dynatrace inside continuous delivery

1 #Perform2014 Orlando, October 2014 Dynatrace Inside Continuous Delivery Martin Etmajer [email protected] Senior Technology Strategist @ Dynatrace

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Shows in which ways the Dynatrace APM solution empowers the Continuous Delivery build pipeline. Topics covered: - How Dynatrace integrates into Test Automation inside the Jenkins Build Automation Server - How Deployment Automation can be use to automatically deploy your environments - How Dynatrace Business Transactions data can be exported to external Business Analytics solutions, such as Splunk - How Agile Development teams can be empowered by integrating Dynatrace Test Automation data into digital Information Radiators


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Orlando, October 2014

Dynatrace Inside Continuous Delivery Martin Etmajer

[email protected] Technology Strategist @


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Insert headshot image here “Martin Etmajer

Senior Technology Strategist @ Dynatrace

[email protected]


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Continuous Delivery @ Oktoberfest

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

✔ ✔

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

✔ ✔

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

✔ ✔ ✔

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

✔ ✔ ✔

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Continuous Delivery Build Pipeline

✔ ✔ ✔

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feature cycle time time

Customer Users

Minimize Cycle Time

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feature cycle time time

Customer Users

Minimize Cycle Time


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feature cycle time time


Minimize Cycle Time

This is when youcreate value!


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feature cycle time time


Minimize Cycle Time


This is when youcreate value!


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How? Establish Fast Feedback Loops!

build staging


codeplan production

compile failed

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How? Establish Fast Feedback Loops!

build staging


codeplan production

build failed

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How? Establish Fast Feedback Loops!

build staging


codeplan production

acceptance testing failed

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How? Establish Fast Feedback Loops!

build staging


codeplan production

user feedback

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How? Establish Fast Feedback Loops!

build staging


codeplan productionMonitor all your processes

no matter which environment

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Continuous Delivery: Automated Testing

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Continuous Delivery: Automated Deployments

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Continuous Delivery: Continuous Monitoring

Real-TimeBusiness Transactions


Dynatrace Server

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Continuous Delivery: Continuous Monitoring


Dynatrace Server

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Dynatrace Test AutomationPlugin for Jenkins

It’s about assessing the

performance of your tests.

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Test Automation Plugin for Jenkins

Dynatrace serverconnection settings

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Test Automation Plugin for Jenkins

Allow KPIsto fail builds?

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Test Automation Plugin for Jenkins

High-level KPIsper Build


Test Results@Project Level

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Test Automation Plugin for Jenkins

Concrete Measuresper Test

Test Results@Build Level

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Test Automation with Dynatrace

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Test Automation with Dynatrace

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Test Automation with Dynatrace

Dynatrace Server

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Test Automation with Dynatrace: Quality Gate

Dynatrace Server

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Automated Deploymentof Dynatrace Agents

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» Production environments have typically grown over time

» On-demand creation of environments (minimizes MTTR)

» Consistent environments in staging and production


» Middleware, Databases, Configuration, Data, Application


» Create self-documenting, executable specifications (VCS)

» Treat it as an engineering discipline (helps enforce DevOps)

Deployment Automation

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Deployment Automation: Joint Efforts

current iteration(2 weeks)


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Deployment Automation: Joint Efforts

current iteration(2 weeks)



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Deployment Automation: Joint Efforts

current iteration(2 weeks)



and testing

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Deployment Automation: Joint Efforts

current iteration(2 weeks)



and testing Verification

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Agent-Based Solutions

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Agent-Based Deployments (Chef, Puppet)

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Agent-Based Deployments (Chef, Puppet)

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Agent-Based Deployments (Chef, Puppet)

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» Can be used in client-server or client-only modes

» Client must be installed on each host to be provisioned

» Clients have dependencies: Ruby

Agent-Based Deployments (Chef, Puppet)

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Agentless Solutions

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Agentless Deployments (Ansible)

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Agentless Deployments (Ansible)

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Agentless Deployments (Ansible)

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Agentless Deployments (Ansible)

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» Written and extensible (Python)

» Human- and machine-readable configuration (YAML)

» No boot-strapping required on deployment hosts (SSH)

» Simple, easy to ramp up with (think of new employees!)

» Clear and concise documentation

Agentless Deployments

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Sample Environment

Web Server


Application Server


Application ServerDatabase

VCS Build Automation

check out deploy

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Sample Environment

Web Server FrontendApplication Server

BackendApplication Server


Apache Tomcat Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL



Build Automation


check out deploy

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Use Case: Deploy Dynatrace Agents

Web Server FrontendApplication Server

BackendApplication Server


Apache Tomcat Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL



Build Automation


check out deploy

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Ansible Concepts: Inventories

» Ansible provisions groups of servers at once

» Groups and hosts are stored in inventory files

» An inventory file is expressed in a simple INI format

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Ansible Concepts: Inventories






GroupVariables Variable

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--- # appservers.yml- hosts: frontends:backends vars_files: - variables.yml handlers: - name: restart tomcat service: name=tomcat state=restarted tasks: - name: Inject dynaTrace Java agent into Apache Tomcat template: > src=templates/tomcat-setenv.sh dest={{ tomcat_home }}/bin/setenv.sh notify: restart tomcat remote_user: deploy sudo: yes

Ansible Concepts: Playbooks

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Ansible Concepts: Playbooks# templates/tomcat-setenv.sh

CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS \ -agentpath:{{ dt_agent_dir }}/libdtagent.so =name={{ dt_agent_name }},collector={{ dt_collector_url }}"

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Auto Deploy Everything!

Web Server Application Server Database

Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL

Config Agent

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Auto Deploy Everything!

Web Server Application Server Database

Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL

Config Binaries Agent

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Auto Deploy Everything!

Web Server Application Server Database

Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL


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Auto Deploy Everything!

Web Server Application Server Database

Apache TomcatApache PostgreSQL

Config Config Binaries AgentAgent Data

✔ ✔ ✔

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Export DynatraceBusiness Transaction Data

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What’s a Business Transaction?


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What’s a Business Transaction?


Searches, logins,purchases, etc.

Filter Searches

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What’s a Business Transaction?


Florida AustraliaHawaii

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What’s a Business Transaction?


Florida AustraliaHawaii

10:13 10:14 10:15 10:16 10:173s



Response Time

Hawaii Florida Australia

10:13 10:14 10:15 10:16 10:170


Search Result Count

Hawaii Florida Australia 10:13 10:14 10:15 10:16 10:172s3s4s5s6s

Response Time Hawaii

Min Avg Max

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Exporting Dynatrace Business Transaction Data

Dynatrace Server


(Google Protobuf via HTTP POST)

Real-TimeBusiness Transactions Feed

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Exporting Dynatrace Business Transaction Data

Dynatrace Server


(Google Protobuf via HTTP POST)

Real-TimeBusiness Transactions Feed

Big DataBusiness Transactions Bridge

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Stores data to:

» JSON, CSV files

» Data-Warehouses

» Hadoop Distributed File System

Exporting Dynatrace Business Transaction Data

Dynatrace Server


(Google Protobuf via HTTP POST)

Real-TimeBusiness Transactions Feed

Big DataBusiness Transactions Bridge

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Business Analytics Solutions: Splunk

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Business Analytics Solutions: Splunk

Raw events

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Business Analytics Solutions: Splunk

Drill down to dynaTrace

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Integrating dynaTraceTest Automation Data intoAgile Information Radiators

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Agile Information Radiators: Project’s Little Helpers

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Agile Information Radiators: Project’s Little Helpers

Projects inBuild Automation

# Failed Jobs

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Assessing Build Quality: Passed vs. Failed

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Assessing Build Quality: Passed vs. Failed

1 + 1 = 2

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Assessing Build Quality: Passed vs. Failed

1 + 1 != 2

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New Test Automation Data API with dynaTrace v6.1

» Based on RESTful conventions

» Delivers JSON data

Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test Data

Easy Integration

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Test Measures:

» Database statements count

» Log message count

» Exception count

» Response time

» etc.

Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test Data

Test Measure Statistics:

» Expected range of value

» Violation percentage

» Historical data

Test Status:

» Passed, Failed

» Improved, Degraded, etc.

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Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test Data

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Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test Data

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Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test DataSuper nice!

Maybe not?

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Assessing Build Quality: Dynatrace Test DataSuper nice!

Maybe not?

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Assessing Build Quality: Use Cases with Dynatrace


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Assessing Build Quality: Use Cases with Dynatrace


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Assessing Build Quality: Use Cases with Dynatrace


Heading towards better builds?

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Assessing Build Quality: Use Cases with Dynatrace


Drill down

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