drug abuse and condition of bangladesh

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  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    Drug abuse and condition of Bangladesh


      Drug abuse has been a rising social and economic problem in post-war Bangladesh.

    Drug abuse and addiction are a major burden to any society. Staggering as these numbers are,

    however, they do not fully describe the breadth of deleterious public health and safety

    implications, which include family disintegration, loss of employment, failure in school,

    domestic violence, child abuse, and other crimes. The objectives of this study are to

    investigate the perception and behavior about drugs of abuse among students of private

    universities in Dhaka city. rivate !niversity students have chosen due to fact that they

    represent part of the youth of Bangladesh. Data have collected from the students of "# private

    university of Bangladesh in Dhaka city by a structured $uestionnaire form. %uestionnaire

    form consisted of three points, which is socio demographic data, behavior and perception

    about drug abuse. The numbers of total participants were &'' students. The samples had

    consisted of both undergraduate ()&*+ and graduate ("*+ students. ost of the participants

    were male ()*+. ost most of the participants were uslim ()/*+. 0bout &* of the

     participants were involved with drug of abuse. 0mong them )"* were male and the rest were

    female. 0lmost all students (/1*+ had knowledge about drugs of abuse including their 

    harmful effects. 0bout /#* students said that drugs of abuse are very common inBangladesh. 0bout /#* students said drug abuse is very common in Bangladesh. 2n case of 

    drug abuser, it is /3*. 0bout 3* of the students told that it happens due to lack of honesty.

    4ther reasons were lack of 5overnment law enforcement ("&*+, lack of knowledge ("/*+,

    and lack of practice of religion ("1*+. 2n case of drug abuser, it was lack of honesty (1/*+,

    lack of 5overnment law enforcement (""*+, and lack of knowledge (")*+. ost of the

    students ()&*+ had previous idea about dependency of a prescription drugs. 2n case of drug

    abuser, it is )3*. ost of the students came to know about this information from physicians

    (&*+, media (#*+, friends (#*+, and pharmacists ("3*+. The 5overnment of Bangladesh

    should take proper steps for controlling it6 otherwise, it may cause serious damage in our 

    young generation as well as for our society as a whole.

    1.1 Drug abuse

    Drug abuse or substance abuse is the use of any chemical substance especially

    controlled substances such as psychoactive drugs, narcotics, hormones, prescription

    medication or over the counter medicines in a way that society deems harmful to the user or 

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    others. 0 person who abuses a drug uses illegal drugs, or uses legal drugs in a manner that

    conflicts with the directions given by a physician. 0bused drugs include narcotic pain

    medications, marijuana, heroin, cocaine, sedative, stimulants, and drugs that cause

    hallucinations. hysical dependence on a drug is called drug dependency. sychological

    dependency results in drug addiction. 7"8

    Drug abuse is most commonly associated with addictive substances. 0lcohol is also

    addictive and prone to abuse6 however, the term alcohol abuse is generally used distinctly

    from 9drug abuse. Some of the most commonly abused drugs are alcohol6 nicotine6

    marijuana6 amphetamines6 barbiturates6 cocaine6 metha$ualone6 opium alkaloids6 synthetic

    opioids6 ben:odia:epines, including flunitra:epam (;ohypnol+6 gamma-hydro

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    any use of prescription or non-prescription medication use beyond what, or any use of a

    chemical to get high, is drug abuse.  738

    There are some drugs that are used to rela

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    development, especially of certain critical cognitive functions like the capacity to memori:e.


    Ihile ecstasy is said to have little or no side effects, studies show that its use alters,

     perhaps permanently, certain brain functions and damages the liver and other body organs.

    0lthough not listed as illicit, inhalants are widely abused, especially by disadvantaged youth.

    Some of these volatile substances, which are present in many products such as glue, paint,

    gasoline and cleaning fluids, are directly to

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    even needed. Some countries do not re$uire prescriptions for opioid painkillers or other 

    commonly abused drugs, so they can be obtained from some websites without a prescription.

    4btaining drugs online from pharmacies that do not re$uire a prescription can be risky. Some

    websites sell counterfeit drugs that contain potentially dangerous substances.  78

    1.) *is+ ,actors of drug abuse


    Ie are all a product of our parents. 2f your parents have addiction struggles, chances

    are you are more susceptible to addiction. That is, why drug abuse is more common in some

    families than in others. 2f your parents smoke, chances are good you will smoke. 2f your 

     parents used alcohol, probably follow and use that drug in much the same way. 2f your father 

    was an alcoholic, you have a predisposition to abusing that drug. Drug abuse causes onegeneration to pass it on to the ne

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    2f one wants to get drugs, he or she will not have to look far because they are

    everywhere. ?igh school students can tell you this. Drug abuse causes people to sell drugs to

    the most vulnerable population, children. 2t is not just the stereotypical poor sections of the

    inner city that serve as the hotbed for drugs. Drugs are found in suburban shopping malls,

    rural schools, and well-to-do private school, on the job in factories, offices and remote job

    sites. 7/8 

    *ace0 #thnicit!

    Ie include this heading because we want to stress that there is no data to support any

    claim that one race of people or any particular cultural group is more prone to drug abuse

    than another. Drug abuse is a human problem and crosses all boundaries. Drug abuse causes

    do not include race. 7/8 

    oneliness0 Depression

    Ie want to feel good physically and emotionally. Sometimes drugs are the

    substitution for a healthy life e

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    2t is because of these changes in the brain that it is so challenging for a person who is

    addicted to stop abusing drugs. ortunately, there are treatments that help people to

    counteract addiction=s powerful disruptive effects and regain control.  7/8 

    ;esearch shows that combining addiction treatment medications, if available, with

     behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Treatment approaches

    that are tailored to each patient=s drug abuse patterns and any co-occurring medical,

     psychiatric, and social problems can lead to sustained recovery and a life without drug abuse.

    7"#8 The word addiction means getting habituated with something. 2n case of drugs when a

    human body gets dependent on some stimulating things, and after a certain period it creates a

    habit, which means that the body has become dependent on the stimulant, which is addiction.

    7""8 Iorld ?ealth 4rgani:ation (I?4+ defines itE Drug is a chemical substance of synthetic,

    semi synthetic or natural origin intended for diagnostic, therapeutic or palliative use or for 

    modifying physiological functions of man and animal.  7"#8

    0ddiction is a comple< disorder characteri:ed by compulsive drug use. eople who

    are addicted feel an overwhelming, uncontrollable need for drugs or alcohol, even in the face

    of negative conse$uences. This self-destructive behavior can be hard to understand. The

    answer lies in the brain. ;epeated drug use alters the brain causing long-lasting changes to

    the way it looks and functions. These brain changes interfere with your ability to think 

    clearly, e

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    1.12.1 he eurotransitter S!ste

    To understand how alcohol use associated with alcohol dependence affects brain

    function, it is important to understand how neurons communicate with each other through

    electrical and chemical signals. Kerve signals are transmitted from one region of the brain to

    another region of the brain or to the rest of the body through communication between two or 

    more neurons located ne

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    0ctivation of the mesolimbic pathway increases the firing of dopamine neurons in the

    ventral tegmental area (MT0+ of the midbrain and subse$uently increases dopamine release

    into the nucleus accumbens and other areas of the limbic forebrain, such as the prefrontal


  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    1.12." he 6PA Ais and Alcohol

    0 person e

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    2t is estimated that '#L3#* of the vulnerability to addiction is attributable to genetic

    factors. 5enetic differences in the body=s hormonal responses to stress and alcohol ingestion


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    dopamine increases in the brain mesolimbic area . Hannabinoids have also been reported to

    inhibit e

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    decrease compels those addicted to drugs to keep abusing drugs in order to attempt to bring

    their dopamine function back to normal. 0nd, they may now re$uire larger amounts of the

    drug than they first did to achieve the dopamine high an effect known as tolerance.  7#8

    Gong-term abuse causes changes in other brain chemical systems and circuits as well.

    5lutamate is a neurotransmitter that influences the reward circuit and the ability to learn.

    Ihen the optimal concentration of glutamate is altered by drug abuse, the brain attempts to

    compensate, which can impair cognitive function. Drugs of abuse facilitate nonconscious

    (conditioned+ learning, which leads the user to e

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    Addiction has soe stages

    1.1".1 /nitial stage

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  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    can transmit infectious diseases, including ?2M (the virus that causes 02DS+ and hepatitis

    types B and H. 7'8 

    any common household drugs and chemicals can be abused. 5asoline and other 

    hydrocarbons are fre$uently abused by adolescents and preadolescents. 4ver-the-counter 

    drugs, such as cold medications, are commonly taken in e

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     Iithdrawal from other agents, such as narcotics, is uncomfortable but generally not

    harmful and unpleasant effects can be lessened with prescription medications. These

     prescriptions must be combined with a specific plan for stopping drug abuse. The use of the

     prescription medication combined with continued drug abuse may cause life-threatening


     eople who are acutely into

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


    1.22. Addicti%e beha%iors

    0ny activity, substance, object, or behavior that has become the major focus of a

     person=s life to the eher own brain

    chemicals, thus leading to continuation of the behavior even though it may have negative

    health or social conse$uences. 4thers feel that these are just bad habits. 7)8 

    ost physical addictions to substances such as alcohol, heroin, or barbiturates also have a

     psychological component. or e

  • 8/18/2019 Drug Abuse and Condition of Bangladesh


      . erson hides the behavior after family or close friends have mentioned their concern.

    (?ides food under beds, alcohol bottles in closets, doesn=t show spouse credit card bills, etc+.

    ). any individuals with addictive behaviors report a blackout for the time they were

    engaging in the behavior (don=t remember how much or what they bought, how much the lost

    gambling, how many miles they ran on a sore foot, what they did at the party when drinking+

    /. Depression is common in individuals with addictive behaviors. That is why it is

    important to make an appointment with a physician to find out what is going on.

    "#. 2ndividuals with addictive behaviors often have low self esteem, feel an

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    others, knowing others are not to blame. The person starts to rituali:e his or her behavior. The

     person starts to withdraw from others. Kot only will the person have a secret world to

    withdraw to emotionally and mentally, but also a physical secret world in which he or she

    lives out an addictive lifestyle. 7/8

    2t is in this stage that food addicts may start hiding or starving themselves. 2t is in this

    stage that se< addicts may start going to prostitutes or having multiple affairs. 2t is in this

    stage that addictive gamblers may open secret bank accounts or get secret jobs. 2t is in this

    stage that alcoholics may begin to have a couple of $uick shots and a few breath mints before

    going home. 78

    Fach of these e

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    agrees, there is no conclusive cause or definite treatment method to which everyone agrees

    for most of the addictive behaviors. This lack of agreement among e

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    even some professionals in the field and some addicts themselves, view addiction as a result

    of moral weakness. 7

    ?olding the view that addiction is a matter of moral infirmity causes problems, not

     just for addicts, but for our society as a whole. eople typically come to inaccurate

    conclusions like this one because they want a simple answer to a baffling phenomenon, and

    they also want to protect themselves from the idea that this type of thing could happen to

    them. Seeing addicts as @bad peopleA allows non-addicts to feel good about themselves. They

    use this @splittingA of good versus bad to protect themselves from bad feelings. Ie do this all

    the time with many different things, such as the good child versus the bad child, the good

     political party versus the bad political party, etc. 7

    The problem with this @splittingA is that it does not allow people to own certain parts

    of themselves. They shut off aspects of their own beings by splitting them off from their self-concept and seeing them as something not @of them.A ?owever, the truth is that we all have

    our struggles. Ie all have our @goodA and @badA parts, the different sides of our strengths, our 

    weaknesses and ourselves. 7

    Seeing people who are struggling with addiction as morally weak seems to serve as a

    natural defense for us. Ie do not want to identify with them so we say that they are weak,

    and we are strong because we have resisted the temptations of alcohol and drugs. 0ddiction

    to alcohol and drugs is a rampant problem in our society. or anyone who has ever watched

    the show 2ntervention, it is easy to see that it doesnCt take long for an addiction to ruin a

     personCs life and leave his or her relationships in shambles. The important lesson to learn

    here, however, is that those with addictions do not need people to turn away from them,

    writing them off as bad or weak people. 7/8



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