during the long week end of iedhul adha holiday 1430h i got an invitation from.docx

During the long week e nd of Iedhul Adha holi day 1430H I got an invitation from my office Camping club to camp in the C apolaga Camping Ground. Then we spent the holiday in the Capolaga Adv enture Camping ground. It was in 26-27 November 2009 and it was in rainy season. Capolaga natural tourism area is located in Kabupaten Subang. Precisely in Kampung (village) Panaruban, Desa Cicadas, Kecamatan Sagalaherang, Kabupaten Subang, West Java, at the elevation of 913 meters above sea level. There was several way to reach this place. You can reach this place from Bandung or directly from Jakarta. We reached this place from Jakarta. The route that I took Jakarta is as follows. From Jakarta we enter Cikampek toll road. We exited at Sadang toll gate and headed to the Junction. At this junction we took the right to Pasar Rebo Purwakarta direction. From Purwakarta we headed to Wanayasa lake ( Situ Wanayasa ). From  Wanayasa lake we went to Sagalaherang village. At Sagalaherang we got to find Al-Ikhlas mosque with the police station nearby it. Then we turn right just at the Al-Ikhlas mosque, there was the direction to Capolaga. From Jakarta it took about 3 hours for about 140 kilometers. In this area you’ll not only enjoy the verdant tea gardens or the fresh natural mountain, but also  various tourism objects that have been packaged in such a way. The outdoor facilities here were the camping ground area, waterfalls, rivers, flying fox, tracking, bird watching, to agro garden organic  vegetables and fruit. This area has beautiful river ecosystems Cikoneng River Cimuja and that presents a unique four  waterfall. The waterfall was Cimuja Waterfall, Waterfall Karembong, Sawer Waterfall, Goa badak  Waterfall. The four waterfalls is the point of interest of the Capolaga camp area. In this camping ground, waterfall and the river system, we are not allowed to use soap and shampoo, as the visitor are strongly required to protect the environment. In this place you can pay an entrance fee in advance and get a plastic bag. If you want to go and enjoy it, may not dispose of litter. The plastic bag is the mobile trash so the visitors do not throw trash everywhere. This is to educate people to love and protect the environment.

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Post on 16-Oct-2015




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During the long week end of Iedhul Adha holiday 1430H I got an invitation from my officeCamping club tocamp inthe Capolaga Camping Ground. Thenwe spent the holiday in the Capolaga Adventure Camping ground. It was in 26-27 November 2009 and it was in rainy season. Capolaga natural tourism area is located in Kabupaten Subang. Precisely in Kampung (village) Panaruban, Desa Cicadas, Kecamatan Sagalaherang, Kabupaten Subang, West Java, at the elevation of 913 meters above sea level. There was several way to reach this place. You can reach this place from Bandung or directly from Jakarta. We reached this place from Jakarta.The route that I took Jakarta is as follows. From Jakarta we enter Cikampek toll road. We exited at Sadang toll gate and headed to the Junction. At this junction we took the right to Pasar Rebo Purwakarta direction. From Purwakarta we headed to Wanayasa lake ( Situ Wanayasa ). From Wanayasa lake we went to Sagalaherang village. At Sagalaherang we got to find Al-Ikhlas mosque with the police station nearby it. Then we turn right just at the Al-Ikhlas mosque, there was the direction to Capolaga. From Jakarta it took about 3 hours for about 140 kilometers.In this area youll not only enjoy the verdant tea gardens or the fresh natural mountain, but also various tourism objects that have been packaged in such a way. The outdoor facilities here were the camping ground area, waterfalls, rivers, flying fox, tracking, bird watching, to agro garden organic vegetables and fruit.

This area has beautiful river ecosystems Cikoneng River Cimuja and that presents a unique four waterfall. The waterfall was Cimuja Waterfall, Waterfall Karembong, Sawer Waterfall, Goa badak Waterfall. The four waterfalls is the point of interest of the Capolaga camp area.In this camping ground, waterfall and the river system, we are not allowed to use soap and shampoo, as the visitor are strongly required to protect the environment. In this place you can pay an entrance fee in advance and get a plastic bag. If you want to go and enjoy it, may not dispose of litter. The plastic bag is the mobile trash so the visitors do not throw trash everywhere. This is to educate people to love and protect the environment.The features of region is the fourth waterfall. The first waterfall (curug in Sundanese) is Curug Cimuja. The waterfall is located in the upstream region. It is said that, since in the ancient times this waterfall was often to be used for worship and meditation pleaded something. The cult is usually done at night and when the worshipers had finished his prayers delivered, he must bathe at night under this waterfall spills.The second is the Curug Karembong. The name implies, it resembles karembong (scarf) being waved. A typical burst of water can be used for water therapy. For those of you who often aching rheumatic pain and rheumatism, can try this Karembong Curug efficacy.The next waterfall was the Curug Sawer. This waterfall was only 5 meters tall but during the water was great, it resembles a sown flowers. It was named as Curug Sawer. Sawer in Sundanese means you can sow a flower.Below the spill of Curug Sawer was a wide pool. We can bathe in this place but unfortunately, you are not allowed to use soap. The goal is nothing else rather than to protect the curug ecosystem in the region is not disturbed. Bathing under this waterfall water can be done by using the leaves. It was fun , yes it is like Tarzan!

Last waterfall is Curug Gua Badak . In this place you do not only enjoy the beauty 8 meterst waterfall tall, but also the pool for swimming and the cave. Nobody knows why it called as gua badak or cave of rhinoceros. However, the position which is right next to the waterfall makes it quite interesting cave.

The distance between Curug Karembong waterfall and Curug Cimuja is approximately 250 meters, Curug Karembong waterfall to Curug Sawer waterfall is approximately 250 meters, Curug Sawer-Rhino Cave Curug approximately 550 meters. To visite the four waterfall, we walked more or less 1250 meters!Even though this considerable distance, you will not feel tired since the air is fresh with the umbrella of forest trees. Moreover, in each waterfall we can break for a minute while enjoying the beauty and distinctive of the waterfalls respectively.

Group visitors come from many quarters; there are students who will make observations of nature, birds, or river, a company employee who will outbound or outing; The visitors are staying, can spend the night under a tent in the camp blocks that are available. This block is adjusted to the position of the waterfall, there were Cimuja block, Karembong block, Sawer blocks, and Goa Badak block. One block camp can accommodate 50 people at a rate per person Rp 7500.00 per night.Meanwhile, visitors who do not want to stay in the tent, can rest house or villa to rent offered by the management. The fee ranges from Rp 350,000.00 to Rp 1,250,000.00 and can accommodate quite a lot of people.

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