dr.ghosh kuk

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  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Dr. H. J. Ghosh RoyProfessor, Institute of Management Studies & Research

    M. D. University, Rohtak

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Defined simply, it is . . .

    New Entry

    ` That is, entering new or established markets withnew or existing goods and services.

    ` Entrepreneurship is the act of being anentrepreneur, which can be defined as "one whoundertakes innovations, finance and businessacumen in an effort to transform innovations intoeconomic goods".

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Corporate Entrepreneurship

    Firms capabilities to develop new goods or services and

    manage the innovation process

    ` InventionCreating or developing a new product or process idea

    ` Innovation

    Creating a commercializable product from invention

    ` Imitation

    Adoption of innovation by a population of similar firms

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Entrepreneurs make things happen.

    They are individuals who take a concept and convert it

    into a reality. A product, policy or institution.

    They become the champions of a new process, and

    they are engines of change.

    Individuals who carry out new combinations of meansof production - Schumpeter

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Engages in behaviour that is aimed at profitability and


    Establishes and manages a business for principal purpose

    of profit and growth

    Characterized by innovative behaviour

    Will employ strategic management practices in the business

    Business characterized by innovative strategic practices

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Different researchers have given different factors. The

    factors can be classified as

    1. Personality factors

    o Motivation and emotion gives the drive and purpose

    and self confidence

    o High need for achievement

    o Competitiveness main motivator

    o Need for independence

    o Behavioral characteristics- perseverance, determination,

    take calculated risks, creativity, honesty and integrity,

    initiative, taking responsibility

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    2. Environmental factors

    o Family background fathers ,career, inheritance

    o Education not important, start at early age

    o Work experience important

    3. Action factors what entrepreneurs do

    o Are creative and innovative

    o Spot and exploit opportunities

    o Find resources to exploit opportunitieso Manage risk, create capital

    o are good net workers, determined

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Entrepreneurial Orientation mainly consists of 5


    ` Innovativeness

    ` Risk Taking

    ` Proactiveness

    ` Competitive Aggressiveness

    ` Autonomy

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` A willingness to support creativity and

    experimentation in introducing new products/services,

    and novelty, technological leadership and R&D in

    developing new processes; key is using creative

    insights to achieve innovative solutions.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` A tendency to take bold actions by venturing into the

    unknown and/or committing a large portion of resources

    to ventures with uncertain outcomes; key is to reduce

    uncertainty by effective risk assessment.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` A response to opportunities; occurs when a firm has an

    opportunity-seeking, forward-looking perspective

    characterized by introducing new products or services

    ahead of the competition and acting in anticipation of

    future demand.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` A response to threats; refers to the intensity of a firm's

    effort to outperform industry rivals, characterized by a

    strong offensive posture or an aggressive responses to

    competitor actions.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Independent action taken by entrepreneurial champions

    or teams aimed at bringing forth a new venture and

    carrying it through to completion.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` The key to success with entrepreneurship and

    innovation is moving from the invention of ideas to

    effective commercialization and acceptance in the


  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Innovation is using new knowledge to transform

    organizational processes or create commercially viable

    products and services

    Innovation is the initial commercialization of invention

    by producing and selling a new product, service, or


    Latest technology, results of experiments, creative

    insights, competitive information

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` There are five disciplines for creating what customers


    Identify important customer needs

    Create solutions that fill those needs

    Build innovation teams

    Empower "innovation champions" who keep the effort on


    Align the entire enterprise around creating value for


  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Product Innovation

    Efforts to create product designs

    Applications of technology to develop new products

    for end users

    More radical and common during early stages of an

    industrys life cycle

    Associated with differentiation strategies

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Process Innovations

    Improving efficiency of an organizational process

    Manufacturing systems and operations More likely to occur in later stages of an industrys life


    Associated with cost leader strategies

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Radical Innovation

    Fundamental changes and breakthroughs

    Evoke major departures from existing practices

    Can be highly disruptive

    Can transform or revolutionize a whole industry

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Incremental Innovation

    Enhance existing practices

    Small improvements in products and processes

    Evolutionary applications within existing paradigms

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Sustaining Innovations

    extend sales in an existing market, usually by enabling

    new products or services to be sold at higher margins.

    ` Disruptive Innovations

    overturn markets by providing an altogether new

    approach to meeting customer needs.

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK



    Difficult forDifficult forcompetitors to imitatecompetitors to imitate

    Commercially exploitableCommercially exploitablewith present capabilitieswith present capabilities

    Innovation and CompetitiveInnovation and Competitive



    Provides significantProvides significantvalue to customersvalue to customers

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    Fostering Entrepreneurial InnovationFostering Entrepreneurial Innovation

    Internal Corporate VenturingInternal Corporate Venturing -------- Create ItCreate It

    Three approaches:Three approaches:

    Cooperating to Produce InnovationCooperating to Produce Innovation------ CoCo--Opt ItOpt It

    Acquiring Innovative CapabilityAcquiring Innovative Capability------ Buy ItBuy It

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK


    ` Innovation is introduction of new ideas , goods, services

    and practices which can be exploited commercially.

    ` Is conversion of knowledge and ideas into a benefit

    ` Innovation is the tool employed by entrepreneurs

    ` Entrepreneurship is the process by which new ventures

    are created

  • 8/3/2019 dr.ghosh KUK
