duck of the future 6000 by: nolan carter. planet underground is underground with water and sand

Duck of the Future 6000 By: Nolan Carter

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Duck of the Future 6000

By: Nolan Carter

Planet Underground

Is underground with water and sand.

Question 3

It will go underground more since if you go down more it will get warmer.

Question 4• What type of body covering or coverings will your bird have? Why?•  • a. covering #1: Camouflage, diamond armor that keeps you

cold ___________________________________________________________ • purpose: For other birds not to eat him and the tempature.

______________________________________________________________• b. covering #2 Jacket that keeps you cold

____________________________________________________________ • purpose: To keep him extra cold.

______________________________________________________________• c. covering #3: cold fire

___________________________________________________________ • purpose: to keep protective from predators.


Question 5

Rocket boots because it’s the only way to go up the surface.

Question 6

Lava eyes because if there are predators he can use them.

Question 7 & 8

My duck eats roots, lizards, and some birds.It will have a sharp beak.

Question 9

My duck will have flying and holding food with its beak.Also it will super speed.

Question 10

It will have it underground and in the water.

Question 10

It will use camouflage.

Question 11 & 12

Other birds and big lizards.Using camouflage and fighting back.

Question 13

The most unique adaptation is lava eyes.

Plant 9000The most awsome plant you’ll meet.

Question 14• What components will your plant have? Why?• • a. Stem #1: spikey

___________________________________________________________ • purpose: no one will try to eat it.

______________________________________________________________• b. Flower #2 metal

____________________________________________________________ • purpose: no one will try to chew it.

______________________________________________________________• c. Leaves #3: soft

____________________________________________________________ • purpose: you can eat a little of it.

______________________________________________________________• d. Roots #4: giant

_____________________________________________________________• purpose: no one will have a big of a mouth to eat it.

_____________________________________________________________•  •  

Plant Adaptation SummaryGiant because no one will have a big mouth to eat it

 If it gets to warm it will make its own food.

 By the duck rubbing its beak on it

It will have long roots and strong roots. 

Lizards and some birds.

 It will be strong roots.

Lave eyes to defend himself.

Camoflage diamond armor to protect himself and hide.

Camoflage diamond armor to protect himself and hide.

Fire to protect himself.