dynamics on industrial relations

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Dynamics on Industrial Relations

Dynamics on Industrial RelationsRegistration:Any 7 or more workers.Cancellation If the certificate is obtained by fraud or mistake;The union is ceased to exist;Willfully contravened any provision of the act;Formalities2 Months previous notice to be given by the RegistrarThe Indian Trade Union Act, 1926Rights and Privileges of a Registered Union;Immunity from Criminal conspiracy to members and office bearersImmunity from Civil Suits to members and office bearers

UNION RECOGNITIONHow to recognise a union?How to decide the representative character of rival union?What should be the role of minority union? Termination of a workman, for any reason whatsoever otherwise than, voluntary retirement, reaching age of superannuation, non renewal of contract or termination due to continued ill-health. Section 2 (oo)Separation of surplus workmen

RetrenchmentThe failure of the employer to provide employment due to breakdown of machinery, shortage of raw material, power etc. Section 2 (kkk)

Lay OffApplicability: 300 or more workmenNon seasonalEmployers Responsibility:Prior notice to workmen(30 days)Application for permission to appropriate govtCompensation(15 days salary for every completed year of service)Eligibility for Compensation:Must not badly or causal workmenOne year continuous employmentMethods: Last come, first go:

RetrenchmentApplicability: 300 or more workmenNon seasonalEmployers Responsibility:Application for permission to appropriate govtCompensation(50% of salary)Duration(45 days)Eligibility for Compensation:Must not badly or causal workmenOne year continuous employment

Lay OffAn employer intending to close the undertaking has to take at least 90 days prior permission of the appropriate Government.If the appropriate Government does not communicate within 60 days, permission will be deemed to have been granted.On permission being granted, workman will be entitled to receive compensation which shall be equivalent to fifteen days average pay for every completed year of service or any part thereof in excess of 6 months.

CLOSUREEmployers Responsibility:Prior notice to workmenPrior notice to govt(60 days)Compensation(15 days salary for every completed year of service)Unavoidable circumstances-Not Exceeding 3 monthsClosure within two years-No Compensation

Eligibility for Compensation:Must not badly or causal workmenOne year continuous employment

ClosureIndustrial Disputes Management(Prevention & Settlement)Collective BargainingNegotiations between an employer/a group of employers or one or more employers organisations, on the one hand, and one or more workers organisations, on the other to:Determine the working conditions and terms of employmentResolving a dispute with the interference of a third party.Voluntary ArbitrationIndustrial RelationsDale Yoder: Industrial relations is the relationship between managements, employees or among employees and their organizations that characterize or grow out of employment.

PARTIES TO IRsEmployers and their AssociationsEmployees and their UnionsGovernmentSociety

Dominant Aspects of Industrial RelationsGrievance RedressalGrievances are dissatisfaction, discontent, or feeling of injustice; whether expressed or implied; either oral or writing; related to the terms and conditions of employment.

Mechanism for Grievance RedressalIR PROBLEM: SYSTEMS APPROACHIR PROBLEM:Dunlops Model of IRSCONTEXT



ACTORSEmployers and their AssociationsEmployees and Their UnionGovernmentCONTEXTTechnologicalMarketPowerIDEOLOGYActors IdeologyRULES & REGULATIONSCompensationPerformanceDisciplineIRs & Labour LegislationsThe Trade Union Act, 1926The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947The Factories Act, 1948