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dtwalign Release 0.1.0 Jul 09, 2019

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dtwalignRelease 0.1.0

Jul 09, 2019

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1 Installation 31.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.3 API Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Reference 23

3 Indices and tables 25

Python Module Index 27

Index 29


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dtwalign, Release 0.1.0

Comprehensive dynamic time warping module for python.

Contents: 1

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dtwalign, Release 0.1.0

2 Contents:

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pip install dtwalign

1.1 Features

1.1.1 Fast computation

by Numba

1.1.2 Partial alignment

• before alignment


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• after alignment

1.1.3 Local constraint (step pattern)


4 Chapter 1. Installation

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Symmetric2 AsymmetricP2 TypeIVc

1.1.4 Global constraint (windowing)


Sakoechiba Itakura User defined

1.1. Features 5

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1.1.5 Alignment path visualization

1.2 Tutorial

1.2.1 Basic Usage

Firstly, let’s generate toy data for this tutorial.

import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt

np.random.seed(1234)# generate toy datax = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3.1 * np.linspace(0, 1, 101))x += np.random.rand(x.size)y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * np.linspace(0, 1, 120))y += np.random.rand(y.size)

plt.plot(x, label="query")plt.plot(y, label="reference")plt.legend()plt.ylim(-1, 3)

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Then run dtw() method which returns DtwResult object.

from dtwalign import dtwres = dtw(x, y)

Note: The first run takes a few seconds for jit compilation.

DTW distance

DTW distance can be refered via DtwResult object.

print("dtw distance: {}".format(res.distance))# dtw distance: 30.048812654583166print("dtw normalized distance: {}".format(res.normalized_distance))# dtw normalized distance: 0.13596747807503695

Note: If you want to calculate only dtw distance (i.e. no need to gain alignment path), give ‘distance_only’ argumentas True when runs dtw method (it makes faster).

Alignment path

DtwResult object offers a method which visualize alignment path with cumsum cost matrix.


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Alignment path array is also provided:

x_path = res.path[:, 0]y_path = res.path[:, 1]

Warp one to the other

get_warping_path() method provides an alignment path of X with fixed Y and vice versa.

# warp x to yx_warping_path = res.get_warping_path(target="query")plt.plot(x[x_warping_path], label="aligned query to reference")plt.plot(y, label="reference")plt.legend()plt.ylim(-1, 3)

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# warp y to xy_warping_path = res.get_warping_path(target="reference")plt.plot(x, label="query")plt.plot(y[y_warping_path], label="aligned reference to query")plt.legend()plt.ylim(-1, 3)

1.2.2 Advanced Usage

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Global constraint

dtw() method can take window_type parameter to constrain the warping path globally which is also known as‘windowing’.

# run DTW with Itakura constraintres = dtw(x, y, window_type="itakura")res.plot_path()

# run DTW with Sakoechiba constraintres = dtw(x, y, window_type="sakoechiba", window_size=20)# visualize alignment path with cumsum cost matrixres.plot_path()

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Local constraint

dtwalign package also supports local constrained optimization which is also known as ‘step pattern’. Followingstep patterns are supported:

• symmetric1

• symmetric2

• symmetricP05

• symmetricP0

• symmetricP1

• symmetricP2

• Asymmetric

• AsymmetricP0

• AsymmetricP05

• AsymmetricP1

• AsymmetricP2

• TypeIa

• TypeIb

• TypeIc

• TypeId

• TypeIas

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• TypeIbs

• TypeIcs

• TypeIds

• TypeIIa

• TypeIIb

• TypeIIc

• TypeIId

• TypeIIIc

• TypeIVc

• Mori2006

# run DTW with symmetricP2 patternres = dtw(x, y, step_pattern="symmetricP2")res.plot_path()

Partial alignment

dtw() method also be able to perform partial matching algorithm by setting open_begin and open_end. Beforesee example code, let’s make toy data via following:

x_partial = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * np.linspace(0.3, 0.8, 100))x_partial += np.random.rand(x_partial.size)y_partial = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3.1 * np.linspace(0, 1, 120))y_partial += np.random.rand(y_partial.size)

(continues on next page)

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(continued from previous page)

plt.plot(x_partial, label="query")plt.plot(y_partial, label="reference")plt.legend()plt.ylim(-1, 3)

Open-end alignment can be performed by letting open_end be True.

res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, open_end=True)res.plot_path()

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As above, let open_begin be True to run open-begin alignment.

Note: Open-begin requires “N” normalizable pattern. If you want to know more detail, see references.

res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, step_pattern="asymmetric", open_begin=True)res.plot_path()

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res = dtw(x_partial, y_partial, step_pattern="asymmetric", open_begin=True, open_→˓end=True)res.plot_path()

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Use other metric

You can use other pair-wise distance metric (default is euclidean). Metrics in scipy.spatial.distance.cdist are supported:

res = dtw(x, y, dist="minkowski")

Arbitrary function which returns distance value between x and y is also available.

res = dtw(x, y, dist=lambda x, y: np.abs(x - y))

Use pre-computed distance matrix

You can also calculate DTW with given pre-computed distance matrix like:

# calculate pair-wise distance matrix in advancefrom scipy.spatial.distance import cdistX = cdist(x[:, np.newaxis], y[:, np.newaxis], metric="euclidean")

# use `dtw_from_distance_matrix` method for computation.from dtwalign import dtw_from_distance_matrixres = dtw_from_distance_matrix(X, window_type="itakura", step_pattern="typeIVc")

Use user-defined constraints

Local constraint (step pattern)

# define local constraint (step pattern)from dtwalign.step_pattern import UserStepPatternpattern_info = [







user_step_pattern = UserStepPattern(pattern_info=pattern_info,normalize_guide="N+M")

# plotuser_step_pattern.plot()

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Global constraint (windowing)

# define global constraint (windowing)from dtwalign.window import UserWindowuser_window = UserWindow(X.shape[0], X.shape[1], win_func=lambda i, j: np.abs(i ** 2 -→˓ j ** 2) < 5000)

# plotuser_window.plot()

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To compute DTW with user-specified constraints, use dtw_low method like:

# import lower dtw interfacefrom dtwalign import dtw_lowres = dtw_low(X,window=user_window,pattern=user_step_pattern)res.plot_path()

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1.3 API Reference

1.3.1 DTW

dtwalign.dtw.dtw(x, y, dist=’euclidean’, window_type=’none’, window_size=None,step_pattern=’symmetric2’, dist_only=False, open_begin=False, open_end=False)

Perform dtw.


• x (1D or 2D array (sample * feature)) – Query time series.

• y (1D or 2D array (sample * feature)) – Reference time series.

• dist (string or callable) – Define how to calclulate pair-wise distance betweenx and y. If a string given, it will be interpreted as metric argument of scipy.spatial.distance. If callable that defines metric between two samples, it will be used to computedistance matrix.

• window_type (string) – Window type to use. If “sakoechiba” given, Sakoechiba win-dow will be used. If “itakura” given, Itakura window will be used.

• window_size (int) – Window size to use for Sakoechiba window.

• step_pattern (string) – Step pattern to use.

• dist_only (bool) – Whether or not to obtain warping path. If true, only alignmentdistance will be calculated.

• open_begin (bool) – Whether or not perform open-ended alignment at the starting pointof query time series. If true, partial alignment will be performed.

• open_end (bool) – Whether or not perform open-ended alignment at the end point ofquery time series. If true, partial alignment will be performed.

Returns Result obj.

Return type dtwalign.result.DtwResult

dtwalign.dtw.dtw_from_distance_matrix(X, window_type=’none’, window_size=None,step_pattern=’symmetric2’, dist_only=False,open_begin=False, open_end=False)

Perform dtw using pre-computed pair-wise distance matrix.


• X (2D array) – Pre-computed pair-wise distance matrix.

• others – see dtw() function.

Returns Result obj.

Return type dtwalign.result.DtwResult

dtwalign.dtw.dtw_low(X, window, pattern, dist_only=False, open_begin=False, open_end=False)Low-level dtw interface.


• X (2D array) – Pair-wise distance matrix.

• window (dtwalign.window.BaseWindow object) – window object.

• pattern (dtwalign.step_pattern.BasePattern object) – step pattern ob-ject.

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• others – see dtw() function.

Returns Result obj.

Return type dtwalign.result.DtwResult

1.3.2 Result

class dtwalign.result.DtwResult(cumsum_matrix, path, window, pattern)Result of DTW.

pathAlignment path. * First column: query path array * Second column: reference path array

Type 2d array

distanceAlignment distance.

Type float

normalized_distanceNormalized alignment distance.

Type float

get_warping_path(target=’query’)Get warping path.

Parameters target (string, "query" or "reference") – Specify the target to bewarped.

Returns warping_index – Warping index.

Return type 1D array

plot_path(with_=’cum’)Plot alignment path.

Parameters with (string, "win" or "cum" or None) – If given, following will beplotted with alignment path: * “win” : window matrix * “cum” : cumsum matrix

1.3.3 Step patterns

class dtwalign.step_pattern.Asymmetric

class dtwalign.step_pattern.AsymmetricP0

class dtwalign.step_pattern.AsymmetricP05

class dtwalign.step_pattern.AsymmetricP1

class dtwalign.step_pattern.AsymmetricP2

class dtwalign.step_pattern.BasePatternStep pattern base class.

plot()Show step pattern.

class dtwalign.step_pattern.Mori2006

class dtwalign.step_pattern.Symmetric1

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class dtwalign.step_pattern.Symmetric2

class dtwalign.step_pattern.SymmetricP0Same as symmetric2 pattern.

class dtwalign.step_pattern.SymmetricP05

class dtwalign.step_pattern.SymmetricP1

class dtwalign.step_pattern.SymmetricP2

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIIIc

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIIa

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIIb

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIIc

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIId

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIVc

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIa

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIas

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIb

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIbs

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIc

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIcs

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeId

class dtwalign.step_pattern.TypeIds

class dtwalign.step_pattern.Unitary

class dtwalign.step_pattern.UserStepPattern(pattern_info, normalize_guide)User defined step pattern.


• pattern_info (list) – list contains pattern information. ex) the case of symmetric2pattern:

pattern_info = [dict(







• normalize_guide (string ('N','M','N+M','none')) – Guide to computenormalized distance.

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1.3.4 Windows

class dtwalign.window.BaseWindowBase window class.

plot()Show window.

class dtwalign.window.ItakuraWindow(len_x, len_y)Itakura window.


• len_x (int) – Length of query.

• len_y (int) – Length of reference.

class dtwalign.window.NoWindow(len_x, len_y)No window class which will be used for no constraint.


• len_x (int) – Length of query.

• len_y (int) – Length of reference.

class dtwalign.window.SakoechibaWindow(len_x, len_y, size)Sakoechiba window.


• len_x (int) – Length of query.

• len_y (int) – Length of reference.

• size (int) – Size of window width.

class dtwalign.window.UserWindow(len_x, len_y, win_func, *args, **kwargs)Initialize user defined window.


• len_x (int) – Length of query.

• len_y (int) – Length of reference.

• win_func (callable) – Any function which returns bool.

• **kwargs (*args,) – Arguments for win_func

22 Chapter 1. Installation

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• Sakoe, H.; Chiba, S., Dynamic programming algorithm optimization for spoken word recognition, Acoustics,Speech, and Signal Processing

• Paolo Tormene, Toni Giorgino, Silvana Quaglini, Mario Stefanelli (2008). Matching Incomplete Time Serieswith Dynamic Time Warping: An Algorithm and an Application to Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. Artificial Intel-ligence in Medicine, 45(1), 11-34.

• Toni Giorgino (2009). Computing and Visualizing Dynamic Time Warping Alignments in R: The dtw Package.Journal of Statistical Software, 31(7), 1-24.


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24 Chapter 2. Reference

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Indices and tables

• genindex

• modindex

• search


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26 Chapter 3. Indices and tables

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Python Module Index

ddtwalign.dtw, 19dtwalign.result, 20dtwalign.step_pattern, 20dtwalign.window, 22


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28 Python Module Index

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AAsymmetric (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20AsymmetricP0 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20AsymmetricP05 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20AsymmetricP1 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20AsymmetricP2 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20

BBasePattern (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20BaseWindow (class in dtwalign.window), 22

Ddistance (dtwalign.result.DtwResult attribute), 20dtw() (in module dtwalign.dtw), 19dtw_from_distance_matrix() (in module dt-

walign.dtw), 19dtw_low() (in module dtwalign.dtw), 19dtwalign.dtw (module), 19dtwalign.result (module), 20dtwalign.step_pattern (module), 20dtwalign.window (module), 22DtwResult (class in dtwalign.result), 20

Gget_warping_path() (dtwalign.result.DtwResult

method), 20

IItakuraWindow (class in dtwalign.window), 22

MMori2006 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20

Nnormalized_distance (dtwalign.result.DtwResult

attribute), 20NoWindow (class in dtwalign.window), 22

Ppath (dtwalign.result.DtwResult attribute), 20plot() (dtwalign.step_pattern.BasePattern method), 20plot() (dtwalign.window.BaseWindow method), 22plot_path() (dtwalign.result.DtwResult method), 20

SSakoechibaWindow (class in dtwalign.window), 22Symmetric1 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20Symmetric2 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 20SymmetricP0 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21SymmetricP05 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21SymmetricP1 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21SymmetricP2 (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21

TTypeIa (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIas (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIb (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIbs (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIc (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIcs (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeId (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIds (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIIa (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIIb (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIIc (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIId (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIIIc (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21TypeIVc (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21

UUnitary (class in dtwalign.step_pattern), 21UserStepPattern (class in dtwalign.step_pattern),

21UserWindow (class in dtwalign.window), 22