dps layout

DPS Layout

Upload: angel-chan

Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Dps layout

DPS Layout

Page 2: Dps layout

At first for my layout I followed

my flat plan, by including the G-

cliff graphic to the structure of

the interview text, so it would

go up in stairs which I got the

idea from ‘NME’ Double Page

Spread on the left.

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I added blue boxes to map out where my

Mast head would go, which I took

inspiration from ‘NME’ music magazine

below. I tried out having a graphic text in

the background in the same font as my

Mast head on my front cover to make it

Cohesive, but overlaying it behind the text

Made it bit hard to read.

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This is not the image I will use for the double page

spread, however it is there just to help me get a general

idea as to what pose and where I should position my

actual image in the layout. Like how I’ve tested using

cut out to experiment with, which didn’t look good.

Then I tried only having the image on one side and

only text on the other. Which was ok but it didn’t

work as Indie music magazine layout, to me


With this one the image covers both pages

which works best for the text as it’s background.

I tried changing the colour of her jumper to blue

to link to her name ‘Ocean’ and to really just

experiment with. Which makes it look a bit

sketchy which would suit a more rock themed

music magazine better.

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In most indie genre and

any music magazines in

general tend to take a

bit of the text in the

interview and make it a

pull quote for the

readers, which had to be

something relating back

to the genre Indie and

the artist as well that is

why I tried different

fonts and quotes to

achieve that.

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Here is the actual image I will use on my DPS as it links to the genre of Indie with

the flower and guitar, also the colour scheme is cohesive with the front cover and

contents page as her shirt is blue it links to her name ‘Ocean’ and is used to

highlight the questions with in the interview. I changed the layout of the text so the

stairs are coming down instead of going up, to better frame the image of the artist.

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I have used photo manipulation by changing the levels of the image to brighten up the

image and the background.

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Instead of making the title tilted going over both

pages like I originally intended like in ‘NME’, I had

to put on one side not tilted. I chose to use the font;

Perpetual tilting MT bold to be cohesive with the

front cover.

I chose to include the

sub-heading of

‘Making waves’ as it

links to the interview

in which the artist has

released her first

album called ‘Tidal

Waves’, so it’s to link

it to that and to be a

metaphor to suggest

the artists growing


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I have added a peach colour drop shadow to make

the title and sub-heading standout more and so it’s

cohesive with front covers colour scheme and to

introduce a warm colour to all the blue which

links back to the theme indie and my research on

mind map of things which are more likely to be


I have also neatened up the text and

made sure the second column isn’t

longer than the third and i have done the

font in ‘Segoe print bold’ as it’s cohesive

with the font used on my contents page

and links well with the theme of indie


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I experimented with

changing the font of my

interview just to see how

another font would look

like however the DPS as

whole didn’t flow as well

as it did without the new

font, so I'm keeping the

text font as ‘Segoe print


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I tried adding the

to fill up the page

a bit more.

However as an

Indie music

magazine I like

the simple and

elegant look it has

as personally to

me that looks

more indie, so

I’m not going to

include the


I included the

page number

like any music magazine

would and kept the colour

scheme white to be cohesive

with the content page.

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