dpc #5 - mobile marketing made different (wechat marketing)

Digital Profit Club 2014 #5 Mobile Marke8ng Made Different (WeChat)

Upload: leikhong-leow

Post on 27-Aug-2014



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WeChat currently is the number #1 #communication #apps used in China. More than 650 millions global users are currently communicating with this apps. If you are in business and you are still not utilising the social power of WeChat, then you are missing out a big piece of the marketing pie. In this presentation Coach LeikHong shared how you can use some of the features available on WeChat as a marketing and lead generation tools. Enjoy! Please do LIKE and Comment if you find the material is useful. Thank you.


  • Digital Prot Club 2014 #5 Mobile Marke8ng Made Dierent (WeChat)
  • Lets Recapped
  • Facebook Apps
  • Customize Facebook Apps
  • History of WeChat Oct 2010 with the original name of WeiXin By Ma HuaTeng CEO of Tencent
  • 600 millions users globally China - 450 million Rest of the world 150 million
  • Nov 2012, ranked the most popular iOS social networking Apps in 6 countries (Taiwan, HongKong, Vietem, ArgenRna & Malaysia) measured by download
  • The Authen8city of Users: WeChat requires a telephone number in order to sign up for a personal account. This makes WeChat the strictest social media plaXorm in China, ensuring there are less fake accounts.
  • WeChat: ID!
  • WeChat: QR Code!
  • WeChat: Prole! Professional look image Name that represent who you are Tagline that tell people what you do
  • WeChat: Basic Chat Features! Features keyboard of WeChat
  • WeChat: Web WeChat! www.web.wechat.com
  • WeChat: Transfer File via web WeChat! transfer les of less than 10 MB File types like PDF, MP3, MOV, DOCX, PPT and image les can be opened and viewed on WeChat.
  • WeChat: Moment! The Moments feed works similarly to a Facebook feed where you can like and comment on photos shared by your contacts. Since you have to approve of contacts, only the people you approve will be able to see, like and comment on your photos or statuses.
  • WeChat: Shake Shake! Shake is another feature where you can meet random people not too far from you. It gives you a random person (who is also using Shake) to chat with. You can choose to chat with the person or shake again to get another random person.
  • WeChat: Look Around! Look Around lets you connect with random people who are physically around you. To use Look Around, you must enable LocaRons so the matchmaking can commence.
  • WeChat: Look Around!
  • WeChat: Throw A Bottle! You can now toss digital messages into a sea and let random people pick up your message, keep it or add a reply before tossing it back to the sea. Messages can be in the form of text or short audio clips.
  • Enter the Features Sedngs to Enable / Disable some of the WeChat features. Me > Sedngs > General > Features
  • Brand Awareness CSR Project China Merchants Bank launched a campaign using the Throw a Bohle funcRon of WeChat. China Merchants Bank would cast bohles into the sea with a very disRnct message. The message states that for every 500 replies they receive they will donate professional training courses to auRsRc children around China. WeChat users using the drii bohle and/or shake funcRons could then see this message and act accordingly. China Merchants Bank would then act through a 3rd party charity lihle notes, small charity.
  • WeChat: Business Account!
  • Principe: Build an interacRve ocial page of the brand Example: Press 1 Magazine Press 2 Chadng Press 3 Test Press 4 FM Radio
  • Starbucks China launched their WeChat how are you ? campaign that users can get a voice message of a song from Starbucks own album aier sending them an expression. Another success from them is the good morning alarm clock, parRcipants can get their breakfast at half the price if they arrived before the Rme they set, and the Rme is set on an app from Starbucks.
  • Fruits Delivery Service Operate in University Business School Target audiences: Students & Teachers Monthly contact Daily room to room delivery Special fruits packages for dierent customers needs Apart from company informaRon, WeChat also provide weather forecast / Lost & Found info
  • WeChat: From zero to RMB 2.6million of sales in 3 months Rme using WeChat. At the beginning just give away FREE rice to his WeChats friends to try, the words of mouth start to spread and referral began to ow in. But it is sRll not enough. So he..
  • So dressed up like an Angry Bird and run the Shanghai InternaRonal Marathon carrying a big beg of his organic rice. With such he made a huge impact, and was reported by the local and internaRonal presses. PromoRng his WeChat account with a QR Code, public can now add and follow his
  • To be con0nue.
  • Social Media Coach Leow LeikHong TwiPer @leikhong www.facebook.com/digitalprotclub Email: [email protected]