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DrinksBiz | New Zealand's premier drink magazine | Beer, wine and Spirits


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PublisherKaren Boult

E. [email protected]

EditorialEditor Joelle thomson

E. [email protected] M. 021 376 786

Journalist James BoultE. [email protected] M. 021 067 6326

AdvertisingPaul lightfoot

E. [email protected] T. 09 361 2347 M. 022 027 4962

Designlewis Hurst

E. [email protected] M. 021 146 6404W. www.hcreative.co.nz

Drinksbiz is published every second month by trade media limited, 300 richmond road, grey lynn, auckland, new Zealand, phone (09) 361 2347. the contents of Drinksbiz are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Please address all editorial, subscription and advertising enquiries to trade media limited, P o Box 37745, Parnell, auckland.

associate member


june / july 2012 www.drinksbiz.co.nz 3

contentsUpfront and regulars

news, views, trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24

out & about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27

the independent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

WineWine news . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

cabernet sauvignon category report . . 32-33

High fi ve: top new vinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

FeaturesWhisky feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39

south africa’s wine revolution . . . . . . . 40-41

Beer Beer category report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-44

Beer news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-49

Bars of the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Spirits & cocktailsspirits & cocktails news. . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-61

Hot mixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

on your marcs, our brandy report . . . . . 58-59

Industry statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-66

Final orders…What’s new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69

Diary dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

last requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

edItor’s PIcK2007 Cesari Jema Corvina

the lAkes of northern italy have long been one of my dream travel destinations and this year, for the fi rst time ever, i was lucky enough to be teased mercilessly by spending just half a day on the shores of lake garda. thankfully, it was a day that counted. the warm spring sunshine, the glistening snow on the alps and the company of Deborah cesari over a swift coffee were a perfect way to meet a new friend – and an experimental wine, which i carried home carefully. it was this dark purple red made from the corvina grape; the queen of the traditional trio that make italy’s famous valpolicella and amarone wines. spicy, fresh, fruity, intense dark licorice aromas and savoury fl avours all intermingle in this fantastic wine. a portion of the grapes were dried, just as in valpolicella and amarone. i hope we can get this wine here one day.www.cesari-spa.it

“Recycling one glass bottle saves enough energy to light a 100-watt light bulb for four hours, power a computer for 30 minutes or a television for 20 minutes. ”


From the Editor’s deskrecycle? Why bother?

What haPPeNs to the bottles out the back of your bar, restaurant or café? Whatever it is, those of us blessed with living in the centre of Auckland – if ‘blessed’ is the right word - can be absolutely certain these days that a lot less glass makes it to recycling plants than it did just two years ago.

The council, in its ‘wisdom’ fi xed one problem – health and safety issues – and created another; replacing our segregated recycling bins with a one-size-fi ts-all; reducing recycling massively in the process. Thanks toO-I New Zealand’s sustainability manager, Penny Garland, there is a solution on the way.

Attractive as Garland herself is, her job is an unglamorous one where she spends over half her working hours at landfi lls and recycling collection depots. It was comparatively easy to amend recycling practices in Wellington and Dunedin, but the fragmentation, size and unworkable infrastructure in our biggest city means it’s more diffi cult in Auckland.

So, she has written a submission to the Auckland Council on its draft waste management and minimisation plan which outlines a more benefi cial way forward. O-I New Zealand has an enormous capacity to take on as much glass as we can give it. Did you know that for every extra pile of recycled glass that goes into the glass manufacturing process, the temperature of the batch can be reduced? It’s a saving all-round. It’s safe to say that Drinksbiz advertising manager, Paul Lightfoot, and I both have a renewed respect for glass, after touring the hot, sticky, inner workings of O-I New Zealand at Penrose. Now it’s time for us all to renew our respect for the environment by recycling all the glass we use.

Cheers, Joelle Thomson

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on the coVer

scalIng new summItsoN our cover this month is Speight’s Summit; a golden-hued, lager style beer, brewed using New Zealand-grown malted barley and hops.

The malted barley is kilned to produce a pale lager malt, which gives it a subtle biscuit-fl avoured background, says Mark Goldman, brewing development manager for Speight’s, as he explains the style.

“Onto this background, aromatic hops are added late in the kettle boil to add a light, fruity, almost passionfruit-like quality to the fl avour and aroma.”

These aromatic hops include the variety Nelson Sauvin; well known in brewing circles for its interesting fl avour profi le, plus the varieties Green Bullet and Wakato, which add very subtle spicy notes to the beer.

“Hops are also added early in the boil to provide just enough bitterness to balance the

natural sweetness coming through from the malt. Overall, this beer would be described as being smooth, easy drinking, crisp and refreshing, without any trace of the harsh sharpness, which can be found in some overly-bittered beers,” says Goldman.

“Lager-style beers, especially the more highly bittered versions, are typically associated with summer but as Speight’s Summit is a more rounded beer, it’s great for year-round consumption.”

Goldman says Summit is targeted towards the 25 to 35 year old urbanite looking for a relatively light beer, in both colour and malty fl avour.

letters to tHe eDitor

Winning LetterDear editor,

Here’s a little story about how i believe the wine you mentioned in your last editorial found its way to mt etna.

nero, the infamous 1st century roman emperor and persecutor of christians, was a devotee of Baccahanal activities. the song was adequate and the women were accommodating, but he was tiring of the local wine, especially the local rosso made from cesanese which, apart from being light and thin, reminded him of his over-achieving predecessor, caesar.

He instructed his chief viticulturist to develop a powerful, robust wine worthy of his exalted status, with assurances of riches and rewards and tickets to the coliseum upon the presentation of such a libation. in time the viticulturist returned with an offering and, with some trepidation, poured a goblet of his new vintage. “Will it suffi ce my liege? is the product of my toils worthy of your magnifi cence?”

“est! est! est!” - “it is! it is! it is! replied nero. the expression was later plagiarised as a name for an inferior local variety. “it is full and rich and masculine like myself. i shall call it ‘nerello mascalese’ and you shall secretly plant a vineyard of it in similiar volcanic soils, far from here on the slopes of mt etna on the island of sicily, supplying only myself, my closest friends and a couple of girlfriends, until it is discovered by a foreign scribe many years from now and revealed to the rest of the world.” and so it was. For the last 2000 years nerello mascalese has been produced on the slopes of mt etna and rarely been seen outside of that region, until now.

cheersBaxter Fagan, taupo

Thanks, Baxter. A bottle of suitable wine is being unearthed (sadly, not from amphorae) and will be sent to you in due course.

Pricing and packagingSpeight’s Summit comes in the following ranges: 12 cans RRP $21.99; 12 bottles RRP $21.99; 15 bottles RRP $25.99; 18 bottles RRP $29.99; 24 bottles RRP $39.99; quarts 12 x 745-RRP $39.99.

www.drinksbiz.co.nz june / july 2012

last editorial found its way to mt etna.

christians, was a devotee of Baccahanal activities. the song was adequate and the women were accommodating, but he was tiring of the local wine, especially the local rosso made from cesanese which, apart from being light and thin, reminded him of his over-achieving predecessor, caesar.

He instructed his chief viticulturist to develop a powerful, robust wine worthy of his exalted status, with assurances of riches and rewards and tickets to the coliseum upon the presentation of such a libation. in time the viticulturist returned with an offering and, with some trepidation, poured a goblet of his new vintage. “Will it suffi ce my liege? is the product of my toils worthy of your magnifi cence?”

“est! est! est!” - “it is! it is! it is! replied nero. the expression was later plagiarised as a name for an inferior local variety. “it is full and rich and masculine like myself. i shall call it ‘nerello mascalese’ and you shall secretly plant a vineyard of it in similiar volcanic soils, far from here on the slopes of mt etna on the island of sicily, supplying only myself, my closest friends and a couple of girlfriends, until it is discovered by a foreign scribe many years from now and revealed to the rest of the world.” and so it was. For the last 2000 years nerello mascalese has been produced on the slopes of mt etna and rarely been seen outside of that region, until now.

cheersBaxter Fagan, taupo

Thanks, Baxter. A bottle of suitable wine is being unearthed (sadly, not from amphorae) and will be sent to you in due course.

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column cHin Wag



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Strictly trade only. Entry is restricted to members of the retail, foodservice and hospitality industry. Proof of business identifi cation may be required. Persons not in these categories, including children, will not be admitted at any time. No prams permitted.


memBers oF the trade buying bottles or by the case should brace themselves for another increase to operating costs. The Government will apply its annual increase to alcohol excise taxes effective from July 1.

So what does this mean for you? The excise tax on a 1litre bottle is scheduled to go from $18.33 to $18.60. With GST charged on excise, the tax on each bottle goes to $21.39.

Add to that two further taxes levied on spirits; the 17 cent Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) levy, plus GST and 15% GST on the overall retail selling price. What’s more, not many people will know that spirits carry 82% more excise tax than beer and wine. No valid

scientifi c reason exists for this differential. Instead, a moralistic rationale applies which is that somehow spirits are hard while other beverages are soft. This notion collapses when one recognises the offi cial position is that a standard drink of spirits contains exactly the same amount of alcohol as a

glass of beer or wine. Publicly, excise taxes are imposed to apparently offset the social cost of those who sin and misuse alcohol beverages.

Less apparent and certainly less publicised is that excise is a major

revenue grab. Staggeringly, each year the Government takes in over $285 million in taxes (excluding GST) from spirit drinkers.

We are not so convinced that higher

alcohol eXcIse and you Thomas Chin

tax rates dissuade irresponsible drinker behaviour, laudable as the goal might be. If anything, higher taxes fall heavily on light and moderate working class drinkers and drive those budget conscious into cheaper alternative beverages and possibly even home brew. Higher taxes translating into higher prices also mean there is a further disincentive for consumers to go out, which has a direct impact on all of our businesses. The Government should stay this year’s tax hike to leave consumers with more money in their pockets, which for the trade would help to maintain business momentum, retain jobs and ultimately boost the State’s other tax revenues.

It’s a terrible time to raise taxes while the overall economy remains weak. Increasing taxes doesn’t address patterns of drinking nor stop those who drink to get drunk. It is also our view that it is time for the Government to re-examine its overall tax policy so it does not unfairly punish most moderate or occasional drinkers and it does not penalise the drinks industry.

The latest tax increase will squeeze incomes, fuel infl ation, risk jobs and stifl e investment. Even more signifi cantly the tax increase undermines our country’s growth agenda and business prosperity. Thomas Chin is the CEO of the Distilled Spirits Association of New Zealand. This column represents an independent viewpoint.

It is also our view that it is time for the Government to re-examine its overall tax policy.

Page 9: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

CEOS KNOW GLASS IS ICONIC. “Everyone knows our ginger beer bottle,”

says John McLean, CEO of Bundaberg Brewed Drinks. “It’s a big part of our

branding. It looks great, and people say ginger beer just tastes better

in glass.” Another plus? “Glass is 100% recyclable, forever.”



© Owens-Illinois, Inc.Jun/Jul 10773_21Jun/Jul 10773_21

makers of memorable, endlessly recyclable glass packaging

Page 10: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

8 www.drinksbiz.co.nz june / july 2012

column in vino veritas

What do Penfolds Wines, Church Road Winery and Cesari have in common?

One is Australian, one a New Zealand winery, the third an Italian one, so it’s not their heritage, culture or nationality which links them. It’s not that all are pretty big, although that’s true. It’s not even that each uses French oak in their wines, although that’s true too.

These wineries put the ‘e’ in experimental. And that makes for some delicious surprises.

Penfolds winemakers tick all the right boxes with wine drinkers – Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, large quantities, easy to find, affordable for those with shallow or deep pockets. The same stands true for Church Road winery, whose Chardonnays, Merlots, Syrahs and Cabernet-based reds are incredible bargains, given the great taste, wide availability and high quality of winemaking. Then there is Cesari. Not as well known, but available in tucked away little places, such as Gusto Italiano at Three Lamps on Ponsonby Road, Auckland. This is a place where the doors are usually closed while its neighbouring restaurants on either side spill onto the pavement, which is a shame because it’s easy to live in the vicinity and walk past it for years without ever venturing in., as I know many people do.

On their fascinating and delicious wine list are some Cesari wines, which I’m going to make a beeline for in months to come now I’ve discovered them.

Cesari is a relatively big Italian winery in its region in the Veneto, in northern Italy, which I visited in April this year after Vinitaly. Deborah Cesari, whose grandfather began the winery, has the commercial imperative that Penfolds and Church Road do. So, while the winery makes very good quality Valpolicella and Amarone for a market that expects to find its wines with relative ease, it is doing a great job in lifting a well known brand well above everyday expectations.

What really makes a wine lover’s heart sing is a new discovery, however, and that’s what this trio of wineries have in common.

In the case of Penfolds, it’s great to taste

Grenache and Mourvedre cuddling up to Shiraz in Penfolds Bin 138 – easily the best of the new Penfolds annual Bin release range. In an even more gutsy but refined, elegant, full bodied dark purple red, it’s sensational to taste Cesari’s ‘Jema’, made 100% from the little known Corvina grape.

Corvina is the queen of grapes in Valpolicella and definitely one of my new favourite Italian reds, although I have only ever tried about half a dozen red wines made solely from the Corvina grape because Corvina is usually blended with Rondinella and, to a decreasing

extent, with the hard tannic, Molinara grape. In Church Road’s case, experimentation extends in a number of directions but the winery’s Marzemino outsells other reds at the Church Road winery cellar door by two to one.

… It’s great to taste Grenache and Mourvedre cuddling up to Shiraz in Penfolds Bin 138 – easily the best of the new Penfolds annual Bin release range…. it’s sensational to taste Cesari’s ‘Jema’, made 100% from the little known Corvina grape.

In vIno verItasA taste for the exotic could revolutionise your wine list, without costing an arm and a you know what, writes Joelle Thomson

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(09) 820 9095

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10 www.drinksbiz.co.nz june / july 2012

column guest columnist

Cast your mind back eight or nine months to Rugby World Cup 2011. It was a shot in the arm for our visitor economy and for the food and beverage industry. Not only in direct spend from visitors and locals – much of which went the way of the food and beverage industry - but also in international business connections made, brand exposure for local products to a visiting international audience, and targeted promotion of the food and beverage sector through specially organised events and expos.

Incidentally, it wasn’t just New Zealand wines, beers and spirits that flowed during RWC 2011. France’s run to the final kept their fans in town and my sources tell me that French wine and other Gallic products were in unprecedented demand, with hardly a bottle of pastis left in the city by the end of the tournament. Happy world cup memories aside, when you consider major events, it quickly becomes obvious that they are a serious business and a key ingredient in transforming the visitor economy. RWC 2011 was a great example. So what is the real opportunity Auckland’s visitor economy offers?

The short answer is more money into the city and its businesses through direct consumption. In 2010 our visitor economy was worth just over $3 billion. Our aim is to double that to $6 billion by 2021. If we achieve that the food and beverage industry, among others, will be much better off. But the real answer goes much further because a thriving visitor economy can deliver so

much more. It can be the catalyst for and subsidiser of improved amenities for the city, which in turn lead to more major events and more visitors. Improved amenities also help to attract and retain talent leading to greater productivity and so the positive cycle continues. Again, think about RWC 2011 and the long list of new or improved amenities Auckland has; waterfront infrastructure, and new bars and restaurants, such as those in Britomart, Federal St and at

North Wharf.So how do we

cash in on the visitor economy opportunity? We have an Auckland Visitor Plan and it is already being implemented. To ensure an improved visitor economy

we need to enhance the visitor proposition (get the product right) and grow the demand for Auckland (promote the destination). The first thing is develop the things that attract visitors: events, conventions, major

attractions. We also need to enhance Auckland’s fabric.

Auckland’s fabric is the authentic side of the city and its unique experiences that visitors increasingly look for and keep coming back for. This is where the food and beverage industry plays a role. Whether visitors are at a vineyard on Waiheke Island, a Ponsonby café, a central city bar or even an off licence buying a bottle of local wine for a picnic, it’s all part of their taste of Auckland. From what they drink, to the place they consume it, to the warmth of the greeting from staff, these things all make the unique Auckland experience that is part of our fabric. Get this right and it’s not only good for your business but for Auckland and its visitor economy.

I started by talking about RWC 2011. Consider this in the context of your industry and our quest to transform the visitor economy. During RWC 2011 95.3% of international visitors rated the service provided by Auckland as good or very good; 92% said they were likely or very likely to recommend Auckland as a place to visit. That’s got to be good for business.

auckland has embarked on an ambitious plan to transform its visitor economy. the food and beverage industry has a vested interest in the city’s success and a role to play in getting there.

a toast to the vIsItor economy By David McConnell, chairman, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development

David mcconnell

Page 13: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

THE NEXT BIG THING.Huge news. Speight’s Summit will be the fi rst new mainstream beer in 12 x 745ml Quarts (a crate) in the last decade.

Give your customers a new take on a classic format and give your business a big boost with Speight’s Summit Quarts.


Page 14: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

12 www.drinksbiz.co.nz june / july 2012

column cocKtails

From elegant cocktails to creamy hot chocolate, there’s something for everyone this winter.

We’ve goNe gradually this year from summer to autumn and there’s been no sudden rush from hot to cold. But eventually, the tall glasses of cold drinks will give way to large mugs of coffee, hot tea, hot chocolate, and I suggest - the hot toddy or any other winter warmer drink following below.

HOT TODDYAlso known as a ‘hot totty’, it warms you from the inside, delivering a smooth clean taste with a touch of honey at the end. Warm and toasty and just in time for winter, the Hot Toddy is a classic hot drink. Feel free to experiment with your favourite types of tea or skip it all together and use hot water alone. Be free to combine great Monin syrup fl avours in your toddy as well.

MULLED WINE & SPIKED HOT CIDER Hot, boozy cosiness in a cup, mulled wines and spiked ciders make us feel warm inside. My favourites start with New Zealand’s locally sourced ciders and amazing New Zealand red wines, plus a pinch of the wintery spice. In the 1800s, a special mulled wine is popular in Europe known as ‘gluhwein’, which began to incorporate the special Glogg ingredients - raisins and almonds.

GLOGGGlogg is made with red wine, and each small glass has a few almonds and raisins (sometimes dried fi gs and apricots) in it as well as the spirit. Glogg also tends to have more sugar as well as heavier alcohol content.

HOT WINTER PUNCHPunch can be made virtually with any spirit. Hot water, fresh citric fruits, honey and spirits make this delicious winter concoction. Punches are an ideal way to serve a large number of guests without making individual drinks.

HOT SAKE AND TAMAGOZAKESake purists may freak out, but I think a cup of hot sake is just the ticket on a cold night. Tamagozake is a drink consisting of heated sake, sugar and a raw egg. Outside of Japan, Tamagozake is sometimes referred to as sake-nog, due to its resemblance to eggnog.

EGGNOGA drink developed that mixed warm milk and eggs with sugar, sherry or brandy to keep the chill. This was served in a noggin - a small, wooden mug. This became nicknamed as eggnog and became hugely popular, especially at Christmas time. Flavour your eggnog with the great range of Monin syrups like cinnamon, almond, amaretto, maple spice.

HOT MILK POSSET – CZAR’S MILK – MILK PUNCHIn Europe, alcohol was a traditional sleep aid for all ages back then and today as well. It contains hot milk, honey and sometimes a dash of rum or brandy.

GROWN UP HOT CHOCOLATE & BOOZY COFFEE Adult hot chocolate is everything we want when we come in from the cold. Skipping chocolate? Try the Irish coffee variations. Many hot drinks use illy dark roasted coffee as their base, laced with whisky, rum, brandy or liqueurs or a combination of several of these.

Whichever you choose remember the best hot drinks are made with high quality ingredients: hot, freshly brewed coffee or tea, quality hot chocolate like Ghirardelli, freshly whipped cream, quality fruit syrups from Monin and fresh spices. Most important of all, remember that hot drinks can be a tantalizing experience for your guests. Let the mug warm your hands. Savour the aroma before you take that fi rst sip. By the time you’re done, you’ll have warmed not only your body, but your guests’. So impress your guests and mix up a new cocktail - or mocktail - at your next winter gathering. Cheers. Tomas Vikario is the beverage innovation manager at Stuart Alexander Ltd; importers of Monin, Perrier, Illy and Tabasco. For more information email: [email protected]

warm wInter drInKs Tomas Vikario

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june / july 2012 www.drinksbiz.co.nz 13

TOSCHI FRAGOLI $39 to $40 Wild Strawberry Liqueur from ItalyFragoli is an award winning original liquor made with whole, hand-picked wild strawberries . excellent on its own, served fresh as an aperitif, poured into a fl ute of chilled Prosecco or a fabulous ingredient for a wide variety of cocktails. re-create crepe suzette or simply pour over ice cream, fruit salad or any other imaginative way you can think of.ORDER FRAGOLI & NOCELLO FROM:Phone (09) 273 3701 Email: pr@touchofi taly.co.nz Or visit these websites:www.touchofi taly.co.nz www.eatily.co.nz

toschI nocello $45 to $50Walnut liqueur from ItalyNocello is a liqueur made from walnuts and is delicious with a fragrant fl avour. Ideal served straight, on the rocks or chilled from the freezer. A wonderful addition to espresso coffee and cappuccino and also as an ingredient in cocktails and long drinks. Makes a great alternative to other nut based liqueurs. Also ideal used in the creation of decadent and addictive desserts!

Johnnie coming soonthe new Johnnie Walker Double Black will launch to the new Zealand domestic market on 2 July this year, followed by gold reserve and Platinum in september.

Diageo have introduced these three new premium variants to their global range, which join the family with the existing gold and green label being removed and replaced by gold reserve and Platinum respectively.

this bodes well for the new Zealand market with the whisky category following global trends and growing faster than any other spirit segment (11.1% value growth mat). this is being driven by purchases at the premium end of the market, which has seen value growth of 18.3% vs 4% growth in mainstream (source: ac nielsen scan sales to 25/03/2012).

Diageo, the world’s leading premium drinks company, has retained its leadership of impact Databank’s top 100 spirit

Brands by volume and value rankings internationally; with eight brands in the top 20. the collective value of all the Diageo brands featured in the charts accounts for just under 25% of the total retail value generated by all brands in the top 100.

For the fi fth consecutive year, smirnoff and Johnnie Walker have topped the rankings, as the number one brand by volume and number one brand by value respectively, with Johnnie Walker’s retail value accounting for 7% of the top 100’s aggregate value. smirnoff was also ranked the number two brand by value for the fi fth consecutive year.

this performance refl ects the strong growth both brands reported at Diageo’s interim results (for the half year ended December 2011), with Johnnie Walker’s net sales up 15% and smirnoff 9%. For more information on the new John nie Walker whiskies, contact your local Lion sales executive for details.

poured into a fl ute of chilled

ingredient for a wide variety

Not many brewers go by the name of Spike but then ‘Spike’ Buckowski, who arrived in New Zealand from Georgia in the deep south of the United States recently, is no ordinary beer man. Recruited to the position of ‘The Resident’ by Boundary Road Brewery, Spike’s role is to create three bespoke brews for New Zealand this year.

The beers Spike creates during his stay in New Zealand will be called ‘The Resident’ and will be released in July.

“Craft beer is massive in the US. We brew any style of craft beer imaginable and have more breweries than any other country in the world,” says Buckowski; who is both brewmaster and co-founder of Terrapin Beer Company in Athens, Georgia.Keep track of what Spike is up to at www.facebook.com/brb. And visit Boundary Road in virtual reality at www.boundaryroadbrewery.com

sPIKIng your drInK




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14 www.drinksbiz.co.nz june / july 2012

wIld foodThis year’s Monteith’s Beer and Wild Food Challenge is the fi fteenth of courageous kai matched with local brews

the maKers of Monteith’s beer and cider are calling on Kiwi chefs and foodies to prepare their culinary bows for the fi fteenth Monteith’s Beer and Wild Food Challenge. To celebrate a decade and a half of brave bounty to table, there is a $15,000 prize this year.

Registrations are now open and the 12 challenge judges are headed by Kerry Tyack this year; they will be searching for something which “tantalises the tastebuds and pushes food frontiers,” says Tyack. The high calibre of entries over the past 14 years is a testament to creative culinary talent and audacity to experiment.

To be eligible for entry, each dish must feature components sourced from the wildest local ingredients (farm-raised does not fi t the criteria). Dishes must be presented ‘in a wild way’, or use readily available wild ingredients; venison, huhu grubs and shellfi sh all qualify. At least two primary ingredients must

also be sourced from within 100km of entrants’ restaurants and the aim, says Tyack, is to provide “a distinct local bent and bring out the fl avour of the chosen Monteith’s beer or cider match”.

This year also sees the return of ‘Spirit of Monteith’s Beer & Wild Food Challenge’; a $2000 additional award to acknowledge those entrants who go the extra mile.

The public can vote via text after dining at any Monteith’s Beer and Wild Food Challenge participating establishment. The top ‘People’s Choice’ fi nalist will join six other fi nalists at the cook-off.

“The way we think about food in this country is constantly evolving, which is incredibly exciting for a competition like this. We love seeing dishes that bend traditional culinary rules,” says Monteith’s marketing manager, Jen Macindoe. Register your wild dish and Monteith’s pairing at www.monteiths.co.nz

Mission possible Mission estAte chief executive Peter Holley has appointed simon nash mW to the role of export manager for the country’s oldest working winery in Hawke’s Bay.

“simon brings with him an enormous wealth of wine industry experience in the uK and new Zealand,” says Holley.

“this makes him a valuable asset to our business and an important part of our future development strategy. simon’s responsibilities will include growing our existing markets and identifying new export opportunities around the globe.”

nash began his wine career in the uK in 1987 and worked vintages in different countries before moving to new Zealand in the mid 1990s. He qualifi ed as a master of Wine in 1994 and is one of 299 masters of Wine in the world today.

“Wine has always been my absolute passion,” says nash. “i’m married to a consultant winemaker and we live in Hawke’s Bay; the most diverse winegrowing region in new Zealand. i have long admired mission estate’s innovative techniques and successful business model, as well as their consistently excellent wines.”[email protected]

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show offThis year’s restaurant and bar show kicks off on 19 August in Aucklandthe restauraNt & Bar Show of New Zealand is the annual gathering of those working in the hospitality industry in New Zealand and this year’s event is organized by the same team which stages the Taste of Auckland festival.

Organisers anticipate they will attract over 4,500 people from the restaurant and drinks trade for this year’s Restaurant & Bar Show, to be held in Auckland from 19 to 29 August. Here are the highlights.

Cocktails - The R&B Bar Masters sponsored by Monin is back and this year the fi rst prize for the Monin Cup is a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to participate in the international semi-fi nals, which includes a tour to the Monin factory, a chance to sample bars in Kuala Lumpur and compete with other semifi nalists. Those who qualify in the semi fi nal will go on to compete at the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris for the supreme title.

Beer – The Stella Artois Draught Masters Final will take place at the Restaurant & Bar Show following the regional heats taking place around the country. International guest this year is George Reisch from Missouri. A fi fth generation brew master, Reisch is also past president (2008-2009) of the Master Brewers’ Association of the Americas (MBAA). He is a tasting judge at the World Beer Cup, Brewing Industry International Awards and the Great American Beer Festival.

Wine - Lion Nathan, Red & White, Macvine International, Bespoke Wine Company, Co Pilot plus individual wineries including Sacred Hill, Yealands, Lone Goat and Gibson Bridge will also show at this year’s event.

Seminars – a ‘Bar business’ seminar will see industry experts share their knowledge, skills and tastings tips.The 20th Annual NZ Culinary Fare sees around 1,000 people compete for the Bartender of the Year competition. Entry is free for those working in the industry who register online before 15 August.www.randbshow.co.nz

Oh how… Kapiti’s new winestreat your customers to a new fl avour explosion from ‘ohau Wines’

in A country whose wineries are as new as its licensed restaurants, the Kapiti coast might not spring to mind as the fi rst place to plant grapes, but thanks to grape grower Kate gibbs, it is home to ohau vineyard. this year’s harvest looks like it’s a bumper one.

this news comes on the heels of a disastrously small vintage in many quarters of new Zealand this year, though quality is said to be universally high from winemakers in 2012.

this year is the fourth for ohau winery in Kapiti; an hour’s drive north of Wellington on the west coast.

the ohau area was discovered by gibbs, who describes the river terrace soils as similar to some marlborough vineyards and the climate as similar to nelson’s. the area has relatively little frost risk and low rainfall during veraison; the critical ripening time in autumn each year. veraison is when grapes experience their highest rise in sugar; drop in acids and alignment of fl avours, pre-picking.

“During this year’s ripening period our vineyards have enjoyed lovely clear days with cool nights which has assisted the fl avour development of the grapes”, says gibbs. she says the 2012 grapes she has harvested are the best she has seen in the region since 2009. this year the winery will also grow production from 14,000 cases last year (2011) to 33,000 cases. the wines are made by Wairarapa winemaker Jane cooper at matahiwi estate, east of masterton. until now ohau Wines have been mostly sent to china but 2012 will see more available for new Zealand. they make a worthy and quirky addition to restaurant and bar wine lists.

the ohau range includes: 2010 ohau gravels sauvignon Blanc 2010; 2010 ohau gravels Pinot gris (which received a golden Bottle award in china, in 2011) and also a trio of excellent ohau ‘Woven stone’ wines: the 2011 ohau Woven stone Pinot noir, 2011 ohau Woven stone sauvignon Blanc and 2011 ohau Woven stone Pinot gris.

STOCK OHAU GRAVELS ON YOUR WINE LIST…To stock Ohau Gravels wines, contact Davie Munro, CEO, Ohau Wines, phone (04) 917 0001, email: [email protected], www.ohaugravels.co.nz

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While KiWi athletes were pumping iron to get ready for the Olympics, female brewer Natasha O’Brien was tasting pints as a judge for the ‘Olympics of Beer’ in California, in May this year.

Thirty year old Natasha, who works at DB Breweries’ Waitemata Brewery in Auckland, was the only female brewer among three New Zealanders selected to judge the most prestigious beer competition in the world; the 2012 World Beer Cup (WBC) – better known as the ‘Olympics of Beer’ – held in San Diego two months ago.

“It’s a real honor to be invited to judge awards of this calibre and I’m really excited about tasting some new and interesting

brews,” she said, on the eve of judging.

Originally from Geraldine, Natasha has a strong background in sensory evaluation and regularly judges at international beer competitions including BrewNZ; the Australian International Brewing Awards and most recently the 2011 Brewing Industry International Awards in the United Kingdom.

It was while in the UK last year that she met a future WBC fellow judge who asked if he could put her name forward to the chair of the WBC organizing committee. “I was then fortunate enough to be selected from a pool of new judges to become a 2012 World Beer Cup judge,” she says.

When did you first decide to work with beer?

After finishing my Process Engineering degree. I had developed a passion for the craft of brewing during my studies.

Was there an epiphany or special moment with beer when you fell for its fizzy charms?

I fell in love with beer at a young age. I used to steal sips from my Dad’s pint while he was distracted watching the rugby.

How did this role come about being the first from DB to judge internationally?

I got in to the beer judging scene a couple of years ago starting at Brew NZ. I heard about

the World Beer Cup there and it instantly became something to aspire to for me. You rub shoulders with the international judges at these competitions and after judging at the Australian Beer Competition (AIBA) I was fortunate to be selected for the Brewing International Industry Awards (BIIA) panel in Burton on Trent, United Kingdom. While judging there I was spotted by an American World Beer Cup judge who asked to put my name forward to the World Beer Cup selection committee.

What’s next?

I would like to make it to Tokyo for the Japan International Beer Competition panel at some point. I was invited last year and then the tsunami occurred. I think it would be really interesting and challenging to judge in a non English speaking country.

What types of beers would you like to see more awarded around the world, in terms of style and flavour?

New Zealand beers. There are some very talented brewers in this country making innovative beers and some great kiwi takes on old world styles. New Zealand brewers are challenging the style guidelines and shaping the international brewing industry.

tHe WorlD Beer cuP…

… is also known as ‘the olympics of

Beer’. along with the Brewing industry

international awards (Biia) panel

(dubbed the ‘oscars of Brewing’), held

in Burton on trent, these competitions

are widely known in the brewing

community as the two most prestigious

in the world. the WBc is the biggest

and the Biia is the oldest. the

Brewers association developed the

World Beer cup in 1996 to celebrate

the art and science of brewing by

recognizing outstanding achievement.

the competition is held every two years

and entry on to the judge’s panel is by

invitation only which is extended to a

select group of international brewers

with acknowledged expertise in the

sensory evaluation of commercial beers.

Judges selected must be nominated

and endorsed by three recognised

World Beer cup judges which results in

a highly qualified and professional panel.


DB brewer judges beer Olympicsnatasha o’Brien’s two minutes on beer…

natasha o’Brien

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How would you describe yourself in a tasting note?

Perhaps I’d describe myself as being abundant in old world charm with a high degree of Gallic fl air to take the edge off! Intriguing and complex, yet defi nitely up for any kind of celebration. Distinctively bubbly and fond of the fi ner things in life.

If you could swap places with anyone for a day, who would it be?

I’d love to swap places with an airline pilot. I have always been passionate about fl ying and planes in general, but unfortunately I am nearsighted. My dream would be to get my private pilot’s license.

What’s the worst thing about the drinks trade?

The time lag! Any change you make in winemaking takes three to four years to see the fi nal result in the wine due to the lengthy bottle ageing process involved in making Champagne. What seems simple can often take a decade to perfect.

And the best thing?

Tasting old champagne vintages and excellent bottles of still wines with good friends! I can match many enjoyable moments in my life and remember the special wines associated to the occasions.

What do you most enjoy about this industry?

Champagne has exceptional vineyards and those of G.H. Mumm are rich and fascinating. Every vintage is different, everything comes from nature and you have to be humble about that and be patient. I also enjoy meeting people that love wine - it’s defi nitely an industry of passionate people.

What’s your favourite drinks and food combination?

Being the Chef de Cave of G.H. Mumm Champagne, I of course, adore champagne. My personal favourite is matching Mumm Cordon Rouge with Japanese food.

Which drink and who or what else would you take to a desert island?

I come from the island of Corsica – it’s defi nitely not a desert island but you can fi nd a lot of deserted places!

I would defi nitely take with me Champagne Mumm Blanc de Blancs, my family, favourite music and my books – I’m a bit of a bookworm!

KeePIng mummChef de Cave of GH Mumm Champagne Didier Mariotti

Didier mariotti

Page 21: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

Find us on and PLEasE dRinK REsPonsiBLY.

Put your roast in the oven and your reciPe into our comPetitionWe love tucking into a roast so much we’ve dedicated a day to this soul-warming feast. So pre-heat the oven for

Selaks New Zealand Roast Day on Sunday 5 August and get your recipe ready as we search for ‘New Zealand’s

Best Roast Dish’.

The roast unites family and friends around good food and great wine, with hearty conversation, laughter and cheer.

At Selaks we’ve been at the table for 78 years and we’re always back for more. So enjoy Selaks New Zealand Roast Day

with your family and friends and share your supreme roast recipe with all of us.

win a year’s suPPly of selaks wine*Enter your roast recipe at selaksnzroastday.co.nz before 10 August for your chance to win.*Visit selaksnzroastday.co.nz for more details and terms and conditions.


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Tom McDonald’s new lease of lifethe late and legendary tom mcDonald is being given a new lease of life, so to speak, thanks to the launch of the new-look church road mcDonald series in may this year.

mcDonald, who lived from 1907 to 1987, was an early devotee of table wines in new Zealand during an age when fortifi eds were all the rage.

“We are becoming more confi dent with traditional French winemaking. For example, in making the chardonnay and some of the sauvignon Blanc, we allow spontaneous wild fermentation to occur, while reds are fermented in large oak cuves. overall there is less intervention and we bottle the red wines with minimal fi ning and fi ltration. it’s all about letting go of the reigns and working with what nature provides,” says church road

senior winemaker chris scott.“each vintage presents the team with

different challenges which allows us the opportunity to continue learning and evolving our wines. We are excited about the opportunity to introduce this new range and continue tom’s vision, combined with our own learnings, using traditional winemaking techniques with Hawke’s Bay’s vibrant fruit,” says scott. The new Church Road McDonald Series wines from Hawke’s Bay includes a 2009 Merlot; 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon; 2011 Sauvignon Blanc; 2011 Chardonnay; 2009 Marzemino; 2011 Sauvignon Gris and 2009 Pinot Gris. All wines are available in New Zealand at leading liquor outlets, independent retailers and Church Road cellar door, RRP $32.99.

dePot wIns restaurant of the year...Restaurateur and chef Al Brown is the

winner of the supreme award in the

Metro/Audi Restaurant of the Year

Awards 2012 for the Auckland eatery

he set up; Depot Eatery & Oyster Bar,

in Federal Street.Depot also won Best New Restaurant

and Best Casual Bistro.

The Best Fine Dining Restaurant

award went to Clooney; arguably the

most stylish eatery in the city. And the

Restaurant Personality of the Year was

awarded to Ganesh Raj of Kumeu’s

The Tasting Shed.

fIt for a queenQueenstown’s new Rata restaurant sees two talents join forces in a relaxed environment

miCheliN starred Kiwi chef Josh Emett and Queenstown businesswoman Fleur Caulton opened their new restaurant, Rata, last month.

“The idea is to create that ‘hard to fi nd’ New Zealand restaurant experience, providing a relaxed dining room with a neighbourhood feel, great service and delicious food,” says Caulton.

“We certainly don’t want our international diners to come here (to Queenstown) and

feel as if they are in a restaurant in London or New York; it has to be distinctively New Zealand and that’s where our focus is.”

In keeping with the local theme, Emett has tailored his menus to focus on Central Otago ingredients.”

Best known for his 11-year stint with the international Gordon Ramsay restaurant group, Emett has also overseen North American restaurants as chef as well as a role as head chef at the Savoy Grill in

London and two Ramsay-owned restaurants in Australia.

“We have both travelled extensively and worked in the industry overseas but New Zealand has always been home. Our love and passion for New Zealand and particularly the South Island, has led to our decision to open a stylish and edgy neighbourhood restaurant, capturing a uniquely New Zealand fl avour inspired by our environment,” says Caulton.

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20122012WINE EXPO



showcasing the region’s top wines

Enjoy an afternoon with winemakers from Hawke’s Bay and discover what it is about Hawke’s Bay that makes it

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Hawke’s Bay Friday 1st JuneChurch Road


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No cork on this fi zzground breaking new seals launch fi rst on australian fi zz

guAlA closures has

launched what looks to be

the world’s fi rst screwcap

for 750ml-sized bottles

of bubbly.the fi rst winery to use the

new closure is the yarra valley

winery, De Bortoli; north of

melbourne. De Bortoli Wines

has applied the new closure

called viiva™, using specially

designed o-i glass bottle to

its popular trevi range, which

includes three varietals as well

as its on-premise premium

Willowglen sparkling Brut.

“viiva can withstand liquid

pressure up to 5 gas volume

and keep a sparkling wine’s

carbonation for weeks after

opening – even when it is laid

on its side in the fridge,” says

simon yudelevich, sales and

marketing manager for guala

closures australia.

“viiva brings all the

advantages a still wine

screwcap has over cork fi rmly

into the sparkling arena. it’s

safe and easy to open and

can be re-sealed without

any damage to the quality of

the fi zz, which dramatically

increases the opportunities for

by-the-glass sales and drinking.”

guala closures australia

collaborated with glass

manufacturer o-i to develop

a bottle specifi cally designed

to fi t the new closure and still

match existing fi lling lines

and secondary packaging

requirements in wineries. the

new closure took fi ve years to

develop to ensure it was suited

to traditional 5-gas-volume

sparkling wines.

“For the consumer, viiva™ is

perfectly suited to sparkling

wines which are popular among

women who often report

diffi culties in opening cork-

closures and resealing a bottle

with alternative closures once

opened,” says yudelevich.

“viiva™ eliminates safety

issues associated with

opening cork-closures and

will encourage responsible

consumption of alcohol as it

enables consumers to drink one

glass of wine, while maintaining

carbonation days after opening.

“this technology appeals to

on-premise customers because

it reduces time staff spend

opening sparkling wines, a major

advantage when dealing with

multiple bottle openings at busy

venues or events when speedy

service is critical. it’s also the

ideal solution for venues wishing

to serve sparkling wine by the

glass while reducing wastage

and cost.

JacK’s a honeyFor the fi rst time in nearly a generation, there is a new whiskey from the Jack Daniel Distillery; Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey launched in June this year. And, yes, the whiskey is mingled with a proprieta ry honey liqueur.

“In every sense of the word, this is natural,” says Jack Daniel’s master taster Jeff Norman, who says the honey complements Jack Daniel’s smooth charcoal-mellowed character.

“With hints of honey and other natural fl avors creating a complex taste profi le, this product will be unlike any other offering in the honey category. Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is the perfect name for this product because each bottle is made with real honey and our Tennessee whiskey is made in Lynchburg,” said Norman.

Tennessee Honey will be available across the country in a 700ml format and will be line priced with Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 Tennessee Whiskey.

The launch of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey is being strongly supported in both the on and off trade nationwide. Digital and social media will also make consumers and the drinks trade aware of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey, driving awareness and creating interest through national TV advertising via high profi le networks. For more information call your local Hancock’s representative.

fi rst time in nearly a generation, there is a new whiskey from the

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lewIsham award wInners 2012over 10,000 votes were cast to fi nd the 16 Lewisham

Award 2012 winners announced at the tenth Lewisham Awards, held this year at SkyCity Convention Centre on 3 June.

The Lewisham Awards were the brain child of Clive Weston, managing director of Negociants New Zealand. Weston corralled

a pro bono committee, many of whom are still involved in the Lewisham Foundation as mentors, committee members and participants on awards night.

The aim of the competition is to lift the standards of hospitality in Auckland and to celebrate the winners. This year’s winners are:

sponsor cAtegory winnermoet Hennessy Best Auckland Establishment coco’s cantina

aPra Best New Auckland Venue Depot

moana Pacifi c Fisheries Emerging Talent adam neal

allied liquor Outstanding Bar Britomart country club

caffe l’affare Outstanding Coffee Establishment / Barista rob rivers, shaky isles Britomart

angostura Outstanding Bartender alan raythorne

Delmaine Fine Foods Outstanding Chef sean marshall

Dog Point vineyard Outstanding Hospitality Personality nicola richards

Beam inc. Outstanding Local neighbourhood

sKycity Outstanding Maitre d’ ally thompson

signe Pernod ricard new Zealand Outstanding Restaurateur mimi gilmour

restaurant association Outstanding Sales Representative sarah-lee rashleigh

negociants new Zealand Outstanding Wine Service Professional gary olasz

telecom Outstanding Supplier eurovintage

crombie lockwood Outstanding Waiter ian Harrison

eurovintage Outstanding Wine List roxyeurovintage Outstanding Wine List roxy


Outstanding Wine List

using postMiX“a combination of quality drink syrups and technologically advanced equipment ensures consistent drink delivery at every 45 Postmix gun. Quality is our hallmark”, says gary robertson of Fountain Drinks. “We select the best syrup ingredients and blend these to proven taste profi les ensuring superior fl avours and maximum customer enjoyment. We challenge you to taste the difference between our cola and the opposition. 45 Postmix is made fresh in the glass with every pour delivering maximum fi zz at an optimum fi ve degrees chill temperature. the system mixes the soda and fl avour right in the glass giving high quality drinks to rival all big brands.

syrups are available in convenient 20 litre and 10 litre packs that connect quickly and easily to the dispensing system and deliver up to128 litres from each 20 litre pack. syrup reorders are delivered next day and have a 6 month shelf-life. your choice of 14 fl avours now includes the new energy fl avor. there are eight fl avours at each gun.”“the price of 45 syrups from Fountain Drinks is way below what i could buy elsewhere, and the quality, product delivery and support is outstanding,” says Phil saul of the Howick club.These are just some of the bulletproof arguments for using Fountain Drinks 45 Postmix in your bar. For more information phone Fountain Drinks 0800 44 44 03 or visit www.fountaindrinks.co.nz

Sailor Jerry Spiced is a Caribbean Rum blended with natural spices and fl avours. Inspired by the American tattoo legend Norman ‘Sailor Jerry’ Collins, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum pays homage to the independent spirit of its namesake, whose catchphrase was ‘my work speaks for itself’.

Its makers intend Sailor Jerry Rum to taste intense with pronounced vanilla, buttery toffee and cinnamon fl avours.

Sailor Jerry Spiced has a 40% ABV. The US strength is higher, at 46% ABV (92 Proof).To keep up to date with Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, follow the brand at: www.facebook.com/offi cialsailorjerry www.sailorjerry.co.nz

a rum do…

lewIsham award wInners 2012over 10,000

Award 2012 winners announced at the tenth Lewisham

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Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding BarBarBar

Outstanding Bar

Outstanding Outstanding Bar

Outstanding Outstanding Bar



Best NewBest NewBest NewAuckland Auckland Auckland VenueVenueVenue


OutstandingOutstandingOutstandingWine Service Wine Service Wine Service Outstanding

Wine Service OutstandingOutstanding

Wine Service OutstandingOutstanding

Wine Service Outstanding



Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Wine ListWine ListWine ListOutstanding Wine ListOutstanding Outstanding Wine ListOutstanding Outstanding Wine ListOutstanding

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out & about

People to see, places to go…

Rata OpeningQueenstown’s new restaurant rata celebrated its opening in may this year with guests from wine, food and tourism industries all in attendance. on a still southern autumn evening.

Clockwise from top left:

sir eion edgar, Fleur caulton, Josh emett.

Paul stevenson, Johnny stevenson and friend.

guests in the outside area.

alex and Jan from Wai restaurant and Blair and erin Walter from Felton road Wines.

Jane todd, Jane turner and reiana tainui.

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Vintage calling…

A lAte indian summer capped off a good year in central otago where winemaker and riesling fanatic (he only makes riesling) max marriott and his harvest crews finished in mid may this year; pictured, the crew with their canine helpers. “Harvest was great. so far we have all of our 2012 rieslings still fermenting. the line-up this year will be: northburn (replaces alex – similar style), Bannockburn, Bendigo, lowburn, a spatlese style with skin contact (25 Brix), a Bannockburn selection, 100l (45 Brix, with a whopping 19 ta – the electric monster) and a Bendigo selection, 70l (42 Brix, ta of 14 – the Peach iced tea),” says marriott.

And… many hands still had hard work in the staunch southern sun at mud House Wines’ golden terraces vineyard in central otago. the vineyard is situated in the Bendigo sub-region and the 2012 Harvest was the seventh vintage from this vineyard.

neArby At the little known but high quality winery, Quartz reef, founder rudi Bauer and his team are picking Pinot noir and chardonnay to make the best methode traditionelle (champagne-like bubbles) from their loop road vineyard block in march. they had a slightly overcast, wet spell before the beautiful indian summer that saw them through the remainder of vintage.

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the independent

taIZo talKs How did you come to be in the wine business?

I always wanted the challenge of working in an agriculture business and I love wine so it was logical to go into wine. I started my own blueberry farm in Japan and gradually the opportunity presented itself for me to invest in wine in New Zealand; a country with all the right ingredients to make great wine – climate, clean green image and a young wine industry which is still growing.

And how did that lead you to Hawke’s Bay?

When I fi rst came to New Zealand, I started searching in the South Island. We looked at land and vineyards, gradually making our way up north to Hawke’s Bay. It is a lovely place and we were lucky to fi nd suitable land and good partners who can work with us.

It must be tricky living in one country but having a company in another – what’s your secret of success?

It is all to do with the people I work with. We have a great team who work tirelessly to make the business work so well. I talk to them almost every day and so I have a good idea of what is happening.

What would you like to change in the wine or drinks industry right now?

A decrease in alcohol excise tax would be good, especially in the competitive local market for small producers like us. We see excise as a major profi tability issue in the local market.

What is the most underrated wine on the planet?

I think it’s diffi cult to pinpoint one most underrated wine on the planet.

There are a few wines that come to my mind. Reds from the Rogue Valley in Oregon, Cabernet blends from South Africa which offer great value, Rieslings from Australia and even Pinot Noir from Tasmania. For the Japanese market, I would have to say that it is our own New Zealand Pinot Gris. This vibrant wine is like Japanese sake. It has a soft texture which lends itself very well to delicate Japanese cusine.

How can we fi x this?

This could be due to our low profi le in Japan. New Zealand wine has a small market in Japan. Our share by value is only 0.4%, which is about 1% of total market share -

compared to French wine, which has about 60% share in the market.

When people talk about wine, they normally refer to French wine. Although we are highly rated by those professionals like sommeliers or in specialist shops, we are relatively unknown to ordinary wine consumers.

What would you like to do to change this?

We can never think about increasing our profi le through volume alone. What we need to do is hold on to our niche market and our price point as a high end or premium producer.

But to grow this niche market,we need to educate the customers that New Zealand wine has more to offer other than Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Noir. Joint marketing effort and strategy between regional wineries would be good.

Which wine and what else would you take to a desert island with you?

I’ve always enjoyed a good Pinot Noir and I’d love to take my own wine and a friend to share the wine. With the prospect of eating fresh fi sh, I defi nitely cannot go without my soy sauce and wasabi.

the Hawke’s Bay and Japanese connection; owner taizo osawa.

Proudly distributed by Federal Geo Limited p: 0800 846 824 e: [email protected]

enjoy [yellow tail] responsibly

Ready To Burst

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Proudly distributed by Federal Geo Limited p: 0800 846 824 e: [email protected]

enjoy [yellow tail] responsibly

Ready To Burst

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cider & wine news

Hot cider for winter who sAid cider’s just a summer backyard whet your whistle sort of drink anyway?

the makers of old mout cider aim to cash in on the winter drinks market with the launch of their new Hot Berry cider in selected supermarkets and retailers nationwide late last month (may). But be warned; it packs a punch at 8% abv.

“Hot Berry cider is at its juicy best when gently heated (don’t boil) on the stove or in a microwave. to spice things up, add a few winter spices such as cinnamon, cloves and star anise, and garnish with fresh orange slices,” says sales and marketing director of old mout cider, scottie chapman.

“We have made cider since 1947 from local fruit. located in nelson, our independent cidery and expert cider makers use local sun-ripened fruit to make australasia’s most awarded cider. We are ranked one of the top three selling cider brands in the country and also recognised as one of the country’s fastest growing brands, making the coveted 2011 Deloitte Fast 50 list.”

Bay watchis it really a year since the last Hot Red Hawke’s Bay hit the country’s major cities with over 20 wineries, over 100 wines and an invite to media and trade to taste?

Apparently so, since the invite to the 2012 Hot Red Hawke’s Bay has just arrived.

Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers Association executive offi cer Lyn Bevin says the event is now New Zealand’s biggest regional wine expo since the inclusion of ‘hot’ white wines as well as reds. The annual road show began in 2004 to showcase the region’s red wines. Whites were added to the event for the fi rst time last year.

“Many of our wineries here today have been part of the event since its inception as Hot Red Hawke’s Bay is thoroughly enjoyed by the winemakers, wine trade and media and public alike. Ongoing awards and accolades for Hawke’s Bay red wines continue to fl ow for all varieties, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Hawke’s Bay blends and of course, Syrah. Hawke’s Bay still is the largest producer for all these varieties in the country,” Bevin says.

Hawke’s Bay is the country’s most diverse wine region with Pinot Gris, Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Sauvignon Blanc, Semillon, Viognier all among the whites which regularly win awards from the many different sub-regions within the Bay. Traditionally the best reds have been Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah but Merlot and even – from cooler sub-regions – Pinot Noir are also emerging as potential stand out wines. There is a small amount of experimentation in the Bay too, including Sangiovese, Montepulciano and Tempranillo, among others.Hot Red Hawke’s Bay is at the Chaffers Dock Function Centre in Wellington on 12 June; in Auckland it is at the Viaduct Events Centre on 31 July. Register online at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HotRedTrade or email [email protected]

“Ongoing awards and accolades for Hawke’s Bay red wines continue to fl ow for all varieties.”


http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HotRedTrade or email [email protected]

WHERE TO BUY:Old Mout Cider (mout rhymes with ‘fruit’) is available in major supermarkets and liquor stores. RRP $15.99 for a 1.25 litre bottle. www.refreshingchange.co.nz

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2009 Penfolds Bin 407 Cabernet Sauvignon rrP $70

An Australian Cabernet Sauvignon with no Shiraz in the blend is enough to make a red wine lover to several double takes but Bin 407 is all the better for being a 100% varietal red. It’s now in its 20th vintage and while the price tag stays resolutely on the high side, it is a refreshingly refi ned Australian red with lovely staunch tannins and full body. One for the wine cellar, or decant well for a special occasion – or decant and sell it by the glass to customers with a great winter dish.Contact: Treasury Wine Estates, phone 0800 651 650

2010 Soho Revolver Bordeaux Blend rrP $37.99

Winemaker Pete Turner certainly knows how to turn up the quality notch for Waiheke Island reds, and ‘Revolver’ has intense fl avours in spades; blackcurrant, blackberries, even black cherries; it also costs rather less than many of its ilk did in days gone by. This wine lifts the bar – again – for Waiheke reds. Bravo.

Glass pour and volume discounts available.Contact: www.sohowineco.com

2010 Soho Menage Cabernet Merlot Cabernet Franc rrP $29.99

Part of the Soho ‘white collection’ – which is another way of saying it’s a second label, this red blend of the two Cabernets – Sauvignon and Franc – is fl eshy and soft, thanks to the addition of Merlot in the blend. It’s a serious red with a relatively approachable price tag and drink-now style. Glass pour and volume discounts available.Contact: www.sohowineco.com

2009 Chateau Les Cerisiers rrP $29.50

It’s no coinfi dence that this southern French red really does shout from its well structured rooftops ‘French’ in the best ways imaginable. It is made with grapes from a vineyard owned by Hubert du Bouard from Chateau Angelus and Dominique Hebrand, ex-Cheval Blanc; two of the gliterrati in Bordeaux wine circles. This wine offers a lot at the price, and is a great red for winter drinking – add it to your wine list.Contact: The Wine Importer, phone (09) 412 8542 or 0508 412 8542, www.thewineimporter.co.nz

lIfe Is a caBernetCabernet Sauvignon has taken a beating Down Under; while every other major grape variety has risen in New Zealand over the past decade, Cabernet Sauvignon has actually declined and in Australia, it’s as likely to be blended with Shiraz as stand on its own two feet. Editor Joelle Thomson selects 10 top reds with Cabernet Sauvignon in the blends

MUST TRY OF THE MONTH... ADD TO YOUR WINE LIST 2009 Chateau Le Thil Comte Clary rrP $39.50

Wine importer Paul Mitchell brings this outstanding ‘Grand Vin De Graves’ into New Zealand from Bordeaux’s Pessac-Leognan appellation. It’s made mostly from Merlot; 70% of the blend, with Cabernet Sauvignon’s unmistakable backbone, body and structure adding complexity and savoury spice fl avours to this outstanding red. Perfect red for mid winter drinking.Contact: The Wine Importer, phone (09) 412 8542 or 0508 412 8542, www.thewineimporter.co.nz

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2009 Sacred Hill Brokenstone rrP $80

This wine is a blend of Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah; all the grapes were grown on the Gimblett Gravels. It’s a logical blend to make since Cabernet only ripens adequately in some years in New Zealand; yes, even in the relatively warm Hawke’s Bay. For those who want to surprise, treat or show their customers that they go the extra distance, this big yet elegant red is an outstanding special bottle to add to the list.Contact: Sacred Hill Wines, phone (06) 844 0138, www.sacredhill.com

2009 Craggy Range The Quarry rrP $60

Master of Wine Steve Smith, who is also the GM at Craggy Range, is a Bordeaux red fan and it shows in this beautifully structured Hawke’s Bay version. For a refreshing once in a blue moon type of event (for Hawke’s Bay) this wine is based entirely based on Cabernet Sauvignon, which plays the lead role with high tannins, high concentration of black fruit flavours and a long finish... it puts an elegant foot forward for the age-ability of reds from the Bay.Contact: Craggy Range Wines, phone (06) 873 7126, www.craggyrange.com

2010 Babich The Patriarch rrP $60

The top red of one of the oldest wineries in the country, made using 50% Cabernet Sauvignon with Malbec and Cabernet Franc adding high colour intensity, savoury flavour intensity and body to this red which pays homage to Josip Babich – a teen when he founded this winery in the early years of last century. Contact: Babich Wines, phone (09) 833 7859, www.babichwines.co.nz

2009 Church Road McDonald Series Cabernet Sauvignon rrP $33

Church Road is the third oldest working winery in the country after the Mission Vineyard and Te Mata Estate – and all of them are in Hawke’s Bay. But while this is an old winery, the McDonald Series Cabernet Sauvignon is a new brand, made to pay homage to the late Tom McDonald who championed table wine mid last century, when most others were concentrating solely on sweet-ish fortified wines. This is a structured, serious red wine with lots of ageing potential, made with grapes grown on the Redstone and Gimblett Gravels vineyards. It is also 100% Cabernet Sauvignon, thanks to winemaker Chris Scott.Contact: Pernod Ricard New Zealand, phone 0800 655 550 www.churchroad.co.nz

category rePort wine

Fact File: caBernet sauvignon in nZ

in 2012 there were 521 hectares of cabernet sauvignon, most of them in Hawke’s Bay, with a smattering of vines planting in other regions, such as gisborne, marlborough and northland. this is a significant overall decline from 741 in 2003; quite a drop and one which is reflective of new Zealand’s cool climate, which does not tend to suit late ripening grapes such as cabernet sauvignon. to fully ripen (which means not just gaining colour in its skins but the berries/pips inside turning from green to brown – an indicator of full ripeness), and gain its intense hallmark aromas and tastes of black berries, blackcurrant and a ripe (rather than a green, unripe tasting tannic backbone), it needs rather more heat than most of this country can always deliver. Hawke’s Bay is the exception. even then most winemakers say it tastes exactly as they want only three to five years out of every 10. so it’s still worth persevering with, but to spread the risk, merlot and malbec play an increasing role. in australia, shiraz is numero uno and plays the lead star role. Which is sometimes a shame. as impressive as most big bold gutsy australian shirazes are, the climate there can and does do an impressive job with cabernet sauvignon too.

LIST IT BY THE GLASSa sure to please italian red with a French twist…2009 Dogajolo Toscano IGT rrP $28

Fabulous Italian blend from Tuscany, made with 70% Sangiovese – queen of the Tuscan red - with 30% Cabernet Sauvignon (a French grape) adding structure and weight to this lovely, too drinkable red – it’s incredibly approachable in style and what better way to introduce your customers to the fascinating world of Italian vino? This is part of the new wave of affordable ‘Super-Tuscans’ – Tuscan reds made with foreign grapes in the blend. www.carpineto.comContact: Scenic Cellars – which distribute nationwide – from a Taupo base, phone (07) 378 5704. www.sceniccellars.co.nz

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hiGh 5

12010 Mud House Pinot Noir rrP $30-$32

Mud House might sound like a slightly dubious name but this large Marlborough winery is turning out some of the country’s most drinkable new release Pinot Noirs – which are perfect for early drinking and fast turnover in good bars, cafés and restaurants. Phone (03) 520 6011, www.mudhouse.co.nz

22010 Penfolds Bin 138 Grenache Shiraz Mourvedre rrP $38-40

Mention the word ‘Penfolds’ and fl avours of big, black, bold red wines immediately spring to the tastebuds. This complex red has boldness in spades but is so much more interesting besides, with its layers of savoury, peppery and mocha fl avours all rolled into one silky gorgeous red. Treasury Wine Estates, phone 09 354 5250

32009 Palliser Estate Martinborough Pinot Noir rrP $45

Here’s a Pinot Noir that puts the velvet into the ‘iron fi st in velvet glove’ analogy, thanks to its lush soft mouthfeel and gorgeous long structured fi nish. Martinborough Pinot Noir rarely gets better than this, thanks to chief winemaker Allan Johnson. Palliser Estate, phone (06) 306 9019, www.palliser.co.nz

42010 Ata Rangi Pinot Noir rrP $70

“I always wanted to make one of New Zealand’s top fi ve red wines,” says Clive Paton; founder of Ata Rangi Wines in Martinborough. And he’s long since proved he does just that, year after year – this Pinot Noir has enticing fl avours of subtle spice, cherries and a fi rm backbone which will see it last a good decade in the right conditions. Great drinking now too. Phone (06) 306 9570. www.atarangi.co.nz

52009 Julicher Pinot Noir rrP $42

Amazing Pinot Noir, one of my top fi ve in the country from the 2009 vintage and says worlds about Martinborough’s growing stature as an outstanding wine region. Don’t miss it! If you want to serve a wine with X-factor, here it is. Phone (06) 306 8575, www.julicher.co.nz

hIgh fIveAdd a touch of personality to your wine list with Editor Joelle Thomson’s picks

BlacKBoard wInesChalk it up to experiencetasted a wine you’d love to drink at your own bar, café or restaurant but not sure it will sell? Buy a blackboard and chalk it up to sell by the glass. Bottles will turn over fast and so will your cash fl ow, plus your customers can enjoy a more varied experience.

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whisky feature

1001 whIsKIes you must try Before you dIeWhisky lovers need to get tasting, if they take the newest whisky tome to heart, Dominic Roskrow writes in this excerpt on the Macallan

macallan 21-year-olD Fine oaK

ERDINGTON GROUPwww.themacallan.com

REGION AND COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: speyside, scotland

DISTILLERY: the macallan, craigellachie, Banffshire


STYLE: single malt

The importance of investing in decent wood from early on in a malt’s maturing life is going to manifest itself for certain when the malt hits its teenage years. Like anything that grows up, whisky is defi nitely a product of its environment and upbringing as it matures. The nature–nurture argument prevails even in whisky circles. Macallan’s 21-Year-Old, in fact most of the Macallan’s expressions, matures into a well rounded and balanced young adult, safe in its comfort blanket of the handcrafted casks. The spirit is kept under close observation by distiller Bob Delgarno as it matures, and it is his job to ensure that his twenty-something casks are behaving and reaching the points of perfection when they can be released into society. To show that Macallan takes the moniker of “most luxurious single malt” very seriously, the colour of the whisky is achieved wholly naturally, just through the infl uence of the casks, without the addition of any coloring, as has otherwise become common. This 21-Year-Old is a master class in oak-aged whiskies—the oak is clearly present yet a plethora of other fl avors are allowed to come through. A big, solid dram to savour after dinner and into the evening.

tAsting notes: enticing citrus, vanilla, and cinnamon on the nose. the palate brings spice, clove, marmalade, and the wisps of smoke warm you gently. the fi nish is full, with toffee.

macallan 18-year-olD glenKeir treasures

GLENKEIR WHISKIES www.thewhiskyshop.com

REGION AND COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: speyside, scotland

DISTILLERY: the macallan, craigellachie, Banffshire


STYLE: single malt

Glenkeir Treasures is the independent bottling arm of The Whisky Shop, which has revolutionized the way that quality whisky reaches the general public in the United Kingdom. The chain of shops combines all of the attractions of an independent liquor store with the convenience of a high street store. The company policy is to work with the leading distillers to grow brands through its own extensive print and online magazine, Whiskeria. With its knowledgeable staff and comfortable environment, the group has played a major role in educating customers about the world of whisky. But it’s not all entry-level stuff, and releases like this are attractive to the serious whisky fan, too, either as a drink or as an investment. No distillery attracts as much attention from the collector as Macallan. This 18-year-old was particularly sought after because in the days before the Macallan Fine Oak range was launched, it was genuinely different. Its higher-than-average proportion of bourbon casks offer the drinker a chance to taste the heart of the malt, rather than the cask it has been matured in. This whisky has a loyal following and, for the age, represents very good value for money. Just enough oak to give it body, too.

tAsting notes: apple, grapefruit, and lemongrass on the nose, with little evidence of oak. immense blood orange and kumquat and a fl urry of white pepper on the palate.

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South Africa’swIne revolutIonReds lead the charge, screwcaps are growing, Chenin Blanc is the great white hope and South Africa’s wine exports continue the meteoric rise they began 16 years ago, say distributors Marius Fouche and Anabelle Fouche, from Distell

What do you see as the most major change in South African wine over the past five years?

MF/AF: We have seen an increase in the production of red wine versus white wine. Price pressure on primary producers has been increasing dramatically leading to a decrease in vineyard area and an increase in the age of vines. In regards to consumption patterns, we are experiencing an increase in the consumption of sweeter style wines, especially by the female population. Pinotage is also becoming more popular in Australia and New Zealand with consumers now developing a palate for this rich spicy style wine with the sweeter mouth feel that is so uniquely Pinotage.

What about over the past 10 years?

MF/AF: We had a boom in the growth of planting areas until 2006, but since then a decrease for the reasons given above. Premiumisation was the trend but home consumption has become the latest trend with stricter drink and drive regulations and pressure on disposable income as the main reasons behind this. Convenience consumption (bag-in-box) has also increased

south africans marius

and anabelle Fouche

are active global

ambassadors for their

country’s wines.

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a lot. Again, the production increases in red wine is driven by the increased consumer demand for reds.

In terms of export growth, which varietals or wine styles are leading the way and at what price point?

MF/AF: For many South African exporters, growth is coming from secondary markets and emerging markets like China and Russia. The strength of the domestic currency has dampened demand in key markets. Red wine exports are leading the way with Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and red blends accounting for the bulk of the volumes. Almost 54% of all bottled exports are red wine, 40% white and 6% Blanc

de Noir and Rosé. Sauvignon Blanc and Chenin Blanc are still the most popular varietals for white wine exports. There has been a big growth in bulk wine exports, 19% growth in white wines and 15% growth in red wines. We expect the growth in Rosé wines to continue as well as a bigger focus on the super premium category. Exports to China have increased in 2011 by more than 70%.

What are your predictions for growth in the future in wine styles from South Africa?

MF/AF: We believe Pinotage will play a big role in the future of South African wine exports. We also need to recognize the enormous potential in Chenin Blanc because we can own this variety (Ed: Originally from France’s Loire Valley where it is best known as Vouvray from the controlled area of wine production of the same name; more is now planted in South Africa). We will have to increase price points to become a sustainable supplier of world class wines. Brand South Africa has to become the focal point. Support from Wines of South Africa (WOSA) will be vital for future success, especially in the emerging markets like

Russia, China and India. We need the world to understand what we are about and that South Africa can produce interesting wines at medium to high price points. The growth in sparkling wines is also very exciting and we expect this to become even more important in the next few years.

What about screwcaps for South African wines? Are they growing in usage or is there still a lag in uptake?

MF/AF: Screwcaps have become the norm for almost all white wines, especially Sauvignon Blanc at lower prices. Red wines at lower price points have all moved to screwcap as well; only premium red wines have continued with the cork closure. We think this will change as well for the international market as screwcaps have become the norm and, in many cases, they are a pre-requisite for doing business. We think it has taken a longer time for South African wine producers to adjust to the screwcap demand mainly because of the relative importance of the local wine industry versus exports. (South Africa being a relative new exporter of wines.) Now South Africa is following global trends as exports have increased.

South Africa’s wine exports have grown more than 1000% post-apartheid.

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seasonal BeersA bunch of beers to help ease the pain from the warm long summer into the cooler months…


Steinlager Edge rrP $21.99

in liquor stores / rrP $19.99 in grocery

What are consumers looking for in a mid-strength beer?

It’s a question the makers of Steinlager have done more than just ponder as they have relaunch Steinlager Edge this year with new clothes and a fuller fl avor too.

“What we continue to see in consumer research is a trend towards moderation, particularly for men in the 35+ age group with families. People are taking more notice of how much they drink for health reasons and also because they want to present the best version of themselves,” says Todd Gordon from Lion New Zealand.

“These consumers still love to be sociable, but they want to control how much they drink. What this has meant in the past was restricting the number of beers they consumed in each occasion, or not drinking at all. What a mid-strength beer enables them to do is to partake in the sociability of the beer occasion, but back off slightly in the amount of alcohol they are consuming.”

Steinlager Edge fi rst hit the market in 2009 as a 3.5% ABV beer. Its makers have now redeveloped the outer packaging to highlight the beer’s main point of difference – 3.5% ABV – while the company’s brewers have created a fuller fl avoured beer inside the bottle.

Widely available.


Moa Growler rrP $10 plus refi lls from $17

Moa has just launched Growler; a two-litre, refi llable glass vessel with a screw-top cap, which can be used for repeat refi llable visits at select locations around New Zealand.

“A Growler on its own is a lonely creature and to really give it some bite Moa hunters must fi rst seek out its tag-team partner the “Kegerator” – a mobile keg for dispensing the Moa range,” says Moa general manager Gareth Hughes.

“The Growler/Kegerator combo is a great way for beer lovers to experiment with the full variety of the Moa range – from the tried and true Moa Original lager to special seasonal brews. You can own your own Growler for just $10 and refi ll it with the length and breadth of the Moa range from $17,” says Hughes.Growlers and Kegerators are now available throughout New Zealand at the following stores: Auckland: Herne Bay Cellars, Herne Bay; Point Wines, Northcote Point ; La Barrique, Remuera; Liquorland, Botany . Wellington: Regional Wines and Spirits, Mt Victoria.Blenheim: The Moa Brewery; Cork and Keg.Christchurch: Liquorland, Riccarton.From: www.moabeer.com Contact: Sunil Unka, Moa marketing manager, phone 021 662 646, email: [email protected]

Monteith’s Doppelbock rrP $14.99, 6-pack

Monteith’s Doppelbock returns this June for winter and is on tap at Monteith’s bars nationwide as well as in six-packs for $14.99. First released in 2003, it is made using six malts and has 6% ABV. It’s created from the German Hallertau hop, typical in Bock-styled beers, which gives full bodied malty character. The Doppelbock style was originally brewed in Bavaria in the 1600s to provide nourishment during the traditional German fasting period, hence its affectionate nickname at the time; Liquid Bread. Monteith’s brewer Tony Mercer says, “the best way to enjoy Monteith’s Doppelbock Winter Ale is in a wide-bowled glass with plenty of room to swirl the beer and capture the comforting, chocolate aroma. It’s divine on a cold night served a little warmer than other beer and matched with some blue cheese. It also goes well with rich game foods.”


Chang Beer rrP $17.99, 6-pack

What better way to make the transition from a late Indian summer into a chilly winter than with a beer from the tropics; Thailand, to be precise. Chang Beer is an iconic Thai’ beer with a bright gold hue and a smooth, crisp taste. It’s made from the high quality malt, hops and deep well-water. ABV 5%. Distributed by Federal Geo Limited, phone: 09 578 1823, email: [email protected]

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Tui Dark rrP $24.99, 6-pack

Tui brewers have turned their attention to creating what is often considered to be the hardest beer to brew; a dark beer, and launched it in time for this winter.

Tui Dark is a blend of fi ve malts, New Zealand hops and water. The 4% ABV brew is full fl avoured brew with a discernible bitterness; a great partner with game food or, if you’re lucky enough to be in the Tui Brewery facility in the Wairarapa, a piece of fresh Mangatainoka Trout.

Tui Dark is available from selected liquor retailers and on-premise outlets. www.tui.co.nz www.facebook.com/tui

New brews from Little Creatures rrP $21.99, 6-pack

Most breweries launch just one new beer at a time but Australia’s famous Little Creatures brewery has introduced three to New Zealand this year; Pilsner, Bright Ale and Rogers’ Beer.

The Little Creatures Pilsner is styled on a European Pilsner and made using Tasmanian Hallertau, New Zealand Pacifi ca and Saaz hops.

Little Creatures Bright Ale is a sunny golden malt style, with heady fruit aromas and hop fl owers combining in a fragrant beer.

Little Creatures Rogers’ Beer is a richer style made from toasted malts, which give it roasted hazelnut, caramel and coffee fl avours.

The new Little Creatures brews are available at Liquor King, selected specialty liquor stores and bars. www.littlecreatures.com.au

Most breweries launch just one new beer at a time but Australia’s famous Little Creatures brewery has introduced three to New Zealand this year; Pilsner, Bright Ale

The Little Creatures Pilsner is styled on a European Pilsner and made using Tasmanian Hallertau, New Zealand Pacifi ca

Little Creatures Bright Ale is a sunny golden malt style, with heady fruit aromas and hop fl owers combining in a

Little Creatures Rogers’ Beer is a richer style made from toasted malts, which give it roasted hazelnut, caramel

The new Little Creatures brews are available at Liquor King, selected specialty


Mumbo Jumbo rrP $15.99, 6-pack

Boundary Road Brewery has launched two new brews in time for the cold months. Mumbo Jumbo is a traditional India Pale Ale, made after the brewery recruited 500 IPA tasters through its AIPAAT (Advanced India Pale Ale Aptitude Test). The purpose was to gain customer feedback and make a beer that won their affections.

“We were blown away with the level of interest we received for the tasting campaign for our new IPA, we had over 16,000 people successfully pass the test and register to become an IPA taster,” says Ben Shaw from Boundary Road.

Chocolate Moose rrP $15.99, 6-pack

This new beer is a rich dark, porter style with aromas of toasted malt and cocoa. It was launched by Boundary Road Brewery nationwide on 1 May this year.

A Bigger Slice rrP $6 per 500ml bottle

Boundary Road Brewery has also launched its new Brewer’s Cut range of single serve 500ml bottles. The fi rst three brews in the Brewer’s Cut range are: the 18th Amendment American Pale Ale, Red Baron Amber Ale and Ein Stein Munich Lager.For more information about Boundary Road Brewery: facebook.com/brb

beer category rePort

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The beer our brewers brew when They Think no one is looking.


When we asked serious craft drinkers what they wanted, they said “more beer”.

To answer that challenge we took a deep breath and gave our brewers free rein

to brew a new, elite range.

The result is the Brewer’s Cut, a single serve range of bigger, better beerier beers

made with every drop of Trevor and Keith’s expertise and imagination. Available

from June 2012 in 12 x 500ml SKU, they’re coming soon to a “which craft beer

would you recommend?” conversation near you.

INL6251 - Brewer's Cut Drink Biz Ad_F.indd 1 29/05/12 12:35 PM

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beer news

an ePIc greeKthe auCKlaNd based Epic Brewing Company has released its fi rst beer bearing – if you’ll excuse the pun – a Greek-Egyptian name.

Zythos IPA takes its name from the Greek version of an Egyptian word for beer. It’s also a new hop blend from Hopunion in the United States.

“Hop growers are having trouble keeping up with the huge demand from craft brewers for the aroma variety hops. In the US, craft breweries make up 5% of all beer sold, but they will be purchasing 60% of all aroma hops

grown in the USA in 2012. This is to make big hoppy aromatic beers such as IPAs. Brewers are now using hop varieties like wine makers use grape varieties,” says Epic founder, owner and brewer Luke Nicholas.

“I wanted to trial the new Zythos hops to see how they smell and taste in a beer and

fi gured there would be a bunch of other people also wanting to taste it too, so I created Epic Zythos IPA,” he says.

“The beer is a beautiful bright and rich copper colour from the special usage of a large proportion of English Munich malts, it has a fresh hop aroma of citrus and orange peel. On tasting the beer there is a sweet, nutty malt sweetness with a dry, zingy fi nish and a long lingering bitterness which is carried with a fresh, citrusy hop fl avor,” says Nicholas.

With craft beer being the fastest growing category in the liquor industry and the fasting growing style within craft beer being IPAs, coupled with Epic’s track record of brewing the best Pale Ales and IPAs in New Zealand, Nicholas says he sees a strong potential market for this new beer, especially in bars with a wide range of craft beers. To fi nd out more contact Luke Nicholas, phone (021) 632 337 or [email protected]

Shaken and cannedHeineken forms closer Bond tie with actor Daniel craig joining the campaign

heineken’s MAkers have announced James Bond actor Daniel craig’s face will appear for the fi rst time in its joint global marketing campaign with the James Bond fi lm series.

Facebook and google will also be added to its campaign to ignite digital conversations about skyfall – the 23rd fi lm in the Bond series and the sixth consecutive one that Heineken has been involved with.

“it’s one of the most anticipated and talked about fi lms this year, providing Heineken with a great opportunity to engage with our consumers in a number of different and compelling ways. We’re really excited about being involved and looking forward to including Kiwi James Bond and Heineken fans in our marketing campaign later this year,” says Heineken new Zealand brand manager mike stribrny.

“our international Heineken colleagues have worked closely with eon Productions over many years to ensure that the brand’s association with the world’s longest running fi lm franchise is both credible and authentic. in Bond’s 50 year history there are numerous references to Bond enjoying a beer in both ian Fleming’s original novels and subsequent fi lms

such as ‘on Her majesty’s secret service’ and ‘Quantum of solace’,” says stribrny.

“there’s no doubt that James Bond will always be synonymous with ‘shaken not stirred’, but he is a man of the world so it’s not surprising that a contemporary Bond might enjoy a Heineken beer occasionally.”www.heineken.com

an ePIc greeKthe auCKlaNd Company has released its fi rst beer bearing – if you’ll excuse the pun – a Greek-Egyptian name.

Zythos IPA takes its name from the Greek version of an Egyptian word for beer. It’s also a new hop blend from Hopunion in the United States.

keeping up with the huge demand from craft brewers for the aroma variety hops. In the US, craft breweries make up 5% of all beer sold, but they will be purchasing 60% of all aroma hops

grown in the USA in 2012. This is to make









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beer news

seasonal soutHern ale returnsiNverCargill BreWery’s European Farmhouse Ale is back for the autumn.

Saison (pronounced Say-zon) won a silver medal on its debut at the Australia International Beer Awards in 2011; a fi tting tribute for a seasonal beer that was trialled for four years before its launch.

The 2012 version has been tweaked; this

time around the citrus fl avour of the hops has been augmented by two weeks dry hopping over orange peel.

Brewer Steve Nally has a reputation for experimental brews; his interpretations of traditional European beer styles began with Smokin’ Bishop, a manuka smoked bock, which was followed by Boysenbeery - a fruity wheat beer that contains more

fruit than most fruit juices.“We’re indebted to the palates

of some of our international beer judges – we’d send them samples of trial brews, and they’d let us know if we were close to the mark,” says Nally.RRP $5.00 per 330ml bottle. www.invercargillbrewery.co.nz

masterIng stellait’s gloBal, it’s 15 years old and the Stella Artois World Draught Masters awards the skill and passion of bartenders ever year.

Last year’s global fi nals, held in beautiful Buenos Aires, Argentina, saw competitors from 25 countries compete to deliver a superior beer experience, as they presented Leuven’s gold standard lager in limited edition chalice glasses, designed by renowned Argentine sculptor, Juan Carlos Pallarols.

Last year’s winner, Nanda Nkumar Sethy from Dubai, will soon complete a year long trip around the world as global ambassador for Stella Artois. Part of his task was to ensure Stella Artois is poured and presented well around the world.

“Stella Artois’ World Draught Masters competition is integral to our ongoing quest to deliver superior beer experiences around the world ensuring that Stella Artois is served with the same care, consideration and craftsmanship that goes into brewing Leuven’s gold standard lager,” says Alexander Lambrecht, global marketing manager for Stella Artois.

The competition tests bartenders’ skills at the Stella Artois 9-Step Pouring Ritual: Pouring to Perfection.

The competition kicked off in New Zealand this year on 1 May with a recruitment drive through all restaurants with Stella on tap. Entries close on the 29 June and the New Zealand fi nal of this year’s Stella Draughtmasters will be at The Restaurant and Bar Show in Auckland from 19 to 20 August. Ask your Stella Artois representative for more information.

www.drinksbiz.co.nz 49

the 2011 new Zealand

winner, emere reid-spencer,

from the abbey in Hamilton.

Monteith’s trumps at Aussie awardsMonteith’s celtic red was awarded a silver medal at the australian international Beer awards in melbourne in may, along with two bronze medals for monteith’s Pilsner and monteith’s original.

over 1300 brews were entered into the australian awards from 41 countries.

“new Zealand beer is among the best in the world and our success at awards such as these is further proof of our brewing credentials,” says monteith’s head brewer, tony mercer.

He and the staff who work at the greymouth brewery are also celebrating its $4 million redevelopment, which is now complete. He and the staff are looking forward to sharing their new home with locals in July when they host an open week for those who live on the West coast from sunday 15 to saturday 21 July.

visitors over 18 will be able to sample the fruits of mercer’s labour, with a complimentary 320ml glass of beer offered, if they drop in during the week between 11am and 6pm.

Full brewery tours will also be available throughout the week for $20 per adult; children under 12 are free. Bookings are recommended.

the new monteith’s Brewery will be offi cially reopened on Wednesday 25 July by tony mercer and grey District mayor, tony Kokshoorn.For more information about the new Monteith’s Brewery contact Anne Thomas, [email protected] or phone (03) 768 4620.

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bars of the world

sIngaPore flIngby James Boult

Normally, seeiNg a fairy flying 10 feet above your head after a few glasses of expensive champagne is a sign that you should call it a night but there are exceptions. And unless you’ve won the jackpot at the Bellagio, you would have to be enjoying a quiet one at Singapore’s Divine Wine Extraordinaire. It’s not because the drinks at this gold noir-esque Parkview Square bar are particularly potent, and with art deco inspired roofing that stretches 15 metres up, there’s no chance of hitting your head. It’s because the wine is brought to you from a gilded wine-rack 12 metres tall, by a fairy. Well, as close to it as possible – your server will don a sparkly silver tutu, before being hoisted on a steel cable to retrieve your chosen tipple. After a series of intricate spins and twirls, the wine is placed in a holster around her waist, and the Wine

Fairy is lowered safely to your spot at the bar.

Head along between seven and ten at night, the busiest time of the night, and there is an ongoing aerial spectacular. Each trip takes around 20 minutes from order to sip; enough time to take in the decor. Although you’d be forgiven for not noticing the plush crimson surroundings, gilded statues, and wrap around windows allowing you to take in the whole of Parkview Square - considering the view inside. But don’t be fooled. Heavenly drinks come at a price. The Wine Fairy won’t fly for anything less than a bottle of the best, and starting at around $100SGD a bottle, you’ll have to think carefully before you make a wish upon that star. Check out our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/drinksbizmagazine - to see a video of the Wine Fairy in action.

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spirits & cocktails

letter from scotlandOur resident whisky man, Michael F Fr aser Milne, reports from the frontline, over a wee drami am sitting at Glenfarclas as I write this looking over Ben Rinnes (also known in Scottish Gaelic as Beinn Ruaidhneis). This mountain in Moray, in northern Scotland, is where Glenfarclas sources its water, which at present has a bit of snow on it - and it is only 8 May.

This distillery has been around since at least the 1790s and has been owned by the same family; the Grants, all of whom have been named John or George for the past six generations.

Glenfarclas has been referred to as the King of Malts and, sitting here, it does feel like we have been invited into a very special place.

The distillery is very spic and span. And it would be an unusual day when a visitor did not bump into a member of the family

who owns the distillery, or one of the staff who have worked here for the past 20 to 45 years. Glenfarclas exudes a sense that all those who work here have a feeling of loyalty and pride; it’s a feeling which, to be honest, I have not encountered elsewhere.

Their whisky stocks go back as far as the 1940s, and their fl agship of their whisky range is the Family Cask series. This single cask bottling was produced from each year between 1953 right through to 1996. The whisky from Glenfarclas is one of class and sophistication. The distillery’s 12yo, 15yo, 17yo, 21yo, 25yo, 30yo and 40 year old whiskies all offer deep, rich fl avours with tastes of mocha, oranges, chocolate, Christmas cake and lingering deep spices. They are deep in fl avor intensity and have a long fi nish.

To touch on these malts in a few words will never do them justice; the Glenfarclas range is, in my opinion, unsurpassed in relation to the effort they put into their production to ensure their cask selection policy is one of the best. They hand pick every European Butt in Spain; dedication which shows in these drams.

From the fantastic large boil-boll stills to the ship’s room visitor centre, Glenfarclas leaves one not only impressed by its professionalism and whisky, it also gives one great faith that John and George Grant have the future secured, with 55,000 + casks of the very best wood sitting in storage. We are assured of many years of The King of Malts yet.

[email protected]





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hot miXes

1. Hot winter toddy

Recipe30 ml monin ginger syrup 30 ml fresh lemon juice1 tsp manuka honey120 ml hot waterMethodPour Monin fl avourings into the mug.

Add fresh lemon juice & honey

Top with hot water.

Stir and serve, decorate with fresh lemon slice and ginger.

Optional: add rum or vodka and omit Monin ginger syrup for Monin maple spice syrup.

2. spiced mulled wine

Recipe30 ml monin maple spice syrup100 ml Pinot noir 1 star anise5 cloves grated nutmegMethodCombine ingredients in stainless pitcher.


Transfer into a glass mug.

Add freshly grated nutmeg.

Serve, decorate with a cinnamon stick.

Optional: grate dark chocolate on top of the hot drink for a richer taste and chocolate aroma.

3. vanilla & bourbon eggnog

Recipe30 ml monin vanilla syrup30 ml maker’s mark Bourbon2 egg yolks2 egg whites20 ml fresh cream2 tsp sugar grated nutmegMethodSeparate the egg yolks from the egg whites.

Mix egg yolks with Monin Vanilla syrup and fresh cream until thick and creamy.

In the other bowl mix egg white with sugar until form fi rm peaks.

Mix both egg mixtures together and slowly add bourbon.

Mix until is creamy and frothy.

Transfer into a serving glass.

Grate nutmeg on top of the drink, serve, decorate with cinnamon stick.

Optional: replace bourbon with rum or cognac. Replace Monin Vanilla syrup with Monin Cinnamon, White Chocolate, Caramel, Gingerbread, Amaretto or Maple Spice syrups. For hot option, heat the cream and bourbon before adding into the mixture.

4. chocolate mint irish coffee

Recipe30 ml monin chocolate mint

syrup7 gr illy dark roasted coffee50 ml Jameson irish whiskey120 ml hot water fresh whipped creamMethodIn French press mug combine coffee and hot water.

In bottom of the mug mix Monin Chocolate Mint syrup, Irish whiskey and freshly brewed coffee.

Top up on with the back of a spoon with freshly hand mixed cream.

Grate dark chocolate on top of the cream.

Serve and decorate with a fresh mint sprig and slice of dark chocolate.

Optional: If using illy coffee in beans or capsules, make an Americano (espresso and hot water) and use instead French press style coffee.

hot wInter warmersAdd a touch of round the fi re warmth to your drinks menu this season, says Tomas Vikario

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Sailor Jerry is proudly distributed by Federal Geo Limited | P: 0800 846 824 | E: [email protected]

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spirits & cocktails

eveN the colour of wild strawberry fruit liqueur teases the tastebuds and eyes but it is the fl avour that has grown the Toschi fruit and nut liqueur range from a brainwave in a garage in northern Italy in 1945 to a global company today.

While the world ‘fl avour’ implies additions, the Toschi family philosophy is that natural is best. And they make their liqueurs in a region abundant in natural produce, where fresh wild berries and nuts are gathered (often hand picked) from the fertile plains and hills of Emilia-Romagna in northern Italy.

The Emilia-Romagna region is home to more than 55,000 hectares of vines, the famous Lambrusco and to balsamic vinegar. Just as there is a world of variation in balsamic vinegar, so too there is the good, the bad and the downright ordinary Lambrusco wine. The best bear more than a passing resemblance to great fruit liqueur with intense, richness taste and dark colour.

Raw ingredients are highly prized in this region. The better the fruit, the tastier the fi nished product will be. Living in an area famed for its cherries and wild strawberries, brothers Giancarlo and Lanfranco Toschi decided to turn some of this abundance into ‘frutta sotto spirito’ - the English translation of fruit liqueur sounds less exotic but thankfully tastes the same.

Business began in 1945 in their small workshop in the city of Vignola, just outside Modena, in Emilia–Romagna.

“The fi rst liqueur they made was from cherries and then in the 50s they added syrups to the range; also made from fruit. But their primary production is fruit and nut liqueurs,” says Stefano Toschi, who visited New Zealand this April with his father,

Massimo Toschi.“The Fragoli is our most popular

and fastest growing fruit liqueur; partly because it looks so good, especially when added to Prosecco (Italy’s protected sparkling wine from north east Veneto) – the wild strawberries fl oat in the glass,

adding another dimension,” Toschi says.

Nocino is a 100% walnut liqueur, made from fresh unripe walnuts (picked before the shell hardens) and is a traditional digestif style; whereas its sibling, Nocello, is a blend of mostly walnut with hazelnut and is a comparatively recent addition to the Toschi stable, having been created by Massimo Toschi in the 1970s.

These nut liqueurs are in the same family as Frangelico and Amaretto.

“Once people try nocello, it’s an instant hit because they recognise the nut fl avour and it adds depth of fl avour to drinks it’s mixed with,” says Phil Clarke; the New Zealand importer for Toschi.

Clarke and his wife, Ann, own A Touch of Italy, based in Auckland. Most of the products they import are sold on premise to restaurants with an Italian theme, there is an outstanding range of wines, beers and spirits from Italy which offer good value for money to all bars, restaurants and cafes.

WHERE TO BUY:Fragoli, Nocino and Nocello are the most popular members of the Toschi family of Italian fruit and nut liqueurs.They are available in New Zealand from A Touch of Italy and are available nationwide.Find out more and place orders for the top shelf in your bar and the everyday drinking rack and menu on your wine list by getting in touch with A Touch of Italy.

CONTACT DETAILSPhone (09) 273 3701 Email: pr@touchofi taly.co.nz or visit these websites:www.touchofi taly.co.nz www.eatily.co.nz

downright ordinary Lambrusco wine.

resemblance to great fruit liqueur with

and fastest growing fruit liqueur; partly because it looks so good, especially when added to Prosecco (Italy’s protected sparkling wine from north east Veneto) – the wild strawberries fl oat in the glass,

Italy toPs fruIt lIqueursThe Toschi family visited New Zealand this year to introduce Kiwis to their northern Italian fruit and nut liqueurs, writes Joelle Thomson

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brandy category rePort

KWV 5 Year Old rrP $49.99

KWV is one of the largest wine and spirits producers in South Africa, its head office based in Paarl, in the Western Cape region - one of the country’s top wine producing regions. This 5 year old blend of pot still brandy was matured in oak barrels for five years, which imparted its deep gold colour, toasted oak aromas and raisin flavours. This is medium-bodied and is 38% ABV.Distributed by Federal Geo Limited, phone: 09 578 1823, email: [email protected]

KWV 10 Year Old rrP$64.95

A vintage brandy, matured in oak for a decade and bottled at 38% ABV, this brandy has a deep amber colour, dried-fruit and port-wine aromas and greater complexity of flavours than the five year old; with spicy and nutty flavours combined in this top shelf South African brandy.Distributed by Federal Geo Limited, phone: 09 578 1823, email: [email protected]

Hine Rare VSOP rrP $130

This cognac is a blend of over 25 cognacs; more than 50% of which come from vineyards in Cognac’s Grande Champagne region, with the remaining percentage coming from the Petite Champagne area.

on your marcsSpirits distilled from wine, pomace or marc (the residues left after grapes have been fermented into wine) are called brandy; the most prestigious are Cognac and Armagnac

WHERE TO FIND HINEHine brandies are distributed by Federal Geo Limited, phone (09) 578 1823, email: [email protected]

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category rePort brandy

Hine Triomphe rrP $595

The Cognac region in south-west France lies about 110km north of Bordeaux and 450km southwest of Paris. In 1909, the Cognac appellation was legally defined and divided into six areas; over 40 Cognacs are included in this blend, then aged for more than 10 years, all of them made exclusively from grapes grown in Grande Champagne, the finest Cru in Cognac.

St Remy Brandy VSOP rrP $44.90 (one litre)

Remy Martin distillery was founded in 1724 in the heart of the Cognac region in South West France. And St Remy gains its complexity thanks to being made from a blend of the two most sought after crus in the region; Petite and Grande Champagne. The result is a brandy with richness, dryness and a complex range of flavours from red fruit to vanilla and oak; it’s a well balanced brandy with a long, intense finish.

Remy Martin Cognac VSOP rrP $110 (700ml)

Fruity notes: The roundness of summer fruits, especially ripe apricots and peaches. Oak notes: Predominantly vanilla, with a hint of liquorice. Silky texture and a perfectly balanced blend of ripeness.

Remy Martin XO rrP $299 (700ml)

Fruity notes: Ripe fruits of late summer - juicy plums, ripe figs, and candied oranges. Oak notes; freshly grated cinnamon and hazelnuts. Velvety, rich and with a lingering finish.Contact: Jacqueline Nichols, Senior Brand Manager, Hancocks Wine, Spirit and Beer Merchants. Phone (09) 361 8404. Email: [email protected]

tHe crus oF cognacthe cognac region has six ‘crus’ – specified areas of quality production – all of which lie north and south of Bordeaux in south west France.

the crus have nothing to do with champagne – the region or the high quality sparkling wine made there; they simply use this word in reference to two of the finest types of cognac.

the crus are: grande champagne, Petitie champagne, Borderies, Fins Bois, Bons Bois and Bois ordinaire.

eight different types of grapes are allowed in the use of cognac; ugni Blanc (aka trebbiano), colombard and Folle Blanche are the most popular and widely used.

cognac is double distilled and is only permitted to be made in a copper charentais pot still.

the colour of the spirit comes from French oak barrels used in the aging process, which must be for a legal minimum of two years.

categories oF cognacthe letters vs, vsoP anD Xo are easy to decipher, once you know how.*** or VS – means the youngest spirit in the blend is 2 years oldVSOP – the youngest spirit in the blend must be 4 years old.XO – yes, it does stand for ‘extra old’ and it also means the youngest spirit in the blend must legally be 6 years old.

ABOUT REMY MARTINIn its cellars, Remy Martin has eaux-de-vie stocks representing 115 years of craft from the Heart of Cognac; something no other producer can lay claim to. For this reason, 80% of all Fine Cognac is produced by Remy Martin.


Remy Martin Louis XIII, rrP $3999 (700ml)

The highest quality Cognac on the market today. Remy Martin Louis XIII uses only grapes from the Grande Champagne region. It is blended from eaux de vie, some more than a century in age.

A dark golden yellow with a fiery red tint and mahogany hue. The first nose is of jasmine, very old tawny port, cigar box scent, saffron, nutmeg. The second nose is of violet, iris, pineapple, eucalyptus and sandalwood. The palate is very concentrated and wonderfully rich in aromas, warm and harmonious.

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Be In to wIn tHe neW aBsolut voDKa WilD tea rrP $46.99Absolut VodkA wild teA is a new premium vodka fl avoured with black tea and nordic white elderfl ower. absolut Wild tea made its new Zealand debut in april and has fresh aromas of tea, elderfl ower, red apples and citrus. to celebrate the launch, DrinksBiz has one bottle of absolut vodka Wild tea to give away.

to enter this competition, you must be 18 or over. enjoy absolut with responsibility. For more information about absolut Wild tea visit facebook.com/absolutnewzealandSend your entries to: [email protected] with a subject line about why tea and vodka work together as fl avours.

Be In to wIn tHe neW

Waipara Hills celebrates Masterclass Waipara Hills wines celebrated its sponsorship of the Masterclass Series at The Food Show in Wellington in May.

The Food Show is New Zealand’s largest culinary event, held annually in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington, providing New Zealanders with the chance to sample the latest products from hundreds of exhibitors, gather ideas for home entertaining and learn from local and international food experts.

“The Equinox Pinot Noir from the Waipara Valley proved to be a favourite in Lauraine Jacobs’ class, its depth and complexity a classic match with her duck salad,” says Cathy Wansink, Waipara Hills marketing manager.

“The wine matches were very successful with many class participants visiting our stand after each class to pick up a bottle and recreate the dish at home,” says Wansink. www.waiparahills.co.nz

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Stealing another goldstolen rum’s latest sX9 wins at world’s biggest spirits show

the new Zealand-based boutique rum house stolen was awarded Double gold this year at the olympics of spirits; the san Francisco World spirits competition.

the winning rum is a slightly unusual new product; a 65% overproof Jamaican rum named ‘sX9’.

the win repeats the company’s success of Double gold in 2010 when stolen’s makers, Jamie Duff and roger Holmes, brought home the same prestigious award for their gold rum. this was followed by gold in 2011 for stolen White.

the internationally-renowned competition is the most recognised in the spirits industry, pitting brands from around the world in competition with each other.

“We’ve worked really hard on every one of our products to create something world class and we’re rapt that other people think the same,” says Holmes.

“Judging at the awards is based on a blind, consensual procedure, so the award has great competitive integrity. it’s an annual competition and is considered to be the most reputable and recognized competition in the spirits industry.”

this year the competition attracted a record 1,200 spirit entries from 60 countries. to date, all three stolen rums have won gold medals at the competition.

Holmes says that sX9 is created in Jamaica using a traditional pot-still distillation process and the unaged molasses-based rum is blended by hand.

“the result is a complex nose of lime and raisins with a young banana and pineapple fi nish in the mouth,” he says.

‘overproof’ is the term coined for spirits with a concentration of alcohol higher than 50 per cent, and at a hefty 65 per cent sX9 packs more punch than sonny Bill.

sX9 pays homage to the product’s Jamaican roots and is named after a funerary celebration called nine nights, when overproof rum is consumed to commemorate the life of a passed loved one and to send them off in style.Stolen SX9 sells at the following bars: Suite, Mea Culpa, Golden Dawn, 1885 Basement and Racket in Auckland; Matterhorn and Cuckoo in Wellington; 1806 and Berlin Bar in Melbourne and or Anchor and Eau de vie in Sydney. www.stolenrum.com

Page 64: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

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Seductive Syrah seeks voluptuous Viognier for co-fermentation.

Special thanks to Jules van Cruysen via Facebook for this concept.

www.foodshow.co.nzTickets on sale soon at

Up for grabs… Sir George’s 2012 medalVillA MAriA estate founder sir george Fistonich was named ‘man of the year’ at the Drinks Business awards in london, in may this year.

the win comes in the middle of a five month world tour by sir george, who is currently celebrating his 50th vintage at the helm of villa maria estate and was travelling through asia when the win was announced.

master of Wine Patrick mcgrath, who is the managing director of villa maria’s uK distributor, Hatch mansfield, collected the award on behalf of sir george. this year also marks the eighth since the sir

george Fistonich medal has been awarded annually at the nZ international Wine show. the recipients to date are:

Bob campbell mW; founding editor of nZ Winegrower magazine, terry Dunleavy mBe; wine historian michael cooper ma onZm and winemakers larry mcKenna, Kevin Judd, Kate radburnd and alan Brady. Who will it be in 2012? the person must be alive and living in new Zealand; sir george makes the final decision on the winner. the nZ international Wine show awards are judged in september every year.

Watch this space.

olymPIc moa connectIonas aN official sponsor of the NZ Olympic team, Moa Beer is right behind the New Zealand team members, with promotions for Kiwis to get involved in.

First up, the makers of Moa beer are offering fans their last chance to qualify for London, VIP style. Buy Moa, fire through the receipt and a trip for two, including tickets to the men’s 100 metre final, beach volleyball and more, could be yours. For those holding the fort at home, the makers of Moa are offering the chance to shout an Olympian.

This Facebook competition offers fans the chance to send a message of support, with their choice of Moa beers and a podium of Moa beer pallets to a lucky few entrants.

In London, Moa’s makers are erecting ‘Kiwi House’ as a fan-zone for expats and Kiwis far from home. The Moa team has set aside a massive 21,600 bottles and 300 magnums to celebrate New Zealand’s upcoming victory.For more information check out www.moabeer.com

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Bargain wine buying onlineWinesale.co.nz offers bargain priced wines of outstanding value for money – from new Zealand and all over the world

where is the best place to buy a wine bargain these days?

With wine prices having been at an all-time low for the past two to three years, it’s easy to imagine there will always be low priced bargain bins buys on every second supermarket shelf but, thanks to a significantly smaller vintage in new Zealand this year, this country’s winemakers are looking forward to making a profit again. the good news for bargain hunters is that there are several top online wine shops in which to hunt for bargains - many are offering such top buys that you can stock a bar, café or restaurant with these wines.

online wine stores are offering a wide range, including one-off wines which cannot be found elsewhere, such as the big, full bodied argentinian malbecs, graceful new Zealand Pinot noirs and rustic italian chiantis available at www.winesale.co.nz the latest ‘art series’ Pinot noir was made by the Prince of Pinot in new Zealand – aka larry mcKenna; formerly of martinborough vineyards and now of the escarpment vineyard in te muna, martinborough. this art series Pinot noir is not part of his escarpment range but is an everyday light, fresh red wine. the painting on this label is by artist Belinda griffiths; whose work in monochrome evokes wintery, round the fire, red wine drinking images. The Art Series Pinot Noir has an RRP of $14.99 at www.Winesale.co.nz

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PriCe advertisiNg of alcohol is growing strongly in independent retail, according to new data from Liquor Information Pricing Services (LIPS). In the latest statistics, liquor prices advertised by independent outlets grew by 62% for the 12 months to 30 April 2012. Total liquor advertising volumes across all sales channels only increased by 3% on last year, with retail chains up 2%, and grocery advertising fell 18%.

Retail chains still hold the largest share of liquor advertising at 42%, while independent retail now have a 24% share of all price advertising. Supermarkets are losing their share of voice with fewer advertised wine and beer specials compared with last year. Their share has dipped to 34%.

Much of the growth of independents has been driven by the aggressive advertising of newcomers Big Barrel, Thirsty Liquor and Liquor Centre Group. Liquor Centre alone has seen a 277% increase in advertised products over the past 12 months. The group now has 170 members throughout New Zealand and advertise specials fortnightly in most provincial and community newspapers. Similarly, Thirsty Liquor with 45 stores, is now advertising its monthly specials in key regional newspapers frequently, and Big Barrel are regularly promoting their half page liquor deals in Hawke’s Bay and Manawatu. The Bottle Shop, Nosh and Fenchurch Liquor have also shown strong advertising growth in the past year. The advertising frequency has increased, along with the volume of products advertised.

Interestingly, wine is the only alcohol category which was price advertised less than last year (-19%). However, it is still the most advertised alcohol type with a 36% share of voice. Beer represents 29% of all advertised liquor specials (+7%), spirits 22% (+22%), and RTDs account for 13% (+48%). So despite the large advertising growth of RTDs, spirits and beer, the total overall growth of 2% was offset by the big fall in wine advertising. The drop in wine advertising came mainly from supermarkets,

IndePendents grow PrIce advertIsIng

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19 - 20 August 2012 ASB Showgrounds I Auckland


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Stella Artois Draught Masters  Regional winners compete in the NZ Final

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Page 67: Drinksbiz June/July 2012

Register now for FREE entry:

19 - 20 August 2012 ASB Showgrounds I Auckland


Wine Showcase Discover over 60 boutique labels

R&B Bar Masters Featuring the NZ round of the global MONIN Cup cocktail competition

Stella Artois Draught Masters  Regional winners compete in the NZ Final

Telecom MasterClasses Chef Monica Galetti & Head Sommelier David Galetti from Le Gavroche Restaurant, UK

Market Place New products from wine cabinets to single malt whiskies

NZ Culinary Fare  Over 60 competitions from Live Kitchen to Front of House Cocktail

Café of the Year New national competition being launched at the show

Bar Business  The best in the business sharing their knowledge & insights

keeping it real!

The Restaurant & Bar Show is an essential date for everyone in the hospitality industry, dont miss:

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while the advertising growth of RTDs, spirits and beer was driven by independent retail and chain stores. Contrary to popular belief, advertised beer and RTD prices have actually increased over the past year. The average advertised unit price for beer climbed 2% to $23.29 while RTD prices rose 5% to $20.22.

“This reflects the ongoing trading up of consumers into premium and craft beers, and the movement into larger pack sizes for RTD products”, says LIPS director, Sean Jowers.

Advertised spirits prices fell 3% to $34.36 and wine prices decreased by 5% to $13.65 compared with the previous 12 months.

“There has been a lot of discounting from retailers and suppliers to soak up the wine glut over the past few vintages,” says Jowers. “This has led to the fall in average promoted wine prices. With a reduced 2012 harvest, you should start to see some upwards movement in advertised prices over the next year with limited supply driving up costs.”

The drop in advertised spirits prices is across the board. Brandy’s average promoted price is down 31% over last year to $35.87. Rum, scotch and tequila have all experienced reduced advertised prices by 2%, while gin and vodka are in line with last year. Bourbon is the only spirit type with a higher average advertised price, up 3% to $41.35. So, which sales channels are responsible for the price changes? In grocery, advertised beer prices have risen 6%, but are still lower than all other outlets at $22.45. Wine prices in grocery are also advertised at the lowest average price across all channels at $12.89, down 2% on last year.

“This is slightly above the average selling price in grocery, which indicates the influence of in-store promotions, display, merchandising and other factors on purchasing decisions as well as advertising,” says Jowers.

Advertised prices for wine (-7%), beer (-4%) and spirits (-2%) all fell significantly in retail chains with only RTD prices rising over last year (+6%).

“With tough economic conditions set to continue, I think the retail market will fragment further and competition will intensify among chain stores, supermarkets and independent operators. We may also see advertised prices increase across all categories as consumers choose quality over quantity and rising costs are passed on.” LIPS monitor alcohol prices advertised in print and electronic media throughout New Zealand. Pricing data and reviews can be obtained by subscription at www.lipsltd.co.nz. For further information, contact Sean Jowers, phone (021) 547 583.

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what’s new

STYLISH AND PRACTICALstyle in any workplace can be seen as an unnecessary expense that employers don’t ‘do’. However a smart looking well-dressed crew in any establishment can set the scene for a dynamic customer environment.

uniforms can often be seen as boring or unnecessary, but smart gear in the latest ‘student-proof’ fabrics can set your people apart from the opposition. after all, who wants to be served a drink or snacks by a guy or gal with last night’s leftovers still visible - kind of off-putting isn’t it? you don’t need to worry about this with easy care stain release garments from arrow uniforms. Call us free on 050 UNIFORM (0508 643 676) or go to www.arrowuniforms.co.nz.

WARM YOUR TASTEBUDS WITH MONIN GINGERDried, powdered ginger was exported from india to europe in roman times, 2000 years ago. in medieval europe, ginger was enjoyed so much that it was thought to come from the garden of eden. We are introducing the new and improved monin ginger fl avour, with greater spice notes than before. monin ginger syrup has a strong, pungent nose of ginger root and a distinctive aroma, which gives an instant feeling of warmth when consumed. available in 700ml, perfect for winter cocktails and hot toddys. Contact your Stuart Alexander sales representative for more information or call Consumer Services, phone 0800 188 484

PERRIER IS SPARKLING THIS WINTERPerrier has been known around the world as natural, premium quality sparkling water from the spring in vergeze, France since 1863. this naturally carbonated water has a fresh taste and sparking sensation that quenches thirst. elegant, daring and fun, Perrier lemon can be enjoyed anytime, day or night, either on its own as a sophisticated alternative to alcohol or as a mixer to create your perfect summer cocktail or mocktail. Perrier 330ml lemon sparkling Water contains natural lemon fl avours that result in a subtle yet distinctive fresh taste. available in a handy 4-pack.Contact your Stuart Alexander sales representative for more information or call Consumer Services, phone 0800 188 484.

how cooKIng healed a lIfe…For those who have never been to Pipi in Havelock North, you can now venture there on the pages of Pipi: The Cookbook, written by restaurant founder Alexandra Tylee. In her fi rst book, Tylee writes of the therapy she experienced through cooking, starting a business and, now, writing; all of which helped healed her life.

Pipi: The Cookbook by Alexandra Tylee is published by Random House New Zealand, RRP $65. For more information contact Yvonne Thynne at Random House New Zealand, phone (09) 984 6173, email: [email protected]

monIn maPle sPIce syruPAs winter moves into spring, maple sap begins to fl ow. Derived from this sap, Maple syrup is traditionally used in culinary applications, however this delicious maple fl avour goes far beyond the classic breakfast application. Monin Maple Spice Syrup has a rich traditional taste of maple syrup with a subtle hint of spice from cinnamon and cloves. Its translucent amber colour and rich aroma of maple with hints of gingerbread rounds off a delightful fl avour combination. It is available in 700ml, perfect for warm winter cocktails and hot toddys. Contact your Stuart Alexander sales representative for more information or call Consumer Services, phone 0800 188 484

de KuyPer aPrIcot Brandy XoMade exclusively with apricots from Turkey, Rouges de Roussillon and Bergeron apricots from France, enriched with a 10-year-old Grande Champagne Cognac (Charente) and unique single cask pot still rum from Guyana. This combination makes De Kuyper Apricot Brandy XO one of its kind with an exceptional taste. This is a limited edition and each bottle is personalised with an individual number, accompanied by the Master Distiller’s signature. Enjoy Apricot Brandy XO neat, on the rocks or in a variety of cocktails.For more information, please contact Hancocks on Freephone 0800 699 463

as a mixer to create your

or mocktail. Perrier 330ml

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what’s new

2009 guIgal gIgondas rrP $38-$39Negociants New Zealand is the agent in this country for Guigal; one of the great wineries of France’s Rhone Valley, home to this gutsy yet elegant red wine. Often considered the poor man’s Chateauneuf du Pape, this wine comes from the beautiful hill village near to the Dontelle mountains (dontell means ‘teeth’ and these mountains look jagged too). It’s full bodied with fi rm acidity and big fruit fl avours, thanks to the 60% grenache, 30% mourvedre and 10% syrah - a trio that get along well in this winter red.Contact Negociants NZ to stock it.


liquorland was named ‘liquor store of the year’ at the inaugural roy morgan customer satisfaction awards this year.

roy morgan research has been collecting data from new Zealanders for the last 10 years, but for the fi rst time in new Zealand, is using its research to reward deserving new Zealand companies for having consistently high customer satisfaction ratings. liquorland was awarded ‘liquor store of the year’ for achieving the most months with a number one ranking – a huge testament to liquorland’s commitment to outstanding customer service.

Dave Hargreaves, ceo of liquorland, says that the franchise is thrilled to have won the award. as a 100% Kiwi owned and operated franchise, liquorland owners call on their specifi c local knowledge to personalise the experience and provide outstanding customer service. the stores fi rst opened in 1981.

KIWI WINERY’S FRESH PACKAGING innovative new Zealand wine brand Dusky sounds has fresh new packaging for its sauvignon Blanc, Pinot gris, chardonnay and merlot varietal wines.“the design evolution for the Dusky sounds packaging refl ects the personality and emotion of the brand, through imagery of Dusky sound itself. When captain cook explored the region he was captivated by the bird life, and the place names within the fi ord testify to this love affair,” says marketing manager, cathy Wansink.The Dusky Sounds range is available through independent retailers and is distributed in New Zealand by Waipara Hills distributor, Hancocks, phone 0800 699 463.

2010 equInoX PInot noIr rrP $29.90Talk about a wine with all the bells and whistles; Waipara Hills winemaker Simon McGeorge has used a judicious amount of French oak in this outstanding new North Canterbury Pinot Noir. Its full bodied style, dark cherry fl avours and intense spicy nuances marry well with the wine’s natural fi rm acidity, dark cherry fl avours and spicy fi nish. The Waipara Hills Equinox range ($29.90) is distributed by Hancocks (free phone 0800 699 463) and available from specialty wine outlets and online. www.waiparahillswines.co.nz

COCKTAIL WORLD CUP KICKS OFF For the eighth year running, the 42Below cocktail World cup will push the boundaries of great mixologists to test their skills, bodies and minds in a ‘lab experiment’.

Bartenders from all over the world will assemble in Queenstown on 3 september for the initial stages of the competition, before heading north for the grand fi nal, to be held this year in auckland on 7 september.

regional events will see the country’s three best mixologists emerge throughout July. Watch www.cocktailworldcup.com for more information on dates and locations.and remember, no cocktail creation is too crazy. entries close 18 June.

‘teeth’ and these mountains

bodied with fi rm acidity and

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Where’s the line?Do you know when your customers have had enough to drink? Do you recognise the signs in your customers that tell you it’s time to intervene and give them a break?

ALAC have created a booklet and DVD for the hospitality industry with tips and resources to help prevent issues with intoxication.

For more information and to order go to


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diary dates

sundAy 1 July - sAturdAy 11 August

sydney seafood Cooking schoolSunday 1 July11am to 3pm seafood BBQ class. Delight your family and friends by whipping up a tasty seafood barbecue. By the end of this lunch class you’ll be able to barbecue fish, shellfish and squid to perfection. Monday 2 July 6.30pm to 9.30pm chef Jonathan Barthelmess from the apollo shares the simplicity of mediterranean cooking which has made his food a hit at both coast and manly Pavilion. at this hands-on dinner class he’ll teach you to make a delicious meze – seafood dishes that make great entrées or combine to form a delicious shared meal.

Monday 16 July6.30pm to 9.30pm French Dinner Party with Justin north and David Jouy from Bécasse. Justin and David present a three-course dinner (including dessert) with matched wines. after a brief cooking demonstration you’ll work in pairs under Justin’s guidance to prepare three delicious French dishes. Saturday 11 August11am to 3pmlegendary chef cheong liew has been awarded almost every culinary accolade possible both nationally and internationally. From a malay-chinese background, where food traditions have been mixed for hundreds of years, cheong’s mastery at combining the best of asian and european produces this hands-on workshop; a rare opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading chefs.

dIary datestuesdAy 12 June, tuesdAy 31 July

hot red hawke’s Bay 2012 the annual Hot red Hawke’s Bay event welcomes all from the food and drinks trade to its annual roadshow. expect over 100 wines, over 20 wineries and as many top syrahs, merlots and cabernet-based local reds as you can taste in an afternoon. Tuesday 12 June, Wellington, chaffers Dock Function centre. Tuesday 31 July, auckland, viaduct events centre. trade preview 2pm to 5pm; public tasting 4pm to 8pm Consumer information and tickets online at:


bay-wine-expo/auckland/westhaven/ Trade

registrations at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/

HotRedTrade or email [email protected]

sundAy 17 to tuesdAy 19 June

Fine Food New Zealand this hospitality event takes place every second year. Free entry to the asB showgrounds, greenlane, auckland. www.finefoodnz.co.nz

thursdAy 21 June

scenic Cellars aussie reds tasting For $20 you can learn about, taste and enjoy the latest australian reds at scenic cellars, 37 tuwharetoa street, taupo. make an evening of it and enjoy the journey as well as the event. 6pm to 8pm. www.sceniccellars.co.nz Phone 07 378 5704

sundAy 5 August

selaks roast day sear the date in your diary for this year’s selaks new Zealand roast Day. gather together on this day for your own mid-winter culinary event to celebrate the important things in life; friends, art and conversation as well as a great roast with good wine to match. www.selaksnzroastday.co.nz

2-5 August, AucklAnd, Asb showgrounds. 14-16 septeMber, christchurch, cbs cAnterbury ArenA

the Food show the Food show has grown to become new Zealand’s annual must attend culinary event attracting tens of thousands of visitors every year. live cooking demonstrations, the latest kitchen equipment and gadgetry, chef master classes and show-only specials are all on offer. www.foodshow.co.nz

sundAy 19 to wednesdAy 29 August

restaurant & Bar show of NZ the annual hospitality gathering is to be held for 10 days this august, including tastings, seminars, workshops and cocktail championships. www.randbshow.co.nz

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last requests

last requestsDoug Banks, technical manager at DB Breweries, talks about kegs, trophies and hops...

How would you describe yourself in a tasting note?

A sparkling, lively lager that presents with a distinct blonde head. This beer is full of surprises that have developed over a long time - years not days! The brew is ‘double hopped’. I work with my twin brother Jim, who is our project brewer, as well as being slightly malty and fruity. There is a long finish after nearly 40 years in this great industry.

If you could swap places with anyone for a day, who would it be?

I would like to be a racehorse owner or breeder who has just won the Melbourne Cup. The achievement, along with the thrill and exhilaration of the race, together with the total spectacle of the day would be unbeatable. I wish.

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever had to do in the drinks trade?

Let me reframe this into one of the most unusual things I have seen; the ‘cold cellars’ of a pub at Nelson Creek near Greymouth. The kegs were stored in an old goldmine shaft cooled by the light breeze that came via the other open end of the tunnel. The shaft was home to numerous cave wetas but on the rewarding side, the sandy deposits on the floor of the tunnel still contained gold particles that were retained after careful panning.

And the best thing?

The best moment was being part of the DB Brewing team in 1994 that won two world championship trophies and four gold medals at The International Beer Awards - the Oscars of Brewing.

What do you most enjoy about this industry?

The people. I have enjoyed the full interaction and fellowship from grower to manufacturer to brewers worldwide and, importantly to our consumers. The brewing industry is a wonderful network of friendly, hospitable people. It is also very varied.

If you couldn’t work with drinks, what would be your next career choice?

I would like to work in the microbiological research area especially medical, where innovation is key and the results improve people’s lives. My parents gave me a small microscope when I was very young. That was the start of my brewing career.

What’s your favourite drinks and food combination?

A fine lightly, hopped and bittered chilled lager with a seafood platter. I personally find easy drinking beers with the more delicate flavours are a great companion to food.

Which drink and who or what else would you take to a desert island?

A good supply of Heineken with a solar fridge along with the general pleasures of life, and a well fuelled boat to leave the island when the novelty ran out.

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SAME SUMMIT, NEW LOOKBREWED USING ONLY NATURAL INGREDIENTSBlending fresh, lightly coloured malts, with 4 subtly di� erent hops allows us to create a clean, crisp & refreshing brew. Our toasted, natural malts give our lager its distinct, golden colour. Because natural tastes better.