where every child and their

future matters.

We have excellent teachers who deliver a vibrant and exciting

curriculum using our outstanding environment and facilities.

We want you to make the right choice for your child and hope that

you will take the time to visit our school or contact us with any

questions or queries you may have.

I look forward to meeting both you and your child.


Welcome to Downsbrook Primary School

Jonathan GroverJonathan Grover, Headteacher

4. Introduction

6. Starting School for the First Time

7. Working in Partnership

8. Curriculum Statement

8. Developing our international links

8. Security

9. Admissions Policy and Arrangements

10. Behaviour

11. Anti Bullying

11. Child Protection

12. Complaints

12. Charging Policy

12. Excellence and Enjoyment

14. Early Years

16. The Arts

16. Sports

18. Special Educational Needs

18. Trips and Visits

18. Friends of Downsbrook

20. The Extended Curriculum

20. Uniform

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Our excellent spacious site is the amalgamation of two

schools on one campus, following a major

re-organisation of the school in 2002. Adaptations and

extensions, including the new wing (completed in 2014) have

resulted in our current fantastic facilities. A recently refurbished

IT suite, two bright spacious performance areas, technology

and food technology rooms, a modern music suite, extensive

outdoor games space and a fully equipped science laboratory

provide inspiring and wide ranging experiences for all of our

children. Nutritious hot meals are available at lunchtimes.



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‘A very welcoming school and we were in no doubts that this was the right school for Jack.’Parental Endorsement

At Downsbrook we value the vital partnership between

parents, carers and teachers and aim to take account

of the wishes, feelings and views of those involved with your

child’s development. We encourage parents and carers to take an

active part in their children’s education. Some parents assist in after

school clubs and activities, whilst others come in to help children read or

help supervise school trips and visits and staff provide regular ideas and

strategies to support your child’s learning outside of school.

We send home a fortnightly newsletter, hold welcome meetings for new

parents, invite parents in for Maths and English mornings and have two

parent/teacher meetings during the year.

We have on open door policy for parents to come in and discuss any

ideas or concerns they may have.

In order to promote effective partnerships we ask that all parents and

pupils sign our Home/School Agreement which clearly shows how we

can work together effectively to support your child.

We know that starting school is a very important time for you and your

child and by working together we aim to make that transition smooth and

successful. Information sharing and close working links with preschool

providers help to support this smooth transition. In the term prior to their

entry, pupils are invited in to school to familiarise themselves with the staff,

surroundings and routine of the day. During this period there will also be a

meeting for parents to discuss our partnership with you and to answer any

questions or queries you might have.

Pupils will be admitted to Downsbrook Primary School in the September

of the academic year in which they are five. The Early Years Curriculum is

grounded in active learning. Through purposeful play and a wide range of

practical experiences, our highly skilled staff support pupils to develop the

crucial skills, knowledge and attitudes that will enable them to succeed

in their continuing learning journey. Parents play a major part in fostering

good attitudes to learning, developing a love of language and promoting

positive behaviour. We look forward to working alongside you in this very

important role.

Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that

enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early

years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major

impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is

important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning

Starting School for the First Time

experiences together provide the foundation children need to make the

most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets the standards that all Early

Years’ providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop

well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to

ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range

of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future

progress through school and life.

At Downsbrook Primary School we value the potential of home-school

links and make every effort to involve parents in the learning and

development of their child. At the start of each new school year, class

teachers hold informal meetings to share information about what will be

learnt and how parents can help their child at home.

Working in Partnership

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‘To plan such an imaginative curriculum, that is obviously enjoyed by both children and teachers is wonderful, and sets a very

high standard for others to follow.’Tim Loughton MP

The school will follow the curriculum guidance and all Key Stage 2 children

will learn a Modern Foreign Language. Children in Key Stage 1

will be introduced to some aspects of a European language.

The children have close links with a school in Kenya. The children support

the development of the Koma Ranch School, Kenya and the schooling of

street children in Nairobi by organising their own fund raising events.

In all of our pupils we strive to create and nurture independence, creativity,

excellence, perseverance and a belief in themselves. Through on-going

assessments, our curriculum is designed to respond to the needs of individual

children and inspire them to become lifelong learners.

As a school, we take pride in the ways in which we look after the

pastoral needs of the children.

Each year we train children to become peer mediators, and also have play

supervisors on duty during lunch breaks. Children who do not wish to go

outside can make use of the quiet area or numerous lunchtime clubs. For

identified children we also have an established nurture group in

The Rainbow Room, which runs every afternoon.

Curriculum Statement

Developing our international links

In common with other local primary schools all parents

wishing their children to join our School must contact:

Pupil Admission Office South. Tel: 03330 142 903 or email [email protected]

This office is open Monday-Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm,

including school holidays.


Downsbrook Primary School. Tel 01903 230467

Age Stage

4 - 5 years Reception Foundation Stage

5 - 6 years Y1 Key Stage One

6 - 7 years Y2

7 - 8 years Y3 Key Stage Two

8 - 9 years Y4

9 - 10 years Y5

10 - 11 years Y6

Admissions Policy and Arrangements

Your child’s safety is of paramount importance to us. To this end all visitors

are asked to report to reception and sign the visitors’ book.

They wear a badge which is returned to the office at the end of their visit.

Parents taking children out of school during the day are also asked to sign

them out.

Staff all wear badges and all entrances and exits are monitored.



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The right to feel safe in school and positive behaviour are extremely

important and we expect all of our pupils to be polite, respectful, honest

and tolerant of others. This enables the school to run smoothly as well as

promoting good citizenship for life. This is embodied in the school’s work on

the Rights and Responsibilities.

We support children to make appropriate choices and for those children who

are still learning to manage their own behaviour we have a positive approach

to behaviour management. Parental support in behaviour management is

crucial to its success and we will work closely with you to support your child.

A copy of the Behaviour Policy is available if parents wish to read it.

To support this, the children have written their own guide to behaving well at


We have a reward system which includes stickers, charts and bronze,

silver and gold certificates. Children receive their gold awards in a Special

Assembly to which parents are invited.

As a school we have decided that the following Rights are paramount and

guide how all members of our school community behave:

BehaviourThe 4 Downsbrook Rights

• Right to an Education

• Right to Relax and Play

• Right to be Treated with Respect

• Right to Feel Safe

All members of our school, staff and pupils have a responsibility

to enforce and uphold the rights that we have highlighted.

Staff are fully aware that they are role models and take this responsibility

seriously in showing all pupils how to behave and interact with others.

Pupils are taught that with rights come responsibilities. We expect pupils

to take responsibility for their actions. Through realising the effect of their

actions children will learn from experiences and be deterred from repeating

the same mistakes.

We accept that like all sections of society, there will be incidences of

bullying at our school. What makes us different is that we acknowledge

this and ensure that we deal with it. The children have written their own

anti-bullying leaflet which sets out very clearly how we deal with bullies and

support those who have been bullied.


At Downsbrook, we recognise that your child is our responsibility and

concern. We want to work in partnership with you, and discuss with you,

any concerns we may have or that you may have. It is our priority to inform

and involve you at every stage in your child’s time at the school.

Since the first priority is your child’s welfare, there may be rare occasions

when our concern about your child means that we have to consult other

agencies even before we contact you.

The West Sussex Local Safeguarding Children Board has laid

down the procedures we follow, and the school has adopted a

Child Protection Policy in line with this for the safety of all.

If you want to know more about our procedures or the policy, please

speak to the Headteacher, Mr J Grover (Designated Child Protection


Child Protection

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If you have cause for complaint, please discuss the issues in the first

instance, with the class teacher. If your concerns remain unresolved, then

the Head of Year, Assistant, Deputy or Headteacher will be available to

try and help. We appreciate the importance of sharing concerns, and

working together to support the children in our care.

We also understand how crucial it is to listen to the parents’ perspective

and give weight to their opinions.

Complaints Excellence and Enjoyment

Our policy on charging is in line with that of West Sussex Education

Authority. The basic principle is that all the education provided within

school time should be free of charge. However parents are asked to

make a voluntary contribution towards the cost for ingredients in

Food Technology, outside visits or visiting speakers and residential

trips. Anyone experiencing financial difficulties should contact the

Headteacher in confidence.

Charging Policy

At Downsbrook we aim to make the curriculum challenging, exciting,

interesting, relevant and fun. The children are taught in mixed ability

classes mostly by their class teacher. Some lessons may be taught by

a specialist teacher.

We teach the majority of the curriculum with the exception of

some English, Maths and Science through integrated topics.

Each topic whilst having a different major focus incorporates the

creative aspects of the curriculum such as History, Geography, Art,

Music, Drama and Dance.

We teach geographical and historical skills using first hand experience,

field trips, visitors and role play to bring these subjects to life.

We also teach Religious Education where the children learn about the

major religions of the world through their festivals, customs and ways of

worship. This enables them to understand the multi-cultural,

multi-faith nature of the society we live in. If however you wish to

withdraw your child from R.E. or collective worship you can do so by

contacting the Headteacher.

At Downsbrook Primary School Relationship & Sex

Education is provided through the Personal, Social and

Health Education & Citizenship Framework. The curriculum

for R&SE is planned to ensure pupils receive their sex

education in the wider context of relationships, and are

prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and

experience of adult life. We believe that the teaching

of sex education should be complementary and

supportive to the role of parents, and should have

regard to parents’ views on its content

and presentation.

Parents have the right to withdraw their

children from all or part of any Sex

Education provided, but not from teaching

of the biological aspects of human

growth and reproduction necessary

under National Curriculum Science.

If a parent wishes to withdraw their

child they should put their request

in writing to the Headteacher - a

reason for this decision is not


‘Thank you for singing at our church. Your singing was lovely and you looked so happy.’Broadwater Baptist Church

Page 8: Downsbrook Primary School Prospectus

The new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework, sets out the

standards for development, learning and care of children from birth to five.

It is important that all children are given the opportunity to experience the

best possible start to their education.

Within the Reception Year, learning experiences of the highest quality are

planned, considering children’s needs and achievements and the range of

learning experiences that will help them make progress. Well-planned play

is a key way in which children learn with enjoyment and challenge, both

within the indoor and outdoor learning environments. The Foundation

Stage prepares children for learning in Key Stage 1 and is consistent with

the National Curriculum.

In the Reception Year, the curriculum is planned and resourced to take

children’s learning forward and to provide opportunities for all children to

succeed in an atmosphere of care and of feeling valued.

The curriculum for the Foundation Stage is designed to ignite children’s

curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and to build their capacity to learn,

form relationships and thrive. The curriculum is planned in seven areas of

learning and development; all areas are important and inter-connected.

There are three prime areas which are:

• Communication and Language Development involves giving

children opportunities to experience a rich language environment;

to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; and

to speak and listen in a range of situations.

Early Years


• Physical Development involves providing opportunities for young

children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-

ordination, control, and movement. Children must also be helped

to understand the importance of physical activity, and to

make healthy choices in relation to food.

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development involves helping

children to develop a positive sense of themselves, and others; to

form positive relationships and develop respect for others; to

develop social skills and learn how to manage their feelings; to

understand appropriate behaviour in groups; and to have

confidence in their own abilities.

There are four specific areas through which the three prime areas are

strengthened and applied. These specific areas are:

• Literacy Development involves encouraging children to link sounds

and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given

access to a wide range of reading materials (books, poems, and

other written materials) to ignite their interest.

• Mathematics involves providing children with opportunities to

develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and

using numbers, calculating simple addition and subtraction

problems; and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures.

• Understanding the World involves guiding children to

make sense of their physical world and their community

through opportunities to explore, observe and find out about

people, places, technology and the environment.

• Expressive Arts and Design involves enabling children to explore

and play with a wide range of media and materials, as well as

providing opportunities and encouragement for sharing

their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of activities in

art, music, movement, dance, role-play, and design and technology.


‘Downsbrook is a fabulous school. The staff have always been so supportive.’


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We are proud of our reputation for the arts. Our choir and Glee group

have performed before a variety of audiences and work hard in the local

community. We also offer a variety of instrumental tuition through the

county’s peripatetic music scheme.



SportsPE and living an active and healthy lifestyle is a very important part of the

life of Downsbrook School. The children will learn about many sports such

as dance, gymnastics, swimming, outdoor education, adventurous activities,

athletics and invasion games, such as football and hockey.

We also run a large variety of extra-curricular sports clubs that

enables our children to experience a wide range of sporting

opportunities. The majority of these are organised and run by

school staff. Some additional cost may apply especially with

external providers.

‘It was visible how enthusiastic everyone is about the school and how much effort had gone into the day.’ Parental Endorsement

Page 10: Downsbrook Primary School Prospectus


At Downsbrook we are committed to helping each child realise their

potential and want the children in our care to be happy at school. Whether

your child’s special needs are long term learning, emotional or physical

difficulties, or a short period of crisis, it is important that their needs are

recognised and that they receive the appropriate support. Our nurture

group also provides intensive support for a small group of identified

children. The school fully meets the DDA regulations. The school has a

robust and effective SEND Policy, Intimate Care Policy and Accessibility

Plan in place.

Special Educational Needs


Trips and VisitsChildren have the opportunity to undertake residential visits to a variety

of locations both in this country and abroad. These visits are invaluable in

developing social and life skills and the overwhelming majority of pupils

participate in at least one residential trip during their time at Downsbrook.

Friends of DownsbrookThe school has a very active Parents’ Association (FOD) who support the

school by organising fund raising events, such as fayres, cake sales, discos

and quiz evenings. The money they raise supports learning opportunities for

all children. New members are always welcome.

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We have an ever increasing number and variety of after school and lunchtime

clubs. This currently includes a homework club, athletics, netball, football,

girls’ football, computing, cricket, choir, art and many more. Some clubs will

be specifically for KS1 or KS2 children.

We have an OFSTED accredited pre-school breakfast club and after schools

children’s club, which has proved to be very popular.

The Extended Curriculum

Our school uniform was designed by our pupils for durability,

smartness and comfort.

White polo shirt with the Downsbrook logo

School sweatshirt with Downsbrook logo

Black or grey trousers or skirt

Black shorts in the summer (no cycling shorts or leggings)

or a green check summer dress

Black shoes or black trainers (no white trainers)

No jewellery may be worn except a wrist watch and stud earrings

Uniform P.E. Kit

Black shorts

House T Shirt

Plimsolls or trainers (which must be different to their normal footwear)

West Sussex County Council Regulations do not allow the wearing

of any kind of jewellery (earrings, studs, watches, rings, neck chains,

bangles, etc) during any P.E. lesson or other organised

physical activities.

For Health and Safety, hair that is collar length or longer,

should be tied up, especially for PE, Science or Technology.


‘I would like to thank the school for the last 4 wonderful years that Dominic has had at Downsbrook. Each year he has progressed and this has put him in good stead for high school. Thank you to the hard working staff.’ Parental Endorsement

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Through effort we will succeed.