e-government: public data for a better information

2. E-government: public data for a better information

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Post on 19-Jan-2015




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The second part of the presentation given at the city od Poznań stand at 6th Ministerial eGovernment Conference - egov2011.pl


Page 1: E-government: public data for a better information

2. E-government:public data for a

better information

Page 2: E-government: public data for a better information

E-solution for real participation: Where is my electoral commission? Can I vote?

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 3: E-government: public data for a better information

E-solution for real participation: Municipal DB integrated with the official digital map

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 4: E-government: public data for a better information

E-solution for real participation: simple solutions, daily usage tools

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 5: E-government: public data for a better information

Eyes on the City’s authorities: web TV - streaming from the City Council’s sessions

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 6: E-government: public data for a better information

Eyes on the City authorities: multi-camera system

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 7: E-government: public data for a better information

Eyes on the City authorities: transparent discussion

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 8: E-government: public data for a better information

His/Her representative’s voice… listen when You want – the full audio content of discussions with the search engine

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 9: E-government: public data for a better information

All You need is… information! Public Information Bulletin

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 10: E-government: public data for a better information

All You need is… information! Specialized search engines

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 11: E-government: public data for a better information

All You need is… information! Discover documents and have your own opinion!

Topic 2: public data – better information

Page 12: E-government: public data for a better information

Tools supporting the local government: Internet Assistant for Mayor & Internet Assistant for City Councillor

Topic 2: public data – better information