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George Nicholas AS DT

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George NicholasAS DT

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This is good because it is very obvious what it is displaying nut it is bad because it is a bit plain. the way that this product is displayed makes you believe that it is a exclusive product and this is worth a lot of money because it is very minimalistic although this is only an average quality product.

This is good because is in its own section so you notice it when you walk by. This is good advertisement because it displaying a set which makes you believe if you buy one you have to but the rest to get the full affect of the product that are being shown.

This is good because it clearly shows the company name but is only uses dark colours which makes it hard to see. This is good because it shows you two slightly different fragrances from the same range. It also allows you to try them out before buying them, that allows you to choose your favourite or even buy both.

This is good because it displays a variety of the companies products. This is good advertisement because it displaying a set which makes you believe if you buy one you have to buy the rest to get the full affect of the product that are being shown.

This is good because it is clear what their selling but it is all one colour so its boring. This is good because it instantly tells you who the product is from. The black background with that classic bottle shape instantly makes you think of Chanel. That makes you think of all their other products.

This is good because it makes the customer feel they could look like the woman in the photo if they use their products. This is good because it uses the classic Chanel styling, black background with white writing making you instantly know who its from. It also shows a lot of their products making you want to buy them all so you can have the set.

This is good because it is clear what the product is and it has some information about it about the product but its bad because the colours are dull. This is good advertisement because it displaying a set which makes you believe if you buy one you have to buy the rest to get the full affect of the product that are being advertised making you look as best as you possibly can.

Point Of Sale

This is good because it uses bright colours which makes it easy to see. This is good because it makes you believe you could look like the girl in the picture making you feel you have more reason to buy it rather than any other product.

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This is good because it is light up which makes it bright and easy to see. This is very good advertisement because it is displaying a set which makes you believe if you buy one of the products that you have to buy the rest so you match.

This is good because it was large making it noticeable. It I also quite dull which makes it uninteresting. This is good advertisement because it displaying a set which makes you believe if you buy one you have to buy the rest to get the full affect of the product that are being shown.

This is good because it uses light colours which are aesthetically pleasing. This is good advertisement because it is very interactive which enables you to use the product before you decide weather to buy it or not. It also shows you the two different colours that they sell which lets you get a visual reference of which one you prefer.

This is good because it has an interesting design behind the product. Its bad because it only uses two colours. This is good because it instantly tells you who the product is from. The black background with the white writing instantly makes you think of Chanel. That makes you think of all their other products.

This is good because it is large making it easy to see. It also has the TV above it displaying their products. This is also good advertisement because it has the TV above the product telling you about it, that draws the customer in because people are always attracted towards TV’s and things that are visual.

This is good because its in the front window so a lot of people see it on the way past. Its bad because their isn't much advertisement. This is good because it is very simple and lets you see the whole range of products that are in that set. It lets you see all the colour combinations that are for sale so you can compare the ones you like best.

Point Of Sale

This is good because it clearly shows the company logo but its bad because their isn't much advertisement. This is good because it shows a range of watches from that set of products. It also makes it feel exclusive because you have to ask to try them on before you buy it. That makes you want to buy it even more but it could also have the opposite affect making you not want to bother asking about it because you don’t want to waste time.

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Brand History

Lynx is a male grooming company who have recently also brought out a female grooming

section. They mainly aim their products at customers within the age group of late teens

to early to mid twenties. They do this because it is the kind of product that states if you use it, it will attract the opposite sex. A prime example of this is from the adverts

where they use glam models to advertise the products. This suggests that is you use this product that you will get girls that look like that. Even one of their slogans is “get the

look that gets the girls”. It is also a product that is advertised to make you look slightly older. Another reason why this product is

used by that age group is because it is inexpensive and deemed to be cool to use

that when you are younger.

Brand History

Axe was launched in France in 1983 by Unilever. It was inspired by another of

Unilever's brands, Impulse.Unilever were keen to capitalize on Axe's

French success and the rest of Europe from 1985 onwards, later introducing the other

products in the range. Unilever were unable to use the name Axe in the United Kingdom and Ireland due to trademark problems so it

was launched as Lynx.


The product that Lynx sell are mainly hair styling products, shower gels and deodorants. This is because of the age group their products are aimed at. This is clear because they don’t

sell any aftershaves or skin care products.

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AdvertisementThe way that Lynx advertise their products is to use attractive people. During their adverts the actors put on the product and the this attracts the opposite sex. This suggests to the customer that if they use their products you can attract the types of people you see in the advert.

Products The products Lynx sell are mainly for the smell and effect of wearing it, not the job it actually does. The main products are deodorants and shower gels. These products are mainly used because they make you smell nice and the adverts suggest that those smells will attract the opposite sex.

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This product is aimed at middle aged men who like ton keep their hair and facial hair well groomed.

This product is aimed at upper class young men who want to look stylish and well off.

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This product is aimed at 18-25 year old customers. It is also aimed at fashion conscious people.

This product is aimed at 20-35 year old black males.

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Task Analysis

Modern, sleek, simplistic, light, hidden, folding, colourful, vintage, retro, minimalistic, octagons, pentagons, triangles, structure, sharp.

Aluminium, steel, stainless steel, iron, pine, oak, MDF, beach, plywood, mahogany, carbon fibre, cardboard, acrylic, plastics, titanium, glass, copper.

Shop, shopping centre, cinema, marketing events.

No sharp edges, screws covered, nails covered, stable, smooth, no small parts, well built all wiring covered, wiring insulated.

Simple, advertises well, clear, uncomplicated, light up, bright, spray fragrance, interactive.

Interactive parts fit the user, product easily accessed, information easily accessed.

Cheep to build, replacement parts cheep, interactive parts cheep.

Recyclable, reusable, changeable, sustainable.

Advertise Facebook pages, twitter pages, QR codes.









Social media

BriefDesign a new point of sale display unit for a male grooming company. The unit must display at least 1 product from their range and must clearly identify the brand. The possible brands are Old Spice, Fish, L’Oreal Men Expert, Mr Natty, Lynx and Hackett. The brand I have chosen is Lynx

Situation Lynx has a problem with the age group they target their products towards. They seem to aim their products at younger men aspiring to look older. This could cause a lack of sales to the slightly older generation reducing the amount of sales and their total income.

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Logical • Have brand clearly displayed on the point of sale

so we know who makes the product. • The product is clearly displayed.• Display the product in the correct type of shop or

environment so it doesn’t look out of place. But you could put the point of sale in the company's cloths shop to make it stand out.

• Make it clear to the customers what the product is.• Put the point of sale in eye line (foot fall).• Put the point of sale on the way to popular

products so a lot of people walk past it. • The branding and colours match the product.• A bigger and single point of sale could make the

product look mare exclusive.• Put the brand name on the cardboard tester strips

(discrete advertising).• Make the customer able to try out the product on

the point of sale.• Make it interactive.

Illogical • Don’t give out too many free samples.• Don’t make it too interactive that the customer feel

they have seen to much of the product they don’t want to buy it any more.

• Don’t make it too big.• Don’t make it too small.• Don’t put the point of sale in the wrong

environment.• Don’t hide the point of sale out of site.• Don’t put the point of sale too close to the tills

because it makes people think its reduced and seem unwanted.

• Don’t make the design and the product not match so its confusing to the customer.

• Don’t make the point of sale boring and uninteresting.

Need • Has to display brand.• Has to catch the attention of the customer,

through colours, design or how interactive it is.• Has to be user friendly so it is simple for the

customer to understand because they don’t want to spend ages trying to work out what the product is.

• It has to be safe so you don’t harm the customer.• It has to be stale so it doesn’t fall over.• It has to be able to cope with the general wear

and tear that it would go through from customers looking and toughing it.

• It cant be too heavy so it can be transported around.

Keep• The things I would keep on my point of sale would

be,• Eye catching so the customer can see it clearly.• Advertises the brand well so the customer knows

who its from.• Display the product well.• Make it interactive so the customer can enjoy the

product before they buy it.• Keep It in eye line and foot fall so the customer can

see and find it easily.

ScrapThe things I would scrap from my point of sale would be the type of poor packaging that cheaper company's use, I would like to remove this because it makes the product look cheep and if you use more sophisticated packaging it makes the product look exclusive. I would also like to scrap the material cardboard because it doesn’t make the product look exclusive and it also makes the point of sale look like it wasn’t well thought of and it was only a half hearted job.Form VS function

I would like to make my point of sale to look really good but also have good functions as well. So I would like to compromise them both a but to have a point of sale that has the best of both. I don’t want my point of sale to look really good but have no interesting function or I wouldn’t want my point of sale to have really good functions and look rubbish.

X Factor• Some of the things I would like

my point of sale to do differently would be,

• Have cardboard strips to spray the fragrance on

• Have motion sensors that detect when a person walks past and it sprays the fragrance.

• It could have light that light up the product.

• I could make it rotate so people can see it from all angles.

Links FX

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Aesthetics • The aesthetics have to advertise the brand. • The aesthetics have to advertise the

product. • The point of sale has to have a modern

styling to it. • It has to have a interesting and modern

shape to it. • The colours have to match the brand and

the products styling.

Cost • The cost of the point of sail would have to

be cheep because their products are cheep.• There would have to be a lot of the point of

sale units. • The materials would have to be cheep

because the would have to be a lot of point of sale units.

• The customers don’t want to spend too much money on the product.

• The assembly cost would have to be low. It could also be assembled on site.

• You could reuse the product.

Customer • The point of sale has to suit the design features

that the customer likes and is interested in.• The customer would like to interact with the

point of sale.• The point of sale must be good enough to be

able to sell it to the customer.• The customer must be able to see what the

product does with ease, they don’t want to spend time trying to figure out what the product is.

• The point of sale must be able to stay in the customers mind so they remember it.

Environment• The point of sale would have to be in an

environment where the product fits in, it couldn’t be in a food shop. But it could be in an unusual place but still fit into the environment to make it stand out.

• The point of sale could be alone so people can see it easily.

• It could be in a rack so people see it when looking at other things.

• Make it accessible to the customer.• It could be in foot fall making people see it.• It could be near a till but this suggests that the

product is budget and reduced.• It could have a 360 degrees perspective so it can

be seen at all angles.

Safety • The point of sale has to be safe for the

customer to use. So they don’t get hurt when looking at the product.

• The point of sale has to be safe to the builder so they don’t get hurt during the process of assembly.

• The product has to be the correct height and width so it is stable and doesn’t fall over in its environment.

• The point of sale has to be the correct size for its environment.

• The point of sale has to be safe from the threat of theft so either the product or point of sale doesn’t get stolen.

Size • The point of sale has to be the correct size

so its noticeable to the customer so they want to buy it.

• The point of sale could be in your face so its noticeable or it could be discrete but still be remembered easily.

• The point of sale could be in your eye line so you see it easily.

• The point of sale should take into account of the use of anthropometrics so it fits the customer with ease.

Function • The product should promote the brand

well so the customer remembers the brand.

• The point of sale should represent how good the product is, you cant have a scrappy point of sale for an expensive product.

• The point of sale should contain testers so the customer can try the product before buying it.

• The point of sale should have some sort of interactive feature such as spraying the fragrance to make it easy to remember.

Materials • The point of sale should have modern and

interesting materials.• The point of sale could have materials that smell

like the product its advertising.• The materials should be user friendly and easy to

build on site.

Initial Specification

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Questionnaire I'm am going to create a questionnaire to ask the customers about what people want or like about point of sale. I want to learn what people think about point of sales and how they interact with them. I will speak to the general public and a point of sale design specialist so I get a variety of views. I will conduct the research on the streets and at a design company. I need to know how to create a simple and easy to follow questionnaire. I will document the evidence on a pie charts.

Mood board I am going to collect many different pictures. I want to learn what other products in the same range are like and what the target audience like about products and what they like themselves. I will speak to men in the target audience and ask what they like about the products. I will conduct the research on the internet and ask men what they think. I need to know what men like about point of sale and their favourite products before hand. I will document my evidence in a variety of pictures on a PowerPoint page.

Market research I am going to research 5 other competitors in that same field of sale to find out how they design their own point of sales. I want to learn about the other products that are on sale and how they design their point of sales. I will speak to people that work in shops such as Boots and Superdrug to find out what other products are on the market. I will conduct my research in shops such as Boots and Superdrug. I don’t need to know that much before hand while conducting the market research, apart from where the shops I will conduct the research in are.

I am going to select some points of sale in a shop and wait for about ten minutes and see how people interact with the point of sale and the product it displays. I want to learn how people interact with points of sale and the product it displays. I will not speak to anyone when conducting this research. No, I don’t need to know anything before hand apart from where the point of sales I am watching are. I will document the evidence in a table or graph because it’s a visual way of displaying data.

Ten minute observation

Customer profiling I will talk to a few of the customers who perches the Lynx products and ask them about what other products they like and how they like their point of sales to look. I would want to lean about the kind of customer that buys Lynx products. I will speak to the customers that buy the Lynx products. I will conduct my research in shops like Boots and Superdrug. I will need to know some customer of Lynx products so I can speak to them before hand. I will document my evidence in paragraphs and pullet points because it’s a good way of showing lots of data.

Brand profiling I am going to go find out as much as possible about the Lynx and other brands so I can create the best possible point of sale for a Lynx product. I would like to learn a lot of information on the Lynx and other brands about how the typically advertise their products so I can create a point of sale that’s in theme of all their other products. I will get I contact with some of the designers at Lynx so I can get a good picture of how they like to advertise and promote their brand. I will contact them via email or give them a phone call. I need to know the basic way that Lynx advertise their products so that I can relate to what the designers are saying.

First hand existing design analysis I am going to take 10 pictures of male grooming products points of sale and analyse them and do Access FM on each one of them. I would like to learn about the typical point of sale that male grooming products use so I can design my point of sale to match them but also to be different. I will speak to people that work in shops such as Boots and Superdrug to find out what the normal point of sale is like. I will conduct the research in shops such as Boots and Superdrug. I don’t need to know that much from before hand apart from where the points of sale are. I will document the evidence on a PowerPoint slide that will consist of pictures and text.

Competitive products I am going to look at all the products that Lynx are competing with and research their brands and products. I would like to lean about all the brands and products that Lynx are competing with and find ways that I can better their point of sales to make a better selling product. I will speak to people that work in shops such as Boots and Superdrug and ask them about the competitive products of Lynx. I will conduct the research in shops such as Boots and Superdrug. I will need to have basic level of knowledge of Lynx’s competitive products before hand. I will document the evidence in bullet points and paragraphs because its good for displaying data.

Research And Time Plan

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Axe (or Lynx in Ireland, the United Kingdom and Australasia) is a brand of male grooming products, owned by the British–Dutch company Unilever and marketed towards the young males demographicAxe was launched in France in 1983 by Unilever. It was inspired by another of Unilever's brands, Impulse.Unilever were keen to capitalize on Axe's French success and the rest of Europe from 1985 onwards, later introducing the other products in the range. Unilever were unable to use the name Axe in the United Kingdom and Ireland due to trademark problems so it was launched as Lynx.The European launch of the deodorant was followed by success in Latin America and moderate impact in Asia and Africa. In the new millennium, the brand has launched with great success in the United States and Canada. The company has also consolidated its deodorant portfolio by migrating other overlapping male deodorants into the Lynx brand such as South Africa's Ego brand.Unilever has now launched its first Lynx product for women in the United Kingdom as part of a global expansion of the previously men’s-only brand.Products Although Axe's lead product is the fragranced aerosol deodorant body spray, other formats of the brand exist. Within underarm care the following are available: deodorant aerosol body spray, deodorant stick, deodorant roll-on, antiperspirant aerosol spray (called Lynx Dry), and antiperspirant stick (also called Lynx Dry).From its launch, the annual fragrance variant has played a key part in the success of the brand by offering something new each year. The type of fragrance variants have evolved over time. From 1983 until about 1989, the variant names were descriptions of the fragrances and included Musk, Spice, Amber, Marine, and Oriental.From 1990 until 1996, geographic names for fragrances were used, such as Africa, Alaska, Java, Nevada, and Inca. From 1996 to 2002, Lynx took inspiration from Calvin Klein fragrances (also owned by Unilever at that time), using the same fragrance consultant, Ann Gottlieb, to develop the scents to launch variants, such as Dimension, Apollo, Dark Temptation, Gravity, and Phoenix.In 2009, the brand launched an 8-centimeter container called the Axe Bullet. The brand has also extended into other areas such as shower gels, aftershaves, and colognes, skin care, shampoo, and hairstyling products. Failed extensions include Underwear, Barbershop and razors.Most scent names usually have a shower gel to accompany them and sometimes an antiperspirant/deodorant stick.The 2009 frame has a mint scent.The Lynx Shampoos come in three different sizes, the regular and most seen 12 FL oz. size and the travel or sample size of 1.7 FL oz., 22oz bottles were introduced recently.Lynx also ships a shower scrub tool called the Lynx Detailer.MarketingFrom 2003, Lynx advertisements portrayed various ways the products supposedly helped men attract women. In 2004, the advertising for the Pulse fragrance showed how it supposedly gave geeky men the confidence to dance to get women. This was followed by Touch, Unlimited, Clix, and in 2007, Vice was marketed on a theme of making "nice" women become "naughty". Dating coach Josh Pellicer (The Tao Of Badass) served as a consultant for the advertisements.

Brand Profiling

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Mood board Materials Shapes Inspiration This mood

board consists of materials and shapes that I would like to design my point of sale around. I chose these shapes because I like the modern styling and I thing it will fit Lynx very well. Another reason why I chose these shapes is because Lynx also use this type of movement to advertise their brand.

Mood Board

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General public Point of sale designer 1. What do you think makes the best point of


2. Would you like to see Lynx points of sales? If not do not continue the questionnaire.

3. Would you prefer a point of sale to be interactive?

4. What age range do you think Lynx aim their products at?

5. Where is the most likely place you would find a Lynx point of sale?

6. What size would you like the point of sale to be?

7. Where would you like to see the point of sale?

Yes No

Yes No

Interesting Shape Colour Good materials

10-15 16-20 21-25 26-30 Older

House of Fraser supermarkets Boots Harrods

Small Medium Large Extra large

Front of shop Middle of shop Back of shop

1. What point of sale have the best effect?The point of sales that have the best effect are the ones that stay in the customers mind or ones that the customers keep a piece of because if the can remember the point of sale they will remember the product, so gaining you more sales.

2. Where is the best place to put a point of sale?The best place to put a point of sale is in foot fall or in a place where a lot of people will see it. This will make sure that your product is not overlooked. Although you could put the point of sale in a discrete place and in its own way it will stand out.

3. Are interactive point of sales better points of sales? Most of the time interactive point of sales are better point of sale because it makes the customer remember the point of sale which will get you more sales. But you could also have a point of sale that stays in the customers mind for another reason e.g. Its comical or has a TV screen on it.

4. Is it good to have a target range for points of sales?Yes it is very important to have a target range for your point of sale because you need it to attract the correct customer or nobody will notice or buy your product.

5. What is the best size for a point of sale?The best size for a point of sae is one that is noticeable but not too dominant. You don’t want the point of sale to be too small though or it could get overlooked. It all depends on the product, if you have a simple product you want the point of sale to display it well so the customer get the best feel for what the product is and what it does.


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What do you think makes the best point of sales?

Interesting ShapeColourGood materials

Would you prefer a point of sale to be interac-tive?



Where is the most likely place you would find a Lynx point of sale?

House of Frasser SupermarketsBootsHarrods

What size would you like the point of sale to be?

SmallMediumlargeExtra large

Where would you like to see the point of sale?

Front of shopMiddle of shopBack of shop

General public

The information that I have received from the questionnaire tells me that I should make my point of sale interesting so it makes the customer want to buy the product. I should place my point of sale in a supermarket or a shop like house of Fraser to maximise the sales of my product. I should make my product interactive so it keeps the customer interested and make them want to buy the product. Keep my point of sale at a medium size so its easy for the user. Finally I should place my point of sale in the middle of the shop to get the maximum views and sales.

Questionnaire Results

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The Lynx brand is all about aspiring to be a successful person who has a good job with good pay and a good looking girlfriend. In this customer profiling on the left I have put the typical Lynx user, then on the right I have put what they aspire to look like and the products they want. This is clear by the way in which Lynx advertise their products. Lynx is almost seen to be a stepping stone to a better products, in your youth it is seen to be cool to use Lynx but as you get older it is expected you progress onto better products.

Customer Profiling

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Global Men's Grooming Products Market to Exceed $33.2 Billion by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global report on Men's Grooming Products markets. The world market for men's grooming products is projected to exceed $33.2 billion by the year 2015. This is primarily driven by a rapid rise of metrosexual male, innovative appealing products, growing middle class population, increased Internet connectivity, and universality of prestige across the world.

Men are increasingly becoming beauty conscious across the world. Male consumers are paying more attention on their looks and the trend is being driven by the male role models, including sportsmen and film personalities. As the gender boundaries are blurring, global firms are increasingly focusing on finding new ways of making profits from the emerging characteristics of men consumer segment. The trend has resulted in entry of a large number of personal care products manufacturers into the men's grooming market with cosmetics and beauty products designed exclusively for men. Niche brands helped generate interest among men for grooming products. The rise in popularity for such products led to a shift from niche to mainstream markets. The market for men's grooming products is constantly expanding with skin care and bath and shower segments leading from the front.

Men's grooming market expanded significantly from the traditional shaving products and deodorants to other categories such as skin care, hair care and bath products. Men are increasingly demanding products, which are specifically targeted at them and are selecting their own body washes and shower gels instead of borrowing from their spouse. Today, men's grooming market is significantly contributing to the growth of global cosmetics market.Europe and the United States dominate the men's grooming products market worldwide, as stated by the new market research report on men's grooming products. Shaving Products, comprising of pre-shave products, post-shave products, and razors/blades represents the largest group within the men's grooming products market. Toiletries, consisting of bath and shower products, hair care products, skin care products, and deodorants, represent the fastest growing product category.Asia-Pacific represents the fastest growing market for men's grooming products. Growing acceptance for men's grooming and prevailing life style trends in the Western world are fuelling the demand for grooming products from male consumers in Asia-Pacific as well as other developing countries.Market for men's grooming products is highly competitive. Competition is particularly high in shaving products segment. Several companies are shifting focus from women's grooming products to men's grooming sector. Key players profiled in the report include Avon Products Inc., Beiersdorf AG, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Coty Inc., Lancaster Group, Energizer Holdings Inc., Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products Division, Limited Brands Inc., L'Oreal USA Inc., Mirato Spa, Procter & Gamble Company, The Gillette Company, Procter & Gamble Italia Spa, PZ Cussons Plc, The Estée Lauder Companies Inc., and The Unilever Group.The report titled "Men's Grooming Products: A Global Strategic Business Report" announced by Global Industry Analysts, Inc., provides a comprehensive review of market trends, product overview, competition, product launches, and recent industry activity. The study analyzes market data and analytics in terms of value sales for regions including the US, Canada, Japan, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Rest of World. The global and the US markets are analyzed by the following product groups/segments - Toiletries (Bath and Shower Products, Hair Care Products, Skin Care Products, Deodorants), and Shaving Products (Pre-Shave Products, Post-Shave Products, and Razors/Blades).

Brand Research

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I chose this point of sale to do my ten minute observation on because I found it interesting and I also found the colours a good feature of the point of sale. All this means I thought it would attract the customers towards it. Within the 10 minutes two customers had had a look at the point of sale. The first customer looked at it for a while, I assume looking at all the different products it advertises, then they picked up one of the products and had a closer look at it. Then they put the product back again and walked off. The second customer just looked at it for while then walked away. This shows that it is a good point of sale that is good at attracting customers, I think it does that by being bright in the colours it uses and having a simple design that is easy for the customer to see what the product is.

I chose this point of sale because it is a bit different by the fact it has a bag made by the same company who make the male grooming product it is mainly advertising. This means that because its different I thought it would attract customers. I the 10 minutes not a single person went up to the point of sale, that shows that my initial assessment of the point of sale was wrong. I waited another 10 minutes to see if anyone would go up to the point of sale, eventually a person went up to it and had a look at the product for a while before picking it up and spraying it on their wrist. Then as a shop assistant walked passed they asked if the bag came free if they bought the product. This proves that the point of sale isn't very clear in its advertising. Then the customer picked the bag up and had a look at it before putting it down again. This observation proves that the point of sale isn’t very good at attracting customers but the added feature of a bag is a good motive for buying the product.

10 Minute Observation

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According to YouGov's Brand Index, a daily tracking tool which measures the public's perception of well-known brands, in recent months body spray brand Lynx had lost the edge it enjoyed over competitor Right Guard. However, a clever ad campaign for new product 'Lynx Attract' ‒ which capitalised in on a certain Royal’s Las Vegas antics ‒ along with a Facebook event promising island fun, has put Lynx back on top.A look over the last eight months on BrandIndex shows that prior to the campaign, Lynx had lost the Buzz score lead it had over Right Guard, but has since won it back.The chart below shows that Lynx enjoyed a sustained lead in Buzz over Right Guard between February and May. The lift in Buzz, back in February, coincided with the launch of the 'Lynx Attract' 'Breaking News' TV ad, crafted by marketing firm Razorfish. Since May, however, the brand appeared to be struggling to pull itself away from competitor Right Guard, whilst Dove remained a decisive six points ahead. However, in more recent days, Lynx has once again pulled ahead of Right Guard.

So what is Lynx doing to increase Buzz around its brand?

Launched the ‘Chaos Island’ event on Facebook

In addition, even if you hadn’t heard about Lynx’s offer of tickets to a three-day party on an actual island, labelled “Chaos Island on the event's official Facebook page – then one look at the relevant SoMA readings can tell you that something chaotic is afoot.Most frequent words appearing on Facebook users private feeds together with Lynx include: “island”, “chaos”, “chasethechaos”, “win”, “tickets”, “Africa”, “effect”, “advert”, “smell” and “gel”.But is Lynx’s campaign investment working? In the last four days (since 31 Aug), Lynx’s BrandIndex Buzz score has climbed by 4 points and has just overtaken Right Guard. Time will tell if this increase in Buzz will feed into an increase in their overall brand perception and convert to revenue growth for the brand.

BrandIndex Buzz scores - Dove, Lynx and Right Guard

BrandIndex full Index score - Dove, Lynx and Right Guard

Competitive Products

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Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it doesn’t have many colours or complicated designs.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it has a casing around the product so it cant get stolen. Size- This is a small point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the product.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a very colourful point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it has different segments of different colours.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it has no sharp edges and its very stable.Size- This is a large point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the different products.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a interesting point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it incorporates a bag made by the same company as the male grooming product. Customer- The customer of this products would be a young to middle aged male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it is stable but it could get stolen.Size- This is a medium sized point of sale. Function- This point of sale has the ability of allowing you to try the product before buying it. Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a boring point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it doesn’t have any interesting features.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young to middle aged male.Cost- These are fairly cheep to fairly expensive products. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it is stable ad not in the way of the customers.Size- This is a large point of sale. Function- This point of sale has the ability of allowing you to try the product before buying it. Materials- This point of sale is made from metal and glass.

First Hand Existing Design Analysis

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First hand existing design analysis Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it doesn’t have many colours or complicated designs.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it has a casing around the product so it cant get stolen. Size- This is a small point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the product.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics but the lighting and the coloured packaging make it stand out.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it is stable and its set into the wall so its not in the way of the customer.Size- This is a large point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the product.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a boring point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it has the same colour the whole way through and has no interesting designs.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young to middle aged male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it has no sharp edges and its very stable.Size- This is a medium sized point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the products.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it doesn’t have many colours or complicated designs.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This isn't a very safe point of sale because it sticks out from the isle and the product isn't attached so it could get stolen.Size- This is a small point of sale. Function- This point of sale has the ability to allow you to try the product before you buy it.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

First Hand Existing Design Analysis

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Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics because it doesn’t have many colours or complicated designs.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young to middle aged male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it has a casing around the product so it cant get stolen. Size- This is a small point of sale. Function- This point of sale has no other functions apart from advertising the product.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

Aesthetics- This is a simple point of sale in terms of aesthetics but the lighting and the coloured packaging make it stand out.Customer- The customer of this products would be a young to middle aged male.Cost- This is a fairly cheep product. Environment- This point of sale is in the isle of a shop.Safety- This is a safe point of sale because it is stable and its set into the wall so its not in the way of the customer.Size- This is a large point of sale. Function- This point of sale has the ability to allow you to try the product before buying it.Materials- This point of sale is made from plastic.

First Hand Existing Design Analysis

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Further Specification

Aesthetics • My products will have a base colour with

flashes of a bright colour through it, such as yellow, pink, blue or red because from my research I found out that people recognise these colour combinations as ones that Lynx typically use.

• My product will have good features because in my research I found out that point of sales with good features such as being interactive get more attention therefor leading to sales.

• My product will display the company’s name or logo because from my research I found that all the point of sales show the company logo or name.

Cost • I will make my product out of a cheep but

sustainable material because I found from my research that Lynx is a cheaper brand that doesn’t often make point of sales so my product will have to be sustainable so it lasts.

Customer • The customer would like to interact with the

point of sale because in my research I fond that interactive point of sales get more sales.

• The customer must be able to see what the product does with ease, they don’t want to spend time trying to figure out what the product is because in my research I found out that if a point of sale is confusing that the customer will walk away and not look into the product.

• The point of sale must be able to stay in the customers mind so they remember it because I round out that if a customer remembers a product they are more likely to but it.

Environment• The point of sale would have to be in an

environment where the product fits in, it couldn’t be in a cake shop. But it could be in an unusual place but still fit into the environment to make it stand out, I found hat out in my research by looking around places where products use point of sales.

• My product will be alone so people can see it easily because I found out from my research that point of sales that stand out are better point of sale.

Safety • The point of sale has to be the correct

size for its environment because in my research I found that if a point of sale doesn’t fit the environment it doesn’t sell products.

• The point of sale has to be safe from the threat of theft so either the product or point of sale doesn’t get stolen.

Size • The product will be the correct size so it fits

its environment and is noticeable to the customer because I found from my research that point of sales that are noticed by customers are often mare successful ones.

• My product will take into consideration the use of anthropometrics so it fits the user because from my research I found that a easy to use point of sale it better than a complicated point of sale.

Function • The product should promote the brand

well so the customer remembers the brand, I found from my research that the customer remembers the product that its more likely to get sales.

Materials • The point of sale should have modern and

interesting materials because I found in my research that Lynx use a modern way of designing

• The materials should be user friendly and easy to build on site.

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Research Summary


t im



Size of balloon = Key Feature






Brand Advertising Show


Modern design







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50 Initial Designs

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50 Initial Designs

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20 Developed Designs


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20 Developed Designs

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This is a picture of the design that I have chosen to develop and finally manufacture. I chose this design because I feel that it links with the brand very well and I feel that it would be a unique and interactive way of advertising the Lynx products.

One of the parts I would like to develop is the button that activates the part of the point of sale that displays the picture behind the product.

I chose to develop the shape of the button that activates the picture. After using the product and roleplaying how I would interact with the point of sale, I realised that the circular shaped button would be most suited for the task, as it is most stable for holding the product because the bottom of the product has a circular shape.


Material I have looked at various materials that I could use to make the button. The different types of materials that I have considered using are; metals, woods and plastics.

The first material that I researched about was aluminium. I found out that it has many useful properties that could be an advantage to my point of sale. It is lightweight, ductile and has a good natural finish.

The second material that I considered was MDF. I found out that MDF is easy to work with because it has no not's or grains. Although a finish has to be applied.

The final material I considered was acrylic. In my research I found out that acrylic is easy to cut, a good insulator, easy to clean and resistant to abrasion.

From my research I found out that the best material for the button my point of sale would be aluminium because it is the most practical and I feel it fits my specification the best.

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The way in which I am going to develop the construction of my point of sale is introducing the use of templates. I am going to design and develop a template that I can use to make sure that the size of the button that activates the picture will be the same every time.

In my research I found out that the template must be easy to move and easy to draw around so you can create a lot of designs in a short space of time. The template must also be made out of a material that will not change shape easily, making sure you draw the same pattern every time. It is also ideal if the material you make the template form is cheep because you don’t want to be wasting money on things that don’t need to cost very much.

From my research I gathered, I found that the best material for my type of template would be a fairly rigid cardboard.

Manufacture I am going to manufacture the button by first getting some aluminium rod that is the width that I would like it to be. Then I am going to cut it to length. During my research I found the best way to cut aluminium rod is to use a mitre box to make sure that the rod is cut at a perfect right angle and I will use a hack saw to cut the material.

I will then file down the edge so it is not rough or sharp using a metal file and then sandpaper.

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I am going to develop my point of sale by the introduction of a jig. This will enable me to make sure I cut the button at a perfect right angle every time. It will also enable me to make sure the length of the button will be the same every time.

The type of jig I am going to make will be very similar to a mitre box but it will have a removable end that will ensure that the button is the same length every time.

Another part of my point of sale that I would like to develop would be the arms of the glasses frames.


I have decided to develop the aesthetics of the arms of the glasses frames. When developing the frames I looked at a few different shapes. The first one being a straight angular design, the second a typical glasses frame design and the final one being a more fashionable design.

When doing my research I looked on the Lynx website, at their different types of girls section, to see what type of glasses the brainy girl was wearing. Then I asked a group of people which out of the three designs they liked best.

I chose the fashionable design because when I was doing my research I found that the girl was wearing glasses similar to this design. Also when I asked the group of people which design they liked best, the majority of them said they liked that one best.

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Manufacture The way I am going to develop the manufacture of my point of sale is by developing how I am going to build the frames of my glasses.

The possible ways I could manufacture my glasses frames Is by vacuum forming or laser cutting then heat bending the acrylic.

When doing my research I found that vacuum forming the acrylic frames would be impractical because the frames are quite thin so cutting them out would be difficult, also there is only a slight bend in the frames so heat bending would be the easiest way of achieving that bend.

Materials I am going to develop the material of the glasses frames. The different materials I have chosen from are metal, acrylic and wood.

When doing my research I found out that it would be impractical to use metal because the shape I want to make out of it is fairly complicated so I would have to use a CNC machine, as I am doing this at school and we do not have a CNC machine it would be too difficult to find and use won cheaply.

Another material I could use is wood, although it would be easy enough to shape I feel that it doesn’t fit the brand or my specification practically well.

The final option I have considered is acrylic. In my research I found that acrylic would be a good material to use in this situation because I can laser cut it to the complicated shape that I want. It can also be heat bent giving it the curve that I want making the glasses look authentic.

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A constructional aspect that I am going to develop is the use of a template.

The thing I am going to create a template for is the frames of my glasses. I am going to create the template on a computer aided design (CAD) program. This means that I have the template forever because I will save my design. That means I can access it at any time and create more frames if necessary.

The advantage of this type of template is that I will never loose it and that I will never change shape, where as if I made it from cardboard it could get damaged or lost.

Components I am going to develop the components by choosing the best and most practical way to display the picture behind the product.

The options I have looked at is whether to have TV screens displaying the picture, the picture being projected onto a screen or the picture darkened and then lit up when the product is removed.

When doing some research I found that using TV screens would be a very nice way to display the picture but it would also be very expensive and as I said in my specification, the point of sale will be inexpensive I cant really use TV screens.

I also found out that projectors are quite expensive so for the same reason as the TV screens I cant really use them.

However I found out that LEDs are much cheaper and more accessible at school so I believe the best way to display the picture is by lighting up a dark picture with LEDs.

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Manufacture The way in which I am going to develop the manufacture aspect of my point of sale is by deciding how it will apply the picture to the acrylic behind the product. The options I have considered are; painting it onto the acrylic, sticking a vinyl sticker onto the acrylic or etching it on with the laser cutting machine.

When I looked into what technique to use I realised that painting it would not be a very good idea because it would be very time consuming and it would be hard to duplicate the exact same picture every time.

I believe that using a vinyl sticker would be the best way because you could copy it very easily and it would be one of the quickest options.

Etching the picture on with a laser cutting machine would be a very quick way of producing the image onto the acrylic but I feel that the picture wouldn’t have the same effect compared to if the picture was stuck onto the acrylic with a vinyl sticker.

Materials I am going to develop the materials part of my point of sale by deciding what material to make the picture that is displayed behind the product out of. The options I have considered are; cardboard, metal or acrylic.

When doing my research I thought that putting the picture on cardboard would not be a very good idea because the picture could get damaged quite easily after everyday use.

I also found out that putting a picture onto metal could also be quite difficult and more expensive than the other options.

I decided that the best material to use to display the picture would be acrylic because I can stick a very nice vinyl sticker to it and I can cut the acrylic to the exact same size and shape as the vinyl picture very easily using a laser cutter.

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Usability I am going to develop the usability by editing the size of my point of sale.

The reason I have decided to change the size is to make sure that the point of sale is noticeable enough to see but not be too large and tacky but still being large enough to interact with properly.

The size I have selected to choose is a point of sale that fits the user correctly. The way it will fit the user is by allowing them to reach into the point of sale easily to pick up the product without them hitting the edges of the glasses frames.

It will also be large enough to be able to display the picture behind the product efficiently, meaning that the picture will be big enough for it to be see but not too big that it swamps the product.

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The possible options I could take in to consideration when deciding to have a hinge or not are; having a hinge that allows the arms to move back and fourth, no hinge at all or a hinge that doesn’t move, only there to look good.

The hinge that I have chosen to use is one that doesn’t move, one that’s only there to look good. The reason I have chosen this type of hinge is because the arm of the glasses doesn’t need to move but if you just have a fixed joint it wouldn’t look authentic. So introducing a hinge that doesn’t move is very practical and makes the glasses look move authentic.

Manufacture The possible ways in which I could attach the hinges to the frames are by glue or with screws.

When doing my research I found out that glue, in particular super glue, is a very good method of joining two pieces of acrylic. However I am joining a piece of acrylic to a piece of metal so using screws would be a good idea. Another bit of information I found out when doing my research is that there are improved methods of screwing things to acrylic rather than simply screwing the parts together. One of the methods is to drill pilot holes before hand to make sure the acrylic doesn’t snap or crack. Another method id to put brass insert into the pre drilled pilot holes to make sure the screws don’t slip or crack the plastic when inserting the screws.

The way in which I have chosen to use is to drill pilot holes before inserting the screws as l feel this is a safer option to use.

A component that I am going to develop is whether to have a hinge between the main frame of the glasses and the arm of the glasses.

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After my research I realised that it would be most practical to have point of sale where you pick up the product and something happens to the point of sale. This is because if you have a point of sale where you pick up the glasses part of the point of sale and put them on, they could get easily stolen or they might not fit the customer correctly and could be difficult to interact with the point of sale properly. Another reason why I would choose a point of sale where you pick up the product is that if the customer is handling the product they are more likely to remember the product compared to if they was handling the point of sale then they might just remember the point of sale and not the brand or product.

I am going to develop the usability of my point of sale by deciding whether to have a point of sale that you can pick up and look at, a point of sale where you put the glasses on and look at a picture or a point of sale that you pick the product up and something happens to change the point of sale.

Components The way I am going to develop the components of my point of sale is deciding whether the product will be on the frames of my glasses or behind the frames on a stand type part.

After looking into the two options I felt that if the product was on the frames, the frames would have to be quite thick to make the product stable and safe. I don’t think that it look very good because the frames wouldn’t look authentic

Where as I though that if I put the product on a stand behind the glasses frames it would be more interactive because the person would have to pout their hand through the point of sale to reach the product. Also I could make the glasses frames look more authentic because they wouldn’t have to be so thick.

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Aesthetics I am going to develop the aesthetics by deciding where to put the brand name or logo.

The options I can take into consideration are; placing the brand name in the middle of the glasses frame, on an added piece of acrylic above the left or right lens or on the glasses arms.

When doing my research on point of sales o often saw that point of sale would have their brand name or logo on the point of sale more than once. From that information I though it would be a good idea to put the brand name or logo in two or more places so it can be seen form more than one angle.

When thinking about my point of sale I though that it would look quite quirky to have the brand name off centre, so I decided to put it above the right lens. I also decided to put it on both arms so the brand name can be read from nearly all directions.

Components A manufacturing part of my point of sale that I am going to develop is how I will make the lettering for my brand name.

The options I can choose from are; vinyl lettering, painting it on or laser cutting it into the acrylic then adding paint to make it stand out

When thinking about the different techniques I felt that using vinyl lettering would be an easy and cheep way of doing it but don’t think it would look particularly good, I fell it could look too cheap.

I also felt that painting the letters on would be very time consuming and very hard to copy exactly the same onto another point of sale.

I think that the best way to add the lettering to the point of sale would be to laser cut the letters on the acrylic because it would be very quick and it would also look very good when adding a pit of paint to make it stand out. Another advantage is that I can easily produce exact copies of the lettering more than once.