e. l. meigs, h' miiinnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1850-09-19/ed... ·...

aoy recogn"i«nce^r^«^»ei ; il^o^nypfet«9.8t^e said court, or who Save tafee iTSnf mquismoi* or-e*a-m. .risonenor «it'neas, ifpfg%^1i 0 f" ;reof op,the 6r»t,day^f'jtp jiujfif- Da- iff "a o8?ce. t12.$-$aWof Jh$RenM «K id S ? K P * E ^ , Sher|ff. § matio / nizam tbe opening thereof ted at the Sheriff"' A. D. 1850 t 7,o"r . JV©TI€B I S hereby given to all persons; oot to trust my wife, or any member ofm| ftroily- on my toccoutu, with- out my written order,''as I aWl jiay no tft-bts of their contracting,- ai'ter this date August 31, 1850. n3:3w. r JOHN TOLON. 100 Busheis Wheat^ •100 do Corn, 100 Bll's. Flour, - 200 lbs. Clover Seed, . on hnmi sndfor »ale at my Store in Chateausnv. Aug. 12, 1850. S. M. *VKAD. 6AKAi>Z"iroiorsE, > CALEDONIA SPRINGS. JTM HE undersigned, !bave.jo«t opened, at~*h.e.okL JL »*Neiv> YnrkuCash Slore*%he* heaviest ^tPcWfl^ Ready Made Clothing,, ever, offered; in, norlhero f^evv York, ,which>lbey Bfa ioupd tp *s4^t tll ... AstbtiisHiiigly Low Price* I Their r stosk consists of every variety of Men'K, Yo U <yQ{^4^B^i<&diSh^P»at&a r ', M « v v T Frork and Dress Coats of tinery kindani. . quality, Pants, Vests, Over-alls, OIL-CLOTHGLG#HIN&,\ Bosoms, Shirts, Collars, [Cfravats^ fftify . Caps, and... ^ -BOOTS! an I efVery variety of clothing appertaining to the fan- Jfry_ B OARD, per day,... do per month,. ...••.••••••«*•6s 3d £c o o VWILU* UhOWS. Caledonia Springs, July I850T * ? MMGWM H H' s E. L. MEIGS, |"A VI.N'G established him«« If at tHi-* pJace\ hopes by FAIR:DEALTNG and selling Goods cheap, to jet a sbare~W patronase- A? to selling a ''Utile cheaper than the etieopest," - I will leave that to be judge! by customers purchasing the fi v«|i. Neither slnll Thar« be the distinction mode (-M som • suppose) between JisA nn\JlraK,; and ih-j^e wishing to jorkt y or be jockfyed. Will find lull ui much at some other establishment as at mibo.—^ MY c.otto shall ever be, " * _____ CC? 3 So! to be Undersold. p£Q « J\j!y 17, 1830. . ' > r'__ | , fc , : , 1_: _i-*i_l A F U L L A.«j*nrJ^»rni"of Blacky B h « \ Snnffanri Blue--' Black ?ROADCL«TH> Black f\ and Fancy CM8SIMER88L !• " - -• f- i - Vesting? of alt Q>olil J »vl ' and; a good . Sumiiieii Goods, f it -T.en a:,.! !>uy*, to b-' focnl at S o . 1, nn tfie Corner. K-.L. MEIGS.*. Fori C-jvingtuQ, Jyl^ 17 1550. fiatje Lio^fls, Linen Drill*, Usortmentrof- - 9ffWa (I YARDS CALICO, from 44 to oflrj /*VW sfa tljin g: , ' Y 1 500 Y.irds Gtoehetn*, front one t<» iwo'Shi.Ii)»»9 200 do L\<VNS,from !0to25'cf^ ' 400 do MOC$. do LA 1 N& frooi l tp. 4 sbJliogsJ 500 do CAKIPEIING, from 2 to 5 shillings, , -. *~ I All of ^hjeb-iarjs--^ -J __3 •% B A « € J A 1 M % - --•-* 11 he bad at No. | . *-- .'El^L. MEIGS. Fort Covingtorj, July 17, 1850. 107>#ypsWeetlnffs, 1000 Pounds Cotjon tarn, . ' 200 do^ Buitiing, to b$, soj fi'.m.V?.» York fcott, hv Fou Coviogtbn July 17, 18.50 ' id •S^K?S | \5l 1 h("*yAflce rB'LYWElGfS : H \S a large assortment oFSJLH and FOR HA-TSH Clofti and G!#ZHd CAPS, Wo. 1, Leghorn and'J «* . CaUfmnittr Iftifo Palm-Leaf nnd LegbonlPHatSJ'• , ' Bannets of all Frtagk," >s **** July, J7, 1850. •a - A iM KfJE oniHreil 1 . rfelecfed aloVlrjflE."MBuSyja«nd SheltHardwtfreal«ay*on hunri.- <>Personii 1 wish- ing to build wiff ftndan exdHlent assortment^of --:• * Aldfi,, •Materials, here, . BM.-PV* Steel land Iron, Shovels, Spades A»e«, •^; ^ '-^toriTiip, K _-:• i - - # AI most everything iii ib^^tard-otareJine,, mny-be^fo^gi ' * '01 Np. 1, op-the C«m« r. -.-.»'„ Ft. Coving ton, Jaljr 1850." E L. MElG§, .. ° ~x 300 Gal I's Boiled Lins'd Oil, -00 do I Raw do" J ,:.*rjo 1000 lbs. of No. I, E*tr%»jid. Puie^ L<?fwi, in.Oil el aiid a good assoi i.Taen'i of Drjf- L«»M(«««/' U^^^^v I'uint, &c, (fe ( ) , rn^y'b.e feund'at ' - •• r n»> ,'i Fori Covingtop, ,J,iil|; 16*5.0:-^' " E..L,"'l\fETnS-''.*** iooo,Kegs»p^ ;*."^ 50 BOXES QLASSj^, ^ . ," ' ' '-.""• ' >-'.* 2000 lbs, fyre'Irori.j J J0ff0 lb# fJo'fte^ihoe Iron, 500 lbs. 1-2 in., |, f .(and Jineh-Rmind Iroin - -'< 300 Band Iron—-ail, widths,—06tS "jjrffvipa grir) 1 8aIetj y • ' »' ' E.-L'1EI< tortCojVJngton^JoIj, i85Q. , , j ?i . , E.wmM ¥ ANTS it distinctly understood that he wKLWp n# good on Asaprtmenr, of almost every !artic)o usually found in a codntry store, at , ' ^^tj^M'j *fls JLpm Mrices , •//'•; " A S -•', .'' .-. '••.';' Kr Any oT ^ feg|lb#s , ! ^ ! For further particular, please ma ke inqrtrrieantbte v>A DOZ. Graaa Scythes, fur saleJby '•' " '-'• | T A V R A K E J , Pit^h Fork* end ScythojSnstrrsjtor' 50 iale by . . . .^ re ,„ ,-,, ~>H.FISK* lofehce, Freiicn Braid, and Leghofn "Bonnets' for aale t at cost, by . ' - K. ElSuf. "_. I bought a Bol&e ij^Tbumsend's Snrsaparilla A T F. T: Heotr/8 W gmW^CENTS. •-¥Wt/" 0 II. be ask*. A fet^dreWtot£ttevM^f»r1rW - 6^ O BREAKERS!! s LL- demand* due, to tte tujb^ober^ jmvious to L (hefirsto*a^^PSJEylOT,^testf*a?eettfed imme-i dtatelv, or ifcey wlll?6e't felt ^itfi^r^AftofneyfoijSoN leotiotti^Jaalbde^uly t0?"tSSO^- - ^ ; 4*< .," :"•:•*•_* ?S »?J.W: PANGBDEK, ; .- v.'"--".' • • • — « » . -j ...ill", i l i i j V i i t a ..u ••; --,.;' M. " j^|i"-| v . •' /jSfE of ilocU's PateatiCoaJfeibf SOVES.;: <?oritefm» \j and pi ice enquire at-tbe Store of F. T HEATH; Ever offered'jn NoilJiern (i?q> Vorfe w in i iifjiii • ^ rfwji fty-« J _ York, and i« fifty (#er cent, betiei ihao.ihut man'ifac- tuied in, and biougbtJroai the cities. It is mpde. not merely to tell, bin and is warranted to-be snperior.m qfml]ty Sntf'fitana- farturei to any imported Clo,lhing ever before oJT4re3 in this market. 0 s l!bey employ their own work- men, flnd tbe woik is rnnde up under th irown direc- lion, expreesljr for the Home Markets.^____j_\ Every person in want of any rirtlele in this line will do well lo call an'3 examinethe stock for themselves, being assured thai ibey «ill not go away di»Satisfie'd as lo prices or quality. ^[iVIalrine. 4P"i.??•it?^ , mj2tf. y. [Malone. Apul27. J860. FRED.,.V.WEVEH, FRANK. M. WEVER. •Mil. -Ls-U. Great Reduction in Prices,. miiin : S.. M. WEAD, W OULD announce to bis patrons, and to tbe public gtWrailjf, that he >hos received one of" tbe most exiefr«ive and «ell-as«mdd stocks of Dry €*o8ds, ^roqeriesi Hfrd* War e! ;:, E ver offered'for sile at ajry Store ia ibif Cotiirtjr?- His ->tocb consists of almost every variety of a If^Sfc M$\d i>ry €Hr<f€_erte&<, " " * ' ^ATfD^WARE AND,.. ever called for at a country store." And.be invites all who aro in want of any article in his fine of trad.p»^o call at bis store, ajnd save one quarter of tbeir money by purcluislftgflrblita. *»« U determined to msUe it an objic't for peoffoto bay tbeir eaods arGhateaogay. the People of Canada,." And others' residing; along the lines'lie would say that he has a chpicd"'lot of 'fuhnrci,. Tea-« and oilier Grqeeties. jvhicb.fie will disposu of at wiiulesale or de- tail at good, bargains. LereVery^Ouer'rrom'nny rjnarter, visiting Chateau, gay, satlS|3bcmse!ve< hy cilling on CHifeaugay June, 1850. . ' ^, MT, WE.r\P. »0L, WOOL, fOOL *. .Waai^d 50,000 \h». f OOLl for whir* Ca-*h nr Cl»tb will be'givooin . tejtpl^ge^ 8t, #t tjie maHtet price, orf delivery at store iri-jQhn.ieaugnjv J une 20. I85.0> ' ' ,.. s-jd;wE^% •• iSGYTHBS and SXATkS." Jz-p-rir^a IT- J s ^., v t ,, O/VDaiea Rixford'a Grao» Scythen, aod £j__) Ooxen ZJxf': I.ampbeare Ai Co. 9 Sodibsfoc salo, by tbe doZetr at ChateiiuBay, by Choteaogny'May 15 18 S M. WEAD B <3 I T IBE subscribeft erenow n>celvtjigrtbieir,ujiuaUjnck -"of '. " •.••",, <na JO- • _• Spring and, SiksUfagift Gooils, * Ury-CJood?*, .# Groceries, which they will sell ,a« ch,eap foc.Casr| oi'Reidy Pay, as cap.bo bbu»nl Bt aivy eAablishnjeat iq Frank- lin connty. "Those wishing to-porcha'seiwiICi'io'p'weJl to call-and" we §&- ANDRUS & UEWI8. MaIoti'e.ftJayS3>1850 r f,Z$pwt .. fPHE^,ub<clribefs are'DDwrecelvinea la.rgo*ndweIl trtit Hit :_n i>4 T- -fciir* M_L*-. vVVm^y •.-.?a^. 'fi>rifau[|b>-,r.^:--i ^0yJy4MBl iff^??i"' #y*tbft he nai received «sjv>?r , "1GRANOE.-W0U tjriTS ? #!»*«^flicp^rjfekV'tiflek.QoKr«.w:tll to wtd, d^ #WVV. «• \-i 1,^ -:f. '<*. TO BIAKE^BOOM FOR ^0|glgRO^ To -accomplisli tl»i% as nearly its possible', we Vijijl offer Dimsiial fcHue n>«l! who want-W buy Goods * v t » ;^?i J»ry Goods* eand Crocker*/.-, J ,. 1 . „,..^,«,„. June-is.ras'or -* - \*.w.* wM&iU « ' til To the.Ladies O UR assorRnent of Dre»s Goods is complete. Pieasi»| rail and examine our '' ' " > '••LA,W*HS;- : '-" Oarages, M*inen Msatttrea, Wo especially invite.yoU(%ttention,,to*J«W pstterns^of Ciianieleon Dress Silks, White Cmpff, B N ar«ge, and Tbibit SHAWLS! W. W. &. H. Ei K.' J DST received, a good article of Washington. County r'ork, aod for sale m the-lowest mark, by Salt ? ' : ., AI*o-Pyj6p,JRsCk Salt, (?i-otlr.d) for Tabl* ttje-^i aide Brtir4lB'oh hiind, and for sale by [Junel2J ^ ' W. W?«e H. r i K . B V the barrel Dairy and'tablo JmUs aW Glass K EPT constantly on band, and forsslo.by [Jorttfl20 "-• W. .W.&O.E, g»rne ^ --* . - - , *.,__,. ^.-- V K< Paints, Oil* A 0 ttye-SmtTs, ^""iv. W- eVH. E.K.' O N hard and for sabuby ifjune 12. J >v- .„ - - £7cm T Otbosfl^who^are in want, of H*|a«Ws.r e - r pieMe. give ««' a,caJL. Arpwi ffl^^fflnMmajf be| found .- . .--j , V'^ST 9TEuL> ^ SprlDg^ Steel, a^Wsil Mods, - »••• ; J5arr /rflVtl ^ft// Saws,- -u . »nd ») general ssioitmeot of shelf Hard Ware. JoneI3. " f W . « t » . E-«K r If. "Live 8nrfet J £iye!" , T FISK wishes to announce'to the publiri that br- has just received a general assortment of JDry Goads and Groceries?. which be is" bound to sKlllipon tho 'Live and let Live' prirJcipalforCj^S,H-OrKEAO* PAY. His stock c6os^a.'ofibefyl,»|lVtif of pr?<Srfedstibd Family groceries'Usjbiy/f^Ondin a country «toro ; and all who wish lo Ssfablisb tradeMrpofrTtfcb'above prin ciile, are invited to call "arid-examtne^hii flock for themselves. .^H*^. >fifj:lf Not having spsxeyhere to eriamfJ^i«>bis.«rti5les, he will bniy say that he- has a.little ofalmost.eyeryibto*, which her Is willing to. dispose of^in esvhjtnjOj ffra "little mora of tbesainesorti'^ot; for.wsb,,»s purcbv! ser* may desire-^ir-" n *•-u>'. .u_ ^ w ,, r , -; t U Yo^ wilIsl^ays^b'ABi*Hor*,a»io«eruliijpi'lyor •' '*;/, ..Mm mtm;- h ti% Casrimere*. Sattnetu, ^-eed», exrjte^^' , ., far •omroero»e ) .Prims.pfaJI '' kinds and nt all pneec, Silks of the richest Btyles^gravafSrLawns, GinghajM, 1'^aids and Fancy!tfre4#;CWodfe Sbr«i{n|*tid|birtioa., and Trimmjt|!lr, {$£€$•, B^qflpfo, &c- «cc. m&&^m^&^ A .pric*;**'^ . Cash 9 :j6Xp^a_^^Piift; «•'**« He wooU alio tenderJtfo think. ^i tfafRUblfe *ter the liberar^Voflat^felhiiberitofoA.recciv^d, and take this method,toinformtbero thflt be;stjjl cofltUt. ae* the 03D Manuftcfuring bosiness, ft»«ll?it» bjfanea- ea; and that he ja- prej*»rod;>tpjsirppjy qllcalfs.for.^n Tin Pads, ^^am^SkS^ai^spCqfee '•Sheet Iron and Ru«iVStOve,f , lpe, y Tmabd'0bpK 1 7 = •pe-rB.oae»i,Z!iofeRart^x r .>ii-,J. s 4 He has madearrapgojeptsiforrccervingra;supply pft.he: «^Jolj|^^^d^fieB*i^ prompt^;"** '*'*•• bis maou Mafono 0< PRICES: lottyjIfe; !**foii!1Z3 iWt3J( -., *Sk ^jwiia1e'€rbW»^itb^r*4Tf, ®^SSB^8^t3w^sy7«. if isbment in Northern New Yofk; : °* 1 -> bt ••v-Miifit. tan .;fe& jt .sMsvi.1 tfci >->t» ».- •M m. *^^lr^"SW<iBa>Sa! «S«Ml'*'» |'*.4 #)|3 r ra^d^l^p.*mBe?«^ : ' l **• '^ ^-^^afljb-J'^fi A;" ^"te ^FBJJJ^ED ST<?RE.•• , * 4 ' , ~--; -***t>:* »yp 'yy"'. , '«>- r " ; ~"-»y.-w«i-..» «>. <.,* . t- -•: t T > t O i l > iOTHS,Cat»irnere^B ; .ttiirttr-s<T-*eedsi J>4Ce»'t«c y^aWi-,anfd,av|teaV-varietjiafiStjrhmer Clrtfeft^ir' iir!*i*fedlsV->ai*3 a i,i.«*HED='STeiREi - •• ^r 'T,T'J L n *»*'•-»•>- 75 ^ffi^^^l*f^^"r" A1 Iftlso A, »»tlor;TKwfpJd v » $cy|bt|*,Jjy Qie dozen.— C^IlEDOm^PEDfeSI, Tf'^^rr'if^ fegfsipy&fe "ofojtmjttpfiijSbiic 'cltlirABfA'Btdu'SE . is i\i)i*«n fu'r; the' reception of yUit'ors. _ ^f He irolta, that b.if Jong ejtjed.encp.a».a Hotel keep-' r%-.arjd jijsJRr.effi^eiite IQ attend to the wants of hi* customs^, •tillenabjehini tomaka them comfortablr. The wot Sulphur Oaths, COJ.D AND ^HQSEER BATHS, will be readyat all hours. > ' ' •• ytt $ JBit L I A^J)'i.O.OM, «• has beenfittedop anew. TH? BALL XLtiETl are perfectlyJevel. .<.• - jrflttMilvJl^lrto And Cars *,. -i •'. —: *. i are-pot infirstrate order:* •»•• STAG &«l«sjy» inrea"d?n^« at fb* wfiarf at £"Or- iginal, by tfbieri passenger* from Mirkrealo/Byiown ,Wlllreac| thei Spriags'fn time f<jr dinner. * i ^ "%JfAiLYttU& i hF .STAGES will alsofran to meet the-SwatMrs on (be St. Law. renca, at Lancasterv thus enabling panieVftain* tiitg- ,?TO Falliin Cpnar 6anad»»to.yjsjt tbe Spring*, view mglbeb«utirui»ceneryioC,ibe A Ott»wB,, and the Sus- ri'moa Brjd« at Bjttowfl r before ie ning ta.Monifeal :or guabs^, .«,... k ^HILIP B«aW», rf t ^rnWjratf.thei!§e..l»ai|renee Hotel, Ogdeosboiylji and the United States Hotel, Masseoa Speia-atiKi <y» Calqd*ni» Springs, July 11800, wjmw •M.-ftt ^*Hlvsubsctihej' wouLi respecifujy.say to.ib.e D»b- bsedber MB torece liaMnjving Hopht o\Mr, 6<&>r*e%i\tMvy. »•' thd<u%bje "la <&& t* handiindiba>in| farfeiar- rangVifents to receive P4rge q'uamhiea of Marble "from lbgibe*lqlnr^H'a-iB^)r , ermoot^'fae<is , now -prepared fo^ furniiUto order. ..•e,ti. . « \t*eJ .,..-. f f monefaFirefPlaccs, MarblftSinfcs, and firally a%lbiJ| in lb|t lir%it prjees riQ terms at least & per cent, cheaper ibarjias been juld in ibis or<l»«^o|ji)glCJn4Btie»ftBV.i if IK ikla A V* Tomb Stoiieg fironi $4to$79. »J W._' »s_ii »^f" ._*inv- "i?o*L«._ i?L"ja.^i rant ||'v|Dfi« good 'world.'aod he He has and wfll bi J-ecei^D^ls good fine, while Garble t* the're is iW*tl^wdrl<varid he cbatlen^e* competition, either in quality of materials, or skill io ib^-fsaj-cmiwjoltftejFiBijb. ^ i^.^-^.iy Srilffp ii^i*_Mmii^i»lm^m^^f^^^g^^M- -eminintj fir ihew«el*e»^u^.(be.sa?i»fied".*Sj:o;iq , ja.l,i.iJi> of stock tiad workmanship, and will ,M>yibia4|«ti:u*jt a ,,, ^errflf|ng(J ! |^|wn|b^e^|^ | va,d , a3P:-Faciory;tn:th«-.#tore: formerly occopiedSyTA: Iiindfay 3 <^.4oor«v»nutb^«ft6»rfc^Goifbew.r^iiearjlip (Acaderoy^ffeen.* . ', -0 <* .>-£»C;.KBKLEJl J st '"* N Malpnfi Miyi lh lBtynS-jrt»itAe-&tBD*JL%*8gtW ^Si^s^fflffi-aS^ffifffiW^ sb^6i^vJPlwViB^vt£(s^ »*|^*fa??M**»ivif'S«S95P!^^'^^9' ! ^* .xr^«VMt4^apfe|dSlSBWs^^ •;-' -f#SGl#__.. t „._... fc eMo>T8flM&UVm*V^ .v... ; ; - *.»r.V.- rt. ..i»- .^.9^-..^..^... .<t •'-.* J f f f T - t » . '*~ '-»'- ' -fc*>M.^ - "J.^:^'^^^^^ii--l^ I- -v-r v & AY now;heiadtha-fsTrT***!Moirai , # } « r ^ t j i o * llBea'df lfi&T«tm>forwfn^aliJuMtofeIn fbo c e o « e i f «ha pasurtcr T»e 5 >ajilWS»"Irfn#^ conventen|,* *i|uAtJiW'ift > lM*^8fit>.-/i;.v« ' *V*.v.?.'--'.' '"•"* ; Tennaif*^0n» *alf^cajirj.rlgfl«>. ^bi>|laitc» way riW0»m -*W : ' # * morlgagefivoyesrail^wVatjnu-'; aByv-*-- -—- j '-.-*---—-.-•..—'--- —-...*.•-.. i,l Also;for«iJf>%»mjf*toA»¥l|taf#«f «og« M .* burgh, will* » dWB)ling"6ou»e,l>#rB aod store tbereon- Aho^at No, Iff, wUfi^ waterprivrleg», Tertns}«*y/ . E»<}«u-e of th* »uh»erlber, on rfcajtrawbet, «* of*y »i*n'»^*he Han. Sidney Lawranc*. *----- - -— ,# v r.-vyitLijiBi»?-j *lV<«» ' J I i ..»••!,• tl.»| «', M J S iQtfffiT'Rf!U<W6,Crt r eDIMindFX^ssaf , K _ljr|^.«H^WaWl9-r*/I. ' ->^WSasf^ -.-;,. J. f»,.yj* *Dil4sitfe^ ®S*f?*<^'S.&-J**E'«sK»» t8SSp Lit ao.CCMl'C.lr^'' w «jtsr > King or i 2|4lP r 9 !o ^ ^Teigbt IB lh^orj>atJi,^o1ii^t«lt««OOT^ralBlf|'» : forfluUrjiiigkMiefrM^ * t ntg^Of- \f^lte*Msrtir«wi^u»8^'*ffij^t « * fWB^nilifBfflfHie H»ar|/|36«ri-« •• jf^eHiSliofffeil-^^ '* r '•««".% *°* h * wjwsffs>tt* , -- •- • • - ; s !ihs4«idi4>&-,., .,.- - . jtis-^ficterAyirif- •-^M -• -• -••" -•» "''"^tSiifir''' Wj " > '' •* !a » - ' w i s Ri>i>|8 j.j'-JSWs3t.'-»j»*jj^ is% 'i tlOW.,iTcK - "VJ, iu the aide, hick, clieai. I-. » ...„ * i »»iaab*,;&c*j^Bu|ldefl>l1(jshea c., ^^y.x »* h e a l JtUHtyifet,: ^iH^fleaji, - %l<sj?i' »*>*Si!f3s. ^iAft CELGB^TkD. *%gg&%?BKn I ,:;v, ,^-„ - Jf4M*8 --•-•< BY >; J - J • *#l£«CKSOi\, !-<5TI AT-- TIE ME STORE, JVo.4M 4^h-SH^hiiadelpk^> .i -'*» •>' ; y1 ! %»$4' " •*-i.»'< ftn j; a f^e a6oci|oT»^«r*t* not qcfijltfi. 't"f^«so/herj>rf_paratffi^m'AtUaikd Maty at tks. tftTsAaUethtA many c«i&*.gft)4j£iik /at phytic^,,* liadVfaited*. *> „.,„.,, . ^ ^ .. Ybt^i^Bitr^^fo *ortht^attentwr*ofi'n«a- lid5 s fi$*§$mMn%-*'W i i®T\* the ,r h cufifai.i UMD of diaeasea olNJit? Vmt ^pd 1eeit^^iid.B, exetcwiDgibemoMeeiircliitig powers iiiweakness ain|:»ffict!0Ds oftifeeetive orgaop, tbey WCj-witfe. •I, fafty certain ahd p'easajiit, -^r * ! ! ''' , « *"• *•'•<* .'"• •"; f From [flie'\%>tLn> Bee. ? j* I - ;e , / Tlie,jt f dttjnrj8»id,jl)ec\a2d+- • • "» ' •'? :• "i?/*. Maijlquji'fGdt&rakf.d Gfryt'afrmitilrs tot (lie cutV "ol 'liver Cd t afnmifI^iir' T ^ M ^ pepeia, Curqntc or, Nervou* jOt^d^Pl ly one of tb^ .r^8tbppuiar,.'taedi^B^oTL,-„ Tueae bittern^JiaTicf bi^^m6_fl)_^mi¥imi • laeod aiouxelbow aajrs hcjliga hiaiaelf nceliod platft5f%fVi t W a f pffhla riiflp^H^Sre^a. rioted .ihat.^ in, ifeo;i ae pfetbew Biiterfi^jje patieji'i poiusiainly^aiqa ein (tigti and •/^^al-fi^rwra-- Ihy of great cunsiuVi attoti. i Tlt'^ar^jrdt'asnVil^n laate and imeji, antl can be jff&a^^y^^ia^tiltljj tfire tnbettiejr C at e 8 I 0 cireumiWrtciff. etictffciirfjo ffie«fflj|; Meft«**nTtJi mm "SCOTT'" WBESI,*^,.. .5-S&V--3 papers published, said Aug; 12b— *>DR. tioon.sMso'M GB^sl&k,Bi*^i!^ mann- factured by Br. JACKSOS, are hovr rtcotnraended by eomeol the mostf prominent members of i b y lacul^ya* an artiaiejof muclijffficacy in case&iif fcrflaW weakness. As such ft?the case, we would- advise a|l olithera'io jobtaib a boille, and tboa aa»e tbemf.elvea^jtorn^'rijiesa. Persons of debilitated, comtitutwnaWill nm iL^i^Mtoa adwaniag^iiit/ lolbeir health, aa«e|ftoo!Htftflg» experience the" KnfiI . maT1!; rtiDtaryefiecitheynjlTOtipon weak ajitiujag^»*J^l|"l Jvhte ''M='M J . X0W, v geDt:emai»>-whlp-||r*^': WmpW:~ rcie'uiifie arid hferttF ttKamijjieftU', tnWMMWt' tmm!!f ' i ^ !m: "WfiW yrJBK,^?£iki5•" < J$IBSSE|iGE»/ , Jani|*|#C 1860. - . .. ['.' t ?. . j, ^"mM0 "OB. HooiiiAKB.'s]'GgRfaAij 'fixxxx^-^^ u a preparation which th«Jea.dirig. i pres6ea in ijie" Union appear tt> be ^lnaniniousin .recommending, aM-tn« s griftf8itil'ie''Qbirioua?'aIa« ntadttauer >a pe/ebrai- lato Dr, 'to-tbe xera Germany baa, ewrpro'ductM. Hff yas ibi ,phajicaUynhWn\W#^^^^nerefore t : oretJiTftnel6l" J; Wfiic»||ie ; |*w« ; **t^»ioweato^ and .>eit idnrtef mW^e^&fitfe'mtjrireliea^wiir.Mvpeei* disordered jtheiatwtioff. „..-._„,„„.,„„..„ ., ..... itlieift conw'ction - « | ! Ut I fciqeii,euJ^;a-jd ) »e,|eraJl oj, j ifl» f editor%«|iesk o l uts!:effi!cU#rSort».tj)^ 4ns Idivirfual experience. Under fheitecircumstances, ;we teel warrauWdi'nol-tjnlyaneallinj tJitf*tM>iti(<>o : ot ourrpdeTfit^•l4e^^ , '^* : ' , " , ''"'"""" , '"*'" ' n ' '" ? iTh»""PaitAD£LPJa ° —^ • /••'"nl't '.Sfl&t .flj?rfli.a.« tins ifeUnited th*btat ; faniilyuewspapl.'rptJSIi8iJ ''It it treltlom tb»! we recori termed Pateril^eujcitie*^^ and witHtUfiii id^&mmmyjmmm$mi %i k» a.r**iSi^cRatfi6DrWr ? **Heioeri^ .#s5#thi?-fore»)ing|}.#or|t^|^^^ ?a%:0if&)*l!f^!^'^ monyin its fat&rrU, titattjjeM| i§ moireit 0 1 »;it f wa:fi:arfr > #c5i#'B^|I.B^ tofatfetflhia-thin ^lloiWr coating 'fogtfl^K^fttBB^^ifl jdtfvMSffiBPt-*ifft; frbwtn*rfisFqeaTrrie* irt-Vermont,and »«now pr«-par*' ,ed^furiffit^all ; kind*'-fli B * , ^ : •'- •. ...C" -.. < | T6mb*t6ni*tti1ron\$iio *7^j!HSK.'PT!!?;5?v3{; ~ Haviog Ihsd- i»*ny >*«f*-«*P«««nc»-Mi-U' >4l«^w»!f^^*M5#'fi^ ^ - * '•'ril i«»>: thap, >*e1w before © s^JwM«*Wr^tt^J»sflK^r^*i^^ „... -._ J»,di8MtBrpi^W*:aV^fe;'and-|?'nces .^«irte,i|<*'.syW**e*«di|wt W-m'lioiten % mfi ,|ilBw|f«*staMi»h»Mat-i^* n ic*tfiB^ Of^TiifM s^rih^-tha^A^d^f^lMWsvSilafe, -w—.-^^*- 5 > > ! ^ r j : ^ ^ T . •-.'TJ-Va^OBO.'ACkMKX. •' . Mal« f JIayS3,l8# "-,••', 'if ' A 4icirnf» f 23Kp».e^B: A f AlK>2Er€»sWlwW%r»s^V«»lebra««t Call I V fl»»t iWastV-faraala b» «•»• 4owe«. at a»r »•>*, tbejr quiet slJproval w * e q % J » ^ l # i * e t f jti'«ffti; •.sat*. i"h < "'I F %- :-¥ .* * art- /- ,f l"#4* - »v=ffe*^->^^: rum Wofetf :? t * (S*!W4 t , iT*^ ^jg ^ - This beautiful and QofuM rjou»;powera of OALVANtS prb^h«ed!by dIstingnfshe4^r'i« a 6| ! i bo t EPILEPST. MJMBAStJ, DEASWr" NE1 a««W« of ft|lBj®»S a5sigpJH^*JSiEMs|^£4a« 4KiB^ ^y^'-^^^IGJDE^CXiR^NB.lWC^IaiS^l^StCAl.- isia^^faPfa^f^^^ 18 ^ j- i]^i^iiaeM' , pr''3l|i ? Sei^wia *j*te*a. ... „i=w.„- ;COJ '"'-'" incrratcthtdisc, aJrea^^osMt' it, for they weakenjthe ^taflenergii 6#^osMt^|lMe]tt.fr^lule i u%e#lthe streng !9fel .-_ UifuUnd wondeMoKditcoverj;,fltfeeahausteu e __, and weakened euflerer ia restore* totbnner health, strenj elasticity and rigor. if- ' H The greatpeculiatity and excellence of, - •- *, DrJGlKristie's Galvaiiic GuratiTes^ < Onder, the infliction. J' 7a«j/'*/r<«5rt«n tSe.wftofe -sjfsremj tquWxe \he.circulation of thi'flood,-proaott {heteerejHont,a^j^^^;ko^u-nlfgliltst injury Under any circumaUnne>._ Since tKfir.iiiitrodiictioa ia,- tbe united States, only fti^e years since, more |than '^^ focludirjg all. ages,' classes arid conditions, nmoiffi which were $ large number of ladies, who are. peculiarly s'nliject to $erv- 0ns ednjplaints, have been (f. 1 When alf TiijiHf relief had :i b'een givra up, anji eVery thing else beeb tried in vain; ! • ' . jl _J * » . Toiltotrate the n»eof &e GAJiVAOTC BEKT/sanpoio •thelBto^or rpe»nn aflliotea' witB W a t oHn'eWci«Ua6Hoi(, DySPBPSI4*or aiyr o|becCh»n«! or Nervous, pisonler. In Ordjnary'cases^stimulants'are^taken, wh'ichf by thcii'action ori the nerves and muscles of the stomach, aflbrd* temporary re.. liei; but which leave the patient jn a lower .state, and witb-JnP' jtired faculties, after the action thus excited has teased,' N<& compare this with the effect resnltfng from-'the application of the GALVANIC -BELT. Take a Dyspeptic imflerer, ieven in the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie & Belt around the body,, using the, .Magnetic. Fluid as directed. In a short period the imensibleperepiration5reill act or] the poii- tive*l,enient of .the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic oircula. Jioji'"winch'-will' pass on to the negative, and IheSce bacfc again to pte positive, thus keeping .up a continuous Galvanic' Circulstion, tfiroughout the isystem. Thus the most,severa jCasesiWIDYSPEFSL* are-ifERMA?f©fTLir &OOsK^£k . IFEWJMSys IS OFTEN AMPLX SlTFFlClEiST TP EKAJDft ^ATO.TH£6lSEASE.OFTfiABS. '"' '* t , r [ !Frora'all-jT?art» of the Country coHA bo- gijpen,. sufficient {$ .2&.'£^sif.lfct£,\^s^J&f?^__*if-^^£n;.v.,^.. j„ Li . T - ^ . * ... ^44 «*g? "^bHEnftjbeen the result infayown case, bj vv; irfol "tbr-abotft «itteiW5eBT*I»^.^iasuJCe^l4 *ia. Jfe>ecy yew tfespn^.msjB'^3^e^o»|. taip permanent relief from any course of me whatever About fftd-t&n 'yeStr smee, ! ih|t frequent, exposure to the weather, in the aiscli. . paitoral duties, I became subject to a sever^ Chronic matism, which' for year after year, cans^e^ me,&des&rjb anguish. J?arther: in the winter of.'45 amMsos W*6 quonce or^reacMn-g a great (deal "in>*inV- own tind*'various other churches in tbis'.region, I was attacked,] by thq?JroncH- tis.-W'hiph soon became so so'vero as to.reqru'rp an.,immediate suspension of my pastoral labors My nervous syttcm todt tibio' thoroughly prostrated, and as niy3rcTicnitis'bdcame%0rs'e*lo also did my Dyspepsia, and'Rheumatic affection—thus evin- cing that these disorders were connected witb each other thjoughjthf.mediuni of the Nervous system. ' In,the whole -*-*• - ! - "- J '-•- 1 remedlal.-ngenf wfifcli and" ftbori'gh with no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined to try the cBectrOf'tbe application of tbe GAL- VANIC B^LT«ANPt-NJ!C?fcACEr wiU} thji MAGNETIC FLUID. Tbif.was in June, 1846. Tok? owi*'*STomsH- slfarrS'Jiv'VSro DiT«~jiv/DiirsrsiA Hio enaa•.$*!»*-PGHT IMVf l.WAS ,S?*8!-ED TO.EEJOMK. JIV fASTORjltj LABORS j 'swt ^ 1 81J»CJp.O»JI3rEKl>*,SI''O«^SEaTJCE'0> ACgOO^hf Of Ms . 8«OITCHITH j irn) MV RkeuMArjc >rrBC > TioM^ijis''E.'*iiBitr cp.isjib TO* TSousric »ir. Such is-thewOnderfuJiand hsppyj». salts of,the'experimijnt .-,:•.,:) ,v'-.-«r_i|. ,u'-e%. s.l have recommended, the, BELT and '-FEpnj H> many wSo have been Ullew^se suffering Ifbft Neuralgic affectibasvThe'y 'Bave^'jalt^emvwiMt B»JJ i » ; 'a|liioi;Ts, I aasMta^tfi- 'irssW ois»J : . <•»« •-•'•fu . .• if-i .'/. " ' - -** . i->» .-> V' lianv, dear sir, swyyEesa*"- 1 " ,^ -•-'••' laintea^ctinkffiaaarosjt; fsnss^ff N«irou#r«nd#pi^Jistre»s^^oinblaLab<^e* Palsy' rinrt Paralvs M».jftyif^a4t#RMe '^Watsf# areMused fiy-a defciencpMjmrbuW€tw JSBhkJte $fa& a &9£n***'fa ArHcles.wL, >«1«S«^MP%».SM *•«•- rf-..;rtr.^sS*|« e^t^'^f^j 'iim&a&te&AfamlZa 'to'4«e'llhpf^rf»WMitt^*»t Head an3 upper extremities. -Alsoih Party and7Tria®^»,'sSd f ditues e a feeted 1 X .. upperb'xtremitie's. -AlsO., . _ ^dMflBS^adsed' by f ae!c!enf^{4»*wf*fe 'Itasrgyin-thl3!bBb(orother.orgmoflhe'bodyitjp v , Tic Doloraux and.WemBl^ ^EfaaaV, *»fa|Sl> «jd -Sfgoniste.toiVnWatrrieeifnnedi """"JTOia^iPil t i- ^KBmr.^a_"j> 3 ^.^htf : ni#r}icide''&aia>«^ which'ir oecert"ify foraJln^djiiineatoM «v*"^#^^f„^^*'^i;-4; : ^is^»' : i , s**i5» bp>wn in tbe lwui#, aKifciarlewio* ii»f *•**#». gaRjapftg* ^.**-i**^.m**W'*<»* / -^«rf»r«,w»iol«kfteao*rpui?, at I**' •• •• ^ -^-^j^T*mi4i-A^^vM«T4^»*4^*' ,^- •' •• J, W.^hArnQBOaat ACX\ « •' ,elB«*,.We»*i^#sfi^.*«s& | ?aM^^ •- »*;U- i •". - •". -,.•.----4;•••5.:,.^.:: ,i...":^>V' , -'.;f..'f'-'; -"/.• r -.-.»f; "n- I - toesa *larn»t«ir6nA te. *i^ll^9J'^^FtofW#«f^J*|KW»^ 'ow'-or^fe.^Ww.toiivfoii^ ,iberot»;airt«ton^lon|f.|»rMs^q^t »' r-r.:' ls»»H

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Page 1: E. L. MEIGS, H' miiinnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031565/1850-09-19/ed... · 2008-10-31 · «K id S?KP*E^, Sher|ff. § matio / nizam tbe opening thereof ted at the Sheriff"

aoy recogn"i«nce^r^«^»ei;il^o^nypfet«9.8t^e said court, or who Save tafeeiTSnf mquismoi* or-e*a-m.

.risonenor «it'neas, ifpfg%^1i0f"

;reof op,the 6r»t,day f'jtp jiujfif- Da-iff "a o8?ce. t12.$-$aWof Jh$RenM

«K id S ? K P * E ^ , Sher|ff. §

mat io / nizam

tbe opening thereof ted at the Sheriff"' A. D . 1850

t 7 , o " r . JV©TI€B

IS hereby given to all persons; o o t to trust my wife, or any member o f m | ftroily- o n my toccoutu, w i t h ­

out my written order,''as I a W l j iay no tft-bts o f their contracting,- ai'ter this d a t e August 3 1 , 1850 .

n 3 : 3 w . r JOHN TOLON.

100 Busheis Wheat^ •100 do Corn,

100 Bll's. Flour, -200 lbs. Clover Seed, . on hnmi sndfor »ale at my Store in Chateausnv.

Aug. 12, 1850. S . M. *VKAD.


J T M H E undersigned, !bave . jo« t o p e n e d , at~*h.e.okL J L »*Neiv> YnrkuCash Slore*%he* heaviest ^tPcWfl^

R e a d y M a d e Clothing, , ever, offered; in, norlhero f^evv York, ,which>lbey Bfa i o u p d tp * s 4 ^ t t l l . . .

AstbtiisHiiigly Low Price* I Theirrstosk consists of every variety of Men'K,

YoU<yQ{^4^B^i<&diSh^P»at&a r ', M « v v T Frork and Dress Coats of tinery kindani. .

quality, Pants, Vests, Over-alls,

OIL-CLOTHGLG#HIN&,\ Bosoms, Shirts, Collars, [Cfravats^ fftify

. Caps, and... ^

- B O O T S ! an I efVery variety o f c lo th ing appertaining to t h e fan-


BOARD, per day , . . . do per month,.

. . . • • . • • • • • • « * • 6 s 3d £c o o

VWILU* UhOWS. Caledonia Springs, July I850T * ?



s E. L. MEIGS, |"A VI.N'G es tabl i shed him«« If at tHi-* pJace\ hopes

by F A I R : D E A L T N G and se l l ing Goods cheap , to j e t a sbare~W pa t ronase -

„ A? to selling a ''Utile cheaper than the etieopest," - I will leave that to be j u d g e ! by cus tomers purchas ing

the fi v « | i . Nei ther s ln l l Thar« be the dist inction mode (-M som • suppose) be tweenJisA nn\JlraK,; and ih-j^e wishing to jorkt y or be jockfyed. Will find lull ui much at some other es tabl ishment a s a t mibo.—^ M Y c.otto shall ever be, " * _____

CC?3 So! to be Undersold. p£Q « J\j!y 17, 1830. . ' > r'__ |

, fc , : , 1 _ : _ i - * i _ l

A F U L L A.«j*nrJ^»rni"of Blacky B h « \ Snnffanri Blue--'

Black ? R O A D C L « T H > Black f\ and Fancy

CM8SIMER88L !• " - -• f- i -

Vesting? of alt Q > o l i l J » v l ' and; a good

. Sumiiieii Goods, f it -T.en a:,.! !>uy*, to b-' focn l at S o . 1, nn tfie Corne r .

K-.L. MEIGS.*. Fori C-jvingtuQ, Jyl^ 17 1550.

fiatje Lio^fls, Linen Drill*, Usortmentrof- -

9ffWa(I YARDS CALICO, from 44 to oflrj / * V W sfatljing:, ' Y 1 500 Y.irds Gtoehetn*, front one t<» iwo'Shi.Ii)»»9 200 do L\<VNS,from !0 to25 ' c f^ ' 400 do MOC$. do LA 1 N& frooi l tp. 4 sbJliogsJ 500 do CAKIPEIING, from 2 to 5 shillings, , - .

*~ I All of ^hjeb-iarjs--^ -J __3 • • •%

BA«€JA1M%- --•-* 11 he bad at No. | . * - - .'El^L. MEIGS.

Fort Covingtorj, July 17, 1850.

107>#ypsWeetlnffs , 1000 Pounds Cotjon t a r n , . ' •

200 d o ^ Buitiing, to b$, soj f i ' .m.V?.» York fcott, hv

F o u Coviogtbn J u l y 17, 18.50

'id •S^K?S|\5l1h("*yAflce rB'LYWElGfS:

H \S a large assortment oFSJLH and FOR HA-TSH Clofti and G!#ZHd CAPS, Wo. 1, Leghorn and'J «*

. CaUfmnittr Iftifo Palm-Leaf nnd LegbonlPHatSJ'• ,'

Bannets of all Frtagk,">s **** July, J7, 1850.

•a -

A i M KfJE oniHreil1 . rfelecfed aloVlrj flE ."MBuSyja«nd S h e l t H a r d w t f r e a l « a y * o n hunri.- <>Personii1 wish­

ing to build wiff ftndan exdHlent assortment^of --:• *

Aldfi,, •Materials, here, .

B M . - P V * S t e e l land Iron, Shovels , Spades A»e«,

•^; ^ '-^toriTiip, K_-:• i - -# • AI most everything iii ib^^tard-otareJine,, mny-be^fo^gi

' * '01 Np. 1, op-the C«m« r. - . - . » ' „ Ft. Coving ton, Jaljr 1850." E L. MElG§, .. ° ~x

300 Gal I's Boiled Lins'd Oil, -00 do I R a w do" J,:.*rjo 1000 lbs. of No. I, E*tr%»jid. Puie^ L<?fwi, in.Oilelaiid

a good assoi i.Taen'i of Drjf- L«»M(«««/' U ^ ^ ^ ^ v I'uint, &c, (fe() , rn^y'b.e feund'at ' - •• r n»> ,'i

Fori Covingtop, ,J,iil|; 16*5.0:- ' " E..L,"'l\fETnS-''.***

iooo,Kegs»p^ ;*."^ 50 BOXES QLASSj^, ^ . ," ' ' ' - . " " • ' >-'.* 2000 lbs, fyre'Irori.j JJ0ff0 lb# fJo'fte^ihoe Iron, 500 lbs. 1-2 in., | , f .(and Jineh-Rmind Iroin - -'< 300 Band Iron—-ail, widths,—06tS "jjrffvipa grir)1

8aIetjy • ' »' ' E.-L'1EI< tortCojVJngton^JoIj , i 8 5 Q . , , j ? i . ,

E.wmM ¥ANTS it distinctly understood that he wKLWp n# good on Asaprtmenr, of almost every !artic)o

usually found in a codntry store, at , ' ^^tj^M'j

*fls JLpm Mrices , •//'•; " A S -•', .'' .-. '••.';'

Kr Any oT feg|lb#s,! ^ !

For further part icular , please m a k e inqr trr i eantb te

v > A D O Z . Graaa Scythes , fur saleJby '•' " '-'•

| T A V R A K E J , Pit^h Fork* e n d ScythojSnstrrsjtor'

50 iale by . . . .^ r e ,„ ,-,, ~ > H . F I S K *

lofehce, Freiicn Braid, and Leghofn "Bonnets' for aalet at cost, by . ' - K. ElSuf. "_.

I bought a Bol&e ij^Tbumsend's Snrsaparilla

AT F. T: Heotr/8 W gmW^CENTS. •-¥Wt/"0II. be ask*. A fet^dreWtot£ttevM^f»r1rW -



LL- demand* due, to tte tujb^ober^ jmvious to L (he first o*a^^PSJEylOT,^testf*a?eettfed imme-i

dtatelv, or ifcey wlll?6e't felt ^itfi^r^AftofneyfoijSoN leotiotti^Jaalbde^uly t0?"tSSO - - ^ ; 4*< .,"

:"•:•*•_* ?S »?J.W: PANGBDEK, ; .- v.'"--".' • • • — « » . - j ...ill", i l i i j V i i t a ..u ••; - - , . ; ' M. • " j ^ | i " - | v . •'

/ j S f E of ilocU's PateatiCoaJfeibf SOVES.;: <?oritefm» \j and pi ice enquire at-tbe Store of F. T HEATH;

Ever offered'jn NoilJiern (i?q> Vorfe w in i iifjiii

• r f w j i fty-«

J _

York, and i« fifty (#er cen t , be t ie i i hao . ihu t man' i fac-tu ied in, a n d b i o u g b t J r o a i t h e ci t ies . I t is m p d e . not merely to tell, b in

and is w a r r a n t e d to-be snpe r io r .m qfml]ty Sntf'fitana-farturei t o a n y impor t ed Clo,lhing ever before oJT4re3 in this m a r k e t . 0 s l!bey emp loy their own work­men, flnd tbe wo ik is rnnde u p under th i r o w n d i r e c -lion, expreesljr for t h e H o m e Markets.^____j_\

E v e r y person in want of any rirtlele in th i s l i n e will do well lo call an'3 e x a m i n e t h e stock for themse lves , being a s su red t h a i ibey «i l l not go away di»Satisfie'd as l o pr ices o r qual i ty . ^[iVIalrine. 4 P " i . ? ? • i t ? ^ ,


y. [Malone. Apul27. J860. FRED.,.V.WEVEH, FRANK. M. WEVER.

•Mil. -Ls-U.

Great Reduction in Prices,.

miiin : S.. M. WEAD,

WO U L D announce t o b is patrons, a n d to tbe public gtWrailjf, that he >hos received o n e of" tbe most

exiefr«ive and « e l l - a s « m d d s tocks of

Dry €*o8ds, ^roqeriesi

Hfrd* War e! ;:, E ver offered'for s i l e a t ajry Store ia ibif Cotiirtjr?-H i s ->tocb consists of a lmost every variety o f

a If^Sfc M$\d i>ry €Hr<f€_erte&<, " " • * ' ^ATfD^WARE AND,..

ever called for at a country store." And.be invites all who aro in want of any article in his fine of trad.p»^o call at bis store, ajnd save one quarter of tbeir money by purcluislftgflrblita. * » « U determined to msUe it an objic't for peof fo to bay tbeir eaods arGhateaogay.

T© the People of Canada,." And others' residing; along the lines'lie would say

that he has a chpicd"'lot of 'fuhnrci,. Tea-« and oilier Grqeeties. jvhicb.fie will disposu of at wiiulesale or de­tail at good, bargains.

LereVery^Ouer'rrom'nny rjnarter, visiting Chateau, gay, satlS|3bcmse!ve< hy cilling on

CHifeaugay June, 1850. . ' ^, MT, WE.r\P.

»0L, WOOL, f OOL *. . W a a i ^ d 5 0 , 0 0 0 \ h » .

fO O L l for whir* Ca-*h nr Cl»tb wil l b e ' g i v o o i n . te j tpl^ge^ 8t,#ttjie maHtet price, orf de l ivery at

store iri-jQhn.ieaugnjv J u n e 2 0 . I85.0> ' ' • , . . s-jd;wE^%

•• iSGYTHBS and SXATkS." Jz-p-rir^a IT- • J s • ., v t , ,

O / V D a i e a Rixford'a Grao» Scythen, aod £j__) Ooxen ZJxf': I.ampbeare Ai Co. 9 Sodibsfoc salo, by tbe doZetr at ChateiiuBay, by

Choteaogny'May 15 18 S M. WEAD

B <3 I

TIBE subscribeft erenow n>celvtjigrtbieir,ujiuaUjnck -"of ' . " •.••",, <na JO- • _•

Spring and, SiksUfagift Gooils,

* Ury-CJood?*, .# Groceries, which they will sell ,a« ch,eap foc.Casr| oi'Reidy Pay, as cap.bo bbu»nl Bt aivy eAablishnjeat iq Frank­lin connty. "Those wishing to-porcha'seiwiICi'io'p'weJl to call-and" we §&- ANDRUS & UEWI8.


rf,Z$pwt ..

fPHE ,ub<clribefs are'DDwrecelvinea la.rgo*ndweIl

trtit Hit :_n i>4 T- -fciir* M_L*-.


• . - . ? a ^ .

'fi>rifau[|b>-,r.^:--i ^0yJy4MBl iff ??i"'

#y*tbft he nai received «sjv>?r t » ,



? #!»*« flicp^rjfekV'tiflek.QoKr«.w:tll to wtd, d

#WVV. « • \-i

1 , ^

-:f. ' < * .

TO BIAKE BOOM FOR ^ 0 | g l g R O ^

T o -accomplisli tl»i% as nearly its possible', we Vijijl offer

Dimsiial fcHue n>«l! who want-W buy Goods * v t» ;^?i

J»ry Goods*

eand Crocker*/.-,J,.1. „,..^,«,„. June-is.ras'or -* - \ * . w . * w M & i U

« ' til To the.Ladies

OU R assorRnent o f Dre»s Goods is c o m p l e t e . Pieas i» | rail and examine our '' ' " >

'••LA,W*HS;- : ' -" Oarages, M*inen Msatttrea, •

Wo especially invite.yoU(%ttention,,to*J«W pstterns^of

Ciianieleon Dress Silks,

White Cmpff, BNar«ge, and Tbibit SHAWLS!

W. W. &. H. Ei K.'

JDST received, a good article of Washington. County r'ork, aod for sale m the-lowest mark, by

Sal t ? ': . , AI*o-Pyj6p,JRsCk Salt, (?i-otlr.d) for Tabl* ttje-^i aide Brtir4lB'oh hiind, and

for sale by [Junel2J ^ ' W. W?«e H. r i K. BV the barrel

Dairy and'tablo

JmUs aW Glass

KEPT constantly on band, and forsslo.by [Jorttfl20 "-• • W. .W.&O.E,

g»rne ^ --* . - - , *.,__,. ^.--



Paints, Oil* A0 ttye-SmtTs, ^""iv. W- eVH. E.K.' ON hard and for sabuby

ifjune 12. J >v- .„

- - £ 7 c m • TOtbosfl who^are in want, of H*|a«Ws.re-rpieMe.

give ««' a,caJL. Arpwi ffl^^fflnMmajf be| found .- . .--j , V'^ST 9TEuL> ^

SprlDg Steel, a^Wsil Mods, • - » • • •

; J5arr /r f lVt l ^ f t / / Saws,- • -u . »nd ») general ssioitmeot of shelf Hard Ware. JoneI3. " ^ « f W . « t » . E-«Kr

If. "Live 8nrfetJ£iye!" ,T FISK wishes to announce'to the publiri that br-has just received a general assortment of

JDry Goads and Groceries?. which be is" bound to sKlllipon tho 'Live and let Live' prirJcipalforCj^S,H-OrKEAO* PAY. •

His stock c6os^a.'ofibefyl,»|lVtif of pr?<Srfedstibd Family groceries'Usjbiy/f^Ondin a country «toro ; and all who wish lo Ssfablisb tradeMrpofrTtfcb'above prin ciile, are invited to call "arid-examtne^hii flock for themselves. . ^ H * ^ . >fifj:lf

Not having spsxeyhere to eriamfJ^i«>bis.«rti5les, he will bniy say that he- has a.little ofalmost.eyeryibto*, which her Is willing to. dispose of^in esvhjtnjOj ffra "little mora of tbesainesorti'^ot; for.wsb,,»s purcbv! ser* may desire-^ir-" n *•-u>'. .u_ w , , r , - ; t U

Yo^ wilIsl^ays^b'ABi*Hor*,a»io«eruliijpi'lyor

•' '*;/, ..Mm mtm;-h ti% Casrimere*. Sattnetu, - e e d » , e x r j t e ^ ^ ' ,

., far •omroero»e).Prims.pfaJI ' ' kinds and nt all pneec, Silks of the richest

Btyles^gravafSrLawns, GinghajM, 1' aids and Fancy!tfre4#;CWodfe Sbr«i{n|*t id|birt ioa. ,

and Trimmjt|!lr, { $ £ € $ • , B^qflpfo, &c- «cc.

m&&^m^&^ • A


. Cash9:j6Xp^a_^^Piift; «•'**«

He wooU alio tenderJtfo think. ^i tfaf RUblfe *ter the liberar^Voflat^felhiiberitofoA.recciv^d, and take this method,toinformtbero thflt be;stjjl cofltUt. ae* the 03D Manuftcfuring bosiness, ft»«ll?it» bjfanea-ea; and that he ja- prej*»rod;>tpjsirppjy qllcalfs.for.^n

Tin Pads, ^^am^SkS^ai^spCqfee

'•Sheet Iron and Ru«iVStOve,f,lpe,yTmabd'0bpK17 = •pe-rB.oae»i,Z!iofeRart^xr.>ii-,J. s 4

He has madearrapgojeptsiforrccervingra;supply pft.he:

«^Jol j |^^^d^f ieB*i^ p r o m p t ^ ; " * * ' * ' * • • bis maou



PRICES: lo ttyj Ife;


iWt3J( -., *Sk ^jwiia1e'€rbW»^itb^r*4Tf,

®^SSB^8^t3w^sy7«. if isbment in Northern New Yofk;:°* 1-> bt

••v-Miifit. tan .;fe& jt .sMsvi.1 tfci >->t» ».-

•M m. *^^lr^"SW<iBa>Sa! «S«Ml'*'»

|'*.4 #)|3 rra^d^l^p.*mBe?«^ : ' l **• '^

^-^^afljb-J'^fi A;" ^"te ^ F B J J J ^ E D ST<?RE.••,*4', ~--; -***t>:* » y p ' y y " ' . , ' « > - r " ; ~"-»y.-w«i-..» «>. .« <.,* . t- -•: t T>tOi l> iOTHS,Cat»irnere^B;.ttiirttr-s<T-*eedsi J>4Ce»'t«c y^aWi-,anfd,av|teaV-varietjiafiStjrhmer Clrtfeft^ir' iir!*i*fedlsV->ai*3 a i,i.«*HED='STeiREi - ••

^ r 'T,T'J L n *»*'•-»•>-

75 ffi^^^l*f^^"r" A1

I ftl so A, »»tlor;TKwfpJdv» $cy|bt|*,Jjy Qie dozen.—

C^IlEDOm^PEDfeSI, Tf ' ^^ r r ' i f ^ fegfsipy&fe "ofojtmjttpfiijSbiic

'cltlirABfA'Btdu'SE . is i \ i ) i*«n fu'r; the' reception of yUit'ors. _ ^f

He irolta, that b.if Jong ejtjed.encp.a».a Hotel keep-' r%-.arjd jijsJRr.effi^eiite IQ attend to the wants of hi* customs^, •tillenabjehini tomaka them comfortablr.

The wot Sulphur Oaths, COJ.D AND ^HQSEER BATHS,

will be readyat all hours. > ' ' • ••

ytt$JBit L I A^J)'i.O.OM, «• has been fitted op anew.

TH? BALL XLtiETl are perfectlyJevel. .<.• -

jrflttMilvJl^lrto And Cars *,. -i •'. —: *. i are-pot in first rate order:* •»•• STAG &«l«sjy» inrea"d?n^« at fb* wfiarf at £"Or-

iginal, by tfbieri passenger* from Mirkrealo/Byiown ,Wlllreac| thei Spriags'fn time f<jr dinner. *

i ^ "%JfAiLYttU&ihF .STAGES will alsofran to meet the-SwatMrs on (be St. Law. renca, at Lancasterv thus enabling panieVftain* tiitg-,?TO Falliin Cpnar 6anad»»to.yjsjt tbe Spring*, view mglbeb«utirui»ceneryioC,ibeAOtt»wB,, and the Sus-ri'moa Brjd« at Bjttowflr before iening ta.Monifeal :or guabs^, . « , . . . k ^HILIP B«aW»,rf t ^rnWjratf.thei!§e..l»ai|renee Hotel, Ogdeosboiylji and the United States Hotel, Masseoa Speia-atiKi <y»

Calqd*ni» Springs, July 11800,



^ * H l v s u b s c t i h e j ' wouLi respec i fujy . say to.ib.e D»b-bsedber

MB torece

liaMnjving Hopht o\Mr, 6<&>r*e%i\tMvy. »•' thd<u%bje "la <&& t * h a n d i i n d i b a > i n | farfe iar-rangVifents to receive P4rge q'uamhiea o f Marble "from lbgibe*lqlnr^H'a-iB^)r ,ermoot^'fae<is , now -prepared fo^ furniiUto order. . . •e ,t i . . « \t*eJ • • .,..-. f

f monefaFirefPlaccs, MarblftSinfcs, and firally a%lbiJ| in lb|t lir%it prjees riQ terms at least & per cent, cheaper ibarjias been juld in ibis or<l»«^o|ji)glCJn4Btie»ftBV.i i f IK ikla A V*

Tomb Stoiieg fironi $ 4 to $79.

» J • W._' »s_ii » f" ._*inv- "i?o*L«._ i?L"ja. i


| | 'v|Dfi« good 'world.'aod he

He has and wfll bi J-ecei^D^ls good fine, while Garble t* the're is iW*tl^wdrl<varid he cbatlen^e* competition, either in quality of materials, or skill io ib^-fsaj-cmiwjoltftejFiBijb. ^ i^ .^-^ . iy Sri l f fp ii^i*_Mmii^i»lm^m^^f^^^g^^M-

-eminintj fir ihew«el*e»^u .(be.sa?i»fied".*Sj:o;iq,ja.l,i.iJi> of stock tiad workmanship, and will ,M>yibia4|«ti:u*jt a

,,, ^errflf|ng(J!|^|wn|b^e^|^|va,d , a3P:-Faciory;tn:th«-.#tore: formerly occopiedSyTA:

Iiindfay3< .4oor«v»nutb^«ft6»rfc^Goifbew.r^iiearjlip (Acaderoy ffeen.* . ', -0 <* .>-£»C;.KBKLEJlJst '"* N Malpnfi Miyi lh lBtynS-j rt» itAe-&tBD*JL%*8gtW

^Si s^fflffi-aS^ffifffiW^ sb^6i^vJPlwViB^vt£(s^ »*|^*fa??M**»ivif'S«S95P!^^'^^9' !^* • .xr^«VMt4^apfe|dSlSBWs^^ •;-' -f#SGl#__.. t „ . _ . . . fc

e M o > T 8 f l M & U V m * V ^ .v... ;; - * . » r . V . - rt. ..i»- . ^ . 9 ^ - . . ^ . . ^ . . . .<t •'-.* J f f f T-t». '*~ '-»'- ' -fc*>M.^ -"J.^:^'^^^^^ii--l^


AY now;heiadtha-fsTrT***!Moirai ,#}«r^tjio*

llBea'df lfi&T«tm> forwfn^aliJuMtofe In fbo ceo«eif «ha pasurtcr T»e5>ajilWS»"Irfn#^ conventen|,*

*i|uAtJiW'ift>lM*^8fit>.-/i;.v« ' *V*.v.?.'--'.' '"•"*;

Tennaif*^0n» *alf cajirj.rlgfl«>. ^bi>|laitc» way riW0»m -*W :'#* morlgage fivo yesrail^wVatjnu-'; a B y v - * - - -—-j'-.-*---—-.-•..—'--- —-. . .* . • - . . i , l

Also; for «iJf>%»mjf* to A»¥l|taf#«f «og«M.* burgh, will* » dWB)ling"6ou»e,l>#rB aod store tbereon-Aho^at No, Iff, wUfi^ waterprivrleg», Tertns}«*y/ . E»<}«u-e of th* »uh»erlber, on rfcajtrawbet, «* of*y »i*n'»^*he Han. Sidney Lawranc*. * - - - - - - - — ,#vr.-vyitLij iBi»?-j

*lV<«» ' J I i . . » • • ! , • t l .»| «', MJ SiQtfffiT'Rf!U<W6,CrtreDIMindFX^ssaf , K _ljr|^.«H^WaWl9-r*/I. ' ->^WSasf^

- . - ; , . J. f»,.yj*


®S*f?*<^'S.&-J**E'«sK»» t8SSp Lit ao.CCMl'C.lr^'' w «jtsr >

King o r i

2|4lPr 9 ! o ^

^Teigbt IB lh^orj>atJi,^o1ii^t«lt««OOT^ralBlf|'» : forfluUrjiiigkMiefrM^ *

t ntg^Of- \f^lte*Msrtir«wi^u»8^'*ffij^t« * fWB^nilifBfflfHie H»ar|/|36«ri-« ••

jf^eHiSliofffeil-^^ '*

r '•««".% * ° * h * wjwsffs>tt*,*» -- •- • • • -;

s!ihs4«idi4>&-,., .,.- - . jtis- ficterAyirif-

•-^M -• -• -••" - • » "''" tSiifir''' Wj">'' •*!a» - '

w i s Ri>i>|8 j . j ' - J S W s 3 t . ' - » j » * j j ^ i s % ' i tlOW.,iTcK

- "VJ,

iu the aide, hick, clieai. I - . » ...„ * i »»iaab*,;&c*j Bu|ldefl>l1(jshea c . , ^^y.x

»* heal JtUHtyifet,: ^iH^fleaji, -

%l<sj?i' »*>*Si!f3s. ^iAft

CELGB^TkD. *%gg&%?BKn I ,:;v, ,^-„ - Jf4M*8 - - • - • < BY >; J - J •

* # l £ « C K S O i \ , !-<5TI


ME STORE, JVo.4M 4^h-SH^hiiadelpk^>

. i - ' * » •>';y1!%»$4' " • * - i . » ' < ftn j ; a

f e a6oci|oT»^«r*t* not qcfijltfi. 't"f^«so/herj>rf_paratffi^m'AtUaikd

Maty at tks. tftTsAaUethtA many c«i&*.gft)4j£iik /at phytic^,,* liadVfaited*. *> „.,„.,, .^ . .

Ybt^i^Bitr^^fo *ortht^attentwr*ofi'n«a-l i d 5 s fi$*§$mMn%-*'Wii®T\* the ,rhcufifai.i UMD of diaeasea olNJit? Vmt ^pd 1eeit^^iid.B, exetcwiDgibemoMeeiircliitig powers iiiweakness ain|:»ffict!0Ds oftifeeetive orgaop, tbey WCj-witfe. •I, fafty certain ahd p'easajiit, -^r *! •!''',« *"• *•'•<*

.'"• •"; f From [flie'\%>tLn> Bee.?j* I - •;e , / Tlie,jtfdttjnrj8»id,jl)ec\a2d+- • • "» ' •'? :• "i?/*. Maijlquji'fGdt&rakf.d Gfryt'afrmitilrs

tot (lie cutV "ol ' l i v e r CdtafnmifI^iir'T^M^ pepeia, Curqntc or, Nervou* j O t ^ d ^ P l ly one of tb^ .r^8tbppuiar,.'taedi^B^oTL,-„ Tueae bittern^JiaTicf bi^^m6_fl)_^mi¥imi • laeod aiouxelbow aajrs hcjliga hiaiaelf nceliod

platft5f%fVi t W a f pffhla riiflp^H^Sre^a. rioted .ihat. in, ifeo;i ae pfetbew Biiterfi^jje patieji'i poiusiainly^aiqa ein (tigti and •/^^al-fi^rwra--Ihy of great cunsiuVi attoti. i Tlt'^ar^jrdt'asnVil^n laate and imeji, antl can be jff&a^^y^^ia^tiltljj tfire tnbettiejrCate 8 I 0

cireumiWrtciff. etictf fciirf jo ffie«fflj|;

Meft«**nTtJi mm "SCOTT'" WBESI,*^, . .

.5-S&V--3 papers published, said Aug; 12b—

*>DR. tioon.sMso'M GB^sl&k,Bi*^i!^ mann-factured by Br. JACKSOS, are hovr rtcotnraended by eomeol the mostf prominent members of i b y lacul^ya* an artiaiejof muclijffficacy in case&iif fcrflaW weakness. As such ft?the case, we would-advise a|l olithera'io jobtaib a boille, and tboa aa»e tbemf.elvea^jtorn^'rijiesa. Persons of debilitated, comtitutwnaWill nm iL^i^Mtoa adwaniag^iiit/ lolbeir health, aa«e|ftoo!Htftflg» experience the" K n f i I . m a T 1 ! ; rtiDtaryefiecitheynjlTOtipon weak ajitiujag^»*J^l|"l • Jvhte ''M='MJ. X0W, v geDt:emai»>-whlp-||r*^': WmpW:~ rcie'uiifie arid hferttF ttKamijjieftU', tnWMMWt'tmm!!f'i^!m:

"WfiW yrJBK,^?£iki5•"<J$IBSSE|iGE»/, Jani |* |#C 1860. - . .. ['.'t?. . j , "mM0

" O B . HooiiiAKB.'s]'GgRfaAij 'fixxxx^-^^ u a preparation which th«Jea.dirig.ipres6ea in ijie" Union appear tt> be ^lnaniniousin .recommending, aM-tn«sgriftf8itil'ie''Qbirioua?'aIa« ntadttauer >a

pe/ebrai-lato Dr,


xera Germany baa, ewrpro'ductM. Hff yas ibi , p h a j i c a U y n h W n \ W # ^ ^ ^ ^ n e r e f o r e t :oretJiTftnel6l"J;Wfiic»||ie ;|*w« ;**t^»ioweato^ and .>eit idnrtef mW^e^&fitfe'mtjrireliea^wiir.Mvpeei*

disordered jtheiatwtioff. „..-._„,„„.,„„..„ ., . . . . . itlieift conw'ction - « | !UtIfciqeii,euJ^;a-jd)»e,|eraJl oj, j ifl»feditor%«|iesk o l uts!:effi!cU#rSort».tj) 4ns Idivirfual experience. Under fheitecircumstances, ;we teel warrauWdi'nol-tjnlyaneallinj tJitf*tM>iti(<>o

:ot ourrpdeTfit^•l4e^^,'^*:',", ''"'"""",'"*'" ' n ' '"

?iTh»""PaitAD£LPJa ° —^

• / • • ' " n l ' t •

' .Sf l&t . f l j?rf l i .a.«

tins ifeUnited th*btat;faniilyuewspapl.'rptJSIi8iJ

''It it treltlom tb»! we recori termed P a t e r i l ^ e u j c i t i e * ^ ^ and

witHtUfiii id^&mmmyjmmm$mi %i k» a.r**iSi^cRatfi6DrWr?**Heioeri^

.#s5#thi?-fore»)ing|}.#or|t^|^^^ ?a%:0if&)*l!f^!^'^ monyin its fat&rrU, titattjjeM| i§ moireit 01 »;it

fwa:fi:arfr>#c5i#'B |I.B^ tofatfetflhia-thin ^lloiWr coat ing

' f o g t f l ^ K ^ f t t B B ^ ^ i f l jdtfvMS ffiBPt- *ifft;

frbwtn*rfisFqeaTrrie* irt-Vermont,and »«now pr«-par*' ,ed^furiffit^all;kind*'-fliB*,^: •'- •. ...C" -.. < |

T6mb*t6ni*tti1ron\$iio *7^j!HSK.'PT!!?;5?v3{;

~ Haviog Ihsd- i»*ny >*«f*-«*P«««nc»-Mi-U'


^ - • *

' • ' r i l i « » > :


>*e1w before ©

s^JwM«*Wr^tt^J»sflK^r^*i^^ „... - . _ J»,di8MtBrpi W*:aV fe;'and-|?'nces

.^«irte,i|<*'.syW**e*«di|wt W-m'lioiten % mfi ,|ilBw|f«*staMi»h»Mat-i^*nic*tfiB^ • Of^Ti i fM

s^rih^-tha^A^d^f^lMWsvSilafe, -w—.-^^*- 5 • > > ! ^ r j : ^ ^ T . •-.'TJ-Va^OBO.'ACkMKX. •'

. M a l « f J I a y S 3 , l 8 # " - , • • ' , 'if

' A 4icirnf» f 23Kp».e^B: A

f AlK>2Er€»sWlwW%r»s^V«»lebra««t Call I V fl»»t iWastV-faraala b» «•»• 4owe«. at a»r »•>*,

tbejr quiet slJproval w*eq%J»^l#i*etf jti'«ffti;


i"h < "'I



• . * *


/ -,fl"#4* -


rum Wofetf :?

t * (S*!W4 t ,

iT*^ ^jg


- This beautiful and QofuM rjou»;powera of OALVANtS prb^h«ed!by dIstingnfshe4^r'i«a6|!ibot


NE1 a««W« of ft|lBj®»S a 5 s i g p J H ^ * J S i E M s | ^ £ 4 a « 4KiB^ ^y^'-^^^IGJDE^CXiR^NB.lWC^IaiS^l^StCAl.-

isia^^faPfa^f^^^18^ j- i ]^ i^ i i aeM' , pr ' '3 l | i ? Sei^wia *j*te*a.

. . . „i=w.„- ; C O J '"'-'"

incrratcthtdisc, a J r e a ^ ^ o s M t '

it, for they weakenjthe ^taflenergii 6 # ^ o s M t ^ | l M e ] t t . f r ^ l u l e i u % e # l t h e streng !9fel

.-_ UifuUnd wondeMoKditcoverj;, fltfe eahausteu e__, and weakened euflerer ia restore* totbnner health, strenj elasticity and rigor. if- ' H

The greatpeculiatity and excellence of, - •- *,

DrJGlKristie's Galvaiiic GuratiTes^ <

Onder, the infliction. J ' 7a«j/'*/r<«5rt«n tSe.wftofe -sjfsremj tquWxe \he.circulation of thi'flood,-proaott {heteerejHont,a^j^^^;ko^u-nlfgliltst injury Under any circumaUnne>._ Since tKfir.iiiitrodiictioa ia,-tbe united States, only fti^e years since, more |than '^^

focludirjg all. ages,' classes arid conditions, nmoiffi which were $ large number of ladies, who are. peculiarly s'nliject to $erv-0ns ednjplaints, have been (f. 1 • •

When alf T i i j iHf relief had:ib'een givra up, anji eVery thing else beeb tried in vain;! • ' . j l _J * » .

T o i l t o t r a t e the n»eof &e GAJiVAOTC B E K T / s a n p o i o •thelBto^or r p e » n n aflliotea' witB W a t oHn'eWci«Ua6Hoi(, DySPBPSI4*or aiyr o | b e c C h » n « ! or Nervous, pisonler. I n Ordjnary'cases^stimulants'are^taken, wh'ichf by thcii'action ori the nerves and muscles of the stomach, aflbrd* temporary r e . . liei; bu t which leave the patient jn a lower .state, and witb-JnP' jtired faculties, after the action thus excited has teased,' N<& compare this with the effect resnltfng from-'the application of the GALVANIC -BELT. Take a Dyspeptic imflerer, ieven i n the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie & Bel t around the body,, using the, .Magnetic. Fluid as directed. In a short period the imensibleperepiration5reill ac t or] the poii-tive*l,enient of .the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic o i rcula . Jioji'"winch'-will' pass on to the negative, and IheSce bacfc again to pte positive, thus keeping .up a continuous Galvanic ' Circulstion, tfiroughout the isystem. Thus the most,severa jCasesiWIDYSPEFSL* are- i fERMA?f©fTLir &OOsK^£k . IFEWJMSys IS OFTEN AMPLX SlTFFlClEiST T P EKAJDft ^ A T O . T H £ 6 l S E A S E . O F T f i A B S . '"' ' * t , r [

!Frora'all-jT?art» of the Country coHA bo- gijpen,. sufficient { $

.2&.'£^sif.lfct£,\^s^J&f?^__*if-^^£n;.v.,^.. j „ Li . T - ^ . * . . .

^44 «*g?

"^bHEnftjbeen the result in fay own case, bj


irfol "tbr-abotft « i t te iW5eBT*I»^.^ iasuJCe^l4 *ia. Jfe>ecy yew t f e s p n ^ . m s j B ' ^ 3 ^ e ^ o » | . taip permanent relief from any course of m e whatever About fftd-t&n ' yeS t r smee, ! ih | t frequent, exposure to the weather, in the aiscli. . paitoral duties, I became subject to a sever^ Chronic matism, which' for year after year, cans^e^ me,&des&rjb anguish. J?a r the r : in the winter o f . ' 4 5 amMsos W*6 quonce or^reacMn-g a great (deal "in>*inV- own tind*'various other churches in tbis'.region, I was attacked,] by thq?JroncH-tis.-W'hiph soon became so so'vero as to.reqru'rp an.,immediate suspension of my pastoral labors My nervous syttcm todt tibio' thoroughly prostrated, and as niy3rcTicnitis'bdcame%0rs'e*lo also did my Dyspepsia, and 'Rheumatic affection—thus evin­cing that these disorders were connected witb each other thjoughjthf.mediuni of the Nervous system. ' In,the whole -*-*• - ! - "- J ' - • - 1 remedlal.-ngenf wfifcli

and" ftbori'gh with no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined to t ry the cBectrOf'tbe application of tbe GAL­VANIC B^LT«ANPt-NJ!C?fcACE rwiU} thji MAGNETIC FLUID. Tbif.was in June, 1846. T o k ? owi* '*STomsH-slfarrS'Jiv'VSro DiT«~jiv/DiirsrsiA H i o enaa•.$*!»*-PGHT I M V f l . W A S , S ? * 8 ! - E D TO.EEJOMK. JIV fASTORjl t j LABORS j ' s w t

^ 1 81J»CJp.O»JI3rEKl>*,SI' 'O«^SEaTJCE'0> ACgOO^hf Of M s . 8«OITCHITH j irn) MV RkeuMArjc >rrBC>TioM ijis''E.'*iiBitr

cp.isjib TO* TSousric »ir. Such is-thewOnderfuJiand hsppy j». salts of,the'experimijnt .-,:•.,:) , v ' - . - « r _ i | . ,u'-e%. s.l have recommended, the, BELT and '-FEpnjH> many wSo have been Ullew se suffering Ifbft Neuralgic affectibasvThe'y 'Bave^'jalt^emvwiMt B»JJi»;'a|liioi;Ts, I aasMta^tfi- 'irssW o i s » J : . • <•»« • •-•'•fu . .• i f - i .'/. " ' - -**

. i->» .-> V' lianv, dear sir, swyyEesa*"-1" , ^

-•-'••' laintea^ctinkffiaaarosjt; fsnss^ff


Palsy ' rinrt Para lvs M » . j f t y i f ^ a 4 t # R M e ' ^ W a t s f #

areMused fiy-a defciencpMjmrbuW€tw JSBhkJte $fa&a&9£n***'fa ArHcles.wL, > « 1 « S « ^ M P % » . S M *•«•- rf-..;rtr.^sS*|« e ^ t ^ ' ^ f ^ j

'iim&a&te&AfamlZa 'to'4«e'llhpf^rf»WMitt^*»t

Head an3 upper extremities. -Alsoih Party and7Tria®^»,'sSd

f d i tues e a fee ted

1 X

.. upperb'xtremitie's. -AlsO., . _ ^dMflBS^adsed' by f ae!c!enf^{4»*wf*fe 'Itasrgyin-thl3!bBb(orother.orgmoflhe'bodyitjp

v , Tic Doloraux and.WemBl^ ^EfaaaV, *»fa|Sl> «jd -Sfgoniste. toiVnWatrrieei fnnedi


t i-

^KBmr.^a_"j> 3

^.^htf:ni#r}icide''&aia>«^ which'ir oecert"ify foraJln^djiiineatoM «v*" # f„ *' i;-4;: is »':i,s**i5»

bp>wn in tbe lwui#, aKifciarlewio* ii»f *•**#». gaRjapftg* ^.**-i**^.m**W'*<»*

/ - «rf»r«,w»iol«kfteao*rpui?, at I**' •• •• ^ -^-^j^T*mi4i-A^^vM«T4^»*4^*'

, ^ - •' •• J, W.^hArnQBOaat ACX\ « •' ,elB«*,.We»*i^#sfi^.*«s& |?aM^^

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I - toesa *larn»t«ir6nA te. * i ^ l l ^ 9 J ' ^ ^ F t o f W # « f ^ J * | K W » ^ 'ow'-or^fe.^Ww.toiivfoii^

,iberot»;airt«ton^lon|f.|»rMs^q^t —

» ' r-r.:'
