dpr moti daman light house to nani daman jetty

1 R E Q UE S T F O R PR O POS AL FOR S E L E CT IO N OF CO NSU L T A NT F OR De ta iled P ro je c t R e p ort for B rid g es (Quali ty a nd Cost Base d Selection) Om nibus Industr ial Develop me nt Corpo ration of DAMAN & DIU and DADRA & NAGRA HAVELI LIMITED

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Detailed Projec t Report for Bridges

(Qua lity a nd Cost Based Selec tion)

Omnibus Industrial Developme nt Corporation of


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RFP— Co nsultanc y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Introd uc tion


Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation

Executive Engineer, OIDC, Daman

Plot No. 35, Som na th, Nani Daman.(0260) 2244731,2241112,2240721


1. Instructions to the Consultants:

(i) You are hereby invited to submit a proposal for consultancy services forDeta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s

(ii) Terms of referenc e g iven within this do c ume nt d esc ribe s the a ssignm ent a ndsc op e of the w ork.

(iii) Please note that the costs of preparing the proposal and subsequentnegotiations, if any, with Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC)and tasks and ac tions direc tly and indirec tly related to tha t are to b e b orne bythe c onsultants.


OIDC is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted. OIDC mayaccept or reject any and/or all the proposals without assigning any reasonsthereof.

(v) Pre bid meeting will be held on 7 th September 2011. Bidders shall give theirque ries in writing b efore three da ys of the pre b id me eting.

(vi) Queries regarding this project and this RFP document may be sent by anyconsultant under its letterhead till 3:00 PM on 4 th August 2011. OIDC may replyto the queries raised to by the particular consultant with a copy marked tooth er c onsultants.

2. Proposal Preparation

Your prop osa l sha ll c onta in the follow ing as pe r the fo rma t given in this do c ume nt:

(i) Proposa l sub mission lett er

(ii) Co mp any Profile, Com pany Reg istrat ion De ta ils, Last Three Yea r Turn ove rc ertified b y com pe tent autho rity and PAN No.

(iii) Approach paper on methodology and work plan for performing theassignment including site appreciation report.

(iv) Com po sition of the team and task(s) of eac h team mem be r.

(v) Curricular vitae of p ropo sed profe ssiona l sta ff.

(vi) Time sc hed ule for professiona l pe rsonnel

(vii) Activity (work) schedules

(viii) Financ ial b id

(ix) EMD b e en c losed

An authorized signatory from your firm must sign the each page of proposal. Any proposalc ont aining vag ue a nd ind efinite expressions will not b e c onsidered .

In ad dition to a bo ve follow ing are the key instruct ion to the b idde r:

1. The Prop osa l should be ba sed on t he num be r of p rofessiona l sta ff-mont hs estima ted by t hefirm.

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RFP— Co nsultanc y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Introd uc tion


2. It is desirable that the majority of the key professional staff proposed be permanentem ploye es of the c onsultanc y firm a nd sha ll b e w orking w ith the firm a t lea st for the last 10years. In case OIDC requires, consultants must be in a position to provide proof in thisrespect.

3. Proposed professional staff must have at least the experience indicated in the RFP,prefe rably und er co nd itions similar to t hose p reva iling in the p rojec t site.

4. Alternative professional staff shall not be proposed and only one curriculum vitae (CV) besubm itted for eac h key sta ff po sition.

5. Rep orts to be issued by the c onsulta nt in Eng lish. It is desirab le tha t the firm's p ersonnelhave a working knowledge of English.

3. Submission of Proposal

(i) The c onsultant s should sub mit the ir bid in a sea led c ove r marked “ Co nsultanc y forDetailed Project Report for Bridges” and containing within it the envelopesmentioned below:

a ) Envelop e No 1 (marked “ Tec hnica l Proposal” of the top of the envelope c ontaining

the requirements mentioned in section 2 exc ept (viii) .

b) Envelope No 2 (marked “ Financ ial Proposal” at the top o f the envelope co ntainingthe requirements under (viii) of sec tion 2 and in the stand ard fo rma t p resc ribed inthis document. Financial proposal must be sent online with other document.

C) Consultant should submit all required document online.

d) EMD a nd do c ument fees must send online (b y sc anning the do c ument). Only thoseoffers are va lid w hose EMD & do cum ent fee rec eived online.

(ii) The c onsultants a re ad vised to e nsure that their offer rea c hes the o ffice o f theExecutive Engineer, OIDC, Daman on or before 18:00 hours on 12 th Sep temb er2011.

(iii) Offe rs rece ived b y Telex / Teleg rap hic / Fax / Ema il will not be c onsidered .

(iv) OIDC sha ll no t b e responsible fo r any loss or de lay in tran sit of th e o ffe r.

4. Proposal Validity Period

The p rop osals shall be va lid for ac c ep ta nce by O IDC for a p eriod of 90 (Ninety) d ay s from theda te the last subm ission d ate of the p roposals.

5. Doc ume nt fees and Earnest Mo ney Deposit (EMD)

Doc ument fees is ` 1000/ - ( ` One tho usand for eac h wo rk) must b e subm itted o n line.

An EMD of Rs. 50,000 (rupees fifty thousand only) for each work in the form o f dem and draft

drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, OIDC, Daman and payable at Daman , must besubm itted online along w ith the Prop osal.

(i) Proposals not accompanied by EMD shall be rejected outright as non-responsive.

(ii) No interest shall be payable by OIDC for the sum deposited as earnest moneydeposit.

(iii) No ba nk guarantee w ill be a cc epted as EMD

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RFP— Co nsultanc y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Introd uc tion


(iv) The EMD of t he unsuc c essful bidd ers wo uld b e returned b ac k within one mo nthof issua nc e o f LOI (Let te r Of Inte nt) to the suc c essful bid d er. The EMD o f thesuccessful bidder would be returned within one month of submission ofInception Report

(v) EMD sha ll be forfeited by O IDC in the fo llow ing c irc umsta nc es:


If the bid is withdrawn during the bid validity period or any extension thereofii. If the offer is modified or varied in a manner not acceptable to OIDC after

opening of the proposals during the bid validity period or any extensionthereof.

iii. If the first ranked bid de r withdraw s his prop osal d uring neg otiat ions.

6. Confirma tion of Rec eip t

OIDC w ould a pp rec iate you informing b y fac simile / ema il rec eipt o f letter of invitation.

7. Ope ning of Proposals

The te c hnica l p ropo sa ls sha ll be op ene d o n 13 th Sep te mb er 2011 at 11:00 hours. Co nsulta ntmay depute their representative to be present at the time of opening of the proposals.Op ening o f fina nc ial propo sal will b e intimat ed late r on to suc c essful bid d er(s).

8. Evaluation of Proposal

The p rop osals shall be evaluate d as per the p aram eters set be low a nd ranked ac co rdingly.Proposal Ma rking: Both t he te c hnica l and financ ial prop osa ls shall be m arked sep a rately. Thetechnical proposal shall be evaluated on the following parameter and the marks shall begiven accordingly.

(i) Releva nt Qua lifica tion o f the Firms for the Assignme nt – [20 marks]

(ii) Qua lific ation a nd c omp etenc e o f the key professional staff for the a ssignment –

[50 marks] (iii) Adequacy of the proposed approach, methodology and work plan for

p erforming the a ssignme nt – [30 marks]

Ba sed on a bo ve c riteria , the p rop osa l sha ll be ranked in desc end ing o rd er of ma rks (TheTec hnica l Propo sa l with high est sc ore will be ranked one and oth ers ac c ordingly). For fina nc ialeva luation b idde r sc ored more tha n 70 marks will only be c onsidered.

Financial Evaluation: Financ ial bids of on ly top three ranked p ropo sals wo uld be op ene d . Theranking o f the financ ial prop osal would b e d one on a n asc end ing o rde r (The lowest quo te o ffinancial bid would be given first rank, and the others would be given scores on percentileb asis).

The sc ore of tec hnic al propo sals wo uld be given 80% we ightag e a nd tha t of the financ ialpropo sals wo uld be given 20% weighta ge . The w eigted tota l sco re o f b oth the Tec hnic al a ndFinanc ial p ropo sa ls sha ll be used to ra nk the Co nsultants. The first ranked c onsultant ma y the nbe ca lled for nego tiations.

9. Negotiations

(i) Negotiations will be scheduled with the first ranked bidder. Negotiations willc om menc e w ith a d iscussion on the propo sal, proposed met hod ology staffinga nd any o ther sugg estions on imp roving the ToR. Agreem ent must the n b e

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reac hed on the final ToRs, the sta ffing an d repo rting . Then fina nc ialneg otiations will be c arried o ut.

(ii) After successful negotiations with the first ranked bidder, OIDC shall issue Letterof Intent to the first ranked bidder for carrying out the assignment. Ifnegotiations do not reach any conclusions and the first ranked bidderwithdraws his proposal, OIDC may then call the second ranked bidder fornegotiations.

10. Ag reement for Services

The c onsultant w ho ha s be en issued a Wo rk Orde r shall be req uired to e nter into a c ont ra c twith OIDC w ith 5 days time p eriod from the d ate of rece ipt of such Work Order.

11. Comm enc em ent of Servic es

The c onsultant w ill need to sta rt the w ork within 15 da y(s) aft er signing of t he a gree me nt w ithOIDC fo r this Co nsulta nc y Servic es.

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Terms of Refe renc e



1. Background:

Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC) is a truly multipurpose organisationperforming diverse activities like housing, industrial estates, promoting tourism, quality liquor,branded computers and providing raw material to the industrial units in the twin UnionTerritories of Da ma n & Diu a nd Dad ra & Nag a r Have li. Unlike ot her sta tes, whe re t here a reseparate Govt. Corporations to look after these specific activities, these union territories havea single Corporation performing all these activities, thus avoiding multiplicity of governmentbodies. Recently OIDC has been declared as Infrastructure Development Corporation alsoa nd the A d ministration ha s entrusted all the b ig infrastruct ure projec ts to O IDC.

OIDC is aiming to enhance the connectivity of the Daman by developing new bridges in thearea to reduc e travel length and time.

Keep ing a bo ve in view, OIDC intend to have the requisite c onsultanc y services to ac hieve thisimp ortant go al. The ensuing sec tions briefly present the Terms of Refe rence on the p rop osedservic es.

2. Objective:

The c onsultant sha ll c arry out the a ssignme nt in tw o p ha ses to ac hieve t he o bjec tive. The firstp hase will c onsist o f Deta iled Projec t Rep ort including investiga tion, d esign o f the Bridg es andassist and support during Environment, Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) and necessaryclearances. In the phase II of the project, the consultant will manage the procurementp roce ss of C ontrac tor for Co nstruction o f the Bridg es in all mea ns.

3. Sc op e of the Services:

The d eta iled ta sks expe c ted from the C onsultant a re as follows but no t limited to:

Pha se -1: Deta iled Projec t Rep ort:(i) Conduct preliminary and detailed survey including reconnaissance, preliminary

survey, pegging, Road final survey etc. as per IRC or any other appropriatestandards;

(ii) Prepare strip plan showing the existing road land width, utility services (aboveground level), trees, electric poles, telephone poles, water pipeline, sewer line,bridges, culverts, junctions, adjoining land use, encroachment etc. On thepropo sed alignm ent a nd digitise the se fo r com pute r storage ;

(iii) Collect information about hydrology e.g. catchments characteristics, rainfall,stream/channel characteristics, design discharge, linear waterway, high tidelevel, sc our de pt h etc . for all c ross d raina ge wo rks and b ridg es;

(iv) Based on preliminary surveys, prepare feasible alignment plan and get thesam e a pp roved from O IDC

(v) Do drainage studies indicating general drainage pattern, HFL, water level,seep ag e flow, etc and prepa re d rainag e d esign as per IRC g uide lines;

(vi) Do investigation for naturally occurring materials and identify suitable quarriesfor these materials; to the extent possible promote locally availablec onstruction m at erials.

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Terms of Refe renc e


(vii) Conduct tests for the physical strength characteristics of materials as perrelevant national or international standard; visit materials factory for inspectionand qua lity control if required ;

(viii) Carry out geo-technical investigation and sub-surface exploration at all theproposed location of bridge (generally one boring may be done at eachloc at ion of a but me nt and also a t pier as pe r (IRC:78);

(ix) Prepare detailed working drawings good for construction, prepared ininternational standard using AutoCAD ( or other popular software) or otherrelated softwa re, c onta ining all deta ils req uired for exec ution of the p rojec t;

(x) Coordinate with OIDC for conducting environmental and economic analysis,c ost b ene fits a nd sensitivities test for the ind ivid ual b ridg e p rojec t a s required .

(xi) Prepare Quality Assurance Plan and Construction Management Plan forc onstruction o f the Bridg es

(xii) Prep are BOQ, Co st e stima tes and rate a na lysis ba sed on Sc hed ule of Ra tesa nd ma rket rate s wherever DSR is silent .

(xiii) Assist O IDC in p repa ra tion o f La nd Ac quistion p lans, Utility shifting proc ed ure a ta pp roac hes of the se b ridg es, if req uired

Phase II: Under this phase consultant shall assist and support OIDC in obtaining environment,forest & C RZ c learance s from Gove rnment ag enc ies along w ith procurement o f c ontrac torsfor c onstruct ion of the Bridg es:

The d eta iled ta sks expe c ted from the C onsultant und er this ph ase a re a s follow s:

(i) Carry out studies for statutory clearances including environmental clearancerequirement as per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forestry, andOIDC will assist to consultant in obtaining the statutory clearances i.e.Environm ent, Forest a nd CRZ required for c onstruction of the b ridg es.

(ii) The c onsulta nt w ou ld a ssist OIDC in provision of servic es for proc uremen t o f

contractors for construction of the Bridges which would involve preparingminutes of prebid meetings, preparation of DPR/BOQ and tender documentba sed on Internationa l contrac ts, evaluation o f bids rec eived and finalisation o fc ont rac tor till LOI sta ge .

4. Tota l Bridg es to be c ove red in the study :

Following Bridg e(s) an d its a pp roac h sha ll be c ove red und er this c onsultanc y servic es:

1. Moti Dam an Light House to Nani Dama n Jetty, on River Dama n Ga nga .

Consultant shall reconnaissance the total area and accordingly surveys shall be undertaken.

Consultants are advised to visit the Each Bridge Site before submission of their proposals, andfor same consultant may contact Executive Engineer, OIDC, Daman. OIDC will not reimburseor be ar a ny e xpe nses relate d to the site visit for subm ission o f prop osal.

5. Study Durat ion:

The time limit t o c om plete the a ssignm ent is 06 mon th(s). Som e w ork for Pha se II sha ll sta rtsimulta neously ba sed on o vera ll a ssessme nt.

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Terms of Refe renc e


Stud y of Phase I sha ll be c om p leted within 9 mont h(s), and Phase II shall be c om plete d within 3month(s).

6. Tea m Co mp osition:

The t ea m shall c om p rise fo llow ing key p rofessionals with d esired q ualific a tion a nd expe rienc es,and consultant may assess the additional professional / support professional requirement tomee t the project req uireme nt, but be low ide ntified requirem ent is minimum for the servic es:

Key Professionals:

(i) Tea m Lea der cum Bridge Engine er: This is the senio r most p osition a nd the expertengaged as the team leader shall be responsible for Investigation, Preparation offea sibility repo rt, viab ility Rep ort, Deta iled Projec t Rep ort, Prepa ration o f Tend erdo c ume nts, co nc ession a gree me nt a nd Tend er Assista nc e.. This p osition req uiresSenior Enginee r who sha ll be grad ua te in Civil Enginee ring w ith minimumexperience of 20 years in Bridge Engineering. Post graduate degree is desirable.Should ha ve ha ndled at least tw o m ajor highw ay/ Bridge projects as Tea m Lea de ror Sen ior Bridge Eng ineer in p repa ratio n of DPR.

(ii) Sr. Bridge Design Engineer: Must ha ve 10 yea rs of o verall exp erience a nd should b eGrad ua te in C ivil Eng inee ring a nd PG in Struc tura l Eng inee ring is d esirab le. Shou ldhave experience as a Bridge Engineer in highway design consultancy projects(NH/ SH/ Expresswa ys) involving d esign o f m inimum tw o ma jor bridg es (lengt h m oretha n 200 m ) 2 laning / 4laning ,PSC Struc tures.

(iii) Sr. Highway Engineer: Must have 10 years of overall experience and should beGrad ua te in C ivil Enginee ring a nd PG is de sirab le. Should ha ve e xperience as aHighw ay Eng inee r in highw ay de sign c onsulta nc y projec ts (NH/ SH/Expresswa ys)involving d esign of m inimum tw o m ajor highw ay road s (lengt h mo re tha n 50 km o feac h road projec t of 2/4/6 lane).

(iv) Sr. Pavement Expert: Must have 15 years of overall experience and should be

Grad ua te in Civil Enginee ring a nd PG is d esirab le. Should h av e d one Pav em entde sign fo r ma jor highw ay projec ts (NH/ SH/Expresswa ys) o f leng th of minimum 50 km(2/4/6 laning).

(v) Sr. Traffic and Transporta tion Exp ert: Must have 15 years of overall experience andshould be Grad uat e in Civil Enginee ring and PG is d esirab le. Should hav e w orkedas Traffic Eng inee r in Highw ay Projec ts (NH/SH/Expresswa ys) invo lving 4 laning oflength of minimum 50 km for at least 2 projects ii) Design of at least one multi levelintercha nge o n NH/ SH/ c ity roa ds.

(vi) Sr. Material cum Geotec hnical Expert: Must have 15 years of experience andshould be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG in Geotechnical Engineering.Should ha ve w orked as Ma terial c um G eo-tec hnic al Engineer on a tleast tw ohighwa y p roject s (projec t m ust ha ve b ridg es) (NH/ SH/Expresswa ys) of lengt h o fminimum 100 km (4la ne e quiva lent).

(vii) Sr. Contrac t / Docum ent Expe rt: Must have 10 years of experience and should beGradua te in Civil Engineering. Should ha ve w orked on tw o m ajor highw ay / bridg eprojec ts of lengt h of minimum 100 km (4la ne eq uivalent).

(viii) Sr. Hydrologist: Sha ll ha ve M a ste rs Deg ree in Wa te r Resource s with 5 yea rs ofexperience in the field of Hydrological / Hydro-meteorological data collection,valida tion and proc essing. Shall have wo rked w ith adva nce d c omp uterizedhydrolog ica l mod els for reservoir reg ulation a nd assessme nt o f w a ter resourc es

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Terms of Refe renc e


10. Eligib ility Criteria

1. Firm m ust ha ve a nnua l avera ge turnover of Rs. 50 c rore in last three prec ed ing yea rs;

2. Firm must have experience in preparation of Detailed Design Report for major Bridgesand Major Bridge Project.

3. The firm m ust ha ve c om p leted prep arat ion of DPR for at lea st tw o (2) Ma jor Bridg eshaving length mo re tha n 300 m in last five yea rs.

4. Joint venture may be allowed & terms and condition of such firms may be decidedafterwards.

11. Office and Working Condition

Consultant will need to o pe n a project o ffic e in Dama n to und ertake this assignment, and atleast resident projec t m an ag er a long with othe r nec essary key p rofessiona ls or sub p rofessionalsta ff should b e sta tioned in Dama n for duration o f this assignme nt.

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts



1. Proposal submission letter.

2. Co mp a ny Profile, Com pa ny Reg istrat ion Det a ils, La st Five Year Turn Ove r and PAN

3. App roa c h pa pe r on metho do log y and w ork plan for pe rforming the a ssignment.

4. Com po sition of the team and task(s) of eac h team mem be r.

5. Curricula vitae of p rop osed profe ssional sta ff.

6. Time sc hed ule for p rofessiona l pe rsonnel.

7. Ac tivity (w ork) sc hed ules.

8. Financial Bid

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts



To,Executive Engineer

Subject: Consultancy services for Detailed Project Report for Bridges.


I / We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above inaccordance with your Request for Proposal dated ------------------------. We are herebysubmitting our Proposal as per the prescribed formats and a financial proposal sealedunder a sep arate e nvelope in two co pies ea ch.

If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before <date>,we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is bindingupo n us and subjec t to the m od ificat ions resulting from c ontrac t neg otiations.

We understand you are not bo und to a cc ep t any Prop osal you rec eive.

We remain,

Yours sinc ere ly,

Aut horized Signa ture:

Full Na me:____________________ Desig na tion:__________________ Na me o f Firm:_________________ Ad d ress:______________________

Enc l: (1) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL -(2 Cop ies).(2) FINANC IAL BID-(2 Cop ies) in sep a rate envelope.

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts




[Detailed description of the ap proac h pa per on method ology and work plan forp erforming the a ssignm ent]

1. Tec hnica l/ Manag erial Staff2. Support Sta ff

Sr. No . Na me Positio n Task







Sr. No . Na me Positio n Ta sk






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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts



Prop osed Position:

Nam e o f Firm:

Name of Staff:

Profession:Dat e o f Birth:

Yea rs with Firm/ Entity: Na tiona lity:

Me mb ership in Profe ssiona l Soc ieties:

Deta iled Tasks Assigned :

Key Q ualifica tions:

[Give an outline of staff member’s experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment.Describe d egree of respo nsibility held by staff m emb er on relevant previous assignments and give d ate s and locations. ]

Educ ation:

[Summa rize co lleg e/ university and othe r spe c ialized ed uca tion of staff m emb er, giving nam es of scho ols,da tes attend ed, and de grees ob tained. ]

Employment Record:

[Sta rting with p resent po sition, list in reve rse ord er eve ry emp loyme nt he ld. List a ll positions held b y sta ff mem be r since grad uation, g iving da tes, nam es of em ploying o rga nizations, titles of p ositions held, a nd loc a tions of a ssignm ent s. For expe rienc e in last te n yea rs, also g ive typ es of a c tivities pe rformed an d c lient referenc es, where app rop riate. ]

Languages:[For eac h langua ge indicate proficiency: excellent, good , fair, or po or; in spe aking, rea ding, and writing ]


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctlyde sc ribe m y qua lific ations, my experienc e, and me.

Date:[Signature o f staff memb er a nd authorized representative o f the Firm] Day/ Month/ Year

Full na me o f staff member:______________________________________ Full na me o f autho rized

rep resen ta tive: ___________________________

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts



Mont h or Weeks

Sl. No. Na me Position Rep orts Due/ Ac tivities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





Full-time: Pa rt-time : Rep orts Due :

Activities Duration:

Sign a ture : (Authorized Rep FullName:


B. Com ple tion a nd Subm ission of Rep orts

Rep orts Program me : (Date )

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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts



From ToThe Exec utive Eng ineerAddress


Subje c t: Consultanc y service s for Imp roveme nt and Enhanc em ent of Flood Control Celland Flood Manag eme nt.

Reg ard ing Financ ial Bid

I / We,Consultant / consultancy firm

herewith enc lose Financ ial Bid for selec tion of m y / our firm / orga nization a s c onsultant to c arry outconsultancy services for Improvement and Enhancement of Flood Control Cell and Flood


Yours fa ithfully,

Signa tu re____________________

Full Na me___________________

Designa tio n_________________

Na me of t he Firm____________


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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts


Tota l Price of the Servic es

Sr. No. Price Co mponen t Rs. (In Figure) Rs. (In wo rds)

A Rem uneration of KeyProfessionals

B Rem unera tion of SubProfessiona l and Sup portStaff

C Out of po cket expensesD Survey and Inve stiga tion

E Tota l Price for the assignm ent(sum o f A to D abov e)

F Plus Servic e Tax (@ CurrentRate)

Note:1. All the prices quoted above must be inclusive of all taxes and duties, service

ta x sha ll be p ayab le extra o n Total Price for the a ssignme nt (sum A to D) and a sper ap plic ab le law o f Government o f India, time to time

2. No escalation would be allowed due to changes in taxes and duties, exceptservice tax

3. No c onditions should be atta c hed to the pric e p rop osal4. In case of any discrepancies in the prices mentioned in the figures and words,

the p ric es me ntioned in the wo rds wo uld be c onside red as final pric e.5. Survey And Investiga tion (D) will be reimb ursed on Ac tua l Expe nses.6. Amo unt of Survey a nd Investigat ion will be de duc ted from the %ag e p aym ent

rate and sam e w ill be p aid sep arately on ac tual quantity.

7. The Ra te s quoted in the to ta l price s of the servic es must b e the same a squoted in Breakdown of the price of services and field investigation andsurvey.


Full Name:



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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts


Break do wn o f Pric e o f the Servic es

A. Remuneration of Key ProfessionalsSr. No. Name Position Tot a l Ma n

monthRa te Tota l Am oun t in






B. Remuneration of Sub ProfessionalsSr. No. Descrip tion Unit Unit Ra te Tot a l Am ou nt in (Rs.)






C. Out of Pocket ExpensesSr. No. Descrip tion Unit Unit Ra te Tot a l Am ou nt in (Rs.)






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RFP— Co nsultan c y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Bridg es Sta nd a rd Forma ts


D. Field Investigation And Surveys

Sr. No Item Qty Unit Rate Am ount


Mobilization of necessary equipment, men andma terials & d em ob ilizat ion including shifting fromone location to another within the projectstretc h .

1 LS


Drilling 150mm dia boreholes in all types of soilexcluding rock including all conductingSPT,vane shea r test , c ollec tion of un d isturbedand disturbe d sam ples, working p lat form etc .Including all lab, field tests & report preparationa s p er IRC: 78.

a) in dry loca tions

i) 0 to 40 m dep th 1100 RMT

b ) in wa ter using pla tform

ii) 0 to 40 m d ep th 1100 RMT


Drilling Nx size boreholes in soft roc k inc ludingc ollec tion of sam ples, working p latform etc .Including all lab, field tests & report preparationa s p er IRC: 78.

a ) In dry locations

i. 0 to 40 m d ep th 320 RMT

b) In wa ter using p latfo rm

ii) 0 to 40 m d ep th 320 RMT


Drilling Nx size boreholes in hard rock includingc ollec tion of sam ples, working p latform etc .Including all lab, field tests & report preparationa s p er IRC: 78.

a ) In dry locations

i) 0 to 40 m d ep th 160 RMT

b) In wa ter using p latfo rm

ii) 0 to 40 m d ep th 160 RMT

Tota l

Note: Please include any o ther surveys need to be undertaken to co mp lete the assignment ina bo ve list.

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RFP— Co nsultanc y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Draft Co ntrac t


DRAFT CONTRACTThis CO NTRAC T (hereinafte r tog ethe r with the Ann exure at ta c hed hereto c a lled the C ont ra c t)is ma de on the ______________ Day of ____________ 2008, bet wee n Exec ut ive Eng inee r, Dama nGanga Project Division 1, Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC), a departmentof G overnment o f Gujarat a nd having its at Ma dhub an C olony, District Valsad , Gujarat, on the

part and (hereinafter called the Client) and __________ a company / partnership firmincorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 with its corporate office at

___________________________, Ind ia (he reina fter ca lled the C on sulta nt ).


(A) the Client has requested the Consultant to provide consultingservic es (hereinafte r ca lled the Servic es) nec essa ry to c om p letea servic es to id en tify irriga tion p ot ent ial in four Ta lukas.

(B) The C onsultants ha s ag ree d to provide the Servic es on t he t ermsan d c ond itions set fo rth in this Co ntrac t.

NOW THEREFORE the p a rties he reto he reb y agree a s fo llow s:1. The C onsultant shall perform the Servic es und er this Co ntrac t in ac c orda nc e w ith the

Terms of Refe renc e a s at ta c hed in Annexure I and as ag reed in the Ince pt ion Rep ort.The c onsultant sha ll ta ke into c onsiderat ion the view s and sugg estions ma de by O IDCand the ot her Government and private stakeholde rs of the p roject .

2. Other Documents – RFP document including any amendments made to it at thebid d ing sta ge , Consultant’ s bid offe r d oc ume nts, Terms of Refe renc e, Inc ep tion Rep ortshall form pa rt of the Contrac t.

3. Sc hed ule – The c onsultant shall ad here to the time sc hed ule for sub mission o f repo rts asmentioned in below


Com menc eme nt Date and Time sc hed ule for co mp letion of the Service s The d ate ofthis agreement shall be construed as the date of commencement of services of theCo nsultant unless ag ree d ot herwise.

The to ta l time fram e for ca rrying out th e a ssignme nt wo uld b e 8 (eight) mo nths fromthe d ate of this Contrac t.

5. Personn el – The Servic es sha ll b e c a rried out b y the p ersonne l spec ified in Anne xure IIfor the respe ctive p eriod s of time indica ted therein. No c hang es shall be m ad e to theKey Personnel wo rking in the a ssignm ent unless ot herw ise a pproved b y the C lient . TheConsultant shall make reasonable efforts to make sure that Key Personnel working onthe project remain present during key discussions with and presentations before theClient a nd Stat e Go vernment.

6. Respo nsibility a nd Und ertakings of the Co nsultant The Co nsultant und ertakes that:

a . It sha ll c arry out t he Services with d ue d iligenc e a nd e fficienc y, and shallexerc ise suc h skills and c a re in the p erforma nc e o f the Servic es a s is c onsiste ntwith good industry practices and recognized professional standards.

b . It shall maintain confidentiality of the information collected and conclusionsdrawn with respect to the project and shall not pass on any information, dataand reports without prior consent of the Client.

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RFP— Co nsultanc y Service s for Deta iled Projec t Rep ort for Brid ge s Draft Co ntrac t

11. Paym ent Terms – The p aym ent a t eve ry mo nth w ill be m a de a s pe r (9) , Consultant shallsubmit the invoice at end of every month; monthly invoice shall be prepared as performula:

Sr. No. Rep ort / Outp ut Due Period AfterInitiation o f


Paymentin %ag e

1. Inc ep tion Rep ort 15 d ays 5%

2. Op tion Stud y Rep ort 45 d ays 5%

3. Inte rim Rep ort 90 d ays 20%

4. Dra ft Deta iled Projec t Rep ort 150 da ys 15%

5. Final Det a iled Projec t Rep ort 180 d ays 30%

6. On ob ta ining of Sta tuto ry Clea ranc es 300 d a ys 5%

7. On completion of contractor procurementprocess

365 d ays 5%

12. Dispute s In the event of a ny dispute be twe en the Consultant and the C lient, the pa rtiesshall endeavour to resolve such disputes mutually, However, if such disputes are notresolved then they shall be referred to arbitration as per the Arbitration andConc iliation Ac t, 1996 and the venue of suc h arbitration shall be G and hinag ar.

13. Custody of drawings, reports, data, maps Original drawings, maps, data, charts,pho toc op ies of c lassified d oc uments and all other do c uments rec eived from the Client

shall remain in the custody of the Consultant during the period of assignment only andpurpo se. These shall be c arefully preserved by t he C onsultants till the c om plet ion of t heassignment a nd shall be ha nde d o ver to the C lient on co mp letion of t he a ssignment o ron termination of the Contrac t.