dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling bill randel and rolando garcia ncar thanks...

Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace, plus WACCM group at NCAR.

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Page 1: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling

Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR

Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace, plus WACCM group at NCAR.

Page 2: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,


• Well-known seasonal cycle in tropical tropopause temperature, forced by upwelling

• Tropical upwelling explained as a result of wave-driven stratospheric circulation (from extratropics)

– Yulaeva et al (1994), Holton et al (1995), Rosenlof (1995)

– Larger in NH winter because of stronger stratospheric forcing

– But need wave-driving to reach deep into tropics (Plumb and Eluszkiewicz, 1999)

• Tropical waves may also be important

– seasonality tied to tropical wave response to convection– Boehm and Lee (2003), Dima et al (2005; 2007), Kerr-Munslow and Norton (2006), Norton (2006)

Page 3: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Temperature, ozone and upwelling at 17.5 km

temp and ozone in phase, approximately

in quadrature withupwelling

Ozone is a responseto upwelling:Randel et al.,

JAS, 2007

Both temperature and ozone respond to seasonal cycle in w* but what forces the seasonal cycle in upwelling?



10 N – 10 S

ERA40 w*

Page 4: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Science questions:

• How strong is tropical upwelling? What is the detailed vertical structure within TTL and above? (how good are reanalyses?)How is this partitioned locally (deep convection vs. clear sky)?

• What are the dynamical balances within TTL? * Note thermodynamic balance is mainly a response to dynamic forcing

• What forces the seasonal cycle in upwelling? (and hence temperature and ozone). What are the contributions from the tropics and extratropics?

• What causes increased upwelling in climate change experiments?

Page 5: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

This talk:

• Compare estimates of upwelling from:

– thermodynamic balance– momentum balance– ERA40 and NCEP reanalyses

• Diagnose momentum balance for upwelling at 100 hPa

– tropical vs. extratropical wave forcing

• Examine upwelling trends in WACCM

Page 6: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Thermodynamic balance estimates of w*

use accurate radiative transfer code,with input temps from GPS climatology,and climatological trace gases

•combine with continuity equation, solve iteratively to get w*Q

•should be accurate in stratosphere (Q dominated by radiation) (some uncertainties for cloud effects near tropopause)

Page 7: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Estimates of tropical upwelling from ‘downward control’(momentum balance plus continuity)

EP flux divergence

sensitive calculation: • dependent on EP fluxes in low latitudes

• proportional to 1/f

+ continuity

Haynes et al, 1991

Page 8: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

w* annual cycle at 100 hPa (ERA40 data)



ERA40 w*

Page 9: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

w* annual cycle at 100 hPa (NCEP data)

NCEP w*problematic





Page 10: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

contours: 0.25 mm/sec

latitude-time variation in upwelling

w*QERA40 w*



Page 11: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

latitudinal structure of annual mean w* at 100 hPa



note differences in subtropics

ERA40 w*

Page 12: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

vertical structure of annual mean w* 15o N-S

1) Zonal mean upwelling is continuous across TTL

2) Good agreement between w* and w*M (use momentum balance to diagnose forcing )

Qclear Sky = 0

most confidencein w*Q in


ERA40 w*w*m

Page 13: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Clear sky, clouds, and zonal mean upwelling

of tropical area

from reanalysisand w*mfrom radiative


inferredstrong upwellingabove convection

Page 14: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

contribution of separate terms in EP flux to calculated w*M at 100 hPa





result: momentum flux u’v’ is the dominant term

Page 15: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Climatological EP fluxesEP flux divergence

in subtropicsmainly associatedwith troposphericbaroclinic waves

Page 16: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,


seasonal variation in subtropical wave forcing

* how much of the subtropical forcing comes from tropical waves (versus extratropics)?

Equatorial planetary waves

Page 17: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

eddy fluxes associated with tropical planetary waves (Dima et al., 2005)

u’v’ < 0

u’v’ > 0

note balance ofHadley v* with

d/dy (u’v’)

strong annualcycle of

tropical waves

Page 18: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

What drives the annual cycle of subtropical d/dy (u’v’) ?

result: a combination of extratropical eddies and equatorial planetary waves

climatological u’v’ at 100 hPa




Page 19: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

tropics (15 N-S)


result: extratropics (baroclinic eddies) contribute to time-mean upwelling tropical planetary waves mainly drive annual cycle at 100 hPa

climatological u’v’ at 100 hPa





estimate contributions from tropical / extratropical u’v’

(set tropical wave fluxes = 0 over 15o N-S)

Page 20: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,


1) Reasonable agreement between w*m, w*Q, w* (at 100 hPa)

2) 100 hPa w*m in balance with subtropical u’v’ convergence

- u’v’ associated with extratropical baroclinic eddies and tropical planetary waves.

- annual mean upwelling primarily due to extratropics

- seasonal cycle at 100 hPa mainly due to tropical waves

Page 21: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Models suggest an increase in stratospheric tropical upwelling (Brewer-Dobson circulation) in future climates

Butchart et al., 2006

~2% / decade increase

Page 22: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Upwelling balance in WACCM, and long-term trends:

100 hPa w* Climatology



Page 23: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Annual mean upwelling over 15 N-S



Qclear sky=0

Page 24: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Climatological EP flux in WACCM

Overall balance in WACCM very similar to observations

Page 25: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Upwelling trends for 1950-2003 (CCMval Ref1)



Model ENSO eventsdeseasonalized anomalies


Page 26: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

1950-2003 trends in w*mTemperature trends 15 N-S

note there is not a simplerelation between w* and T trends

Page 27: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

What causes the trends in w*m ?

EP flux trends1950-2003

Increase in equatorialplanetary wave fluxes

Similar resultfor JAS

(not shown)

Conclusion: for WACCM Ref1, increased upwelling results mainly from stronger equatorial planetary waves

Page 28: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

WACCM 100 hPa u’v’

Trends in equatorialplanetary wave fluxes

Page 29: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,


• Dynamical balances in WACCM are very similar to observations

- subtropical EP fluxes due to midlatitude baroclinic waves plus equatorial planetary waves

• In WACCM Ref1, trends in tropical upwelling are associated withstronger equatorial planetary waves (associated with

warmer, moister tropical troposphere). Note transient increases are also observed for ENSO events.

Page 30: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Thank you

Page 31: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Ozone seasonal cycle has similar vertical structure to temperature

ozone temperature

temps from SHADOZ stationsand zonal mean GPS data

Page 32: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Well-known seasonal cycle of tropical tropopause temperature:

cold point

Annual cycle amplitude (K)from GPS data


Vertical profile at equator

Dark line: GPSlight lines: radiosondes


Page 33: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

A large annual cycle above the tropopause also occurs for ozone

SHADOZozonesondemeasurementsover 1998-2006

SHADOZ data at Nairobi

normalized annual cycle amplitude17.5 km

HALOE satellite

SHADOZ stations

narrow maximumabove tropopause

Ozone is also a responseto seasonal cycle in upwelling

Randel et al., JAS, 2007

Page 34: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Interannual changes in upwelling

anomalies incalculatedupwellingover 20 N-S



r=-0.53 (I am surprised)

Page 35: Dynamical balances and tropical stratospheric upwelling Bill Randel and Rolando Garcia NCAR Thanks to: Qiang Fu, Andrew Gettelman, Rei Ueyama, Mike Wallace,

Interannual changes in upwelling

anomalies incalculatedupwellingover 20 N-S



r=-0.53 (I am surprised)


HALOE satellite data