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  • 8/7/2019 Dynamics Explorer Press Kit


    National Aeronautics andSpace AdministrationWashington. D C 20546AC 202 755-8370m

    For Release IMMEDIATE

    Press Kit Project Dynamics ExplorerRELEASE NO: 81-95 4

    ContentsGENRERAL RELEASE ....................................... 1MISSION SUMMARY ......................................... 8


    DEPLOYED SYSTEMS ........................................... 11

    INSTRUMENTS.................................................12LAUNCH VEHICLE ......................................... 17


    LAUNCH OPERATIONS .......................................... 19

    LAUNCH TIME LINE ................................... 20DYNAMICS EXPLORER/DELTA TEAM ............................... 21

    July 16, 1981

  • 8/7/2019 Dynamics Explorer Press Kit


    National Aeronautics andSpace AdnministrationWashington D C 20546AC 202 755-8370

    For ReleaseCharles RedmondHeadquarters, Washington, D.C. IMMEDIATE(Phone: 202/755-3680)Jim LacyGoddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.(Phone: 301/344-5565)


    Dual spacecraft, Dynamics Explorers A and B, which will

    study Earth's near-space environment, will be launched by NASA no

    earlier than July 31 from the Western Space and Missile Center,

    Lompoc, Calif. Launch time is 2:55 a.m. PDT.

    The dual satellites will be stacked together on a Delta 3913

    launch vehicle and placed into coplanar (in the same plane but at

    different altitudes) orbits.

    The mission of the two spacecraft will be the study of the

    space around Earth from the limits of the upper atmosphere to

    distances far out in the Earth's magnetic field. Doing so they

    will complement the work of two previous sets of satellites and

    prepare the stage for a fourth program that will provide a com-

    prehensive assessment of the energy balance in near-Earth space.July 16, 1981


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    Dynamics~~ Epoe-AadBScerf

  • 8/7/2019 Dynamics Explorer Press Kit



    These Explorer programs have been designed by NASA to pro-vide an understanding of the processes by which energy from theSun, in the form of light waves and matter, flows through inter-planetary space, enters the region around the Earth controlled bythe magnetic forces from the Earth's magnetic field triagneto-sphere), and eventually is deposited in the Earth's upper atinos-phere to produce the aurora (northern lights), affect radiotransmission, and perhaps influence basic weather patterns. Thethree Atmosphere Explorer satellites studied the effects of theabsorption of ultraviolet light waves by the upper atmosphere ataltitudes as low as a satellite can orbit (about 130 kilometersoL 80 miles), while the three International Sun-Earth Explorers(ISEEs) have been studying how the solar wind interacts with theEarth's magnetic field to transfer energy and ionized chargedparticles into the magnetosphere.

    The Dynamics Explorer program is designed to supply specificknowledge about the coupling of energy, electric currents, elec-tric fields and plasmas (ionized atomic particles) between themagnetosphere, the ionosphere and the atmosphere. The detailedinformation provided by these programs will lay the foundationfor a four-satellite mission in the mid 1980s to study the Originof Plasmas in the Earth's Neighborhood (OPEN). This programshould provide scientists with a comprehensive and coherentunderstanding of the transfer of energy and matter from the Sunto its deposition in the atmosphere.


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    The dual Dynamics Explorer satellites will work to acquiredata simultaneously in the magnetosphere by one spacecraft and inthe ionosphere and atmosphere with the second. Since the Earth'smagnetic field couples energy and particles between theseregions, operations will be especially planned to acquire data attwo altitudes along the same magnetic field line. This is onereason for the coplanar orbits, which is a unique configurationfor satellites.

    Since the coupling processes take place predominantly in thehigher latitude regions where the magnetic field lines are nearlyvertical, polar orbits also provide the passage of the spacecraftthrough the critical coupling regions of near-Earth space.

    One spacecraft, Dynamics Explorer-A, will move in a highorbit, up to 25,000 km (15,500 mi.) above the Earth. It willcarry video cameras to photograph the changing patterns of thenorthern lights, which are excellent signatures of the transferof massive amounts of energy from the magnetosphere to the upperatmosphere.

    Detectors of ionized particles and of magnetic and electricfields, as well as a variety of receivers of electromagnetic(radio-like) waves which are naturally and artificially gener-ated, will be used to study the processes whereby the ionosphereand magnetosphere exchange energy.


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    Meanwhile, Dynamics Explorer-B, will skim above the atmos-phere from pole to pole. Because of its lower orbit it will movemuch faster and make many more observations of the polar regions.More importantly, it will pass through the upper atmosphere andionosphere, where the external disturbances are most intense andeasier to measure.

    Instruments will measure million-ampere electric currentsheets running along magnetic field Lines into, through and outof the ionosphere. The ionosphere is heated by these currents,with heating rates as high as those from sunlight.

    Instruments will also measure the resultant winds, whichblow as fast as 1,600 km/hr (1,000 mph).

    Long antennas will measure electric fields, which produceelectric potentials of tens of thousands of volts across thepolar cap, and which are apparently transmitted along magneticfield lines from interplanetary space.

    Especially interesting to scientists is the origin of in-tense electron beams which shoot down from space into the atmos-phere and light it up with the glow and flashing of the northernlights.

    To study what gives these electrons their speed, the co-planar orbits have been carefully chosen to intercept the samestream at different altitudes at about the same time.


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    There exist many clues -- from observations of the streamsby single spacecraft to measurements of intense radio noisebursts -- suggesting that "nature's electron gun" is located be-tween 4,800 and 13,000 km (3,000 and 8,000 mi.) above the polarregions. But it will be the role of the Dynamics Explorer space-craft working together to supply the hard and detailed evidenceas to what exactly is taking place.

    Both spacecraft are equipped with many instruments, someusing booms and antennas as long as 100 meters (328 feet), stick-ing in all directions away from the spacecraft bodies. Solar cellarrays mounted on the 1.36-m (53.5-inch)-diameter spacecraftbodies will supply the electrical energy needed to run the in-struments and to telemeter the data to receiving stations on theground. Weight of the combined payload is approximately 820 kilo-grams (1,800 pounds), with Dynamics Explorer-A weighing 403 kg(888 lb.) and Dynamics Explorer-B weighing 415 kg (915 lb.).Cost of developing the two spacecraft and the instrument payloadis estimated to be about $54 million. Cost of the Delta launchis $23 million.

    The spacecraft were built by RCA Astro-Electronics inPrinceton, N.J. The Delta rocket was built by McDonnell DouglasAstronautics Corp. of Huntington Beach, Calif.

    Project Manager for the Dynamics Explorer program is GeorgeD. Hogan, and the Project Scientist is Dr. Robert A. Hoffman,both of the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.


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    Tracking of the spacecraft and maintaining communicationswith them will be provided by Goddard's Space Tracking and DataNetwork (STDN) and the NASA worldwide communications system,NASCOM, also at Goddard.



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    MISSION SUMMARYThe general objective of the Dynamics Explorer Project is toinvestigate the strong interactive processes coupling the hot,tenuous, convecting plasmas of the magnetosphere and the cooler,dense plasmas and cases co-rotating in the Earth's ionosphere,

    upper atmosphere and plasmasphere.Individually, each spacecraft is capable of contributing toscientific knowledge; however, the mission basically relies oncorrelative sets of measurements from the two spacecraft. Dy-namics Explorer-B will have a perigee lower than 350 km (220 mi.)for neutral composition, temperature and wind measurements, andan apogee greater than 1,000 km (621 mi.) to make measurementsabove the interaction regions for suprathermal ions and plasmaflow measurements at the feet of the magnetospheric field lines.Dynamics Explorer-A will have an apogee altitude of 24,875 km(15,457 mi.) for global auroral imaging, wave measurements in theheart of the magnetosphere, and crossings of auroral field lines

    at several Earth radii.SPACECRAFT DESCRIPTION

    Each spacecraft structure is a 16-sided polygon approxi-mately 1.35 m (53 in.) wide and 1.14 m (45 in.) high consistingof baseplates, center column, separation adapter, shear webs andhat structure. The structure provides mounting surfaces for theouter shells, instruments, electronic packages, attitude controlsysterds, S-Band antenna and launch vehicle adapter.The solar array "hats," upper and lower, used on each space-

    craft, each interface with their respective baseplates and thecenter rings. The hats provide 7,200 square inches of mountingarea for the solar cells to supply the necessary power to operatethe spacecraft.The Dynamics Explorer-A spacecraft weighs 403 kg (888 lb.)including 105 kg (231 lh.) of instruments. The Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraft weighs 415 kg (915 lb.) including 111 kg (245 lb.)of instruments.


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    We DE .8

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    Dynamics Explorer Stackeerl Launch Configuration

  • 8/7/2019 Dynamics Explorer Press Kit




    Dynamics Explorer-AMagnetometer (MAG-A) M. SugiuraGoddard Space Flight Center

    Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) S. ShawhanUniversity of Iowa

    Spin-Scan Auroral Imager (SAI) L. FrankUniversity of Iowa

    Retarding Ion Mass Spectro- C. Chappellmeter (RIMS) Marshall Space Flight Center

    High Altitude Plasma J. BurchInstrument (HAPI) Southwest Research Institute

    Energetic Ion Composition E. ShelleySpectrometer (EICS) Lockheed, Palo Alto

    Dynamics Explorer-BMagnetometer (MAB-B) M. SugiuraGoddard Space Flight Center

    Vector Electric Field N. MaynardInstrument (VEF1) Goddard Space Flight Center

    Neutral Atmosphere CompositionG. Carignan

    Spectrometer (NACS) University of Michigan

    Wind and Temperature N. SpencerSpectrometer (WATS) Goddard Space Flight Center

    Fabry-Perot Interferometer P. flays(FPI) University of Michigan

    Ion Drift Meter (IDM) R. IleelisUniversity of Texas

    Retarding Potential Analyzer W. Hansen(RPA) University

    of Texas

    Low Alti tude Plasma J. WinninghamInstrument (LAPI) Southwest Research Institute

    Langmuir Probe Instrument L. Brace(LANG) Goddard Space Flight Center


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    Non-Flight-Hardware Investigators

    Magnetospheric Energy Coupling A. F. Nagyto Atmosphere Investigation University of Micia

    Auroral Physics Investigation F. V. CoronitiUniversity of California,Los Angeles

    Neutral Plasma Interactions R. G. Robleinvestigation National Center for


    Atmospheric Dynamics and H. G. MayrEnergetics Investigation Goddard Space Flight


    Controlled and Naturally- R. A. HelliwellOccurring Wave-Particle Inter- Stanford Universityactions in the MagnetosphereLow-Altitude Plasma Investi- R. A. Hoffmangation: High Angular Goddard Space Flight



    The Dynamics Explorer-A spacecraft has a single communica-tions S-band antenna. It is folded during launch

    and deployedprior to third stage spinup. The antenna is approximately

    1.5 m(5 ft.) long and is erected in the direction of, but

    offset from,

    the -z axis.The Dynamics Explorer-A spacecraft also has six instrument

    appendages, as follows:a. The Plasma Wave Instrument contributes five of


    (1) Two furlable, 4-m (13-ft.) tubular antennas, tobe

    deployed coincident with the +z axis.

    (2) Two wires, 100 mn (328 ft.) long, to be deployedopposite one another in the XY plane.

    (3) A triangular trussboom, 5.9 m (19 ft.) long, mount-

    ing three antennas: a loop, search-coil, and a shortelectric antenna. The boom is to be deployed in theXY plane.

    b. The magnetometer instrument also required atriangular

    truss boom, 5.9 meters (19 ft.) long, deployable,with a magneto-

    meter mounted to the end, the boom being located 180degrees from

    the Plasma Wave Instrument boom.


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    +- - '7I ; -


    The Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraft has a single 1.5-m (5-ft.) low-gain S-band antenna. It is mounted on a fixed bipodwith guy wire supports approximately 1.5 m (5 ft.) from the solararray hat on the -z axis.The Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraft also has nine instrumentappendages, as follows:a. The Vector Electric Field Instrument contributes six ofthese:

    (1) Four tubular antennas, 11 m (3 6 ft.) long, to bedeployed 90 degrees apart in the XY plane.(2) Two tubular antennas, 11 m (36 ft.) long, to bedeployed parallell, but offset, from the Z axis.

    b. The magnetometer requires a 5.9 m (19 ft.) truss boom, ason Dynamics Explorer-A, to be deployed parallel to the -X axis inthe XY plane and angled out of the XY plane toward the -Z axis byapproximately 5 degrees.

    c. The Langmuir Probe Instrument uses two deployable probesapproximately 0.7 m (2.3 ft.) long, located along +Y and canted20 degrees toward the +Z axis.INSTRUMENTS

    The scientific objectives and a brief description of eachinstrument carried on board the Dynamics Explorer A/B spacecraftare:Dynamics Explorer-A

    Magnetic Field Observations -- The magnetic field instrumentconsists of a fluxgate magnetometer on each of the two satellitesto obtain magnetic field data essential to the studies of themagnetosphere-ionosphere-atmosphere coupling. The primary objec-tives of the instrument are measurements of field-aligned cur-rents in the auroral oval and over the polar cap at two differentaltitudes using the two spacecraft and correlations of these mea--surements with observations of electric fields, plasma waves,suprathermal particles and thermal plasmas, and with auroralimages obtained from the high altitude spacecraft.

    Plasma Wave Instrument -- This will measure spatial, tem-poral, spectral and wave charactistics, particularly the vectorcomponent along the magnetic field line and the wave polarizationof extra low frequency, very low frequency and high frequencynoise phenomena. Of special interest are the auroral kilometricradiation and very low frequency hiss, and a variety of electro-static waves that may cause field-aligned acceleration ofparticles.


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    Spin-Scan Auroral Imager -- The global auroral imaginginstrumentation comprises spin-scan imaging photometers for ac-quir ing:

    a. Images at several visible wavelengths with adequateimmunity to scattered light during sunlit portions of the satel-lite orbit.

    b. Images within a vacuum ultraviolet 'window' which allowsusable imaging of the aurora in the sunlit ionosphere.

    c. Photometric measurements of the hydrogen corona.Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer -- The retarding ion mass

    spectrometer consists of a retarding potential analyzer forenergy analysis, in series with a magnetic ion mass spectrometerfor mass analysis. The instrument is designed to operate in twobasic commandable modes: a high altitude mode in which the den-sity, temperature and the bulk flow characteristics of II+,

    He+and O+ ions are measured and a low altitude mode which concen-trates on the composition in the 1-64 amu range.

    High Altitude Plasma Instrument -- The high altitude plasmainstrument consists of an array of electrostatic analyzers cap-able of making measure.flents of the phase-space distributions ofelectrons and positive ions from 5 eV to 25 keV as a function ofpitch angle. Analysis of the data from this instrument will con-tribute to the studies of:

    a. The composition of energy of Birkeland current chargecarriers;b. The dynamic configuration of high altitude magnetic fluxtubes;c. Auroral particle source regions and acceleration

    mechanisms;d. Sources and effect of polar cap and particle fluxes;e. Transport of plasma within and through the magnetospheric

    clef ts;f. Wave-particle interactions; andg. Hot-cold plasma interactions.Energetic Ion Composition Spectrometer -- This is a high

    sensitivity, high resolution, energetic ion mass spectrometerwhich will cover the energy range from 0 to 17 keV per unitcharge and the mass range from 1 to over 138 amu per unit charge.


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    The measurements obtained from this instrument will be used:a. To investigate the strong coupling mechanism between themagnetosphere and the ionosphere that results in large fluxes ofenergetic 0+ ions being accelerated from the ionosphere and in-jected into the magnetosphere during magnetic storms.b. To study the properties of the minor ionic species suchas he+ and He++ relative to the major constituents of the ener-getic magnetosphere plasma in order to evaluate the relative im-portance of the different sources of the plasma and of variousenergization transport and loss processes which may be mass orcharge dependent.

    Dynamics Explorer-BVector Electric Field Instrument -- A vector electric fieldinstrument will employ an orthogonal set of antennas with 20-m

    (66-ft.) baselines for vector measurements of dc electric fields.The system is designed to provide the data necessary to meet thefollowing objectives:a. Obtain accurate and comprehensive triaxial dc electricfield measurements at ionospheric alti:udes.b. Study to what degree and in what region the electricfield maps to the equatorial plane.c. Obtain measurements of extremely low-frequency-and lower-frequency irregularity structures.Neutral Atmosphere Compositio.. Spectrometer -- The neutralatmosphere composition instrument is a mass spectrometer designedto obtain in-situ measurements of the composition of the neutralatmosphere and to study the variations of the neutral atmospherein response to energy coupled into it from the magnetosphere. Theenergy inputs produce temperature enhancements, large scale cir-culation cells, and wave propagation, each of which possesses arather specific signature in composition variations. Measure-ments of these variations w2ll permit study of the parition, flowand disposition of the energy from the magnetosphere.Wind and Temperature Spectrometer -- The neutral wind andtemperature measurement instrument will use a mass spectrometerto measure the in-situ neutral winds, the neutral particle tem-peratures and the concentration of selected gases on the DynamicsExplorer-B mission. The science objective is to study the inter-relationships between the winds, the temperature, plasma drift,electric fields and other properties of the thermosphere whichare expected to be measured by other instruments on thespacecraft.


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    Knowing how these properties are interrelated will help ex-plain the consequences of the acceleration of ions by neutralscreating electric fields, and the related energy transfer betweenthe ionosphere and the magnetosphere.Three components of the winds, one normal to the satellitevelocity vector in the horizontal plane, one vertical and one inthe satellite direction will be measured. From these quantitativemeasurements, the wind vector will be computed.Fabry-Perot Interferometer -- The Fabry-Perot interferometeris a high resolution instrument designed to measure the drift andtemperature of neutral ionic atomic oxygen using the Dopplertechnique. Zenith angle scanning provides wind determinations atvarious altitudes below the spacecraft. The information obtainedfrom these measurements will be used to study the dynamics re-sponse of the thermosphere to the energy source due to magneto-spheric electric fields and by the absorption of solar ultra-violet light in the thermosphere.Ion Drift Meter -- The ion drift meter will measure the bulkmotions of the ionospheric plasma perpendicular to the satellitevelocity vector. It is anticipated that these measurements willyield valuable information on:a. The ion convection (electric field) pattern in theauroral and polar ionosphere;b. The flow of plasma along magnetic field lines within theplasmasphere determining whether this motion is simply a breath-ing of the protonosphere, a refilling of this region after astorm, or an interhemisphere transport of plasma;c. The thermal ion contribution to field-aligned electriccurrents;d. Velocity fields associated with small-scale phenomenathat are important at both low and high altitudes;e. The magnitude and variation of the total ion concentra-tion along the orbital flight path.Retarding Potential Analyzer -- The retarding potential ana-lyzer will provide data on ion temperature, ion composition, iorn

    concentration and the ion bulk velocity nominally parallel to thevehicle velocity. The measured parameters are basic to the under-standing of mechanisms that influence the plasma; i.e., to theunderstanding of the coupling between the solar wind and theEarth's atmosphere. It is anticipated that the instrument willdefine the ion temperature in the regions where N(1) is greaterthan 100 ions cm- 3 and will determine the value of N(1) from itsmaximum value down to approximately 10 ions cm-3.



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    Science Data Processing System -- The Science Data Process-ing System, located at Goddard, is a central computer facilitycomposed of a computer accessed by several types of graphics ter-minals at the investigators' facilities. The computer providesseven functions to the user community: (1) direct access to tele-metry, orbit and attitude data bases, (2) the creation of commontime scale plots of abstracted data from the instruments, calledsummary plots, (3) processing of the data to create a data basefor analysis, designated Mission Analysis Files, (4) storage ofand access to the Mission Analysis Files, (5) interactive analy-sis of data, (6) creation of graphics displays, and (7) systemsupport functions. The facility will be augmented by another com-puter, designated the Mission Analysis Computer System, to pro-vide vastly increased on-line storage for the Mission Analysisfiles and a considerable improvement in computer power to supportthe interactive analysis.

    The Mission Analysis Files are the primary data base used bythe Science Team for scientific interpretation. The data basemanagement system allows for scanning a central directory via theterminals to initially sort and select data for scientific inves-tigations. The selected data sets will then be accessed by theterminals and further analyzed interactively or, in some case,transferred to a computer--assisted terminal for detailed analyses.

    The summary plots are being developed primarily for theidentification and selection of time periods or events for de-tailed analysis. The plots will contain unverified data in geo-physical units on common time scales from most of the instru-ments. These plots on microfiche will be duplicated, then dis-tributed to the investigators and other appropriate scientists.The auroral image data will be processed off-line at the Univer-sity of Iowa and returned to the Goddard computer for storage andtile generation of microfilm plots for distribution.

    The graphics display terminals (vector, gray scale or color)and hard-copy units at each of the investigator's facilities aretailored to the specific needs of the individual investigator.Many of the terminals are associated with minicumputers.Many of the data displays for analysis and for archival pur-poses will be recorded on 35-mm microfilm and on microfiche. Fortimely production a micrographics unit with gray scale and colorcapability has been obtained for the Science Data ProcessingSystem.


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    LAUNCH VEHICLEThe Dynamics Explorer-A and B spacecraft will be launched ina stacked configuration on one Delta 3913 launch vehicle.The first stage is a McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp.modified Thor booster incorporating nine Thiokol strap-on solidfuel rocket motors. The booster is powered by a Rocketdyne en-gine. The main engine is gimbal-mounted to provide pitch and yawcontrol from liftoff to main engine cutoff. Two liquid-propellantvernier engines provide roll control throughout first-stage oper-ations and pitch and yaw control from main engine cutoff to firststage separation.The second stage is powered by a TRW Systems TR-201 liquid-fuel, pressure-fed engine which is also gimbal-mounted to providepitch and yaw control through second-stage burn. A nitrogen gassystem using six fixed nozzles provides roll control duringpowered and coast flight, as well as yaw and pitch control aftersecond-stage cutoff. Propellant settling before restart of thesecond stage is achieved by thrust from nitrogen gas jets. Twofixed nozzles fed by the propellant-tank helium pressurizationsystem provide retro-thrust after Dynamics Explorer-B spacecraftseparation.The Dynamics Explorer-A spacecraft will be attached to theDelta third stage by means of a payload attach fitting which in-corporates the separation system. The Delta fairing is attachedto the forward face of the second stage and is 7.9 m (312 in.)long and 2.4 m (9 6 in.) wide.An all-inertial guidance system controls the vehicle andsequence of operations from liftoff to spacecraft separation.This guidance system consists of an inertial sensor package anddigital guidance computer.The low-altitude spacecraft, Dynamics Explorer-B, will beseparated first into its orbit and will be spin stabilized atseparation from the Delta vehicle. The high-altitude spacecraft,Dynamics Explorer-A, will be spun up by the Delta spin table be-fore the Delta third stage injects it into orbit.


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    First Stage

    McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Corp. Model DSV-3P-lB has thefollowing characteristics:Thrust: 912,000 newtons (205,036 lb.)Fuel Type: Liquid Oxygen (LOX) RJ-1Fuel Weight: 80,740 kg (178,001 lb.)Gross Weight: 85,276 kg (188,001 lb.)Guidance: Inertial (on second stage)Tracking Aids: None (uses second stage TRK aid)The first stage is augmented by nine Thiokol TX 526-2 Castor

    IV solid motors, each with the following characteristics:Thrust: 329,000 N (73,966 lb.)Gross Weight: 10,840 kg (23,898 lb.)Fuel Weight: 9,373 kg (20,664 lb.)Six motors burn from liftoff to 58 seconds, and three motors

    burn from 4 to 122 seconds.

    Second StageTRW TR-201 has the following characteristics:Thrust: 44,482 N (10,000 lb.)Fuel Type: N204 and Aerozine 50Fuel Weight: 4,729 kg (10,426 lb.)Gross Weight: 6,085 kg (13,416 lb.)Guidance: InertialTracking Aids: C-band transponder


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    Third StageTE 364-14 has the following characteristics:Thrust: 38,400 N (8,633 lb.)Fuel Type: Solid PropellantFuel Weight: 558 kg (1,230 lb.)Gross Weight: 622 kg (1,371 lb.)Guidance: Spin stabilizedTracking Aids: TLM S-band

    LAUNCH OPERATIONSNASA launch operations from its West Coast facility are con-

    ducted by the Kennedy Space Center's Expendable Vehicles Opera-tions Directorate. This facility is located at the Western Spaceand Missile Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base near Lompoc,Calif., approximately 201 km (125 mi.) northwest of Los Angelesand 451 km (280 mi.) south of San Francisco. Launch facilitiesare located on a promontory which juts into the Pacific Oceannear Point Arguello, making it possible to launch to the south toplace payloads into polar orbit without overflying populatedareas.

    Dynamic Explorer will be launched aboard Delta 155 fromSpace Complex Two West, which has been extensively updated overthe years to accept the various Delta configurations, includingthe powerful. new version now in use. This will mark the firsttime that the Delta with the :.owerful Castor IV strap-on solidrocket boosters has been launched from NASA's West Coastfacilities.

    Some Kennedy Space Center personnel are on permanent assign-ment as members of the Delta Western Operations Branch. Thesepersonnel are augmented by a larger management and technicalgroup from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida during final prep-arations and the launch countdown. A permanent work force ismaintained at these facilities by the McDonnell Douglas Corp.,prime contractor for the Delta launch vehicle.

    Preparations for launch of Eynamic Explorer began on May 8with erection of the Delta 155 booster at SLC-2W. The interstagewas erected on May 11 and the mating of the second stage followedon May 12. The nine Castor IV solid rocket boosters were mountedaround the base of the booster May 13-15.


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    The Dynamics Explorer-A and B spacecraft arrived on July 8and were moved to the Spin Test Facility where they were matedwith the Delta third stage on July 17. The spacecraft/third stageassembly was moved to the pad and mated with the second stage onJuly 21. The payload fairing which will protect the spacecrafton their flight through the atmosphere will be placed atop the"stack" several days prior to launch.


    Event Elapsed Time

    Liftoff (5:55:42 EDT) 0 min 0 secMain Engine Cutoff 3 min 47 secStage I Separation 3 min 55 secStage II Ignition 4 min 0 secFairing Jettison 4 min 4 secSecond Engine Cutoff (SECO) 1 8 min 39 secStage II Restart 12 min 28 secSECO 2 14 min 35 secInitiate Momentum Wheel Asembly Spinup 14 min 50 secDynamics Explorer-B Separation 19 min 10 secPayload Attach Fitting Separation 22 min 55 secS-Band Ante!na Deploy 23 min 27 secFire Spin Rockets 40 min 35 secJettison Staje II 40 min 37 secStage III Ignition 41 min 19 secStage III Burnout 42 min 0 secDynamics Explorer-A Separation 43 min 15 sec


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    NASA HeadquartersAndrew J. Stofan Acting Associate Administrator

    for Space ScienceFranklin D. Martin Director, Astrophyics DivisionRichard Halpern Chief, Research Flight ProgramDevelopmentMarius Weinreb Dynamics Explorer Program ManagerErwin R. Schmerling Dynamics Explorer Program ScientistStanley I. Weiss Associate Administrator for SpaceTransportation OperationsJoseph B. Mahon Director, Expendable Launch VehicleProgramPeter Eaton Manager, Delta Launch VehiclesRobert E. Smylie Associate Administrator for SpaceTracking and Data AcquisitionGoddard Space Flight CenterA. Thomas Young DirectorJohn IH. McElroy Deputy DirectorWilliam C. Keathley Director of Flight ProjectsRobert Lynn Deputy Director of Flight ProjectsDavid W. Grimes Delta Project ManagerWilliam Russell Delta Project Deputy Manager,TechnicalWilliam Burrowbridge Delta Mission integration ManagerGeorge D. Hogan Project Manager, Dynamics Explor?rJames Moore Deputy Project ManagerCharles Rhoads Deputy Project Manager, ResourcesRobert A. Hoffman Project Scientist, Dynamics ExplorerWarner Hord Spacecraft Manager


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    Goddard (cont'd.).Keith Fellerman Instrument


    Carl E. Gustafson Mission OperationsManager

    Eugene Willingham Project Operations Director

    Joseph Ryan project LaunchOperations Manager

    Robert I. Seiders Network SupportManager

    John B. Zegalia Mission SupportManager

    Clyde Freeman Science Data ProcessingSystems


    Kennedy Space CenterRichard G. Smith DirectorThomas S. Walton Director of Cargo


    Charles D. r'ay Director, ExpendableVehicles


    D. C. Sheppard Chief, AutomatedPayloads Division

    Wayne L. McCall Chief, DeltaOperations Division

    C. R. Fuentes Spacecraft Coordinator

    Ray Kimlinger Chief, Delta WesternOperations

    BranchRCACharles A. Schmidt Vice President

    and General Manager

    Robert Miller Manager, NASA Programs

    Donald G. Shipley Dynamics ExplorerProgram Manager

    William V. Fuldner Dynamics ExplorerDeputy Program


    Ronald C. Maehl Manager, DynamicsExplorer Science


    (Index: 21, 29, 33, 36)