drugs and medicines,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn90066556/1844-12-12/ed-1/seq-3.… · mitiil...

mitiil 'fetter*.. - "Tlfe^ojfa^iaben toy* “ We *tirtllii« year, with a determination to do «w be«t; not: only our best -in the January number; fcut oor beat from'January to December.' We are ill 'MRphatieally uWoriin{ menj’ and give to our Magi. ;Zinea larg%portion of our time: and this because we know that wc hare atrong rivals in the field, and are ^determined not to be beaten in any honorable- high- minded competition. Wc do. hot claim, to have all. the beauty and excellence on our aide— we do not iriah to push from tlie track ah honorable competitor ^ r ie only wish w ha ter er merit WC may hare to find ite just-appriectation, and our labor ita jnst rewards— “ Lire and let lire.” is put irtotto. The world is wide Jaaough for us ill. Bot, if we can make the best Magazine for 1845, we shall do so. We may fail; to do this ; but we will; nevertheless, try } and here we present you an earnest of what w.c can do when we try.” ' t r Arthur’s Magazine is ptabliahed in Thiladeh phis, at $2 00 per annum. Hon. S. B. Leonard is appointed Postmaster at Owego in. place of Col. Danf. Ely deceased. In d ictm en ts, L iquor Selling, &c. The Broome Republican, in the article to which we alluded last week, speaking of the refusal of the ' Board of Excise to grant Licences to sell liquor, says: •* The consequences are, that ten limes the amount of spiritous liquors, has been sold and drank than would -bare been if a proper nombcr of houses had been ii. eenaed; dram shops have been multiplied; and the jeople are to be fleeced of their hard earnings, in the shape of taxes, to pay the bills of cost which will be made ere the matter is closed.” There are three direct assertions, each of which- requiree, at least, a passing notice. The first is, that ■ten limes more liquor has been sold and drank than would have been if the Board had granted licences. Now we should like to know by what mea.ns our friend of the Republican ascertained the truth of t|iat assertion, if true it is? Would he have us.infer, that men have deliberately bought., drank, and paid for, ten times more liquor than they really wanted, merely to spite the Board of Excise for refusing licences? - Or are we to suppose that men who had paid $10, $15, or $20 for a license would be so much more scrupulous about the amount they should sell as to diminishit to one tenth the quantity ? Or does nut the assertion itself involve a palpable absurdity, too gross to find a place in a public journal. But per. haps the writer founded his estimate »f increased sale on his seeond assertion that "dram simps have been multiplied.’' Four or five years ago there were twelve or thirteen Taverns selling liquor in this town, and we-believe there is but twelve now—there were Dim three Druggist? ami there are three now—there Were then some half dozen Merchants and Grocers engaged in tlie trafic, and there ia not more than that flow Where, then is the multiplication of dram shops ? We make these comments ot: the assertions v»f the Republican in no spirit of capliousness or ill will ; but because they involve questions of impor tance to cve<y friend of temperance and humanity.— For one thing we assume to bn a settled fact, beyond <diepotc or qm-elien, i. e. that the use of intoxicating drink as a beverage is productive of coil, physical and wtoral, temporal and eternal; and only etil, and that tenlinually. If this is so, it certainly become* a question of no small interest, how far such business •hould be’clothed with the special sanctions of law. •We are well aware of (he knock down argument here, via : “ that liquor wil. be sold and drank whelh. «r licenses ate granted or not. And hence it is better to grant licenses to a limited number of respectably citizens, to -dole out the cursed 8100 * . than to let the business fall into the hand* of the low and vicious But we ire also aware that stealing always has, and probabl. always will be dune, whether the law lurhido it or not"; .and on the principle just. .developed, wtiy not Havd #ne sige magistrate gtsnt upeeial licence* to « ■number of respectable citizen? to do up all the stealing themselves, instead of leaving il to be done by vicious Jhievea and highwaymen. To be sure provision would have to be made, that if any of these licensed gentlemen should happen to steal away alia poor family had to live on, they should have a place in some .poor house. But mote anon. X. POST MASTER GEiNERAL’S REPORT. We have this interesting documeni, but too late Lr publication lodav. The income of the Depmtmcnt for the year anding 30th June, 1844. amounted to $4,287,- 385 82* The toial expenditures to $4.2965- €67 70. The P. M General repeals his recommehda lion, of a reduction of letter postage to five and ten cents and a singb- lefei, upon the term* and conditions recommended in his rppori of 1843; and a repeal or modification of the franking privilege*— {Argus. Important from China—tBe Ameri can treaty, with the Celestials —The Sappho, Capiaiu Crocker, arrived at Boston on ihe 3d inst., with advices from Macao to the 4th of August. Our previous dates were to the 1st of that month* The S. has brought home despatches for our government from \1r Cushing, among which is the treaty lhat he has concluded with China— thus confirming nil that, we have published oo the subject. It is stated that Mr. Cushing was at Macao when the S left, and would sail in the U* S b:ig Perry for Ma«a'l-m, on his any homeward, on the lotiiof August Mr. G, arid the man attached to the embassy were well. gentle Thu trmpEL in a Gale —Dining ihe latr gale on Luke JB ie,.ihe s'eutner Robert Fulton. among many Olher vessels, was wrecked: “On board that boat, as \\;<s related by a passenger ar.d published in the Helicons Her ald, was an infidel wiih a box of books to distrib ute at the West. He was lotid and clamorous In proclaiming his infidelity, fill the gale came on—but then', like the rest, he w a s silent, and *vai'«d with trembling anxiety the hncei tain fate •ofthe ship. At length they drew near ihe^ shore, and attempted to throw out th* ir anchors, when ihe whole forward part ofthe boat broke off, and the waves rushed inro ihe cabin. At once-the infidel was on his knees crying for rtrpr- ey— his voice-cuuld be heard above the raging elements, begging the Lord to forgive his bias phemies. till a heavy ~-ea «wept over the deck, Rod carried him and his books to t he’ bottom. SPORTMENfetch in yo*r FURS! FURS! X IHE HIG vi EST CASH PRICE wjil be paid, for ft d and Cross Pox Martin, Mink, Ot.'er, Muskrat and,Goon Skins at iv, B. ROGERS, Hat, Cap and Pur Store-. Binghammn DycriQr till EAT BAKGAliNS. AT THE .Cheap Ready Made Clothing Store. T HE Subscribe r has on band a good assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING whi:h he will sel at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES much lower than ever before offered in this village, the Clo hilig is now M ami lac tmed in the village under his own direction, and consequently much better made than those irom New York. Farmers anid others wou d do we 1to call and Examine the goods before Purchasihg their clothes. CLOTHING MADE T o ORDER in the Best and most fashionable sty e, Cutting o done at .ow Grain and other rates and v arrentedto lit well. Produce Received in Payment. SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING in the Back Room by A. LA PARIS. _______ Wm. H NOLAND. A d m i n i s t r a t o r s n o t i c e —in pursu ance of an Order 01 John R. Dickinson, Sur rogate ol the County of Broome, nodeeis hereby given to all-persons having claims against Samuel W . Hinckley, late of Chenango in said County de ceased. to present the same with the vouchers thereol, to .he undersigned, at the house ol Mrs Eunice Hinckley-, in Chenango aloresaid, on or before the 14th day of June next Dated Dec. 10* 1844. ELKANAH HINCKLEY, 38*6in< Administrator. HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtite ofone execution ~ *F hjb S iamese T wins —Some years ago theseconnected brothers purchased a farm in gotfti Carolina, ami settled down asfa mers. Duringthe but year it was reported in tbe pa: jpefatbat they were married, but the report-pas jbai*eved generally to be a hoax. A iv titer in one of the South Garoiiaa papers thus alludes tot this-point. , *”T a any surprise I find that t he supposed hoyx is a literal fact, and that these--distingaisHed characters ire married men. Mrs C and Mrs jR aia well known to several of my , parsbnal acquaintance, and are said to be very amiable tiBd iadostrions.. Each of the ladies has pres* anted '-bdt -particular t*Ior4Mwtf* •*!» heir, in tfce persdo of a fine, fat, fiouneing daughter. , is said-that 'Chang and Eng, wiib , their Wives'and children. contemplate making a tour through this country in, a year or two. The 'twinr.enjdy excellent health^—are very lively, tafkativ^ and apparently hapjiy.arkl will doubt S1 le^pgsar*i|«p(s.;inf#|esl^l^i4 %’tropiifel in •heir second tour tfiantjif fs first did over ilhel civilized W r l l t 'H.iiying tijtmiliess to£ provide rior, .as.prudent hi»sbaud* aj‘d f;Vlher*,ihey may think their bachelors fortune fiof sufficieni fir al| the little Chagns midEngs of wnich they n.ow have the promise” ' . / The tj?cnt st New York has for months wirrinted Dr, Wi*tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry to cure, any case of Asbma, however long the dkeiw m iyhtre with atood medic'xl skill —offering, to refund'(he price paid in ease of failure. Yet not a single instance has been reported where the cure waa not complete. We will refer to a few individuals wherc the effect hat been alniost miraculoos. A. Wjlliams, .EM].,-atiorney and Counsellor, 58 Willjam sireel, cured of Asthma of 25 years standing Mr. Bradlee, Justice of the Peaces Jadiacia, Long Island, cured of same disease of 4(1 traAas standing- J. Diefcndorf, Cherry Valley, of same, 8 years etc., etc Any case.of wheezing, short ness of breath, weakness or pain in the chest or side can be cured by this Balsam—no matter how obsti nate the disease, or how long it has resisted other rem edies. Bleeding ol the Lungs,. Coughs, Colds, aind eVen Consumption in its first stages, also readily yield to this wonderful medicine. ' L it the incredulous ex amine into its merits. Wc want the truth to prevail. Beware of spurious mixtures and imitations. N ew Y ork Saturday Em porium* The cltiaens bf Bingbaiiiton ;and vicinity are re- speetfu'iy inf >rmed that Mr. Green, the Editor and joint proprietor of this large and e egani y illustra ted Family Newspaper, is now making a tour through the United States, and having arrived at this place, will remain at tha Phenix Hotel unitil Saturday the 14:h inst., where he wifi be happy to receive subscriptions for the same. A complete file of the paper wil. be sent for examination upon application at the bat of the Hotel. Binghantom, Dec. 11 th 1844. POSTSCRIPT. Important irom Mexico. Advices from N. Orleans of the ’27ih nit., bring intelligence filtecn days laier from Mexico. A rup. lure had occurred bet wceri-G.*v-Shannon, our .Charge*, and the Mexican Government, and ijie minor was rife that GoV S. had demanded his passports. How- ever this may be, it is certain that Gov S. has ad dressed a letter to tho Mexican Government, protest- ing against the proposed invasion of Texas, and especially agaimt the manner in which that invasion was to be made. To ibis ihe Mexican- Min ister replied— denving tlie right of the U. states or any other foreign power to interfere with Ihe internal affairs of that Government; and charges the United States, its government * and people, with falsehood, trickery, intrigue and design* of the most dishonora ble character Gov. Shannon demanded that this very offensive note should be withdrawn, which the Mexican Minister will; great warmth refused, closing with a paneg3 *rieof Henry Clay (whom-he evidently supposes to have becu elected lo the Presidency,) and the U. S. Senate, and a pliillipic against Mr. Tyler’s administration. Gen, Duff Green was at Vera Cruz: on his way to Washington with despatches Portions of Mexico were in revolt, and the power of Santa. Anna broken. He was at the head of the military and making an effort to quell the revolution, but was oheying. the orders of Gen. Canalise, •* Provisional President Jt ii ■ in I nvn* io inps-of John D. Smith,^in my bailiwick, T bhve levied-6n aniLshhU expose fotjsaleJCt- public auc- tioi. as the lawdijrects;, at [thevtPheniX Hotel now1 keptpnd pcctrpi'ed'by Isaac B. iGere in tbe village HERIFF*S'SALE.—By virtue of one execution. 4-/ iaaued out ofthe Court of don/mdn Fldas ot^ne; -county of Broome, aad to me directed and deliver- , id , against the goods and chattels lands Jtnd ^nd4, ~ ~ ■. .............'■,.t ;' ' rxpose fotjsale^Ct. pul s, at UhevtPhenix Ho oceifp.ed by Isaac B. iGere in the village of Bfnghamtuu, Connty of Broome and state oi'N; : York>-on Saturday the 25th day -of January, in-thr- yearofOdri^d^bn'eih .asbnd lot iytive, at 15 ■■ ‘dock in the fofenoon ol that day) ai* tbe .ighc, title, interest, c aim-and demand, of the saidTohu D. Smith of iti and tc .he folio jving de scribed premises, to wit; All that certainlo . piece or parcel of land si.u<*xe in be vil age. of Bingham ton in said coumy, being the lVt on wliichthe copp er si hop of Peter and’William Wentz formerly stood, on the west side of Water-street, and t h<*same pxemiisji forme- iy purchased by them o^Ehhu Ely, said lot being thiny feet square and containing nine hundred square feet of land be the samem^re or less—sec conveyance recorded in 9 r ,ome coun- *y bonk of .Deeds -on the six.h day of Septemb r, 1841,- Also, aiith tcertain jot! or-parcel'of land conveyed by Joseph Manning and wife to the said JohoH). Smith, by .deed recorded , in book of deeds number 16, pages251 arid 252, to whici) reference may be had, sifuaiein the village of Binghamton, being the house and lot lately opcupied by the said Manning, bounded on the nortb-and west by land of the saw’John D, Smith, on the south by James C,. Smead s jot, and on the east'by. Water-street.— Aisp a part of that certain piece or parcel of :and, si.uate in the town ol Chenango in said county, be.- ing patt-of lot number thirty one in the B ingham Patent, bounded east by lands of Lewis St John , southby t e Susquehanna river, we'si *by th- lot known as the Pai k- a m, and north by the pub it* r * .* Ladies t Ladies ! "LiEdiHir!'' k L OTS'of- New 'arid desirable G.iJods to' ^ seen this week at Ford & CP’s.- Now oi iughway Jeadii fr.m the bouse of Lewis St John direcxlv down the. Susquehanna river, the whole containibgab*.uf34 acres of land—the part intend ed t j be so d is thut portion contracted orso’db^* said John D. Smith olhd President and,Directors o! theJN'ew York arid Erie R’aT Road Company for the conveneuce.andusepis‘id rdrJiinad,QOutainiiig;. two acres ol land more or jess; and the imprest o said Smith in tnese last desc'.- ibedp emises may be asxectaincu by reLience to'a lease o deed held ;by tbe offices of Christ’s Church in ihe vil age ol Binghamton.'- Also, “all ihafcertain-piece or phr- ce oi land, situate in the village oi Binghamton, on the east side ol the Chenango river, and south of the Chenango bridge, being the south part oi a cer tain tract of.and he etof .re vonveyed by John Mc- Kmhcy to J shua Whitney, and kn .wn cn a map of said tract, (made by W m Wentz from survey of the same, 9th August,’ 1 r-27,) as lot number 3 said hbM<L3 .tiftreby jmended (1827) to be .conveyed,.is described as fo -xows, to. wi i; bounded on the east by Waiersireet,and 1 >is n <\v (1827) owned by Wen.z and ivxanniug, on the s. uih by said Wemz and Manning lots, and a certain otin the p.ssession ot J. C. Smead, on he west by the Ch.nango river and on tben rth by .an a ley twenty links wide lea- ding.i'com WaLrstreet to said river, Containing a- bout one acre of and more nr less—also a right of way in and thiough said al ey abovementioned, is included in this conveyance,” being the same con veyed by josh.ua Whitney to M af G. Smith by deed recorded in No. 10, page 398-^t gether With a land singu ar .he h.-redi.tamenw-- and .ippUrtenan- cesto each of the said desciibed lots respectively fce ongingor in anywise appertaining. Dated at Binghamton this l i b day of Dece.n: erin the year of our Lard" one thousand eight hundred and forty four. 38-6w JOSEPH BARTLETT, Sheriff. 1ST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at U Binghamton, N. Y., Nov. 30,1814. D rick Adams D Ada ros Oriin B Andrew Uriel 4’ AndretVs Enos C Brainard iVlnurii’e Burn* Lewis Bishop 01 1 Vr* B row n Udiolim* L Brown Autiah Beach Ethiel Barnuin Philo Biitrgs Hmry C Bnvlcsft S-Tinm l Bevier Silas Baiter. Polly Gasile B (J Curtis John (Jresswf'll Vlinorva Casift J'-mjnm <;ru!».*r l?ob**ri C a nrjuu G VV Dt-verell Joseph Deroy John S Dill Andrew D-yle James Di<*k»on Mrs E Davis Alien p Wiit Mrs M E Davis M.fs Eh-aner Davis 2 John Ellis Almira EUs Zeosis jyianiv William G.Morgan M E Millei James H .Mosher Dyer Ma’teson J p MfNtlly Juliana Melius Bt’nj mm O-iratider Amanda Parsons Elizabeth Park Ja.ties P Pierce Enos Puffer Amanda Palmauer Milton Paison Mercy A Power David C. Ripley Timothy W iledding EUook- ' J R- mine Aliff' Rogers L Ro.<e G.-oroe W. Rogers John E Sampson E Sehift Slurb vant & Jones Thoniqs Skinner Joseph Smith Julia-A Shippey Ezra Shellir.an John Sisson Caleb N Soule Henry Siver .Vlichael Fiiz Gerald 2 Sam I VV Sherwood issued out ofthe Supreme Court of judicature of the State of New-York, and to me directed and deliveied-, agaihst the goads and chattels, lands and tenements of DaVid Fuller, in my bailiwick, I have levied on and shall expose to sale at pubiiic auction as the law directs, at the public house now kept by S. Burghardt in the Town of Lisle and County of Broome and Stale of N. York-, on Satur day the 25.li day of Ja*>ut ry, in the year ot our Lord one bousaiul'elghl hundred and forty five, at 10 t>’c ock iu the Forenoon of that day, all the right, title, interest-, claim «*nddemand ofthe said David Fuller, of inandto thefullowmg described premises, to wit:—All that certain pieceor parcel of landy-sii- uate lyingand being m the town ->f Lisle, county of Broome and state of New York, being part of Lot No ten (10) in the first township of the Chenango Triangle, beginning at the southwest corner of said lotj thence west forty > hains and fifty links to tbe southwest comer o f‘-aid lot, thence north fift een chiiins and ten links to a stake and stones, thence forty chains and fifty links to the east line ol said lot to a.stake and stones; thence south fif teen chains and' .en links to the place of be rinning, containing sixty one acres and twenty four per ches of land — ogetner wi h all and singular the hereditaments aud appurtenances thereu -to be longing or in any wise appertaining. Dated at Binghamton, this 11 h day ot December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and foriy-four* 38-6w JOSEP H BA RTLETT, Sheriff. FOR SALE. S EVERAL House LotsyL-gib _v-situated in this village, with or without Bui ding materia ? for sate on mng credit. . _ A. DOUBLEDA Y. Binghamton Nov. Il, 1844. 34 ^ X W U T O R S ^ A L E .—By virtue oi ah Order 4 j made by John ft. Dickinson', Surrogate of the county of Broome, the undersigned Ex. cu ors Ac.. of Dii.dama "Van Ness, deceased, wilt self at pub.ic auction atthe Phedix Ho e: in Binghnmton, oh tbe i8th day of Jahoar - next at 9 o’c'ock A. M. the -fol- lowing dese: ibed real estate, bobg a house and lot situate oil the south side of the SUKquehnnn^tb Riv er 'opposite the Vilage of Binghamton, to wit—•“Al! that piece or parcel of land, Being a parcel. Of land off f otn tbe: sotuh side bf. a certain paitel, or -oi, conveyed by John A* Collier and wife to Elmer W. Brigham, by a deed dated 2d day of November 1839, reco ded the samedajr in' B >ok.of deeds- No.- 2l pa ges 601 "and 602, which saidparce is morepafticii- lafly described as lo ldWs, Viz.—Beginning at the south east corner ofsaid piece oi lahd so conveyed by said Collier iq said Bljgham.theqceivesief y :-n the south line ofthe same to. the south’iVesf corner thereof, thence northerly dh the west line 43 leet; thence easterly paraiiel with the. firs , line to the road leading trout thcSusqu^hannah Bridge south erly, thence southerly alo»g said road 43 feet lo the Djace of begintiing, -be the same more or less*”— DatedJJecembef 8; 1844. . " NOTHER new lot of Judds’ •oatenk Afqrti^e received .stf. -v • - - . . J October 15,'. * FO.RH # COS. Ini GuiY*1 Hiram Graves E F Gager William Grtiydon Wesley Goodwin Richard Ga'ret John GafFuey R.icbet Goodwin Wm GoucJspt ed i\l Hosan E A H.lls B- nj Hi'chrnck H«>tvifp H ills 2 Isaac Hardmor O J-dili R Harvey H W Holmes W m "Sotuhworth Horace Seely Samuel Toit* n Jackson Thompson 2 Wm B Tyler or ) Silas Tyler \ Margaret Taylor C H Treadwell Wm C Thompson Charlofe M Tenny A E Tripp. XJ Van Name Wm Weruz Beulah Wentz Is-r-ic V White. Samuel Weed 2 • William D Hotchkiss Nancy Weyant Mtlo-lsbell Job Irelitiul Sylvitiin.s Ju d i Benjamin Jonej Or •Ji*seph While ■ Joseph Johnson GfOiyeE L-bell E G, Kauel 3 A E Ka tel S oil I W Leona ra Almeiiti La evv Eliza L**w|3 James' Ltyfon Laac D Lyon T.ootiws Luudon Sarah Liiley Joseph Luifc D i vid Me 1 nivre Josj-ph Da* id W hite Way' Joel WeliOll ’ JoTia • VVolsey Georffe N Weeks Charjes Whitney Chloe Willcox or Eli Eihvelj F J Wheeler *• - VVatkinS &, Stoker FreeloveJuue Water man V Win J W.isht Joseph Whipple. Chlop Wilirox Jan ci te E W i I Ison John E. Wemz Esther Whitney 2 Persons calling for art| or the above letters will please say advertised. ROBINSON, P.M. largeAjqf of Silks, Alpacas, Cashmeres, Affghan Satins and Crapes, Calicoes, shawls, cravats, gtovesjandrbosierv^Ril ney— ^ er'p rices day a continued addition of New and novtil- goods. at thi*yst|J»li 5liinfiit, a#£alwaysjMaper than the cheapest, - -o^em en^v^ti^sti& fe. ^ O ct.-29,1844. R. A. FORD & CO. T7" SHAwist'SHAWLS!!, . F ORD' & C(5. liltV^ just received: 'a; few ^Cords of shktvis of every description, from'. the ni cest ld-4 BroCha to the 'cheapest* Rob Ttov,*among which are many new styles. T hey w ill be, sold at the right’kind of prices. ' " ' •Ocj?29,1844. _ : - LOTHS, CASSIMERS— II yoa want to see a big lot of cloths, at the lowest kind'of pri ces ; just dr >p in at 'Ford. & Co’s, Just leceiyed sonte.-ne.w.Siylesof l and 6-4 Fancy Cassimei very desirable goods and very cheap; - . . Oct. 29. - ,/ , . -- 1 1 OUSE KEFPING ARTICLES—1 1-4 and 12- I I 4 French Oui'ts, 5-4.and l6-4:iiheusheetings —bleached and Brown do. of all widths an’d-quali- lies.; damask and brown linen Tablecloths, all si- zqs;. linen napkins and tou els, Scotch and Russia diapeis, crash &c., selling verv cheap -at *.- _Oct. 2 9 . ___ •_ ' A: FORD & CO’S. M ORE BARGAINS —t L way R. A. Ford & Co. are selling Teas, 'Coffee! Sugar; Molas ses and all other Groceries, cant be beat.- Give them a call if you wish to get great bargains* Oct. 29. - - . • _ ■, ^ ‘Every day brings something new.’ W HAT a full illustration of this dfd proverb can be seen, b: calling ai Ford & Co’s -Old Cash Siore,.:yhetie ihevate dai!^,receiying all the noveliiesoi th.es,easonrin the way of rich and.cheap goods. They have‘jiSst’returned ffotn New Yotk, and are n w opening decidedly the largest, richest and cheapest stqck of goods ever brought into Binghamton) which' they are prepared to offer and aie determined to sell CHEAPER FOR CASH, • han any other store in Broome county, without any mistake. This is no huuibag—just call and examine for. yourselves. Oct. 29, 1844.__________ " ; B ookbinding; - T HE subscriber is now at home, and prepared to execute all jobs entrusted .to. h is.care, Rebin ding done at short notice, and in the best stv:es. G. W. DEVERELL. Binghamton Nov. 18,1844. . HEESE.-^500 lbs, Superior Herkimer county Cheese for sale bv D. McARTHUR. C CASH GROCERY. T HE inhabitants of Binghamton and its vicinity are respectfully invited to call at the CASH GROCERY establishment, one door west of the Post Offiee. where may bs found-a general assort ment of Groceries, W ines and Liquors, at prices worthy of xheir attention. iPr TAVERN KEEPERS can be supplied with stock for their Bars at prices which cannot, fail to suit. ' - ' ; . ' > . E. & O. FIELD. Binghamton-, 26th October,-1844. J UST received at tha cash Grocery one door west of the Post office, 10 Bbls. Cranberries, and for sale cheap. E. -& O . F I E L D . LOST ~ ^ O N Friday the 25th of October, Somewhere be tween Binghamton and B. T . M iller’s tavern in Conk in, a b'X coat made of b ack homemade c'oth. Said coat was considerab'y'voru, and had a pair ol white ya- n mittens in the pocket. The fin der will confar a favor by eavi g it at Mi”e ’s or at ihis office, or notifying the subscriber wh re he he nmyfi.idit . JEHIEL WOODRUEF. Windsor Nov. 6,1844. 33w3 HATS* CAPS Ax\D FURS. FALL FAS B IONS FOR 1844. Look at This! D r. JONATH AN T. KITTRAGE’S valuable EAR OINTMENT-, which is an infa liMe ahd immediate.cure for the ear ache, and for sores gathering in the head. One application wi Tea e the ear ache, and a lew applications in the course ofa f.w weeks, W ill' eflect a perrnataehr cnr?»of sorts, gatheribg in the head. It willjirevent De.af- ness, it Used' in-season, and is an immediate cure for humors in cuts/ bhrns and hog bites, quelling the fever :an.d humors and causing it to run and heal, and shin sores whi.db so ne are troubled., ith for many years^ af-dare beyond the reach of the t4till of Doctors to ciire, may Be curect by one. hr two applications. It cures the ear ache and sores in the hea '-i without causing ally pain. Price 25 cents.. fjrF o r sale at this Office, also by Hagamhn & Eirdsall, Chehafiso Forks, and.Canfield & S;eele, Union. * ' . ^ , . . . *»” * EDEM^TION OF LANDS SOLD FOR TAXESr-State of New-York, Comptroller's Office—Notice is b^reby given, pursuarit tb section.: 76 of title 3, article 3 of chapter i3 of the first part of the Revised Siatutcs, that unless the lands .sold for .takes at the general tai sale, held H .the iPapi tol in the city .of Albiny in the month of June 1843, shallbe redeemed, by the payment into the .Treas^. uryoiThe State/on oirberpre the.30ib ,cUii of Jane next after )he date herepf. of the anfodat foh whjch e|ich.paT<;ei;of thc said lands whs Sold, and fhe in-.' tfte j Ibfitfion atlhe teix per ff^triiftperan^ num, frpm,the)date bf the sale to 'the dite bf ihC' payment— the lands so sfid ahd 'rertfaiBing ifnre deemed wi'J beconve yedtathe purchaaers thgneoi) Dated Albany,19th Novediher ld4J' r--- "»*"*?.. A. C. FLAGH t.Comptroller, i M ERRILL & ROOT, Will,furnish their .custo mers a superior article of Nutria, Brush, Silk an Fur Hats of their own manufacturing at 1 ss prices, than can be purchased at any other Store in Broome County, CAPS.—Dtte-'r, Seal, Muskrat and Fitcb-trim- raed Clo:liC{ipsol new.andfashionable style. Silk Velvet Mohair, Clo h, Velveteen-, Glazed, Silel find Hair Sea! Caps in great variety. Otter, Seal, Nutria, Muskrat, Fur Caps, very cheap. • Mbffs-, Boas, N eck lies-, Conv Skins, white- lin ing^ &c. &c of most all kinds and qualities, atex- trao-binary low prices. Buffalo Robes ofall qual ities, Wool, Tarpolin Hats; Buckskin mittens; Alcohol and Shellac, and all articles in 6 ur line of business. N,B. Our Goods have all been purchased for Cash and will be sold for ‘the Ready,” cheaper than elsewhere. Cash and the highest price paid for all kiDds of Shipping Furs and Sheep pelts. O ’Our Store, is at presem in E. H Prince’s Tai lor Shop, one door west of C. Eldredge’s Store, south side of Court street, but we shall remove to our old Stand (lately destroyed by fire) as sdon as the newbuildingis completed-. MERRILL & ROOT. Binghamton, Oct-. 24, 1844-. . SIGN 9 F TH$ dOLDElf MQRTAR MILUtfFRY, AND BRES8 AND CLOAK MAKING MRS. DAVIS, NO. 7 BINGHAMTON PLACE; H AS just returned Irom New-York with a large and elegant assdrtmeUf of Milli.-bry and Fan cy Goods, which she offers to her customers, for cash, at prices to nit the times.- Her winter Hats and trimmings are of splendid material and fash ion-, and cannot fail to suit., Her assoftthent of Leghorn's is large-. Her ribbons, velvets and silks rich and fashionable—and her Cashmere and Bio- cha Shawls, surpassingly b. antiful.. In addiiion she offers a large assortment of Fur Muffs and Col lars, at low prices. * To" Leghorns and straws, cleansed arid dressed in the neafest manner, and all kinds of M illinery work done in the most tasty aqd fashionable style. Binghamton, Oct. ifi,. 1844. . 30-tf. P alM l e a f ~ h a t s b / ••nets &• Parasolk.a good ass.-rtmentat S. A. NEWTON & Co. June 6.h I84T. - 3' S HOES AND BOOTS.—500 pairs Shoes and •slippers, comprising a good assortment, fdrsale ®i H A L L ’.S l> GX T I S T B Y. ~ D en tistry . The subscriber continues to perform every operation upon-he teeth accor- ’diu'g to the most modern and improved' principles- of the ait. 'Thosewhoare desiroust of repleting ihc vacancies caused bv the loss of their origiuaf teeth afe respecJnlly invited to cftlh Te'riris reasonable. Office direcrty ‘'VCf Mr. Sawddrs C rockpj y store Door opposite the entrance into ihe Was! •gtonfan . .. J.C. ROBIE. N. B. Demists supplied With -full se^s of instru ments. Turnkeys and* other surgical'Instruments kept constantly on hatid and for sale. J. C.’ K. N EW fall Gqods a large stock. pTices iow'at’ S. H. P H A L L ’S. Sept. 12 18431 J O H N ”H 7l4!l>' A H K. ~ ATTOKNBY AT LAW AND MASTER AND EXAMINER IN CHANCERY. Offire one door horth of tlie Iris Office, '.\_ Franklin st., Binghamton, N. Y:- T HE PSALMIST, a new' coliec:ion of-Hymns .for the ase of Baptist Ghurchies,.by Baron w and S. F. Smith, for sale at this office. Oct. 23,1844. _ / ; A large stqck of’ Broadcloths and Satinetts , very eheap'at' ' ! Oct: 16,1844. ; q S. H. P. HALLS. GALT. D, Mb Arthur has just -received: a "boat load ofSaitdirecp Trom Syracusci which, he, willsell at the-nianufactttrers priees adding trans,’ poriation. t . I RON) steel, tk hails,' at fe.M / B RHSHES.—A general , assortment? of- Fain!, VarptsE; 5crpbat« W hirt Wash Bmsfiejf. - . £. c. T&iVBjpTs. ' GOKING-GLASSES and CROCKERY./-A Large assortmmtseliing qlieap at ^ /, .y - >)T 5 ‘tj''.-' ..V tiH-'a- Xfc-3#^ II / v . - ''vi" ' ji/T atghesi /1- k ) sold ehqap^v '1 ; ROBT. C. TRIVEJTT. —r— REXFORD. ROBERT C* TRIVETT) DEAtiER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS; WINDOW AND PICTURE GLASS, DYE STUFFS, AND FAMILY GROCERIES; S OLICITS attention to his stock of goodsrecent- ly received, and for sale on terms that can not be eqfialed by any otber Cstablishme.it. Drugs and Medicines, of stiperior quality andobtained froUlsucfi a source as will enable Physicians and others, to, procure their supplies much below tht- usual rates. PAINTS—Pure Extra No. 1 and No. 2 White Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Frerich Yellow.-Chrome and Emerald Green, Ver- deg ise, Prussian Bibe, Vermillion, Lampblack, Whi'ing, Patty, &e. S c." OILB.—Linseed; sperm; lard, whale, olive, &c., all warranted pure. WINDOW GLASS.—Assorted sizes and vari ous' qualities. DYE S T U F f S .— Indigo) Madder, Cochineal, Logwood, Camwood, Nic Wood; Fustic, Blue Vit riol, Acids, Alium, Copperas, &c. &c. AH persons in want of any ol the above named articles are respectfully requested to call and con vince themselves as to quality a fid price. Binghamton, October, 1844- Cheap Read j Made Clothing, T UST! received a large assortment of Ready made Clothing, at N O L A N D ’S . VALUABLE MEDICINES, F or S ale at this Office* B RANDRETH’S PILLS, and the only place Wheye the purchaser can rely on finding the GENUINE, Bishop’s. Pills, Goodman’s Pi:Is, Miles Tomato Pills; Jew David’s or H brew Plaster-, . Long-ey’s Great We tern Indian Panacea; Roof’s Ringbpne Cure, Roof's Founder Ointment, Kitti age’s Ear Ointment. to your Insurance. S H. P. HALL, as Agent of the Hartford Insu- « ranee Company, will insure property at ihe lowest, rates Lgainst loss cr damage by fire. Nov* 25,1844. ____________ _^36-tf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS !! fflH E subscriber begs leave to ihform the inhabi- X tants of Biftghamtuh. and its vicinity, that he has t ken the store recently o'cfefipied by Horace Hills, opposite tbe Binghamton Hotel, and is now opening a general assortment of choice Family Groceries. TV I Goods, Crockery .and Glass. War^ selected with g* eat care iu the city of New York, consisting in partof Hyson, Yotlng Hyson, Hyson Skin, Imperial and Souch -ng TEAS; St. Croix, Portcj R ico, and Carolina MOLASSES"; Bastarr-o, Porto-Rico. Loaf,-Lump, Crushed and Powdered SUGARS- Jt.va, Rio, Lagltira, and St* Domin go COFFEE; No. I , and Swee' Chocolate, Cocoa, Raisins, Currants, Cassia,Pepper, Piinerito, Cloves Nutmegs; indigo, Rice, ’1 obacco, Spanish Segars, Mustard, Plain, and Fancy Soaps, Powder and Shot, Lead, Sperm, Whale and Olive Oils. Mack erel. Herrings, Shad,'and otWr'a'rticles too numer ous to mention. All o f w hich will be sold at prices a? low as at any other Store in Broome county.— For eash or its equivalent in country Produce. Please t aM and examine. CHARLES BOURNE. Binghamton: % pt 30,1841 AT B O U R N E ’S , J UST received, 50 bbls. Syracuse Salt, and 3500 /bs. Codfish, for sale low. Sept. 30, 1844._____________ - ______ F LOUR. Superfine Flour constantly On hai.d and for sale W ' U.M. STOWERS. June 3d 1844. NOTICE. S CARY & CO. have just returned froni New • York and are this day opening a choice and well select d tot of goods for the Fa|l trade, consis ting'of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Groce ries, Boots ahd Slid s, &'c. all which wil] be sold as low for 'cash as cafi be afforded, or low as the lowest.—Sept. 3, 1844. Messrs* S. CARY & CO, would call the at tention of those indebted to them, that ir is abso lutely necessary for them to Mend to their accounts without delay, and those that calculate to pay in grain to do so immediately; LE ROY PAINT SHOP. TUPPER & MARTIN, H OUSE) Sign and Carriage Paint els. GlaZihg, Graihing, Gilding, Paper Hanging, &c* &C., wijl be-done up with neatness and despatch.. , Shop east side of the Canal, in rear ofLeRoy Store. Binghamton, Dec. 25, 1843. NE VV GOODS. THE LARGEST AND MOST " I jft XTENSIVE stop If of Dry Goods and Groceries j in Broome County will be found at Halls, they are selling at such uncommon low prices, as to in duce all to purchase at this store you will find near ly every articleUsiially wanted by a family; Com- prisingone of the most extensive' assortment to be found. If you want goodsbs sure to call at Binghamton Oct-.8ih ’44 "S. H . P. HALLS. W S TOP ! i STOP'S!! at Hall’s, Head anarters for Fashionable and cheap Dry Goods-^such un common cheap rates cannot be lbund in Bingham ton. No mistake in this, eall and see, Oct. 8th, 1844._______' ; INTER SPERM OIL—A superior quality of this article now lor sale by ROBT.C. TR1VETT. CLOCKS! CIj QCKS!! •CLOCKS!!l A very siiperior article (.^brars andwobd clocks, now onefed at A. B. Rogers’ Hat, Cap and Fur store, at prices lower than they were ever of- te 'ed in this section of the’State. Call and sa .isfy vour elves. A. B. ROGERS. R ICH SILKS—The most splendid assortment • of Silks, evier offered in this market, have just been received at the old cash ^tore —Rich striped and plaid Chameleon, Satin striped poUlt-de’Soi’s, Satin striped Helleneens, rept satins, Rich Ombre Satins, a splendid article, with' every description of bla’ck/blufe black; and col’d silks, selling very cheap at . / Ofet. 29; 1844, FORD & CO’S. rHEAP'L AMP OIL—^Only oiic dollar per gal lon for a first rate aiticle. L"_ " rob T. c , trivett . Watch Repairing, jeivelry, &c. THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JUST R ECEIVED a lot »f Black & White Bueies Gilt ahd steel Beeds, £il ver Pencils, Silver thimbles Guards, Pens, Violin String.s, Speetacles &c; &c. He also M ANUFACTURES and'teepsbn band Silver Table, Desert, TFa,' Cream, Mustard, and Sail Spoons, Sugar ' ofigs . all of whieh are war- famed of sterfmg Silfep, ^|sp0KS * 'WATCHES •af every description R e ^ iiw find ’warrcntcd at the shortest notice by ' ' '■ : - ; -;/dS:-LERED-'J/.EVANS* ' 'BlnghamfenSep,l6t»(4. - "• - ; Small P*pflt» for Caih* " ; ' ,T^O M ESTic^beetin^; shlftings, Vofig cloths, JL/ ticking, cottfm ykfh' and carpCt .warp, at less prices than any otber storic 16 this 'village. These goods are j nst purchased w oash a't gre.at reduction from former prices, and'ire shall sell them at su'h prices as cannotfeil to tempt the most economical and prudent to lay in Vbeir winterjmpply.. . „ i- i ; » f^ED & CO. \ \ ■ FIND HALL’S STC5RE) / / C: CLO CRS, W A T C flE S . AND JEWELRT. - 'PHE subscribsr intending to make,it his perma- J|. tiehf location. aniiQunces to the residents of Binghamton and parts adjacent,- that he is ready, at all times to exercise lire skill in correcting the dis orderly habits of. everj- variety df time pieces, fr 6 m the Yankee Clock to the Chronometer, and withhis practical magic make them . s'‘Point with unerring fin ger id the rridreU of time.” With lus knowledge of the recent improvements in t! e ari of Clock and Watch making and repair ing, he feels confidence in giving those who may extend to .him their patronage, the assurance that he can give entire satisfactionr He beep ^constantly and is receiving. by month ly expresses direct from the importer and manu facturer the latest and most, approved styles ofA- mer can and Parisian JEWELRY, not excelled in beauty of design, brilliancy of finish in western New York—whicli *ogefber with an assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, selected with the design of suiting the taste .of his patrons. He also keeps Silver Spoons and Spec tacles;, Brass, Wood ahd German Clocks, all of ■which will be sold chea^ for easliof exchanged for proauce. ~ * . fjr OLD GOLD and SILVER taken in ex> charge for goods or cash. RICHARD SQUIRES. Oct. 29, 1844* [32] ' O. IV. HOTCHKISS, LAW. OFFICE, ORNER-oi Court and Franklin streets over Rexford's store. BINGHAMTON, BROOME CO. N. Y. D~ST& J. R. DICKINSON. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, AND will he lound at Hall’s.. ftdpaccas, Broadc’otbs, Domestic Goods, Print*, witli a5 greht 'varlejy of other goods,/ie]ling ehm^r.tfiap the clrapest at h Nov. 25, 1844. * »• - * i B/h.P. HALL’S. c SOLICITORS EAGLE BUILDINGS, BINGHAMTON, N. Y* AND COUNSELLORS IN CIIANCEItT. W. S. GRISWOLD, M.». H AS located in UNION, Broome County for the purpose of -practicing Medicine and' Sur- gery. Having received his degree from one of the Institutions in Philadelphia, and also having had the advanta?e of the practice of a large Hospital, he lecls confidence in offering his professional ser vices to the public* foP Office at G. W. Mersereau’s, Union Cor-» ners. Marcli 20,1844* vol 5 no 52. DOCT. S. D. HAND, H AS removed his residence lo Collier street, di-* reetly east front Evans Basin—the house for merly owned by R. S. Close. Dr. H. will, as usual, give prompt attention to all who may need his services in the practice ol Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry*. Binghamton, July 3,1839*____________ 14:ly H. M. & J. E COLLIEB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A N B SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY At the Office of John A. Collier. P. B. BROOKS, PHYSICIAN andsurgeoN . OULD respectfully give notice that lid will as heretofore attendto all calls in the line ot his profession. & Office at his residence on the west side of the Chenango, on Front Street. _______ BMHAITON HOTEL, BY WILLIAM h . muzzy , (HEAR THE BRIDGE,) iboaoatAsaaisEi a, s, JACOB M O I llilS , XTTOHNEY AND CODNSELa LOR AT LAW, AND SODICIt’Oft AND COUNSELLOR IN 'CTIANCSRY. j O FFICE cn corner ol Court and Franklin street, one door west of Rexford’s, Binghamton, N. Yoak. JOSI.PH BOUGHTON, ATTOR 1 SEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR AND COUNSELLOR IN.QHANCERY. s OFFICE I'U the Phenix Buildings,directly ov-ei ne^ostoffice, court Street, Bingliamion, 14. Yt NOVEMBER, 151843. PHENIX HOTEL. Oi)^/r\© [Bn © I d BINGHAMTON, N. Y. Juh'e 20, 1844. WILLIAM M. ELY, Wholesale and Retail fiealer in British, French ar.Vi American DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, IRON AND NAILS, tforth W est Corner Court and Wasliinj'ton sts-.; Binghamton. BEST IN'TOW n TT AT, CAP AND FDR STORE. —A. B. Rogers; would respect fully s.iy to his friends and the public _ _ - generally, that he has received most of his Fall and Winfer stock of goods, 'consisting in pait of the foil owing articles ? every description of Fu r trim med cloth Caps'; Otters Seal and Musk rat Caps tiair, seal and sellet mens’ ahd boys piain and fancy Caps: Also, a beautiful "assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ genuine LYNX MUFFS, Ladies’ Neck-ties and Fur trimmings Of every description—in short, any thing the ladies may call lor in this line. Also, a first rate assortment of BUFF ALO ROBES, of superior quality, and se lected with great care. Likewise a full, supply of HATS, ot the best quality, and the latest Fall Patterns, warranted to be highly superior to eastern box, or “ wooden nutmeg” hats, for quality ahd durability„ as any one .will observe by examination. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above mentioned articles; will do ivell to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as all of them will be sold ex tremely loiv for cash or ready pay. N. B. When you come, fetch along your SHEEP PELTS and CO0N SKINS, arid ev'ery. description of shipping Furs, as they will be taken in exchange for "goods, and sometimes for cash'. You.1 ‘Will find US flt tlicold. sland, one doo*!- west f w TrJv"tl,s Druo S'dre, and nearly opposite L. M. Rextord’s, Court st. Binghamton. ^ A* B ROGERS. ' Binghamton, Oct. 15,1844. M ortgage sale.—M ^gor W iiiI 7d Bowker Jr., Mortgages K.obert Riley; As signee of mortgage James M. Cafferty. Descrip tion oi mortgaged premises, “All fiat certain piece of land situate in Uni'oh,parcel of Hooper’s Patent ahd Known as lot flumber thirteen (13) Poor’s loea- rv°n,o *0 Mortgage dated 8tli February At j QdnditiQned to pay one hundred andsoyen- ty do Iars). recorded in Broome eotmty. book oi mortgages number 10 pages 429 and 430, Feb. 9, 1843 ar,4 P. M. _ Amount- claimed to be due5 at the date of.this notice in deiault of" certain payments _ herein mentioned, $42 88; amount fo become due hereafter,- $ 1 10 with interest. Said mortgaged premises' will be sold by virtue of q power of sale contained in said mortgage, at public auction tothe highest bidder, at the house of George W . Merse- reau in Union, on Friday the 28th.day of February next at 1 o’clock P. M.-^Dated Dee. 4,1844 37 JAMES.M- CAFFERTY, Assignee. MORE DOINCiS AT FORDS L! rriH E -c ost splendid assortment of New Goods e -I. er brought into Bfoome County are now opei ing at the “OLD GASH STORE,” among y-H( are alt the nfiw.sfyiesthat the N. Y. market afford Snlendid' Paris Cashmere d’Ecosse, Printed ar Rept Cashmeres, Rich Chamelion Afighans,entir ly new styles^ehamelion Figured and striped B yarians, Orleans Lusiers, Aifghan Crapes and sa ins, all new 4indrich goods. Also - Plain Figure and printed Alpaccas.— Plain and Pfinted, DeLaii —Richcolers—wiih all the new styles for win£• dresses-. Ginghams, and Prints—an endlessvari ty and all new patterns, with a very big stock 1 Domestic: Goods ofall kinds yrhich,we shall sell GREAT BARGAINS, particular atten&iou is ca Zed to olir verv extensive assortment af ' CLOTHS*CASSIMERS AND VESTINGS WhichWe are selling at unpreced^ted[Ife.yf Tl'ric< W e shall conlintie to'receive weelft)Kall the noli ties of the season in tbe way oi* Fancy Goods, ai Customers can always depend. Finding us wi all the new and rich styles atthe lowest kind of pr ces. Remember that the “ R E A D Y ’.’ • always bnj goods cheap of FORD & CO.' ■Oct. 9tb, 1844. ., . •, , ,

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Page 1: Drugs and Medicines,nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn90066556/1844-12-12/ed-1/seq-3.… · mitiil 'fetter*.. - "Tlfe^ojfa^iaben toy* “We *tirtllii« year, with a determination to

mitiil 'fetter*.. - "Tlfe^ojfa^iabentoy* “ We *tirtllii« year, with a determination to do «w be«t; not: only our best -in the January number; fcut oor beat from'January to December.' We are ill 'MRphatieally uWoriin{ menj’ and give to our Magi. ;Zinea larg %portion of our time: and this because weknow that wc hare atrong rivals in the field, and are ^determined not to be beaten in any honorable- high-minded competition. Wc do. hot claim, to have all. the beauty and excellence on our aide— we do not iriah to push from tlie track ah honorable competitor ^ r i e only wish w ha ter er merit WC may hare to find ite just-appriectation, and our labor ita jnst rewards— “ Lire and let lire.” is put irtotto. The world is wide

Jaaough for us ill. Bot, if we can make the bestMagazine for 1845, we shall do so. We may fail; to do this ; but we will; nevertheless, try } and here we present you an earnest of what w.c can do when we try.”' t r Arthur’s Magazine is ptabliahed in Thiladeh phis, at $2 00 per annum.

Hon. S. B. Leonard is appointed Postmaster at Owego in. place of Col. Danf. Ely deceased.

I n d i c t m e n t s , L i q u o r S e l l i n g , & c .

The Broome Republican, in the article to which we alluded last week, speaking of the refusal of the

' Board of Excise to grant Licences to sell liquor, says:•* The consequences are, that ten limes the amount

of spiritous liquors, has been sold and drank than would -bare been if a proper nombcr of houses had been ii. eenaed; dram shops have been multiplied; and the jeople are to be fleeced of their hard earnings, in the shape of taxes, to pay the bills of cost which will be made ere the matter is closed.”

There are three direct assertions, each of which- requiree, at least, a passing notice. The first is, that ■ten limes more liquor has been sold and drank thanwould have been if the Board had granted licences. Now we should like to know by what mea.ns our friend of the Republican ascertained the truth of t|iat assertion, if true it is? Would he have us.infer, that men have deliberately bought., drank, and paid for, ten times more liquor than they really wanted, merely to spite the Board of Excise for refusing licences?

- Or are we to suppose that men who had paid $10, $15, or $20 for a license would be so much more scrupulous about the amount they should sell as to diminishit to one tenth the quantity ? Or does nut the assertion itself involve a palpable absurdity, too gross to find a place in a public journal. But per. haps the writer founded his estimate »f increased sale on his seeond assertion that "dram simps have been multiplied.’' Four or five years ago there weretw e lv e o r th i r t e e n T a v e r n s s e l l in g liq u o r in th i s to w n ,

and we-believe there is but twelve now—there wereDim three Druggist? ami there are three now—there Were then some half dozen Merchants and Grocers engaged in tlie trafic, and there ia not more than that flow Where, then is the multiplication of dram shops ? We make these comments ot: the assertions v»f the Republican in no spirit of capliousness or illwill ; but because they involve questions of impor­tance to cve<y friend of temperance and humanity.— For one thing we assume to bn a settled fact, beyond <diepotc or qm-elien, i. e. that the use of intoxicating drink as a beverage is productive of coil, physical and wtoral, temporal and eternal; and only etil, and that tenlinually. If this is so, it certainly become* a question of no small interest, how far such business •hould be’clothed with the special sanctions of law. •We are well aware of (he knock down argument here, via : “ that liquor wil. be sold and drank whelh. «r licenses ate granted or not. And hence it is better to grant licenses to a limited number of respectably citizens, to -dole out the cursed 8100*. than to let the business fall into the hand* of the low and vicious ”But we ire also aware that stealing always has, andp r o b a b l . a lw a y s w il l b e dune, w h e th e r t h e la w lu rh id o

it o r not"; .and o n the p r in c ip le just..d ev e lo p e d , wtiyn o t Havd #ne sige m agistra te gtsnt upeeial licence* t o « ■number of respectable citizen? to do up all thestealing themselves, instead of leaving il to be done by vicious Jhievea and highwaymen. To be sure provision would have to be made, that if any of these licensed gentlemen should happen to steal away alia poor family had to live on, they should have a place in some .poor house. But mote anon. X.

P O S T M A S T E R G E i N E R A L ’S R E P O R T .

W e h a v e th i s in te re s t in g d o c u m e n i , b u t too la te L r p u b l ica t ion l o d a v .

T he income o f the Depmtmcnt for the year anding 30th June, 1844. amounted to $4,287,- 385 82* T he toial expenditures to $4.2965- €67 70.

T he P . M General repeals his recommehda lion, of a reduction of letter postage to five and ten cents and a singb- lefei, upon the term* and conditions recommended in his rppori of 1843; and a repeal or modification of the franking privilege*— {Argus.

I m p o r ta n t f r o m C h in a — tB e A m e ri­c a n t r e a t y , w i th t h e C e l e s t i a l s — T h e S a p p h o , C a p ia iu C r o c k e r , a r r i v e d a t B o s to n on i h e 3d inst., w i th a d v ic e s f rom M a c a o to th e 4th of A u g u s t . O u r p re v io u s da te s w e r e to t h e 1st o f tha t month*

T h e S . h a s b r o u g h t h o m e d e s p a tc h e s for o u r g o v e r n m e n t f ro m \ 1 r C u s h i n g , a m o n g w h ic h isthe t r e a ty lhat h e h a s c o n c lu d e d w ith C h i n a — th u s con firm in g nil that, we have p ub lished oot h e sub ject.

I t is s ta ted th a t M r. C u s h i n g w a s a t M a c a o w h e n th e S left, an d w o u ld sa il in th e U* S b : i g P e r r y for M a« a 'l-m , on his a n y h o m e w a r d , on t h e l o t i i o f A u g u s t M r . G , arid th e m a n a t ta c h e d to th e e m b a s s y w e r e w e l l .

g e n t l e

T h u trm p E L in a G a le — Dining ihe latrg a l e o n L u k e JB ie , . ih e s 'e u tn e r R o b e r t F u l t o n .am ong many Olher vessels, was wrecked:

“On board that boat, as \\;<s related by ap a s s e n g e r ar.d p u b l i s h e d in th e H e l i c o n s H e r ­ald, was a n infidel wiih a box o f books to distrib­ute at the West. H e was lotid and clamorous In proclaiming his infidelity, fill the gale came on— but then', like t h e rest, h e w a s silent, and *vai'«d with trembling anxiety the hncei tain fate •ofthe ship. At length they drew near ihe ̂shore, and attempted to throw out th* ir anchors, w hen ihe whole forward part ofthe boat broke off, and the waves rushed inro ihe cabin. At once-the infidel was on his knees crying for rtrpr- ey— his voice-cuuld be heard above the raging elements, begging the Lord to forgive his bias phemies. till a heavy ~-ea « w e p t o v e r t h e deck, Rod carried him and his books to t he’ bottom.

S P O R T M E N fetch in yo*r F U R S! F U R S!

XIHE HIG vi EST CASH PRICE wjil be paid, for ft d and Cross Pox Martin, Mink, Ot.'er,

Muskrat and,Goon Skins at iv, B. ROGERS, Hat, Cap and Pur Store-.

Binghammn DycriQr

t i l l E A T B A K G A l i N S .A T T H E

.Cheap Ready Made Clothing Store.

THE Subscribe r has on band a good assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING whi:h he will

s e l at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES much lower than ever before offered in this village, the Clo hilig is now M ami lac tmed in the village under his own direction, and consequently much better made than those irom New York. Farmers anid others wou d do we 1 to call and Examine the goods before Purchasihg their clothes.

CLOTHING MADE T o ORDER in the Bestand most fashionable sty e, Cuttingo done at .ow

Grain and otherrates and v arrentedto lit well.Produce Received in Payment.


’ _______ Wm. H NOLAND.

Ad m i n i s t r a t o r s n o t i c e —in pursu­ance of an Order 01 John R. Dickinson, Sur­

rogate ol the County of Broome, nodeeis hereby given to all-persons having claims against Samuel W . Hinckley, late of Chenango in said County de­ceased. to present the same with the vouchers thereol, to .he undersigned, at the house ol Mrs Eunice Hinckley-, in Chenango aloresaid, on or before the 14th day of June next Dated Dec. 10* 1844. ELKANAH HINCKLEY,

38*6in< • Administrator.HERIFF’S SALE.—By virtite of one execution

~ *Fhjb S iam ese T w in s — Some years ago theseconnected brothers purchased a f a rm ingotfti C a r o l i n a , ami settled down a s fa mers. D u r i n g t h e b u t y e a r i t w a s re p o r te d i n tbe pa: jpefatbat t h e y w e r e m a r r i e d , but t h e r e p o r t - p a s jbai*eved g e n e r a l l y to b e a h o a x . A iv t i t e r in o n e o f t h e S o u th G a r o i i a a p a p e r s t h u s a l l u d e s tot this-point., *”Ta any surprise I find t hat t he supposed hoyx is a literal fact, and that these--distingaisHed characters ire married men. Mrs C and Mrs jR aia well known to several of my , parsbnalacquaintance, and are said to be very amiable tiBd iadostrions.. E ach o f the ladies has pres* anted '-bdt -particular t*Ior4M wtf* •*!» heir, in tfce persdo of a fine, fat, fiouneing daughter.

, is s a id - th a t 'C h a n g a n d E n g , w iib , t h e i r W iv e s 'a n d c h i l d r e n . c o n te m p l a te m a k i n g a to u r t h r o u g h th i s c o u n t r y i n , a y e a r o r tw o . T h e ' t w in r . e n jd y e x c e l l e n t h e a l th ^ —a r e v e r y l iv e ly , t a f k a t i v ^ a n d a p p a re n tly h a p j i y . a r k l w i l l d o u b t

S 1

le ^ p g s a r* i |« p (s .; in f# |e s l^ l^ i4 %’tropiifel in • heir second tour tfian tjiff s first did over ilhelcivilized W r l l t 'H.iiying tijtmiliess to£ provide

rior, .as.prudent hi»sbaud* aj‘d f;Vlher*,ihey may think their bachelors fortune fiof sufficieni f i r a l | th e little C h a g n s m id E n g s o f w n ich th eyn.ow have the promise” ' . /

T he tj?cnt st New York has for months w irrin ted Dr, Wi*tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry to cure, any case of Asbma, however long the dkeiw m iyh tre with atood medic'xl skill —offering, to refund'(he price paid in ease of failure. Yet not a single instance has been reported where the cure waa not complete. We will refer to a few individuals wherc the effect hat been alniost miraculoos. A. Wjlliams, .EM].,-atiorney and Counsellor, 58 Willjam sireel, cured of Asthma of 25 years standing Mr. Bradlee, Justice of the Peaces Jadiacia, Long Island, cured of same disease of 4(1 traAas standing- J. Diefcndorf, Cherry Valley, of same, 8 years etc., etc Any case.of wheezing, short ness of breath, weakness or pain in the chest or side can be cured by this Balsam—no matter how obsti­nate the disease, or how long it has resisted other rem edies. Bleeding ol the Lungs,. Coughs, Colds, aindeVen Consumption in its first stages, also readily yield to this wonderful medicine. ' L it the incredulous ex­amine into its merits. Wc want the truth to prevail. Beware of spurious mixtures and imitations.

N e w Y o r k S a t u r d a y E m p o r i u m *

The cltiaens bf Bingbaiiiton ;and vicinity are re- speetfu'iy inf >rmed that Mr. Green, the Editor and joint proprietor of this large and e egani y illustra­ted Family Newspaper, is now making a tour through the United States, and having arrived at this place, will remain at tha Phenix Hotel unitil Saturday the 14:h inst., where he wifi be happy to receive subscriptions for the same.

A complete file of the paper wil. be sent for examination upon application at the bat of the Hotel.

B i n g h a n to m , Dec. 11 th 1844.

P O S T S C R I P T .

I m p o r t a n t i r o m M e x i c o .Advices from N. Orleans of the ’27ih nit., bring

intelligence filtecn days laier from Mexico. A rup. lure had occurred bet wceri-G.*v-Shannon, our .Charge*, and the Mexican Government, and ijie minor was rife that GoV S. had demanded his passports. How- ever this may be, it is certain that Gov S. has ad­dressed a letter to tho Mexican Government, protest- ing against the proposed invasion of Texas, and especially agaimt the manner in which that invasionwas to be m a d e . To ibis ihe Mexican- M in ­is te r replied— d en vin g tlie r ig h t o f th e U . s t a t e s orany other foreign power to interfere with Ihe internalaffairs of that Government; and charges the United States, its government * and people, with falsehood, trickery, intrigue and design* of the most dishonora­ble character Gov. Shannon demanded that this very offensive note should be withdrawn, which theMexican Minister will; great warmth refused, closing with a paneg3*rieof Henry Clay (whom-he evidently supposes to have becu elected lo the Presidency,) and the U. S. Senate, and a pliillipic against Mr. Tyler’s administration.

Gen, Duff Green was at Vera Cruz: on his way to Washington with despatches Portions of Mexico were in revolt, and the power of Santa. Anna broken. He was at the head of the military and making an effort to quell the revolution, but was oheying. the orders of Gen. Canalise, •* Provisional President Jt

ii ■ in I nvn*

io inps-of John D. Smith,^in my bailiwick, T bhve levied-6n aniLshhU expose fotjsaleJCt- public auc- tioi. as the lawdijrects;, at [thevtPheniX Hotel now1 keptpnd pcctrpi'ed'by Isaac B. iGere in tbe village

HERIFF*S'SALE.—By virtue of one execution. 4 -/ iaaued out ofthe Court of don/mdn Fldas ot^ne; -county of Broome, aad to me directed and deliver- , id , against the goods and chattels lands Jtnd ^nd4, ~ ~ ■..............'■ ,.t ; ' '

rxpose fotjsale^Ct. pul s, at UhevtPhenix Ho

oceifp.ed by Isaac B. iGere in the village o f Bfnghamtuu, Connty of Broome and state oi'N;

: York>-on Saturday the 25th day -of January, in-thr-yearofOdri^d^bn'eih .asbndlot iytive, at 15 ■■‘dock in the fofenoon ol that day)ai* tbe .ighc, title, interest, c aim-and demand, of thesaidTohu D. Smith of iti and tc .he folio jving de­scribed premises, to wit; All that certainlo . piece or parcel of land si.u<*xe in be vil age. of Bingham­ton in said coumy, being the lVt on wliichthe copp­er si hop of Peter an d ’William Wentz formerly stood, on the west side of Water-street, and t h<* same pxemiisji forme- iy purchased by them o^Ehhu Ely, said lot being thiny feet square and containing nine hundred square feet of land be the samem^re or less—sec conveyance recorded in 9 r ,ome coun- *y bonk of .Deeds -on the six.h day of Septemb r, 1841,- Also, a iith tcertain jot! or-parcel'of land conveyed by Joseph Manning and wife to the said JohoH). Smith, by .deed recorded , in book of deeds number 16, pages251 arid 252, to whici) reference may be had, sifuaiein the village of Binghamton, being the house and lot lately opcupied by the said Manning, bounded on the nortb-and west by land o f the saw ’John D, Smith, on the south by James C,.Smead s jot, and on the east'by. Water-street.—Aisp a part of that certain piece or parcel of :and, si.uate in the town ol Chenango in said county, be.- ing patt-of lot number thirty one in the B ingham Patent, bounded east by lands of Lewis St John , southby t e Susquehanna river, we'si *by th- lot known as the Pai k- a m, and north by the pub it*

r *.* L a d ie s t L a d ie s ! "L iEd iH ir!' ' k

LOTS'of- New 'arid desirable G.iJods to' ̂ seen this week at Ford & CP’s.- Now oi

iughway Jeadii fr.m the bouse of Lewis St Johndirecxlv down the. Susquehanna river, the wholecontainibgab*.uf34 acres of land—the part intend­ed tj be so d is thut portion contracted orso’db^* said John D. Smith olhd President and,Directors o! theJN'ew York arid Erie R’aT Road Company for the conveneuce.andusepis‘id rdrJiinad,QOutainiiig;. two acres ol land more or jess; and the imprest o said Smith in tnese last desc'.- ibedp emises may be asxectaincu by reLience to'a lease o deed held ;by tbe offices of Christ’s Church in ihe vil age ol Binghamton.'- Also, “all ihafcertain-piece or phr- ce oi land, situate in the village oi Binghamton, on the east side ol the Chenango river, and south of the Chenango bridge, being the south part oi a cer­tain tract of.and he etof .re vonveyed by John Mc- Kmhcy to J shua Whitney, and kn .wn cn a map of said tract, (made by W m Wentz from survey of the same, 9th August,’ 1 r-27,) as lot number 3 said hbM<L3 .tiftreby jmended (1827) to be .conveyed,.is described as fo -xows, to. wi i ; bounded on the east by W aiersireet,and 1 >is n <\v (1827) owned by Wen.z and ivxanniug, on the s. uih by said Wemz and Manning lots, and a certain o tin the p.ssession ot J. C. Smead, on he west by the Ch.nango riverand o n tben rth by .a n a le y twenty links w id e le a - d in g .i 'c o m W aLrstreet to s a id river, C o n ta in in g a - bout one a c r e o f a n d more nr less—a ls o a right o f way in a n d th io u g h s a id a l ey a b o v e m e n tio n e d , is included in th is c o n v e y a n c e ,” b e in g th e same co n veyed by jo s h .u a Whitney to M a f G. Smith bydeed recorded in N o. 10, page 398-^t ge ther Witha land singu a r .heh.-redi.tamenw-- and .ippUrtenan-cesto each of the said desciibed lots respectively fce ongingor in anywise appertaining. Dated at Binghamton this l i b day of Dece.n: erin the year of our Lard" one thousand eight hundred and forty four.

38-6w JOSEPH B A RTLETT, Sheriff.1ST of Letters remaining in the Post Office at

U Binghamton, N. Y., Nov. 30,1814.D rick AdamsD Ada ros O riin B Andrew U r ie l 4 ’ A n dre tV s Enos C B rainardiVlnurii’e Burn*Lewis B is h o p 0 11Vr* Brown Udiolim* L Brown A u t ia h B e a c h E th i e l B a r n u in Philo BiitrgsH m ry C Bnvlcsft S-Tinm l Bevier Silas Baiter.Polly GasileB (J Curtis John (Jresswf'llVlinorva CasiftJ'-mjnm <;ru!».*r l?ob**ri Ca nrjuu G VV Dt-verell Joseph Deroy John S Dill Andrew D -yle J a m e s Di<*k»on Mrs E Davis A l ie n p W i i t M rs M E D a v is M.fs Eh-aner Davis 2 John E llis Almira EUs

Z eos is jy ian iv W i l l i a m G .M o r g a nM E M illei J a m e s H .M osherDyer Ma’tesonJ p M f N t l l y J u l i a n a M e l iu s B t ’nj m m O - i r a t id e r A m a n d a P a r s o n s E l i z a b e t h P a r k J a . t i e s P P i e r c e Enos Puffer Amanda Palm auer M ilto n P a i s o n M e r c y A P o w e r ‘ David C. RipleyT i m o t h y W i l e d d i n g E U o o k - ’ 'J R- mine A l i f f ' R o g e rsL Ro.<eG .-o ro e W . R o g e r s J o h n E S a m p s o n E S e h i f tS l u r b van t & J o n e s T hon iqs S k i n n e r J o s e p h S m ith J u l i a - A S h ip p e y E z r a Shellir.anJo h n Sisson C aleb N Soule H e n r y S iv e r

.Vlichael F iiz Gerald 2 Sam I VV Sherwood

issued out ofthe Supreme Court of judicature of the State of New-York, and to me directed and deliveied-, agaihst the goads and chattels, lands and tenements of DaVid Fuller, in my bailiwick, I have levied on and shall expose to sale at pubiiic auction as the law directs, at the public house now kept by S. Burghardt in the Town of Lisle andCounty of Broome and S tale of N. York-, on S atu r­day the 25.li day of Ja*>ut ry, in the year ot our Lord one bousaiul'elghl hundred and forty five, at 10 t>’c ock iu the Forenoon of that day, all the right, title, interest-, claim «*nddemand ofthe said David Fuller, of inandto thefullowmg described premises, to wit:—All that certain pieceor parcel of landy-sii- uate lyingand being m the town ->f Lisle, county of Broome and state of New York, being part of Lot No ten (10) in the first township of the Chenango Triangle, beginning at the southwest corner ofsaid lotj thence west forty > hains and fifty links to tbe southwest comer o f ‘-aid lot, thence north fift­een chiiins and ten links to a stake and stones,

thence forty chains and fifty links to the east line ol said lot to a.stake and stones; thence south fif­teen chains and' .en links to the place of be rinning,containing sixty one acres and twenty four per­ches of land— ogetner wi h all and singular the hereditaments aud appurtenances thereu -to be­longing or in any wise appertaining. Dated atBinghamton, this 11 h day ot December, in theyear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and foriy-four*

38-6w JOSEP H BA RTLETT, Sheriff.F O R S A L E .

SEVERAL House LotsyL-gib _v-situated in this village, with or without Bui ding materia ? for

sate on mng credit. . _ A. DOUBLEDA Y.Binghamton Nov. I l , 1844. 34

^ X W U T O R S ^ A L E .—By virtue oi ah Order4 j made by John ft. Dickinson', Surrogate of thecounty of Broome, the undersigned Ex. cu ors Ac..of Dii.dama "Van Ness, deceased, wilt self at pub.icauction atthe Phedix Ho e: in Binghnmton, oh tbei8th day of Jahoar - next at 9 o’c'ock A . M. the -fol- lowing dese: ibed real estate, bobg a house and lot situate oil the south side of the SUKquehnnn^tb Riv­er 'opposite the Vilage o f Binghamton, to wit—•“Al! that piece or parcel of land, Being a parcel. Of land off f otn tbe: sotuh side bf. a certain paitel, or -oi, conveyed by John A* Collier and wife to Elmer W . Brigham, by a deed dated 2d day of November 1839,reco ded the samedajr in' B >ok.of deeds- No.- 2l pa ges 601 "and 602, which saidparce is morepafticii- lafly described as lo ldWs, Viz.—Beginning at the south east corner ofsaid piece oi lahd so conveyed by said Collier iq said Bljgham.theqceivesief y :-n the south line ofthe same to. the south’iVesf corner thereof, thence northerly dh the west line 43 leet;thence easterly paraiiel with the. firs , line to the road leading trout thcSusqu^hannah Bridge south­erly, thence southerly alo»g said road 43 feet lo the Djace o f begintiing, - be the same more or less*”— DatedJJecem bef8; 1844. . "

N O TH ER new lot of Judds’ • oatenk Afqrti^e

received .stf. -v • - - . . JOctober 15,'. ■ * FO.RH # COS.

Ini GuiY*1 Hiram Graves E F Gager William Grtiydon Wesley Goodwin Richard G a 're t John GafFuey R.icbet Goodwin Wm GoucJspt ed i\l H osan E A H.lls B- nj H i'chrnck H«>tvifp Hills 2Isaac HardmorOJ-dili R HarveyH W Holmes

W m "S o tuh w o rth H o r a c e S e e ly S a m u e l Toit* n J a c k s o n T h o m p s o n 2 W m B T y l e r o r ) S i la s T y l e r \ M a r g a r e t T a y l o r C H T r e a d w e l l W m C T h o m p s o n C h a r l o f e M T e n n y A E T r i p p .XJ V a n N a m e W m W e r u z B e u l a h W e n t z Is-r-ic V W h ite . S a m u e l W e e d 2 •

William D Hotchkiss N ancy W eyantMtlo-lsbellJ o b Irelitiu l Sylvitiin.s Jud iBenjamin Jo n e j Or•Ji*seph W hile ■ Joseph Johnson G f O i y e E L-bell E G, Kauel 3A E K a telS oil I W L e o n a ra Almeiiti La evv Eliza L**w| 3 Ja m e s ' Ltyfon Laac D Lyon T .oo tiw s LuudonSarah Liiley J o s e p h Luifc D i vid Me 1 nivre

J o s j - p h

Da* idW h ite W a y '

Joel W eliOll ’JoTia • VVolsey G eorffe N W eek s C h a r j e s W h i t n e yC h lo e W i l l c o x o r E l i E ihveljF J W heeler *• - VVatkinS &, StokerF r e e lo v e J u u e W ater­

man VW i n J W . i s h t Joseph W h ip p le . C h lo p W i l i r o xJ a n ci te E W i I Ison J o h n E . W e m z E s t h e r W h i t n e y 2

Persons calling for a rt| or the above letters willplease say advertised. ROBINSON, P .M .

largeAjqf of Silks, Alpacas, Cashmeres, AffghanSatins and Crapes, Calicoes, shawls, cravats,gtovesjandrbosierv^Ril n e y — ^er'p ricesday a continued addition of New and novtil- goods.at thi*yst|J»li5liinfiit, a#£alw aysjM aper than thec h e a p e s t, - - o ^ e m e n ^ v ^ t i ^ s t i & f e . ^

O ct.-29,1844. R. A. FO R D & CO.T7" S H A w is t 'S H A W L S ! ! , .

FORD' & C(5. liltV^ ju s t r e c e iv e d : 'a ;fe w ^C o rd s o f sh k tv is o f every d e s c r ip t io n , f ro m '.the n i ­

c e s t ld-4 BroCha to th e 'cheapest* Rob T to v ,* am o n g w h ic h a r e m a n y n e w s ty le s . T h e y w i l l be , so ld at th e r i g h t ’k in d o f p r ic e s . ’ ' " '•O cj?29,1844. _ : -

LO TH S, CASSIM ERS— II yoa w ant to see a big lot of cloths, at the lowest kind'of pri

ces ; just dr >p in at 'Ford. & Co’s, Just leceiyed sonte.-ne.w.Siylesof l and 6-4 Fancy Cassimei very desirable goods and very cheap; - .. Oct. 29. - , / , . - -1 1 OUSE KEFPING A RTICLES—11-4 and 12- I I 4 French O ui'ts, 5-4.and l6-4: iiheusheetings —bleached and Brown do. of all widths an’d-quali-lie s .; d a m a s k a n d b row n l in e n T a b l e c l o th s , a l l s i-zqs;. linen napkins and tou els, Scotch and Russiad ia p e is , c r a s h & c ., s e l l in g v e r v c h e a p -a t * .-_O ct. 2 9 . ___ •_ ' A: FOR D & CO’S.

MORE BARGAINS —t L way R. A . Ford & Co. are selling Teas, 'Coffee! Sugar; Molas­

ses and all other Groceries, cant be beat.- Give them a call i f you wish to get great bargains*

Oct. 29. - - . • _ ■ , ^

‘E v e r y d a y b r i n g s s o m e t h i n g n e w . ’

WH A T a full illustration of this dfd proverb can be seen, b : calling ai Ford & Co’s -Old

Cash Siore,.:yhetie ihevate dai!^,receiying a ll the noveliiesoi th.es,easonrin the way of rich and.cheap goods. They have‘jiSst’returned ffotn New Yotk, and are n w opening decidedly the largest, richest and cheapest stqck of goods ever brought into Binghamton) which' they are prepared to offer andaie determined to sell CH EA PER FO R CASH,• han any other store in Broome county, without any mistake. This is no huuibag—just call and examine for. yourselves.

Oct. 29, 1844.__________ " ;

B o o k b i n d i n g ; -

THE subscriber is now at home, and prepared to execute all jobs entrusted .to. h is.care, Rebin­

ding done at short notice, and in the best stv:es.G. W . DEVERELL.

Binghamton Nov. 18,1844. .HEESE.-^500 lbs, Superior H erkim er county Cheese for sale bv D. M cA R TH U R .C

C A S H G R O C E R Y .

TH E inhabitants of Binghamton and its vicinity are respectfully invited to call at the CA SH

GROCERY establishment, one door w es t o f theP o s t O ffiee . w h e r e m a y bs fo u n d -a g e n e r a l a s s o r t­m ent o f G roceries, W in es and L iquors, a t pricesw o rth y o f x h e ir a t te n t io n .

iP r TA V ERN KEEPERS can be supplied with stock for their Bars at prices which cannot, fail to suit. ' - ' ; .

' > . E. & O. FIELD .Binghamton-, 26th October,-1844.

JU ST received at tha cash Grocery one door west of the Post office, 10 Bbls. Cranberries, and for

s a l e c h e a p . E. -& O . F I E L D .

L O S T ~ ^

ON Friday the 25th of October, Somewhere be­tween B in g h a m to n and B. T . M i l l e r ’s tavern

in Conk in, a b'X coat made of b ack homemade c'oth. Said coat was considerab 'y 'voru, and hada pair ol w h ite ya- n m it te n s in the p o c k e t . T h e fin­der will confar a favor by eavi g it at M i” e ’s or at ihis office, or notifying the subscriber wh re he he nm yfi.idit . JE H IE L W OODRUEF.

W indsor Nov. 6,1844. ■ 33w3

H A T S * C A P S A x \ D F U R S .

F A L L F A S B I O N S F O R 1844.

Look at T h is!Dr . JO N A T H AN T . K IT T R A G E ’S valuable

E A R OINTMENT-, which is an infa liMe ahd immediate.cure for the ear ache, and for sores gathering in the head. One application wi Tea e the ear ache, and a lew applications in the courseo f a f .w weeks, W ill' eflect a perrnataehr cnr?»ofsorts, gatheribg in the head. It w illjirevent De.af-ness, it Used' in-season, and is an immediate cure forhumors in cu ts/ bhrns and hog bites, quelling thef e v e r :an.d humors and causing it to run a n d heal,and shin sores whi.db so ne are troubled., ith for many years^ af-dare beyond the reach o f the t4till of Doctors to ciire, may Be curect by one. hr two applications. I t cures the ear ache and sores in the hea '-i without causing ally pain. Price 25 cents..

f j r F o r sale a t this Office, also by Hagamhn & E irdsall, Chehafiso Forks, and.Canfield & S;eele,Union. * ' . ̂ , . . . • *»” *

EDEM^TION OF LANDS SOLD FOR TAXESr-State of New-York, Comptroller's

Office—Notice is b^reby given, pursuarit tb section.: 76 of title 3, article 3 of chapter i3 of the first part of the Revised Siatutcs, that unless the lands .sold for .takes at the general ta i sale, held H .the iPapi tol in the city .of Albiny in the month of June 1843, shallbe redeemed, by the payment into the .Treas^. uryoiThe State/on oirberpre the.30ib ,cUii of Jane next after )he date herepf. of the anfodat foh whjch e|ich.paT<;ei;of thc said lands whs Sold, and fhe in-.' tfte j Ibfitfion atlhe teix per ff^triiftperan^ num, frpm,the)date bf the sale to 'the dite bf ihC' payment—the lands so sfid ahd 'rertfaiBing ifnre­deemed wi'J beconve yedtathe purchaaers thgneoi) Dated Albany,19th Novediher ld4J' r--- "»*"*?..

A . C. FLA G H t .Comptroller, i

MER R ILL & ROOT, Will,furnish their .custo­mers a superior article of Nutria, Brush, Silk

an F u r H ats of their own manufacturing at 1 ss prices, than can be purchased at any other Store inBroome County, ’

C A P S .— Dtte-'r, S e a l , M u s k r a t a n d F i t c b - t r im -raed Clo:liC{ipsol new.andfashionable style. SilkV e lv e t M o h a i r , C lo h , V e lv e te en -, G la z e d , S i l e lfind H air Sea! Caps in great variety. Otter, Seal, Nutria, M uskrat, Fur Caps, very cheap. •

M bffs-, B o a s , N e c k lies-, Conv S k in s , w h ite - lin ing^ &c. &c of most all kinds and qualities, atex- trao-binary low prices. Buffalo Robes o fa ll qual­ities, Wool, Tarpolin H ats; Buckskin mittens; A lc o h o l and Shellac, and all articles in 6ur line of business.

N ,B . Our Goods have all been purchased for Cash and will be sold for ‘ the Ready,” cheaper than elsewhere. Cash and the highest price paid for all kiDds of Shipping Furs and Sheep pelts.

O ’Our Store, is at presem in E. H Prince’s T a i­lor Shop, one door west of C. Eldredge’s Store, south s id e of C o u r t s tr e e t , b u t w e s h a ll remove toour old Stand (lately destroyed by fire) as sdon as the new buildingis completed-.

M ERRILL & ROOT. Binghamton, Oct-. 24, 1844-. .



MR S . D A V I S ,NO. 7 BIN G H A M TO N P L A C E ;

HA S just returned Irom New-York with a large and elegant assdrtmeUf o f Milli.-bry and F a n ­

cy Goods, which she offers to her customers, for cash, a t prices to nit the times.- H er w inter H ats and trimmings are o f splendid material and fash ion-, and cannot fail to s u i t . , H e r assoftthent of Leghorn's is large-. H e r ribbons, velvets and silks rich and fashionable—and her Cashm ere and Bio- cha Shawls, surpassingly b. antiful.. In addiiion she offers a large assortment of F u r Muffs and Col­lars, a t low prices. *

T o" L e g h o r n s a n d s t r a w s , c le a n s e d a r id d r e s s e d in the neafest manner, and all kinds of M il l in e r y work done in the most tasty aqd fashionable style.

B in g h a m to n , O c t. ifi,. 1844. . 3 0 - tf .

Pa l M l e a f ~ h a t s “ b / ••nets &• Parasolk.a good ass.-rtmentat S. A . N E W T O N & Co.

June 6.h I84T. -3'

SH O E S A N D B O O T S .—500 pairs Shoes an d •slippers, comprising a good assortment, fdrsale ®i H A L L ’.S

l> G X TI S T B Y. ~De n t i s t r y . T h e s u b s c r ib e r c o n t in u e s to

perfo rm e v e ry opera t ion u p o n -h e teeth acco r-’d iu 'g to t h e m o s t m o d e rn a n d im p ro v e d ' p r in c ip le s- ofthe a it . 'T h o se w h o a re desiroust of repleting ihc vacancies caused b v the loss of their origiuaf teeth afe respecJnlly invited to cftlh Te'riris reasonable. Office direcrty ‘'VCf Mr. Sawddrs C rockpj y store Door opposite the entrance into ihe W as! • gtonfan

. .. J . C . ROBIE.N . B. Demists supplied With -full se^s o f instru ­

ments. Turnkeys and* other surgical'Instruments kept constantly on hatid and for sale. J . C.’ K.

NE W fall Gqods a large stock. pTices iow'at’S. H . P H A L L ’S.

Sept. 12 18431J O H N ”H 7 l 4 ! l > ' A H K . ~


Offire one door horth o f tlie Iris Office,' . \_ Franklin st., Binghamton, N. Y:-T H E P S A L M I S T , a n ew ' c o l ie c :io n o f -H y m n s

.fo r the ase of Baptist Ghurchies,.by Baronw a n d S . F . S m ith , f o r s a le a t t h i s o ffice .

Oct. 23 ,1844 . _ / ;

A l a r g e stqck of’ Broadcloths and Satinetts, very e h e a p 'a t ' ' !

Oct: 16,1844. ; q S. H . P. H A L L S .G A L T . D, Mb A rthu r has ju s t -received: a "boat

load o fS a i td ire cp Trom Syracusci which, he, w illsell at the-nianufactttrers priees adding trans,’ poriation. t .

IRON) steel, tk hails,' atfe .M /

BRHSHES.—A general , assortment? of- Fain!, VarptsE; 5crpbat« W hirt Wash Bmsfiejf.

- . £ . c . T & iV B jp T s . 'GOKING-GLASSES and CROCKERY./-A Large assortmmtseliing qlieap at ^ /, .y

■ - >)T 5 ‘

‘tj ''.- ' ..V tiH-'a- Xfc-3# ̂II/ v . - ' ' v i "

' j i / T a t g h e s i / 1 - k )

sold ehqap^v ' 1 ; R O B T . C. TRIVEJTT.

—r —




SO LIC ITS attention to his stock of goodsrecent- ly received, and for sale on terms that can not

be eqfialed by any otber C s ta b lish m e .it .

Drugs and Medicines,of stiperior quality andobtained froUlsucfi a source as w ill enable Physicians and others, to, procure their supplies much below tht- usual rates.

P A IN T S —Pure Extra No. 1 and No. 2 W hite Lead, Red Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Frerich Yellow.-Chrome and Emerald Green, Ver- deg ise, Prussian Bibe, Vermillion, Lampblack, W hi'ing, Patty, &e. S c . "

OILB.—Linseed; sperm; lard, whale, olive, &c.,a l l w a r ra n te d p u r e .

W IN D O W GLASS.—Assorted sizes and vari­o u s ' q u a l i t ie s .

DYE S T U F f S .— Indigo) Madder, Cochineal, Logwood, Camwood, Nic Wood; Fustic, Blue Vit­riol, Acids, Alium, Copperas, &c. &c.

AH persons in want of any ol the above named articles are respectfully requested to call and con­vince themselves as to quality a fid price.

Binghamton, October, 1844-Cheap Read j Made Clothing,

T U ST ! received a large assortment o f Readymade Clothing, at

N O L A N D ’S .

V A L U A B L E M E D IC IN E S ,F or S ale at this Office*

BR A N D RETH ’S PIL L S, and the only place Wheye the purchaser can rely on finding the

GENUINE,Bishop’s. Pills,Goodman’s Pi:Is,Miles Tomato Pills;Jew David’s or H brew Plaster-,

. Long-ey’s G reat W e tern Indian Panacea; Roof’s Ringbpne Cure,R oof's Founder Ointment,Kitti age’s Ear Ointment.

to your Insurance.S H . P . H A L L , a s A g e n t o f th e H a r t f o r d In s u -

« ranee Com pany, w ill insure property a t ihelo w est, r a t e s L g a in s t lo s s c r d a m a g e by f ire .

Nov* 25,1844. ____________ _ ^ 3 6 -tf .N E W G O O D S ! N E W G O O D S !!f f lH E subscriber begs leave to ihform the inhabi- X tants of Biftghamtuh. and its vicinity, that he

has t ken the store recently o'cfefipied by Horace Hills, opposite tbe Binghamton Hotel, and is nowo p e n in g a g e n e r a l a s s o r tm e n t o f c h o ic e

F a m i l y Groceries. TV I Goods, C rockery .and G la ss . W a r ^

selected with g* eat care iu the city of New York,c o n s is t in g in p a r t o f H y s o n , Y o tln g H y s o n , H y s o nSkin, Imperial and Souch -ng T E A S; St. Croix, P o rtc j R i c o , and C a r o l in a M O L A S S E S " ; B astarr-o , P o r to - R ic o . L o a f ,-L u m p , C r u s h e d a n d P o w d e re d SUGARS- Jt.va, Rio, Lagltira, and St* Domin­go C O F F E E ; No. I , and Swee' Chocolate, Cocoa, R a is in s , C u r r a n ts , C a s s ia ,P e p p e r , P iin e r i to , C lo v e s Nutmegs; indigo, Rice, ’1 obacco, Spanish Segars,M u s ta r d , P la in , a n d F a n c y S o a p s , P o w d e r a n dShot, Lead, Sperm, W hale and Olive Oils. Mack­e r e l . H e r r i n g s , S h a d , 'a n d o tW r 'a 'r t ic le s to o n u m e r ­o u s to m e n tio n . All o f w h ic h will b e so ld at p r ic e sa? low as at any other Store in Broome county.— F o r e a s h or its equivalent in country Produce.

Please t aM and exam ine.C H A R L E S B O U R N E .

B ingham ton: % p t 3 0 ,1 8 4 1A T B O U R N E ’S,

JU ST r e c e iv e d , 50 b b ls . S y ra c u se Salt, a n d 3500 /bs. Codfish, for sale low.

Sept. 3 0 ,1844._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ______

FLOUR. Superfine Flour constantly On hai.d and for sale W ' U .M . STO W ERS.

June 3d 1844.NOTICE.

S C A R Y & CO. have just returned froni New • York and are this day opening a choice and

well select d tot of goods for the F a |l trade, consis­ting'of Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Groce­ries, Boots ahd Slid s, &'c. all which wil] be sold as low for 'cash as cafi be afforded, or low as the lowest.—Sept. 3, 1844.

Messrs* S. CARY & CO , would call the at­tention of those indebted to them, that ir is abso­lutely necessary for them to Mend to their accounts without delay, and those that calculate to pay in grain to do so immediately;


HOUSE) Sign and Carriage Paint els. GlaZihg, Graihing, Gilding, Paper Hanging, &c* &C.,

wijl be-done up with neatness and despatch.., Shop east side of the Canal, in rear ofLeRoy Store. Binghamton, Dec. 25, 1843.

” N E VV G O O D S .T H E L A R G E S T A N D M O S T "

Ijft X TEN SIV E stop If of Dry Goods and Groceries j in Broome County will be found at Halls, they

are selling at such uncommon low prices, as to in­duce all to purchase at this store you will find near­ly every articleUsiially wanted by a family; Com- prisingone of the most extensive' assortment to be found. I f you want goodsbs sure to call at

Binghamton Oct-.8ih ’44 "S. H . P. H A LLS.


ST O P ! i STOP'S!! at H all’s, Head an a rte rs forFashionable and cheap Dry Goods-^such un­

common cheap rates cannot be lbund in Bingham­ton. No mistake in this, eall and see,

Oct. 8th, 1844._______' ;IN T E R SPE R M O IL—A superior quality

of this article now lor sale byRO BT.C . TR1VETT.

CLOCKS! CIjQCKS!! •CLOCKS!!lA v e r y siiperior article (.^brars andwobd clocks,

now onefed at A. B. Rogers’ Hat, Cap andFur store, at prices lower than they were ever of- te 'ed in this section of the’State. Call and sa .isfy vour elves. A. B. ROGERS.

RIC H SIL K S—The most splendid assortment • of Silks, evier offered in this market, have just

been received at the old cash ^tore —Rich stripedand plaid Chameleon, Satin striped poUlt-de’Soi’s,Satin striped Helleneens, rept satins, Rich Ombre Satins, a splendid article, with' every description of bla’ck/blufe black; and col’d silks, selling very cheap at . /

Ofet. 29; 1844, FORD & C O ’S.rH EA P'L AMP O IL—̂ Only oiic dollar per gal­

lon for a first rate aiticle.L"_ " r o b T . c , t r i v e t t .

Watch Repairing, jeivelry, &c.T H E SUBSCRIBER H A S JU S T

RECEIVED a lot »f Black & W hite Bueies Gilt ahd steel Beeds, £ il ver Pencils, Silver thimbles

Guards, Pens, Violin String.s, Speetacles &c; &c. He also M ANUFACTURES and'teepsbn band

Silver Table, Desert, TFa,' Cream, Mustard, and Sail Spoons, Sugar ' ofigs . all of whieh are war-famed of sterfmg Silfep, ̂ |s p 0 K S * 'WATCHES •af every description R e ^ i iw find ’warrcntcd at theshortest notice by ' ' '■

: - ; -;/dS:-LERED-'J/.EVANS*' 'B lngham fenSep,l6t»(4. - "• - ;

Small P*pflt» for Caih* " ; ' ,T ^ O M E S T ic ^ b e e tin ^ ; shlftings, Vofig cloths, JL / ticking, cottfm ykfh ' and carpCt .warp, a t less prices than any otber storic 16 this 'village. These goods are j nst purchased w oash a't gre.at reduction from form er prices, and'ire shall sell them at su 'h prices as cannotfeil to tempt th e most economical and prudent to lay in Vbeir winterjm pply.. . „

i- i ; » f ^ E D & C O .• \ \ ■ FIND H A LL’S STC5RE) / /

C :

C L O C R S , W A T C f l E S. A N D J E W E L R T . -'P H E s u b s c r ib s r in te n d in g to m a k e , i t h i s p e r m a - J|. tiehf location. aniiQunces to the residents of

B in g h a m to n a n d p a r t s ad jacen t,- th a t h e i s re a d y , a tall times to exercise lire skill in correcting the dis­o r d e r ly h a b i ts o f. e v e r j- v a r ie ty d f t im e p ie c e s , f r 6mthe Yankee Clock to the Chronometer, and w ithhisp r a c t i c a l m a g ic m a k e th e m

. s'‘P o in t w ith u n err in g fin g er id the rridreU o f tim e.”

W ith lus knowledge of the recent improvements in t! e ari of Clock and W atch making and repair­ing, he feels confidence in giving those who m a y extend to .him their patronage, the assurance that he can give entire satisfactionr

He beep ̂ constantly and is receiving. by month­ly expresses direct from the im porter and m anu­facturer the latest and most, approved styles ofA - mer can and Parisian JEW ELRY, not excelled in beauty of design, brilliancy of finish in western New Y ork—whicli *ogefber with an assortment o f

F A N C Y A R T I C L E S , selected with the design of suiting the taste .of his patrons. H e also keeps Silver Spoons and Spec­tacles;, Brass, Wood ahd German Clocks, all of ■which will be sold chea^ for easliof exchanged for proauce. ~ • * .

f j r O L D G O L D a n d S I L V E R ta k e n i n ex> charge for goods or cash.

R I C H A R D S Q U I R E S . Oct. 29, 1844* [32] '

O . IV. H O T C H K IS S ,LAW . O F F IC E ,

ORNER-oi Court and F ran k lin streets over Rexford's store.B IN G H A M T O N , B R O O M E C O . N . Y. D ~ S T & J . R . D I C K I N S O N .


will he lound at H all’s . . ftdpaccas, Broadc’otbs, Domestic Goods, Print*, witli a5 greht 'varlejy of

’ other goods,/ie]ling ehm ^r.tfiap the clrapest at h Nov. 25, 1844. * »• - * i B /h .P . HALL’S.




W . S . G R I S W O L D , M . » .HAS located in UNION, Broome County for

the purpose of -practicing Medicine and' Sur- gery. H aving received his degree from one of the Institutions in Philadelphia, and also having had the advanta?e of the practice of a large Hospital, he lecls confidence in offering his professional ser­vices to the public*

foP Office at G. W . M ersereau’s, Union Cor-» ners. M arcli 20,1844* vol 5 no 52.

D O C T . S. D . H A N D ,

H AS removed his residence lo Collier street, di-* reetly east front Evans Basin—the house for­

merly owned by R. S. Close.Dr. H . will, as usual, give prompt attention to

all who may need his services in the practice ol Medicine, S u r g e r y and D e n tis try * .Binghamton, July 3,1839*____________14:ly

H . M . & J . E C O L L I E B ,A T T O R N E Y S A T L A W ,


At the Office o f John A. Collier.

P. B. BROOKS, P H Y S I C I A N a n d s u r g e o N .OULD respectfully give notice that lid will as heretofore attendto all calls in the line ot

his profession.& Office at his residence on the west side of the

Chenango, on F ro n t S treet. __ __ __ _B M H A I T O N H O T E L ,

BYW I L L I A M h . m u z z y ,

(H EA R T H E BRIDGE,)i b o a o a t A s a a i s E i a , s ,



OFFIC E cn corner ol Court and Franklin street,one door west of Rexford’s, Binghamton, N.


J O S I .P H B O U G H T O N ,A T T O R 1S E Y A N D C O U N S E L L O R A T L A W ,


O F F IC E I'U the Phenix Buildings,directly ov-ei ne^osto ff ice , c o u r t Street, Bingliamion, 14. Yt

NOVEMBER, 151843.

P H E N I X H O T E L .O i ) ^ / r \ © [ B n © I d

B I N G H A M T O N , N. Y. Juh'e 20, 1844.

WILLIAM M. ELY,W holesa le and R etail f ie a le r in B ritish , F re n ch ar.Vi

Am ericanD R Y G O O D S , G R O C E R I E S , I R O N

A N D N A I L S ,tfo rth W e s t C o rn er C o u rt and W asliin j'ton sts-.;

B in g h a m to n .


—A. B . Rogers; would respect­fully s.iy to his friends and the public

_ _ - generally, that he has received mostof his Fall and W infer stock of goods, 'consisting in pait of the foil owing articles ? every description of Fu r trim med cloth Caps'; Otters Seal and Musk­rat Caps tiair, seal and sellet mens’ ahd boys piain and fancy Caps: Also, a beautiful "assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ genuine

L Y N X M U F F S ,Ladies’ Neck-ties and F ur trimmings Of every description—in short, any thing the ladies may call lor in this line. Also, a first rate assortment of B U FF ALO ROBES, of superior quality, and se­lected with great care. Likewise a full, supply of

H A T S ,ot the best quality, and the latest Fall Patterns, warranted to be highly superior to eastern box, or “ wooden nutmeg” hats, for quality ahd durability„as any one .will observe by exam ination.

Persons w ishing to purchase any of the abovementioned articles; will do ivell to call before pur­chasing elsewhere, as all of them will be sold ex­tremely loiv for cash or ready pay.

N. B. W hen you come, fetch along your S H E E P P E L T S and C O 0 N S K IN S ,

arid ev'ery. description of shipping Furs, as they will be taken in exchange for "goods, and sometimesfor cash'.

You.1 ‘Will find US flt tlicold. sland, one doo*!- westf w TrJ v " tl,s D ruo S 'dre , and n e a r ly oppositeL. M. Rextord’s, Court st. Binghamton.

^ A* B ROGERS.' B in g h am to n , O ct. 15,1844.

Mo r t g a g e s a l e . — M ^ g o r W iiiI7dB o w k e r Jr., M o r tg a g e s K.obert R i l e y ; As­

signee of mortgage James M. C a ffe r ty . D e s c r ip ­tion oi mortgaged premises, “ All fiat certain pieceof land situate in Uni'oh,parcel of Hooper’s Patentahd Known as lot flumber th irteen (13) Poor’s loea- rv°n,o*0 Mortgage dated 8tli February At

j QdnditiQned to pay one hundred andsoyen- ty do Iars). recorded in Broome eotmty. book oi mortgages number 10 pages 429 and 430, Feb. 9, 1843 ar,4 P. M . _ Amount- claimed to be due5 at the date of.this notice in deiault of" certain payments _ herein mentioned, $42 88; amount fo become due hereafter,- $ 1 10 with interest. Said mortgaged premises' w ill be sold by v irtu e of q power o f sale contained in said mortgage, at public auction tothe highest bidder, at the house of George W . Merse-reau in Union, on Friday the 28th.day of Februarynext at 1 o’clock P. M .-^D ated Dee. 4,1844

37 JAM ES.M - C A FFE R T Y , Assignee.

M O R E D O I N C i S A T F O R D S L!r r i H E -c ost sp lend id a ssor tm ent of N e w Goods e -I. e r b ro u g h t in to B fo o m e C o u n ty a re n o w opei i n g a t th e “ O L D G A S H S T O R E ,” a m o n g y-H(

a r e a l t th e n f iw .s fy ies th a t the N . Y. m a rk e t afford S n le n d id ' P a r i s C a s h m e re d ’Ecosse, P r in ted a r R e p t C ash m eres , R ic h C h am el io n A fig han s ,en t ir ly n e w s ty le s ^ e h a m e l io n F ig u re d and striped B ya r ian s , O r le a n s L usie rs , A ifghan C rapes a n d sa ins , a l l n e w 4 indrich goods. A lso - P la in F ig u re a n d p r in ted Alpaccas.— P la in a n d P fin ted , D eL a i i — R i c h c o le r s —w iih a l l the n e w styles f o r w in £• dresses-. G ing ham s, a n d P r in ts—a n e n d le s s v a r ity and all new patterns, with a very big stock 1Domestic: G oods o fa l l k in d s yrhich,we sha l l se l l G R E A T B A R G A I N S , p a r t i c u la r atten&iou is ca Zed to olir ve rv e x tens iv e a sso r tm en t a f '

C L O T H S * C A S S I M E R S A N D V E S T I N G SWhichWe are selling at unpreced^ted[Ife.yf Tl'ric< W e shall conlintie to'receive weelft)Kall the noli ties o f the season in tbe w a y oi* F a n c y Goods, ai Customers can always depend. Finding us wi a ll the new an d rich styles atthe lowest kind of pr ces. Remember that the “ R E A D Y ’.’ • always bnj goods cheap o f F O R D & C O .'

■Oct. 9tb, 1844. . , . •, , ,