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Energy usage and cost in textile industry: A case study for Turkey Harun Kemal Ozturk * Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Pamukkale University, Muhendislik Fakultesi, 20070 C ¸ amlık, Denizli, Turkey Received 19 January 2004 Abstract The Turkish textile industry holds a relatively important position in the world and thus plays a major role in Turkey’s exports. Energy consumption is important for the textile industry in Turkey because it is the largest export sector. Energy usage in the textile industry in Turkey is inefficient, and energy consumption has been growing very rapidly due to population growth, rapid urbanization and industrial development. For future planning, it is important to know the current specific energy consumption (energy consumption/production) and the energy intensity (energy consumption/cost of energy) in order to estimate future energy consumption for the textile sector. In this study, a survey has been carried out to show energy consumption, energy cost and the relationship between the energy usage and textile production. The results of the energy survey have been presented in both figure and table form. q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. 1. Introduction Turkey offers a large domestic market and holds a strategic location in the center of the Balkans, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Turkey has a wide spectrum of bilateral economic relations with countries from all over the world. In this regard, Turkey has established a solid economic basis for stable and fruitful cooperation with many countries. Turkey also benefits from a geographical location that allows the country to take advantage of trade with emerging economies in the region, including the trade in energy. Turkey is one of the largest economies in the region achieving an average annual growth rate of 4.1% over the past 20 years and a Gross National Product (GNP) that totaled $204 billion in 1998 [1]. Strong population growth and rapid urbanization have played an important role for development 0360-5442/$ - see front matter q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2004.11.014 Energy xx (2005) 1–23 www.elsevier.com/locate/energy * Tel.: C90 258 212 55 32; fax: C90 258 212 55 38. E-mail address: [email protected]. DTD 5 ARTICLE IN PRESS

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Energy usage and cost in textile industry: A case study for Turkey

Harun Kemal Ozturk*

Mechanical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Pamukkale University, Muhendislik Fakultesi,

20070 Camlık, Denizli, Turkey

Received 19 January 2004


The Turkish textile industry holds a relatively important position in the world and thus plays a major role in

Turkey’s exports. Energy consumption is important for the textile industry in Turkey because it is the largest export

sector. Energy usage in the textile industry in Turkey is inefficient, and energy consumption has been growing very

rapidly due to population growth, rapid urbanization and industrial development. For future planning, it is important

to know the current specific energy consumption (energy consumption/production) and the energy intensity (energy

consumption/cost of energy) in order to estimate future energy consumption for the textile sector. In this study, a

survey has been carried out to show energy consumption, energy cost and the relationship between the energy usage

and textile production. The results of the energy survey have been presented in both figure and table form.

q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction

Turkey offers a large domestic market and holds a strategic location in the center of the Balkans,

Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe, and Russia. Turkey has a wide spectrum of

bilateral economic relations with countries from all over the world. In this regard, Turkey has established

a solid economic basis for stable and fruitful cooperation with many countries. Turkey also benefits from

a geographical location that allows the country to take advantage of trade with emerging economies in

the region, including the trade in energy.

Turkey is one of the largest economies in the region achieving an average annual growth rate of 4.1%

over the past 20 years and a Gross National Product (GNP) that totaled $204 billion in 1998 [1].

Strong population growth and rapid urbanization have played an important role for development

Energy xx (2005) 1–23


0360-5442/$ - see front matter q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


* Tel.: C90 258 212 55 32; fax: C90 258 212 55 38.

E-mail address: [email protected].

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Table 1

Export of Turkey (US$ billion) [4]

Years 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Export 18,106 21,636 23,225 26,261 26,973 26,587 27,775 31,340

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–232


of Turkey. In the period 1980–1990, Turkey’s export figures showed an average annual increase of 33%,

whilst the value of exports increased from $US 2.9 billion to $US 12.9 billion. The growth rate of exports

for 1992 and 1993 was 8.2 and 4.3%, respectively. In 1994, exports recorded an increase of 18% and

reached $US 18.1 billion [2]. In 1995, Turkish exports reached $US 21.6 billion with an increase of

19.5% [3,4]. In 2000, Turkish exports reached $US 31.34 billion, recording an increase of 12.8% over

2000 (see Table 1).

Turkey is a free market economy oriented towards Western markets. In 2000, the OECD countries

took a 68.6% share in the total exports of Turkey with a value of $US 18.7 billion. Among OECD

members, exports to the EU were $US 14.4 billion a figure that is equal to 52.5% of total exports [5].

Among the top 10 markets, Germany (with its 18.8% share) is the major market for Turkey. Turkey’s

second largest export market is the USA with a share of 11.2% whereas the UK constitutes the third

largest market with its share of 7.4% (see Table 2).

The energy requirement for an economy is sensitive to the rate of economic growth and the energy

intensity of producing sectors. The energy intensity of industry is a function of technological progress and

varies from sector to sector. Turkey has focused on improving the availability of energy, considering the

environmental impact of growth in the sector. Turkey’s energy strategy is aimed at satisfying demand

without any adverse impact on its economic growth in the country. Therefore, energy conservation is one

of the important objectives of energy policy in Turkey. Turkish domestic energy resources are highly

utilized and the economy is dependent on imports particularly of petroleum products. Turkey imports

nearly 50% of its energy requirements. The country spends 40–50% of its total export income to import

fuel, mainly crude oil and natural gas. Oil and natural gas meet nearly 60% of energy demand in the

country, with coal constituting nearly 25% of supply [6]. Sufficient and secure energy supplies are the top

priority of Turkey’s energy policy and industry. Therefore, it is vital for Turkey to improve the efficient use

of energy for textile industry as well. The aim of this study is to show the relationship among the energy

consumption, energy cost and production to understand the share of energy cost in the expenses.

Table 2

Major export partners, 2000 [3]

Value (thousand $) Share (%)

Germany 5,149,612 18.8

USA 3,059,863 11.2

UK 2,020,225 7.4

Italy 1,748,038 6.4

France 1,643,382 6.0

The Netherlands 869,469 3.2

Spain 682,917 2.5

Belgium-Luxembourg 639,244 2.3

Russian Federation 628,459 2.3

Israel 618,968 2.3

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2. The place of textile industry in Turkish economy

Turkey, the 17th largest economy in the world, is an emerging country with a buoyant economy

challenged by a growing demand for energy. Steadily improving energy efficiency does not change the

deep need for further gains. Energy use in the textile industry in the country is still highly inefficient,

with huge possibilities for improvement. Turkey imports 65% of its energy, and expects energy imports

to increase by 72% by 2010, and 76% by 2020. This trend makes Turkey one of the fastest growing

energy markets in the world.

Turkey’s textile industry has shown a stable growth over the years. Among industrial products, the

textile and ready-to-wear industries have remained to play a major role in exports (see Table 3). The

textile sector is Turkey’s largest manufacturing industry and its largest export sector and a relatively

important position in the world. Turkey’s textile industry remains important to the economy. Turkey

ranks sixth in world exports of clothing with 3.5% of the total global apparel trade, and the second largest

supplier to the European Union, after China [8].

The GNP of Turkey decreased from $US 192.383 billion in 1997 to $US 148.166 billion in 2001

due to the general economic crisis (see Table 4). The textile sector is currently one of the most

important sectors in the Turkish economy in terms of GNP, employment and exports and as a whole

contributed 33.2% to Turkey’s export earnings in 2001 (see Table 3), 10% to the country’s GNP and

employed about one-third of all workers in manufacturing. Its share of the total industrial production

Table 3

Textile and apparel exports and their share in the total exports of Turkey [4,7]

Years Total exports

(1000 $)

Textile exports

(1000 $)

Share of textiles in

total exports (%)

Textile and apparel

(1000 $)

Share of textile

and apparel

in total exports (%)

1980 2,910,000 671,000 23.1 777,000 26.7

1981 4,703,000 915,000 19.5 1,217,000 25.9

1982 5,746,000 1,069,000 18.6 1,436,000 25.0

1983 5,728,000 1,055,000 18.4 1,599,000 27.9

1984 7,134,000 1,181,000 16.6 2,170,000 30.4

1985 7,958,000 1,151,000 14.5 2,087,000 26.2

1986 7,457,000 1,043,000 14.0 2,112,000 28.3

1987 10,190,000 1,133,000 11.1 2,861,000 28.1

1988 11,662,000 1,334,000 11.4 3,461,000 29.7

1989 11,625,000 1,338,000 11.5 3,786,000 32.6

1990 12,959,289 1,424,249 11.0 4,322,598 33.4

1991 13,593,539 1,374,357 10.1 4,593,707 33.8

1992 14,365,414 1,369,322 9.5 5,378,937 37.4

1993 15,345,000 1,457,490 9.5 5,615,487 36.6

1994 18,107,000 1,944,818 10.7 6,434,861 35.5

1995 21,637,041 2,130,665 9.8 8,319,167 38.4

1996 23,224,465 2,352,142 10.1 8,696,394 37.4

1997 26,261,072 2,730,421 10.4 9,819,090 37.4

1998 26,973,952 2,811,763 10.4 10,455,814 38.8

1999 26,588,264 2,733,641 10.3 9,878,694 37.2

2000 27,774,906 2,818,768 10.1 10,013,377 36.1

2001 31,339,991 3,060,947 9.8 10,396,803 33.2

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Table 4

GNP and GNP per capita of Turkey (producers value at 1987 prices) [9,10]

1990 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

GNP ($ million) 152.4 192.4 206.6 185.2 200.0 148.2 180.9 270.3

GNP per capita ($) 2.698 3.079 3.255 2.879 2.965 2.160 2.598 3.383

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–234


of the country is around 40%. Capacity utilization in this sector is high and production level is

around $10 billion.

Besides the Turkish textile industry, the Turkish home textile industry has also shown significant

growth in terms of production and exports. In recent years, the production of home textiles has shown a

stable increase due to the rise in domestic and external demand for home textiles. Almost all kinds of

home textiles are produced in Turkey. Turkish home textile manufacturers are mainly located in

Istanbul, Bursa, Denizli, Izmir, Kayseri, Gaziantep and Usak. Towel and bathrobe producers are mainly

concentrated in Denizli and Bursa. Besides meeting the domestic demand in Turkey, the Turkish home

textile sector is an important export earner for the country. As a division of the textile industry, the home

textiles sector with an export value of 859 million dollars and a 3.2% share in Turkey’s total exports in

1999, has been an important sub-sector for the Turkish economy [11].

Electricity consumption in Turkey has been growing rapidly—by approximately 10% a year and the

industrial sector accounted for almost 52% of the total electricity consumption. The Ministry of Energy

and Natural Resources (MENR) forecasts that industry’s share will increase further. In order to satisfy the

expected demand for electricity consumption, electricity generation capacity must increase. Electricity

generation peaked to 116.5 billion kW h (70% thermal, 30% hydro) in 1999. Approximately 119 billion

kW h of electrical energy, 2.5 billion kW h imported, were consumed in 1999. Energy demand forecasts

for the next 20 years predict Turkey’s electrical energy demand will reach 295 billion kW h in 2010 and

556 billion kW h in 2020 [12,13]. In order to meet this increased demand, it will be necessary for Turkey to

increase its existing generating capacity. Due to rapid and enormous increases in demand, Turkey’s power

generation sector will require massive investment. It will be necessary for the country to construct many

new power plants to ensure the reliable and cost-effective delivery of high quality energy.

Labor costs remain lower than in Europe, but much higher than in Asia. The price of electricity is

high, and there are hidden expenses in transport and customs. Electrical and heat energy are together the

most important production costs for textiles (about 10% of total input) [14]. It is important to know the

energy consumption for a textile firm to understand and control the usage (see Fig. 1).

The conservation and efficient use of energy in industry have for a long time been a priority of the

Government of Turkey. Electricity and heavy fuel-oil prices for some countries have been given in

Table 5. As can be seen in this table, the cost of electricity to Turkish industry is higher than in many

other countries although heavy fuel-oil is cheaper. Therefore, it is very important to know energy

consumption for textile industry. This paper is focused on a simple way estimating the energy

consumption for a textile factory.

3. Energy consumption structure of Turkish industrial sectors and the place of textile industry

National Energy Conservation Center (NECC) in cooperation with the Turkish State Statistics

Institute (DIE) carried out a detailed industrial database survey to define energy consumption, energy

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Fig. 1. Comparison of the textile input as cost [15].

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–23 5


saving potential, the energy management approach and systems and technical infrastructure in the

industrial sector, such as boilers, motors and furnaces. Within the scope of this study, questionnaires

were sent to 1300 manufacturers consuming more than 500 tons of oil equivalent (toe) of energy [15].

According to the studies conducted by DIE in 1992 and 1995, on the basis of the results obtained from

approximately 1200 of these manufacturers, their total energy consumption of the places of

employment, which annually consume 500 ton oil equivalent (toe) or above, constitute 75% of the

industrial energy consumption of Turkey. Table 6 indicates the industrial sub-sectoral energy

consumption and the share of the cost of energy production of Turkey [16]. As can be seen in the table,

the iron and steel sectors take a large share (about 35%) of this consumption while textile and woven

industry take 5.9% of the total consumption. When the cost of the energy is investigated, this share

breaks down into 48% in the iron and steel sector, 32.5% in the ceramics industry, 55% in the cement

industry and 8–10% for the textile and woven industry [17].

In Turkey, since energy consumption of the industrial sector is 35% of the total energy consumption

and electricity consumption of the industrial sector is 54% of the total electricity consumption, this

Table 5

Electricity and heavy fuel-oil prices for some countries ($/Unit) [16]

Heavy fuel-oil for industry (ton) Electricity for industry (kW h)

Canada 208.98 0.03

Chinese 222.55 0.06

Germany 189.42 0.05

India 198.13 0.07

Italy 230.50 0.09

Japan 236.56 0.16

Korea 285.27 0.06

Spain 199.35 0.05

Turkey 191.17 0.09

United Kingdom 202.13 0.05

United States 182.50 0.04

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Table 6

Industrial sub-sector energy consumption and the share of the cost of energy production of Turkey [18,19]

Industry Total energy (toe) Rate of industrial

consumption (%)

Rate of energy in

total cost (%)

Iron/steel 4,863,328 34.9 11.5 and 48

Non-ferrous metals 312,947 2.3 6.2 and 47.4

Ceramics 627,789 4.5 32.5

Cement 2,736,165 19.7 55

Glass 234,898 1.7 22–42

Paper and cellulose 468,823 3.4 9–30

Textile and woven 822,305 5.9 8–10

Petro chemical 606,423 4.6 28.5

Main chemicals 308,138 2.2 24

Chemical fertilizer 718,962 5.2 40

Petrol refineries 406,006 2.9 4

Dye, varnish 7149 0.05 1.6

Medicine 17,693 0.12 1.5

Soap, cleaners 41,190 0.3 2.1

LPG 34,082 0.24 1

Others 558,000 4 –

Forest products and furniture 72,143 0.52 6

Metal furniture 41,251 0.3 4

Flour products 8132 0.06 4

Tea 72,053 0.52 3.5

Sugar 415,759 2.99 8.5

Oil 137,731 0.99 3.7–6

Vegetable and fruit industry 65,762 0.47 6.44

Tobacco/beverage 107,287 0.77 0.7–6

Total 13,923,448 100

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–236


sector is considered with the highest priority when energy conservation studies are discussed.

Besides these, it is estimated that industrial energy consumption of Turkey will be increased from 34.7%

in 1996 to 37% by the year 2000 and 56% by the year 2010. These percentages show that the structure of

the Turkish industrial sector should be investigated from the point of energy conservation [19].

Turkish textile industry is one of the oldest and biggest industrial sectors in Turkey. Since this

industry is energy-intensive, it is very important to optimize its energy consumption and hence energy

conservation. Industrial processes of textile use large amounts of fuel and electricity. It is very important

to minimize the energy cost and energy consumption for the textile industry to reduce the cost and to

rival. Increasing global competition puts high demands on Turkish textile companies, one of which is an

increased demand for cost efficiency. One important factor in reaching higher cost efficiency is to reduce

energy cost and to use energy efficiently.

Kalliala and Talvenmaa [20] carried out a survey for six textile firm in Finland to create an

environmental impact profile for wet processing. He concentrated on the yarn manufacturing, weaving

process, dyeing machines, wet processing of knitted fabrics and wet processing of woven fabrics. Tang

and Mohanty [21] investigated the energy efficiency improvement by using cogeneration for Thailand. A

comprehensive report [22] has been prepared by United Nations Industrial Development Organization

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(UNIDO) to show the potential energy saving pint for textile industries in Japan, Malaysia and

Indonesia. Tiwari [23] carried out a study to calculate energy intensities for different sectors in Indian

economy. The results indicate that sectors like coal tar products, wool, silk, synthetic and textile

worsened during 1983–1990 as the point of energy intensity. Mozes et al. [24] examined the efficiency of

the conventional textile washing process from the point of exergy and they show that the electrical

heating process consumes most exergy. Deventer [25] carried out a feasibility study on superheated

steam drying of paper and textile. He indicated that drying with superheated steam in direct contact with

the paper or textile web offers great advantages over conventional ways of drying with respect to energy

efficiency, drying rate and quality aspects. Muneer et al. [26] presented alternative and sustainable

solution for water heating for textile industry in stead of fossil fuel for dying process which is one of the

major energy consuming areas in textile industry.

4. Characteristics of energy consumption for textile industry

4.1. Types of energy used in the textile industry

In general, energy in the textile industry is mostly used in the forms of: electricity, as a common

power source for machinery, cooling and temperature control systems, lighting, office equipment, etc.;

oil, LPG; coal; or natural gas as a fuel for steam generators.

Table 6 shows the distribution of energy consumption in the sub section of textile industries in Turkey.

These sections include textile and wearing apparel, weaving, spinning, weaning, dyeing, drying and

finishing and knitting. Textile and wearing apparel and weaving have the highest energy consumptions. In

summary, electricity, natural gas and fuel-oil are the main energy source for the industry.

5. Energy conservation management for textile industry

5.1. Importance of energy management

Industrial processes for the textile use large amounts of fuel and electricity. The increases in energy

cost and energy consumption force industrial companies and government agencies to use energy more

efficiently. Decreasing energy losses and recovering the lost energy are of great importance. Many

industrial-heating processes generate waste energy. This waste energy in form of heat can be removed

and used for other useful applications for the energy saving purpose.

In order to optimize energy saving in a company, it is necessary to enhance the awareness, improve

the knowledge and obtain the participation and cooperation of everybody involved in the production

process. Energy management is relevant to a wide range of departments within a company to provide

continuity for energy saving. While it is necessary for engineers and technicians with specialized

technical knowledge to play a central role in energy conservation efforts, the implementation of an

energy management program itself should not be left to a handful of specialists or specialized sections.

Rather, it is desirable to address the task company-wide, for example, by setting up an ‘Energy

Management Committee’. Also, it is essential to get the support of the head of the companies to

achieve desirable result. It has been seen at the textile factories in Turkey that although there is an

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energy manager at the companies, ‘Energy Management Committee’ has not been established and the

head of the companies is not aware of the importance of energy management program for the energy


Energy efficiency improvements for the textile industry in Turkey refer to a reduction in the energy

usage for a given energy service (production, heating, lighting, etc.). This reduction in the energy

consumption is not necessarily associated to technical changes, since it can also result from a better

organization and management or improved economic efficiency in the sector (e.g. overall gains of

productivity). Energy efficiency is first of all a matter of individual behavior and rationale of energy

consumers. Avoiding unnecessary consumption of energy or choosing the most appropriate equipment

to reduce the cost of the energy contribute to decrease individual energy consumption without

decreasing individual welfare and production. It is obvious that it also contributes to increase the overall

energy efficiency of the national economy.

6. Use of electricity efficiently in the factories

In the textile industry, the electricity is used for production, lightening, HVAC, etc. The collected data

for the four textile factories is given in Table 7. The production takes a large share (average 77%) of the

total electricity consumption. Lightening and HVAC take about 5 and 17%, respectively.

6.1. Production

The textile industry uses a vast number of electric motors, and most of them are relatively small.

While some of conventional machines were driven by a single motor, many modern machines utilize

multiple motors with a control board for controlling the movement of each motor.

Most electrical motors are designed to run at 50–100% of rated load. Maximum efficiency is usually

near 75% of rated load. A motor’s efficiency tends to decrease dramatically below about 50% load.

Overloaded motors can overheat and lose efficiency. Therefore, for the textile industry, it is useful to use

variable loads include two-speed motors, adjustable speed drives, and load management strategies that

maintain loads within an acceptable range to work at variable load. It is advisable to operate the

electrical motors at its nameplate for obtaining high efficiency. It has been noted that most of the motors

at the industry is oversize and therefore, and they run below the 50% load. Therefore, it is advisable to

change the motors with appropriate size.

Table 7

Share of electricity usage for four textile factories

Name of


Production Lightening Heating and ventilation

kW h/month % kW h/month % kW h/month %

A 206.6400 80 154.980 6 361.620 14

B 2673.300 70 114.570 3 1031.130 27

C 798.600 66 121.000 10 290.400 24

D 84.423 91 1.855 2 6.494 7

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6.2. Lighting

Due to its nature of operations, the share of lighting in total electricity use is relatively high energy. By

switching from tungsten bulbs to fluorescent lamps, considerable electricity savings can be achieved. In

Turkey, fluorescent lamps are widely used in textile industry. In order to use electricity efficiently for

lighting, it is important to re-examine whether the light source is utilized in the most efficient way. In this

survey, it was found that none of the factories measured the lightening level in the working environment.

If it is done, over-lightening could be eliminated at the companies. Natural lightening at the factories

could be used in order to minimize electricity consumption.

6.3. HVAC systems

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) relates to systems that perform processes

designed to regulate the air conditions within factories for the comfort purposed and for some processes.

HVAC systems condition and move air into the factories to create and maintain desirable temperature,

humidity, ventilation and air purity. For the textile industry, during weaving process, temperature range

should be about 30 8C, while the relative humidity is approximately 80%. HVAC process consumes

high-energy rate. As can be seen from Table 7, about 27% of total electricity is consumed by HVAC

systems for the factories which survey is carried out. In awareness of energy, the computer revolution

has given the tools to optimize the design of the building and to compute the cost of energy. For the

energy saving and use the energy efficiently, recommended guidelines should be followed closely so that

too much fresh air is not introduced unnecessarily. Also some conditioned air after filtered can be used

with the fresh air to reduce the electricity consumption.

7. Use of fuel efficiently in the factories

It is vital to encourage the manufacturers to adopt a comprehensive approach to energy use that

includes assessing industrial systems and evaluating potential improvement opportunities. Efficiency

gains in compressed air, motor, process heating, pumping, and steam systems can be significant and

usually result in immediate energy and cost savings.

During data collection in the textile factories, it has shown that the industrialist is worried about the

consumption of huge quantity of energy and its day-by-day increased cost. In the following sections

potential energy saving possibilities has been given briefly.

7.1. Selection of fuel

Fuels utilized in the textile industry in Turkey have already gone through a switch over from coal

to fuel-oil and natural gas (see Table 8). Recently, decreasing the energy cost is one of the most

important issues for the industry. In order to reduce the cost, the heating systems have been

converted to natural gas and lignite from fuel-oil, because their price is currently lower than the fuel-

oil. Turkey has limited reserves of oil and natural gas, but proven reserves of lignite in the order of

8.4 billion tones [28]. Lignite is cheaper than natural gas as an input fuel for the industries, but

natural gas-using equipment tends to have lower capacity cost and can be built in smaller increments.

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Table 8

Energy consumption of each specialized technical field in Turkish textile industry. group and fuel type [27]

Weaving Spinning, weaning, dyeing,

drying and finishing


toe % toe % toe %

Electricity 241.843 24.90 204.732 32.19 18.080 3,96

Steam 13.881 1.43 7.051 1.11 4.731 10.37

Natural gas 283.522 29.19 242.123 38.06 29.572 64.83

Fuel-oil 260.452 26.81 218.620 3.44 2.952 6.47

Central Heating fuel 38.593 3.97 33.585 5.28 4.073 8.93

Coal 84.198 8.67 79.938 12.57 568 1.25

LPG 48.915 5.04 46.806 7.36 1.911 4.19

Total 971.404 100.00 636.097 100.00 45.615 100.00

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Turkish lignite has low calorific value and high sulphur, dust and ash content and causes greater air

pollution. Therefore, lignite is used especially in electricity generation and not widely used for

industry. It could be useful to use lignite with purification at the industry to reduce the energy cost.

Another solution could be to use geothermal energy which is very convenient for the textile industry

in Turkey [29,30].

8. Finding energy losses

In this section, some of energy lost and their effect on the energy lost will be given. Following are

some of the major sources from where energy is lost in various forms.

8.1. Energy loss through hot water discharge and heat recovery from wastewater

The use of heat recovery systems for textile firms can help them to improve energy efficiency by

reducing the requirement for hot water and steam in their manufacturing processes. Decreasing energy

losses and recovering the lost energy are of great importance. As known, heating processes in textile

industry generates waste energy. Heat energy can be recovered from the hot wastewater streams using a

heat exchanger. Use of the waste heat recovery systems can help to decrease energy consumption and

utilize the heat produced for the other process.

Steam condensate discharges are hot and clean water streams. These streams can be used as boiler

feed water or for preparation of dye baths. These options not only reduce water consumption and

wastewater quantities, but also result into substantial energy savings. Drying is often one of the most

energy-intensive operations in textile processes and such dryers exhaust large amounts of warm and

moist air.

Any boiler with continuous blowdown exceeding 5% of the steam rate is a good candidate for the

introduction of blow down waste heat recovery. Larger energy savings occur with high-pressure boilers.

Some streams are clean whereas others are heavily contaminated with number of chemicals and dyes in

textile industry. Most of the wastewater streams are discharged at the temperatures of 60–70 8C.

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9. Energy losses through leakages and improper maintenance

In most of the textile companies during data collection, it has been seen that most of the pipelines and

equipments are not properly installed and therefore, steam and hot water is lost through leakages. It is

very difficult to estimate the quantity and cost of leakages but it is obvious that the leakage of hot water

and steam results in substantial energy loss. Generally, the condition of piping and insulation is not up to

the standard due to the fact that preventive maintenance is not being given due consideration. One of the

reasons for this negligence may be due to production load in which machine shut down for repair is

difficult, and production is not wanted to stop for maintenance.

It has been noted that steam requirement has not been properly calculated and when ever needed, new

boilers installed when the factories are expanded. Steam usage is generally not optimized; reasons for

excess usage and wastage of steam are the unnecessary supply of steam to the bath even after attaining

required temperature. Steam traps used in the factories are mostly not functioning properly, therefore,

steam escapes along with steam condensate. It was noted that there are some non-functional steam traps,

rather being repaired or replaced. Since high pressure and high temperature steam flow through the pipe

(see Table 9), corroded pipes and valves, as a result of improper maintenance, also contribute in steam

and hot water loss. Steam control valves are generally not found in the machines. It was noticed that the

old machines are not equipped with energy controllers. Consequently, it could be argued that steam

efficiency can offer the companies significant energy conservation and environmental benefits.

10. Energy loss from the pipelines and machines due to lack of insulation

The steam need in the textile industry is widespread so that steam losses due to heat radiation from

steam transportation pipes and pressure drops are considerable. The walls and combustion regions of

boilers and pipeline should be insulated with insulating materials to unnecessary loss of thermal energy

and to prevent leakage. For steam transportation over long distances, low pressure and large-diameter

piping should be preferred to high pressure and small diameter. Valves and pipe curbing also cause to

pressure reducing and energy loss. Therefore, as pressure losses around bends are great, it is desirable to

make their radii large. It has been seen that most of the steam, steam condensate and hot water carrying

Table 9

Information about the boilers capacity, pressure and temperature

Capacity Unit Type of product Pressure (bar) Temperature (8C)

Factory A 50 ton/h Steam 7 191

3000.000 kcal/h Heated oil 4 230

Factory B 38 ton/h Steam 14 203

8 ton/h Steam 8 170

13,000.000 kcal/h Heated oil 5 250

Factory C 39 ton/h Steam 7 170

10,700.000 kcal/h Heated oil 4 240

Factory D 15 ton/h Steam 10 184

2.500.000 kcal/h Heated oil 2.5 260

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pipelines are not equipped with proper insulation. It was noted that most part of the insulation was

weared away at various places because of improper maintenance.

Heat lost to ambient air occurs from machines conducting reactions, washing and drying at hot states

especially desizing, bleaching, jiggers machines and dryers, because they are mostly not insulated or

some of them insulated. It is well known that the quantity of heat dissipation is the function of the

temperature difference between inside hot machines and out side cold air and the surface area of the

machine. Proper insulation provides resistance to convectional heat transfer with the advantage of less

steam and fuel consumption in heating contents up to the required temperature. In addition, in terms of

safety, insulation reduces the outer surface temperature of the steam piping, and machines, which lessens

the risk of burns. A well-insulated system also reduces heat loss to ambient workspaces, which can make

the work environment more comfortable.

11. Boiler insulation and control system

Thermal insulation of the boiler provides important safety, energy savings, and performance benefits.

The selection and design of boiler insulating materials depend largely on the age and design of the boiler.

Since the insulating lining is exposed to high temperatures and is subject to degradation, it should be

periodically inspected and repaired when necessary.

Boiler control systems should be designed to protect the boiler and to ensure proper boiler operation.

These systems should include the combustion control system, flame safeguard, water level control, and

fuel control to use the energy efficiently. Steam flow meters could be helpful in evaluating the

performance of the system and also it can provide useful data in assessing boiler performance,

calculating boiler efficiency, and tracking the amount of steam required by the system.

12. Energy loss through flue gases and hot air

In each production process of the textile industry, the heating and cooling of gases and liquids are

frequently required. This is done through heat exchange between different fluids, and in order to avoid

contamination or chemical reaction due to their direct contact, heat exchangers are used to carry out

indirect heating and cooling. It is important to use the right heat exchanger for the intended purpose.

Boiler flue gases contain substantial heat energy. This energy can be utilized to preheat the boiler feed

water through economizer but at present in the most of the textile factories in Turkey, it is not being


13. Combustion control system

Operating the boiler with an optimum amount of excess air will minimize heat loss and improve

combustion efficiency. To provide enough air for the amount of fuel used in industrial boilers, fans are

typically required. Dampers, inlet valves, or variable speed drives typically control the amount of

air allowed into the boiler. In order to regulate the fuel air mixture, the combustion control system could

be used to achieve safe and efficient combustion. The stack temperature and flue gas oxygen

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(or carbon dioxide) concentrations are primary indicators of combustion efficiency. In practice,

combustion conditions are never ideal, and additional or ‘excess’ air must be supplied to completely burn

the fuel. In order to determine the correct amount of excess air, it is necessary to analyze flue gas oxygen or

carbon dioxide concentrations. Also, it could be useful to establish the combustion control systems to the


14. Using the dyeing and drying process more efficiently

The dyeing and drying of textiles are the two processes that need a large amount of energy for heating

in textile industry. Mostly, Fuel-oil or LPG is used for these two processes. Whereas hot water at 80 8C is

required for the dyeing process, the drying process needs steam to dry the wet textiles. In drying process,

the textile is passed over the hot surface of a cylinder and steam from a boiler heats the inside of the

cylinder. The singeing workshop in the factory has a large demand for hot water for the washing of

fabric. At the same time, large quantities of waste energy are produced in the form of hot humid air from

drying and in warm waste water from the washing processes. In order to increase the efficiency in the

textile industry, it is necessary to focus on these processes.

Drying is a time-consuming, energy-intensive and expensive process after most dyeing and/or finishing

process in the textile industry. The term ‘drying’ involves removal of water or volatile solvent from a solid

(generally the former) by thermal energy. Textile processing industries use large amounts of steam for

drying. The raw material is very humid in dye-printing, lavation and the other processes. The humidity of

the fabric is reduced by means of dryers. During drying, the warm moist air is sent to the atmosphere.

However, this waste heat should be used in the drying machines. But the processed waste-air is humid and

generally polluted with fiber, dust and chemical materials and therefore, polluted air cannot be used again

in the process. Fresh, dry and hot air should continuously be circulated in the drying system. In order to

get the temperature level, which is necessary for the system, the air is pre-heated by the waste stream and

re-used. Boiler flue gases could be used for drying with some recovery system installation.

It is important to know the specific energy consumption and the energy intensity (the energy use per

kilogram) of the textile sector to estimate the total energy consumption. It is important for the individual

textile firms and also for Turkey to reduce the energy consumption at least to that of the rivals in the

market. The energy requirement of the Turkish economy is sensitive to the rate of economic growth and

the energy intensity of the production sectors.

15. Results and discussion

In this study, a survey has been carried out to show energy consumption, energy cost and the

relationship between energy usage and production. The results of the energy survey and analysis show

that specific fuel consumption is high for the textile industry. The survey was carried out for four textile

factories in Denizli which is located near the export city of Izmir in Turkey.

This study is based on personal in-depth interviews including four companies. One of these four

factories was big size, one is small and the others were middle size. The criterion for selecting factories

was to get an overview of the textile sector for high-energy-intensive companies, mid-energy-intensive

companies and low-energy-intensive companies. During the data collection, questions have been raised

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Fig. 2. Organization chart of a common textile factory in Turkey.

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to the people responsible for energy questions, such as manager of the factories, managers for energy,

maintenance, and those responsible for economic matters. The organization chart of the common textile

company in Turkey is given in Fig. 2. The amount of electricity measured with counter. Fuel values

(coal, fuel-oil, or LPG) are measured when it was bought. The amount of energy consumption

(electricity or fuel) was taken from energy manager. If an energy manager is not employed at the factory,

the data was obtained from the manager. The price and annual energy cost for electricity, fuel-oil and

LPG were taken from financial officer.

The factories chosen were one small, one big and two-middle sized. Brief information about the

factories and their working areas are correspondingly given in Table 10. The production fields and types

of the factories are dyeing, weaving, plain fabric and bathrobes as shown in the table. The process chain

of dying and finishing and weaving and energy use of the factories are described in Figs. 3 and 4,


The amount of energy consumption, price, and annual energy cost for electricity, fuel-oil and LPG

are given in Table 11. As can be seen from the table, energy price of electricity, fuel-oil and LPG are

8.7 ¢/kW h, 26 and 66 ¢/kg, respectively. The unit energy price does not change with the amount of

consumption although the annual energy consumption and cost are different for each of the factories.

Table 10

Information for the survey textile firms and their working area

Factories Factory A Factory B Factory C Factory D

Year of foundation 1995 1985 1999 1960

Number of personnel 180 200 65 500

Production field Dyeing Weaving, dyeing Dyeing Weaving, dyeing

Production type Plain fabric Bathrobes, plain fabric Plain fabric Bathrobes, plain fabric

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Fig. 3. Weaving process and energy use.

Fig. 4. Dyeing and finishing process for fiber and yarn and energy use.

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Table 11

The type and consumption of energy for the factories

Energy type Energy consumption Energy price Annual energy cost ($)

Factory A Electricity 2,583,000 kW h 8.7 ¢/kW h 224,721

Fuel-oil 3,740,000 kg 26 ¢/kg 972,400

Total 1,197,121

Factory B Electricity 3,819,000 kW h 8.7 ¢/kW h 332,253

Fuel-oil 2,690,000 kg 26 ¢/kg 699,400

LPG 156,000 kg 66 ¢/kg 102,960

Total 1,134,613

Factory C Electricity 1,210,000 kW h 8.7 ¢/kW h 105,270

Fuel-oil 2,005,000 kg 26 ¢/kg 521,300

Total 626,570

Factory D Electricity 927,920 kW h 8.7 ¢/kW h 80,729

Fuel-oil 1,485,000 kg 26 ¢/kg 386,100

Total 466,829

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Monthly production of textile goods and their corresponding values in terms of weight are given in

Table 12 for each factory. As shown in the table, the production rates are variable through the year. The

production increases in spring and summer term and decreases in autumn and winter.

Energy cost and energy consumption of the factories is given in Table 13. Electricity, fuel-oil and

LPG usage by amount has been converted into the same units as Gcal. For electricity, percentage

of electricity cost is about three times higher than percentage of energy consumption by value,

while for fuel-oil, percentage of energy cost is less than percentage of energy consumption by value

(Table 13). It is noted that unit cost of electricity, fuel-oil and LPG are 101, 27 and 58.9 $/Gcal,


Table 12

Monthly production of factories (kg)

Months Production

Factory A Factory B Factory C Factory D


plain fabric

Product: plain



plain fabric

Product: bathrobeCplain fabric

January 600,000 480,000 165,000 71,409

February 590,000 490,000 180,000 124,920

March 620,000 505,000 185,000 95,172

April 630,000 510,000 175,000 250,693

May 620,000 510,000 180,000 346,648

June 615,000 520,000 185,000 180,111

July 655,000 525,000 220,000 233,639

August 613,000 525,000 235,000 213,893

September 605,000 500,000 215,000 113,802

October 590,000 505,000 190,000 166,707

November 585,000 500,000 185,000 129,860

December 585,000 490,000 180,000 62,209

Total 7,308,000 6,060,000 2,295,000 1,989,063

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Table 13

Energy consumption and energy cost of the factories

Factory Energy consumption Energy consumption by

value and percentage

Energy cost Unit energy

cost ($/

Gcal)Type Amount Gcal % $ %

A Electricity 2,583,000 kW h 2224 6 224,721 18.8 101

Fuel-oil 3,740,000 kg 35,904 94 972,400 81.2 27

Total 38,128 100 1,197,121 100 31.4

B Electricity 3,819,000 kW h 3,284 11 332,253 29.3 101

Fuel-oil 2,690,000 kg 25,824 84 699,400 61.6 27

LPG 156,000 kg 1747 5 102,960 9.1 58.9

Total 30,855 100 1,134,613 100 36.8

C Electricity 1,210,000 kW h 1041 5 105,270 16.9 101

Fuel-oil 2,005,000 kg 19,248 95 521,300 83.1 27

Total 20,288 100 626,570 100 30.9

D Electricity 927,920 kW h 798 5 80,729 17.3 101

Fuel-oil 1,485,000 kg 14,256 95 386,100 82.7 27

Total 15,054 100 466,829 100 31

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–23 17


Fig. 2 shows the share of energy consumption and energy cost for the four factories given in Table 13.

As can be seen in the figure, electricity is more expensive than fuel-oil and LPG. Amongst the three

energy sources, the cheapest is fuel-oil.

It is very important to know the relationship between energy consumption, energy cost and the

production. Fig. 5 shows the relationship between energy consumption and energy consumption per

kilogram, production and energy cost per production and the relationship of all this to the cost per unit of

Fig. 5. Relationship between energy consumption, energy cost and the production.

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Fig. 6. Percentage of energy usage and cost.

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energy. As can be seen in the figure, when production decreases, the energy cost per unit of production

increases. Also, when energy consumption increases, the energy consumption per kilogram reduces.

Cost per unit of energy is almost constant for factories A, C and D, while it is higher for factory B due to

the higher usage of electricity. As can be easily seen from Fig. 6, the electricity consumption for factory

B was almost twice that of the others.

Tables 14 and 15 show the changing use of electricity and fuel-oil with the month, respectively.

As can be seen from the tables, the electricity and fuel-oil consumption increases late in the summer.

Table 14

Monthly electricity usage for the year 2001

Months Electricity


kW h/




kW h/




kW h/




kW h/




January 200,000 172 290,000 249 90,000 77 56,556 49

February 205,000 177 295,000 254 95,000 82 97,082 83

March 205,000 177 305,000 262 100,000 86 105,663 91

April 228,000 196 310,000 267 105,000 90 84,420 73

May 215,000 185 310,000 267 105,000 90 83,779 72

June 220,000 189 325,000 279 100,000 86 78,120 67

July 230,000 198 330,000 284 100,000 86 69,300 60

August 230,000 198 330,000 284 110,000 95 88,200 76

September 215,000 185 335,000 288 105,000 90 61,740 53

October 210,000 181 335,000 288 95,000 82 70,560 61

November 215,000 185 340,000 292 100,000 86 78,120 67

December 210,000 181 314,000 270 105,000 90 54,180 47

Total 2,583,000 2224 3,819,000 3284 1,210,000 1040 927,720 799

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Table 15

Monthly fuel-oil usage for the year 2001

Months Fuel-oil


















January 300,000 2880 195,000 1872 164,736 1584 109,400 1050

February 305,000 2928 190,000 1824 169,728 1632 120,500 1157

March 310,000 2976 200,000 1920 159,744 1536 129,300 1241

April 315,000 3024 210,000 2016 154,752 1488 133,700 1284

May 315,000 3024 210,000 2016 169,728 1632 144,400 1386

June 310,000 2976 240,000 2304 174,720 1680 144,500 1387

July 320,000 3072 245,000 2352 174,720 1680 143,800 1380

August 315,000 3024 250,000 2400 164,736 1584 120,600 1158

September 315,000 3024 240,000 2304 174,720 1680 96,800 929

October 310,000 2976 240,000 2304 164,736 1584 120,800 1160

November 315,000 3024 250,000 2400 169,728 1632 122,600 1177

December 310,000 2976 220,000 2112 159,744 1536 98,500 946

Total 3,740,000 35,904 2,690,000 25,824 1,530,048 19,248 1,484,900 14,255

H.K. Ozturk / Energy xx (2005) 1–23 19


The reason for this is that, the quota of the Turkish textile industry is completed until late in

the spring and therefore production decreases later in the year. At the end of summer, production

starts again for the next year (see Table 16). Therefore energy usage and also production increases in

the summer.

The variation of annual production with annual energy consumption has been shown in Fig. 7. As can

be seen, there is a linear relationship between production and energy consumption. The figure was

produced from the data of six factories. The other two data sets were taken from the study (for Figs. 7–9)

Table 16

Monthly textile production for the year 2001 (ton/month)

Months Amount of production


January 600 480 165 71

February 590 490 180 125

March 620 505 185 95

April 630 510 175 251

May 620 510 180 347

June 615 520 185 180

July 655 525 220 234

August 613 525 235 214

September 605 500 215 114

October 590 505 190 167

November 585 500 185 130

December 585 490 180 62

Total 7308 6060 2295 1990

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Fig. 7. Variation of annual energy consumption with annual production.

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[31]. As can be seen in Figs. 7–10, R is very close to 1. This means that the data were in accordance.

The annual production in the study changes from 1000 to 30,000 ton. If the annual production of any

factory is known, the annual energy consumption may be estimated using Fig. 7. Similarly, the variation

of annual production with annual electricity and annual heat energy consumption (fuel-oil, LPG or coal)

have been given in Figs. 8 and 9.

In Fig. 10, the relationship between annual production and energy cost has been shown for the four

factories considered in this study. It can be seen from the figure that total energy costs increase with

production as expected.

Fig. 8. Variation of annual electricity consumption with annual production.

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Fig. 9. Variation of annual heat energy consumption with annual production.

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16. Conclusions

Textile industry is very important for Turkish exports and the economy in general. It has been

recorded that energy takes about 10% of total cost of production. In this paper, the relationship between

energy consumption, energy cost and production has been presented.

It has been found that the total energy consumption, electricity consumption and heat energy

consumption increases linearly with production. These results can be useful not only in estimating the

cost of energy for any given production levels but also in estimating the reduction in production costs for

any energy saving and conservation measures proposed.

For a further study, the number of the factories should be increased to get more reliable result. Since

the number of the factories the survey carried out is limited, the values could not reflect the exact data.

Fig. 10. Variation of annual energy cost with annual production.

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However, they can give an approximate idea about relationship among the energy consumption,

production and cost for Turkish textile industry.

In order to implement an actual energy management program, it is important to grasp the current level

of energy consumption and its actual conditions in detail. Therefore, it is useful to start with learning the

relationship among the production, energy consumption and cost to start energy management system.


The author is grateful for the support provided for the present work by textile factories Deba, Irem

Tekstil, Kucuker Tekstil and AFZ Tektil. He would like to thank three anonymous referees and the

Editor-in-Chief of this journal, Professor Noam Lior, for their valuable and constructive comments on

the paper.


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