e-commerce - shahin sheikh

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  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    Title of the Project “E-COMMERCE” 


     B.Com final year, Sem- VIth

    Project report submitted to

    Royal Institute of Management and 

     Advanced Studies

    Signature (Guide):…………… Signature (Student):…………


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



     Name of the Guide: Prof. Nanalal Nagar  Name of Student: Shahin Sheikh

    Student’s Roll No: 13133971

    Declaration of the Student 

    I Shahin Sheikh Do Sh! Salim Shei"h #ertif$ that the

     %ro&e#t re%ort entitled ' *ommer#e+ %re%ared ,$ me is m$

     %ersonal and authenti# -or" under the guidan#e of .rof!

     Nanalal Nagar!

     Date : Signature :

     Place :Ratlam Name :  Shahin Sheikh

    Class : B.Com VI th Sem

     Roll No.:11!"1

     #o$.No.: !111"%!!%


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    Guide Declaration

     I certify that the &ro'ect re&ort entitle( ) E-Commerce*

    has $een &re&are( $y Shahin Shei+h Class B.Com. VI Sem

    un(er my su&erision an( $ears the result of her original 


     Date : Signature :

     Place : Name : Prof. Nanalal Nagar 

     Designation : sst.Professor 

    College: Royal College,


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh




     I Shahin Shaikh Stu(ent of B.Com final year great fully

    ac+nole(ge the alua$le contri$ution of arious &eo&le

    relate( to my &ro'ect re&ort.

     I my (ee&est regar( / gratitu(e to our 0D  Prof Amit 

     Sharma. 0earty / sincere than+s to my gui(e Prof. Nanalal 

     Nagar  , ho is hel&ing an( gui(ing me.

    2he Su&&ort of entire staff of the institute here I hae

    or+e( has hel&e( me a lot in groing in reason /

    un(erstan(ing. So, I shall li+e to &ay my s&ecial than+s to the

     staff mem$er of Saye( Institution.


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



       Shahin Sheikh

      B.Com VIth Sem




    Contents Page


    1 Pro'ect 2itle 3 4- Commerce 5  

    6 7ualification8 0igher 4(ucation



    Proce(ure of #anagement 11

    #anagement of De&artmental Store 1"  

    ; 4

  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    /earn ho- to %ut u% and start $our *ommer#e

    0usiness! e made it sim%ler2 faster and #hea%er so that

    $ou #an start $our ,usiness right a-a$ 4%ening an

    #ommer#e %ortal is as eas$ as #hoosing a 5alue meal in

    $our fa5orite restaurant:

    6 I S648/D *644S *4R* 08SINSS

    e ha5e ,een in the industr$ for o5er 7 $ears and #ounting

    e ma"e it eas$ to setu% an #ommer#e ,usiness for 

    4s and non4s


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem

  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    4ur dedi#ated *om%uter ;e#hni#ians are ;SD<

    #ertified !

    4ur I*afe %a#"age is the lo-est in the mar"et -hile

    assuring $ou that the =ualit$ of our #om%uters are not


    e are here not &ust to sell #om%uters ,ut to hel% $ou

    start and setu% $our Internet *af>

    e %ro5ide free training for $our staff or ?,anta$?

  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh




    Electronic commerce2 #ommonl$ -ritten as e-commerce2 is

    the trading or fa#ilitation of trading in %rodu#ts or ser5i#es using

    #om%uter net-or"s2 su#h as the Internet! le#troni# #ommer#e

    dra-s on te#hnologies su#h as mo,ile #ommer#e2 ele#troni# funds

    transfer 2 su%%l$ #hain management2 Internet mar"eting2 online

    transa#tion %ro#essing2 in5entor$ management s$stems2 and

    automated data #olle#tion s$stems! odern ele#troni# #ommer#e

    t$%i#all$ uses the orld ide e, for at least one %art of the

    transa#tionAs life #$#le2 although it ma$ also use other te#hnologies

    su#h as email!

    #ommer#e ,usinesses ma$ em%lo$ some or all of the follo-ing:

    • 4nline sho%%ing -e, sites for retail sales dire#t to #onsumers


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem



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    • .ro5iding or %arti#i%ating in online mar"et%la#es2 -hi#h

     %ro#ess third%art$ ,usinessto#onsumer or #onsumerto

    #onsumer sales

    • 0usinessto,usiness ,u$ing and selling

    • Gathering and using demogra%hi# data through -e, #onta#ts

    and so#ial media

    • 0usinessto,usiness ele#troni# data inter#hange

    • ar"eting to %ros%e#ti5e and esta,lished #ustomers ,$ email

    or fa@ (for e@am%le2 -ith ne-sletters)

    • ngaging in %retail for laun#hing ne- %rodu#ts and ser5i#es

    • or a long time2 #om%anies had ,een trou,led ,$ the ga%

     ,et-een the ,enefits -hi#h su%%l$ #hain te#hnolog$ has and

    the solutions to deli5er those ,enefits! 6o-e5er2 the

    emergen#e of e#ommer#e has %ro5ided a more %ra#ti#al and

    effe#ti5e -a$ of deli5ering the ,enefits of the ne- su%%l$

    #hain te#hnologies!

    • #ommer#e has the #a%a,ilit$ to integrate all inter#om%an$

    and intra#om%an$ fun#tions2 meaning that the three flo-s

    (%h$si#al flo-2 finan#ial flo- and information flo-) of the

    su%%l$ #hain #ould ,e also affe#ted ,$ e#ommer#e! ;he

    affe#tions on %h$si#al flo-s im%ro5ed the -a$ of %rodu#t and

    in5entor$ mo5ement le5el for #om%anies! or the information

    flo-s2 e#ommer#e o%timised the #a%a#it$ of information


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem



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     %ro#essing than #om%anies used to ha5e2 and for the finan#ial

    flo-s2 e#ommer#e allo-s #om%anies to ha5e more effi#ient

     %a$ment and settlement solutions!

    • In addition2 e#ommer#e has a more so%histi#ated le5el of 

    im%a#t on su%%l$ #hains: irstl$2 the %erforman#e ga% -ill ,e

    eliminated sin#e #om%anies #an identif$ ga%s ,et-een

    different le5els of su%%l$ #hains ,$ ele#troni# means of 

    solutionsB Se#ondl$2 as a result of e#ommer#e emergen#e2

    ne- #a%a,ilities su#h im%lementing R. s$stems ha5e

    hel%ed #om%anies to manage o%erations -ith #ustomers and

    su%%liers! et these ne- #a%a,ilities are still not full$

    e@%loited! ;hirdl$2 te#hnolog$ #om%anies -ould "ee%

    in5esting on ne- e#ommer#e soft-are solutions as the$ are

    e@%e#ting in5estment return! ourthl$2 e#ommer#e -ould

    hel% to sol5e man$ as%e#ts of issues that #om%anies ma$ feel

    diffi#ult to #o%e -ith2 su#h as %oliti#al ,arriers or #ross

    #ountr$ #hanges! inall$2 e#ommer#e %ro5ides #om%anies a

    more effi#ient and effe#ti5e -a$ to #olla,orate -ith ea#h

    other -ithin the su%%l$ #hain!


    S.No !e"cri#tion Amo$nt R".

    1 .reliminar$ C .reo%erati5e @%enses 1


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    E i@ed *a%ital 113 or"ing *a%ital for 1 month(s) 1F7

    Total Pro%ect Co"t &&''((


    Qualification/Higher qualification required

     No special education required for handling e-commerce. Softare and hardare knoledge is must.

     So !.Com ith computer Application is sufficient for 

    handling e-commerce.


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



     Procedure of "anagement 

    4ne of the most %o%ular a#ti5ities on the e, is sho%%ing!It has mu#h allure in it $ou #an sho% at $our leisure2

    an$time2 and in $our %a&amas! /iterall$ an$one #an ha5e

    their %ages ,uilt to dis%la$ their s%e#ifi# goods and


    6istor$ of e#ommer#e dates ,a#" to the in5ention of the

    5er$ old notion of ?sell and ,u$?2 ele#tri#it$2 #a,les2

    #om%uters2 modems2 and the Internet! #ommer#e ,e#ame

     %ossi,le in 1991 -hen the Internet -as o%ened to

    #ommer#ial use! Sin#e that date thousands of ,usinesses

    ha5e ta"en u% residen#e at -e, sites!

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    allo-ed ,usiness #om%anies and organiHations to send

    #ommer#ial do#umentation ele#troni#all$!

  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    online)! 0$ the end of E12 the largest form of e#ommer#e2

    0usinessto0usiness (0E0) model2 had around J7

     ,illion in transa#tions!

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    E! ;he e#ommer#e offers the #onsumer or enter%rise

    5arious information the$ need2 ma"ing information into

    total trans%aren#$2 -ill for#e enter%rise no longer is a,le to

    use the mode of s%a#e or ad5ertisement to raise their 

    #om%etiti5e edge! oreo5er2 in theor$2 %erfe#t #om%etition

     ,et-een the #onsumer so5ereignt$ and industr$ -ill

    ma@imiHe so#ial -elfare!

    3! In fa#t2 during the e#onomi# a#ti5it$ in the %ast2 large

    enter%rise fre=uentl$ has ad5antage of information

    resour#e2 and thus at the e@%ense of #onsumers! No-ada$s2

    the trans%arent and realtime information %rote#ts the rights

    of #onsumers2 ,e#ause the #onsumers #an use internet to

     %i#" out the %ortfolio to the ,enefit of themsel5es! ;he

    #om%etiti5eness of enter%rises -ill ,e mu#h more o,5ious

    than ,efore2 #onse=uentl$2 so#ial -elfare -ould ,e

    im%ro5ed ,$ the de5elo%ment of the e#ommer#e!

    ! ;he ne- e#onom$ led ,$ the e#ommer#e #hange

    humanisti# s%irit as -ell2 ,ut a,o5e all2 is the em%lo$ee

    lo$alt$! Due to the mar"et -ith #om%etition2 the em%lo$ee’s

    le5el of %rofessionalism ,e#omes the #ru#ial for enter%rise

    in the ni#he mar"et! ;he enter%rises must %a$ attention to


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    ho- to ,uild u% the enter%rises inner #ulture and a set of 

    intera#ti5e me#hanisms and it is the %rime %ro,lem for 

    them! urthermore2 though the mode of e#ommer#e

    de#rease the information #ost and transa#tion #ost2

    ho-e5er2 its de5elo%ment also ma"es human ,eing are

    o5erl$ #om%uter literate! In hen#e2 em%hasiHed more

    humanisti# attitude to -or" is another %ro&e#t for enter%rise

    to de5elo%ment! /ife is the root of all and high te#hnolog$

    are merel$ an assisti5e tool to su%%ort our =ualit$ of life!

    ;he e#ommer#e is not a "ind of ne- industr$2 ,ut it is

    #reating a ne- e#onomi# model! ost of %eo%le agree that

    the e#ommer#e indeed to ,e im%ortant and signifi#ant for 

    e#onomi# so#iet$ in the future2 ,ut a#tuall$ that is a ,it of 

    #lueless feeling at the ,eginning2 this %ro,lem is e@a#tl$

     %ro5e the e#ommer#e is a sort of in#or%oreal re5olution!

    Generall$ s%ea"ing2 as a t$%e of ,usiness a#ti5e %ro#edure2

    the e#ommer#e is going to leading an un%re#edentedre5olution in the -orld2 the influen#e of this model far 

    e@#eeded the #ommer#ial affair itself! @#e%t the mentioned

    a,o5e2 in the area of la-2 edu#ation2 #ulture and also %oli#$2

    the e#ommer#e -ill #ontinue that rise in im%a#t! ;he e


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    #ommer#e is trul$ to ta"e human ,eings into the

    information so#iet$!


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    anagement of #ommer#e

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    6istor$ of e#ommer#e is unthin"a,le -ithout

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    -ith no retail outlets and no middlemen has ,een admired

     ,$ a lot of #ustomers and imitated ,$ a great num,er of 

    e#ommer#e ,usinesses! ;he "e$ fa#tor of DellAs su##ess is

    that Dell!#om ena,les #ustomers to #hoose and to #ontrol2

    i!e! 5isitors #an ,ro-se the site and assem,le .*s %ie#e ,$

     %ie#e #hoosing ea#h single #om%onent ,ased on their 

     ,udget and re=uirements!

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    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    E*i"ting #ro+lem" in marketing of E-commerce

    #ommer#e mar"eting is the %ra#ti#e of guiding onlinesho%%ers to an e#ommer#e -e,site and %ersuading them to

     ,u$ the %rodu#ts or ser5i#es online! #ommer#e mar"eting

    #an in#lude %ra#ti#es li"e:

    • Sear#h engine o%timiHation to hel% a -e,site to ran" 

    higher in organi# sear#h engine listings

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  • 8/19/2019 E-Commerce - Shahin Sheikh



    #om%anies em%lo$ e#ommer#e mar"eting! Sometimes2

     ,ri#" and mortar retailers ma"e #ons#ious de#isions not to

     ,uild e#ommer#e -e,sites2 ,e#ause the$ -ant the

    e@%erien#e of 5isiting their store to ,e a uni=ue2 elite

    e@%erien#e! ;hese retailers are often not interested in

    e@%anding their ,usinesses or selling for a #om%etiti5e


    6o-e5er2 an$ other ,usiness that is interested in in#reasing

    their sales should not onl$ ,uild an e#ommer#e -e,site2

     ,ut %ut thought and effort into mar"eting it effe#ti5el$! or 

    e@am%le2 DoortoDoor 4rgani#s is a ,usiness that %artners

    -ith lo#al farmers to deli5er fresh2 organi# %rodu#e to

    #ustomers’ doorste%s! hile fresh %rodu#e is not the first

     %rodu#t that #omes to mind for an e#ommer#e -e,site2 the

    usa,ilit$ and intuiti5e fun#tionalit$ of the -e,site

    #ontri,utes to Doortodoor 4rgani#s’ su##ess !

    hat "inds of #ustomers are effe#ti5el$ mar"eted to -ith

    #ommer#e ar"eting

    oung2 Internetsa55$ #onsumers are the most li"el$ to ,e

    affe#ted ,$ an e#ommer#e mar"eting #am%aign! 4lder 


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    #onsumers -ho are not as familiar -ith the Internet are less

    li"el$ to ma"e their %ur#hases online in the first %la#e! 0ut

    -hen the$ do2 the$ are also less %arti#ular a,out the =ualit$

    of the e#ommer#e -e,site!

    Sol$tion for a+o,e #ro+lem"

    4ne thing that is uni5ersall$ im%ortant to e#ommer#e

    #onsumers is se#urit$! 0e#ause ,u$ing online ne#essitates

    the transfer of %ersonal information in#luding a #redit #ard

    num,er and %ersonal shi%%ing address2 it is e@tremel$

    im%ortant to ensure that $our e#ommer#e -e,site ta"es

    great #are -ith #ustomer information! Nothing #an damage

    an e#ommer#e mar"eting #am%aign and a re%utation faster 

    than a sle- of stolen identities or other finan#ial se#urit$


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    o%%ortunities for #reating ne- #ustomers! < -e,site needs

    to enti#e ne- 5isitors to 5isit and then %ro5ide suffi#ient

    in#enti5e to turn those 5isitors into a ,u$ing #ustomers!

    6el%ing ne- 5isitors find a #om%an$’s e#ommer#e -e,site

    is largel$ de%endent on sear#h engine %ositioning and

     ,anner ad5ertising! < su##essful e#ommer#e mar"eting

    team needs to ha5e e@%ertise in sear#h engine o%timiHation2

     %a$%er#li#" mar"eting2 so#ial media mar"eting2 and

    dis%la$ ad5ertising to rea#h the to% of sear#h results!

    • Sear#h engine o%timiHation2 ,etter "no-n as S42 is

    one of the most #riti#al %arts of e#ommer#e mar"eting! It is

     ,ased on s%e#ial algorithms that anal$He the instan#es of 

    s%e#ifi# "e$-ords on $our -e,site! 0e#ause users na5igate

    the Internet through sear#h engines li"e Google2 these

    results %la$ a large role in the su##ess of $our -e,site! <

    good S4 #am%aign #an %osition $our e#ommer#e -e,site

    to rise to the to% of the Google ran"ings! or e@am%le2

    Googling '%rett$ $arn+ ,rings u% Dragon ;ale arns sold

     ,$ the e#ommer#e ,ran#h of arth Guild2 a store ,ased in

     North *arolina2 as the fourth result! arth Guild is not a

    large2 -ell"no-n #raft store2 nor does it ha5e a %arti#ularl$


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    a%%ealing -e, %resen#e! hat it does ha5e is e@#ellent

    S4 Q ,e#ause it sho-s u% so =ui#"l$ in the sear#h results2

    it li"el$ e@%erien#es mu#h more traffi# than its #om%etitors!


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    $t$re challenge" an their "ol$tion of E-Commerce

    e ha5e a lot faster internet #onne#ti5it$ no-2 and -e alsoget mu#h more %o-erful tools on -e,sites! It ma"esin#rease on the num,ers of e#ommer#e fans! ou ma$-ant to learn on the ad5antages and disad5antages so $ou#an earn more ,enefits from there!

    &. Co"t Effecti,e -

    ;he entire finan#ial transa#tions -ill e5entuall$ ,e#omeele#troni#2 so sooner #on5ersion is going to ,e lo-er on#ost! It ma"es e5er$ transa#tion through e#ommer#e %a$ment a lot #hea%er!

    0. 1igher argin-

    #ommer#e also ena,les us to mo5e ,etter -ith higher 

    margin for more ,usiness safet$! 6igher margin also means ,usiness -ith more #ontrol as -ell as fle@i,ilit$! ou #analso sa5e time from the e#ommer#e!

    2. 3etter Pro$cti,it4-

    .rodu#ti5it$ here means %rodu#ti5it$ for ,oth #om%aniesand #ustomers! .eo%le li"e to find ans-ers online ,e#ause it

    is faster and #hea%er2 and it #osts a lot #hea%er e@%ense as-ell for the #om%an$!

    5. 6$ick Com#ari"on-

    #ommer#e also ena,les $ou to #om%are %ri#e amongse5eral %ro5iders! In the end2 it leads $ou to smartsho%%ing! .eo%le #an sa5e more mone$ -hile the$ sho%!


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    7. Econom4 3enefit-

    #ommer#e allo-s us to ma"e transa#tion -ithout an$needs on stores2 infrastru#ture in5estment2 and other 

    #ommon things -e find! *om%anies onl$ need -ell ,uilt-e,site and #ustomer ser5i#e!

    $t$re a"#ect" of 3$"ine""

    &. Sec$rit4-

    *ustomers need to ,e #onfident and trust the %ro5ider of 

     %a$ment method! Sometimes2 -e #an ,e tri#"ed! @amineon integrit$ and re%utation of the -e, stores ,efore $oude#ide to ,u$!

    0. Scala+ilit4 of S4"tem-

    < #om%an$ definitel$ needs a -ell de5elo%ed -e,site tosu%%ort num,ers of #ustomers at a time! If $our -e,destination is not -ell enough2 $ou ,etter forget it!

    2. Integrit4 on !ata an S4"tem-

    *ustomers need se#ure a##ess all the time! In addition to it2 %rote#tion to data is also essential! 8nless the transa#tion#an %ro5ide it2 -e should refuse for e#ommer#e!

    5. Pro$ct" Peo#le-

    .eo%le -ho %refer and fo#us on %rodu#t -ill not ,u$online! ;he$ -ill -ant to feel2 tr$2 and sit on their ne-#ou#h and ,ed!

    7. C$"tomer Ser,ice an Relation Pro+lem-


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    ;he$ sometimes forget ho- essential to ,uild lo$alrelationshi% -ith #ustomers! ithout lo$alt$ from#ustomers2 the$ -ill not sur5i5e the ,usiness!

     E#perience of the Student 

    I’5e ,een "ee%ing a #lose e$e on inno5ation in thee#ommer#e se#tor for more than a de#ade no-2 and it seemsto me that -eAre li5ing in e@#iting times! e ha5e hit some"ind of %ur%le %at#h!

    h$ is this ell2 e#ommer#e has massi5el$ matured! ItAs ,ig ,usiness! Digital teams are smarter2 and more agile!

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    sti#"! ;here are %rodu#t %ages -ith missing information!;here are sear#h ,o@es -ith tin$ fonts! ;here are usa,ilit$issues galore!

    Se#ondl$2 for e#ommer#e sites2 it is all a,out the data! If $ou’re not #onstantl$ testing2 measuring and refining2 then$ou aren’t doing it right! hat -or"s for one ,rand mightnot -or" so -ell for another!

    ;he disad5antages are not im%ossi,le to a5oid! If -e ha5eenough management on ris"s2 -e ma$ reall$ get a lot more

    ad5antages from e#ommer#e! ;he ad5antages are surel$teasing2 and -e -ill en&o$ su#h eas$ transa#tion these da$s!n&o$ more $our internet ,ro-sing and en&o$ more $our e#ommer#e a#ti5ities


    Prepare by Shahin Sheikh, B.Com.(CA) VI Th Sem


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    *oo%eration of Guide Ler$ Good

    • Getting