drakenstein gazette 7 december 2012

Drakenstein Year 2 • Friday 7 December 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600 181 LADY GREY STREET, PAARL | JACQUES: 083 288 3360 Massive Bed Sale Up to 20% off Massive Bed Sale Up to 20% off GREAT OPENING SALE GREAT OPENING SALE 20 November 2012 - 20 December 2012 Brand New Refrigerators | One Year Guarantee | 230 L Telefunken |Bar Refrigerator R1 999 R1 450 R999 Double Base Set from R999 LAY- BUY'S ACCEPTED - 6 MONTHS TO PAY LAY- BUY'S ACCEPTED - 6 MONTHS TO PAY R2200 R2200 Family Furnishers Family Furnishers R2250 R2250 R450 R450 R1599 R1599 R799 R799 R1890 R1890 R1550 R1550 Kitchen Unit Kitchen Unit R650 R650 R799 R799 Kas R1999 Kas R1999 WELLINGTON, 12 VERSAILLES ST, 021 873 2222 Bouers Gereedskap Elektriese Gereedskap Tuin Gereedskap Skoonmaak Masjiene Sleepwaens Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service In the latest Paarl Post ) Old Rem- brandt to be- come new hub in CBD. ) ATM bombers caught red- handed in Mbekweni. ) Local busi- nesses con- cerned over Es- kom tariff hikes. Loebi die Drakie 2 Magic for school 3 Sokker vreugde 8 Loeriesfontein Kliptrappers se Jolene Beukes laat die stof behoorlik staan terwyl sy ge- reed maak om die askoek te slaan in Saterdagaand se eindronde van die ATKV se nasionale rieltrap-kompetisie wat by die Taalmomument se amfiteater aangebied is. Wit- zenberg-rieldansers het die senior-kompetisie vir die vier- de agtereenvolgende jaar ge- wen. Saterdag se kompetisie is deur 4 000 toeskouers by- gewoon. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN Só dans ’n mens mos!

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Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012


Page 1: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012


Year 2 • Friday 7 December 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600


Massive BedSale Up to20% off

Massive BedSale Up to20% off

GREAT OPENING SALEGREAT OPENING SALE20 November 2012 - 20 December 2012

Brand New Refrigerators | One Year Guarantee | 230 L Telefunken |Bar RefrigeratorR1 999 R1 450


DoubleBase Setfrom




Family FurnishersFamily Furnishers

R2250R2250 R450R450 R1599R1599 R799R799R1890R1890R1550R1550

Kitchen UnitKitchen Unit

R650R650 R799R799





Bouers Gereedskap

Elektriese Gereedskap

Tuin Gereedskap

Skoonmaak Masjiene


Masjiene Repair & Helicoil Service

In the latest Paarl Post) Old Rem-brandt to be-come new hubin CBD.) ATM bomberscaught red-handed inMbekweni.) Local busi-nesses con-cerned over Es-kom tariff hikes. Loebi die Drakie 2 Magic for school 3 Sokker vreugde 8

Loeriesfontein Kliptrappers seJolene Beukes laat die stofbehoorlik staan terwyl sy ge-reed maak om die askoek teslaan in Saterdagaand seeindronde van die ATKV senasionale rieltrap-kompetisiewat by die Taalmomument seamfiteater aangebied is. Wit-zenberg-rieldansers het diesenior-kompetisie vir die vier-de agtereenvolgende jaar ge-wen. Saterdag se kompetisieis deur 4 000 toeskouers by-gewoon.


Só dans’n mensmos!

Page 2: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein Gazette Entertainment - Vermaak Friday 7 December 20122

7 Days Family

Coke, Coke Light,Coke Zero, Tab 2 L R11,95







R8,99 R39,95



R54,95 R9,95



Sparletta2 L

Toilet Paper10's

Dairy Belle LongLife Milk 6 x 1 L

Lux Soap100 g


100 ml + 25 ml free

CheeseGouda & Cheddar

per kg

Jive2 L

BBQ Braaiworsper kg

Ab2per kg


Chicken LegQuarters 10kg

TenderizedSteak per kg

Lucky Star Tuna170g

Koo Cream StyleSweetcorn 410g

Fusion1 L

Ricoffy 750g

Ricoffy 250g

SAVERITE EN DIE NORTIERS ’NWENSPAN!Baie dankie aan al ons kliënte, oud en nuut wat ons nousteeds ondersteun onder die nuwe SAVERITE vaandel. Diebewys dat ons die regte keuse gemaak het om saam te smeltmet Saverite is getoon deurdat ons omset steeds verdubbelhet met die omskakeling.Die SAVERITE groep lewer uitstekende, flink diens, spoedigeaflewerings en is altyd bereid om te help. Ons wil graag onslojale personeel bedank vir hul goeie gesindheid ten spytevan al die lang ure wat hul ingesit het. Ons kan die publiekverseker dat ons elke dag streef om voort te bou op goeiediens en die beste pryse en steeds sal groei van krag tot krag.

PAARL,Tel: 021 872 8475 | Slaghuis: 021 872 0342

Hoofstraat 470, Noorder-Paarl

MALMESBURY, Piet Retiefstraat 17Tel: 022 482 3711

Vanaf 29 November tot 3 Desember.

Hoeveelhede kan beperk word, geen

handelaars. Terwyl voorraad hou.

Saterdag 1 Desember)AChristmasMarketwill be held at 1 CrystalStreet, Northern Paarl, from 10:00 till 14:00.Therewillbearts,craft, jewellery,clothes,kidsstuff, homemade and handmade products andmuch more on sale.Contact Riza Fouché on 082 567 5769 for moreinformation.)AChristmasConcertatFrankPietersenMu-sic Centre will take place at 19:00. There willbe choirs, orchestras, jazz, African percussionand sing-a-long Christmas carols. Entry fee isR20 (free for children).

Friday 7 December) N&H Ballroom and Latin Dance Studio willhost theirannualyearend functionwhere theywill showcase the dancers’ talents and givethanks to all the parents. Contact Nicole Lac-kay on 076 562 9502, Herschall Golding on 078867 2894 or Lauren Roode on 079 278 1008.

Saterdag 8 December) Die jongspanword genooi omSaterdag 8 De-sember, Jan en die Boontjierank op die plankete sien by die OuMeulteater. Die vertoning be-gin om 10:00 en kaartjies kos R45. Besprekingskan gemaak word by 083 564 0056 of [email protected].) Enjoy a day at Laborie Wine Estates weeklyHarvestMarket, for gifts, fresh produce,winesand good eats. Lots of entertainment for child-ren. Bring your own picnic basket with eats,drinks and blanket at 11:00 to the Wellington

Autism Centre Picnic. Pony rides will be avai-lable at R10 per ride. Entrance is R10 per per-son. Everybody will meet at the OudeWelling-ton Restaurant car park at 11:00. For enquiriescall 072 6495465or see themaponhttp://goo.gl/maps/ATN4c.

Saterdag 15 Desember) Jan Blohm en sy orkes tree om 20:00 op bydieBôrdienhuisteater inWellington.Kaartjiesis R120. Skakel 071 672 3090 vir besprekings.Nooi jou familie en vriende saamvir ’n geselli-ge aand van Kersliedere en landelike gospel-musiek by die Solms-Delta-wynlandgoed om19:00.)Saterdag 15Desember - Sondag 16Desember.Piekniekmandjies, Kaapse kontrei-eetgoed enwyn te koop; kaartjies: R50 per persoon (kin-ders onder 12 gratis). Bespreek by [email protected] of bel Henry of Thoziby 021 874 3937.

Loebi kuier by dieTaalmonumentDié klein ontdekkingsreisiger, Loebi die Dra-kie, kom kuier op Woensdag 12 Desember bydie Afrikaanse Taalmonument in die Paarl.

Die vertoning, ten bate van die Taalmonumentse leesprojek, vind vanaf 11:00 tot 12:00 plaas bydie Tuinteater op die grasperk reg langs die Taal-monument.Gastemoetkussings,komberseenop-voustoele saambring vir gemak. Indien die weersleg is, skuif die vertoning na die Besoekersen-trum.Net soos die gewilde en veelbekroonde skrywer

Martie Preller se ander hart-steel karakters, Bal-kie en Babalela, het Loebi die Drakie al diep intalle kinderhartjies ingekruip en baie ouers laat

glimlag.Tydens dié nuwe verhoog-produksie vir kin-

ders ontdek Loebi dag na dag meer en meer vansy drakewêreld, soos ’n kind symensewêreld ont-dek. Die drakewêreld is bietjie anders as diemen-sewêreld, maar nie só anders nie.Toegang by die hek is R65 per persoon (gratis

onder1 jaar).Gastekanhuleieeetgoedsaambringof verversings by Volksmond-koffiewinkel koop.Veilige parkering is beskikbaar en toegang

word beheer. Geen honde word toegelaat nie.Vir verdere inligting oor geleenthede by die

Taalmuseum of Taalmonument, bel 021 863 4809/0543 of besoek www.taalmonument.co.za enwww.facebook.com/afrikaansetaalmonument. Loebie die Drakie.

Fietna LekkeJy on stageThe young aspiring artist Hein Poolefrom Wellington is bringing his Afri-kaans comedy Fietna lekke jy back toPaarl and Wellington.InAugust this year, Hein andhis cast

launched thecomedy inPaarl andmadea huge impression on the audience.He said that’s what he planned when

he wrote the theatre piece and selectedthe talented cast and director for hisplay.His first priority was to bring the

script to life in the Boland, because theevents take place here.He finds thewell-equipped local thea-

tresa joyandlooksforwardtomountingfuture professional productions here.Fietna Lekke Jy will be staged on 9

Desember at 16:30 at the Bordienghuisin Wellington and 16 Desember at 16:30at the Old Mill Theatre, Paarl.Tickets for the show Fietna Lekke Jy

areR60andcanbebookedat 021 873 2786or 072 377 4703.

Kersliedere &piekniek opSolms-DeltaNooi jou familie en vriende saam vir’n gesellige aand van Kersliedere enlandelike gospelmusiek by die SolmsDelta-wynlandgoed op Saterdag 15 De-sember en Sondag, 16 Desember.Bring jou eie piekniekkombers en

–mandjie, of bestel ’n smaaklike piek-niekmandjie teen R145 per persoonvan Fyndraai-restaurant. Wyn enKaapse lekkernye, soos samoesas,frikkadelle, klein pasteitjies, melkterten koeksisters sal die aand te koopwees.Hekke open om 18:00. Musiek begin

om 19:00. Toegang is R50 per persoon(gratis vir kinders jonger as 12).Besprekings vir toegang word aan-

beveel aangesien beperkte plekke opdie aand beskikbaar sal wees. Be-spreek by [email protected] of bel Henry of Thozi by 021874 3937.

RODEOFEES OP MAMES-BURY: Rynhardt van Zyl vanWellington is nie net ’n erva-re rodeobulryer nie, maar isook die hooforganiseerdervan die groot Country- enRodeofees wat op 15 De-sember op Malmesbury seskouterrein gehou word.Tradisionele perdesport-speletjies soos draf-, drom-en vlagresies sal ook aan-gebied word. Perderuiterswat vir laasgenoemdeitems wil inskryf kan ditdoen deur Hennie by 072273 6042 te bel. Die feesbegin reeds om 09:00.

Page 3: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein GazetteNews - NuusFriday 7 December 2012 3


Affordable franchise available from R250 000. Call Andrew 082 871 6128. Ons praat Afrikaans

PAARLMain Street, Opp KFC(Old Costas Building)

021 872 6658

STRAND234 Main Rd

(Opp Autozone)021 854 8025


@ Recreation Rd021 782 2621

SOMERSET WESTCnr Bright & Andries

Pretorius Rd021 851 6188

FACTORY245 Broadlands Rd

Strand021 845 8962


Main Rd021 982 3371


& Oxford Rd021 975 7454


• Strong & Firm • Solid SA Pine• 1 800x500 • All sizes on special• Smoothly sanded finish




MICHEAL DOUBLE BUNKGARDEN BENCH• Strong & Firm • Solid SA Pine - 1 600 mm• Hardwood option only R749• Arm rests excluded • Beautiful!


NowNow OnlyOnlyR749R749PPrriiccee NNoorrmmaallllyy RR11559999Normally R999

PEDESTAL LAUNDRY BASKET CHEST OF DRAWERS• Cheap, but nice • Solid SA Pine• 1 Drawer + storage• Smooth sanded finish

• Beautiful louvre sides• Large size• Varnished• Colours available

Now Only

R199 Now Only R1 399Price Normally R1 999


• Many sizes moreavailable

• Solid SA Pine• 5 Drawers (3+2)• Smooth sanded finishBARGAINBARGAIN

Now OnlyR749Now OnlyR749Normally R1 599


• Strong & firm • Solid SA Pine• Ladder & safety rail included• Big single size on special• Smooth sanded finish

• Strong & firm • Solid SA Pine• Ladder & safety rail included• Big single size on special• Smooth sanded finish

Now Only

R1 399

Normally R1 299




Now Only R1 649Normally R2 999

• Strong & firm • Solid SA Pine• Converts to a double bed• Seats 4 easily• NB: Cushions available

- Not in price

• Strong & firm • Solid SA Pine• Converts to a double bed• Seats 4 easily• NB: Cushions available

- Not in price


• Solid SA Pine• Colonial leg available• Smooth sanded finish• Many options - all on special

• Solid SA Pine• Colonial leg available• Smooth sanded finish• Many options - all on special

• Solid SA Pine• Colonial leg available• Smooth sanded finish• Many options - all on special

• 900 x 900 • 900 x 1200• 900 x 1500• 900 x 1800

R799 R999R1299R1499

* We maketables to size!

• Beautiful new solid wood cot• Strong and safe • Smooth sanded finish• Our finishes

are child safe!

• Beautiful new solid wood cot• Strong and safe • Smooth sanded finish• Our finishes

are child safe!


R1 399R1 399only

R1 399 WOW!WOW!

• Solid Pine• Beautiful new style• Separates to make

two single beds• Smooth sanded finish * similar to picture


R1 699R1 699only

R1 699


• Solid Saligna top• Two tier available• 900 x 600• Fantastic value!• Wheels optional

Normally R1 399

Now Only R899



•1 500 mm, 1 800 mm available• Solid pine• Smooth

sanded finish• Beautiful!

•1 500 mm, 1 800 mm available• Solid pine• Smooth

sanded finish• Beautiful!


Sale R349Normally R699

• VERY strong construction• Beautiful!• Smooth sanded finish• We paint for you!

• Couch by day and bed by night• Solid SA Pine • Full single size• Smooth raw finish


Sale R1 499NormallyR2 299NormallyR2 299


Normally R1999Now Only


• Double - all sizes on special• Solid SA Pine• Head, body and LOW foot end• Smooth sanded finish


• Includes headboard, foot-end,side rail and slats

Single Three QDoubleQueenKing

R799 R899R999

R1 099R1 199

• Solid Pine• Beautiful new style• We do many finishes - come and see!



Normally R2 299OnlyOnly R1 399

• Treated timber • Solid SA Pine• 2, 4 & 8 Seater available• Smooth sanded finish

• Strong and firm• Solid SA Pine• All sizes available• Ad price for single

• Strong and firm• Solid SA Pine• All sizes available• Ad price for single

NormallyR899 Now OnlyNow Only R399



• Strong & Firm • Solid SA Pine• 900 x 900 • All sizes on special• Smooth sanded finish• Sizes available 900 x 900,

900 x 1 200, 900 x 1 800

• Strong & Firm • Solid SA Pine• 900 x 900 • All sizes on special• Smooth sanded finish• Sizes available 900 x 900,

900 x 1 200, 900 x 1 800

Normally R1999 Now Only R599Normally R1999 Now Only R599


Normally R6999

SALE R3299!SALE R3299!

• Base and mattress included• SUPERIOR SABS sandwich construction• 175 kg per partner!• Perfect independent sleep

•*Limited Lifetime Warranty


Normally R7999

•Base and mattress included•Bonnell Spring Technology!•100% Natural fibres inside•Your best sleep ever!•*Limited Lifetime Warranty



SALE R3899!SALE R3899!



Normally R4699 SALE R2599!

• Base and mattress included• Foam-sandwich

construction• #1 Seller for twenty years• 100 kg per partner!• 15 Year warranty

• Base and mattress included• Foam-sandwich

construction• #1 Seller for twenty years• 100 kg per partner!• 15 Year warranty


Normally R5999 SALE R2899!Normally R5999 SALE R2899!


9 & 10 Builders WarehouseSandown Road, Sunningdale

021 554 1256

PAROW258 Voortrekker

Road078 149 8418

nneeww PPAARROOWW ssttoorree!!

• Full double on special sandwich foam

• Base included

• Ultra hi-density

• 15 Year Warranty!



Normally R2499

NOW ONLY R1449Normally R2499



Normally R3999

SALE R1999!Normally R3999

SALE R1999!

• Base and mattress included• ROCK TUFF springs • Re-enforced side sections• No turn feature• 15 year warranty

• Base and mattress included• ROCK TUFF springs • Re-enforced side sections• No turn feature• 15 year warranty

NormallyR999Now Only


SALE R4499!SALE R4499!Normally R6999

• *Limited LifetimeWarranty

SOVEREIGN•Base and mattress included•Pocket Spring

Technology!•# 1 Seller for 15 years•Perfect independent sleep

•Base and mattress included•Pocket Spring

Technology!•# 1 Seller for 15 years•Perfect independent sleep

4000• Base and mattress

included• ROCK TUFF springs• 50% re-enforcing

over whole bed• No turn feature• 15 Year warranty

• Base and mattressincluded

• ROCK TUFF springs• 50% re-enforcing

over whole bed• No turn feature• 15 Year warranty

Normally R4599Normally R4599 SALE R2 299!SALE R2 299!

•Base and mattress included•STRONGEST spring bed in SA•175 kg per partner!•100% Re-enforced•20 Year warranty

VEREER: Die eerste Paarl-Oos gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum-toekennings is verlede week by ’n spog-gala-aand by die Thusong-sentrum oorhandig aan lede van die buurtwag en polisie. Die polisiemanvan die jaar was adj. Anthony Sauls (operasioneel), polisievrou van die jaar, kapt. Hakkie Smith(operasioneel); speurder (man) van die jaar, sers. Neugen Green, speurvrou van die jaar, kapt. Lydiadu Plessis, ondersteunende polisieman van die jaar, konst. Lance du Plessis, junior stasiebevelvoedervan die jaar, Jeron Roux, buurtwag-man van die jaar, Jonathen McKenzie, buurtwag-vrou van diejaar, Margaret Joubert, senior buurtwaglede met 10, 15 en 20 jaar diens, Jakobus van der Berg,Matthew Thomas, Elizabeth Pietersen, Thomas Isaacs, Elizabeth Roberson, Franklin Loff, Arthur Novem-ber, Johnatan Fredericks, Nathasa Harris, William Jansen en Abraham Jafthas, en laastens, algemenebuurtwag lid vir die jaar, ook met die meeste burgerlike inhegtenisnemings, Abraham Jaftas.

Police join 16 day campaign with eventOn 10 December at 09:00 the Bellville railwaypolice and Wellington police will be hosting a16 Days of Activism – Stop Violence againstWoman and Children awareness campaign.Const YLWildschut of Social Crime Preven-

tion division ofWellington policewill be a key-note speaker and the event will be broadcaston the Radio KC morning time slot.The event is highlighted by a fun walk/run,

which will start at the fountain at BlouvleiStreet and end at Antoniesvlei.The cost is R90 per team of 6 for the 10 km

fun walk/run or R15 per person for the 10 km

and 5 km. The cost for scholars is R5.The top 3 teams and winners will receive

medals and all other participants will receivecertificates.Lots of fun is tobehadatAntonies-vlei after the run/walk.All proceeds collected will be donated to a

local NGO, Badisa. Badisa is a church-basedsocial services organization, which is focusedon the care, social development and treatmentof indigent and vulnerable people of all ages,race, sexuality and religion.For more information contact Wildschut at

021 864 8440.

M-Net magic for schoolNew Orleans Primary School has under-gone a major face-lift, thanks to M-NetCares and Builders Warehouse.

As part of their community outreachprojects, a new kitchen was installed, the staffroom refurbished, cloakrooms upgraded anda new playground and vegetable garden wereadded to the schools facilities.Both of the organisations are committed to

bring change and contribute in a meaningfulway to the educational needs of young pupils.

“When we first went to New Orleans Prima-ry, a school that has great historical roots inthe community of Paarl, we were shocked atthe state that some of the facilities were in.Wecould not walk away without do-ing what M-Net Cares does best,and that is to spread a little mag-ic,” says M-Net Director: Corpo-rateMarketing and Communica-tions, Koo Govender.BothM-NetCaresandBuilders

Warehouse have a singular vi-sion on education for young pu-pils, and that is to provide condu-cive environments were youngstudents can flourish and reachtheir fullest potential. As part ofthe partnership between M-NetCares and Builders Warehouse,thegoal is torefurbishhomesandschools that are in need aroundthe country.Govender believes that educa-

tion at foundation level is key inthe life of any young pupil.“Subjects such as maths and

science are incredibly important and we be-lieve that more focus needs to be placed onthese subjects at primary school level,” saysGovender.“It was important for us to fulfil the develop-

mentneeds of the school andhelpNewOrleansrealise theirvisionof improvingstudent learn-ing, and to also give educators the opportunityto develop their teaching in a regular, ongoingmanner.”The school does not only cater to the educa-

tional needs of the children but it also servesas a community centre for themeetings,musicand drama, sports and recreation and fund-raising projects by churches and organisa-tions.

Here Koo Govender of M-Net shakes New Orleans Primary principalHerman Adonis’ hand. FOTO: DEVIDEAN MOSES

Be money-wise over the festive seasonChristmas means holiday time for many. Butthis holiday often ends with no money in thebank and a huge overdraft.Here are some useful tips on how to curb

spending over the festive season and not to getcaught with the New Year blues.Spend your bonus wisely. Instead of spend-

ing it on too many Christmas gifts, rather useit to pay off debt or plan ahead for expensesin the New Year.Don’t spend a fortune on your partner be-

cause let’s face it, he/she is not with you forthe gifts. Agree on a gift budget and stick toit.Buy fewer gifts. Cut down on buying every

family member or friend a gift. Give only tothose who are closest to you.Be creative as well. At the end of the day it

is the thought that counts. Promise cards area thoughtfulway to reconnectwith friends andcolleagues.Promise cards come in all shapes and forms

and can be redeemed whenever suits yourfriend, such as a dinner invite, movies invite,cocktail etc.For those that like to be creative on a shoe-

string budget, craft markets are the way to go.You can pick up all sorts of knick-knacks andhand-painted goodies that are more personal.Source: Destiny

Page 4: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein Gazette General - Algemeen Friday 7 December 20124

WWiilllliiaamm SSmmiitthh''ssWWiilllliiaamm SSmmiitthh''ss

Starguideffoorr 77 DDeecceemmbbeerr 22001122

*AFRIKAANS - DAAGLIKSE STERRE: Ram: 083 9140 010,Bul: 083 9140 011, Tweeling: 083 9140 012, Kreef: 083 9140 013,

Leeu: 083 9140 014, Maagd: 083 9140 015,Weegskaal: 083 9140 016, Skerpioen: 083 9140 017,Boogskutter: 083 9140 018, Steenbok: 083 9140 019,

Waterdraer: 083 9140 020, Vis: 083 9140 021

This can be a very depleting and confusing time when you do not know exactly what youwant or you do not feel strong, capable, or effective. Physically, you need to be gentle withyourself and take care not to dissipate your energy reserves. Your imagination can run wild

now, and you want to act out a fantasy or strange desire.

(22 December - 21 January)CAPRICORN

Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, andlively. Loving feelings flow between you and the people you meet, especially those

of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened at this time. Also, yourcreativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.

(21 January - 20 February)


You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to anagreement, negotiate, exchange your views with others, or present your case. If you arein a profession dealing with words, ideas, or communication, this is a very productive

time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

PISCES(20 February - 21 March)

This is a favorable time to take a short vacation or pleasure trip, especially to visit peopleyou really enjoy. The tone of this time is light, friendly, and easy. Positive connections aremade with others, and you may meet a new friend. You may also want to call or write

someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them.

ARIES(21 March - 21 April)

You are mentally restless and can not concentrate well on your immediate, familiartasks. You are not inclined to discipline your mind or focus on practical matters, unless

there is an element of gambling, play, or risk-taking involved. Reading something that ismind expanding, taking a trip, or planning a vacation is favored at this time.

TAURUS(21 April - 21 May)

Right now you feel a need for sweetness - perhaps in the form of emotional and physicalaffection, or even of food. You are apt to be pleasantly self-indulgent. Your sexual and

aggressive energies are stimulated, and you take the initiative. Emotional outbursts andimpatience are also likely. You're in a combative, energetic mood.

GEMINI(21 May - 22 June)

Your perceptions of others are rather fuzzy now. You tend to see just what you want tosee or to fantasize a bit too much about another person. Your empathy increases also

and you feel "soft" at this time. Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time tobring out any concerns you have in your personal relationships.

LEO(23 July - 24 August)

Your mind is serious and you are able to concentrate on work that requires patience,attention to detail, and precision. Practical concerns dominate. It is a good time to learnpractical skills, do your taxes, organize your files, and take care of business. You'll want

to avoid light social conversation or trivialities that distract you from your work.

VIRGO(24 August - 23 September)

You feel quite amorous and affectionate now and will very much want to share thistime with someone you love or at least with congenial company. Your creative or

artistic inclinations are also stimulated, and your work in these areas will beespecially satisfying and successful at this time.

CANCER(22 June - 23 July)

Your amorous desires and romantic urges are very strong now. In all of your relationships,whether romantic or not, you feel quite warm and affectionate. You are less competitive,more interested in pleasing others and creating harmony. You may also feel compelled to

do something creative or artistic, something to express your craving for beauty.

LIBRA(23 September - 23 October)

This is a favorable time to take a short vacation or pleasure trip, especially to visitpeople you really enjoy. The tone of this time is light, friendly, and easy. Positive

connections are made with others, and you may meet a new friend. You may also wantto call or write someone you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them.

SCORPIO(23 October - 23 November)

A goal or vision you have been working toward comes into fruition now, or gainsmomentum and positive recognition from others. You feel expansive and inclined totake risks, and you may be overly extravagant now. You use charm, humor, and a

light touch to get your point across now.

SAGITTARIUS(23 November - 22 December)

SUDOKUEach row and each column as well asevery 3X3 square may contain the

numbers 1 to 9 only once.

Elke ry en elke kolom asook elke 3X3blok mag die syfers een tot nege slegs

een keer bevat.

















2 5 4 8 6 9

4 5 3

9 7 4

6 8 1 5

9 4 6 8

2 1 3 6

8 7 5

3 2 7

5 2 6 8 3 9

2 8 7 5 6 9 3

3 6 7 8

6 9 5 4

3 5 8 9

4 5 2 8 3

2 3 6 1

9 1 5 2

5 6 2 9

8 2 3 9 6 1 7

1 4

5 9 1 4 2

7 8 2 3 1

1 6 7 2 4

7 1 9 6

9 8 4 7 5

4 7 8 3 6

7 3 4 1 8

4 5

1 2 4

8 7 3 6

6 8 3

1 6

3 1 2 5

9 3

5 8 7

6 5 1 4

8 1 9

6 3 5 1 2

9 1 2 8 6 7 4

2 3 8 4 7 9 5

2 9 8 7 4 6 3

3 7 1 9 8

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1 6 9 4 2 3 5

7 4 5 6 3 1 8

9 5 1 2 4

4 7 9 8

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Method:Soften the ice cream in a big

bowl and mix the tin of caramel

in with the ice cream. Now make

sandwiches with the biscuits

using two biscuits on either end.

Freeze until ready to eat.

RReecipcipesesIngredients:• 1 Packets of Ginger

Nut Biscuits• 1 Tin of Dulce De

Leche or NestleCaramel

• 1 L Good QualityVanilla Ice-Cream


Soul of fireconcertMountain Shadows Country Manorpresents soul of fire picnic concert on 16December, 16:30 at Mountain ShadowsCountry Manor Paarl.

The opera diva Zanne Stapelberg and NewYork based pianist Kathleen Tagg bring theirsoul of fire concert to the Winelands.Theywill be accompanied by violinVirtuo-

so Piet de Beer, composer and double bassistCharles Lazar and talented percussionistJosephAvergel. This is an ensembleperform-ance glittering with panache and an exhila-ratingsonic journeyexploringthemusical in-fluences of Spain and Latin America. Bringyour own picnic blanket and glasses. Food,wine and cooldrinks will be sold.For more details contact Misty at 076 302

1586 or visit www.mountainshadows.co.za.

TONEEL: Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck oftewel Dowwe Dolla is terug in DowweDolla Dink Diep op Vrydag 7 Desember om 20:00 by die Ou Meulteater.Dit storie handel oor twee boeke van Frederick Nietsche en Siener vanRensburg wat per ongeluk tussen Dolla se versameling Mills & Boon’sbeland terwyl sy op ’n onlangse diepsee boot “trippie” gaan. Dolla beginlees terwyl sy wag om aan boord te gaan. “Kennis is mag”, sê Nietshce,maar “kennis sonder begrip is gevaarlik” – wees gewaarsku hierdie “kur-sus” is nie vir beginners nie. Dolla filosofeer en voorspel.

Neem diesterre só af’n Fotografie-werkswinkel, waar deelnemerssal leeromster-sirkels“startrails”af teneem,word op 8 Desember van 18:00 tot 22:30 by dieTaalmonument aangebied.Dié praktiese werkswinkel, deur professio-

nele fotograaf en geregistreerde toergids, Pe-terHaarhoff, vandieCapePhotographicCom-pany, is geskik vir beginner- tot intermediêrefotograwe. ’n SLR-kamera (digitaal of 35mm)is noodsaaklik. Die werkswinkel kos R250 ensluit notas en ligte verversings in.Bespreking is noodsaaklik by Amira Clay-

ton by tel. 021 863 0543/4809 of [email protected].

GALLERY: The Hout Street Gallery in Paarlpresents its thirty-seventh Summer Salonfrom 8 December until 31 January. Amongstthe regular contributors to theSummerSalonare Selwyn Pekeur will be exhibiting his work.

Page 5: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein GazettePeople - MenseFriday 7 December 2012 5

SKENKING AAN SONSTRAAL: ’n Groep gesondheidswerkers skenk elkejaar Bybels en ’n kersete aan pasiënte by Sonstraal-hospitaal. Saammet die pasiënte staan Monica Arendse (agter van links), Mavis Green,Veronica Adams (sameroeper) en Aubrey Adams. Afwesig tydens dieneem van die foto is Rachel Solomons en Susan Ross.

FUNDRAISER: The Rural IslamicWelfare Association (RIWA) recently held a fundraising event at Paarl Police College auditoriumwhere the documentaryof the life of the late anti-Apartheid activist and leader, Imam Abdullah Haron, was screened. With them are Imam Abdullah Haron’s youngestdaughter Fatima Haron (middle). PHOTO: ACHMAT PATEL

SOOI GESPIT: VGK Beth-El Groenheuwel gaan hul tweede fase aanbou-projek in Januarie voorsit. Hier saam met eerwaarde Emil de Wet (vierdelinks) is Desmond Stemmers, JohnOktober, Fanie Jacobs, Flippie Klaasenen Attie Goliath besig om die eerste sooi op die kerkgrond te spit.

MAYORAL AWARDS: Drakenstein Municipality recently had aMayoral Awards certificate ceremony whereby recognition was given to all the Non-Govern-mental Organisations (NGOs) within Drakenstein for their commitment and sacrifices on a daily basis to serve the community. Here are therepresentatives from the NGOs. Drakenstein officials are seated (third form left) Councillor Noel Adams (Portfolio Holder: Social Services andCommunity Development), Adv. Gesie van Deventer (Executive Mayor), Johann Mettler (Municipal Manager) and Vernon Petersen (Acting ExecutiveDirector: Social Services).

FOOD CAMPAIGN: More than 500 members of the Mbekweni communityattended the first “Food for all Campaign” which the department of SocialSecurity Agency and the National Development Agency held. The cam-paign’s goal is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by 2015.

DONASIE: Die Paarl Sakekamer het onlangs hul jaareindfunksie by TheWinefly buite die Paarl gehou. Rusoord-te huis vir bejaardes was eenvan die organisasies om ’n skenking te ontvang. Die sakekamer gaanin 2013 lugreëlaars installeer om die somer meer draaglik te maak.Hier van links staan Charmain Joubert (Sakekamer), Santie Kinnear enFia le Grange albei van Rusoord. Tydens hierdie geleentheid is die PaarlSakekamer se webtuiste bekendgestel. Die publiek kan hierdie interaktie-we, opwindende webtuiste besoek by www.paarlsakekamer.co.za ommeer uit te vind oor wat in en om die Paarl aangaan.


Page 6: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein Gazette Geklassifiseerd Friday 7 December 20126





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GESOEK: 2 HARDWER-KENDE huisvroue vir deel-tydse werk bedags. Be-stuurslisensie 'n vereiste.Vir onderhoud skakel 082967 4580.

MAINTENANCE ASSIS-TANT Minimum 2 yearsexperience inElectricalwork,plumbing, refrigeration,welding, carpentry. FaxCV to021 862 0055.

TUINWERKER BENODIGvir groot tuin op plaas. Moetbetroubaar wees. Weed-eating 'n vereiste. Kontak083 272 8092.

’n Vlamme-droomSoel midsomernag-vermaakkry hierdie somer nuwe vuurmet die Dans van die Vlammewatop14, 21en23Desemberbydie Afrikaanse Taalmonumentin die Paarl aangebied word.

Die bekende vuur-geselskap,ThePsychedelicTheatre,stelvan-jaar ’n buitengewone vuur-teater-stuk bekend, gebaseer op Shake-speare se Midsomernagdroom.Dié unieke vollengte stuk sluit

in ’n verteller, sang, karakters,dansontwerp, spesiale kostuums,media en verskillende vuur-dans-formate.Die Psychedelic Theatre be-

staan uit sewe professionele kun-stenaars, almal met uitgebreideervaring, waaronder in fisieke te-ater, televisie en sirkuskuns.Nog ’n opwindende toevoeging

is die bekende Paarlse operasan-ger Jo-Nette LeKay,wat so pas te-ruggekeer het van optredes inDuitsland en Switserland.“Die vertoning is die resultaat

van al hierdie diverse talente watsaamgeweefwordomspeelsemid-somernag-vermaakteverskaf.Ditwas ’n uitdagende kreatiewe pro-ses om die vertoning aanmekaarte slaan; ons moes ons vaardighe-de uitbrei en nuut leer dink oorhoe ons beweeg en vermaak,” sêstigterlid Marvin Lee-Beukes.

“Ek is ongelooflik opgewondeoor die vertoning. Ons beloof ’nwonderlike ervaring vir die helegesin–perfekvirdiebeginvandiefeestyd,” sê hy.Die vertoning begin om20:00 by

die Tuinteater op die grasperkvan die Taalmonument, met ’npraguitsig oor die Paarlvallei.“Die ligging is toweragtig mooi

en die ideale kuierplek vir voor-vertoning drankies of ’n gesins-piekniek.”Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie

of bestel een by die monument sekoffiewinkel, Volksmond (021 8632800) waar jy ook voor die verto-ning ligte verversings kan koop.Moenie jou piekniekkombers/kussing en warm klere vergeetnie.”Sitplek is beperk. Kaartjies is

by die hek beskikbaar, asookvooraf by Gypsy-winkels in Stel-lenbosch, by Langstraat (Kaap-stad) en Kalkbaai, of by die Taal-monument. Kaartjies kos R50 virkinders onder 12 en R100 vir vol-wassenes.Veiligeparkering isbeskikbaar

en toegang word beheer. Geenhonde of vure word toegelaat nie.Indien die weer sleg is, word dievertoning afgestel.Vir meer inligting, bel 021 863

4809/0543 of 079 148 1933/078 3280928/084 715 0051.

SÓ KUIER ’N MENS: Tydens Saterdagaand se eindronde van die nasionalerieldans-kompetisie, wat deur die ATKV by die Taalmonument aangebiedis, het Peperbus van Fraserburg gedemonstreer hoe daar in die verre verledená werk uitgespan is. FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN

NETJIESE BEGINNERS HUISKamers 3 Badkamers 1Oulike plekkie met volledige kombuis, motorafdak, omhein in Charleston Hill.Loopafstand van alles.

PAARL R560 000 Web ref: 280507

HUIS IN SEKURITEITS KOMPLEKSKamers 3 Badkamers 1½ M/Huis 1Eiendom bied ten volle toegeruste oop plan kombuis met kaggel in diesitkamer. Maklike toegang tot N1, klein kompleks , goeie area, lae heffings.

PAARL R785 000 Web ref: 279915

BERENICE 072 423 1455 / 021 872 2223


UITREIK: Agatha Jordaan (tweede van regs)’n gr. 9-leerling aan Hoërskool Gimnasium,het as uitreikprojek Kerskaartjies vir elkeinwoner van Rusthof-tehuis vir bejaardesmet die hand gemaak en oorhandig. Sy enhaar vriendinne, Lure en Nicolene Viljoen,het ookmet hulp van skenkings vir die inwo-ners elkeen ’n geskenk gegee asook verver-sings. Saam met hulle is verpleegperso-neel, Anna Robert en Denise Lottering.

ONBEKEND: Paarl Hos-pitaal is dringend op-soek na naasbestaan-des of kennisse vanThemba. Indien ie-mand inligting oorThemba het, kan hullegerus die maatskaplikewerker Nicholas bel by021 860 2500/2556tussen 07:30 en16:00.

Page 7: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

Drakenstein GazetteSchools - SkoleFriday 7 December 2012 7

SOMER: Die Pippies Pre-primêre Skool het onlangsdie somer gevier. Hier is Nazli Abrahams en Omar Ca-mara wat aangewys was as die somer koningin enkoning.

LOOPBAAN: LK Zeeman Primêre Skool het hul loopbaandag vir gr. 4 tot gr. 7 gehou. Hier pronk die gr. 4-klas. FOTO: ERNEST KILOWAN

TOEKENNING: Die Wellington-verfraaiingskomitee het onlangs ’n toekenningsgeleent-heid aangebied. PauwGedenkPrimêreSkool het ’n toekenning vir die kategorieë: opgeknaptegebou in die historiese dorpskern ontvang.

DEBUTANTEBAL: St. Albans Primêre Skool het onlangs hul jaarlikse debu-tantebal gehou en vir Demi Jansen (middel) as wenner aangewys. Saammet haar is naaswenners Azar Arnolds (links) en Llewellyn Frederick.

KRIEKET: Conwin-Lee Smith het dietoekenning as beste kolwer gekrytydensdieLusern-kriekettoernooiwatop Windmeul gehou is. Conwin hettemiddevanstrawwekompetisiemetsy kolf uitgeblink.

KALENDER: Hierdie leerlinge van Laerskool Drakenstein se kunswerkeis gekies om in Sinclair Internasionaal se kalender vir 2013 opgeneemte word. Die opdrag was om ’n collage te maak met plakkertjies watop uitvoervrugte geplak word om die land van herkoms aan te dui. Leerlin-ge van regoor die wêreld kon deelneem aan die projek.

ART: Tersia Solomons,a Gr. 6 pupil from LaRochelle Girls’ PrimarySchool, took part in thePick n Pay School Cluband Smarties Compe-tition and won thefloating trophy for crea-tivity. With her is herproudart teacherNickyAlbertyn.

MOTORSPORT: Dian en Jaco Strydom (links) asook Juan-Mike Rhodevan Laerskool WA Joubert het aan ’n knortjor-wedren op Malmesburydeelgeneem. Jaco het ’n eerste plek in die 160cc-afdeling behaal enDian (eerste) en Juan-Mike (tweede) in die 270cc-afdeling.

SWEM: Jan-Hendrik Basson vanWA Joubert het eerste plekke be-haal in die 50m-rugslag sowel as200m-borslag items by die Sum-mer Gala.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROCESS (EIA)Proposed Kappa- Omega 2nd 765kV powerline for approximately 415km and the substations upgrade, Western Cape Province

NEAS Reference: DEA/EIA/0001266/2012DEA reference number 14/2/16/3/3/2/352

Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental ImpactAssessment Regulations, published inGovernment NoticeNo. R543 of 02August 2010 ofactivities identified in terms of Sections 24 and 24Dof theNational EnvironmentalManagementAct of 1998 (ActNo. 107 of 1998), as amended, EskomHoldings SOC Limited proposes to develop a new 765kV transmission powerline from Koruson (Kappa) Substation near Ceres to Sterekus (Omega)substation near Koeberg. Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions, on behalf of Eskom Holdings SOC Limited, are conducting an Environmental ImpactAssessment process for above referenced proposed development.

The project scope includes the following:• Construction of a new 765kV transmission power line between the Koruson (Kappa) substation HV-yard near Ceres (WesternCape) to the Sterekus(Omega) substationHV-yard near Koeberg (WesternCape) a total of 415 km; and,

• The upgrade of theKoruson andSterekus substationsHV-yards to accommodate the new line.In terms ofGovernmentNoticesNo.R545 (ListingNotice 2)ActivityNo. 8 applies to the proposed development, i.e.

The construction of facilities or infrastructure for the transmission and distribution of electricity with the capacity of 275 kilovolts or more, outside anurban area or industrial complex.

LOCATION• The project area is locatedwithinWesternCapeProvince in the followingDistrict and LocalMunicipalities:•WestCoastDistrictMunicipality• BergRiver LocalMunicipality,• SaldanhaBay LocalMunicipality,• Swartland LocalMunicipalitiy'• CapeWinelandsDistrictMunicipality• BreedeValley LocalMunicipality• Drakenstein LocalMunicipality•Witzenberg LocalMunicipality• City ofCapeTown (CapeMetro)

Project contact details are as follows:

Feasible transmission line alternativeswill be identified for investigationwithin the broaderKappa-Omega study areaswithin the EIA process. This information will be provided to Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) through the EIAprocess. To obtain further information and register as a I&APs on the project database, please submityour name, contact information, interest and issues in this project to thePublic Participation Facilitator

Shawn Johnston of Sustainable Futures ZAP.O. Box 749, Rondebosch, 7701, Cape TownTel: 083 325 9965Fax: 086 510 2537E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental Practitioner

Kelebogile Mogajane of Nzumbululo HeritageSolutionsP.O. Box 4106, Half House, 1685Tel: 011 312 2624 | Fax: 086 544 2177Email: [email protected]


Kentridge MakhanyaEskom Holdings SOC LimitedMegawatt Park Maxwell DriveSunninghill, Sandton, P.O Box 1091Johannesburg, 2000

Public Participation facilitator

OMGEWINGSIMPAKEVALUERINGSPROSES (OIE)Voorgestelde Kappa-Omega 2de 765kV transmissiekraglyn vir ongeveer 415km en die substasies opgradering, Wes-Kaapprovinsie.

NEAS Verwysingsnommer: DEA/EIA/0001266/2012DEA Verwysingsnommer: 14/2/16/3/3/2/352

Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van die Omgewingsimpakevaluerings Regulasies, gepubliseer in die Staats kennisgewing No. R543 van 02Augustus 2010 van aktiwiteite geidentifiseer kragtensArtikel 24 en 24D van die Nationale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur (Wet No. 107 van 1998), soossaamgelees met Staatskennisgewings, Eskom (Edms) Beperk stel voor die ontwikkeling van n nuwe 765kV transmissiekraglyn vanaf die KappaSubstasie naby Ceres tot by die Sterekus (Omega) Substasie naby Koeberg. Nzumbululo Heritage Solutions, is deur Eskom (Edms) Beperkaangestel omdieOmgewingsimpakevalueringsproses te behartig.

Die projek behels die volgende:• Konstruksie van die 2de 765kV transmissiekraglyn tussen die Kappa substasie HS-werf naby Ceres en die Sterekus (Omega) HS-werf nabyKoeberg (Wes-Kaapprovinsie) 'n total van 415 km; en,

• Die opgradeering van dieKappaenOmega substasieHS-werweomdie beoogde voorgestelde lyn te akkomodeer.In terme vanStaatskennisgewingsNo.R545 (Lys 2)Aktiwiteit No. 8 het betrekking op die voorgestelde ontwikkeling, bv.

Die konstruksie van fasiliteite of infrastruktuur vir die transmissie en distribusie van elektrisiteit met die kapasiteit van 275 kilovolts of meer, buite 'nstedelike gebied of 'n industriele kompleks.

AREA• Die projek area is gelee binne dieWes-Kaapprovinsie binne die volgende distrik en plaaslikemunicipaliteite:• KaapseWynelandDistrikMunisipaliteit•WitzenbergPlaaslikeMunisipaliteit• BreedeVallei PlaaslikeMunisipaliteit• DrakensteinPlaaslikeMunisipaliteit•WeskusDistrikMunisipaliteit• Bergrivier PlaaslikeMunisipaliteit• Saldanhabaai PlaaslikeMunisipaliteit• SwartlandPlaaslikeMunisipaliteit• StadKaapstad (KaapseMetro)

Projek kontakbesonderhede:

All transmissiekraglyn alternatiewe roetes sal geondersoek word vir die grote Kappa-Omega studie areas binne dieOIE proses. Hierdie inligting sal aan alle Belanghebende en Geaffekteerde Partye (B&GP) verskaf word deur die OIEproses. Ten eindemeer inligting te bekom, verstrek asseblief u naam, kontakbesonderhede en belang bydie prokek aan die bogenoemdepublieke deelname fasiliteerder.

Shawn JohnstonSustainable Futures ZAPosbus 749, Rondebosch, 7701, KaapstadTel: 083 325 9965 | Faks: 086 510 2537e-pos: [email protected]


Kelebogile MogajaneNzumbululo Heritage SolutionsPosbus 4106Half House 1685Tel: 011 312 2624 | Faks: 086 544 2177e-pos: [email protected]


Kentridge MakhanyaEskom (Edms) BeperkMegawatt Park Maxwell Rylaan,Sunninghill, Sandton, Posbus 1091,Johannesburg, 2000

Publieke Deelname Fasiliteerder

Page 8: Drakenstein Gazette 7 December 2012

New enduro formountain-bikersThis year the newAllMountain Enduroat Middelplaas near Greyton, whichtakes place from 15 to 17 December,gives short and longer options for cross-country riders.

This enduro will see an individuallytimed event with 12 stages with three up-lift/shuttles sections over three days. Rid-ers can choose to ride some, ride all or doone to three days.There are also marked trails from the

campsite all weekend to ride and funrideswill take place on the Monday.The Dirtpass that includes three days of

camping, riding, a T-shirt and a goodybag,only costs R525 per person.There is also the option of the Mudpass

for two days/one night, discounts for jun-iors, smallkidscampfree,anon-camperrid-er fee ofR200 per day or do theAllMountainEnduro for three days without camping atR375.Trail Runners can take part in the last of

the Triple Trail Run series on Mondaymorning that gives a fun 5 kmand 10 kmop-tion of routes. There are also kiddies eventseveryday and lots of space for them to play.Funevents includeahill-climb, anight-rideand bicycle polo.Beginners can learn more about moun-

tain-bikingat thedaily skills clinicsbySaraMuhl, but these have to be booked in ad-vanceas space is limited.Then thereare thegravity events for the more extreme and alot of fun to watch for spectators such as adownhill competition, obstacle challenge,night dual and dirt jumping throughout theweekend.There will also be lots of stalls with food,

drink and various products to browsethrough, prizes and lucky draws, medalsand other give-aways for participants.Visit the website for the full schedule of

events, route information and to enter (pre-entries close on 10 December: www.dirto-pia.co.za or contact [email protected] orcall 021 884 4752.

Escape’s race village in W’tonTheNashuaGrapeEscapemoutain-bikeevent,now in its third year, offers a brand new routeand a three-day or two-day option for localmountain bike enthusiasts, and has beenevolved to include a race village inWellingtonwhere riders can camp.The 2013 race offers a brand-new route de-

signed by experienced MTB trail enthusiastand guruMeurant Botha, and starts at the Rie-beek-Kasteel Primary in Riebeeck-Kasteel onThursday 28 February 2013.Riders will follow a 75 km route on day 1 and

finish at theDJ deVilliers Stadium inWelling-ton, where the official race village will also belocated for the duration of the event.

Day 2 starts and finishes at theDJdeVilliersStadium and takes riders on a short, althoughvery challenging, 60 km route. On day 3, riderswill tackle a 70 km trail to the finish line atBoschendal Wine Estate.Riders can enter by visiting www.grapees-

cape.co.za.Entriesare limitedto600soloriders(no team categories) and close on 31 January2013 or when entries are full.The three-dayraceentry fee isR 2350perper-

son, while the entry fee for the two-day raceis R1 600.For event-related queries, contact the Cape

Town Cycle Tour Trust Events Office on 021681 4333 during office hours.

VREUGDE:Theresa Ruiters kan nie haar vreugde wegsteek nie nadat sy een van Paarl United se vyf doelein Saterdag se Mayoral Cup vroue-finaal teen Knights FC aangeteken het. Paarl United het met 5–2 gewen.



Year 2 • Vrydag 7 Desember 2012 | Tel. 021 870 4600

Afrikaans op ’n drafstapDie Afrikaans op ’n drafstap Aandwedloop, insamewerking met die Afrikaanse Taalraad(ATR) en Paarl Atletiekklub, vind eerskomen-de Woensdag 12 Desember by die AfrikaanseTaalmonument in die Paarl plaas.Dit word aangebied ten bate van Huis An-

drew Murray Kinder- en Jeugsorgsentrum opWellington.“Vanjaar is die fokus op die woord,” sê Ria

Olivier, verteenwoordiger van die ATR.“Deelnemersaandie10km-wedloopsalbene-

wens hul nommers ook elkeen ’n woord ont-vang. Diegene wat aan die 5 km-pretloop deel-neem, skryf slegs met ’n woord in – hulle hetselfs die opsie om hul eie woord te kies indienhul vooraf teen R100 daardie woord in dieWoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT)borg.”Die 10 km-wedloop,watvolgensdie reëlsvan

AtletiekSuid-Afrika enBolandAtletiekaange-bied word, volg ’n opwindende en uitdagenderoete. Die 10 km-wedloop begin om 18:30. Dieinskrywingsfooi is R40 en tydelike nommersis beskikbaar teenR25. Stappers iswelkomomdeel te neem.Die5 km-pretloopbeginom18:40.Die inskry-


onder 18).“Die 5 km-pretloop is bedoel vir die hele ge-

sin. Pa’s en ma’s, oumas en oupas, tantes enooms en seuns en dogters kan almal deelneem–op ’nstywedrafofvoetjievirvoetjie. Stootwa-entjies is welkom.”Toegang sal gratis wees vir ondersteuners,

wat genooi word om vanaf 17:00 tot 20:30 (wan-neer die prysuitdeling begin) ’n piekniek metmusiekindieKuierkombydieVolksmond-kof-fiewinkel te geniet. Eie piekniekmandjies iswelkom en verversings sal te koop aangebiedword. Daar sal ook ’n vermaaklikheidspro-gram wees met Afrikaanse kunstenaars.Medaljes en kontantpryse is op die spel en

gelukkige trekkings sal plaasvind. Atlete kanaanlyn inskryf by www.entrytime.com /www.sa-active.co.za (sperdatumviraanlyn-in-skrywings is 06.12.12). Inskrywings op die dagvan die wedloop kan tussen 17:00 en 18:15 bydie Taalmonument gedoen word.Vir navrae oor die 10 km-wedloop, bel Sy-

brand du Plessis by 083 444 6940, en vir navraeoor die 5 km-pretloop, bel Ria Olivier by 084221 9153 of [email protected]) ofAmira Clayton by 021 863 4809/0543 of [email protected].

FOKUS OP WOORDE: Bekendes het vandeesweek by die Taalmonument byeengekom op die vooraand vandie jaarlikse Aandwedloop wat vanjaarmet woorde besaai sal wees. Van links is Gesie van Deventer (burgemees-ter van die Drakenstein-munisipaliteit), Jack Louw (direkteur van die Afrikaanse Taalmuseum en Monument),Ria Olivier (projekbestuurder van die Afrikaanse Taalraad), dr Willem Botha (hoofredakteur van die WAT)en Johan Bakkes (skrywer en avonturier). FOTO: SIEB SIEBERHAGEN