drug awareness 1 1

Drug Awareness Information

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drug awareness


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Drug Awareness Information

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Prescription and OTC drugs such as cold medicines, pain relievers, sleeping aids,

and even ADHD medicines are commonly abused by young people. They are readily available, and can be more

dangerous than other drugs. Some side effects include dizziness, nausea,

vomiting, coma, and even death. Abusing prescription drugs is a growing problem in

the US, therefore, start talking to your child today about the dangers of drugs.

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Child Teen Young Adult Adult

Fi r

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<12 12-17 18-25 >25

Addiction is a Developmental Disease: It Starts Early


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Basic Science Tells Us that Adolescents’Brains Are Still Developing…

Basic Science Tells Us that Adolescents’Brains Are Still Developing…

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The top reasons given by young people include…

1. To feel grown up

2. To fit in and belong

3. To relax and feel good

4. To take risks and rebel

5. To satisfy curiosity

Source:“Keeping Youth Drug-Free” program, U.S. Department of Health and Human


Why Do Kids Try Drugs?

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Do Adolescents React Differently than Adults to

Substances of Abuse?

Do Adolescents React Differently than Adults to

Substances of Abuse?

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Rats Exposed to Nicotine in AdolescenceSelf-Administer More Nicotine Than

Rats First Exposed as Adults

Sources: Collins et al, 2004, Levin et al, 2003, NIDA Notes v19.2

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Do We Need FundamentallyDifferent Strategies At

Different Stages of Adolescence?

Do We Need FundamentallyDifferent Strategies At

Different Stages of Adolescence?

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Why do some people Why do some people become addicted while become addicted while

others do not?others do not?


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We Know There’s ABig Genetic Contribution To Drug Abuse and Addiction…

And the Nature of this Contribution Is Extremely Complex

We Know There’s ABig Genetic Contribution To Drug Abuse and Addiction…

And the Nature of this Contribution Is Extremely Complex

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Drug Users have a Higher Risk of Developing Mental Disorders




•Panic attacks

Example: SMOKING EPIDEMIOLOGYnormal population: 23%alcoholism: 90%+other addictions: 90%+schizophrenia: 85%depression: 80%

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Self-medication hypothesis substance abuse begins as a

means to alleviate symptoms of mental illness

Causal effects of substance abuse Substance abuse may increase

vulnerability to mental illness

Common or correlated causes the life processes and risk

factors that give rise to mental illness and substance abuse may be related or overlap

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PPT-039-02 44

Alcohol & Drugs

The Basics

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PPT-039-02 45

When someone abuses or has an addiction to alcohol or other drugs it affects themselves as well as other people around them:

• Emotionally

• Behaviorally

• Physically

Substance Abuse

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PPT-039-02 46


• Odor (breath or on person)

• Intoxication/drunk

• Glazed look

• Lack of focus

• Uncharacteristically passive or combative

• Argumentative

• Deterioration of personal hygiene

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PPT-039-02 47


• Dysfunctional

• Absenteeism (Mondays)

• Blackouts

• Loss of memory

• Fixated on drinking (both social & professional)

• Trouble with relationships

• Difficulty walking

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PPT-039-02 48

Cannabis (Marijuana)

• Other: Hashish, Hashish oils• Active ingredient: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Not physically addictive, moderately addictive psychologically

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• Euphoria

• Impaired memory

• Concentration

• Knowledge retention

• Loss of coordination

• Loss of motivation

• Animated behavior

• Other similar conditions that impair work and personal relationships

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PPT-039-02 50

Cannabis – What the Supervisor May See

• Work level decrease

• Increase of incidents

• Loss of concentration

• Repeating instructions

• Breakage

• Out of character behavior

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PPT-039-02 51


• Not regulated as typical drugs

• Commonly found substances that produce certain effects similar to scheduled drugs

• Examples: glue, marking pens, gasoline, butane, amyl nitrite and aerosol sprays

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• Loss of muscle control• Slurred speech• Respiratory failure• Cardiac arrest• Number of other

physical symptoms• Brain & lung damage• Can be fatal (even in

small amounts)

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PPT-039-02 53

Inhalants – What the Supervisor may see

• Paint on nose or fingers

• Drunk-like reaction

• Trouble breathing

• Loss of strength/control

• Fatigue

• Lack of coordination

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PPT-039-02 54


Signs & Symptoms

• Increased heart rate

• Alertness

• Respiratory functioning

• Restlessness

• Agitation

• Decreased appetite

• Psychological dependency

• Physical dependency

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PPT-039-02 55



• Dilated pupils• Dry mouth• “Drug nose” look• Runny nose• Sinus/nasal problem• Nose bleeds• Bad breath• Euphoria

• Fidgeting• No interest in

food or sleep• Irritability• Argumentative• Nervous• Talkative with

no direction

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PPT-039-02 56

Stimulants – What the Supervisor may see

• Increase in errors

• Increased risk of accidents

• Weight loss (facial)

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• Frequent doctor trips for nervousness, anxiety, stress, etc.

• Acting drunk (without odor)

• Limited or no facial expression or animation

• Personality is flat

• Lacking energy

• Slurred speech

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PPT-039-02 58


Signs & Symptoms

• Acting lethargic or drowsy

• Constricted pupils/not reactive

• Redness & raw nostrils from inhalation

• Track marks• Slurred speech

• Frequent trips to doctors for pain medication

• Increase in frequency and amount of prescribed pain medication w/o doctor consent

• Sweating, vomiting, coughing & sniffling, twitching, loss of appetite

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PPT-039-02 59

Why Synthetic?

• Feels like a marijuana high

• Danger of not knowing all of the ingredients in the synthetic product

• Contaminated with impurities

• Do not test positive on THC drug test

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PPT-039-02 60

Designer Drugs

• Psychoactive substances, stimulant • Amateur chemists - cookers• Injected, smoked, snorted or ingested• Rapid onset (1-4 minutes)• Short duration of action (30 minutes to a few hours)• Fentanyl is one of the 3 common bases for designer drugs = 80 to 100 times more potent then Heroin

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PPT-039-02 61

Designer Drug

Common Drugs Effects

• Ecstasy • Adam• Lovers Speed • Special K• Fantasy• Nature’s Quaalude

• Physical– Hypertension, blurred

vision, tremors, drooling, anorexia, impaired speech, paralysis, seizures, brain damage, death

• Psychological – Confusion, irritability,

anxiety, emotional, irrational, depression, amnesia, violent behavior, insomnia

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PPT-039-02 66



• Peyote

• Psilocybin

• Mushrooms


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PPT-039-02 67

Signs & Symptoms


• Dilated pupils

• Heavy sweating

• Strong body odor

• Distorted senses

• Hallucinations

• Distorted view of themselves

• Self absorbed

• Slurred speech

• Confusion

• Isolated/detached

• Time (unaware)

• Changes in mood and behaviors

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PPT-039-02 68

Hallucinogens – What the Supervisor may see

• Fixed small pupils

• Sweating

• Hyper sensitive

• Separated from reality

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PPT-039-02 69

OTC Drugs

• Both prescription and OTC drugs can affect the worker in numerous ways especially if a reaction or drug interaction occurs • Hard to predict; may have the same symptoms as alcohol or drug use, but could be caused by legal drugs

• Consider a policy on OTC drugs in the workplace based on the job description

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PPT-039-02 70

Common OTC & Prescription

• Opioids

• Topiramate

• Antihistamines

• Antidepressants

• Sedative Hypnotics

• Anti-Anxiety Medications

• Skeletal muscle relaxants

• Anti-Diabetic Medications

• Cold medicines

• Allergy Medications

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Why focus on drug abuse internationally?

I. Drug abuse is a global phenomenon

5 percent of people aged 15-64

II. Intertwined dual-epidemics of drug addiction & HIV/AIDS

HIV Infections Attributed to Injection Drug Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors Related to Drug Abuse

Millions of Users




7.9 CannabisAmphetaminesEcstasyCocaineOpiates

UNODC 2005 World Drug Report

III. Take advantage of unique opportunities to advance scientific knowledge through research

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Where Do We Need to Go From Here?Where Do We Need to Go From Here?

We Need to…We Need to…

Advance the SCIENCE Advance the SCIENCE

Erase the STIGMAErase the STIGMAand to…and to…

Erase the STIGMAand to…

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Substance abuse is a preventable problem. You are powerful as a parent. Most kids say they stay away from drugs

because they might upset their parents.

Teach your kids the risks of drug use and your stand on them.

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Get and stay closely involved in your kids’ lives. Know what is

going on in their lives, who their friends are, and the five

“W’s”--who, what, when, where, and why.

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Talk early and often to the kids about drugs and alcohol use

(average age kids start drugs is 9-12).

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Be a parent, not a pal. Children need boundaries and


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Talk to your kids today about the dangers of

drugs. You are their anti-drug.