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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Projection Written By Lauren Jones
  2. 2. Address Phone Number SCENE ONE Scene opens on Carla picking at her chipped nail varnish. It's raining. Counsellor pulls out a file and pen. COUNSELLOR So, Kitty. What's on the agenda today? CARLA I don't know. COUNSELLOR Well you must know, or you wouldn't be sat here. (no response). What's been effecting you recently the most? CARLA (Pause- Kitty looks down) My dreams. COUNSELLOR Ok... What about your dreams? CARLA They're not,like everyone else's dreams. I'm worri- COUNCELLOR -We're all worried, Kitty. Now tell me everything you can, there's no rush. CARLA (Closes eyes)I was 6. (Voice-over- cuts to dream memory (young Carla)) I remember how cold I was, how lost.A child's nightmare. I didn't
  3. 3. understand, but then i wouldn't of. COUNSELLOR (cuts back to therapy room) Understand what? CARLA What it is! Why I go there. (cuts to dream (old carla)) It's as if the rare moments of happiness in my life are built together, creating then surrounding me in a world that only I can go to. (cuts back to counsellor room)Why would I want to wake up? COUNSELLOR And that's what's scaring you? CARLA (VOICEOVER MONOLOGUE) Yes, but then, no one believes me. (cuts back to dream) People believe that dreams are simply a series of thoughts, images and sensations occurring in a person's mind as they sleep. Then there's mine. They're real, it's beyond my imagination. What's it called when you're really there? When you can feel everything around you, smell every smell and hear every sound? What's that called? Is that still a dream? It's unbelievable and yet believable, but only to me simply because i experience it.I watch the sun set in your world, and watch it rise in mine.I've lost control,i've lost reality. you can give me answers, you can give me help but it won't mean a thing if you don't believe me. That's something that no one else can do, will do, but i think it's my escape. So, do you?