dt 25042016

8/18/2019 Dt 25042016 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dt-25042016 1/7 1. In KAM sanction note approval screen, Re-preview of Sanction note is increasing the line items in main GRID screen. First time showing 1 line item, came ac! an" clic! on preview again an" # items are shown rather than 1. #. In management approval screen, remar!s are entere" an" rows are selecte".  $hen if %ser is clic!ing on an& of the h&perlin! i.e. view sanction note'view oservation etc an" came ac! from there then "etails entere" on screen are remove" i.e. remar!s entere" are cleare" an" rows selecte" are %nselecte".. (. In )*R *reation screen, %ser can enter an& ++ IS$I+G A**SS Se/%ence, s&stem is not giving an& error message for the wrong entr&, Save )*R no 10223 with access se/%ence A44. 2. *lic!e" 5ac! in the )*R view in commercial6s screen 7ma& happen in Acco%nts screen also, pls"o chec! there also8 an" all "etails are remove" from this screen..

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Post on 06-Jul-2018




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8/18/2019 Dt 25042016

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1. In KAM sanction note approval screen, Re-preview of Sanction note is

increasing the line items in main GRID screen. First time showing 1 line item,

came ac! an" clic! on preview again an" # items are shown rather than 1.

#. In management approval screen, remar!s are entere" an" rows are selecte".

 $hen if %ser is clic!ing on an& of the h&perlin! i.e. view sanction note'view

oservation etc an" came ac! from there then "etails entere" on screen are

remove" i.e. remar!s entere" are cleare" an" rows selecte" are %nselecte"..(. In )*R *reation screen, %ser can enter an& ++ IS$I+G A**SS Se/%ence,

s&stem is not giving an& error message for the wrong entr&, Save )*R no

10223 with access se/%ence A44.

2. *lic!e" 5ac! in the )*R view in commercial6s screen 7ma& happen in

Acco%nts screen also, pls"o chec! there also8 an" all "etails are remove"

from this screen..

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9. In commercial screen, clic!e" on :I; 5SR:A$I+ an" then presses 5A*K

%tton. *ame ac! to *MMR*IA<6s main screen %t RMARKS an" *=*K

5es are remove" from there.

0. ;hile "oing :K11 in )*R 1022>, s&stem is showing 2 line items. Selecte"

one of the item an" 2 line items are re"%ce" to ( <ine items. Selecte" one

more line item an" line items are re"%ce" to total of # line items onl&..

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Selecte" one an" re"%ce" to $hree

ne more selecte" an" re"%ce" to $; onl&.

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4. *hange" :A<ID FRM $ "ate an" selecte" one of the material o%t of two in

)*R +%mer 1022>. In )cell hea"6s screen oth items are eing shown.

Sh%" e one onl&.

>. Items are getting increase" a%tomaticall& on clic!ing :I; )*R histor& %tton

in )*R +o. 102((.

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3. <ine items are increasing an" information entere" in =ea"er part is remove"

on clic!ing :I; )*R =IS$R? %tton in )*ell )*R creation screen.

*lic!e" on :I; )*R =IS$R? %tton

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*lic! on 5A*K 5%tton an" screen is li!e this .. pls chec!..