dsp laboratory assignment # 1 -...

DSP LABORATORY 1 DSP Laboratory Experiment # 1 Introduction to MATLAB Goals for this Lab Assignment: In this lab we would have an introduction to MATLAB and get started with working in its wonderfully simple environment. This lab, as a matter of fact, would lay the foundation for our next labs. In the following paragraphs, you are provided with a tutorial on MATLAB. In addition, we’ll go over a detailed introduction to MATLAB in our first discussion session. This would enable you to do simple but useful things in MATLAB. Prelab 1. You are basically responsible for learning Matlab language on your own. So read this Experiment carefully and try to do an example of your own for each part on Matlab. 2. Solve all the exercises in this Experiment. If an exercise asks you to do an M-file, place a comment at the top of your M-file, Lab1exr#, where # refers to the exercise number. Lab Workspace Browser The MATLAB workspace consists of the set of variables (named arrays) built up during a MATLAB session and stored in memory. You add variables to the workspace by using functions, running M- files, and loading saved workspaces. To view the workspace and information about each variable, use the Workspace browser, or use the functions who and whos. Double Click

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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 1

Introduction to MATLAB

Goals for this Lab Assignment: In this lab we would have an introduction to MATLAB and get started with working in its wonderfully simple environment. This lab, as a matter of fact, would lay the foundation for our next labs. In the following paragraphs, you are provided with a tutorial on MATLAB. In addition, we’ll go over a detailed introduction to MATLAB in our first discussion session. This would enable you to do simple but useful things in MATLAB.


1. You are basically responsible for learning Matlab language on your own. So read this Experiment carefully and try to do an example of your own for each part on Matlab.

2. Solve all the exercises in this Experiment. If an exercise asks you to do an M-file, place a comment at the top of your M-file, Lab1exr#, where # refers to the exercise number.

Lab Workspace Browser The MATLAB workspace consists of the set of variables (named arrays) built up during a MATLAB session and stored in memory. You add variables to the workspace by using functions, running M-files, and loading saved workspaces. To view the workspace and information about each variable, use the Workspace browser, or use the functions who and whos.

Double Click

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To delete variables from the workspace, select the variable and select Delete from the Edit menu. Alternatively, use the clear function. The workspace is not maintained after you end the MATLAB session. To save the workspace to a file that can be read during a later MATLAB session, select Save Workspace As from the File menu, or use the save function. This saves the workspace to a binary file called a MAT-file, which has a .mat extension. There are options for saving to different formats. To read in a MAT-file, select Import Data from the File menu, or use the load function. You will use this function to load a wave signal later in this lab.

Array Editor Double-click a variable in the Workspace browser to see it in the Array Editor. Use the Array Editor to view and edit a visual representation of one- or two-dimensional numeric arrays, strings, and cell arrays of strings that are in the workspace.

Search Path MATLAB uses a search path to find M-files and other MATLAB-related files, which are organized in directories on your file system. Any file you want to run in MATLAB must reside in the current directory or in a directory that is on the search path. Add the directories containing files you create to the MATLAB search path. By default, the files supplied with MATLAB and MathWorks toolboxes are included in the search path. To see which directories are on the search path or to change the search path, select Set Path from the File menu in the desktop, and use the Set Path dialog box.

1. Inside the Work folder, make a new folder and give it the name dsp.

2. Select the set path from the file menu, and use the add folder option to reassign the path to this folder (dsp).

3. From this moment, any file you will be asked to do in this course will be saved in this path. DO NOT FORGET THIS!!!!!


Change values of array elements Change the display format

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Definition of Matrices MATLAB is based on matrix and vector algebra; even scalars are treated as 1x1 matrices. Therefore, vector and matrix operations are as simple as common "calculator operations".

Vectors can be defined in two ways. The first method is used for arbitrary elements:

v = [1 3 5 7]; %creates a 1x4 vector with elements 1, 3, 5 and 7.

Note that commas could have been used in place of spaces to separate the elements. Additional elements can be added to the vector:

v(5) = 8;

Matrices are defined by entering the elements row by row:

M = [1 2 4; 3 6 8];

1 2 4

3 6 8

There are a number of special matrices that can be defined:

null matrix: M = [ ];

nxm matrix of zeros: M = zeros(n,m);

nxm matrix of ones: M = ones(n,m);

nxn identity matrix: M = eye(n);

Uniformly distributed random elements M = rand(n,m);

Normally distributed random elements M=randn(n,m);

A particular element of a matrix can be assigned:

» M(1,2) = 5; % places the number 5 in the first row, second column.

Here are some examples.

» Z = zeros(2,4)

Z =

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0

» N = fix(10*rand(1,10))

N =

4 9 4 4 8 5 2 6 8 0

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» R = randn(4,4)

R =

1.0668 0.2944 -0.6918 -1.4410

0.0593 -1.3362 0.8580 0.5711

-0.0956 0.7143 1.2540 -0.3999

-0.8323 1.6236 -1.5937 0.6900

The Colon Operator The colon, : , is one of the most important MATLAB operators. It occurs in several different forms.

The expression 1:10 is a row vector containing the integers from 1 to 10, i.e. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

To obtain non-unit spacing, specify an increment. For example,

» 100:-7:50 % a row vector containing the integers 100 93 86 79 72 65 58 51

Subscript expressions involving colons refer to portions of a matrix.

» A(1:k,j) % the first k elements of the jth column of A. So

» sum(A(1:4,4)) %computes the sum of the fourth column.

But there is a better way. The colon by itself refers to all the elements in a row or column of a matrix and the keyword end refers to the last row or column. So

» sum(A(:,end)) %computes the sum of the elements in the last column of A.

1. Generate a matrix of size 4x4 of normally distributed random numbers.

2. Change the value of the 3rd column to [6 9 2 5].

3. Delete the 2nd row.

Dimension Functions Dimensioning is automatic in MATLAB. You can find the dimensions of an existing matrix with the size. Also the command length(x) returns the length of the vector x

>> X=[1 2 3;6 7 8]

>> [m,n] = size(X) % returns the size of matrix X in separate variables m and n.

>> x = ones(1,8);

>> n = length(x) % will assign the value 8 to n


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Concatenation: Concatenation is the process of joining small matrices to make bigger ones. In fact, you made your first matrix by concatenating its individual elements. The pair of square brackets, [ ], is the concatenation operator. To do so horizontally, we separate the arrays with spaces or commas:

>> [ones(2,3), zeros(2,3)]

To do so vertically, we separate the arrays with a semicolon:

>> [ones(2,3); zeros(2,3)]

1. Start with the 4-by-4 square, A.

2. Then form B = [A A+32; A+48 A+16]

3. What’s the size of B?

Define the following discrete time signal













nx p


Scripts and Functions MATLAB is a powerful programming language as well as an interactive computational environment. Files that contain code in the MATLAB language are called M-files. You create M-files using a text editor, and then use them as you would use any other MATLAB function or command.

There are two kinds of M-files:

• Scripts, which do not accept input arguments or return output arguments. They operate on data in the workspace.

• Functions, which can accept input arguments and return output arguments. Internal variables are local to the function.

Scripts When you invoke a script, MATLAB simply executes the commands found in the file. Scripts can operate on existing data in the workspace, or they can create new data on which to operate. Although scripts do not return output arguments, any variables that they create remain in the workspace, to be used in subsequent computations. In addition, scripts can produce graphical output using functions like plot.

For example, create a file called modify.m that contains these MATLAB commands.



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r = rand(1,10)



» modify

causes MATLAB to execute the commands, change the value of the odd indexed elements of vector r to zero, and assign the result to y . After execution of the file is complete, the variables y and r remain in the workspace.

Functions Functions are M-files that can accept input arguments and return output arguments. The name of the M-file and of the function should be the same. Functions operate on variables within their own workspace, separate from the workspace you access at the MATLAB command prompt.

Global Variables If you want more than one function to share a single copy of a variable, simply declare the variable as global in all the functions. Do the same thing at the command line if you want the base workspace to access the variable. The global declaration must occur before the variable is actually used in a function. Although it is not required, using capital letters for the names of global variables helps distinguish them from other variables. For example, create an M-file called falling.m.

function h = falling(t)

global GRAVITY

h = 1/2*GRAVITY*t.^2;

Then interactively enter the statements in MATLAB command window

» global GRAVITY

» GRAVITY = 32;

» y = falling((0:0.1:5)');

The two global statements make the value assigned to GRAVITY at the command prompt available inside the function. You can then modify GRAVITY interactively and obtain new solutions without editing any files.

It is worth mentioned that when a function returns multiple parameters, we use square brackets to retrieve them:

>> [max_value, index] = max([4.3, 2.9, 8.6, 6.3, 1.0])

Otherwise, only one parameter is returned

Structures and cells Matlab has a number of other data types which we will use. Structures in Matlab are just like structures in C. They are basically containers that allow one to group together more than one type of data under the umbrella of one variable name. The form of a structure is variableName.field. For example:

» x.data = [1 2 3 4 5];

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» x.offset = -1;

» x

x =

data: [1 2 3 4]

offset: -1

We have declared a variable x, with two fields. The data field contains an array; the offset field contains another number. Structures of this type can be useful for us in expressing sequences in Matlab. Matlab always assumes that the index of the first element of an array is 1. So, when we just say

» x = [1 2 3 4 5];

This means that x[1]=1, x[2]=2, and so on. But, what if we want to express a sequence x[-1] =1 , x[0]=2, ...? We obviously need to provide the user with some additional information in addition to the array data, namely an offset. An offset of -1 tells the user that "we want you to interpret the first point in the Matlab array as corresponding to x[-1] . We can use structures for this purpose.

For example let us define a shift function. This function takes the data x and original offset of the vector, w and the amount of the required shift z and outputs the new shifted vector with the new index.

function y=shift(x,w,z)






Define a new function in MATLAB named as flip. This function flips a Matlab sequence structure, x (containing data and offset). Use this function to flip the shifted sequence results from the previous example. Can we call the two functions together? i.e., Can we write this calling statement: flip(shift(x,w,3)) ?

Representing Polynomials MATLAB represents polynomials as row vectors containing coefficients ordered by descending powers. For example, consider the equation

52)( 3 −−= xxxp


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To enter this polynomial into MATLAB, use

» p = [1 0 -2 -5];

Polynomial Roots The roots function calculates the roots of a polynomial.

» r = roots(p)

r =


-1.0473 + 1.1359i

-1.0473 - 1.1359i

By convention, MATLAB stores roots in column vectors. The function poly returns to the polynomial coefficients.

» p2 = poly(r)

p2 =

1 8.8818e-16 -2 –5

So the poly and roots are inverse functions.

Polynomial Evaluation The polyval function evaluates a polynomial at a specified value. To evaluate p at s = 5, use

» polyval(p,5)

ans =


It is also possible to evaluate a polynomial in a matrix sense. In this case 52)( 3 −−= xxxp

becomes IXXXp 52)( 3 −−= , where X is a square matrix and I is the identity matrix. For example, create a square matrix X and evaluate the polynomial p at X.

»X = [2 4 5; -1 0 3; 7 1 5];

»Y = polyvalm(p,X)

Y =

377 179 439

111 81 136

490 253 639

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Consider the polynomial 1075)( 34 −+−= xxxxp

1. Find the roots of this polynomial.

2. From these roots, reconstruct p(x).

3. Find the value of p(x) at x=3.

4. Evaluate the polynomial at X (matrix sense).

Graphics in MATALB:

Creating a Plot The plot function has different forms, depending on the input arguments. If y is a vector, plot(y) produces a piecewise linear graph of the elements of y versus the index of the elements of y. If you specify two vectors as arguments, plot(x,y) produces a graph of y versus x.

For example, these statements use the colon operator to create a vector of x values ranging from zero to 2π, compute the sine of these values, and plot the result.

x = 0:pi/100:2*pi;

y = sin(x);


%Now label the axes and add a title. The characters \pi create the symbol .

xlabel('x = 0:2\pi')

ylabel('Sine of x')

title('Plot of the Sine Function','FontSize',12)


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Multiple Data Sets in One Graph Multiple x-y pair arguments create multiple graphs with a single call to plot. MATLAB automatically cycles through a predefined list of colors to allow discrimination among sets of data. For example, these statements plot three related functions of x, each curve in a separate distinguishing color.

x= 0:pi/40:2*pi;

y= sin(x);

y2 = sin(x-0.25);

y3 = sin(x-0.5);



% The legend command provides an easy way to identify the individual plots.

Axis rescaling: MATLAB provides automatic scaling. The command axis([x min. x max. ymin. y max.]) enforces the manual scaling. For example

» axis([-10 40 -inf inf])

produces an x-axis scale from - 10 to 40 and an automatic scaling for the y-axis scale. Typing axis again or axis(’auto’) resumes auto scaling.

Stem If you wish to use information in discrete-time using the stem command can be useful. It is very similar to plot except it doesn’t connect the dots.

The following example creates a stem plot of a cosine function.

y = linspace(0,2*pi,10);

h = stem(cos(y),'fill','-.');

set(h(3),'Color','r','LineWidth',2) % Set base line properties

axis ([0 11 -1 1])

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Specifying Line Styles and Colors It is possible to specify color, line styles, and markers (such as plus signs or circles) when you plot your data using the plot command.

plot(x,y,'color_style_marker') , where color_style_marker is a string containing from one to four characters (enclosed in single quotation marks) constructed from a color, a line style, and a marker type:

§ Color strings are 'c', 'm', 'y', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'w', and 'k'. These correspond to cyan, magenta, yellow, red, green, blue, white, and black.

§ Linestyle strings are '-' for solid, '--' for dashed, ':' for dotted, '-.' for dash-dot. Omit the linestyle for no line.

§ The marker types are '+', 'o', '*', and 'x' and the filled marker types are 's' for square, 'd' for diamond, '^' for up triangle, 'v' for down triangle, '>' for right triangle, '<' for left triangle, 'p' for pentagram, 'h' for hexagram, and none for no marker.

Adding Plots to an Existing Graph The hold command enables you to add plots to an existing graph. When you type

» hold on

MATLAB does not replace the existing graph when you issue another plotting command; it adds the new data to the current graph, rescaling the axes if necessary. To remove the effect of the hold on function you may use:

» hold off

Multiple Plots in One Figure The subplot command enables you to display multiple plots in the same window or print them on the same piece of paper. Typing:

» subplot(m,n,p)

partitions the figure window into an m-by-n matrix of small subplots and selects the pth subplot for the current plot. The plots are numbered along first the top row of the figure window, then the second row, and so on. For example, these statements plot data in four different subregions of the figure window.

t = 0:pi/10:2*pi;

[X,Y,Z] = cylinder(4*cos(t));

subplot(2,2,1); mesh(X)

subplot(2,2,2); mesh(Y)

subplot(2,2,3); mesh(Z)

subplot(2,2,4); mesh(X,Y,Z)

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Figure Windows Graphing functions automatically open a new figure window if there are no figure windows already on the screen. If a figure window exists, MATLAB uses that window for graphics output. If there are multiple figure windows open, MATLAB targets the one that is designated the “current figure” (the last figure used or clicked in).

To make an existing figure window the current figure, you can type :

>> figure(n)

where n is the number in the figure title bar. The results of subsequent graphics commands are displayed in this window. To open a new figure window and make it the current figure, type:

>> figure

Consider the following MATLAB script:




semilogy(dB,pb) %same as plot(dB,log10(pb))



ylabel(‘Bit error rate’)

title(‘Performance of antipodal signaling over AWGN’)

Using MATLAB, plot the function

)()3cos()( 2 tutetf t π−=

where t ranges from –2 to 10. Give the x-axis the title (t sec) and the y-axis the title (f(t) volts ). Repeat using stem function. Then use subplot to combine the two figures in one figure and give it the name: “ difference between plot and stem”.


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The save Function The workspace is not maintained across MATLAB sessions. When you quit MATLAB, the workspace is cleared. You can save any or all of the variables in the current workspace to a MAT-file, which is a MATLAB specific binary file. You can then load the MAT-file at a later time during the current or another session to reuse the workspace variables. MAT-files use a .mat extension.

To save all variables from the workspace in binary MAT-file, test.mat, type

» save test.mat

To save variables p and q in binary MAT-file, output.mat,

» p = rand(1,10);

» q = ones(1,10);

» save('output.mat','p','q')

The load Function The load function reads binary files containing matrices generated by earlier MATLAB sessions, or reads text files containing numeric data. The text file should be organized as a rectangular table of numbers, separated by blanks, with one row per line, and an equal number of elements in each row. For example, outside of MATLAB, create a text file containing these four lines.

16.0 3.0 2.0 13.0

5.0 10.0 11.0 8.0

9.0 6.0 7.0 12.0

4.0 15.0 14.0 1.0

Store the file under the name data.dat. Then the statement load data.dat reads the file and creates a variable, data, containing our example matrix.

Images are represented as matrices in Matlab. So try out

>> load clown

>> imagesc (X) % axis image

Playing Sound Files from Matlab Data Digital signal processing is widely used in speech processing for applications ranging from speech compression and transmission, to speech recognition and speaker identification. This exercise will introduce the process of reading and manipulating a speech signal.

Once you have a .wav file, you can read the data into your program using MATLAB's wavread function.. You must determine the file path first. After you read the wave file, the soundsc function gives you the ability to hear the wave.

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» [x, fs] = wavread('file path\file name'); » soundsc(x, fs);

MatLab may be used to convert the available Ascii files into .wav format. This permits the original sounds to be heard using the ‘Sound Recorder’ application, for example. If an Ascii version of a sound file is loaded into MatLab, then a .wav file may be created using the wavwrite command. The sampling frequency must be specified to use this function, for example:

» wavwrite(x,22255,'mysound.wav') % x: vector containing speech samples, 22255: sampling rate

We will do this exercise on the wave file speech_dft.wav. You can find this file in matlab13\toolbox\dspblks\dspblks\speech_dft.wav

1. Read this wave file using wavread function.

2. Listen to the wave using soundsc function.

3. Create a *.wav file that contains a flipped version of speech_dft.wav

4. What are the sampling frequency, length, and size of the wave?

1. MATLAB starts indexing its arrays from 1 rather than from 0.

2. The end keyword is exceptionally useful when indexing into arrays of unknown size. Thus, if you want to return all elements in a vector except the first and last one, you can use the command:

>> x(2:end-1) %equivalent to x(2:length(x)-1)

3. MATLAB automatically resizes arrays for you. Thus, if you want to add an element on to the end of a vector, you can use the command:

>> x(end+1) = 5;

Useful Facts in MATLAB


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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 2

Introduction to the TMS320C6711 DSK

And Code Composer Studio


In this Experiment, our aim is to show how mathematical algorithms for digital signal processing may be encoded for implementation on programmable hardware. In this lab, you will become familiar with a development system for programming DSP hardware. You will study:

v Code Composer Studio

v TMS320C6711 DSP chip and supporting architecture (DSK)

v The C programming language


1. Since this lab deals with new concepts for you, you must study the following necessary introduction carefully before going to the lab. This self-study will be evaluated by a short quiz in the beginning of the lab. So BE CAREFULL!!!

2. Try to draw a flowchart for the C program in page 29.

Background and Motivation:

You will be hearing a lot about the term DSP throughout the course. What is DSP? Why is it important? Why do you want to process signals in digital instead of leaving it in analog? When should you use DSP? What are the advantages, disadvantages and tradeoffs? What are DSP processors and how are they different than microprocessors? This Experiment will discuss briefly these questions.

Digital Signal Processing Digital Signal Processing is a technique that converts signals from real world sources (usually in analog form) into digital data that can then be analyzed. Analysis is performed in digital form because once a signal has been reduced to numbers; its components can be isolated, analyzed and rearranged more easily than in analog form.

Eventually, when the DSP has finished its work, the digital data can be turned back into an analog signal, with improved quality. For example, a DSP can filter noise from a signal, remove interference, amplify frequencies and suppress others, encrypt information, or analyze a complex wave form into its spectral components.

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This process must be handled in real-time - which is often very quickly. For instance, stereo equipment handles sound signals of up to 20 kilohertz (20,000 cycles per second), requiring a DSP to perform hundreds of millions of operations per second.

Why Digitizing?

Why do we process signals digitally rather than working with the original signal in the analog domain? The answer depends on the system and its requirements. For some systems, working with the analog signals gives a better solution. For others, DSP is better. It is up to you, the designer, to make the decision based on materials you learn through this and other courses. Here are some things to consider in making the tradeoffs:

Reasons to go digital: 1. Flexibility: can easily change, modify and upgrade through software.

2. Reproducibility of results from one unit to another: because DSP works with binary sequences. Analog circuits have component tolerances.

3. Reliability: memory and logic don’t slowly ‘go bad’ with time and are not affected by temperature.

4. Complexity: complex algorithms can be implemented on lightweight and low power portable devices.

5. Only solution: some algorithms can only be done in the digital domain: linear phase filters, adaptive filters, data compression, and error correcting codes.

6. Low overall cost.

Disadvantages of digital − Reasons to go analog: 1. Bandwidth is limited by sampling rate and peripherals i.e. we can’t process high


2. Initial design cost may be expensive (esp. for large BW signals).

3. Data size: a fixed number of bits means limited range and quantization and arithmetic errors (may not get theoretical performance).




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Applications of DSP − Who has DSP processor? DSP technology is nowadays commonplace in such devices as mobile phones, multimedia computers, video recorders, CD players, hard disc drive controllers and modems, and will soon replace analog circuitry in TV sets and telephones. An important application of DSP is in signal compression and decompression. In CD systems, for example, the music recorded on the CD is in a compressed form (to increase storage capacity) and must be decompressed for the recorded signal to be reproduced. Signal compression is used in digital cellular phones to allow a greater number of calls to be handled simultaneously within each local "cell". DSP signal compression technology allows people not only to talk to one another by telephone but also to see one another on the screens of their PCs, using small video cameras mounted on the computer monitors, with only a conventional telephone line linking them together.

What are the typical DSP algorithms? The Sum of Products (SOP) is the key element in most DSP algorithms. That is to say that although the mathematical theory underlying DSP techniques such as Fast Fourier and Hilbert Transforms, digital filter design and signal compression can be fairly complex, the numerical operations required to implement these techniques are in fact very simple, consisting mainly of operations that could be done on a cheap four-function calculator.

DSP Processors vs. General-purpose Microprocessors: How do DSP processors differ from microprocessors? Like a general-purpose microprocessor, a DSP is a programmable device, with its own native instruction code. Both types of processors perform computations on digital signals. But the main difference is that DSP processors are tailored to process data signals whereas microprocessors are designed to reduce the amount of computations in a general computing environment where most signals being processed pertain to some form of program control. DSP processors are also designed to consume less power under its target applications. DSP chips are capable of carrying out up to tens of millions of samples per second, to provide real-time performance: that is, the ability to process a signal "live" as it is sampled and then output the processed signal, for example to a loudspeaker or video display. Finally you should note that the main drawback of DSP processor is its limited on-chip memory.

Parameters to consider when choosing a DSP processor: A. Fixed vs. Floating-Point DSP’s

a. Fixed-point DSP’s represent a number in 16 or 24 bit integer format. They are cheaper and use less power but care must be taken with scaling (the data is scaled so values lie between -1 and 1) to avoid over and underflow.

b. Floating-point DSP’s stores a number as a 24 bit mantissa and an 8 bit exponent. They are easier to program and numbers are automatically scaled. But they are more complicated, can be slower than fixed-point counterparts, larger in size, expensive and have a higher power consumption. Statistics point out that 95% of DSP's market uses fixed point and only 5% for floating point DSP's.

B. Processing time measures – are based on the clock (150MHz for our case)

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a. MACS, multiplies and accumulates, If 2 per clock cycle, then 300 million MACs per second.

b. MFLOPS, million floating-point operations per second, If 6 units capable of doing floating-point operations, then can do 900MFLOPS.

c. MIPS, million of instructions per second, If 8 units capable of doing fixed and floating-point operations, then have a 1200MIPS system.

C. Codeword length Sixteen-bit fixed-point DSPs are used for voice-grade systems such as phones, since they work with a relatively narrow range of sound frequencies. Hi-fidelity stereo sound has a wider range, calling for a 16-bit ADC (Analog/Digital Converter), and a 24-bit fixed point DSP. Image processing, 3-D graphics and scientific simulations have a much wider dynamic range and require a 32-bit floating-point processor.

D. Others a. Overall cost.

b. Software development tools, simulators.

c. Commercially available DSP boards for software development and testing before the target DSP hardware is available?

d. The likelihood of having higher-performance devices with upwards-compatible software in the future.

e. Power Consumption: The most commonly used TMS320 DSP chips (in the year 2002) are the C2000, C5000, and C6000 series of chips. Due to their low power consumption (40mW to 160mW of active power), they are very attractive for power sensitive portable systems. As the dsps speed increases, so does the power consumption. This makes an accurate knowledge of the execution time critical for selecting the proper device.

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Our system, Texas Instruments C6711 DSK :

General description: We will be working with the TI TMS320C6711 DSP chip. The chip is very powerful by itself, but for development purposes, a supporting architecture is required to store programs and data, and bring signals on and off the board. In order to use this DSP chip in a lab, the chip will be on a board that contains additional appropriate components. Together, CCS, the DSP chip, and supporting hardware make up a DSP Starter Kit, or DSK. Here are few words about each element:

Codec The codec (coder/decoder) is a chip located on-board the DSK. In this course, we will use the coder or analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and decoder or digital-to-analog converter (DAC), along with two mono headphone jacks, to interface a DSP chip to the analog world. This codec runs at a fixed rate of 8kHz and 16 bit representation. In the next lab, we will explore the codec in more depth.

C6711 chip • Floating-point DSP, 150MHz clock, 900MFLOPS, 1200MIPS

• Can fetch 8 32-bit instructions per cycle.

• 72kB internal memory, 8 functional or execution units, 2 sets of 32-bit registers.

• Capable of fixed and floating point operations.

• VLIW – very long instruction word architecture.

External Memory: The board contains 16 MB of SDRAM and 128 kB of flash ROM.

Code Composer Studio ( CCS) CCS is a powerful integrated development environment that provides a useful transition between a high-level (C or assembly) DSP program and an on-board machine language program. CCS consists of a set of software tools and libraries for developing DSP programs, compiling them into machine code, and writing them into memory on the DSP chip and on-board external memory. It also contains diagnostic tools for analyzing and tracing algorithms as they are being implemented on-board. In this class, we will always use CCS to interface DSP hardware with a PC.

1.8V Power 16M 128K Daughter Card I/F

Parallel Port

Power Jack

Power LED

3.3V Power


Emulation JTAG


Line Level Output Line Level Input

16-bit codec (A/D & D/A) Three User LEDs

User Switch


D. Card I/F


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C6711 DSP Chip

The C6711 DSP chip is a floating point processor which contains a CPU (Central Processing Unit), internal memory, enhanced direct memory access (EDMA) controller, and on-chip peripherals. These peripherals include a 32-bit external memory interface (EMIF), two Multi-channel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSP), two 32-bit timers, a 16-bit host port interface (HPI), an interrupt selector, and a phase lock loop (PLL), along with hardware for `Boot Configurations' and ‘Power Down Logic’.

Programming Languages Assembly language was once the most commonly used programming language for DSP chips (such as TI's TMS320 series) and microprocessors (such as Motorola's 68MC11 series). Coding in assembly forces the programmer to manage CPU core registers (located on the DSP chip) and to schedule events in the CPU core. It is the most time consuming way to program, but it is the only way to fully optimize a program. Assembly language is specific to a given architecture and is primarily used to schedule time critical and memory critical parts of algorithms.

The preferred way to code algorithms is to code them in C. Coding in C requires a compiler that will convert C code to the assembly code of a given DSP instruction set. C compilers are very common, so this is not a limitation. In fact, it is an advantage, since C coded algorithms may be implemented on a variety platforms (provided there is a C compiler for a given architecture and instruction set). In CCS, the C compiler has four optimization levels. The highest level of optimization does not achieve the same level of optimization that programmer-optimized assembly programs does, but TI has done a good job in making the optimized C compiler produce code that is comparable to programmer-optimized assembly code.

Lastly, a cross between assembly language and C exists within CCS. It is called linear assembly code. Linear assembly looks much like assembly language code, but it allows for symbolic names and does not require the programmer to specify delay slots and CPU core registers on the DSP. Its

advantage over C code is that it uses the DSP more efficiently, and its advantage over assembly code is that it does not require the programmer to manage the CPU core registers. This will be apparent in future labs when assembly and linear assembly code are written.

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Timing The DSP chip must be able to establish communication links between the CPU (DSP core) and the codecs and memory. The two McBSPs, namely serial port 0 (SP0) and serial port 1 (SP1), are used to establish asynchronous links between the CPU and the on-board codec, and between the CPU and daughter card expansion, respectively. These McBSPs use frame synchronization to communicate with external devices. Each McBSP has seven pins. Five of them are used for timing and the other two are connected to the data receive and data transmit pins on the on-board codec or daughter card. Also included in each McBSP is a 32-bit Serial Port Control Register (SPCR). This register is updated when the on-board codec (or daughter card) is ready to send data to or receive data from the CPU. The status of the SPCR will only be a concern to us when polling methods are implemented.

In this lab, we will be exploring two possible ways of establishing a real-time communication link between the CPU and the on-board codec. The idea of real-time communication is that we want a continuous stream of samples to be sent to the codec. In our case, we want samples to be sent at rate 8kHz (one sample every .125ms). This is controlled by the codec, which will signal serial port 0 (SP0), every .125ms.

Polling The first method for establishing a real-time communication link between the CPU and the on-board codec is polling. When the on-board codec is ready to receive a sample, it sets a bit 17 of the SPCR to true. Bit 17 of the SPCR is the transmit ready (XRDY) bit, which is used to let the CPU know that it can transmit data. In a polling application, the CPU continuously checks the status of the SPCR and transmits a data sample as soon as the bit 17 of the SPCR is set true.

Upon transmission, the McBSP will reset bit 17 of the SPCR to false. The polling program will then wait until the on-board codec resets bit 17 to true before transmitting the next data sample. In this manner, a polling algorithm will maintain a constant stream of data °owing to the on-board codec.

On the DSP hardware, polling is implemented mostly in software. The on-board codec will continuously set the transmit ready bit of the SPCR and the McBSP will always reset it. However, it is up to the programmer to write an algorithm that will constantly be checking the status of the SPCR.

Text Editor Assembler Linker

Assembler Optimizer





.asm .obj


.out Debug Profile Graph Watch

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Fortunately, this has already been taken care of for you. This will be explained in detail later when we implement a polling example.

Interrupts When using polling to send and receive the data from the CODEC the general processing was

WAIT for the CODEC to receive the data

Retrieve the data

Process the data

WAIT for the CODEC to be ready to accept the data

Transmit the data

This is very inefficient since there are two places in the code were processing time is used just waiting for data to arrive. It would be better if the processor could be processing data during this time. This is where interrupts can help speed things up.

An interrupt can be some event that is generated either by a an external hardware device, internal hardware device or software. When an interrupt occurs the main processing is interrupted and the processor jumps to an interrupt subroutine (ISR). This ISR is just a function that is set up to handle the event that caused the interrupt. When the ISR is done processing, the processor jumps back to where it left off when the interrupt occurred. The following shows how this can occur:

Main processing statement 1

Main processing statement 2

Main processing statement 3

Interrupt occurs

Processor saves the current state of the registers, etc.

Processor jumps to ISR

ISR processing statement 1

ISR processing statement 2

ISR processing statement 3

ISR completes

Processor restores the previously saved state of registers, etc.

Main processing statement 4

Main processing statement 5


The CODEC on the DSP board is connected to an internal device called the multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP). There is more than one McBSP on the C6711, so the CODEC is connected to the McBSP0. This device can generate an internal interrupt when it receives data from the CODEC and when it is ready to send data to the CODEC. Therefore, two ISRs will be used to send and

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receive data to and from the CODEC. Since these are separate functions, there needs to be a way to get the data from one to the other. This is done here using "mailboxes." A mailbox is a way to send data from one object or task to another

The figure below shows the basic structure that can be used for many different types of signal processing applications using interrupts.

Receive ISR

Transmit ISR



Inside DSP

Audio Inputs

Receive Data

Transmit Data

Signal Processing Task


The circles are the ISRs, the rectangle McBSP0 is the internal McBSP0 device and the rectangle CODEC shows the external CODEC device. Audio data is input to the CODEC were it is sampled. This data is sent to the McBSP0, which generates a receive interrupt. The interrupt causes the Receive ISR to run and retrieve the data. The data is put in a mailbox and sent to be processed. After processing task, the processed data will be transmitted to the Transmit ISR. When the McBSP0 is ready to transmit data to the CODEC it will generate an interrupt which will cause the Transmit ISR to run. The Transmit ISR will deliver the data to the McBSP0 which will then send it to the CODEC. Finally, the CODEC will convert the data to analog and output it.

Now, after reading this introduction, you are capable of carrying out this lab, in which we will create the first project on the DSK.

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Setting up the Equipment

For every lab in this course (with a few minor exceptions for this lab), the following equipment will be needed at every lab station:

• A pentium based computer with CCS version 2.0 or greater installed on it.

• A C6711 DSK including power supply and parallel printer port cable.

• A set of speakers or headphones.

• An arbitrary waveform generator.

• An oscilloscope.

For this lab, we will just be observing and listening to signals, so only the oscilloscope, headphones or speakers, and one of the 3 foot headphone-to-RF connector cables will be used. At this point, turn on the oscilloscope and connect the cable to the headphone jack on the DSK and connect the left channel (white cable) to the RF connector on the oscilloscope.

Creating the First Project on the DSK

Creating the Project File sine_gen.pjt

• Inside C:\ DSP folder create another folder named as lab2, in which we will save all the files we need in our first project.

• In CCS, select `Project' and then `New'. A window named `Project Creation' will appear.

• In the field labeled `Project Name', enter `sine_gen'. In the field ‘Location’, click on the ‘…’ on the right side of the field and browse to the folder C:\DSP\lab2\sine_gen. For `Project Type', use `Executable (.out)'. Do not change this field. In the field `Target', make sure that the TMS32067XX is selected. Finally, click on `Finish'. The file sine_gen.pjt has been created in the folder C:\DSP\lab2\sine_gen.

Project Creation Window for sine_gen.pjt

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Adding Support Files to a Project

The next step in creating a project is to add the appropriate files.

• In the CCS window, go to `Project' and then ‘Add Files to Project’. In the window that appears, click on the folder next to where it says ‘Look In:’ Make sure that you are in the folder C:\DSP\support_files. You should be able to see the file C6xdskinit.c. Notice that the `Files of type' field is 'C source code'. Click on C6xdskinit.c and then click on `Open'.

• Repeat this process two more times adding the files vectors 11.asm and C6xdsk.cmd. For field, `Files of type', select `Asm Source Files (*.a*)'. Click on vectors11.asm. For field, `Files of type', select `Linker Command File (*.cmd)'. Click on C6xdsk.cmd.

The C source code file contains functions for initializing the DSP and peripherals. The vectors file contains information about what interrupts (if any) will be used and gives the linker information about resetting the CPU. This file needs to appear in the first block of program memory. The linker command file (C6xdsk.cmd) tells the linker how the vectors file and the internal, external, and flash memory are to be organized in memory. In addition, it specifies what parts of the program are to be stored in internal memory and what parts are to be stored in the external memory. In general, the program instructions and local/global variables will be stored in internal (random access) memory or IRAM.

Adding Appropriate Libraries to a Project

In addition to the support files that you have been given, there are pre-compiled files from TI that need to be included with your project. For this project, we need a run-time support library (rts6701.lib), which our support files will use to run the DSK, and a GEL (general extension language) file (dsk6211_6701.gel) to initialize the DSK. The GEL file was included when the project file sine_gen.pjt was created, but the RTS (run-time support) library must be included in the same manner used to include the previous files.

• Go to `Project' and then `Add Files to Project'. For `Files of type', select `Object and Library Files (*.o*,*.l*)'. Browse to the folder C:\DSP\support_files and select the file rts6701.lib. In the left sub-window of the CCS main window, double-click on the folder 'Libraries' to make sure the file was added correctly.

• These files, along with our other support files, form the black box that will be required for every project created in this class. The only files that change are the source code files that code a DSP algorithm and possibly a vectors file.

Adding Source Code Files to a Project

The last file that you need to add is your source code file. This file will contain the algorithm that will be used to internally generate a 1kHz sine wave.

• Go back to `Project' and then `Add Files to Project'. Select the file sine_gen.c and add it to your project.

You may have noticed that the .h files cannot be added. These files are header files and are referenced in C6xdskinit.c.

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• Go to `Project' and select `Scan All Dependencies'. In CCS, double-click on `sine_gen.pjt' and then double-click on `Include'. You should see the three header files that you downloaded plus a mystery file C6x.h.

This mystery file is included with the Code Composer Studio software, and it is used to configure the board. CCS automatically included all of the header files when the file C6xdskinit.c was added to the project. Open the file C6xdskinit.c and observe that the first four lines of code include the four header files. You now have all of the files you need for this project.

Build Options

Once all of your files have been included in your project file, the compiler and linker options must be configured so that your project gets built correctly. Go to `Project', then to `Build Options', and then click on the `Compiler' tab. In the ‘Category:’, ‘Basic’, make sure the following are selected:

Target Version: 671x

Generate Debug Info: Full Symbolic Debug (-g)

Opt Speed vs. Size: Speed Most Critical (no ms)

Opt Level: None

Program Level Opt: None

In the top part of the current window, you should see:

-g -q -f r"C:\DSP\lab2\sine_gen\Debug" -d"_DEBUG"

Change it to:

-g -k -s -fr"C:\DSP\lab2\sine_gen\Debug" -d"_DEBUG" -mv6710

Build Options for Compiling

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Now click on the ‘Linker’ tab on the top of the current window and make sure the following command appears in the top most window (See Figure below):

-q -c -o"..\Debug\sine_gen.out" -x

The options -g, -k, -s in the compiler options and -g, -c, -o in the linker options do serve a purpose, but we will not be concerned with them just yet.

Your project has now been created. This process is cumbersome, but it only needs to be done once. In future projects, you will be able to copy this folder into another folder and make a few simple modifications. These modifications include altering the C code in sine_gen.c and editing one linker option. This will be demonstrated later in this lab.

Build Options for Linking

Building and Running the Project

Now you must build and run the project. To build the first project, go to `Project' pull-down menu in the CCS window, then select `Build' (or press the button with three red down arrows on the top toolbar in the CCS window). A new sub-window will appear on the bottom of the CCS window.

When building is complete, you should see the following message in the new sub-window:

Build Complete,

0 Errors, 0 Warnings, 0 Remarks.

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When CCS “built” your project, it compiled all of the C code into assembly code, using a built-in compiler. Then it assembled the assembly code into a COFF (common object file format) file that contains the program instructions, organized into modules. Finally, the linker organizes these modules and the run-time support library (rts6701.lib) into memory locations to create an executable .out file. This executable file can be downloaded onto the DSK. When this executable file is loaded onto the DSK, the assembled program instructions, global variables, and run-time support libraries are loaded to their linker specified memory locations.

To test your program on the DSK, you must first load the program onto the board, but before you load a new program onto the board, it is good practice to reset the CPU.

• To reset the the CPU, click on `Debug', then select `Reset CPU'.

• Then, to load the program onto the DSK, click on `File', then select `Load Program'. In the new window that appears, double-click on the folder `Debug', select the file sine_gen, then select `Open'. This will download the executable file to the DSK. A new window will appear within CCS entitled “Disassembly”, which contains the assembled version of your program. Ignore this window for now.

Before you run this program, make sure that the cable between the 1/8th inch headphone jack on the DSK board (the J6 connector) and the oscilloscope is connected, and make sure that the oscilloscope is turned on.

•••• In CCS, select the `Debug' pull down menu and then select `Run', or just simply click on the top \running man" on the left side toolbar. Verify a 1kHz sine wave on the oscilloscope.

•••• Once you have verified the signal, disconnect the oscilloscope from the DSK and attach a pair of speakers or headphones to the DSK. You should hear a 1kHz pure tone.

•••• After you have completed both of these tasks, either click on the icon of the blue `running man' with a red `X' on it or go to the `Debug' pull down menu then select `Halt'.

Generating a Sinusoid in Real-Time

In many of the communication systems that we design, we want to be able to generate a sinusoid with arbitrary frequency fo. In the first project, we generated the sinusoid

)2sin()( tπftx o= …….1

where fo = 1kHz. In real-time digital systems, this requires samples of the signal in eqn(1) to be sent to the codec at a fixed rate. In the case of the on-board codec, samples are being sent at rate fs = 8kHz (ts = 0.125ms). In C code, we generate samples of eqn(1), namely


os f

fπnntxnx == ………2

which is only defined for integer values of n. Here, the argument of the sine function,




πnθ[n] 2=

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is a linear function that can be easily updated at each sample point. Specifically, at the time instance n + 1, the argument becomes







nπnθ 2][]1[2]1[ +=+=+

which is the previous argument plus the offset s



π2 .

This makes it possible to generate any sinusoid whose frequency is fo < 3.6kHz in eqn(2). You may have expected the maximum frequency to be fs/2 = 4kHz, but the codec requires oversampling, a point to be clarified later.

Code Analysis and Modification Now that you have successfully implemented your first project in hardware, it is time to analyze the source code in sine_gen.c to see exactly how this 1kHz sine wave was generated. Note in C (or more precisely C++) that text following `//' on any line is regarded as a comment and is ignored when the program is compiled. Here is the sine_gen.c file.

1.) #include <math.h> // needed for sin() function 2.) #define PI 3.14159265359 // define the constant PI 3.) float f0=1000; // sinusoid frequency 4.) short fs=8000; // sampling frequency of codec 5.) float angle=0; // angle in radians 6.) float offset; // offset value for next sample 7.) short sine_value; // value sent to codec 8.) 9.) interrupt void c_int11() // interrupt service routine 10.) 11.) offset=2*PI*f0/fs; // set offset value 12.) angle = angle + offset; // previous angle plus offset 13.) 14.) If (angle > 2*PI) // reset angle if > 2*PI 15.) angle -= 2*PI; // angle = angle - 2*PI 16.) 17.) sine_value=(short)20000*sin(angle); // calculate current output sample 18.) output_sample(sine_value); // output each sine value 19.) return; // return from interrupt 20.) 21.) 22.) void main() 23.) 24.) comm_intr(); // init DSK, codec, SP0 for interrupts 25.) while(1); // wait for an interrupt to occur 26.)

It is important to notice that code is divided (via blank lines) into different sections (in this case three sections). This format is often used and it is recommended that you adopt this style of coding.

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In particular, the section containing the function main() will always come last (lines 22 through 26). In C, the function main() is always the starting point of the program. The linker knows to look for this function to begin execution. A C program without a main() function is meaningless.

For ease of understanding, this code will be analyzed in this order: section one (lines 1 through 7), then section three (lines 22 through 26), and finally section two (lines 9 through 20).

Analyzing the Code The first section of code (lines 1 through 7) is used for preprocessor directives and the definition of global variables. In C, the # sign signifies a preprocessor directive. In this course, we will primarily use only two preprocessor directives, namely #include and #define.

In line 1, the preprocessor directive, #include <math.h>, tells the preprocessor to insert the code stored in the header file math.h into the first lines of the code sine_gen.c before the compiler compiles the file. Including this header file allows us to call mathematical functions such as sin(θ), cos(θ), tan(θ), etc. as well as functions for logarithms, exponentials, and hyperbolic functions. This header file is required for the sin(θ) function line 17. To see a full list of functions available with math.h, use the help menu in CCS.

The next preprocessor directive defines the fixed point number PI, which approximates the irrational number π before compiling, the preprocessor will replace every occurrence of PI in sine gen.c with the number specified . The next five lines (4 through 7) define the global variables: f0, fs, angle, offset, and sine value. The variables fs and sine value are of type short which means they hold 16-bit signed integer values. The variables f0, angle, and offset are of type float which means they hold IEEE single precision (32-bit) floating point numbers.

Notice that all of the lines that contain statements end with a semicolon. This is standard in C code. The only lines that do not get semicolons are function names, like c_int11(), conditional statements, like if(), and opening and closing braces ( ) associated with them.

The last section of code (lines 22 through 26) contains the function main(). The format of the main() function will NOT change from program to program. Lines 22,23 and 26 will always be the first two lines and last line, respectively. The first line in main() (line 24) calls the function comm_intr(). This function is located within the file C6xdskinit.c, which is one of the support files given to you. This function initializes the on-board codec, specifies that the transmit interrupt XINT0 will occur in SP0, initialize the interrupt INT11 to handle this interrupt, and allows interrupts INT4 through INT15 to be recognized by the DSP chip.

Now, the DSP chip and codec have been configured to communicate via interrupts, which the codec will generate every 0.125ms. The program sine_gen now waits for an interrupt from the codec, so an infinite loop keeps the processor idle until an interrupt occurs. This does not have to be the case, since an interrupt will halt the CPU regardless whether it is processing or idling. But in this program, there is no other processing, so we must keep the processor idling while waiting for an interrupt.

The middle section of code (lines 9 through 20) is used to define the interrupt service routine or ISR. When an interrupt occurs, the program branches to the ISR cint11() as specified by vectors 11.asm. This interrupt generates the current sample of the sinusoid and outputs it to the codec.

Line 11 determines the offset value s



π2 . For a given fo, this value will not change, so it does not

need to be calculated every time an interrupt occurs. However, by calculating this value here, we will be able to change the value of our sinusoid using a Watch Window. This is demonstrated in the next section.

Line 12 calculates the current sample point by taking the value stored in the global variable angle and adding the offset value to it. The angle variable is, of course, the angle (in radians) that is passed to

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the sine function. Remember that the C the command angle += offset; is shorthand for the command angle = angle + offset.

The sin(x) function in C approximates the value of sin(x) for any value of x, but a better and more efficient approximation will be computed if 0 <x < 2π. Therefore, lines 14 and 15 are used to reset the value of sample if it is greater than 2π. Since sin(x) is periodic 2π in x, subtracting 2π from x will not change the value of the output.

Line 17 calculates the sine value at the current sample point. The value is typecast as (short) before it is stored in the variable sine value. Typecasting tells the compiler to convert a value from one data type to another before storing it in a variable or sending it to a function. In this case, the value returned from the sin() is a single precision floating point number (between -1.0 and 1.0) that gets scaled by 20000. By typecasting this number as a short (16-bit signed integer between the values -32768 and 32767), the CPU will round the number to the nearest integer and store it in a 16-bit signed integer format (2's complement). This value is scaled by 20000 for two reasons. First, it is needed so that rounding errors are minimized, and second, it amplifies the signal so it can be observed on the oscilloscope and heard through speakers or headphones. This scaling factor must be less than 32768 to prevent overdriving the codec.

Line 18 sends the current sine value to the codec by calling the function output_sample(). The code for output sample() is located in file C6xdskinit.c.

Upon completion of the interrupt (generating a sinusoid sample and outputting it to the on-board codec), the interrupt service routine restores the saved execution state (see the command return; in line 19). In this program, the saved execution state will always be the infinite while loop in the main() function.

Using a Watch Window Once an algorithm has been coded, it is good to have software tools for observing and modifying the local and global variables after a program has been loaded onto the DSK. Located in CCS is a software tool called a Watch Window, which allows the user to view local variables and to view and modify global variables during execution. In this lab, we will not view any local variables, but we will view and modify global variables.

In CCS, start running the program sine_gen.out again and make sure that you have a valid output on an oscilloscope. Then click on the pull-down menu `view', and select `Watch Window'. A sub-window should appear on the bottom of the main CCS window. You should notice two tabs on the bottom left part of the new sub-window: `Watch Locals' and `Watch 1'. Click on the tab `Watch 1'. Click on the highlighted field under the label `Name', type in the variable name f0, and press Enter. In the field under the label `Value', you should see the number 1000, which is the frequency of the observed sinusoid. Click on the value 1000 and change it to 2000. You should see a 2kHz sinusoid on the oscilloscope.

1. Use a watch window to change the value of fs in the program above from 8000 to 6000.

How does this affect the frequency of the observed sinusoid? Does this change the rate of your digital system (i.e. the rate of the codec changes) or does it just scale the observed frequency? Is there a benefit to setting the value of fs in your program to a value different than the rate of the codec being


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used? Explain what you see and give some intuition into how the rate of this real-time digital system affects the generation of a sinusoid.

2. Use a watch window to change the value of fo from 1000 to 4000 Hz with a sampling frequency of 8000 Hz. What's the effect of changing the frequency? Comment on the results.

Generating a Sine Wave Using Polling This section has three purposes: to demonstrate how to reuse a previously created project, create a real-time communication link between the CPU and codec using polling, and generate a sinusoid using a lookup table. To create the project sine_lookup_poll, follow these instructions:

1. Create a folder in Windows Explorer to store this project (e.g. create the folder C:\DSP\lab2\sine_lookup_poll)

2. Copy the files sine_gen.pjt and sine_gen.c, from the previous project, into your newly created folder.

3. Change the names of sine_gen.pjt and sine_gen.c to sine_lookup_poll.pjt and sine_lookup_poll.c respectively.

4. Open sine_lookup_poll.pjt in CCS. When the window appears that says CCS cannot find the file sine_gen.c, select 'ignore'.

5. In the left-hand window of CCS, select the file sine_gen. c and press the Delete key to remove the file from the project. Also, delete the file vectors11.asm.

6. Add the renamed C source code file sine_lookup_poll. c to the project by selecting 'Project', then 'Add Files to Project', then select sine_lookup_poll. c, and then click 'Open'. Also add the other vectors file, vectors. asm, located in your 'support' folder.

7. In CCS, select the pull down menu 'Project' and go to 'Build Options'. Click on the Linker tab and change the word sine_gen in .\Debug\sine_gen.out to sine_lookup_poll in the field 'Output Filename (-o):'. Click 'OK'

8. In CCS, double-clicking on sine_lookup_poll. c in the left hand window. Change the C code to the following:

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Short sine_table[8] = 0,14142,20000,14142,0,-14142,-20000,-4142;

short ctr;

void main()



while( 1 )


if (ctr < 7) ++ctr;

else ctr = 0;

9. Add comments to your code where appropriate and save the file in CCS.

Now, build your project by clicking on the 'rebuild all' button (the button with three red arrows). Before loading a new program onto the DSK, it is best to reset the DSP. This can be done within CCS by selecting the 'Debug' pull down menu and then selecting 'Reset CPU'. Once the DSP is reset, load your new program onto the DSK and observe a 1kHz sine wave on an oscilloscope.

Notice that the sine wave algorithm is now coded within the infinite while loop (while(1)). This is the general structure for polling. In both polling and interrupt based programs, the algorithm must be small enough to execute within .125ms (at an 8kHz rate) in order to maintain a constant output to the on-board codec. Algorithms can be coded under either scheme, using polling or interrupts. In this class, most of the algorithms will be coded using interrupts.

1. Study the code above and the code in C6xdskinit .c. Pay particular attention to the functions output_sample() and msbsp0_write(). Where is the polling done? Other than the fact that polling is used instead of interrupts, how is this algorithm different from the algorithm in sine_gen.c?

2. Implement the project sine_lookup_poll.pjt using interrupts. Re-label the project sine_lookup.pjt. Explain the procedure required to change a polling based program to an interrupt driven program. Include a copy of your C program.

3. Implement sine_gen.pjt using polling. Re-label the project: sine_gen_poll.pjt. Explain the procedure required to convert an interrupt-driven program to a polling-based program.


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End Notes This lab was used to learn how to create a project and implement it on the DSK. In all real-time DSP algorithm implementations, the processing rate of a digital signal processing system is very important. For this lab, only an 8kHz rate was used to implement algorithms.

In the next lab, we will explore the concepts of input and output, and develop the foundation for designing systems and processing signals on the C6711 DSK.

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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 3

Sampling and Reconstruction


1. To understand the concept of sampling, aliasing, and reconstruction.

2. To demonstrate the effect of aliasing on the reconstruction process.

3. To synthesize a square wave function.


1. Compute the Fourier series expansion for the signals below in the form

)2sin()( 01

0 kn

n tnfAatx θπ ++= ∑∞












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Note that the function after the An is sin(2πnf0t + θk), instead of the usual complex exponential. The formula of the complex exponential Fourier series must be modified to accommodate this.

2. Solve exercise 5 in the lab theoretically.

3. Theoretically speaking, what is the minimum sampling frequency of a square wave having f0 = 2 kHz.

4. If a sine wave of f0 = 6 kHz is sampled with fs= 8 kHz, determine the output of the D/A converter.



In order to store, transmit or process analog signals using digital hardware, we must first convert them into discrete-time signals by sampling.

The processed discrete-time signal is usually converted back to analog form by interpolation, resulting in a reconstructed analog signal xr(t).

Figure (1) Sampling and Reconstruction process

An ideal sampler reads the values of the analog signal xa(t) at equally spaced sampling instants. The time interval Ts between adjacent samples is known as the sampling period (or sampling interval). The sampling rate, measured in samples per second, is fs =1/Ts. An actual (non-ideal) sampling circuit cannot capture the value of xa(t) at a single time instant. Instead, the output of a sampling circuit is the average value of xa(t) over a short interval, as shown, where delta is much shorter than the sampling period Ts .

Ideal sampling circuit x[n]= xa(nTs)

n=…, -1, 0, 1, 2, ….

Actual sampling circuit




a dttxnx-nTs



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Sampling Theorem The bandlimiting of xa(t) also makes it possible to reconstruct xa(t) from its samples x[n] =xa(nTs). The sampling theorem states that an analog signal xa(t) can be exactly reconstructed from its samples by the infinite order interpolation formula


sa )()()( ∑∞



- The frequency content of xa(t) is ideally bandlimited to a frequency range magnitude of f is less than or equal to fmax ; maxff ≤ .

- The sampling rate fs satisfies the Nyquist condition ; max2 ff s f

- The interpolating function g(t) is the impulse response of an analog ideal low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency fc such that fmax ≤ fc ≤<fs -fmax.

Aliasing As we shall presently see, the frequency content of the analog signal xa(t) has to be limited before attempting to sample it. This means that xa(t) cannot change too fast; consequently, the average value over the interval nTs-∆ to nTs+∆ is a good approximation of the ideally sampled value xa(t) of nTs .

The need for bandlimiting the signal xa(t) is easy to demonstrate by a simple example. The solid line describes a 0.5Hz continuous-time sinusoidal signal and the dash-dot line describes a 1.5 Hz continuous time sinusoidal signal. When both signals are sampled at the rate of fs =2 samples/sec, their samples coincide, as indicated by the circles in Figure 2. This means that x1[nTs] is equal to x2[nTs] and there is no way to distinguish the two signals apart from their sampled versions. This phenomenon, known as aliasing, occurs whenever f2 ± f1 is a multiple of the sampling rate: in our example, fs equal f1 + f2.

Figure (2) Two sinusoidal signals are indistinguishable from their

sampled versions whenever f2 ± f1 is a multiple of the sampling rate fs

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f2 =2 samples/sec x1(nTs) = x2(nTs)

x1(nTs)=cos(2πf1 nTs)= )21


2cos( ××× nπ = )5.0cos( nπ

x2(nTs)=cos(2πf2 nTs)= )21


2cos( ××× nπ = )5.0cos()25.1cos()5.1cos( nnnn ππππ −=−=

Since cos(x)=cos(-x), then )5.0cos( nπ = )5.0cos( nπ− x1(nTs) = x2(nTs)

Aliasing in Frequency Domain The sampling process can be represented by the equation












It follows that




)( snsn ss



TwP −=−= ∑∑




and hence,












x1(t)=cos(2πf1 t) , f1 = 0.5 Hz

X2(t)=cos(2πf2 t) , f2 = 1.5 Hz

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Figure (3) Sampling in Time and Frequency Domains

Then Xd(w) consists of the periodic repetition at intervals ws of X(w). If fs does not satisfy the Nyquist rate, the different components of Xd(w) overlap and will not be able to recover x(t) exactly as shown in Figure(4). This is referred to as aliasing in frequency domain.

T 2T 3T

T 2T 3T




2π/T 1

x(t) |X(w)|

|Xd(w)| xd(t)



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Figure (4) Aliasing in Frequency Domain

Avoiding Aliasing

In order to avoid aliasing we must restrict the analog signal xa(t) to the frequency range, fo less than fs/2 in magnitude. This constraint guarantees that for any two individual frequencies (f1 and f2) in this range both the sum and the difference of f1 and f2 are bound in magnitude by the sum of the magnitudes of f1 and f2 and this sum is, in turn, bounded by the sampling frequency fs so that aliasing cannot occur. Thus, every sampler must be preceded by an analog low-pass filter, known as an anti-aliasing filter, with a cut-off frequency fc equals fs /2.

This means that the high frequency artifacts of the continuous-time signal will be lost. This is the cost of managing aliasing. In practice, the anti-aliasing filter will have a cutoff frequency at roughly 90% of the Nyquist frequency and use the other 10% for roll-off. The on-board codec of the DSK has a sampling rate of fs = 8 kHz and an anti-aliasing filter with cutoff frequency 3.6kHz, which is 90% of fs/2 (Nyquist Frequency).
















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Figure (5) Avoiding aliasing in signal processing

Downsampling If the desired sampling rate is lower than the sampling rate of the available data, in this case, we may use a process called downsampling or decimation to reduce the sampling rate of the signal. Decimating, or downsampling, a signal x(n) by a factor of D is the process of creating a new signal y(n) by taking only every Dth sample of x(n). Therefore y(n) is simply x(Dn).

Using this method we can resample the discrete signals with no need for reconstruction first. This process will give you the ability to vary the sampling rate of a discrete signal by discarding some of its values in the time domain depending on the desired sampling rate. For example, if we want to reduce the sampling rate to the half, we down a sample between every two samples. In this case, we downsampled the signal by 2, or ( 2↓ ). Similarly, ( 3↓ ) x[n] will produce a signal that has a sample rate equals one third the sampling rate of x[n] by taking every third sample of x[n] and discarding two samples in between.

By MATLAB, we can do this in an easy way. For example,

Anti-aliasing filter

fc < fs /2 sampler

xa(t) x[n]


o ffffff

ff pp 21212+≤±⇒≤

>> x=1:1:10 x = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> x2=x(1:2:end) x2 = 1 3 5 7 9

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Part 1: Synthesis of Square Wave The Fourier representations of signals involve the decomposition of the signal in terms of complex exponential functions. These decompositions are very important in the analysis of linear time-invariant (LTI) systems. The response of an LTI system to a complex exponential input is a complex exponential of the same frequency!

Only the amplitude and phase of the input signal are changed. Therefore, studying the frequency response of a LTI system gives complete insight into its behavior.

Once MATLAB is started, type “dspLab3” to bring up a library of Simulink components. Double click the icon labeled Synthesizer to bring up a model as shown in Figure 6. This system may be used to synthesize periodic signals by adding together the harmonic components of a Fourier series expansion. Each Sine Wave block can be set to a specific frequency, amplitude and phase.

The initial settings of the Sine Wave blocks are set to generate the Fourier series expansion










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Figure (6) Simulink model for the synthesizer experiment.

These are the first 8 terms in the Fourier series of the periodic square wave shown in Figure 7.

Run the model by selecting Start under the Simulation menu. A graph will pop up that shows the synthesized square wave signal and its spectrum. This is the output of the Spectrum Analyzer. After the simulation runs for a while, the Spectrum Analyzer element will update the plot of the spectral energy and the incoming waveform.

Figure (7) The desired waveform for the synthesizer experiment.

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Exercise#1: 1. Save a copy of the synthesizer file as tri_synthesizer.

2. Change the parameters of each sine wave block to the values that you obtain in your prelab for a triangular Fourier series expansion.

3. Start simulation and see the results.

Part 2: Aliasing of sinusoidal signals

Exercise#2: Aliasing in Time Domain

The signal )2cos()( 0tftx π= can be sampled at the rate s

s Tf

1= to yield )2cos()( 0 n



π= .

Aliasing will be observed for various fo.

a. Let fs=10 kHz and fo=1 kHz. Compute and plot x[n] using stem.m. One can see the sinusoidal envelope.

b. Use subplot to plot x[n] for fo=300 Hz, 700 Hz, 1100 Hz and 1500 Hz. The frequencies increase as expected.

c. Use subplot to plot x[n] for fo=8500 Hz, 8900 Hz, 9300 Hz and 9700 Hz. Do the frequencies increase or decrease? Explain.

d. Use subplot to plot x[n] for fo=10300 Hz, 10700 Hz, 11100 Hz and 11500 Hz. Do the frequencies increase or decrease? Explain.

Exercise#3: Aliasing in Frequency domain a. Using the blocks in the library “dsplab3”, construct the simulink model shown in Figure 8.

Figure (8) Simulink model to implement aliasing in frequency domain

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b. Input a sine wave of fo=5 Hz frequency from the signal generator. Choose a sampling time of 0.01 sec for the pulse generator with a pulse duration of 1 % of the sampling period. Choose the cut-off frequency of 2π fo for the Butterworth low-pass filter.

c. Start the simulation and notice the shifted versions of the frequency domain response of the input and the output of the filter.

d. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a sine wave with fo=95 Hz. Comment.

e. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for a sine wave with fo=105 Hz. Comment.

Exercise#4: Downsampling

a. Using MATLAB, generate a sine wave with frequency f0 of 1300 Hz, and sampling frequency fs of 8000 Hz.

b. Save the data of the sine wave as a sound file, named as 8000.wav.

c. Listen to the tone of the 1300 Hz sine wave.

d. Downsample the data of the sine wave by 2. This will result in a sine wave with a sampling rate of 4000 Hz. Repeat steps b, c and compare the sounds.

e. Generate a sine wave with frequency f0 of 1300 Hz, and sampling frequency fs of 4000 Hz.

f. Repeat steps b and c and compare the sounds.

Exercise#5: Sampling and Reconstruction using Simulink Suppose we have the analog filter shown which is composed of an A/D, discrete time filter , which in our example here is a moving average type , and D/A.

a. What is the digital frequency of x[n] if x(t)= sin (2π t) ?

b. Find the steady state output, yss(t), if x(t) is the same as in (a) ?

c. Find two other x(t)'s ,different analog frequency, that will give the same steady state output as x(t)= sin (2π t) ?

d. If the sampling frequency of the A/D converter is changed to 200 Hz, while that of the D/A is kept to 100 Hz, what is the effect on the resulted output?

e. To prevent aliasing effects a prefilter would be used on x(t) before it passes to the A/D. What type (Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, band-reject) of filter would be used and what is the largest cutoff frequency that would work for the above specified configuration?

Figure (9) The block diagram for exercise 5

Discrete-time filter h[n]=0.5(δ[n]+ δ [n-1]) A/D D/A

x(t) x[n] y[n] y(t)

Sampling Frequency 100 Hz

Sampling Frequency 100 Hz

Moving Average

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Part 3: TLC320AD535 Codec

Located onboard the DSK is the AD535 codec (coder/decoder). The coder part is implemented using a sampler, delta-sigma modulator, and a decimation filter. The output rate from the codec is 8000 16-bit words per second (fs = 8 kHz), but the sampler is over-sampling at rate 64 times fs. This is common practice when using delta-sigma modulators. A delta-sigma modulator takes the current sample and compares it with the previous sample. If the current sample is larger (or smaller) than the previous sample, it makes the current sample the previous sample plus (or minus) some fixed amplitude δ. In our case, we have a 1-bit delta-sigma modulator which means that the current sample (16-bit finite-length word) will be the previous sample plus (or minus) a binary 1 assuming that the current sample is larger (or smaller) than the previous sample. By over-sampling by a factor of 64, a good representation of the original signal is captured at each sample point, since the signal, which is essentially band-limited, will not change by more than 1 bit, or quantization level, between each sample point. Only every 64th sample point is needed to accurately represent the bandlimited signal, so decimation filter (LPF running at 8kHz) is used to decrease the word rate to the desired rate 8kHz. These 16-bit finite-length words are then transmitted to the CPU via serial port 0 on the DSP chip. Notice that the CPU will treat these 16-bit finite length words as 16-bit signed integers (-32768 to +32767).

Sampling and Reconstruction using the On-Board Codec:

A Programming Example Real-time digital signal processing involves logical operations on an incoming stream of finite-length words to produce a processed output stream. Figure 10 illustrates this idea.

In most DSP applications, the DSP core of Figure 9 will contain local program and data memory on the chip that is used to store the algorithm being implemented, local and global variables, and processed data. We will implement the "DSP core" block as a

Figure (10) DSP Block Diagram

straight wire, which means that only an identity map will be implemented between the input and output of the DSP core. No local or global variables or processed data will be stored in memory, and no signal processing will be done. Only the program instructions will be stored in the program memory.

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DSP Core as a Straight Wire 1. In the folder C:\DSP\Lab3 the files straight_wire.pjt and straight_wire.c that you will need for this

lab are found.

2. Load the project into CCS and examine the file straight_wire.c. Notice that the file has no global (or local) variables and that whatever is read in from the codec is immediately sent back to the codec via the command output sample(input sample()).

3. Compile and load this program onto the DSK and run it.

4. Connect the signal generator and the oscilloscope to the DSK and set the signal generator to a 1 kHz sinusoid with amplitude 1Vpp (peak-to-peak voltage). Observe a 1 kHz sinusoid on the oscilloscope.

Notice that the actual peak-to-peak voltage of the signal is greater than 1V (about 1.8V). This is due to the fact that the resistance of the DSK is higher resistance than the resistance to which the signal generator has been matched.

4. Change the peak-to-peak voltage and the frequency on the signal generator and observe the effects on the oscilloscope. If the voltage input to the codec exceeds 3.3V, then the codec will be overdriven. When the codec is overdriven, the output on the codec will either be amplitude clipping of the input sine wave or two's compliment overflows effects (a sudden change in sign). If the voltage input is too small (around 100mV or less), then coupling effects from the internal hardware will be observed. For frequency, keep in mind that there is a lowpass filter that cuts off frequencies above 3.6 kHz.

5. Vary the frequency of the sinusoid on the signal generator and observe that sinusoids above 3.6kHz are suppressed. (You should notice that sinusoids around 3.6 kHz are decreased in amplitude, but not fully suppressed. This is due to the fact that the anti-aliasing filter is not ideal and therefore has a non-zero roll-off around 3.6 kHz.)

Exercise#6: a. To observe the effects of the anti-aliasing filter, use a square wave as the input. Input square waves

with 100, 500, 800 and 1400 kHz. Use your knowledge of the Fourier series expansion of a square wave to explain what you see. Also, listen to this signal and explain what you hear.

b. Repeat for a triangular wave as the input.

c. Sketch the output signal in each case.

Exercise#7: Modify straight_wire.c file such that the digital signal is processed by the moving average filter used in exercise 5.

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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 4

Analog Filter Design

Objectives: 1. To know the different types of analog filters.

2. To understand the concepts of analog filter design.


1. Study the given background on MATLAB analog filter design and try an example for each design function.

2. Solve the following problems theoretically from your textbook.

P3.5, P3.7, P3.8, and P3.10

3. Design an analog fourth-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 500 Hz and a passband gain of 10 using a suitable number of cascade operational amplifiers and R, C components for your implementation. Let R=1kΩ. Simulate the circuit by Orcad to verify your design


Design of Analog Filters in MATLAB

1. Butterworth Digital and Analog Filter design

[B,A] = BUTTER(N,Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass digital Butterworth filter and returns the filter coefficients in length N+1 vectors B (numerator) and A (denominator). The coefficients are listed in descending powers of z. The cutoff frequency Wn must be 0.0 < Wn < 1.0, with 1.0 corresponding to half the sample rate.

If Wn is a two-element vector, Wn = [W1 W2], BUTTER returns an order 2N bandpass filter with passband W1 < W < W2.

[B,A] = BUTTER(N,Wn,'high') designs a highpass filter.

[B,A] = BUTTER(N,Wn,'stop') is a bandstop filter if Wn = [W1 W2].

When used with three left-hand arguments, as in

[Z,P,K] = BUTTER(...), the zeros and poles are returned in length N column vectors Z and P, and the gain in scalar K.

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When used with four left-hand arguments, as in

[A,B,C,D] = BUTTER(...), state-space matrices are returned.

BUTTER(N,Wn,'s'), BUTTER(N,Wn,'high','s') and BUTTER(N,Wn,'stop','s') design analog Butterworth filters. In this case, Wn is in [rad/s] and it can be greater than 1.0.

2. BUTTORD Butterworth filter order selection. [N, Wn] = BUTTORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs) returns the order N of the lowest order digital Butterworth filter that loses no more than Rp dB in the passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the stopband.

Wp and Ws are the passband and stopband edge frequencies, normalized from 0 to 1 (where 1 corresponds to pi radians/sample). For example,

Lowpass: Wp = .1, Ws = .2

Highpass: Wp = .2, Ws = .1

Bandpass: Wp = [.2 .7], Ws = [.1 .8]

Bandstop: Wp = [.1 .8], Ws = [.2 .7]

BUTTORD also returns Wn, the Butterworth natural frequency (or, the "3 dB frequency") to use with BUTTER to achieve the specifications.

[N, Wn] = BUTTORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs, 's') does the computation for an analog filter, in which case Wp and Ws are in radians/second.

When Rp is chosen as 3 dB, the Wn in BUTTER is equal to Wp in BUTTORD.

3. CHEBY1 Chebyshev Type I digital and analog filter design. [B,A] = CHEBY1(N,R,Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass digital Chebyshev filter with R decibels of peak-to-peak ripple in the passband. CHEBY1 returns the filter coefficients in length N+1 vectors B (numerator) and A (denominator). The cutoff frequency Wn must be 0.0 < Wn < 1.0, with 1.0

n=5; wn=.4; [b,a]=butter(n,wn,’s’);

w1=20; Rp=-2;

w2=30; Rs=-10;

[n,wn]=buttord(w1,w2,Rp,Rs,’s’); [num,den]=butter(n,wn,’s’)

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corresponding to half the sample rate. Use R=0.5 as a starting point, if you are unsure about choosing R.

If Wn is a two-element vector, Wn = [W1 W2], CHEBY1 returns an order 2N bandpass filter with passband W1 < W < W2.

[B,A] = CHEBY1(N,R,Wn,'high') designs a highpass filter.

[B,A] = CHEBY1(N,R,Wn,'stop') is a bandstop filter if Wn = [W1 W2].

When used with three left-hand arguments, as in

[Z,P,K] = CHEBY1(...), the zeros and poles are returned in length N column vectors Z and P, and the gain in scalar K.

When used with four left-hand arguments, as in

[A,B,C,D] = CHEBY1(...), state-space matrices are returned.

CHEBY1(N,R,Wn,'s'), CHEBY1(N,R,Wn,'high','s') and CHEBY1(N,R,Wn,'stop','s') design analog Chebyshev Type I filters. In this case, Wn is in [rad/s] and it can be greater than 1.0.

4. CHEB1ORD Chebyshev Type I filter order selection. [N, Wn] = CHEB1ORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs) returns the order N of the lowest order digital Chebyshev Type I filter that loses no more than Rp dB in the passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the stopband.

Wp and Ws are the passband and stopband edge frequencies, normalized from 0 to 1 (where 1 corresponds to pi radians/sample).

For example,

Lowpass: Wp = .1, Ws = .2

Highpass: Wp = .2, Ws = .1

Bandpass: Wp = [.2 .7], Ws = [.1 .8]

Bandstop: Wp = [.1 .8], Ws = [.2 .7]

CHEB1ORD also returns Wn, the Chebyshev natural frequency to use with CHEBY1 to achieve the specifications.

[N, Wn] = CHEB1ORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs, 's') does the computation for an analog filter, in which case Wp and Ws are in radians/second.

w1=1; Rp=-2;

w2=1.3; Rs=-20;

[n,wn]=cheb1ord(w1,w2,Rp,Rs,’s’); [numt,dent]=cheby1(n,-Rp, wn,’s’)

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5. CHEBY2 Chebyshev Type II digital and analog filter design. [B,A] = CHEBY2(N,R,Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass digital Chebyshev filter with the stopband ripple R decibels down and stopband edge frequency Wn. CHEBY2 returns the filter coefficients in length N+1 vectors B (numerator) and A (denominator).The cutoff frequency Wn must be 0.0 < Wn < 1.0, with 1.0 corresponding to half the sample rate. Use R = 20 as a starting point, if you are unsure about choosing R.

If Wn is a two-element vector, Wn = [W1 W2], CHEBY2 returns an order 2N bandpass filter with passband W1 < W < W2.

[B,A] = CHEBY2(N,R,Wn,'high') designs a highpass filter.

[B,A] = CHEBY2(N,R,Wn,'stop') is a bandstop filter if Wn = [W1 W2].

When used with three left-hand arguments, as in

[Z,P,K] = CHEBY2(...), the zeros and poles are returned in length N column vectors Z and P, and the gain in scalar K.

When used with four left-hand arguments, as in

[A,B,C,D] = CHEBY2(...), state-space matrices are returned.

CHEBY2(N,R,Wn,'s'), CHEBY2(N,R,Wn,'high','s') and CHEBY2(N,R,Wn,'stop','s') design analog Chebyshev Type II filters. In this case, Wn is in [rad/s] and it can be greater than 1.0.

6. CHEB2ORD Chebyshev Type II filter order selection. [N, Wn] = CHEB2ORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs) returns the order N of the lowest order digital Chebyshev Type II filter that loses no more than Rp dB in the passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the stopband.

Wp and Ws are the passband and stopband edge frequencies, normalized from 0 to 1 (where 1 corresponds to pi radians/sample).

For example,

Lowpass: Wp = .1, Ws = .2

Highpass: Wp = .2, Ws = .1

Bandpass: Wp = [.2 .7], Ws = [.1 .8]

Bandstop: Wp = [.1 .8], Ws = [.2 .7]

CHEB2ORD also returns Wn, the Chebyshev natural frequency to use with CHEBY2 to achieve the specifications.

[N, Wn] = CHEB2ORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs, 's') does the computation for an analog filter, in which case Wp and Ws are in radians/second.

7. ELLIP Elliptic or Cauer digital and analog filter design. [B,A] = ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn) designs an Nth order lowpass digital elliptic filter with Rp decibels of peak-to-peak ripple and a minimum stopband attenuation of Rs decibels. ELLIP returns the filter

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coefficients in length N+1 vectors B (numerator) and A (denominator).The cutoff frequency Wn must be 0.0 < Wn < 1.0, with 1.0 corresponding to half the sample rate. Use Rp = 0.5 and Rs = 20 as starting points, if you are unsure about choosing them.

If Wn is a two-element vector, Wn = [W1 W2], ELLIP returns an order 2N bandpass filter with passband W1 < W < W2.

[B,A] = ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,'high') designs a highpass filter.

[B,A] = ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,'stop') is a bandstop filter if Wn = [W1 W2].

When used with three left-hand arguments, as in

[Z,P,K] = ELLIP(...), the zeros and poles are returned in length N column vectors Z and P, and the gain in scalar K.

When used with four left-hand arguments, as in

[A,B,C,D] = ELLIP(...), state-space matrices are returned.

ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,'s'), ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,'high','s') and ELLIP(N,Rp,Rs,Wn,'stop','s') design analog elliptic filters. In this case, Wn is in [rad/s] and it can be greater than 1.0.

8. ELLIPORD Elliptic filter order selection. [N, Wn] = ELLIPORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs) returns the order N of the lowest order digital elliptic filter that loses no more than Rp dB in the passband and has at least Rs dB of attenuation in the stopband.

Wp and Ws are the passband and stopband edge frequencies, normalized from 0 to 1 (where 1 corresponds to pi radians/sample).

For example,

Lowpass: Wp = .1, Ws = .2

Highpass: Wp = .2, Ws = .1

Bandpass: Wp = [.2 .7], Ws = [.1 .8]

Bandstop: Wp = [.1 .8], Ws = [.2 .7]

ELLIPORD also returns Wn, the elliptic natural frequency to use with ELLIP to achieve the specifications.

[N, Wn] = ELLIPORD(Wp, Ws, Rp, Rs, 's') does the computation for an analog filter, in which case Wp and Ws are in radians/second.

NOTE: If Rs is much much greater than Rp, or Wp and Ws are very close, the estimated order can be infinite due to limitations of numerical precision.


w1=1; w2=1.21;

[n,wn]=ellipord(w1,w2,G1,G2,’s’); [numt,dent]=ellip(n,G1,G2,wn,’s’)

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9. FREQS Laplace-Transform (s-domain) Frequency Response. H = FREQS(B,A,W) returns the complex frequency response vector H of the filter B/A:

















given the numerator and denominator coefficients in vectors B and A.

The frequency response is evaluated at the points specified in vector W (in rad/s). The magnitude and phase can be graphed by calling FREQS(B,A,W) with no output arguments.

[H,W] = FREQS(B,A) automatically picks a set of 200 frequencies W on which the frequency response is computed.

FREQS(B,A,N) picks N frequencies.

10. FILTER One-dimensional digital filter. Y = FILTER(B,A,X) filters the data in vector X with the filter described by vectors A and B to create the filtered data Y. The filter is a "Direct Form II Transposed" implementation of the standard difference equation:

A1y(n) = b1 x(n) + b2x(n-1) + ... + bnb+1x(n-nb)- a2y(n-1) - ... - ana+1y(n-na)

If a1 is not equal to 1, FILTER normalizes the filter coefficients by a1. When x is a matrix, FILTER operates on the columns of x. When x is an N-D array,FILTER operates along the first non-singleton dimension, namely dimension 1 for column vectors and non-trivial matrices, and dimension 2 for row vectors.

[Y,Zf] = FILTER(B,A,X,Zi) gives access to initial and final conditions, Zi and Zf, of the delays. Zi is a vector of length MAX(LENGTH(A),LENGTH(B))-1, or an array of such vectors , one for each column of x.

FILTER(B,A,X,[],DIM) or FILTER(B,A,X,Zi,DIM) operates along the dimension DIM.

num=1; den=[1 3 5 10]









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11. FREQZ Digital filter frequency response. [H,W] = FREQZ(B,A,N) returns the N-point complex frequency response vector H and the N-point frequency vector W in radians/sample of the filter B/A:

















given numerator and denominator coefficients in vectors B and A. The frequency response is evaluated at N points equally spaced around the upper half of the unit circle. If N isn't specified, it defaults to 512.

[H,W] = FREQZ(B,A,N,'whole') uses N points around the whole unit circle.

H = FREQZ(B,A,W) returns the frequency response at frequencies designated in vector W, in radians/sample (normally between 0 and pi).

[H,F] = FREQZ(B,A,N,Fs) and [H,F] = FREQZ(B,A,N,'whole',Fs) return frequency vector F (in Hz), where Fs is the sampling frequency (in Hz).

H = FREQZ(B,A,F,Fs) returns the complex frequency response at the frequencies designated in vector F (in Hz), where Fs is the sampling frequency (in Hz).

FREQZ(B,A,...) with no output arguments plots the magnitude and unwrapped phase of the filter in the current figure window.

12. Analog Prototype Design

In this section, we present a number of functions that can create lowpass analog prototype filters with cutoff frequency of one. The next table summarizes the analog prototype design functions and then a details description of these functions.

Filter Type Analog Prototype Function

Butterworth [z,p,k]=buttap(n)

Chebyshev type I [z,p,k]=cheb1ap(n,Rp)

Chebyshev type II [z,p,k]=cheb2ap(n,Rs)

Elliptic [z,p,k]=ellipap(n,Rp,Rs)

a. BUTTAP Butterworth analog lowpass filter prototype. [Z,P,K] = BUTTAP(N) returns the zeros, poles, and gain for an N-th order normalized prototype Butterworth analog lowpass filter. The resulting filter has N poles around the unit circle in the left half plane, and no zeros.

n=5; wn=30/50;

[b,a]=butter(n,wn); y=filter(b,a,x); %x is the input data

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b. CHEB1AP Chebyshev Type I analog lowpass filter prototype. [Z,P,K] = CHEB1AP(N,Rp) returns the zeros, poles, and gain of an N-th order normalized analog prototype Chebyshev Type I lowpass filter with Rp decibels of ripple in the passband. Chebyshev Type I filters are maximally flat in the stopband.

c. CHEB2AP Chebyshev Type II analog lowpass filter prototype. [Z,P,K] = CHEB2AP(N,Rs) returns the zeros, poles, and gain of an N-th order normalized analog prototype Chebyshev Type II lowpass filter with Rs decibels of ripple in the stopband. Chebyshev Type II filters are maximally flat in the passband.

d. ELLIPAP Elliptic analog lowpass filter prototype. [Z,P,K] = ELLIPAP(N,Rp,Rs) returns the zeros, poles, and gain of an N-th order normalized prototype elliptic analog lowpass filter with Rp decibels of ripple in the passband and a stopband Rs decibels down.

13. Frequency Transformation

The next step of the analog prototype design process is the frequency transformation of a lowpass

prototype. The table below has the transformation list where 120 wωω = is the cutoff frequency

and 12 wwBw −= .

Frequency Transformation Transformation Function

Lowpass to lowpass 0



s = [numt ,dent]=lp2lp(num,den,wo)


Lowpass to highpass s

ws 0' =



Lowpass to bandpass

)( 12








Lowpass to bandstop


12' )(







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a. LP2LP Lowpass to lowpass analog filter transformation. [NUMT,DENT] = LP2LP(NUM,DEN,Wo) transforms the lowpass filter prototype NUM(s)/DEN(s) with unity cutoff frequency of 1 rad/sec to a lowpass filter with cutoff frequency Wo (rad/sec).

[AT,BT,CT,DT] = LP2LP(A,B,C,D,Wo) does the same when the filter is described in state-space form.

b. LP2HP Lowpass to highpass analog filter transformation. [NUMT,DENT] = LP2HP(NUM,DEN,Wo) transforms the lowpass filter prototype NUM(s)/DEN(s) with unity cutoff frequency to a highpass filter with cutoff frequency Wo.

[AT,BT,CT,DT] = LP2HP(A,B,C,D,Wo) does the same when the filter is described in state-space form.

c. LP2BP Lowpass to bandpass analog filter transformation. [NUMT,DENT] = LP2BP(NUM,DEN,Wo,Bw) transforms the lowpass filter prototype NUM(s)/DEN(s) with unity cutoff frequency to a bandpass filter with center frequency Wo and bandwidth Bw.

[AT,BT,CT,DT] = LP2BP(A,B,C,D,Wo,Bw) does the same when the filter is described in state-space form.

d. LP2BS Lowpass to bandstop analog filter transformation. [NUMT,DENT] = LP2BS(NUM,DEN,Wo,Bw) transforms the lowpass filter prototype NUM(s)/DEN(s) with unity cutoff frequency to a bandstop filter with center frequency Wo and bandwidth Bw.

[AT,BT,CT,DT] = LP2BS(A,B,C,D,Wo,Bw) does the same when the filter is described in state-space form.


1. Using MATLAB analog filter design functions solve the following textbook problems….

P3.5, P3.7, P3.8, and P3.10

2. Application Example

a. Make a signal with three sinusoidal components (at frequencies of 5, 15, and 30 Hz).

b. Design an eighth order elliptic filter to keep the 15 Hz sinusoid and get rid of the 5 and 30 Hz sinusoids

c. Plot the signal after filtering. Also plot the frequency response of the signal before and after the filtering process on the same plot.

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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 5

Digital Filter Design

Objectives: 1. To demonstrate the concept of digital filter design.

2. To use a MATAB Filter design and Analysis Tool to design and analyze digital filters.

3. To know the use of filters in noise filtering.


1. Solve the following textbook problems theoretically.

4.15, 4.16, and 4.21

2. Bonus: Solve the application exercise in the lab theoretically.

Background on FDA TOOL

The Filter Design and Analysis Tool (FDATool) is a powerful user interface for designing and analyzing filters. FDATool enables you to quickly design digital FIR or IIR filters by setting filter performance specifications, by importing filters from your MATLAB workspace, or by directly specifying filter coefficients. FDATool also provides tools for analyzing filters, such as magnitude and phase response plots and pole-zero plots. This background contains the following topics:

1. Opening the Filter Design and Analysis Tool To open the Filter Design and Analysis Tool, type fdatool, The Filter Design and Analysis Tool opens in the default design mode.

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2. Choosing a Filter Type You can choose from several filter types:

• Lowpass

• Highpass

• Bandpass

• Bandstop

• Differentiator

• Hilbert transformer

• Multiband

• Arbitrary magnitude

• Arbitrary group delay

• Raised cosine

For example, to design a bandpass filter, select the radio button next to Bandpass in the Filter Type region of the GUI.

3. Choosing a Filter Design Method You can use the default filter design method for the filter type that you’ve selected, or you can select a filter design method from the available FIR and IIR methods listed in the GUI.

To select the Remez algorithm to compute FIR filter coefficients, select the FIR radio button and choose Equiripple from the list of methods.

You can also use the Method menu to select a filter design method.

4. Setting the Filter Design Specifications The filter design specifications that you can set vary according to filter type and design method. For example, to design a bandpass filter, you can enter:

• Bandpass Filter Frequency Specifications

• Bandpass Filter Magnitude Specifications

• Filter Order

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The display region illustrates filter specifications when you select Filter Specifications from the Analysis menu.

Bandpass Filter Frequency Specifications For a bandpass filter, you can set:

• Units of frequency: (Hz, kHz, MHz)

• Normalized (0 to 1)

• Sampling frequency

• Passband frequencies

• Stopband frequencies

You specify the passband with two frequencies. The first frequency determines the lower edge of the passband, and the second frequency determines the upper edge of the passband.

Similarly, you specify the stopband with two frequencies. The first frequency determines the upper edge of the first stopband, and the second frequency determines the lower edge of the second stopband.

For this example:

• Keep the units in Hz (default).

• Set the sampling frequency (Fs) to 2000 Hz.

• Set the end of the first stopband (Fstop1) to 200 Hz.

• Set the beginning of the passband (Fpass1) to 300 Hz.

• Set the end of the passband (Fpass2) to 700 Hz.

• Set the beginning of the second stopband (Fstop2) to 800 Hz.

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Bandpass Filter Magnitude Specifications For a bandpass filter, you can specify the following magnitude response characteristics:

• Units for the magnitude response (dB or linear)

• Passband ripple

• Stopband attenuation

For this example:

• Keep the units in dB (default).

• Set the passband ripple (Apass) to 0.1 dB.

• Set the stopband attenuation for both stopbands (Astop1, Astop2) to 75 dB.

Filter Order You have two mutually exclusive options for determining the filter order when you design an equiripple filter

• Minimum order: The filter design method determines the minimum order filter.

• Specify order: You enter the filter order in a text box.

Select the Minimum order radio button for this example.

Note that filter order specification options depend on the filter design method you choose. Some filter methods may not have both options available.

5. Computing the Filter Coefficients Now that you’ve specified the filter design, select the Design Filter button to compute the filter coefficients.

Notice that the Design Filter button is dimmed once you’ve computed the coefficients for your filter design. This button is enabled again once you make any changes to the filter specifications.

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6. Analyzing the Filter Once you’ve designed the filter, you can view the following filter response characteristics in the display region or in a separate window:

• Magnitude response

• Phase response

• Overlaid magnitude and phase responses

• Group delay

• Impulse response

• Step response

• Pole-zero plot

You can also display the filter coefficients in this region.

You can access the analysis methods as items in the Analysis menu, or by using the toolbar buttons.

For example, to look at the filter’s magnitude response, select the Magnitude Response button on the toolbar.

To display the filter response characteristics in a separate window, select Full View Analysis from the Analysis menu. The Filter Visualization Tool (fvtool) opens. You can use this tool to annotate your design, view other filter analyses, and print your filter response.

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You can click on the response to add a data marker that displays information about the particular point on the response. Right-clicking displays a menu where you can adjust the appearance of the data markers or delete them.

7. Saving and Opening Filter Design Sessions

You can save your filter design session as a MAT-file and return to the same session another time.

Select the Save session button to save your session as a MAT-file. The first time you save a session, a Save Filter Design File browser opens, prompting you for a session name.

For example, save this design session as TestFilter.fda in your current working directory by typing TestFilter in the File name field. The .fda extension is added automatically to all filter design sessions you save.

You can load existing sessions into the Filter Design and Analysis Tool by selecting the Open session button, . A Load Filter Design File browser opens that allows you to select from your previously saved filter design sessions.

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1. Use the MATLAB Filter Design Functions that you have dealt with in LAB 4 to solve the following textbook problems.

4.15, 4.16, and 4.21

2. Repeat exercise (1) using FDAtool, and compare the results.

3. Check the efficiency of your design of the lowpass digital filter described in 4.15 by applying a sinusoidal signal with angular frequency of 0.01π, 0.05π, 0.1π, and 0.3π to the block that you have designed by FDAtool. See the filtered output in time domain using scope at each case.

4. Application Exercise : Filtering a noise signal from a sinusoidal signal

A sinusoidal signal having f0=75Hz and amplitude of 1v is sampled at a rate of 1000 sample/sec. The discrete time sinusoidal is transmitted through a twisted pair cable. During its transmission, the signal is corrupted by a noise signal. The noise signal can be visualized as uniformly distributed random numbers with an amplitude ranging from 0 to 4v and sampled at a rate of 1000 samples/sec and. This random signal will be filtered to obtain the noise signal in the band above 250 Hz. At the receiver side, we need to isolate the sinusoidal signal from the noisy signal.

a. Using simulink, design a model that can generate the noise signal described in the above problem.

b. Suggest the type of the filter that can be used at the receiver side.

c. Specify the parameters of the filter you choose in part b.

d. Try to visualize the input signal, corrupted signal and the reconstructed signal on the same figure.

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DSP Laboratory Experiment # 6

Design and Implementation of Finite Impulse

Response (FIR) Filters on the C6711 DSK


1. To implement the FIR filters designed by FDAtool on the C6711 DSK.

2. To demonstrate the effect of filtering on some signals.


FIR Filter Using MATLAB's GUI Filter Design and Analysis Tool, FDATOOL

In the last lab we learn how to use the MATLAB's GUI Filter Design and design and analysis tool to

design FIR digital filters. As a revision, to design a lowpass FIR filter using FDAtool, do the


1. From the MATLAB command prompt, type

>> fdatool

This will open the Filter design and analysis window.

2. In the “Filter Designer" window, make sure the following are selected:

• Set the units to Hz.

• Set the sampling frequency to 8000 (sampling rate of the on-board codec).

• Make sure that the algorithm “Equiripple FIR” is selected.

• Under specifications, make sure that box for “Minimum order” is checked.

• Select Type: “lowpass”

• Set Fpass to 1500 and Rp to 2.

• Set Fstop to 1700 and Rs to 60.

Then select design filter. The following figure will appear.

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Figure 1 : Low pass filter design using FDAtool

3. Your filter has been designed by MATLAB. To access this filter from the workspace, go to ‘File’

and select ‘Export’. In the window “Export”, complete the following fields:

Export to workspace: Export As coefficient

Variable Names, Numerator: filt1

and then click on the button “apply”.

4. Your filter is now available in the workspace. To see the filter coefficients, type the following in

the MATLAB workspace

To further analyze this filter, download the MATLAB m-file plotZTP_FIR.m from the course

account. This m-file contains a function that will plot the Z-transform (evaluated at z = ejwto), the pole-

zero diagram and the impulse response in a four-panel plot. This function is a modified version of

plotZTP.m that is used to analyze all rational filters. The modifications are that the denominator

(A(z) in the representation H(z) = B(z)/A(z)) is always 1, and the impulse response is always finite, so

the entire impulse is displayed (This will not be the case for IIR filters). To analyze the filter, filt1,

type the following in the MATLAB workspace.

>> h=filt1;

>> stem(h)

>> length(h)

>> fs=8000;

>> plotZTP_FIR(h,fs)

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FDAtool has many FIR filter options such as: Equiripple FIR, Least Squares FIR, and Window FIR.

The passband and stopband each have two sets of parameters Fp, Rp, Fs, and Rs. The parameters Fp

and Fs define the boundaries of the passband and stopband frequencies, respectively. The parameter

Rp determines the ripple (in dB) of the passband and Rs is the stopband rejection parameter that

denotes the relative height of the stopband compared to the passband (i.e. Rs = 60 means that the

amplitude of the stop band is -60 dB less than the passband.) In the case of bandpass and bandstop

filters, there will be two passband and stopband parameters, namely Fp1, Fp2, Fs1, and Fs2. When

designing filters using FDAtool, a transition band of frequencies must be included between Fp1 and

Fs1 as well as Fp2 and Fs2. The tighter these bands are, the larger your filter order will be.

In this lab, we will use the FDAtool, to design FIR filters. A MATLAB m-file have been created to

format the filter coefficients so these filters may be easily implemented in hardware. These files will

be discussed when we do our FIR filter implementation.

FIR Implementation on the C6711 DSK Using C

One of the most common ways to describe digital filters is to use hardware diagrams to describe the

input - output relationships. For FIR filters, one possible hardware diagram is illustrated in Figure 2.

As the input stream x[n] enters the FIR filter it is delayed by the z-1 delay operator and scaled by the

filter coefficient h[k]. The output y[n] = ∑=




][][ . This hardware diagram shows that the

output of FIR filter is calculated by doing explicit convolution.

Figure 2: Delay Tap Hardware Diagram of an FIR Filter

Another way to describe FIR filters is to say that the output at time n is the inner product of a filter

coefficient vector with an input vector containing the N +1 most recent inputs. Let's define the two

column vectors h = [h[0], h[1], . . . h[N]]T ∈ RN+1 and xn = [x[n],x[n - 1], . . . x[n - N]]T ∈ RN+1. The

output is defined to be y[n] = nT

n xhxh =, ∑=




][][ , which can be implemented on our

DSP hardware.

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To make this a real-time digital filter, the input vector nx must be updated as each sample is read in

from the codec. After the next sample has been read in, the new input vector containing the N + 1

most recent inputs is 1+nx [x[n + 1], x[n], . . . x[(n + 1) - N]]T ∈ RN+1 and the output is y[n + 1] =

1, +nxh . The vector 1+nx is created by removing the oldest sample of nx from the bottom, shifting

all of the elements down in vector (remember nx is a column vector), and storing the newest sample

x[n + 1] at the top of the vector. This is illustrated below.

The column on the left represents the C coded array that holds the N + 1 most recent inputs and the

three columns on the right illustrate how the incoming samples are stored in the C coded array. This is

not the most efficient way to organize the data in the input vector x, but it provides a good starting

point for coding digital FIR filters in C.

Download the project FIR.pjt and accompanying files FIR.c and LPF1500.cof from the course

account and open it in CCS. Examine the code listing for FIR.c shown in Figure 3.

Within the ISR (lines 7 through 23), note the following:

•••• A local variable k, of type short, is created as a loop counter, the current sample is read in

from the code and stored at the top of the array buffer x[0], and the accumulating variable

for the current output, global variable yn, is initialized to zero (lines 9 through 12).

•••• The explicit convolution (multiply and accumulate operations) of the N + 1 filter

coefficients stored in the vector h[] with the N + 1 most recent inputs stored in the vector

x[] is accumulated in yn (lines 14 and 15).

•••• The input buffer is shifted down starting at the bottom, where the last value of the array is

no longer stored in memory (lines 17 and 18).

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•••• Finally, the output is scaled (fixed point implementation) and sent to the codec, and the ISR

returns program control back to the main() function (lines 20 and 22).

The filter implemented in Figure 3 is the equiripple FIR filter designed in FDAtool. Look in the

folder “include” in CCS and open the file LPF1500.cof. Observe that it contains the 71 filter

coefficients of the 70th order FIR filter created earlier. Also, the filter order N = 70 is defined. By

including a separate file that contains the filter coefficients and filter order, we can keep the same

basic FIR program and include different .cof files to change our FIR filter.

Download the MATLAB m-file FIR_cof_gen.m from the account. This m-file is a function that takes

the filter coefficients, h[k], and creates a formatted .cof that can be included into the C program


Figure 3: Listing of FIR.c

1.) // FIR.c FIR filter. Include file of N order FIR filter coefficients 2.) 3.) #include "LPF1500.cof" // coefficient file LPF @ 1500Hz 4.) int yn = 0; // initialize filter's output 5.) short x[N+1]; // input samples 6.) // NB: impulse duration N+1 samples 7.) interrupt void c_int11() // ISR 8.) 9.) short k; 10.) 11.) x[0] = input_sample(); // new input @ beginning of buffer 12.) yn = 0; // initialize filter's output 13.) 14.) for (k = 0; k<= N; k++) 15.) yn += (h[k] * x[k]); // y(n) += h(k)* x(n-k) 16.) 17.) for (k = N; k > 0; k--) // starting @ end of buffer 18.) x[k] = x[k-1]; // update delays with data move 19.) 20.) output_sample((short)(yn >> 15)); 21.) // scale filtered output 22.) return; 23.) 24.) 25.) void main() 26.) 27.) comm_intr(); // init DSK, codec, McBSP 28.) while(1); // infinite loop 29.)

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In the FDAtool design example from before, a lowpass filter with cutoff frequency 1500Hz was

created. Once this filter was exported to the workspace as filt1, the filter coefficients were found by

typing h=filt1; These filter coefficients are formatted into a .cof by typing

>> FIR_ cof_gen(‘lpf1500’, h, ‘fixed’)

in the MATLAB workspace. (Notice that the m-file FIR_cof_gen.m must be stored in your current

working directory in MATLAB.) This command will create the file LPF1500.cof that may be

included in FIR.c.

At the end of the FDAtool filter design, commands were given to plot the filter coefficients. You may

noticed that the coefficients were all less than one. In fixed-point arithmetic, all of the filter

coefficients must be signed-integers, so the numbers were all scaled by 215 and rounded to the nearest

integer. This scaling undone before output by multiplying by 2-15. In fixed-point algorithms, this type

of scaling must be done. This leads to a few additional comments. First, the input samples and the

filter coefficients are 16-bit signed integers, so the accumulation variable yn is a 32-bit signed integer,

which, in C, means that the variable is declared as int yn (instead of short yn). Also, the scaling up of

the filter coefficients by 215 was done by FIR_cof_gen when the option ‘fixed’ was selected, and the

down scaling was done in line 20. In binary, multiplying or dividing a number by a power of two

means shifting bits of that number either to the left or right. In this case, we are dividing yn by 215, so

we need to shift the bits of yn fifteen bits to the right, which is done in C by using the right bit shift

operator >> (see line 20). One final comment about FIR_cof_gen.m. This function performs H∞

scaling to scale the frequency response H(ejwto ). This scaling makes the gain ≤1 f or all frequencies.

This is done to help keep you from overdriving the codec.

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FIR Filter Design - Notch Filter

Suppose that we would like to design a simple notch filter that knocks out a specific tone. A notch

filter is an FIR filter that completely kills unwanted single frequency component by placing zeros on

the unit circle at the corresponding angles. This could be done by designing a filter with frequency







)1)(1()( 11












tjwtjw oo


1. Redo the FDAtool design and run FIR_cof_gen to create LPF1500.cof. Implement this filter on

the DSK. Use the signal generator and oscilloscope to verify that the filter is working properly.

Observe that the amplitude of the output sinusoid is different at various frequencies in the

passband. Explain the variations. (HINT: Use the MATLAB function plotZTP_FIR to examine

the filter.)

Take the values of Vo at different frequencies. Compute the gain Vo/ Vin in each case, then

compute the gain in dB. Plot the dB gain vs. frequency to verify the frequency response of the


2. To make the above program a floating point program, the following changes must be made.

The variable yn must be of type float and the output does not need to be bit shifted. Instead, the

output needs to be typecast as (short)yn; otherwise, the output will be garbage. The above filter

can be implemented in floating point by making the above changes and creating a new .cof file

using FIR_cof_gen.m as follows.

>> cof_gen(‘LPF1500fp’, h, ‘float’)

Create a new project, (for example, FIR_float.pjt), that implements a floating-point version of

FIR.C. Include a copy of your C code and comment on the changes made. Notice that when

using floating-point arithmetic, you must make sure that the ‘Target Version’ is set to ‘671x’ in

the ‘Compiler’ tab in the ‘Build Options’.

Plot the frequency response of the filter as in exercise 1.

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FIR Filter Design - Zero Placement in a Transfer Function

When we analyze digital filters, we examine their poles and zeros in the Z-domain. All analyzable

filters are of the form H(z) =A(z)/B(z). In the case of FIR filters, B(z) = 1 and H(z) = A(z). This means

that FIR filters have no poles, only zeros. This also means that the coefficients of the polynomial A(z)

are the filter coefficients Nnh 0][ . For real filter coefficients, the zeros of H(z) must appear in

complex conjugate pairs. Zeros that occur on the unit circle, z = ejwto, will translate to zeros in the

magnitude response of the filter. Frequency components that neighbor a zero on the unit circle will be

attenuated. Zeros that are not on the unit circle will also shape the magnitude response of the filter

H(z). The closer a frequency on the unit circle gets to a zero, the more it will be attenuated.

4. Design a filter by placing zeros in your transfer function H(z). Intuitively, explain how these

zeros affect the frequency response of your filter. Use at least 3 complex conjugate pairs of

zeros. Use plotZTP_FIR.m to help analyze your filter. Implement this filter on the DSK and

comment on the results seen at each frequency. Include a copy of the MATLAB figure

generated by plotZTP_FIR.m and comment on the output of this filter for input sinusoids of

various frequencies. Give as much intuition as possible.

3. Design a notch filter for the on-board codec that knocks out 200Hz tones. Use

plotZTP_FIR() to examine this filter. Create a set of tones in MATLAB of the following

form x[n] = cos[2πf1n/fs]+cos[2πf2n/fs]. Let f1 = 200Hz and vary f2.

In MATLAB, 10 seconds worth of x[n] can be generated by typing

>> fs=8000; t=0:1/fs:10;f1=200;

>> f2=2000; x=.5*(cos(2*pi*f1*t)+cos(2*pi*f2*t)); sound(x,fs)

in the MATLAB workspace. Note that here f2 = 2kHz and that a factor of 0.5 has been used

to prevent overdriving the on-board codec. Observe and listen to both the filtered and

unfiltered versions of x[n] on the oscilloscope and with headphones. Do this for f2 = 2kHz,

1.5kHz, 1kHz, 500Hz, 400Hz, 300Hz, and250Hz. What can you say about the filtered output

as f2 → f1 ? Does this filter have a linear phase? Comment on your results and give as much

intuition as possible.

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FIR Filter Design - Delay

Delay is an echoing effect that can be found on many guitar effects boards. It produces an effect that

sounds much like the effect of hearing music at a sporting event. This effect is described by the

difference equation y[n] = x[n]+a[m]x[n-m], which is an FIR filter of the form H(z) = 1+a[m]z-m. Here

1][ ≤ma controls the amplitude of the echo and m, usually large, controls the delay (e.g. m = 400

using the on-board codec translates to a 50ms delay). An example impulse response with a[m] = 0.7

and m = 8 would be coded in MATLAB as h=[1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7]. Use plotZTP_FIR() to examine

this filter. For the delay filters that we will examine next, the frequency responses will take MATLAB

too long to compute, so we will not explore them.

5. Design a digital delay filter for the on-board codec with the parameters a[m] = 0.9 and m

= 400. This will require a buffer that will store the 400 most recent inputs, but will only

require two multiply and accumulate operations. Create your C code in a way that does

(at most) two multiply and accumulate operations. Play music through the DSK and listen

to the effects. Try various values of a[m] and m to get a feel for how they affect the input.

What can say about a 50ms and 100ms delay? Does this filter have a linear phase?

Comment on your results and give as much intuition as possible.

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DSP Laboratory, Experiment # 7

Design of IIR Digital Filters Using Bilinear Transformation

and LMS Technique


1. To understand the concept of bilinear transformation, adaptive filtering and least mean

squared technique.

2. To demonstrate the effect of adaptive method on noise filtering.

Part A: Prelab

Attempt to design the two exercises in the lab by means of mathematical derivation.

Bilinear Transformation Background:

The Bilinear Transformation method overcomes the effect of aliasing that is caused to due the analog

frequency response containing components at or beyond the Nyquist Frequency. The bilinear

transform is a method of compressing the infinite, straight analog frequency axis to a finite one long

enough to wrap around the unit circle once only. This is also sometimes called frequency warping.

This introduces a distortion in the frequency. This is undone by pre-warping the critical frequencies

of the analog filter (cutoff frequency, center frequency) such that when the analog filter is

transformed into the digital filter, the designed digital filter will meet the desired specifications.





This transformation is known as the Bilinear or Tustin Transformation. The Laplace transforms in the

filter expressions are replaced by the corresponding z-transforms. Replacing s = + j


performing algebraic manipulations, substituting z = ejw we get

w = 2 tan-1(


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It can be seen that analog dc (s = 0) maps to digital dc (z = 1) and the highest analog frequency (s = ) maps to the highest digital frequency (z = -1). It is easy to show that the entire jw axis in the s

plane is mapped exactly once around the unit circle in the z plane. Therefore, it does not alias. With

(2/T) real and positive, the left-half s plane maps to the interior of the unit circle, and the right-half s

plane maps outside the unit circle.

The constant provides one remaining degree of freedom that can be used to map any particular finite

frequency the jw axis in the s plane to a particular desired location on the unit circle ejw in the z

plane. All other frequencies will be warped. In particular, approaching half the sampling rate, the

frequency axis compresses more and more. Filters having a single transition frequency, such as

lowpass or highpass filters, map beautifully under the bilinear transform; you simply map the cut-off

frequency where it belongs, and the response looks great. In particular, “equal ripple” is preserved for

optimal filters of the elliptic and Chebyshev types because the values taken on by the frequency

response are identical in both cases; only the frequency axis is warped.

Part A: Lab

1. Design an IIR filter with the following characteristics:

Type: High Pass IIR Elliptic filter

Order 5

Sampling Frequency, Fs 10 Hz

Passband Edge Frequency, Fc1 = 2.4 Hz

Stopband Edge Frequency, Fc2 = 2 Hz

The design should be attempted indirectly by performing the following steps:

1. First design a low pass elliptic analog prototype filter with cut-off of 1 rad/s and order 5 to meet the

required passband and stopband ripple specifications

2. Then convert this to an analog high-pass filter with the given passband edge frequency.

3. Then, using the bilinear transformation convert this analog high-pass filter to the required the

digital high-pass filter.

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2. Design an IIR filter with the following characteristics:

Type: Band Pass IIR Chebyshev Type I filter

Order 6

Sampling Frequency, Fs 10 Hz

Passband Edge Frequency, Fc1 = 2 Hz

Stopband Edge Frequency, Fc2 = 4 Hz

Passband Ripple 1 dB

Use a similar procedure to that followed in 1.

In each exercise, plot the following:

1. Impulse response of the filter.

2. Pole-Zero diagram.

Comment on the results.

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Part B

Adaptive Filters Background

All of the filters that we have been designing in the lab have been simple FIR or IIR fixed coefficient

filters. We have used programs like MATLAB to compute filter coefficients for a particular situation,

like low-pass or high-pass filters with some fixed frequency cutoff. Once the filter was designed and

coded, we ran it on our DSP boards and used simple inputs to test the frequency response.

Unfortunately, interference and the signals of interest can change over time.

What would happen if we designed a low-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 500Hz, for example,

and started to process data? During the processing we discovered some noise signal at 450Hz that was

sneaking through our filter. We could go back into MATLAB, redesign the filter coefficients, and

paste them into our code and then the noise at 450Hz would be eliminated. This would be effective if

the interference does not change in time.

One solution to this problem is an adaptive filter. The coefficients of an adaptive filter change in

time. In this lab, we will look at a few ways to implement adaptive algorithms. Take a look at the

block diagram below that compares the setup of a standard filter, like we are used to, and an adaptive

filter. The first thing that should strike you is the appearance of a feedback loop.

Let's take a look at some of the terminology that will be used when we talk about adaptive filters.

Input Signal

Output Signal

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Filter Structure – This is the implementation of the filtering algorithm. It is set by the designer of the

filter, and may be something like a Direct Form implementation of an FIR filter. This block computes

the filter output based on the input. The filter coefficients can be updated by the Adaptive Algorithm.

Criterion of Performance – This block looks at the output of the filter and compares it with some

other signal. This other signal is the desired output of the filter. If we know what the desired response

is, we can compare it to the actual response and then indicate to the Adaptive Algorithm that

something needs to be changed. From the example in the introduction, the Criterion of Performance

would detect the noise at 450Hz and tell the Adaptive Algorithm that it needs to change the filter’s

cutoff frequency.

Adaptive Algorithm – This is the main part of an adaptive filter. This algorithm decides how to

change the filter coefficients in response to the signal given by the Criterion of Performance. This is

the most difficult part of an adaptive filter to design.

In order to design an adaptive filter, we need to know some information about the environment that

the filter will be in. We call this the Signal Operating Environment (SOE). The Signal Operating

Environment gives us a lot of statistical information about what the input signal might look like.

There are basically two things of interest:

(1) What is the average value of the signal? and (2) How far does the signal deviate from this mean

value? Once we have this information, we can start to design the filter.

In this lab we will be talking about a very specific case of a Signal Operating Environment. In this

particular case, the average value of our signal will be constant. You can think of the average value of

the signal as its DC value. Also, in this particular case of Signal Operating Environment, our signal

will stay relatively close to its average value. In other words, the input signal will not have big swings

in one direction or the other.

The last thing we need to talk about is the difference between Supervised Adaptation and

Unsupervised Adaptation. In Supervised Adaptation, the expected output of the filter is a known

quantity, and the Criterion of Performance can simply take the difference between the filter output

and the expected output. It then uses that information to tell the Adaptation Algorithm what

adjustments to make.

In Unsupervised Adaptation, the expected output of the filter is an unknown quantity. This case is

more difficult because of the work that the Criterion of Performance has to do. We cannot simply take

the difference of two signals like with Supervised Adaptation. A lot of the time, Unsupervised

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Adaptation consists of looking for signal qualities. For example, the Criterion of Performance may

look for a particular signal envelope that we know should be there.

In this lab, we will deal only with Supervised Adaptation because it is easier to implement.

Adaptive Algorithm Theory

Let's first focus on the Adaptive Algorithm. This is the part of an adaptive filter that updates the filter

coefficients. The filter is a FIR filter. We will discuss two ways to calculate new filter coefficients

based on a performance criterion based on the mean squared error.

Mean Squared Error (MSE) Criterion:

Take a look at the modified block diagram below.

Looking at the figure we can immediately do some calculations. The output of the FIR filter is:

∑ −=−




The error signal is the desired output signal, d(n) , minus the filter output, y(n):


= )kh(k)x(nd(n)1N




Input Signal x[n]

Output Signal y[n]

Expected Response d[n]

Error Signal e[n]

+ -

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The error criterion is the mean or average squared error. The goal is to find the filter coefficients,

h(k)’s, that minimize the mean squared error:

The term E is the expected value of the error over time. In this case we make the assumption that

the signal statistics do not change over time, this lets us replace the expected value with a time


A common method of minimization is to take the derivative with respect to the h(k)’s and set the

result equal to zero.

This equation can be solved to give a result of

This result is known as the Weiner-Hopf equation. This result is usually not practical to compute

since the signal statistics are not usually known and it involves a matrix inversion that is difficult and

time-consuming to calculate.

Least Mean Square (LMS)

The Least Mean Square method iteratively estimates the solution to the Weiner-Hopf equations using

a method called gradient descent. This minimization method finds minima by estimating the gradient.

The basic equation in gradient descent is:


β is the step size parameter or the learning coefficient.

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The LMS method uses this technique to compute new coefficients that minimize the difference

between the computed output and the expected output under a few key assumptions about the nature

of the signal. The LMS method assumes that the expected value of the signal equals the instantaneous

error. Using this assumption, the gradient can be estimated as:

The equation for updating the filter parameters is:

The basic algorithm takes the form:

1. Read in the next sample, x(n), and perform the filtering operation with the previous

version of the coefficients.

2. Take the computed output and compare it with the expected output.

3. Update the coefficients using the following computation.

This algorithm is performed in a loop so that with each new sample, a new coefficient

vector, hn(k) is created. In this way, the filter coefficients change and adapt.

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The output y(n) approaches d(n) if the learning coefficient β is small. The learning coefficient β

indicates the step size for the gradient descent method. A small step size will ensure convergence, but

it means that the filter coefficients change very slowly (a slow adaptation rate). A large step size, may

lead to skipping over the solution. In this lab we will use β = 1 x 10-3.

Part B: Lab

Part 1: Unknown System Implementation

1. Design the IIR filter: A seventh order bandpass IIR filter will act as the unknown system. Using a

sampling frequency of 4 kHz, the specifications of the bandpass filter are that the filter has a

passband from π/3 to 2 π/3 (radians), with a stopband attenuation of –20 dB. Use the yulewalk.m

function in Matlab to design this filter. This function finds the N-th order recursive filter

coefficients num and den such that the filter Num(z)/Den(z) matches the magnitude frequency

response given by vectors f and m. Vectors f and m specify the frequency and magnitude

breakpoints for the filter such that Plot(f,m) would show a plot of the desired frequency response.

2. Plot the spectrum of this filter.

The vector, f, defines the edges of the stopbands and passbands in frequency. It is normalized so

that 1 is equal to fs/2 (=π). The vector, m, defines the desired level of the output in each band. 0

means stopband, 1 means a passband.

3. Implement this IIR filter on the C6711 board using the ideas in the last lab. Verify the functioning

of this filter by inputting three sinusoidal signals at 300, 1000, and 1500 Hertz using the signal

generator. Write down the attenuation for each signal using the oscilloscope. Does the filter meet

the specifications?

Part 2: Adaptive Filter Implementation in Matlab

1. We will use a 32-coefficient FIR filter to adapt to the output of the IIR filter. We will first

implement the filter in Matlab, then, time permitting, on the DSP board. The first step is to build a

short subroutine that updates the coefficients using the LMS algorithm. Design a subroutine that

>order = 7; >f = [0 0.32, 1/3, 2/3, 0.67, 1]; >m = [0 0 1 1 0 0]; >[num,den]=yulewalk(order,f,m);

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implements the three steps of the LMS algorithm given above. The calling parameters should have

this form:

The error terms will help us evaluate the filter performance later.

2 Check your code. Insert your filter design code and your LMS code into the lmsfilter.m file at the

marked spots. Note that this filter begins estimating at the Nth input. This is because the FIR filter

must have full inputs. Otherwise, it will try to learn the transient response of a filter.

Compare the spectrum of your learned filter with the original filter. Comment on any differences

and similarities.

3. Adaptive filters can only learn what they are taught. What this means, if you only give them input

at certain frequencies, then they will only learn the filter response at those frequencies. We will

test this phenomenon by deleting the noise term in the line:

x = sin(2*pi*f1*t)+sin(2*pi*f2*t)+sin(2*pi*f3*t);%+ 0.5*randn(size(t));

Now the filter will only learn the response of the filter at f1, f2 and f3. Run this program and look

at the results. Try changing the frequencies and look at your results, describe what you see.

function [h,e,err_sq] = lms(input, desired, N, beta, h) % LMS adaptive filter % input : input signal vector (Nx1 column vector) % desired : desired output signal (single element) % N : no. of taps % h : filter coefficients vector (Nx1 column vector) % beta : learning constant % e: error of adaptive filter % err_sq : squared estimation error

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DSP Laboratory, Experiment # 8

Design of Digital Filters Using Windows and

Parks-McClellan Algorithm


1. To know the effect of windows on IIR filters.

2. To know the different types of windows and the characteristics of each one especially Kaiser


3. To demonstrate the FIR filter design using Parks-McClellan Algorithm


In this lab we will cover more systematic methods of designing both FIR and IIR filters.

Part A: Filter Design Using Standard Windows

Ideally, a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency wc should have a frequency response of





wcweH jw


And a corresponding impulse response of

)2()(sin)( nw


nh ccideal ππ


However, no real filter can have this frequency response because hideal(n) is both noncausal and

infinite in duration.

One method for creating a realizable approximation to an ideal filter is to truncate this impulse

response outside of n∈[α, α].

htrunc(n)= )3(,......,1,0,....,




cw cc αα


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A truncated impulse response is of finite duration, yet the filter is still noncausl. In order to make the

FIR filter causal, it must be shifted to the right by α units. As α increases, the negative coefficients of

the filter will be shifted to the right making h(n) to be causal.

)4()((sin)( αππ

−= nw


nh ccideal

if α is set to (N-1)/2, where N is a n odd integer, the shifted and truncated filter is given by






wnh cc

ideal ππ

Where wc is the cutoff frequency and N is the desired window length.

The time shift of (N-1)/2 units to the right corresponds to multiplying the frequency response by e-

jw(N-1)/2. It does not affect the magnitude response of the filter, but adds a factor of -jw(N-1)/2 to the

phase response. Such a filter is called linear phase because the phase is a linear function of w.

We may generalize the idea of truncation by using different windowing functions to truncate an ideal

filter's impulse response. Note that by simply truncating the ideal filter's impulse response, we are

actually multiplying or “windowing" the impulse response by a shifted rect() function. This particular

type of window is called a rectangular window. In general, the impulse response h(n) of the designed

filter is related to the impulse response hideal(n) of the ideal filter by the relation

)((n)w(n)hh(n) ideal 6=

Where w(n) is an N-point window, and hideal(n) is given in equation (5)

The rectangular window is defined as








The DTFT of w(n) for N = 21 is shown in Fig. 1.

The rectangular window is usually not desirable because it leads to the large stopband and passband

ripple as shown in Fig. 2.

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Figure 1: DTFT of a rectangular window of length 21

Figure 2: Frequency response of low-pass filter, designed using the truncation method

More desirable frequency characteristics can be obtained by making a better selection for the window,

w(n). In fact, a variety of raised cosine windows are widely used for this purpose. Some popular

windows are listed below.

1. Hanning window (as defined in Matlab, command hann(N)):










2. Hamming window










3. Blackman window

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In filter design using different truncation windows, there are two key frequency domain effects that

are important to the design: the transition band roll-off, and the passband and stopband ripple (see

Fig. 3 below). There are two corresponding parameters in the spectrum of each type of window that

influence these filter parameters. The filter's roll-off is related to the width of center lobe of the

window's magnitude spectrum. The ripple is influenced by the ratio of the main lobe amplitude to the

first side lobe amplitude (or difference if using a dB scale). These two window spectrum parameters

are not independent, and you should see a trend as you examine the spectra for different windows.

The theoretical values for the main lobe width and the peak-to-side lobe amplitude are shown in

Table 1.

Window (Length N)

Mainlobe Width Peak-To-Sidelobe

Amplitude (dB)

Rectangular 4π/N -13 dB

Hanning 8π/N -32 dB

Hamming 8π/N -43 dB

Blackman 12π/N -58 dB

Table 1: Approximate spectral parameters of truncation windows

1. Plot the rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, and Blackman window functions of length 21 on a

single figure using the subplot command. You may use the Matlab commands hamming, hanning,

and blackman.

2. Then compute and plot the DTFT magnitude of each of the four windows. Plot the magnitudes on

a decibel scale (i.e., plot )(log20 10jweW ). Use the function DTFT.m to compute the DTFT.

Hint: Use at least 512 sample points in computing the DTFT by typing the command

DTFT(window,512). Type help DTFT for further information on this function.


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3. Measure the main lobe width (in rad/sample) and the peak-to-side lobe amplitude (in dB) from

the logarithmic magnitude response plot for each window type. The Matlab commands zoom and

crosshair are helpful for this. Make a table similar to table (1 ) with these values and the

theoretical ones.

4. Now use a Hamming window to design a lowpass filter h(n) with a cutoff frequency of wc = 2

and length 21. In the same figure, plot the filter's impulse response, and the magnitude of the

filter's DTFT in decibels.

a. First use equations (4) and (6) with α =100, 500, 1000 . See the effect of changing α on the

filter response.

b. Then use equations (5) and (6) . See the effect of changing α on the filter response.

c. Repeat b with increasing N to 51. What is the effect of N on mainlobe width and the peak-to-

sidelobe amplitude?


• Submit the figure containing the time domain plots of the four windows.

• Submit the figure containing the DTFT (in decibels) of the four windows.

• Submit the table of the measured and theoretical window spectrum parameters.

• Submit the plots of your designed filter's impulse response and the magnitude of the filter's


Part B: Filter Design Using the Kaiser Window

Figure 3: Tolerance specifications for the frequency response of a filter.

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The standard windows of last section are an improvement over simple truncation, but these windows

still do not allow for arbitrary choices of transition bandwidth and ripple. In 1964, Kaiser found a

family of near-optimal windows that can be used to design filters which meet or exceed any filter

specification. The Kaiser window depends on two parameters: the window length N, and a parameter

β which controls the shape of the window. Large values of β reduce the window side lobes and

therefore result in reduced passband and stopband ripple. The only restriction to the Kaiser filter

design method is that the passband and stopband ripple must be equal in magnitude. Therefore, the

Kaiser filter must be designed to meet the smaller of the two ripple constraints:

,min sp δδδ =

The Kaiser window function of length N is given by














= β


where Io(.) is the zeroth order modified Bessel function of the first kind, N is the length of the

window, and β is the shape parameter.

Kaiser found that values of β and N could be chosen to meet any set of design parameters,

,),,( sp wwδ by defining A = -20 log 10 δ and using the following two equations:






















+=ps ww


where . is the ceiling function, i.e. x is the smallest integer which is greater than or equal to x.

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Plot the Kaiser windows and their DTFT magnitudes (in dB) for N = 21 and the following values of


• β = 0

• β = 1

• β = 5

For each case use at least 512 points in the plot of the DTFT.

Hint: To create the Kaiser windows, use the Matlab command Kaiser (N, beta) command where N is

the length of the filter and beta is the shape parameter β. To insure at least 512 points in the plot use

the command DTFT (window, 512) when computing the DTFT.


Submit the plots of the 3 Kaiser windows and the magnitude of their DTFT's in decibels. Comment

on how the value β affects the shape of the window and the side lobes of the DTFT.

1. Use a Kaiser window to design a low pass filter, h(n), to remove the noise from the signal noisy.

mat using equations (1) and (2). To do this, use equations (3) and (4) to compute the values of β and

N that will yield the following design specifications:

fpass=3000, fcutoff=5000, fstop=7000, fs=22050, δp=0.05, δs=0.005

Figure 4: DTFT of a section of noisy speech



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The low pass filter designed with the Kaiser method will automatically have a cut-off frequency

centered between wp and ws.





2. Plot the magnitude of the DTFT of h(n) for πpw .

3. Filter the noisy speech signal in noisy. mat using the filter you have designed.

4. Then compute the DTFT of the filtered signal. Plot the magnitude of the DTFT in decibels versus

frequency in radians πpw . Compare this with the spectrum of the noisy speech signal shown in

Fig. 4. Play the noisy and filtered speech signals back using sound and listen to them carefully.

IN YOUR LAB REPORT: Do the following:

• Submit the values of β and N that you computed.

• Submit the three plots of the filter's magnitude response. Make sure the plots are labeled.

• Submit the magnitude plot of the DTFT in dB for the filtered signal. Compare this plot to the

plot of Fig. 4.

Part C: FIR Filter Design Using Parks-McClellan Algorithm

Kaiser windows are versatile since they allow the design of arbitrary filters which meet specific

design constraints. However, filters designed with Kaiser windows still have a number of

disadvantages. For example,

• Kaiser filters are not guaranteed to be the minimum length filter which meets the design


• Kaiser filters do not allow passband and stopband ripple to be varied independently.

Minimizing filter length is important because in many applications the length of the filter determines

the amount of computation. For example, an FIR filter of length N may be directly implemented in

the time domain by evaluating the expression








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For each output value y(n) this expression requires N multiplies and N - 1 additions. Oftentimes h(n)

is a symmetric filter so that h(n) =h(N -1- n). If the filter h(n) is symmetric and N is even, then (5)

may be more efficiently computed as








This strategy reduces the computation to N=2 multiplies and N ،1 adds for any value of N . Note that

the computational effort is linearly proportional to the length of the filter. The Kaiser filters do not

guarantee the minimum possible filter length. Since the filter has equal passband and stopband ripple,

it will usually exceed design requirements in one of the two bands; this results in an unnecessarily

long filter. A better design would allow the stopband and passband constraints to be specified


In 1972, Parks and McClellan devised a methodology for designing symmetric filters that minimize

filter length for a particular set of design constraints wp, ws, δp, δg . The resulting filters minimize

the maximum error between the desired frequency response and the actual frequency response by

spreading the approximation error uniformly over each band. The Parks and McClellan algorithm

makes use of the Remez exchange algorithm and Chebyshev approximation theory. Such filters that

exhibit equiripple behavior in both the passband and the stopband, and are sometimes called

equiripple filters.

As with Kaiser filters, designing a filter with the Parks and McClellan algorithm is a two step process.

First the length (i.e. order) of the filter must be computed based on the design constraints. Then the

optimal filter for a specified length can be determined. As with Kaiser windows, the filter length

computation is approximate so the resulting filter may exceed or violate the design constraints. This is

generally not a problem since the filter can be redesigned for different lengths until the constraints are

just met.

The Matlab command for computing the approximate filter length is

[n, fo, mo, w] = remezord (f, m, ripple, fs)

where the inputs are:

f –is a vector containing an even number of cutoff frequencies in Hz, in ascending order between 0

and half the sampling frequency Fs . For a simple low pass filter, f=[fpass,fstop], where fpass and

fstop are the passband and stopband frequencies, respectively.

m - vector containing the ideal filter magnitudes of the filter in each band. For a simple low pass filter


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ripple - vector containing the allowed ripple in each band. For a simple low pass filter

ripple=[delta_p,delta_s], where delta_p and delta_s are the passband and stopband ripples,


fs - the sampling frequency.

The outputs of the command are n = filter length - 1, and the vectors fo, mo, and w which are

intermediate filter parameters.

Once the filter length, n, is obtained, the Matlab command for designing a Parks- McClellan filter is b

= remez(n,fo,mo,w). The inputs n, fo, mo, and w are the corresponding outputs of remezord, and the

output b is a vector of FIR filter coefficients such that

nznbzbbzH −− ++++= )1()2()1()( 1L

1. Design a symmetric FIR filter using remezord and remez in Matlab to meet the design

specifications given in part b. Compute the DTFT of the filter's response for at least 512 points.

IN YOUR LAB REPORT: Do the following:

• Submit the final measured values of filter length, passband ripple, and stopband ripple. How

accurate was the filter order computation using Matlab's remezord? How does the length of this

filter compare to the filter designed using a Kaiser window?

• Submit the plot of the filter's DTFT. How does the frequency response of the Parks- McClellan

filter compare to the filter designed using the Kaiser window? Comment on the shape of both

the passband and stopband.

2. Use the filter you have designed to remove the noise from the signal noisy. mat. Play the noisy

and filtered speech signals back using sound and listen to them carefully.

3. Compute the DTFT of the filtered signal. Plot the magnitude of the DTFT in decibels versus

frequency in radians for πpw . Compare this with the spectrum of the noisy speech signal shown

in Fig. 4, and also with the magnitude of the DTFT of the Kaiser filtered signal.


• Submit the plot of the DTFT magnitude for the filtered signal. Comment on how the audio

quality of the signal changes after filtering. Also comment on any differences in audio quality

between the Parks-McClellan filtered speech and the Kaiser filtered speech.


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DSP Laboratory, Experiment # 9

Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier

Transform Algorithms

Introduction This lab will cover the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods.

In previous laboratories, we have used the Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) extensively for

analyzing signals and linear time-invariant systems.














While the DTFT is very useful analytically, it usually cannot be exactly evaluated on a computer because equation (1) requires an infinite sum and equation (2) requires the evaluation of an integral.

The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is a sampled version of the DTFT, hence it is better suited to

numerical evaluation on computers.


























Here XN(k) is an N point DFT of x(n). Note that XN(k) is a function of a discrete integer k, where k

ranges from 0 to N - 1.

In the following, we will study the derivation of the DFT from the DTFT, and several DFT

implementations. The fastest and most important implementation is known as the fast Fourier

transform (FFT). The FFT is one of the cornerstones of signal processing.

Deriving the DFT from the DTFT

Truncating the Time-domain Signal

The DTFT usually cannot be computed exactly because the sum in equation (1) is infinite. However,

the DTFT may be approximately computed by truncating the sum to a finite window. Let w(n) be a

rectangular window of length N:

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Then we may define a truncated signal to be

)6()()()( nxnwnxtr =

The DTFT of xtr(n) is given by:


















Frequency Sampling

Equation (8) contains a summation over a finite number of terms. However, we can only evaluate (8)

for a finite set of frequencies, w. We must sample in the frequency domain to compute the DTFT on

the computer. We can pick any set of frequency points at which to evaluate (8), but it is particularly

useful to uniformly sample w at N points, in the range [0, 2π). If we substitute

w=2πk/N (9)

for k = 0, 1, . . . (N - 1) in (8), we find that
















n Nk













In short, the DFT values result from sampling the DTFT of the truncated signal.

)10()()( /2 NkjtrN eXkX π=

Windowing Effects

From equation (10), the spacing between DFT frequencies is 2π/N , and the relationship between the

normalized discrete-time frequency variable and the continuous–time frequency variable is w = ΩT ,

the DFT frequencies correspond to continuous-time frequencies




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Illustrating Example:

Consider a band-limited continuous signal xc(t) such that Xc(jΩ)=0 for |Ω| ≥ 2 π (2500). Suppose that

we will use an ideal anti-aliasing filter H(jΩ) and the sampling rate for the A/D converter is fs=5000

samples/sec. If we want the DFT samples XN(k) to be equivalent to samples of Xc(jΩ) that are at

most (2π10) rad/sec or 10 Hz apart, what is the minimum value that we must use for the DFT size N ?

From equation 11, we see that adjacent samples in the DFT correspond to continuous-time

frequencies separated by 2π /NT. Therefore, we require that




Which implies that

N ≥ 500

Satisfies the condition. Then in MATLAB, we use N =512 for an equivalent continuous-time

frequency spacing of ∆Ω=2 π(5000/512) rad/sec.


Investigate the effect of windowing by computing the DFT of the signal x(n) = cos (πn/4) truncated

with a window of size N = 20.

1. In the same figure, plot the phase and magnitude of W(ejw).

2. Determine an expression for X(ejw) (the DTFT of the non-truncated signal).

3. Truncate the signal x(n) using a window of size N = 20 and then use DFT.m to compute Xtr(ejw).

Make sure that the plot contains a least 512 points. Hint: Use the command [X,w] = DFT(x,512).

4. Plot the magnitude of Xtr(ejw).

IN LAB REPORT, do the following:

1. Submit the plot of the phase and magnitude of W(ejw).

2. Submit the analytical expression for X(ejw).

3. Submit the magnitude plot of Xtr(ejw).

4. Describe the difference between | Xtr(ejw)| and X(ejw). What is the reason for this difference?

5. Comment on the effects of using a different window for w(n).

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The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Computing the DFT

We will now develop our own DFT functions to help our understanding of how the DFT comes from

the DTFT.



a. Write your own Matlab function to implement the DFT of equation (3). Use the syntax

X = DFTsum(x)

where x is an N point vector containing the values x(0), · · · , x(N - 1) and X is the corresponding

DFT. Your routine should implement the DFT exactly as specified by (3) using for-loops for n

and k, and computing the exponentials as they appear. Note: In Matlab, j may be computed with

the command j=sqrt(-1). If you use j = 1− , remember not to use j as an index in your for-loop.

b. Test your routine DFTsum by computing XN(k) for each of the following cases:

1. x(n) = δ(n) for N = 10.

2. x(n) = 1 for N = 10.

3. x(n) = ej2πn/10 for N = 10.

4. x(n) = cos(2πn/10) for N = 10.

c. Plot the magnitude of each of the DFT’s. In addition, derive simple closed-form analytical

expressions for the DFT (not the DTFT!) of each signal.


1. Submit a listing of your code for DFTsum.

2. Submit the magnitude plots.

3. Submit the corresponding analytical expressions.

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a. Write a second matlab function for computing the inverse DFT of (4). Use the syntax

x = IDFTsum(X)

where X is the N point vector containing the DFT and x is the corresponding time-domain signal.

Use IDFTsum to invert each of the DFT’s computed in the previous problem. Plot the magnitudes

of the inverted DFT’s, and verify that those time-domain signals match the original ones. Use

abs(x) to eliminate any imaginary parts which roundoff error may produce.


1. Submit the listing of your code for IDFTsum.

2. Submit the four time-domain IDFT plots.

Shifting the Frequency Range

In this section, we will illustrate a representation for the DFT of equation (3) that is a bit more



First create a Hamming window x of length N = 20, using the Matlab command x = hamming(20).

Then use your matlab function DFTsum to compute the 20 point DFT of x. Plot the magnitude of the

DFT, |X20(k)|, versus the index k. Remember that the DFT index k starts at 0 not 1!


Hand in the plot of the |X20(k)|. Circle the regions of the plot corresponding to low frequency


Our plot of the DFT has two disadvantages. First, the DFT values are plotted against k rather then the

frequency w. Second, the arrangement of frequency samples in the DFT goes from 0 to 2π rather than

from -π to π, as is conventional with the DTFT. In order to plot the DFT values similar to a

conventional DTFT plot, we must compute the vector of frequencies in radians per sample, and then

“rotate” the plot to produce the more familiar range, -π to π.

Let's first consider the vector w of frequencies in radians per sample. Each element of w should be the

frequency of the corresponding DFT sample X(k), which can be computed by

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w = 2πk/N k∈[0,….., N-1]

However, the frequencies should also lie in the range from -π to π . Therefore, if w π≥ then it should

be set to w-2π. An easy way of making this change in Matlab is

w(w>=pi) = w(w>=pi)-2*pi.

The resulting vectors X and w are correct, but out of order. To reorder them, we must swap the first

and second halves of the vectors. Fortunately, Matlab provides a function specifically for this

purpose, called fftshift.


Write a Matlab function to compute samples of the DTFT and their corresponding frequencies in the

range -π to π . Use the syntax

[X,w] = DTFTsamples(x)

where x is an N point vector, X is the length N vector of DTFT samples, and w is the length N vector

of corresponding radial frequencies. Your function DTFTsamples should call your function DFTsum

and use the Matlab function fftshift.

Use your function DTFTsamples to compute DTFT samples of the Hamming window of

length N = 20. Plot the magnitude of these DTFT samples versus frequency in rad/sample.


Do the following:

1. Hand in the code for your function DTFTsamples.

2. Hand in the plot of the magnitude of the DTFT samples.

Zero Padding

The spacing between samples of the DTFT is determined by the number of points in the DFT. This

can lead to surprising results when the number of samples is too small. In order to illustrate this


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Consider the infinite-duration signal

x(n) = otherwise

nn 490


)1.0sin( ≤≤


Compute the DTFT samples of x(n) using both N = 50 and N = 200 point DFT's. Notice that when N

= 200, most of the samples of x(n) will be zeros because x(n) = 0 for n ≥ 50. This technique is known

as “zero padding”, and may be used to produce a finer sampling of the DTFT.

For N = 50 and N = 200, do the following:

1. Compute the vector x containing the values x(0), ….., x(N -1).

2. Compute the samples of X(k) using your function DTFTsamples.

3. Plot the magnitude of the DTFT samples versus frequency in rad/sample.


Do the following:

1. Submit your two plots of the DTFT samples for N = 50 and N = 200.

2. Which plot looks more like the true DTFT?

3. Explain why the plots look so different.

The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm

FFT is simply a very efficient way to compute an existing transform, namely the DFT. As we saw, a

straight forward implementation of the DFT can be computationally expensive because the number of

multiplies grows as the square of the input length (i.e. N2 for an N point DFT). The FFT reduces this

computation time based on decomosig or breaking the transform into smaller transforms and

combinig them to give the total transform.

In MATALB, we simply imlement the Fast Fourier Transform using the MATLAB command, fft.

fft, with a single input argument x, computes the DFT of the input vector or matrix. If x is a vector, fft

computes the DFT of the vector; if x is a rectangular array, fft computes the DFT of each array


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For example, create a time vector and signal.

The DFT of the signal, and the magnitude and phase of the transformed sequence, are then

A second argument to fft specifies a number of points n for the transform, representing DFT length.

y = fft(x,n);

In this case, fft pads the input sequence with zeros if it is shorter than n, or truncates the sequence if it

is longer than n. If n is not specified, it defaults to the length of the input sequence. Execution time for

fft depends on the length, n, of the DFT it performs.

The inverse discrete Fourier transform function ifft also accepts an input sequence and, optionally, the number of desired points for the transform. Try the example below; the original sequence x and the reconstructed sequence are identical (within rounding error).

Another important point that should be mentioned here, MATLAB also includes functions for the

two-dimensional FFT and its inverse, fft2 and ifft2. These functions are useful for two-dimensional

signal or image processing. The goertzel function, which is another algorithm to compute the DFT,

also is included in MATLAB DSP Toolbox. This function is efficient for computing the DFT of a

portion of a long signal.

It is sometimes convenient to rearrange the output of the fft or fft2 function so the zero frequency

component is at the center of the sequence. The MATLAB function fftshift moves the zero frequency

component to the center of a vector or matrix.

t = (0:1/100:10-1/100); % Time vector

x = sin(2*pi*15*t) + sin(2*pi*40*t); % Signal

y = fft(x); % Compute DFT of x

m = abs(y); p = unwrap(angle(y)); % Magnitude and phase

t = (0:1/255:1);

x = sin(2*pi*120*t);

y = real(ifft(fft(x)));

Page 101: DSP Laboratory Assignment # 1 - site.iugaza.edu.pssite.iugaza.edu.ps/snaggar/files/2010/02/DSP_MANUAL1.pdf · DSP LABORATORY 1 DSP Laboratory Experiment # 1 Introduction to MATLAB



Consider the continuous sinc function

x(t) =sinc(200t)

1. Is this function bandlimited ? If yes, what is its bandwidth ?

2. If this signal is to be sampled, suggest a suitable sampling time according to sampling


3. Now the response of the sampled signal will be truncated by a rectangular window such that

the resoultion of the windowed signal will be less than 2π rad/sec. What is the minimum

value of N that will achieve this resolution ?

4. Find and plot the disctere fourier transform of the windowed signal using fft. Are your

results as expeced in 1 ? ( What is the bandwidth of the signal ) ?

5. Now, repeat steps 2, 3, 4 with tring other suitable T, and the corresonding N such that the

resolution still the same. What is the relation between T and N ? What is the effect of

changing T on the discrete fourier transform of the signal ?


Find and plot the discrete fourier transform of the function
