dps article

Live - DPS The new sound in the industry started off making tunes in his mom’s spare room with the most basic of equipment- 2005’s garage band pro. As he rises up through the ranks, he talks new mixes, the celebrity life, and why he’s partying more than ever. What’s the average day like for you in the run up for the summer hit season? Well, there is a grind for my new album to be ready but at the same time producing quality content for my audience to enjoy. I have been also working with other DJs earlier in the year and developing my signature sound of electro trap fusion music. You are still stuck to your roots of the underground dance club scene and have taken them on your back to the struggle to the top. What’s special about these particular clubs? It’s always good to remember where you came from. These clubs gave me opportunity to grow when I was broke and I had no one else. I often go back and this allows me to connect with my audience, friends and family, seeing what they would like me to do next which keeps me up to date allowing me to develop my music. In my mind they deserve the fame as much as me. There aren’t many DJs who look like they’re enjoying themselves as much as you behind the decks, but has there ever been a point when you’ve felt jaded with it all? I have always been told to love what you do, in my case that’s totally true. This is what I’ve wanted to do ever since I was little and I don’t think I’ll ever get bored of it because it’s always changing, you know. The sets and locations are always changing and I’m always meeting interesting new people. To be honest I’m very lucky and I couldn’t ask for a better career.

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Post on 18-Nov-2015




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Live - DPSThe new sound in the industry started off making tunes in his moms spare room with the most basic of equipment- 2005s garage band pro. As he rises up through the ranks, he talks new mixes, the celebrity life, and why hes partying more than ever.

Whats the average day like for you in the run up for the summer hit season?Well, there is a grind for my new album to be ready but at the same time producing quality content for my audience to enjoy. I have been also working with other DJs earlier in the year and developing my signature sound of electro trap fusion music.You are still stuck to your roots of the underground dance club scene and have taken them on your back to the struggle to the top. Whats special about these particular clubs?Its always good to remember where you came from. These clubs gave me opportunity to grow when I was broke and I had no one else. I often go back and this allows me to connect with my audience, friends and family, seeing what they would like me to do next which keeps me up to date allowing me to develop my music. In my mind they deserve the fame as much as me.There arent many DJs who look like theyre enjoying themselves as much as you behind the decks, but has there ever been a point when youve felt jaded with it all?I have always been told to love what you do, in my case thats totally true. This is what Ive wanted to do ever since I was little and I dont think Ill ever get bored of it because its always changing, you know. The sets and locations are always changing and Im always meeting interesting new people. To be honest Im very lucky and I couldnt ask for a better career. Looking back at the hustle to the top, is there anything you would do different?Not that I can think of. In my opinion all my experiences good or bad have built character leading me to the artist that I am today. I have explored all of the industry and met all different types of people in them experiences.Are you keeping up with new technology that could enhance your music?I like to try new technologys that could enhance my music but to be honest I prefer to stick to the things that I know and can work with effectively and quickly. However the scene is changing all of the time and new sounds and themes are always in fluxuation with the audience demanding you keep to trend. This gives the dance scene an exciting aspect as you never know what will in next, which is why I and the genre have gained such popularity over the last few years.

Are you picky about what you play?More recently I have like to add more strings to my bow through expanding and experimenting with different sub-genres of electro and dance. This method has given me ideas to develop my music with the new noises and beats, which has been proven to be successful with the fans. You have done collaborations with many other popular Djs, do think this has allowed the audience to recognise your talent quickly?I have worked with popular and lesser known artists from all different backgrounds and even genres allowing me to explore and learn. On my new album are features from other music scenes that I have implemented into my music. For example I have used a backing track of an orchestra on my new single TRANCE, it sometimes surprises the producers when I say that I am going to use a music feature thats a bit out there, but they trust my opinion and as planned creates a hot single that may even develop into the sound of the summer. Who do you plan to work with in the future?I look forward to working with some of the heavy hitters such as Calvin Harris, who is a friend of mine and could possibly feature on my new album thats dropping in May wink wink. Also I hope to work with some lesser known artists to explore their potential.Now you are a recognised artist are you planning any tours or appearances at festivals?Yes, I plan to play at all the main gigs and festivals. Ive actually had a few offers from some promising people and who knows I might be winging it with the likes on Example while Im on the deck, we will just have to wait and see.