dynamic a solar writer report for william shatnertransiting saturn in the 8th house - joint...

DYNAMIC A Solar Writer Report for William Shatner Written by Stephanie Johnson Compliments of:- 12Reports.com Web: www.12Reports.com For live readings by phone please visit: www.12Listen.com

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A Solar Writer Report

for William Shatner

Written by Stephanie Johnson

Compliments of:-


Web: www.12Reports.com

For live readings by phone please visit:


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08° 08°











22' 22'













04° 15°










09' 37'








William ShatnerNatal Chart

Mar 22 19314:00 am EST +5:00Montréal45°N31'073°W34'TropicalKoch

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Astrological Summary

Chart Point Positions: William Shatner

Planet Sign Position House Comment

The Moon Taurus 4°Ta09' 3rd

The Sun Aries 0°Ar46' 2nd

Mercury Aries 7°Ar09' 2nd

Venus Aquarius 18°Aq58' 1st

Mars Cancer 28°Cn31' 6th

Jupiter Cancer 10°Cn48' 5th

Saturn Capricorn 21°Cp51' 12th

Uranus Aries 14°Ar29' 2nd

Neptune Virgo 3°Vi42' 7th

Pluto Cancer 18°Cn42' 6th

Chiron Taurus 15°Ta37' 3rd

The North Node Aries 14°Ar20' 2nd

The South Node Libra 14°Li20' 8th

The Ascendant Aquarius 8°Aq22' 1st

The Midheaven Sagittarius 2°Sg24' 10th

Chart Point Aspects

Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

The Moon Square Mars 5°38' Separating

The Moon Trine Neptune 0°27' Separating

The Moon Square The Ascendant 4°12' Applying

The Sun Conjunction Mercury 6°22' Separating

The Sun Trine Mars 2°15' Separating

The Sun Quincunx Neptune 2°55' Applying

The Sun Semisquare Chiron 0°09' Separating

The Sun Trine The Midheaven 1°37' Applying

Mercury Square Jupiter 3°39' Applying

Mercury Conjunction Uranus 7°20' Applying

Mercury Conjunction The North Node 7°11' Applying

Mercury Opposition The South Node 7°11' Applying

Mercury Sextile The Ascendant 1°13' Applying

Mercury Trine The Midheaven 4°44' Separating

Venus Quincunx Pluto 0°15' Separating

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Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

Venus Square Chiron 3°21' Separating

Venus Trine The South Node 4°37' Separating

Mars Trine The Midheaven 3°53' Applying

Jupiter Square Uranus 3°40' Separating

Jupiter Conjunction Pluto 7°54' Applying

Jupiter Square The North Node 3°32' Applying

Jupiter Square The South Node 3°32' Applying

Saturn Opposition Pluto 3°08' Separating

Uranus Square Pluto 4°13' Applying

Uranus Conjunction The North Node 0°08' Separating

Uranus Opposition The South Node 0°08' Separating

Neptune Semisquare Pluto 0°00' Separating

Neptune Square The Midheaven 1°17' Applying

Pluto Sextile Chiron 3°05' Applying

Pluto Square The North Node 4°21' Applying

Pluto Square The South Node 4°21' Applying

Pluto Sesquisquare The Midheaven 1°18' Applying

The South Node Trine The Ascendant 5°58' Separating


Transiting Points: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron

Radix Points: Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, North Node,

South Node, Ascendant, Midheaven

Dynamic Aspects: Conjunction (0°00'), Opposition (180°00'), Trine (120°00'), Square (90°00'), Sextile (60°00'),

Semisquare (45°00'), Sesquisquare (135°00'), Quincunx (150°00')

Aspect Orbs: Entering 1°00', Leaving 1°00'

Reference Timezone: GMT +0:00


"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world

Like a Colussus; and we petty men

Walk under his huge legs, and peep about

To find ourselves dishonorable graves.

Men at some time are masters of their fates:

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,

But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Julius Caesar (1599) act 1, scene 2 Shakespeare

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The subject of Fate or Destiny has triggered many a philosophical argument. What is destiny? Are the details of our lives

pre-destined? How much free will do we really have? These are imponderable questions. This report does not offer the

answers. Rather it gives us some signposts to help us on our life journey.

When meteorologists forecast the weather we understand that they are not telling us how to live our lives. Rather they

are giving us information that may help us make our own decisions. As far as the weather is concerned our major

decisions are whether or not to dress warmly or to take an umbrella. The astrological system of Transits is offering us

much the same information. It is giving us an indication of the emotional and intellectual weather of our lives. It is up to us

to decide our own destiny.

When using this set of interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some contradictory

influences, and as a result certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem difficult to reconcile.

However, this may still be an accurate reflection of what is happening to the individual whose transits are being

interpreted, as people do experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their lives. It is the responsibility of

the astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and realistic interpretation of the

dilemmas of the chart.

Background Planetary Placements

Each entry in this list relates to an astrological placement that affects the natal chart of this individual for a period of time.

The entries are sorted by planet, and by the date on which each period starts. Note that some planets are slow moving,

and may remain in the same placement for the entire durastion of the report, whereas other faster moving planets may

move into different houses or signs a number of times during the period of the report.

From Jul 1 2011 until Jul 1 2012

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves Jun 22 2012

TRANSITING JUPITER IN THE 3RD HOUSE - Your sense of well-being is strong either through growing

self-esteem or as a result of increased wealth. Money flows during this period and the key is to ensure that you spend

wisely. Otherwise you will later discover that your increased income simply slipped through your fingers.

Enters Jun 22 2012, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING JUPITER IN THE 4TH HOUSE - Comfort in your home and family is a key feature of this period.

You may feel like expanding your home, moving to a new and larger home, renovating, or simply moving to home

surrounded by large, open spaces. You enjoy the company of family members, and may welcome new members of the

family through the birth of a baby or family marriages. This is a comfortable time during which you can sit back and take

a more philosophical approach to life.

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves Jan 10 2012

TRANSITING SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE - Joint enterprises and investments are highlighted during this period.

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It could be that you form a business partnership or that you take on a financial commitment with your personal partner.

Issues of life and death can also be a serious concern with the birth or death of a loved one.

Enters Jan 10 2012, Leaves Mar 7 2012

TRANSITING SATURN IN THE 9TH HOUSE - You may feel restricted in exploring the meaning of life. Later in life

you may eventually mount a serious investigation into the philosophical or religious realms.

Enters Mar 7 2012, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING SATURN IN THE 8TH HOUSE - Joint enterprises and investments are highlighted during this period.

It could be that you form a business partnership or that you take on a financial commitment with your personal partner.

Issues of life and death can also be a serious concern with the birth or death of a loved one.

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING URANUS IN THE 2ND HOUSE - Sudden changes in your income are likely during this period. This

could be either a sudden increase or fall in income. The nature of this period is that your personal income is

unpredictable. You would do well to go with the flow rather than worry about stability of income.

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING NEPTUNE IN THE 1ST HOUSE - This can be a highly spiritual time when you feel that you are

inspired to great feats in your own life and through your intimate relationships. However, often you have to deal with the

feeling of first fighting through a fog to achieve your goals. If you push too hard then you are in danger of falling prey to

ill health. You also have to beware of the land of illusion, for right now life has taken on a dreamy and idealistic theme,

and you may be seeing everything through rose- coloured glasses. Therefore also watch out for deception. It is much

better to slow down and use this time to ponder on the spiritual values which you would like to reflect in your own life

and through your relationships. Relax as much as possible and enjoy some time by the ocean, or inspiration through the

creative arts or spiritual pursuits. This way your idea of yourself and your relationships will be changed in the best

possible way.

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING PLUTO IN THE 11TH HOUSE - You may feel drawn to powerful political groups, and experience

powerful conflict with friends. You also have the ability to form deep and profound friendships.

Entered before Jul 1 2011, Leaves after Jul 1 2012

TRANSITING CHIRON IN THE 1ST HOUSE - This can be a time of pain and a time of healing. On the one hand

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you may experience a painful situation which triggers memories of childhood wounds. This may even be a physical

wound or illness. On the other you may have the chance to heal a painful situation which has haunted you for some time.

Forgiveness, either of yourself or other's actions, may feature strongly during this time. Whatever the circumstances, this

is a time when you come to a greater understanding of yourself and your purpose in the world, which in itself is a very

healing experience. When you look back on this time you will also gain further insight into the bigger picture of your life,

seeing with hindsight how this period contributed significantly to your life.

Transiting Events

Each entry in this list relates to an astrological event that affects the natal chart for this individual. The entries are sorted

by the exact date on which each event occurs, and the period of time around this date during which the events are

considered to be in effect is shown in parentheses on the same line. Note that due to occasional retrograde motion of

some planets, some events may be exact on two or more dates, and in this case all such dates are listed on the same

line. Any events which are not exact within the report period, but whose period of effectiveness overlaps with the report

period are also included.

From Jul 1 2011 until Jul 1 2012

Apr 17 2011 and Jul 21 2011 (Mar 15 2011 to Aug 29 2011)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - Spiritual and artistic activities could be subject

to delays and frustrations, in particularly any associations with spiritual or artistic groups. It is time to tie up any loose

ends from past associations before you are able to make the most of your present affiliations. This may be the cause of

frustration but you would do better to patiently attend to your duties.

Apr 17 2011 and Jul 21 2011 (Mar 15 2011 to Aug 29 2011)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SESQUISQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - Spiritual and artistic activities could be

subject to delays and frustrations, in particularly any associations with spiritual or artistic groups. It is time to tie up any

loose ends from past associations before you are able to make the most of your present affiliations. This may be the

cause of frustration but you would do better to patiently attend to your duties.

May 24 2011 and Aug 27 2011 (Apr 30 2011 to Sep 22 2011)

TRANSITING URANUS QUINCUNX RADIX NEPTUNE - It is time to take off the rose-tinted glasses and face

some of the realities of your life. This can be a difficult process as you feel confused and vulnerable to deception. It is

also possible that, in facing the reality of certain situation, you will have to let go of some things or people who you

considered precious. You will benefit in the long run from a sense of independence and achievement that comes from

successfully tackling problems.

May 23 2011 and Jul 4 2011 (May 2 2011 to Jul 24 2011)

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TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX JUPITER - There is tension between your wish to follow your rainbow,

and the need to attend to the practicalities in life. In other words you are experiencing a struggle between the side of you

which wants to expand and grow, and another side of you that wants to stay put and feel secure. This tension will lead

to resolution, but in the meantime you may be forced to work through the problems and obstacles that stand in the path

of your fulfilment. You feel down on your luck. New opportunities seem to present themselves only to come to nothing.

It is similar to seeing an oasis in the desert only to discover that it did not exist. In truth you are restless for new horizons

but instead are being required to shoulder old responsibilities. It is also a time when projects and goals will be tested.

Exercise patience and calm persistence during this transit and you will discover a renewed sense of equilibrium.

Jun 1 2011 and Aug 18 2011 (May 6 2011 to Sep 16 2011)

TRANSITING URANUS SEMISQUARE RADIX VENUS - Social engagements, relationships, clubs and groups of

friends can all be sources of friction during this time. Perhaps you are eager to embark on a new course in your life, but

old obligations to friends or groups are holding you back. It could be that you are eager to break free of habitual

patterns in your relationships, but others are slow to adapt. Financial frustrations and restraints can also be experienced

during this transit. You need to be patient and let matters run their course.

Jun 26 2011 (Jun 20 2011 to Jul 2 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MOON - This is a feel-good transit. In other words you feel

good about yourself, your life and your loved ones. As a result you are particularly warm and loving. Your contentment

is obvious to your loved ones, and they want to spend time with you. Right now you know how to have a good time,

and indulge yourself. The only concern is the tendency to go to extremes. You need to be wary of over-indulgence in all

things. The temptation is to express your feelings and indulge yourself with no restraint or consideration for others.

However, if you can keep a balanced outlook then you and your loved ones benefit from your generous and optimistic

outlook. It is also possible that you use this time to make your life, in particular, your home more comfortable. This

could simply be purchasing more comfortable furniture and furnishings, or you may make plans to move to a home more

suited to your current needs. Your family life may expand in some way. Perhaps a family member will come to stay or

perhaps you will give birth to a child. Either way you are likely to welcome these changes. This is a positive move, as

long as you take everyone's needs into consideration.

Aug 2 2011 (Jul 4 2011 to Aug 23 2011)

TRANSITING CHIRON SEXTILE RADIX MOON - Opportunities exist for healing past emotional wounds. This

may happen in dreams or daydreams, or through the appearance of a special teacher or healer. Tears may flow, but it is

ultimately a time of healing and education.

Aug 24 2011 (Jul 14 2011 to Oct 4 2011)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX URANUS - This can be a difficult time during which you feel

your individual rights are being eroded. You feel a lack of freedom and an uncertainty as to how to regain your sense of

individuality. Changes may occur which confuse, rather than excite you. Life can seem uncertain and out-of-control.

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Later you will be able to see the benefits of this period.

Jul 26 2011 (Jul 17 2011 to Aug 5 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT - On the whole you are feeling self-confident and are

enjoying warm relations with other people during this period. However, you also find there are times when others are

not as appreciative as they could be of your need for fun and enjoyment. Slow down a little and let others adjust to the

pace as it may be you who is a little over the top in the energy department.

Aug 12 2011 (Jul 19 2011 to Sep 1 2011)

TRANSITING CHIRON SESQUISQUARE RADIX PLUTO - Your attempts to overcome emotional hurts from the

past appear to be failing. No matter how hard you try to let go of grudges or to express your grief, you just seem to be

treading water. Disappointment in yourself and others is an obstacle. Perhaps there is more to be learnt. Try different

approaches to the problem. Others of your age group are also experiencing the effects of this transit and may be able to

offer mutual support.

Aug 12 2011 (Jul 19 2011 to Sep 2 2011)

TRANSITING CHIRON OPPOSITION RADIX NEPTUNE - Circumstances are forcing you to slow down and

reflect on the spiritual side of your life. It could be illness or grief that is affecting your life. Either way you need to take

time out and recharge your batteries. The more you try to escape the pain, the more confused and despairing you will

feel. Others of your age group are also experiencing the effects of this transit. Therefore it is also an opportune moment

to share your feelings and insights.

Aug 30 2011 (Aug 12 2011 to Sep 17 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX JUPITER - Lucky in love and life can be the catchphrase for this transit.

Although it is not as powerful as some other Jupiter transits, it is a time of optimism and good fortune. Do not pass up

opportunities, but use your discrimination regarding the opportunities that come your way. You may find that the

opportunities that arise are connected with travel, study, and anything that expands your horizons.

Sep 16 2011 (Aug 14 2011 to Oct 19 2011)

TRANSITING PLUTO TRINE RADIX MOON - Your intuition and emotional insight is heightened. You are able to

delve deeply into your emotions and let go of old emotional habits instead of trying to maintain a stale status quo. As a

result you embrace your loved ones with a sense of honesty and integrity and seek out those who offer love and

support. Others see your emotional strength and respond in a positive manner. Even if others rely on you a little too

much, you now have the ability to cope well with any emotional issues that arise in your family or home environment.

Others will be impressed by your depth of feeling and psychological wisdom paving the way for greater emotional

satisfaction in your personal relationships. You may also benefit from changes in your home life, the buying or selling of a

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home or renovations. This really is a great time for you to rekindle your joie de vivre.

Aug 25 2011 (Aug 14 2011 to Sep 3 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX URANUS - A need to break out of routines can surface during this

transit. You may feel rebellious, restless and extremely frustrated in areas in your life that up until now felt safe and

secure. It is best not to follow this instinct to break away, but to reassess your life carefully. Recognise that the intensity

of the feeling is simply caused by changes within yourself that have suddenly emerged. Once you have put some of these

changes into action within the areas of concern, you may not need to make such radical changes to the structures.

Sep 8 2011 (Aug 18 2011 to Oct 1 2011)

TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - It is time to make changes in your career and life

direction, letting go of any career aspirations which have become redundant. This could mean a simple change of job,

which is still linked with your chosen profession, or it could involve a more encompassing change of direction. It is

important that you make the professional changes which will place you more firmly in line with the path which lies closest

to your heart. A professional healer or a spiritual teacher may come into your life to help in this process of change.

Oct 2 2011 and Dec 16 2011 (Aug 22 2011 to Jan 21 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE QUINCUNX RADIX MARS - You are about to experience a change in your direction. It

could be that a period of action will now follow a period of inaction. Perhaps a new project will demand that you make

adjustments in your goals and visions. Any moments of relaxation and inner reflection may now need to end as you

adjust to a new direction.

Sep 2 2011 (Aug 23 2011 to Sep 11 2011)


"goodbye" to one phase of your life and entering a new one. You come face to face with the past and have to make

some difficult decisions. Perhaps you decide that you have paid your dues to a difficult relationship. As a result you

move on with your life, knowing that you have done all that you can to resolve any difficulties. On the other hand you

may decide that your work is done in one area of your life and you are ready to start again in a new field. Life becomes

filled with situations that can no longer be avoided. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. This is the time for sowing.

You may feel alone and burdened. It is best to shoulder your responsibilities knowing that we all have to live with the

consequences of our actions. If you feel you do not deserve such a difficult time as a result of your current life actions, it

may be that you are reaping the consequences of a past life. You may even suffer from a disease. Either way this is an

elimination process from which you can gain much strength, and will be able to move on in your life with a renewed

sense of purpose and a lighter load. After this period you are likely to feel that your load has lightened and that you

ready to enjoy a more fruitful and honest lifestyle.

Sep 2 2011 (Aug 23 2011 to Sep 11 2011)

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TRANSITING SATURN OPPOSITION RADIX NORTH NODE - Now is a time when you are saying "goodbye"

to one phase of your life and entering a new one. You come face to face with the past and have to make some difficult

decisions. Perhaps you decide that you have paid your dues to a difficult relationship. As a result you move on with your

life, knowing that you have done all that you can to resolve any difficulties. On the other hand you may decide that your

work is done in one area of your life and you are ready to start again in a new field. Life becomes filled with situations

that can no longer be avoided. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. This is the time for sowing. You may feel alone

and burdened. It is best to shoulder your responsibilities knowing that we all have to live with the consequences of our

actions. If you feel you do not deserve such a difficult time as a result of your current life actions, it may be that you are

reaping the consequences of a past life. You may even suffer from a disease. Either way this is an elimination process

from which you can gain much strength, and will be able to move on in your life with a renewed sense of purpose and a

lighter load. After this period you are likely to feel that your load has lightened and that you ready to enjoy a more

fruitful and honest lifestyle.

Sep 5 2011 (Aug 26 2011 to Sep 14 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN QUINCUNX RADIX CHIRON - It is time to let go of emotional patterns which have

prevented you from expressing your true self. However, the process may be painful, emotionally or physically. As a

result you are particularly sensitive during this time, and need to take good care of yourself. It is possible that an event or

person could upset your equilibrium. You may be introspective, pondering on childhood memories and relationships,

particularly with parent figures. Although this can be a painful process, there is light at the end of the tunnel. You have

the opportunities to gain new understanding of past events and move forward in your life with wisdom and insight.

Sep 16 2011 (Aug 29 2011 to Oct 5 2011)

TRANSITING PLUTO SEMISQUARE RADIX VENUS - Relationships are the source of friction during this transit,

as you are thwarted in your efforts to change. It could be that you are trying to change old patterns in the relationship, or

the way that you relate. You may be trying for a more honest relationship. However, the lesson of this transit is patience

and you would do well to let matters rest for a while.

Sep 30 2011 (Sep 4 2011 to Oct 27 2011)

TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - You now have some exciting opportunities for change in

your profession. Plans put into action in the past may suddenly pay off or a new and beneficial job offer may come out

of the blue. It may also be that you now enjoy the opportunity to study or incorporate new techniques which benefit

your current professional status. Either way, under this transit, you enjoy the freedom that comes with change.

Sep 20 2011 (Sep 12 2011 to Sep 29 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN SEMISQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Your profession and status can be the focus of

much frustration during this time. There are delays and obstacles standing in your path no matter what direction you

head. There is not much point in forcing matters. You would do better to patiently wait until matters settle down.

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Oct 1 2011 (Sep 23 2011 to Oct 9 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN SEMISQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE - This is a time of confusion, lethargy and possibly

depression. It is as if everything has taken on a dull sheen. If you were a writer you would call it the experience of

writer's block. Rather than force matters, take some time to contemplate your life in a gentle, reflective light. By the end

of the transit you should have a renewed sense of where you are heading, even though right now that seems highly


Oct 1 2011 (Sep 23 2011 to Oct 10 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX PLUTO - Life is challenging during this transit, as you are required to

move out of your comfort zone and incorporate change. As a result you may be forced to take a deep look at yourself

and those around you. You feel as though you are stepping into unknown territory, and this can be frightening.

However, take comfort in the thought that by the end of this period you will have been stripped of a lot of excess

baggage, which can be actually quite rejuvenating.

Oct 4 2011 (Sep 23 2011 to Oct 13 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT - On the whole you are feeling self-confident and are

enjoying warm relations with other people during this period. However, you also find there are times when others are

not as appreciative as they could be of your need for fun and enjoyment. Slow down a little and let others adjust to the

pace as it may be you who is a little over the top in the energy department.

Oct 3 2011 (Sep 25 2011 to Oct 12 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN TRINE RADIX VENUS - This is a time of balance and harmony in your relationship with

your loved one. You feel happy, secure and confident and this has a positive effect on those around you. Your partner

appreciates your strength and wisdom, as you strike a happy balance between work and social life. Now is the time to

work slowly but surely towards attracting the people and things in life which give you pleasure. If you are not already in

a relationship, you may have the opportunity to form a new and beneficial one. If you are married then you are likely to

enjoy your spouse's company. It is a good time to go out and enjoy artistic pursuits. Your finances should also improve

during this phase. Careful planning and consideration can go a long way during this phase to help you achieve love and

financial rewards.

Nov 10 2011 (Oct 3 2011 to Dec 18 2011)


spiritual purpose in life, but are experiencing some frustrations in getting your daily life to reflect this awareness. It is time

to be patient rather than pushy. Ultimately you will have the opportunity to express your true self and find an avenue for

your unique talents.

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Nov 10 2011 (Oct 3 2011 to Dec 18 2011)

TRANSITING CHIRON SEMISQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - You have an inner knowledge of your spiritual

purpose in life, but are experiencing some frustrations in getting your daily life to reflect this awareness. It is time to be

patient rather than pushy. Ultimately you will have the opportunity to express your true self and find an avenue for your

unique talents.

Nov 22 2011 and Dec 28 2011 (Oct 16 2011 to Jan 31 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS CONJUNCTION RADIX SUN - You are undergoing a dramatic change during which you

may feel the urge to break out and embrace new and exciting pursuits. If you enjoy the challenge of new events and

people entering your life then you are likely to feel excited during this phase. However, if you prefer the comfort of

routine then life may start to feel like a roller coaster ride as new and exciting opportunities enter your life. You will

enjoy this phase more if you can go with the flow and accept the changes. When you look back on this period you will

be able to see the benefits of the changes taking place. Whether you realise it or not the urge for change is coming from

within rather than being prompted by other people. In fact your loved ones may feel somewhat threatened by the

alterations in your life. This can be upsetting. However, if you suppress your urge for change feelings of restlessness and

rebelliousness will unexpectedly erupt prompting sudden and erratic lunges for freedom. This can be destructive to the

structures in your life. You are better off if you can assimilate your new interests in a manner that does not alienate

important people in your life. During this phase you may suddenly show an interest in unusual areas such as astrology

and metaphysics, or in politics, environmental causes, science and technology.

Oct 27 2011 (Oct 19 2011 to Nov 5 2011)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a testing time when the structures of your life seem

less certain. Aspects of your life which seemed once to offer safety and security become less sure during this transit. It

may be that you are viewing these areas differently, or it could be that someone else is shaking things up. Either way you

are being forced to reassess your plans and purpose, leaving behind any ineffective support systems.

Dec 9 2011 (Oct 20 2011 to Jan 27 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS SEMISQUARE RADIX CHIRON - It's time to face the truth. No matter how painful this

might be, you cannot hide. It is common for areas of our lives to become stale. Inside we have changed and grown, but

our external circumstances have not yet caught up. Now is the time of recognition. You may not be able to instantly

change your circumstances, but slowly and surely you can face the truth and work towards a more honest life - one that

truly reflects you.

Nov 6 2011 (Oct 29 2011 to Nov 14 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MOON - This is a feel-good transit. In other words you feel

good about yourself, your life and your loved ones. As a result you are particularly warm and loving. Your contentment

is obvious to your loved ones, and they want to spend time with you. Right now you know how to have a good time,

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and indulge yourself. The only concern is the tendency to go to extremes. You need to be wary of over-indulgence in all

things. The temptation is to express your feelings and indulge yourself with no restraint or consideration for others.

However, if you can keep a balanced outlook then you and your loved ones benefit from your generous and optimistic

outlook. It is also possible that you use this time to make your life, in particular, your home more comfortable. This

could simply be purchasing more comfortable furniture and furnishings, or you may make plans to move to a home more

suited to your current needs. Your family life may expand in some way. Perhaps a family member will come to stay or

perhaps you will give birth to a child. Either way you are likely to welcome these changes. This is a positive move, as

long as you take everyone's needs into consideration.

Nov 9 2011 (Nov 2 2011 to Nov 18 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX NEPTUNE - You feel at one with the world during this transit. Meditation,

music, art, dance, photography, spiritual groups, travel and communing with nature offer moments of peace and

tranquility. You feel creative and intuitive. Therefore it is a good time to explore and express the more artistic and

spiritual side of your nature.

Nov 20 2011 (Nov 12 2011 to Dec 1 2011)

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Changes are likely in your career or life direction.

This could literally mean a change of job or social status or simply that you are required to change some of your

immediate goals. It is also possible that you are moved into a different position at your workplace. Although these

changes initially could be disconcerting, with hindsight you will be able to see the benefits.

Dec 27 2011 (Nov 28 2011 to Jan 24 2012)

TRANSITING PLUTO SQUARE RADIX MERCURY - If you are an assertive individual then you could be quite

feisty about expressing your opinions during this phase. If you are normally quite shy then you may gain new confidence

to speak out more. Your mind is more active than usual and you feel the need to express yourself in new ways. In some

cases you may find that your mind is too active, that you have too many ideas, too many tasks that you are juggling and

too many claims on your time. As a result you may not be responding to situations and other people with your usual

calm demeanour. You are impatient, perhaps somewhat crabby at times. As a result you need to be careful of saying

things that you don't mean to your loved ones and work associates. They can back fire on you later. You would be

better advised to follow the old adage of "counting to ten" before stating what you think in the hope that you can avoid

emotional arguments. You may find, however, that your tongue runs away with itself and you unwittingly hurt other

people's feelings. It could also be that someone else is upsetting you through their lack of tact and diplomacy. Whatever

the circumstances it is best to take a detached approach to problems where possible. You could benefit from joining a

debating team or starting a study course if you feel the need to sharpen your mind. This is the ideal time to make sure

that your diary is fully utilized, to make lists of priorities and perhaps even to start writing a journal. A creative project

that makes the most of your mental skills or that encourages the use of your new insights will be greatly rewarding. For

instance if you have ever wanted to be a writer or study something new now is a good time. Laughter is also a great way

of easing tension, so make sure your sense of humour is expressed.

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Jan 20 2012 (Dec 15 2011 to Feb 16 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX URANUS - This can be a difficult time during which you feel

your individual rights are being eroded. You feel a lack of freedom and an uncertainty as to how to regain your sense of

individuality. Changes may occur which confuse, rather than excite you. Life can seem uncertain and out-of-control.

Later you will be able to see the benefits of this period.

Jan 11 2012 (Dec 20 2011 to Jan 28 2012)

TRANSITING CHIRON SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - It is time to make changes in your career and life

direction, letting go of any career aspirations which have become redundant. This could mean a simple change of job,

which is still linked with your chosen profession, or it could involve a more encompassing change of direction. It is

important that you make the professional changes which will place you more firmly in line with the path which lies closest

to your heart. A professional healer or a spiritual teacher may come into your life to help in this process of change.

Jan 4 2012 and Mar 12 2012 (Dec 21 2011 to Mar 28 2012)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX MARS - The best-made plans can go awry, which you are discovering

during this transit. You are probably also feeling some anger and frustration as your plans seem to be going nowhere.

You may even feel that others are deliberately standing in your way. It is best to exercise patience as the reasons for the

obstacles will become clearer later. Persist as calmly as possible, taking time out from major projects for sporting and

recreational activities that will allow you to expend your pent-up energy. Avoid those that involve risks, at least for the

duration of this transit.

Feb 13 2012 (Jan 16 2012 to Mar 10 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SEMISQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - Spiritual and artistic activities could be subject

to delays and frustrations, in particularly any associations with spiritual or artistic groups. It is time to tie up any loose

ends from past associations before you are able to make the most of your present affiliations. This may be the cause of

frustration but you would do better to patiently attend to your duties.

Feb 13 2012 (Jan 16 2012 to Mar 10 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SESQUISQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - Spiritual and artistic activities could be

subject to delays and frustrations, in particularly any associations with spiritual or artistic groups. It is time to tie up any

loose ends from past associations before you are able to make the most of your present affiliations. This may be the

cause of frustration but you would do better to patiently attend to your duties.

Feb 2 2012 (Jan 16 2012 to Feb 17 2012)

TRANSITING CHIRON OPPOSITION RADIX NEPTUNE - Circumstances are forcing you to slow down and

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reflect on the spiritual side of your life. It could be illness or grief that is affecting your life. Either way you need to take

time out and recharge your batteries. The more you try to escape the pain, the more confused and despairing you will

feel. Others of your age group are also experiencing the effects of this transit. Therefore it is also an opportune moment

to share your feelings and insights.

Feb 2 2012 (Jan 16 2012 to Feb 17 2012)

TRANSITING CHIRON SESQUISQUARE RADIX PLUTO - Your attempts to overcome emotional hurts from the

past appear to be failing. No matter how hard you try to let go of grudges or to express your grief, you just seem to be

treading water. Disappointment in yourself and others is an obstacle. Perhaps there is more to be learnt. Try different

approaches to the problem. Others of your age group are also experiencing the effects of this transit and may be able to

offer mutual support.

Jan 30 2012 (Jan 19 2012 to Feb 7 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX MIDHEAVEN - Changes are likely in your career or life direction.

This could literally mean a change of job or social status or simply that you are required to change some of your

immediate goals. It is also possible that you are moved into a different position at your workplace. Although these

changes initially could be disconcerting, with hindsight you will be able to see the benefits.

Feb 15 2012 (Jan 22 2012 to Mar 5 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS TRINE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - You now have some exciting opportunities for change in

your profession. Plans put into action in the past may suddenly pay off or a new and beneficial job offer may come out

of the blue. It may also be that you now enjoy the opportunity to study or incorporate new techniques which benefit

your current professional status. Either way, under this transit, you enjoy the freedom that comes with change.

Feb 9 2012 (Jan 24 2012 to Feb 24 2012)

TRANSITING CHIRON SEXTILE RADIX MOON - Opportunities exist for healing past emotional wounds. This

may happen in dreams or daydreams, or through the appearance of a special teacher or healer. Tears may flow, but it is

ultimately a time of healing and education.

Feb 9 2012 (Feb 1 2012 to Feb 16 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX NEPTUNE - You feel at one with the world during this transit. Meditation,

music, art, dance, photography, spiritual groups, travel and communing with nature offer moments of peace and

tranquility. You feel creative and intuitive. Therefore it is a good time to explore and express the more artistic and

spiritual side of your nature.

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Feb 12 2012 (Feb 5 2012 to Feb 19 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX MOON - This is a feel-good transit. In other words you feel

good about yourself, your life and your loved ones. As a result you are particularly warm and loving. Your contentment

is obvious to your loved ones, and they want to spend time with you. Right now you know how to have a good time,

and indulge yourself. The only concern is the tendency to go to extremes. You need to be wary of over-indulgence in all

things. The temptation is to express your feelings and indulge yourself with no restraint or consideration for others.

However, if you can keep a balanced outlook then you and your loved ones benefit from your generous and optimistic

outlook. It is also possible that you use this time to make your life, in particular, your home more comfortable. This

could simply be purchasing more comfortable furniture and furnishings, or you may make plans to move to a home more

suited to your current needs. Your family life may expand in some way. Perhaps a family member will come to stay or

perhaps you will give birth to a child. Either way you are likely to welcome these changes. This is a positive move, as

long as you take everyone's needs into consideration.

Mar 10 2012 (Feb 20 2012 to Mar 28 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS QUINCUNX RADIX NEPTUNE - It is time to take off the rose-tinted glasses and face

some of the realities of your life. This can be a difficult process as you feel confused and vulnerable to deception. It is

also possible that, in facing the reality of certain situation, you will have to let go of some things or people who you

considered precious. You will benefit in the long run from a sense of independence and achievement that comes from

successfully tackling problems.

Mar 15 2012 (Feb 26 2012 to Apr 1 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS SEMISQUARE RADIX VENUS - Social engagements, relationships, clubs and groups of

friends can all be sources of friction during this time. Perhaps you are eager to embark on a new course in your life, but

old obligations to friends or groups are holding you back. It could be that you are eager to break free of habitual

patterns in your relationships, but others are slow to adapt. Financial frustrations and restraints can also be experienced

during this transit. You need to be patient and let matters run their course.

Mar 8 2012 (Mar 2 2012 to Mar 13 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX ASCENDANT - On the whole you are feeling self-confident and are

enjoying warm relations with other people during this period. However, you also find there are times when others are

not as appreciative as they could be of your need for fun and enjoyment. Slow down a little and let others adjust to the

pace as it may be you who is a little over the top in the energy department.

Mar 21 2012 (Mar 6 2012 to Apr 7 2012)

TRANSITING CHIRON SEMISQUARE RADIX SATURN - You are clear about your purpose in life, but obstacles

seem to stand in the way. Perhaps you have to fully complete one project before starting another, or perhaps you are

simply at the stage where you have to attend to time-consuming and frustrating details before moving forward. It is also

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possible that you are being asked to slow down and wait for others to catch up. Trust that you are on the right track, it

is simply the time to wait until the timing is right to move on.

Apr 12 2012 and Jul 30 2012 (Mar 12 2012 to Sep 5 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SQUARE RADIX MIDHEAVEN - This can be a confusing time when you ask questions

such as: What am I doing with my life? Where am I heading? What am I achieving? Someone or something may be

subtly testing you at work, causing you to lose self-confidence. It is not a good time for clear thinking and

decision-making in your career. However, it is a good time to reflect on your career choices and how you could express

more of your true creative self at work in the future.

Mar 20 2012 (Mar 15 2012 to Mar 25 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX JUPITER - Lucky in love and life can be the catchphrase for this transit.

Although it is not as powerful as some other Jupiter transits, it is a time of optimism and good fortune. Do not pass up

opportunities, but use your discrimination regarding the opportunities that come your way. You may find that the

opportunities that arise are connected with travel, study, and anything that expands your horizons.

Apr 10 2012 (Apr 5 2012 to Apr 14 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER QUINCUNX RADIX SOUTH NODE - It is time to reassess your relationships with

individuals and groups with a view to moving on with your life's purpose. Any individual or group standing in your path is

liable to be set to one side. For you are seeking new experiences, particularly those which can add to your knowledge.

Of course letting go of old friends and alliances is not easy, but remember that as one door shuts another opens.

Apr 11 2012 (Apr 6 2012 to Apr 15 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER CONJUNCTION RADIX CHIRON - This is a profound, healing time during which you lay

to rest painful memories, which have haunted you in times gone by, and move into areas that are linked straight to your

heart. Opportunities for learning present themselves and you discover talents that you never knew existed. One person,

an important teacher or healer, may enter your life, or you could be given the opportunity to take an enlightening study

course, or to travel. Alternatively if this transit happens later in your life, you also may have opportunities to express your

own teaching and healing talent, finding an appropriate avenue of expression for wisdom gained from past experience.

Apr 12 2012 (Apr 7 2012 to Apr 16 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX SUN - Your attempts to express yourself are frustrated during this

time, particularly in areas of your life where you would usually expect to feel a sense of adventure. All plans for

expansion seem to be blocked by obstacles, resulting in a feeling of getting nowhere. A little patience will see you

through this time.

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Apr 24 2012 (Apr 20 2012 to Apr 28 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX PLUTO - You have the opportunity to boost your confidence and to

move towards your goals in life. You are mostly self-assured and feel powerful and in control of your life. Others take

notice. Therefore you may find that career promotions and recognition play a prominent role right now. It is a good time

to make the most of any opportunities for advancement that come your way, as your judgement should be sound.

Apr 25 2012 (Apr 21 2012 to Apr 30 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX VENUS - Although this can be a positive time for socialising with loved

ones, there is also an element of tension. This could be because you are expecting too much from your nearest and

dearest, or it could be that they are asking too much from you. You find it difficult to please yourself and other people.

There has to be a balance between the adventures of life and the routine daily demands. Right now one of you is seeking

only the adventure and this is causing tension. It is often hurtful when one person in a close relationship upsets the

balance, so it is understandable if you are feeling rejected by your loved one. The best approach may be to give the

other person a little bit of time to settle down. They may need a little bit of freedom before returning to a more balanced

approach to the relationship. On the other hand it could be that the other person's insensitivity to your relationship is the

straw that breaks the camel's back, as far as you are concerned. If you are the one who is acting in a rash manner then

you would be wise to listen to other's concerns and show a little restraint. In astrology Jupiter is considered to be a

positive influence. Therefore it is more likely that things will settle down with positive results from this topsy-turvy time.

May 14 2012 (Apr 23 2012 to Jun 12 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS CONJUNCTION RADIX MERCURY - A lightbulb has gone off and you can't switch it

off. It is almost as if you woke up one night with a bright idea and now you can't stop thinking about all of the new

possibilities in your life. It is also possible that a sudden event or unexpected news sparked changes in your thinking.

Your mind is active and you are open to new possibilities. For this reason this is the ideal time to start any creative

project that requires innovative thinking. You are very inventive right now and all of your projects will reflect this

newfound influx of ideas. Your ideas may be ahead of their time, but you are happy to simply put them into action and

see what happens. Your intellectual prowess also extends to your personal life. You are seeing many facets of your life

in a different light. This can be a very exciting time during which you pave the way for a new outlook. It can also be a bit

unsettling if you prefer the comfort of an ordered life. The sudden and erratic change of circumstances forces you to

discard habits that have kept you in a rut. Being forced out of your comfort zone may make you insecure, but you can

be reassured that in the long-term you will be thankful. This phase is offering you a new lease on life. It is also an ideal

time for writing or any communication that requires an agile mind or tongue. It is also a good time for studies, particularly

in fields such as astrology, science, politics, caring for the environment, technology and electronics.

Jun 5 2012 (Apr 25 2012 to Jul 16 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE OPPOSITION RADIX NEPTUNE - This transit occurs late in life in your early 80s. It

challenges you to shift from a materialistic worldly view of your life to a more spiritual perspective. You find yourself

being forced to face the inevitability of death and look to the spiritual world. Your focus may also change from the

external to the internal. In other words you may become deeply reflective.

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Jun 5 2012 (Apr 25 2012 to Jul 16 2012)

TRANSITING NEPTUNE SESQUISQUARE RADIX PLUTO - It's time to search deep within and reassess your

personal goals asking questions such as: Do I still hold this ambition close to my heart? and Am I doing all that I can to

achieve my goal? While the time might not yet be ripe for action, it is still important that you use this time for


May 7 2012 (May 3 2012 to May 12 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER TRINE RADIX SATURN - You have the ability to create a fortunate balance between fun

and work. You shoulder your responsibilities while at the same time making the most of new opportunities to expand

your world. You feel confident in many areas of your life, as you use your good judgement to make decisions that have

the potential for long-term success. It is a time when you can tap into your own wisdom. Business dealings may prosper.

The only drawback could be that you take this time for granted and let opportunities slip through your fingers. In other

words "wise and considered action" is what is needed.

May 9 2012 (May 5 2012 to May 13 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX MERCURY - The lines of communications seem to be tangled,

and you just don't seem able to get your point of view across. This can be quite frustrating as you are keen to get

moving on several projects. However, you would do well to wait until communications improve before pushing too


Jun 23 2012 and Aug 2 2012 (May 19 2012 to Sep 8 2012)

TRANSITING URANUS SEXTILE RADIX ASCENDANT - You now have the chance to put a little sparkle into

your relationships with others, and to enjoy new ways of communicating with those who are important in your life.

May 24 2012 (May 20 2012 to May 28 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX JUPITER - This can be a time of frustration, accompanied by a

feeling that you will never achieve your goals. The obstacles seem too high to climb over and too wide to walk around.

You are forced to slow down and reassess your life's path. Although this is obviously a difficult period, benefits can

come from the process of reassessment. Have some patience and you will discover the advantages of this period

through the wisdom of hindsight.

Jun 5 2012 (May 31 2012 to Jun 9 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX MARS - You are confident and optimistic and life seems to be more than

meeting your expectations. You are enjoying working towards your goals and having some fun on the way. Others are

also pleased to help you achieve the success that you well deserve, as long as you remain open to the opportunities.

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You may also enjoy channelling some of your energy into your favourite sporting activities, where you are also assured

of success.

Jun 9 2012 (Jun 5 2012 to Jun 13 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX URANUS - During this transit you tend to feel irritable and

frustrated as you want to break free of past restrictions. Rebellion can be a major problem, particularly if you feel that

something or someone is standing in your way. Patience is a virtue which seems so difficult to maintain during this transit,

and yet it is the trait which you need to develop.

Jun 13 2012 (Jun 8 2012 to Jun 17 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SESQUISQUARE RADIX SOUTH NODE - Relationships with other people are a source

of frustration. There is nothing specific that you can identify. It is more a sense that your relationships with individuals

and groups of people are not quite all that they should be. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by certain

affiliations. You may even feel anti-social, more in the mood to reassess your personal and business relationships than to

mix. You would do well to wait until you are in a better frame of mind before making any final decisions.

Jun 13 2012 (Jun 8 2012 to Jun 17 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX NORTH NODE - Relationships with other people are a source of

frustration. However, there is nothing specific that you can identify. It is more a sense that your relationships with

individuals and groups of people are not quite all that they should be. Perhaps you feel that you are being held back by

certain affiliations. You may even feel anti-social, more in the mood to reassess your personal and business relationships

than to mix. You would do well to wait until you are in a better frame of mind before making any final decisions.

Jun 15 2012 (Jun 10 2012 to Jun 19 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEXTILE RADIX SUN - Energy is usually abundant during this transit. You are happy and

confident of achieving your goals in life, and enjoy an enthusiastic approach to life as well as feelings of benevolence

towards others. It is important that you make the most of the opportunities presented in this time, and not let them slip

through your fingers.

Jun 25 2012 (Jun 14 2012 to Jul 6 2012)

TRANSITING SATURN SQUARE RADIX SATURN - This is a testing time when the structures of your life seem

less certain. Aspects of your life which seemed once to offer safety and security become less sure during this transit. It

may be that you are viewing these areas differently, or it could be that someone else is shaking things up. Either way you

are being forced to reassess your plans and purpose, leaving behind any ineffective support systems.

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Jun 22 2012 (Jun 17 2012 to Jun 27 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER OPPOSITION RADIX MIDHEAVEN - It is time to reap the rewards of a comfortable

home and loving family. This is a beneficial time for achieving your personal goals with a view to making life more

comfortable with the help of your family. You are likely to enjoy the support of your family during this phase, either from

close family members or through expanding your relationship with extended family members. A relative may come to

stay with you encouraging a fresh approach to your life. Alternatively you may decide to have children, or give birth to a

child during this phase. Changes in your home life are likely to be beneficial, giving you increased opportunities for a

sense of well-being. You may also make changes to your home. For instance you may renovate your home including

more space for relaxation and hobbies or you may clear out cupboards, rooms, storage areas thus paving the way for

more enjoyment at home. Alternatively you may feel the urge to move to larger and more accommodating house or

invest in property. Grown children may leave home giving you a sense of more space and freedom (even if you have a

few tears as well). Whatever plans you make your efforts to improve your home environment and family relationships

are likely to have benefits for your general sense of well being and thus benefit all areas of your life. This is a positive


Jun 28 2012 (Jun 23 2012 to Jul 3 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SQUARE RADIX NEPTUNE - You are currently vulnerable to deception and

disillusionment because the energies of this transit lead you to discard the more practical side of your nature in favour of

a fantasy world. Your common sense has flown out of the window and you yearn for greener pastures. You may find

yourself daydreaming of better times, or even taking up a fanatical religious pursuit. Therefore this is not the best time for

making life-changing decisions or entering into agreements which demand clear judgement.

Jun 28 2012 (Jun 23 2012 to Jul 3 2012)

TRANSITING JUPITER SEMISQUARE RADIX PLUTO - Tensions arise as you struggle to achieve your goals. It

seems as though other people and external events are deliberating plotting to thwart your every move. However, it may

be that you are going overboard in your attempts to get your own way. The trouble is that you want to make great

changes in your life, but all your attempts are frustrated. You would be wise to muster as much restraint as is possible.