e-learning in teacher education

E-Learning E-Learning In In Teacher Education Teacher Education

Upload: sukhmani453

Post on 13-Nov-2014




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How to use Technology in Teacher Education i.e. at B.Ed and M.Ed level.


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E-Learning E-Learning InIn

Teacher EducationTeacher Education

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“ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent-but the one most responsive to change”

-Charles Darwin

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What is E-Learning?Learning facilitated and supported through the use of information and communications technology.

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E-Learning uses technologies such as:

• E-Mail

•Bulletin Board Systems

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• Electronic Whiteboard


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•Video Conferencing

•World Wide Web

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E-Learning means-E-Learning means-• Exciting• Energetic• Enthusiastic• Emotional• Extended• Excellent• Educational

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E-Learning has following strengths:

• Accessibility for individuals who wish to learn at their own pace, place and time

• Provides a platform for virtual learning

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• Augments un-interrupted learning through distance mode

• Reduces the distance between the teacher and the taught

• Permits flexi-timings for learning

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AdvantagesAdvantagesof of


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E-learning is an Interesting Classroom

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E-Learning encompasses of on-line Self Paced Courses & online-line Virtual Classroom

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Easy making of Assignments & Project work

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Flexibility to learn Anywhere, Anytime

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On Demand Access

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More convenient for Students , Instructors and Administrators

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Higher Retention

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Individual Attention &Feedback by Instructor

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Greater collaboration

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Means for Life-Long Learning

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DisadvantagesDisadvantagesof of


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E-learning is Not a Solution for Everything

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Social Interaction is Reduced

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In Corporate Learning, employees are expected to work even in their own free time

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Students need to be extremely focused and disciplined

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To download high-density graphics and interactive videos, broadband network is preferred which is costly

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E-learning poses Updating and Maintenance difficulties

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How to How to ImplementImplement

E-Learning InE-Learning InTeacher Teacher


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Traditional Learning

Blended Learning

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CreatingBlended Learning

InTeacher Education

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A Teacher Training Institute can create its own Website or Students & Teachers can create their own Blog

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Writing of Lesson Plans & its Approval by Teachers Online

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While trainees are away from the institute for teaching practice, teachers can keep them up-to-date through SMS or E-Mails

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Students can also share information regarding their progress in schools with teachers through E-Mails

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Assignments can be submitted Online and Feedback can be provided by teachers Online

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The Class Presentations & Notes can be made available Online for students who couldn’t make it for the day

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In Simulated Teaching, the lessons of the students can be recorded through Digital Camera

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Micro Teaching skills like Questioning, Blackboard Writing, Stimulus Variation etc can be explained through case study videos

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The Experiments on which Learning Theories are based can be shown through Videos

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Using ‘Hot Potatoes’ software, an interactive web based teaching exercise, teachers can bring novelty in Formative Evaluation

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Conclusion:Technology is being used in every sphere of education-be it Medical, Engineering or Management. So why not in Teacher Education. It is high time & we cannot afford to be left behind. It is, therefore, strongly recommended that E-Learning should be incorporated in Teacher Education in the form of Blended Learning i.e. for Better Learning & Teaching.

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