
DRAMA Prepared by Ratri Wahyuningtyas 136332049

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Page 1: Drama

DRAMAPrepared byRatri Wahyuningtyas136332049

Page 2: Drama

What is drama?

Derives from Greek >> draein Meaning >> to do or to act Imitating human action (mimesis),

involving plot, characters, action (Aristotle)

Drama is any kind of acting

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Inside Drama Lead us to the discovery and reflections about

personality, circumstances, desires, anxiety, hopes and dreams

Sometimes contains about political and social issues at the time

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Drama vs Narrative

Drama Acting, showing,

presenting Addresser-

addressee ‘I/we – you’ Characters are



Telling, reporting, representing

Address ‘s/he, they, it’ Characters are narrated

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Bones of Drama

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Elements of drama Plot: The events in a play. Setting: The time and place of a literary work. Characters: People or creatures in a play. Dialogue: Conversation in a play. Theme: The central thought/idea of a play. Scenery: The various elements that are used

to create a particular visual setting for a play.

Stage direction Symbolism Outstanding feature

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Tools of Drama

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Various of Drama

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1. Tragedy

Tragic action, usually about tragic action of noble people committing mistake and end up with death after undergoing intense suffering.

All tragedies are finished with death (according to Lord Byron)

Talks about grief, finality, associated with death Characters: usually upper class characters, high

fame individual

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Action: serious and important, doing important matter, done by people who count on (having important role)

Men’s assumption of great mistake he had made, suffers then die

Things cohere in tragedy >> hero usually does some deed and suffers as a consequence

Example: Oedipus the King

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Errors according to Aristotle1. Hamartia (errors) >> makes great mistakes and

suffers much2. Hybris (bullying, abuse of power)3. Peripeteia (reversal) >> when the action

happens unintended4. Anagnorisis (recognition, discovery) >> clearing

up something by revealing some unknown facts

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2. Comedy

Dramatic form Dramatized some absurdity of human

nature but not destructive of self or others

No great disaster will occur, turns out happily for the chief character

Ended by marriage (according to Lord Byron)

It is about joy and celebration of new life >> marriage, reunion

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Characters: lowborn persons Action: done by unimportant laughable person,

who makes mistake that do not cause us pain Exposes stupid action and renewal Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream

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Kinds of Dramatic Comedy Romantic Comedy >> usually tells about love

affair went not as smooth as expected, but finally ends happily.

Shakespeare’s As You Like It Satiric Comedy >> mocks political issues or

philosophical doctrines by making ridiculous the violators of its standards of morals or matters.

Aristophanes’ The Alchemist

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Kinds of Dramatic Comedy

The Comedy of Manners >> form of comedy that reflects the life, ideals and manner of social class society.

Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing Farce : form of Dramatic comedy which entertains

audience without any intentions or hidden agenda; seek out fun for fun’s sake. Example: Charlie Chaplin, Woody Allen

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3. Tragicomedy

Presented serious action through a tragic disaster to protagonist and added reversal condition which ends happily

Combination of characters and plot of tragedy and comedy

Plays with double plots; one serious and one comic

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Character: middle and lower class characters

Example: Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice

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